Innovation Networks

Photograph of a puffer fish.

Dining out in the days of living in caves was not quite the simple matter it has become today. For a start, there was a minor difficulty of finding and gathering the roots and berries – or, being more adventurous, hunting and (hopefully) catching your mammoth. And raw meat isn't necessarily an appetizing or digestible dish so cooking it helps – but for that you need fire and for that you need wood, not to mention cooking pots and utensils. If any single individual tried to accomplish all of these tasks alone, they would quickly die of exhaustion, never mind starvation! We could elaborate but the point is clear – like almost all human activity, it is dependent on others. But it's not simply about spreading the workload – for most of our contemporary activities the key is shared creativity – solving problems together, and exploiting the fact that different people have different skills and experiences which they can bring to the party.

It's easy to think of innovation as a solo act – the lone genius, slaving away in his or her garret or lying, Archimedes‐like, in the bath before that moment of inspiration when they run through the streets proclaiming their “Eureka!” moment. But although that's a common image, it lies a long way from the reality. In reality, taking any good idea forward relies on all sorts of inputs from different people and perspectives.

For example, the technological breakthrough that makes a better mousetrap is only going to mean something if people can be made aware of it and persuaded that this is something they cannot live without – and this requires all kinds of inputs from the marketing skill set. Making it happen will require skills in manufacturing, in procurement of the bits and pieces to make it, and in controlling the quality of the final product. None of this will happen without some funding so that other skills related to gaining access to finance – and the understanding of how to spend the money wisely – become important. And coordinating the diverse inputs needed to turn the mousetrap into a successful reality rather than as a gleam in the eye will require project management skills, balancing resources against the clock, and facilitating a team of people to find and solve the thousand and one little problems which crop up as you make the journey.

As we saw in the last chapter, innovation is not a solo act but a multiplayer game. Whether it is the entrepreneur who spots an opportunity or an established organization trying to renew its offerings or sharpen up its processes, making innovation happen depends on working with many different players. This raises questions about team working, bringing the different people together in productive and creative ways inside an organization – a theme we discussed in Chapter 3. But increasingly it's also about links between organizations, developing and making use of increasingly wide networks. Smart firms have always recognized the importance of linkages and connections – getting close to customers to understand their needs, working with suppliers to deliver innovative solutions, linking up with collaborators, research centers, even competitors to build and operate innovation systems. In an era of global operations and high‐speed technological infrastructures populated by people with highly mobile skills, building and managing networks and connections becomes the key requirement for innovation. It's not about knowledge creation so much as knowledge flows. Even major research and development players like Siemens or GlaxoSmithKline are realizing that they can't cover all the knowledge bases they need and instead are looking to build extensive links and relationships with players around the globe.

This chapter explores some of the emerging themes around the question of innovation as a network‐based activity. And of course, in the twenty‐first century, this game is being played out on a global stage but with an underlying networking technology – the Internet – which collapses distances, places geographically far‐flung locations right alongside each other in time, and enables increasingly exciting collaboration possibilities. However, just because we have the technology to make and live in a global village doesn't necessarily mean we'll be able to do so – much of the challenge, as we'll see, lies in organizing and managing networks so that they perform. Rather than simply being the coming together of different people and organizations, successful networks have what are called emergent properties – the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Box 7.1 gives an example.

7.1 The “Spaghetti” Model of Innovation

As we have showed in Chapter 2, innovation can be seen as a core process with a defined structure and a number of influences – as Figure 7.1 suggests. This is helpful in terms of simplifying the picture into some clear stages and recognizing the key levers we might have to work with if we are going to manage the process successfully. But like any simplification, the model isn't quite as complex as the reality. While our model works as an aerial view of what goes on and has to be managed, the close‐up picture is much more complicated. The ways knowledge actually flows around an innovation project are complex and interactive, woven together in a kind of “social spaghetti” where different people talk to each other in different ways, more or less frequently, and about different things. The image on the right in Figure 7.1 gives another perspective!

Diagrammatic illustrations of the spaghetti model of innovation.

FIGURE 7.1 Spaghetti model of innovation.

This complex interaction is all about knowledge and the ways it flows and is combined and deployed to make innovation happen. Whether it's our entrepreneur building a network to help him get his mousetrap to market or a company like Apple bringing out the latest generation iPod or phone the process will involve building and running knowledge networks. And as the innovation becomes more complex, the networks have to involve more different players, many of whom may lie outside the firm. By the time we get to big complex projects – like building a new aeroplane or hospital facility – the number of players and the management challenges posed by the networks get pretty large. There is also the complication that increasingly the networks we have to learn to deal with are becoming more virtual, a rich and global set of human resources distributed and connected by the enabling technologies of the Internet, broadband, and mobile communications and shared computer networks.

None of this is a new concept in innovation studies. Research going back to the work of Carter and Williams in the 1950s in the United Kingdom, for example, noted that “technically progressive” – innovative – firms were far more cosmopolitan than their “parochial” and inward‐looking counterparts [1]. Similar findings emerged from Project SAPPHO, from the “Wealth from knowledge” studies and from other work such as Allen's detailed study of innovation across the US space program during the 1960s and 1970s [24]. Andrew Hargadon's work on Thomas Edison and Henry Ford highlights the fact that they were not just solo geniuses but rather that they understood the network dynamics of innovation and built teams around them capable of creating and sustaining rich innovation networks [5]. In fact studies of early industries, such as Flemish weavers or gun making in Italy or the United Kingdom, suggest that innovation networks have been long‐established ways of creating a steady stream of successful new products and processes [6,7].

We should not forget the importance of managing this “knowledge spaghetti” within the organization. Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in “knowledge management,” and attention has focused on mechanisms to enable better flow such as communities of practice, gatekeepers, and recently social network analysis [8].

Networking of this kind is something that Roy Rothwell foresaw in his pioneering work on models of innovation, which predicted a gradual move away from thinking about (and organizing) a linear science/technology push or demand pull process to one which saw increasing interactivity. At first, this exists across the company with cross‐functional teams and other boundary‐spanning activities. Increasingly, it then moves outside it with links to external actors. Roy Rothwell's vision of the “fifth‐generation” innovation (see Box 7.2) is essentially the one in which we now need to operate, with rich and diverse network linkages accelerated and enabled by an intensive set of information and communication technologies [9].

