Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Photograph of a puffer fish.

“The thought of ultimate loss which often overtakes pioneers, as experience undoubtedly tells us and them, is put aside as a healthy man puts aside the expectation of death.”

– Keynes, J.M., The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. 2007, Basingstoke: Palgrave

Triggers for innovation – as we saw in Chapter 5 – can be found all over the place. The world is full of interesting and challenging possibilities for change – the trouble is that even the wealthiest organization doesn’t have deep enough pockets to face them all. Sooner or later, it has to confront this issue of “out of all the things we could do, what are we going to do?” This isn’t easy; making decisions is about resource commitment and so choosing to go in one direction closes off opportunities elsewhere. Organizations cannot afford to innovate at random – they need some kind of framework that articulates how they think innovation can help them survive and grow, and they need to be able to allocate scarce resources to a portfolio of innovation projects based on this view. This underlines the importance of developing an innovation strategy – a theme we explored in Chapter 4.

But in a complex and uncertain world, it is nonsense to think that we can make detailed plans ahead of the game and then follow them through in systematic fashion. Life – and certainly organizational life – isn’t like that; as John Lennon famously said, it’s what happens when you’re busy making other plans! So our strategic framework for innovation should be flexible enough to help monitor and adapt projects over time as ideas move toward more concrete solutions – and rigid enough to justify continuation or termination as uncertainties and risky guesswork become replaced by actual knowledge.

The challenge of innovation decision making is made more complex by the fact that it isn’t a simple matter of selecting among clearly defined options. By its nature, innovation is about the unknown, about possibilities, and about opportunities associated with doing something new, and so the process involves dealing with uncertainty. The problem is that we don’t know in advance if an innovation will work – will the technology actually do what we hope, will the market still be there and behave as we anticipated, will competitors move in a different and more successful direction, will the government change the rules of the game, and so on? All of these are uncertain variables that make our act of decision making a little like driving in the fog. The only way we can get more certainty is by starting the project and learning as we go along. So making the initial decision – and the subsequent ones about whether to keep going or cut our losses and move in a different direction – becomes a matter of calculating as best we can the risks associated with different options. In this chapter, we’ll explore some of the ways in which organizations deal with this difficult area of decision making under uncertainty.

8.1 Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty

What distinguishes innovation management from gambling? Both involve committing resources to something that (unless the game is rigged) have an uncertain outcome. But innovation management tries to convert that uncertainty at the outset to something closer to a calculated risk – there is still no guarantee of success but at least there is an attempt to review the options and assign some probabilities as to the chances of a successful outcome. This isn’t simply a mechanical process – first, the assessment of risk is still based on very limited information; second, there is a balance between the risks involved and the potential rewards, which mights follow if the innovation project is successful.

Some “bets” are safer than others because they carry lower risk – incremental innovation is about doing what we do – and therefore know about – better. We have some prior knowledge about markets, technologies, regulatory frameworks, and so on, and so can make reasonably accurate assessments of risks using this information. But some bets are about radical innovation – doing something completely different and carrying a much higher level of risk because of the lack of information. These could pay off handsomely – but there are also many unforeseen ways in which they could run into trouble.

And we shouldn’t forget that under such conditions decision making is often shaped by emotional forces as well as limited facts and figures. The economist John Maynard Keynes famously pointed out the important role which “animal spirits” play in shaping decisions [1]: People can be persuaded to take a risk by convincing argument, by expressions of energy or passion, or by hooking into powerful emotions like fear (of not moving in the proposed direction), or reward (resulting from the success of the proposed innovation).

8.2 The Funnel of Uncertainty

Central to this process is knowledge – this is what converts uncertainty to risk. The more we know about something, the more we can take calculated decisions about whether or not to proceed. And in a competitive environment, this puts a premium on getting hold of knowledge as early as possible – this explains the value of an insider tip-off in horse racing or stock market dealings. In innovation management, the challenge is to invest in acquiring early knowledge – through technological R&D, through market research, through competitor analysis, trend-spotting, and a host of other mechanisms – to get early information to feed decision making. Robert Cooper uses the powerful metaphor of Russian roulette, suggesting that most people when faced with the uncertainty of pulling the trigger would be happy to “buy a look” at the gun chamber to improve their knowledge of whether or not there is a bullet in it [2]!

Thinking of innovation as a process of reducing uncertainty but increasing resource commitment gives us a classic graph (Figure 8.1). In essence, the further we go into a project the more it costs but the more we know.

Schematic illustration showing the uncertainty and resource commitment in innovation projects.

FIGURE 8.1 Uncertainty and resource commitment in innovation projects.

In practice, this translates into what we can call the “innovation funnel,” – a roadmap which helps us make (and review) decisions about resource commitment. Figure 8.2 gives an illustration.

Schematic illustration of the innovation funnel model.

FIGURE 8.2 The innovation funnel.