7.2 Innovation Networks

A network can be defined as “a complex, interconnected group or system,” and networking involves using that arrangement to accomplish particular tasks. As we've suggested innovation has always been a multiplayer game, and we can see a growing number of ways in which such networking takes place. The concept of innovation networks has become popular in recent years, as it appears to offer many of the benefits of internal development, but with few of the drawbacks of collaboration. (We explore the theme of collaboration in more detail in Chapter 10.) Networks have been claimed by some to be a new hybrid form of organization that has the potential to replace both firms (hierarchies) and markets, in essence the “virtual corporation,” whereas others believe them to be simply a transitory form of organization, positioned somewhere between internal hierarchies and external market mechanisms. Whatever the case, there is little agreement on what constitutes a network, and the term and alternatives such as “web” and “cluster” have been criticized for being too vague and all‐inclusive [10].

Different authors adopt different meanings, levels of analysis, and attribute networks with different characteristics. For example, academics on the continent have focused on social, geographical, and institutional aspects of networks, and the opportunities and constraints these present for innovation [11]. In contrast, Anglo‐Saxon studies have tended to take a systems perspective and have attempted to identify how best to design, manage, and exploit networks for innovation [12]. Figure 7.2 presents a framework for the analysis of different network perspectives in innovation studies.

Schematic illustration showing the different network perspectives in innovation research.

FIGURE 7.2 Different network perspectives in innovation research.

Source: Derived from Conway, S. and F. Steward, Mapping innovation networks. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1998. 2(2), 223–54.

While there is little consensus in aims or means, there appears to be some agreement that a network is more than an aggregation of bilateral relationships or dyads, and therefore the configuration, nature, and content of a network impose additional constraints and present additional opportunities. A network can be thought of as consisting of a number of positions or nodes, occupied by individuals, firms, business units, universities, governments, customers or other actors, and links or interactions between these nodes. By the same token, a network perspective is concerned with how these economic actors are influenced by the social context in which they are embedded and how actions can be influenced by the position of actors.

Why Networks?

Networks are appropriate where the benefits of cospecialization, sharing of joint infrastructure, and standards and other network externalities outweigh the costs of network governance and maintenance. Where there are high transaction costs involved in purchasing technology, a network approach may be more appropriate than a market model, and where uncertainty exists a network may be superior to full integration or acquisition. Historically, networks have often evolved from long‐standing business relationships. Any firm will have a group of partners that it does regular business with – universities, suppliers, distributors, customers, and competitors. Over time, mutual knowledge and social bonds develop through repeated dealings, increasing trust, and reducing transaction costs. Therefore, a firm is more likely to buy or sell technology from members of its network [13].

Firms may be able to access the resources of a wide range of other organizations through direct and indirect relationships, involving different channels of communication and degrees of formalization. Typically, this begins with stronger relationships between a firm and a small number of primary suppliers, which share knowledge at the concept development stage. The role of the technology gatekeeper, or heavyweight project manager, is critical in this respect. In many cases, organizational linkages can be traced to strong personal relationships between key individuals in each organization. These linkages may subsequently evolve into a full network of secondary and tertiary suppliers, each contributing to the development of a subsystem or component technology, but links with these organizations are weaker and filtered by the primary suppliers. However, links among the primary, secondary, and tertiary supplier groups may be stronger to facilitate the exchange of information.

This process is path‐dependent in the sense that past relationships between actors increase the likelihood of future relationships, which can lead to inertia and constrain innovation. Indeed much of the early research on networks concentrated on the constraints networks impose on members, for example, preventing the introduction of “superior” technologies or products by controlling supply and distribution networks. Organizational networks have two characteristics that affect the innovation process: activity cycles and instability [14]. The existence of activity cycles and transaction chains creates constraints within a network. Different activities are systematically related to each other and through repetition are combined to form transaction chains. This repetition of transactions is the basis of efficiency, but systemic interdependencies create constraints to change.

For example, the Swiss watch industry was based on long‐established networks of small firms with expertise in precision mechanical movements, but as a result was slow to respond to the threat of electronic watches from Japan. Similarly, Japan has a long tradition of formal business groups: originally the family‐based zaibatsu and more recently the more loosely connected keiretsu. The best‐known groups are the three ex‐zaibatsu – Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo and the three newer groups based around commercial banks – Fuji, Sanwa, and Dal Ichi Kangyo (DKB). There are two types of keiretsu, although the two overlap. The vertical type organizes suppliers and distribution outlets hierarchically beneath a large, industry‐specific manufacturer, for example, Toyota Motors. These manufacturers are in turn members of keiretsu that consist of a large bank, insurance company, trading company, and representatives of all major industrial groups. These inter‐industry keiretsu provide a significant internal market for intermediate products. In theory, benefits of membership of a keiretsu include access to low‐cost, long‐term capital, and access to the expertise of firms in related industries.

This is particularly important for high‐technology firms. In practice, research suggests that membership of keiretsu is associated with below‐average profitability and growth, and independent firms such as Honda and Sony are often cited as being more innovative than established members of keiretsu [15]. However, the keiretsu may not be the most appropriate unit of analysis, as many newer, less‐formal clusters of companies have emerged in modern Japan. As the role of a network is different for all its members, there will always be reasons to change the network and possibilities to do so. A network can never be optimal in any generic sense, as there is no single reference point, but is inherently adaptable. This inherent instability and imperfection mean that networks can evolve over time. For example, Belussi and Arcangeli discuss the evolution of innovation networks in a range of traditional industries in Italy [16].

More recent research has examined the opportunities the networks might provide for innovation and the potential to explicitly design or selectively participate in networks for the purpose of innovation, which is a path‐creating process rather than a path‐dependent one [17]. A study of 53 research networks found two distinct dynamics of formation and growth. The first type of network emerges and develops as a result of environmental interdependence and through common interests – an emergent network. However, the other type of network requires some triggering entity to form and develop – an engineered network. In an engineered network, a nodal firm actively recruits other members to form a network, without the rationale of environmental interdependence or similar interests [18].

Table 7.1 gives some examples of innovation networks.

TABLE 7.1 Competitive Dynamics in Network Industries

Source: Based on Garud, R. and A. Kumaraswamy, Changing competitive dynamics in network industries, Strategic Management Journal, 1993. 14, 351–69.

Types of Network
Unconnected, Closed Connected, Open
System attributes Incompatible technologies
Custom components and interfaces
Compatible across vendors and products
Standard components
Firm strategies Control standards by protecting proprietary knowledge Shape standards by sharing knowledge with rivals and complementary markets
Source of advantage Economies of scale, customer Economies of scope, multiple lock‐in segments

Different types of network may present different opportunities for learning (Table 7.1). In a closed network, a company seeks to develop proprietary standards through scale economies and other actions, and thereby lock customers and other related companies into its network. Examples here include Microsoft in operating systems and Intel in microprocessors for PCs [19]. In the case of open networks, complex products, services, and businesses have to interface with others, and it is in everyone's interest to share information and to ensure compatibility.

Virtual innovation networks are now widespread, connecting firms in a variety of ways. At one level, they provide fast information around themes such as supply chain logistics, procurement, and customer order processing. For example, in supply chain management, Herve Thermique, a French manufacturer of heating and air conditioners, uses an extranet to coordinate its 23 offices and 8000 suppliers; General Electric has an extranet bidding and trading system to manage its 1400 suppliers; Boeing has a web‐based order system for its 700 customers worldwide, which features 410,000 spare parts; and in product development, Caterpillar's customers can amend designs during assembly and Adaptec coordinates design and production of microchips in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan [20].

As we saw in Chapter 5, there is also an increasing use of web‐based approaches to “crowdsource” ideas, especially at the front‐end of the innovation process. Innovation can be accelerated through the use of a variety of approaches – for example, innovation communities (such as those providing thousands of different apps for smart phone platforms), innovation contests (offering incentives to people suggesting ideas), and innovation markets (bringing seekers and solvers together).

Emergent Properties in Networks

Innovation networks are more than just ways of assembling and deploying knowledge in a complex world. They can also have what are termed “emergent properties” – that is, the potential for the whole to be greater than the sum of its parts. Being in an effective innovation network can deliver a wide range of benefits beyond the collective knowledge efficiency mentioned earlier. These include getting access to different and complementary knowledge sets, reducing risks by sharing them, accessing new markets and technologies, and otherwise pooling complementary skills and assets. Without such networks, it would be nearly impossible for the lone inventor to bring his or her idea successfully to the market. And it's one of the main reasons why established businesses are increasingly turning to cooperation and alliances – to extend their access to these key innovation resources.

For example, participating in innovation networks can help companies bump into new ideas and creative combinations – even for mature businesses. It is well known in studies of creativity that the process involves making associations. And sometimes, the unexpected conjunction of different perspectives can lead to surprising results. The same seems to be true at the organizational level; studies of networks indicate that getting together in such a fashion can help open up new and productive territory [21].

Learning Networks

Another way in which networking can help innovation is in providing support for shared learning. A lot of process innovation is about configuring and adapting what has been developed elsewhere and applying it to your processes – for example, in the many efforts which organizations have been making to adopt world class manufacturing (and increasingly, service) practice. While it is possible to go it alone in this process, an increasing number of companies are seeing the value in using networks to give them some extra traction on the learning process. Experience and research suggest that shared learning can help deal with some of the barriers to learning which individual firms might face [22]. For example,

  • in shared learning, there is the potential for challenge and structured critical reflection from different perspectives
  • different perspectives can bring in new concepts (or old concepts that are new to the learner)
  • shared experimentation can reduce perceived and actual costs and risks in trying new things
  • shared experiences can provide support and open new lines of inquiry or exploration
  • shared learning helps explicate the systems principles, seeing the patterns – separating “the wood from the trees”
  • shared learning provides an environment for surfacing assumptions and exploring mental models outside of the normal experience of individual organizations – helps prevent “not invented here” and other effects
  • shared learning can reduce costs (e.g., in drawing on consultancy services and learning about external markets), which can be particularly useful for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and for developing country firms.

Examples of learning networks include those set up to enable learning across supply chains and networks, across regional and sectoral clusters and around core topics such as quality improvement or adoption of new manufacturing methods [2327]. Supply chain learning involves building a knowledge‐sharing network; good examples can be found in the automotive, aerospace, and food industries, and often involve formal arrangements like supplier associations [27]. For example, Toyota has worked over many years to build and manage a learning system based on transferring and improving its core Toyota Production System across local and international suppliers [26]. The model (which has been replicated in Toyota supplier networks outside Japan) is based on:

  • a set of institutionalized routines for exchange of tacit and explicit knowledge
  • clear rules around intellectual property – for example, new production process knowledge is the property of the network, though it is derived from the expertise of individual firms
  • mechanisms for protecting core proprietary knowledge on product designs and technologies and to protect the interests of the few suppliers who are direct competitors
  • a strong sense of network identity, which is actively promoted by Toyota, and evidence of clear benefits accruing to membership that ensures commitment
  • an effective coordination and facilitation of the network by Toyota.

Similarly, Volvo and IKEA's experiences in China show how the firms can share their knowledge with their principal suppliers, who then disseminate it further. Key suppliers (in both first and second tiers) learned parts of Volvo's management systems, especially quality management and supply chain management, and this led to dissemination and positive influence on the next tier of Chinese suppliers.

Another example is the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft, which is manufactured in Japan, Australia, Sweden, India, Italy, and France and finally assembled in the United States. In spite of the cultural differences, suppliers must be able to communicate using the same technical language, that is, common engineering design software, common order/entry systems, and so on. For this reason, it makes sense to try and build an active cooperating network among these widely distributed players.

Innovation is about taking risks and deploying what are often scarce resources on projects that may not succeed. So another way in which networking can help is by helping to spread the risk and, in the process, extending the range of things that might be tried. This is particularly useful in the context of smaller businesses where resources are scarce, and it is one of the key features behind the success of many industrial clusters; an example is given in Case Study 7.1.

Breakthrough Technology Collaborations

Another area where it makes sense to collaborate is in exploring the frontiers of new technology. The advantages of doing this in network fashion include reduced risk and increased resource focused on a learning and experimental process. This is often found in precompetitive R&D consortia, which are convened for a temporary period during which there is considerable experimentation and sharing of both tacit and explicit knowledge. Examples range from the Japanese fifth‐generation computer project and the ESPRIT collaborations in the 1980s to programs like the blade server community ( in which networked learning among key players led to rapid development and diffusion of key ideas [28].

Such networks are often organized and supported by the government; for example, the Magnet program in Israel encouraged the development of the long‐term competitive technological advantage of the industry, by creating clusters in key technological areas such as nanotechnology, military systems, and software. The DNATF program in Denmark supports advanced technological research and innovation projects in a variety of sectors such as construction, energy and environment, the food chain, biomedical, and IT.