At the outset, anything is possible, but increasing commitment of resources during the life of the project makes it increasingly difficult to change the direction. Managing innovation is a fine balancing act, between the costs of continuing with projects, which may not eventually succeed (and which represent opportunity costs in terms of other possibilities), and the danger of closing down too soon and eliminating potentially fruitful options. Making these decisions can be done on an ad hoc basis, but experience suggests that some form of structured development system with clear decision points and agreed rules on which to base go/no-go decisions is a more effective approach [3].

Given this model, it makes sense not just to make one big decision to commit everything at the outset when uncertainty is very high but instead to make a series of stepwise decisions. Each of these involves committing more resources but this only takes place if the risk/reward assessment justifies it – and the further into the project, the more information about technologies, markets, competitors, and so on, we have to help with the assessment. We move from uncertainty to increasingly well-calculated risk management. Such a staged review process is particularly associated with the work of Robert Cooper, a Canadian researcher, who studied thousands of new product development projects [4].

This model essentially involves putting in a series of gates at key stages and reviewing the project’s progress against clearly defined and accepted criteria. Only if it passes will the gate open – otherwise, the project should be killed off or at least returned for further development work before proceeding. Many variations (e.g., “fuzzy gates”) on this approach exist; the important point is to ensure that there is a structure in place that reviews information about both technical and market aspects of the innovation as we move from high uncertainty to high resource commitment but a clearer picture of progress. We will explore this “stage-gate” approach – and variations on that – in Chapter 10.

Models of this kind have been widely applied in different sectors, both in manufacturing and services [57]. We need to recognize the importance here of configuring the system to the particular contingencies of the organization – for example, a highly procedural system that works for a global multiproduct company like Siemens or GM will be far too big and complex for many small organizations. And not every project needs the same degree of scrutiny – for some, there will be a need to develop parallel “fast tracks” where monitoring is kept to a light touch to ensure speed and flow in development.

We also need to recognize that the effectiveness of any stage-gate system will be limited by the extent to which it is accepted as a fair and helpful framework against which to monitor progress and continue to allocate resources [8]. This places emphasis on some form of shared design of the system – otherwise, there is a risk of lack of commitment to decisions made and/or the development of resentment at the progress of some “pet” projects and the holding back of others.

8.3 Decision Making for Incremental Innovation

When we are deciding about incremental innovation – essentially doing what we already do but better – the process of deciding is (relatively) straightforward. Since this involves comparing something new with something that already exists, we can set up criteria and measure against these – both at the outset and during progression of the project through our funnel. Systematic decision making of this kind is common in product development systems, which are discussed in detail in Chapter 9 [9,10]. While risks are involved, these can be calculated and relevant information collected to help guide judgment in a (relatively) mechanistic fashion. This is where stage-gate systems become powerful tools for innovation management – the Coloplast case in Case Study 8.1 gives an example and is described in more detail on the website.

One area where systematic management of incremental innovation becomes important is in “high involvement” systems, where a large proportion of the workforce becomes engaged in innovation [1113]. Such kaizen or continuous improvement activities can have a significant cumulative effect – as we saw in Chapter 1. But there is a problem – if we are successful in persuading most of the workforce to make innovation proposals, then how will we manage the volume of ideas which result? (To put this in perspective, many firms with a strong tradition of high involvement innovation – for example, Toyota, Kawasaki, or Matsushita – receive several millions of suggestions per year [14] and France Telecom has around 30,000 ideas each day from across its workforce using its online suggestion scheme).

The solution to this is to make use of approaches that have been termed “policy deployment” (sometimes called “hoshin planning”) – essentially devolving the top-level innovation strategy to lower levels in the organization and allowing people at those levels to make the decisions. This provides a strategic focus within which they can locate their multiple small-scale innovation activities. But it requires two key enablers – the creation of a clear and coherent strategy for the business and the deployment of it through a cascade process that builds understanding and ownership of the goals and subgoals [13,15].

Policy deployment is a characteristic feature of many Japanese kaizen systems and may help explain why there is such a strong “track record” of strategic gains through continuous improvement. In such plants, the overall business strategy is broken down into focused three-year mid-term plans (MTPs); typically, the plan is given a slogan or motto to help identify it. This forms the basis of banners and other illustrations, but its real effect is to provide a backdrop against which efforts over the next three years can be focused. The MTP is specified not just in vague terms but with specific and measurable objectives – often described as pillars. These are, in turn, decomposed into manageable projects that have clear targets and measurable achievement milestones, and it is to these that workplace innovation activities are systematically applied. Case Study 8.2 gives an example.

This challenge raised by the need to manage a high volume of innovation ideas is exacerbated by the trend toward opening up the “front end” of innovation to people outside the organization through innovation contests and other cocreation approaches. The result is a pressing need for idea management systems to sort and filter the many creative possibilities – and to make sure that these ideas contribute in a positive direction. The risk is that this absorbs an increasing amount of time in the selection and resource allocation process; one solution increasingly used in online suggestion schemes and crowdsourcing approaches is to engage the community itself in rating, commenting, and supporting promising ideas.

8.4 Building the Business Case

Even though projects may be incremental in nature and build on established experience, the development and presentation of a persuasive business case is important and much can be done with tools and techniques to explore and elaborate the core concept. The purpose here is to move an outline idea to something with clearer shape and form, on which decisions about resource commitments can be made. As we move to more radical innovation projects – which are by definition higher risk – so the “business case” needs to be more strongly made and to mobilize both emotional and factual components to secure “buy-in” from decision-makers.