Regional Networks and Collective Efficiency

Long‐lasting innovation networks can create the capability to ride out major waves of change in the technological and economic environment. We think of places like Silicon Valley, Cambridge in the United Kingdom or the island of Singapore as powerhouses of innovation, but they are just the latest in a long‐running list of geographical regions that have grown and sustained themselves through a continuous stream of innovation [2931].

At its simplest, networking happens in an informal way when people get together and share ideas as a by‐product of their social and work interactions. But we'll concentrate our attention on more formal networks which are deliberately set up to help make innovation happen, whether it is creating a new product or service or learning to apply some new process thinking more effectively within organizations.

Table 7.2 gives an idea of the different ways in which such “engineered” networks can be configured to help with the innovation process. In the following section, we'll look a little more closely at some of these, how they operate and the benefits they can offer.

TABLE 7.2 Types of Innovation Networks

Network Type Characteristics
Entrepreneur‐based Bringing different complementary resources together to help take an opportunity forward. Often a combination of formal and informal depends a lot on the entrepreneur's energy and enthusiasm in getting people interested to join – and stay in – the network. Networks of this kind provide leverage for obtaining key resources, but they can also provide support and mentoring, for example, in entrepreneur clubs.
Internal project teams Formal and informal networks of knowledge and key skills within organizations that can be brought together to help enable some opportunity to be taken forward, essentially like entrepreneur networks but on the inside of established organizations. The networks may run into difficulties because of having to cross internal organizational boundaries.
Internal entrepreneur networks Aimed at tapping into employee ideas, this model has accelerated with the use of online technologies to enable innovation contests and communities. Typically mobilizes on a temporary basis employees into internal ventures – building networks. Not a new idea, comes out of two traditions – employee involvement and “intrapreneurship” – but social and communications technology has amplified the richness/reach.
Communities of practice These are networks that can involve players inside and across different organizations – what binds them together is a shared concern with a particular aspect or area of knowledge. They have always been important, but with the rise of the Internet, there has been an explosion of online communities sharing ideas and accelerating innovation (e.g., Linux, Mozilla, and Apache). “Offline” communities are also important (e.g., the emergence of “fab‐labs” and “tech‐shops” as places where networking around the new ideas of 3D printing and the “maker movement” is beginning to happen).
Spatial clusters Networks that form because of the players being close to each other (e.g., in the same geographical region). Silicon Valley is a good example of a cluster that thrives on proximity – knowledge flows among and across the members of the network but is hugely helped by the geographical closeness and the ability of key players to meet and talk.
Sectoral networks Networks that bring different players together because they share a common sector and often have the purpose of shared innovation to preserve competitiveness. Often organized by sector or business associations on behalf of their members where there is shared concern to adopt and develop innovative good practice across a sector or product market grouping.
New product or process development consortium Sharing knowledge and perspectives to create and market a new product or process concept (e.g., the Symbian consortium (Sony, Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, and others) worked toward developing a new operating system for mobile phones and PDAs).
New technology development consortium Sharing and learning around newly emerging technologies (e.g., the pioneering semiconductor research programs in the United States and Japan, or the BLADE server consortium organized by IBM but involving major players in devising new server architectures).
Emerging standards Exploring and establishing standards around innovative technologies (e.g., the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) working on audio and video compression standards).
Supply chain learning Developing and sharing innovative good practice and possibly shared product development across a value chain (e.g., the SCRIA initiative in UK aerospace).
Learning networks Groups of individuals and organizations who converge to learn about new approaches and leverage their shared learning experiences.
Recombinant innovation networks Cross‐sectoral groupings that allow for networking across boundaries and the transfer of ideas.
Managed open innovation networks Building on the core idea that “not all the smart people work for us,” organizations are increasingly looking to build external networks in a planned and systematic fashion. Underlying purpose is to amplify their access to ideas and resources. It may involve joining established networks or it may require constructing new ones. In this space, there is a growing role for “brokerage” mechanisms (individuals, software, etc.), which can help make the connections and support the network building process.
User networks Extending the above idea these networks aim to connect to users as a source of innovation input rather than simply as passive markets. Often mobilizes a broadcast approach, opening up to large open networks via crowdsourcing. Problem is converting front‐end interest into meaningful long‐term cocreation activity.
Innovation markets An extreme version of the open and user networks approach is to broadcast the innovation needs and connect to potential solutions in a marketplace. The Internet has enabled the emergence of such eBay‐type models for ideas, allowing connections across a wide area in response to broadcast challenges. This model can often be the precursor to establishing a more formal managed network between key players found on the open market.
Crowdfunding and new resource approaches Another extension of the above ideas is to mobilize the crowd not as sources of ideas but of resources and judgement (e.g., websites like Kickstarter allow comment and discussion around new ideas as well as proving a platform for assembling the resources, and often mobilizing the early market, around innovation).

7.3 Networks at the Start‐up

The idea of the lone inventor pioneering a path to market success is something of a myth – not least because of the huge efforts and different resources needed to make innovation happen. Say the name “Thomas Edison” and people instinctively imagine a great inventor, the lone genius who gave us so many twentieth‐century products and services – the gramophone, the light bulb, electric power, and so on. But he was actually a very smart networker. His “invention factory” in Menlo Park, New Jersey, employed a team of engineers in a single room filled with workbenches, shelves of chemicals, books, and other resources [32]. The key to their undoubted success was to bring together a group of young, entrepreneurial, and enthusiastic men from very diverse backgrounds – and allow the emerging community to tackle a wide range of problems. Ideas flowed across the group and were combined and recombined into an astonishing array of innovations [5].

While individual ideas, energy, and passion are key requirements, most successful entrepreneurs recognize the need to network extensively and to collect the resources they need via complex webs of relationships. They are essentially highly skilled at networking, both in building and in maintaining those networks to help build a sustainable business model.

Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the case of social entrepreneurship where the challenge is to mobilize a wide range of supporting resources often at low or no cost – and to weave them into a network which enables the launch of a new idea. As Case Study 7.2 shows, this requires considerable network‐building and ‐managing skills.

7.4 Networks on the Inside …

“If only x knew what y knows …?” We can fill the x in with the name of almost any large contemporary organization – Siemens, Philips, GSK, Citibank – they all wrestle with the paradox that they have hundreds or thousands of people spread across their organizations with all sorts of knowledge. The trouble is that – apart from some formal project activities which bring them together – many of these knowledge elements remain unconnected, like a giant jigsaw puzzle in which only a small number of the pieces have so far been fitted together. This kind of thinking was behind the fashion for “knowledge management” in the late 1990s and one response, popular then, was to make extensive use of information technology to try and improve the connectivity. The trouble was that – while the computer and database systems were excellent at storage and transmission – they didn't necessarily help make the connections that turned data and information into useful – and used – knowledge. Increasingly firms are recognizing that – while advanced information and communications technology can support and enhance – the real need is for improved knowledge networks inside the organization.

It's back to the spaghetti model of innovation – how to ensure that people get to talk to others and share and build on each other's ideas. This might not be too hard in a three or four person business but is gets much harder across a typical sprawling multinational corporation. Although this is a long‐standing problem, there has been quite a lot of movement in recent years toward understanding how to build more effective innovation networks within such businesses. Research by Tom Allen during the US space program highlighted the importance of social networks and coined the term “technological gatekeeper.” His work also highlighted the importance of physical connections between people; the famous “Allen curve” shows that there is a strong negative correlation between physical distance and frequency of communication between people. Not for nothing did Steve Jobs reorganize the layout at Pixar so it was impossible for people not to bump into each other and spark conversations. BMW uses the same principles in the underlying architecture of its futuristic R&D Center in Munich.

Another important concept is that of communities of practice – a concept originally developed by Etienne Wenger and Jean Lave [33]. These are groups of people with common interests who collect and share experience (often tacit in nature) about dealing with their shared problem in a variety of different contexts. They represent deep pools of potentially valuable knowledge – for example, John Seeley Brown and Paul Duguid report on Xerox's experience in the world of office copiers [34]. Its technical sales representatives worked as a community of practice, exchanging tips and tricks over informal meetings. Eventually Xerox created the “Eureka” project to allow these interactions to be shared across their global network; it represents a knowledge store which has saved the corporation well over $100 million.

Case Study 7.3 and View 7.1 offer two examples.

7.5 Networks on the Outside

Creating and combining different knowledge sets has always been the name of the game both inside and outside the firm. But there has been a dramatic acceleration in recent years led by major firms like Procter and Gamble, GSK, 3M, Siemens, and GE toward what has been termed “open innovation.” The idea behind this – as we saw in Chapter 6is that even large‐scale R&D in a closed system like an individual firm isn't going to be enough in the twenty‐first century environment [35]. The “Chesbrough's Principles of Open Innovation” in Box 7.3 outlines some key characteristics of open innovation.

Knowledge production is taking place at an exponential rate, and the OECD countries spend close to $1 trillion on R&D in the public and private sector – a figure which is probably an underestimate since it ignores the considerable amount of “research,” which is not captured in official statistics [36]. How can any single organization keep up with – or even keep tabs on – such a sea of knowledge? And this is happening in a widely distributed fashion – R&D is no longer the province of the advanced industrial nations such as USA, Germany, or Japan but is increasing most rapidly in the newly growing economies such as India and China. In this kind of context, it's going to be impossible to pick up on every development and even smart firms are going to miss a trick or two [28].

The case of Procter and Gamble provides a good example of this shift in approach. In the late 1990s, there were concerns about their traditional inward‐focused approach to innovation. While it worked there were worries – not least the rapidly rising costs of carrying out R&D. Additionally, there were many instances of innovations that they might have made but which they passed on – only to find someone else doing so and succeeding. As CEO Alan Lafley explained “Our R&D productivity had levelled off, and our innovation success rate – the percentage of new products that met financial objectives – had stagnated at about 35 percent. Squeezed by nimble competitors, flattening sales, lacklustre new launches, and a quarterly earnings miss, we lost more than half our market cap when our stock slid from $118 to $52 a share. Talk about a wake‐up call (HBR March 2006).”

They recognized that much important innovation was being carried out in small entrepreneurial firms, or by individuals, or in university labs, and that other major players such as IBM, Cisco, Eli Lilly, and Microsoft were beginning to open up their innovation systems. As a result, they moved to what they have called “connect and develop” – an innovation process based on the principles of “open innovation.”

Lafley's original stretch goal was to get 50% of innovations coming from outside the company; by 2006, more than 35% of new products had elements that originated from outside, compared with 15% in 2000. Over 100 new products in the past 2 years came from outside the firm and 45% of innovations in the new product pipeline have key elements that were discovered or developed externally. They estimate that R&D productivity has increased by nearly 60% and their innovation success rate has more than doubled. One consequence is that they increased innovation while reducing their R&D spend, from 4.8% of turnover in 2000 to 3.4%.

Central to the model is the concept of mobilizing innovation networks. As Chief technology Officer Gilbert Cloyd explained, “It has changed how we define the organization … We have 9000 people on our R&D staff and up to 1.5 million researchers working through our external networks. The line between the two is hard to draw … . We're … putting a lot more attention on what we call 360‐degree innovation.” But this is not simply a matter of outsourcing what used to happen internally. As Vice President Larry Huston comments, “People mistake this for outsourcing, which it most definitely is not … Outsourcing is when I hire someone to perform a service and they do it and that's the end of the relationship. That's not much different from the way employment has worked throughout the ages. We're talking about bringing people in from outside and involving them in this broadly creative, collaborative process. That's a whole new paradigm.”

Enabling external networking involves a number of mechanisms. One is a group of 80 “technology entrepreneurs” whose task is to roam the globe and find and make interesting connections. They visit conferences and exhibitions, talk with suppliers, visit universities, scour the Internet – essentially a no‐holds‐barred approach to searching for new possible connections.

They also make extensive use of the Internet. An example is their involvement as founder members of a site called Innocentive ( originally set up by the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly in 2001. This is essentially a web‐based market place where problem owners can link up with problem solvers – and it currently has around 250,000 solvers available around the world. The business model is simple – companies such as P&G, Boeing, and DuPont post their problems on the site and if any of the solvers can help they pay for the idea. Importantly, the solvers are a very wide mix, from corporate and university lab staff through to lone inventors, retired scientists and engineers, and professional design houses. Jill Panetta, InnoCentive's chief scientific officer, says more than 30% of the problems posted on the site have been cracked, “which is 30 percent more than would have been solved using a traditional, in‐house approach.

Other mechanisms include a website called Yourencore that allows companies to find and hire retired scientists for one‐off assignments. NineSigma is an online marketplace for innovations, matching seeker companies with solvers in a marketplace similar to InnoCentive. As Chief Technology Officer, Gil Cloyd comments, “NineSigma can link us to solutions that are more cost efficient, give us early access to potentially disruptive technologies, and facilitate valuable collaborations much faster than we imagined.” And yet2com looks for new technologies and markets across a broad frontier, involving around 40% of the world's major R&D players in their network.

The challenge in open innovation – as we saw in Chapter 6 – is less about understanding the concept than in developing mechanisms that can enable its operation in practice. Approaches like Procter and Gamble's “Connect and develop” provide powerful templates but these are only relevant for certain kinds of organization – in other areas new models are being experimented with. For many, this involves the construction of different kinds of shared platforms on which different partners can collaborate to create new products and services – such as the BBC Backstage project. This was an ambitious five‐year program to open up the BBC's data and publishing information to outsiders, inviting them to “use our stuff to build your stuff.” It operated via an online platform and a series of linked physical events where ideas could be pitched, explored, and developed further; a wide range of external developers participated and over 500 prototypes for new products and services emerged. In a similar fashion, the UK's public sector mapping organization, Ordnance Survey, began opening up their approach to sharing geographical information to a wide variety of partners. The latest version is an online/offline program – Geovation – which invites external entrepreneurs and developers to use OS information to build novel applications in the geographical information space [37].

Others have gone further down the road toward creating open‐source communities in which cocreation among different stakeholders takes place. Google's support for the Android platform is a good example; the expectation is that the collective innovation across such a space allows for rapid acceleration and diffusion of innovation. Case Study 7.4 looks at examples of opening up the innovation game.

The logic of open innovation is that organizations need to open up their innovation processes, searching widely outside their boundaries and working toward managing a rich set of network connections and relationships right across the board [38]. Their challenge becomes one of improving the knowledge flows in and out of the organization, trading in knowledge as much as goods and services. To assist in this process a new service sector of organizations offering various kinds of brokering and bridging activity has begun to emerge. Examples include mainstream design houses like IDEO and? what if! which help to link clients with new ideas and connections on the technology and market side, technology brokers aiming at match‐making between different needs and means (both web‐enabled and on a face‐to‐face basis) and intellectual property transfer agents like the Innovation Exchange which seek to identify, value, and exploit internal IP which may be underutilized.

Needless to say the challenge of open innovation cannot be met by a single approach and there has been considerable experimentation over the past 20 years. In Chapter 11, we look in more detail at some of the parameters involved in choosing an appropriate open innovation strategy.

Research Note 7.1 looks at some different models for open innovation.

7.6 Networks into the Unknown

Much of the time the challenge in innovation is one of “doing what we do, but better” – continuously improving products and services and enhancing our processes. The scope here is enormous – both in terms of incremental modifications and additions of features and enhancements and in delivering on cost savings and quality improvements. Taken on their own, these may not be as eye‐catching as the launch of a radically new product, but the historical evidence is that continuous incremental innovation of this kind has enormous economic impact. It's the glacier model rather than the violently fast‐running stream – but in the long run, the impact on the economic geography is significant.

But as we have seen when discontinuous events occur existing players often perform badly and it is the new entrant firms who succeed. Part of the problem is the commitment to existing networks by established players. Long‐term relationships are recognized as powerful positive resources for incremental innovation [26] but under some circumstances “the ties that bind may become the ties that blind” [5]. For example, Christensen showed in his work on disruptive innovation that when new markets emerge they do so at the fringe of existing ones and are often easy to ignore and dismiss as not being relevant. Under these conditions, organizations need a different approach to manage innovation – much more exploratory, and engage in developing new networks [39].

Research suggests the challenge facing firms in building new networks can be broken down into two separate activities: identifying the relevant new partners and learning how to work with them. Once the necessary relationships have been built, they can then be converted into high‐performing partnerships. It's a little like the recipe for effective team working (forming, storming, norming, and performing), except that here it is a three‐stage process: finding, forming, and performing [21].

Finding refers essentially to the breadth of search that is conducted. How easy it is to identify the right organizations with which to interact? Finding is enabled not only by the scope and diversity of current operations but also by capacity to move beyond the dominant mental models in the industry. But it is also hindered by a combination of geographical, technological, and institutional barriers (see Table 7.3). Forming refers to the attitude of prospective partners. How likely is a linkup and what are the advantages or barriers?

TABLE 7.3 Barriers to New Network Formation (Based on [23])

Source: Birkinshaw, J., J. Bessant, and R. Delbridge, Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation. California Management Review, 2007, 49(3): 67–83.

Primary Objective Types of Barrier Description
Finding prospective
Geographical Discontinuities often emerge in unexpected corners of the world. Geographical and cultural distance make complex opportunities more difficult to assess; and as a result, they typically get discounted.
Technological Discontinuous opportunities often emerge at the intersection of two technological domains.
Institutional Institutional barriers often arise because of the different objectives or origins of two groups, such as those dividing public sector from private sector.
Forming relationships with prospective partners Ideological Many potential partners do not have the values and norms of the focal firm, which can blind it from seeing the threats or opportunities that might arise at the interfaces between the two world views.
Demographic Barriers to building effective networks can arise from the different values and needs of different demographic groups.
Ethnic Ethnic barriers arise from deep‐rooted cultural differences between countries or regions of the world.

When these two aspects are set against each other, four separate approaches can be identified [21]. See Figure 7.3.

Schematic illustration presenting the four generic approaches to network building.

FIGURE 7.3 Four generic approaches to network building.

Source: Based on Birkinshaw, J., J. Bessant, and R. Delbridge, Finding, forming, and performing: Creating networks for discontinuous innovation. California Management Review, 2007, 49(3): 67–83.

  • Zone 1 represents the relatively straightforward challenge of creating new networks with potential partners that are both easy to find and keen to interact. Although this is where traditional business relationships are formed, it also contains examples of uncertain projects even if the partners are known to each other.
    For example, Lego's decision to develop its next‐generation Mindstorms product involved using a network of lead users of the first‐generation product. Lego's experience after the first Mindstorms product had been that the enthusiastic user community was an asset, despite its approaches such as hacking into the old software and sharing this information on the web. As described by Lego Senior Vice President Mads Nipper, “We came to understand that this is a great way to make the product more exciting. It's a totally different business paradigm.
  • Zone 2 places the emphasis on new network partners. The barriers here are typically geographical, ethnic, and institutional, and the challenge is to locate the appropriate organizations from among many prospective partners. It is here that scouts and other boundary spanning agents can play a key role – as in P&G's Connect and Develop model.
  • Zone 3 is where the potential partners are easy to find but may be reluctant to engage. This might occur for ideological reasons, or because of institutional or demographic barriers. An illustration of this approach can be seen in the Danish pharmaceutical company, Novo Nordisk. Faced with long‐term changes in the business environment toward greater obesity and rising health care costs associated with diabetes (its core market), Novo Nordisk realized that it needed to start exploring opportunities for discontinuous innovation in its products and offerings. Its “Diabetes 2020” process involved exploring radical alternative scenarios for chronic disease treatment and the roles which a player like Novo‐Nordisk could play. As part of the follow‐up from this initiative, in 2003, the company helped to set up the Oxford Health Alliance, a nonprofit collaborative entity which brought together key stakeholders – medical scientists, doctors, patients, and government officials – with views and perspectives which were sometimes quite widely separated. To make it happen, Novo Nordisk made clear that its goal was nothing less than the prevention or cure of diabetes – a goal which if it were achieved would potentially kill off the company's main line of business. As Lars Rebien Sørensen, the CEO of Novo Nordisk, explained:

    In moving from intervention to prevention – that's challenging the business model where the pharmaceuticals industry is deriving its revenues! … We believe that we can focus on some major global health issue – mainly diabetes – and at the same time create business opportunities for our company.

  • Zone 4 covers potential partners who are neither easily identified nor necessarily keen to engage. One approach is gradually to reduce the reluctance of prospective partners by breaking down the institutional or demographic barriers that separate them – essentially pushing the prospective relationship into zone 2. The example of BBC Backstage (described in Chapter 5) offers a good illustration of this approach.

So far, we have considered the “finding” and “forming” aspects of novel networks – the third question posed is how to make them effectively perform. Challenges in this connection include keeping the network up‐to‐date and engaged, building trust and reciprocity, positioning within the network, and decoupling from existing networks.

7.7 Managing Innovation Networks

Throughout the book, we have seen the growing importance of viewing innovation as something which needs to be managed at a system level and which is increasingly inter‐organizational in nature. The rise of networking, the emergence of small firm clusters, the growing use of “open innovation” principles, and the globalization of knowledge production and application are all indicators of the move to what Rothwell called a fifth‐generation innovation model. This has a number of implications for the ways in which we deal with the practical organization and management of the process [9].

The basic model that we have been using throughout the chapter is still relevant, but the ways in which the different phases are enabled now need to be build on an increasing network orientation. For example, networking provides a powerful mechanism for extending and covering a richer selection environment and can bring into play a degree of collective efficiency in picking up relevant signals. Strategies like “Connect and develop” are predicated on the potential offered by increasing the range of connections available to an enterprise.

Configuring Innovation Networks

Whatever the purpose in setting it up, actually operating an innovation network is not easy – it needs a new set of management skills. A network can influence the actions of its members in two ways: Through the flow and sharing of information within the network and through differences in the position of actors in the network, which causes power and control imbalances. Therefore, the position an organization occupies in a network is a matter of great strategic importance and reflects its power and influence in that network. Sources of power include technology, expertise, trust, economic strength, and legitimacy. Networks can be tight or loose, depending on the quantity (number), quality (intensity), and type (closeness to core activities) of the interactions or links. Such links are more than individual transactions and require significant investment in resources over time.

Much depends on being clear about the type of network and the purposes it is set up to achieve. For example, there is a big difference between the demands for an innovation network working at the frontier where issues of intellectual property management and risk are critical, and the one where there is an established innovation agenda as might be the case in using supply chains to enhance product and process innovation. We can map some of these different types of innovation network on to a simple diagram (Figure 7.4), which positions them in terms of:

  • how radical the innovation target is with respect to current innovative activity.
  • the similarity of the participating companies.
Schematic illustration of the four types of innovation network.

FIGURE 7.4 Types of innovation network.

Different types of networks have different issues to resolve. For example, in zone 1, we have firms with a broadly similar orientation working on tactical innovation issues. Typically, this might be a cluster or sector forum concerned with adopting and configuring “good practice” manufacturing. Issues here would involve enabling them to share experiences, disclose information, develop trust and transparency, and build a system level sense of shared purpose around innovation.

Zone 2 activities might involve players from a sector working to explore and create new product or process concepts – for example, the emerging biotechnology/pharmaceutical networking around frontier developments and the need to look for interesting connections and synthesis between these adjacent sectors. Here, the concern is exploratory and challenges existing boundaries but will rely on a degree of information sharing and shared risk‐taking, often in the form of formal joint ventures and strategic alliances.

In zones 3 and 4, the players are highly differentiated and bring different key pieces of knowledge to the party. Their risks in disclosing can be high so ensuring careful IP management and establishing ground rules will be crucial. At the same time, this kind of innovation is likely to involve considerable risk and so putting in place risk and benefit sharing arrangements will also be critical. For example, in a review of “high value innovation networks” in the United Kingdom, researchers from the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) [40] found the following characteristics were important success factors:

  • Highly diverse: network partners from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds who encourage exchanges about ideas across systems.
  • Third‐party gatekeepers: science partners such as universities but also consultants and trade associations, who provide access to expertise and act as neutral knowledge brokers across the network.
  • Financial leverage: access to investors via business angels, venture capitalists firms, and corporate venturing, which spreads the risk of innovation and provides market intelligence.
  • Proactively managed: participants regard the network as a valuable asset and actively manage it to reap the innovation benefits.

Facing the Challenges of Innovation Networks

We have enough difficulties trying to manage within the boundaries of a typical business. So the challenge of innovation networks takes us well beyond this. The challenges include how to:

  • Manage something we don't own or control
  • See system level effects not narrow self‐interests
  • Build trust and shared risk‐taking without tying the process up in contractual red tape
  • Avoid “free riders” and information “spillovers”

It's a new game and one in which a new set of management skills becomes important.

Innovation networks can be broken down into three stages of a life cycle. Table 7.4 looks at some of the key management questions associated with each stage.

TABLE 7.4 Challenges in Managing Innovation Networks

Set‐up Stage Operating Stage Sustaining (or Closure) Stage
Issues here are around providing the momentum for bringing the network together and clearly defining its purpose. It may be crisis triggered – for example, perception of the urgent need to catch up via adoption of innovation. Equally, it may be driven by a shared perception of opportunity – the potential to enter new markets or exploit new technologies. Key roles here will often be played by third parties – network brokers, gatekeepers, policy agents, and facilitators. The key issues here are about trying to establish some core operating processes about which there is support and agreement. These need to deal with:
  • Network boundary management – how the membership of the network is defined and maintained
  • Decision making – how (where, when, who) decisions get taken at the network level
  • Conflict resolution – how conflicts are resolved effectively
  • Information processing – how information flows among members and is managed
  • Knowledge management – how knowledge is created, captured, shared, and used across the network
  • Motivation – how members are motivated to join/remain within the network
  • Risk/benefit sharing – how the risks and rewards are allocated across members of the network
  • Coordination – how the operations of the network are integrated and coordinated
Networks need not last forever – Sometimes, they are set up to achieve a highly specific purpose (e.g., development of a new product concept), and once this has been done, the network can be disbanded. In other cases, there is a case for sustaining the networking activities for as long as members see benefits. This may require periodic review and “retargeting” to keep the motivation high. For example, CRINE, a successful development program for the offshore oil and gas industry, was launched in 1992 by key players in the industry such as BP, Shell, and major contractors with support from the UK government with the target of cost reduction. Using a network model, it delivered extensive innovation in product/services and processes. Having met its original cost‐reduction targets for the first eight years of operation, the program moved to a second phase with a focus aimed more at capturing a bigger export share of the global industry through innovation.


In this chapter, we have looked at the particular challenges in setting up and running networks designed to enable innovation. We have reviewed the different – and often confusing – discussion of different types and models of networks and focused on what can be termed “engineered” networks, established and operated specifically to enable innovation. The chapter has looked at networks at the early stages of developing an entrepreneurial idea, at networks within organizations and at the increasingly important theme of external networks, which enable and facilitate the move to more open models of innovation. We also look at the particular case of finding, forming, and getting new networks with strange partners to perform to support innovation. Finally, we look at the question of how networks are set up, operated, and sustained.

Chapter 7: Concept Check Questions

  1. Rothwell's “fifth generation” model suggests that innovation:
A. Needs five or more players in the network
B. Is increasingly about linkages within and across enterprises
C. Requires five times the original investment of the founder to succeed
D. Works best in old family businesses
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Open innovation is
A. A model for organizing the process where firms seek to source ideas from inside and outside
B. An approach to risk management in innovation
C. A board‐level commitment to unlimited funds for innovation activities
D. An innovation project with no limit on the number of staff employed
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Communities of practice are facilities where sports skills can be developed more effectively.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following are advantages that might emerge from a process of shared learning? (Several choices may be correct.)
A. Challenge and structured critical reflection from different perspectives.
B. Different perspectives can bring in new concepts (or old concepts that are new to the learner).
C. Shared experimentation can reduce perceived and actual costs risks in trying new things.
D. Less audio‐visual material is needed.
E. There is more chance of getting the right answer.
F. Shared experiences can provide support and open new lines of inquiry or exploration.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a learning network?
A. They have a primary learning target—some specific learning/knowledge that the network is going to enable.
B. They have a structure for operation, with boundaries defining participation.
C. Processes that can be mapped on to the learning cycle .
D. There is some degree of measurement of learning outcomes that feeds back to operation of the network.
E. They meet on working days only.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following statements about innovation networks is wrong? (Several choices may be correct.)
A. Bigger is always better—the more players in the network the more effective it is.
B. They can only be set up with firms in the same geographical area.
C. They must always be large organizations because they can spare the time to talk with others.
D. They can be set up amongst competing firms.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is not a benefit that could emerge from an innovation network?
A. Getting access to different and complementary knowledge sets
B. Reducing risks by sharing them
C. Accessing new markets and technologies
D. Priority access to major contracts
Correct or Incorrect?


Further Reading

Aalbers and Dolfsma (2015) offer a helpful review of the field in their book Innovation networks: Managing the networked organization (Routledge) while Keeley and colleagues (2013) discuss this as one of their Ten types of innovation (Wiley). The work of Andrew Hargadon has highlighted the importance of brokers going back to the days of Edison and Ford. (Hargadon, A. (2003). How breakthroughs happen. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.). One of the strong examples of this approach today is IDEO the design consultancy, which Kelley has described in detail (Kelley, T., J. Littman, et al., The art of innovation: Lessons in creativity from Ideo, America's leading design firm. 2001, New York, Currency.). Conway and Steward ((1998) Mapping innovation networks. International Journal of Innovation Management2(2): 165–196.) look at the concept of innovation networks and this theme is also picked up by Swan, N. et al., Knowledge management and innovation: networks and networking. Journal of Knowledge Management, 1999. 3(4): 262.). Learning networks are discussed in Bessant et al. “Constructing learning advantage through networks,” Journal of Economic Geography, September, 2012 and their use in sectors, supply chains and regional clusters in Morris, B. et al., Using learning networks to enable industrial development: Case studies from South Africa. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2006. 26(5): 557–568. Innovation networks of various forms feature in several reports from AIM – the Advanced Institute for Management Research (

Internal knowledge networks are a topic of increasing interest and Tom Allen has produced a fascinating update to his pioneering work together with Gunter Henn, the famous German architect (“The organization and architecture of innovation,” Elsevier, 2007, Oxford). Jonah Lehrer also provides a readable review of much new work around knowledge flows and structures in creative organizations (“Imagine: How creativity works,” Canongate, Edinburgh, 2012). Much of the “open innovation” literature deals with the challenges of establishing and working with rich external networks and useful sources include Henry Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West, eds., Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, Oliver G., “Opening up the innovation process: toward an agenda,” R&D Management, 2006. 36, 3 and Perkmann, M. and Walsh, K, “University–industry relationships and open innovation: Towards a research agenda,” International Journal of Management Reviews, 2007. 9, 4. Paul Sloane's 2011, “A guide to open innovation and crowdsourcing,” Kogan Page, London offers a good review of the moving frontier towards engaging wide participation and this theme is also picked up in “Open collective innovation” and “Open healthcare innovation,” reports available from AIM.

Case Studies

You can find a number of additional downloadable case studies at the companion website, including these topics:

  • learning networks in action
  • Liberty Global and Lufthansa Systems mobilizing internal networks for innovation
  • Procter and Gamble and their “Connect and develop” approach and of 3M and their work with “lead user” networks
  • Supply chain learning
  • Local Motors, Threadless, and Lego that highlight the use of external communities for innovation

You can also find a wide range of tools to help work with concepts introduced during this chapter, again at the companion website.


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