Many organizations make use of approaches based around making the underlying “business model” explicit. In essence, these are representations of how an innovation will create value – examples include the widely used “business model canvas” and variations on storytelling approaches [16]. The value of such approaches is that they involve thinking through the innovation from different angles and asking questions, which help sharpen and shape it. These challenges can also be raised from the perspective of different stakeholders – for example, bringing in customer information; again the idea is to explore the proposed innovation thoroughly. Case Study 8.3 gives an outline of business model thinking.

Table 8.1 gives some examples of business models and the information needed to represent the “value proposition” to others in securing support for the investment decision.

TABLE 8.1 Examples of Business Models

Example Value Proposition? For Whom? By Whom – Key Players on Supply Side? Core Activities to Deliver that Value
Razor blades Shaving with a fresh sharp blade every time instead of having to sharpen a razor Men (and later women) Manufacturers like Gillette Design and development Manufacture and distribution of blades, advertising, and marketing, etc.
National Health Service (UK) Health care for all free at the point of delivery All population (as opposed to health care for those who could afford it) Mobilizes entire medical system of primary and secondary care Health-care services
Online banking 24/7 bank opening and ability to operate independent of physical banking offices Customers unable or unwilling to use “normal” banking hours but who appreciate the convenience. Eventually, all customers – become the dominant model IT platforms, call center staff, other customer interfaces. Back-office systems and providers Customer service and relationship management
Streaming music services – e.g., Spotify Rent a huge collection of music and have it available on many mobile devices Customers keen to access large volume and variety of music and have it available whenever they want it IT platforms, IP relationship with music providers Access control
IT distribution and streaming
Rights management
Rental processing

Probe and Learn Approaches to Concept Development

An influential model for exploring early stage innovation is based around the concept of “lean start-up” and “agile” development [1719]. With its origins in the software industry, this sees innovation as a series of experimental learning cycles which gradually collect information and help focus the direction for future development in a resource-efficient fashion. Central to the approach are two concepts – the “minimum viable product” and the “pivot.” The first refers to an early stage prototype that can be deployed to collect information, get feedback, explore hypotheses – essentially a learning device to help sharpen the planned innovation. And in the light of the information gained the original idea may need modifying – pivoting – to fit more closely with market needs and technological possibilities.

Tools for helping here include simulation and prototyping – for example, in introducing new production management software a common practice is to “walk through” the operation of core processes using computer and organizational simulation. Major developments in recent years have expanded the range of tools available for this exploration in ways which allow much higher levels of experimentation without incurring time or cost penalties. Gann, Salter, and Dodgson use the phrase “Think, Play, Do” to describe the innovation process and argue that, under intensifying pressure to improve efficiency and effectiveness, innovation practitioners have adopted a wide range of powerful tools to enable an extended “play” phase and to postpone final commitment until very late in the process. Examples of such tools include advanced computer modeling that allows for simulation and large-scale experiments, rapid prototyping that offers physical representations of form and substance, and simulation techniques that allow the workings of different options to be explored [20]. With the maturing of technologies such as 3D printing and additive layer manufacturing, it becomes increasingly possible to apply prototyping approaches quickly and cheaply, and consequently, to introduce them much earlier and more frequently into the innovation process.

We will explore this theme of building a business case more extensively in Chapter 9.

8.5 Concept Testing and Engaging Stakeholders

Despite the presence of formal decision-making structures choices about which options to select are subjective in nature – leading to political and other behaviors [21,22]. Many of the problems in product and process innovation arise from the multifunctional nature of development and the lack of a shared perspective on the product being developed and/or the marketplace into which it will be introduced. A common problem is that “X wasn’t consulted, otherwise they would have told you that you can’t do that …” This places a premium on involving all groups at the earliest possible stage, that is, the concept definition/product specification stage. Several structured approaches now exist for managing this, including quality function deployment and functional mapping [23].

For entrepreneurs trying to start a new venture, the problem of resource limitations often means that they need to develop expertise in building coalitions and networks of support.

And as we saw in Chapter 5, users play an increasingly important role as a source of innovative ideas [24]. Working with them from an early stage helps refine and elaborate the concept and crucially also builds in their support. A key principle in innovation diffusion is the compatibility of the innovation with the context into which it is being introduced – in other words, how well it fits the world of the user. By engaging users early, these issues can be surfaced and designed into the innovation and downstream acceptance accelerated.

Read the transcript of an audio interview with Lynne Maher, who describes her work in involving patients to improve innovation concepts in health care.

The availability of prototyping and simulation technology, especially computer-aided design, has helped facilitate this kind of early discussion and refinement of the concept. In the process of innovation, early involvement of key users and the incorporation of their perspectives are strongly associated with improved overall performance and also with acceptability of the process in operation. This methodology has had a strong influence on, for example, the implementation of major integrated computer systems which by definition cut across functional boundaries [25,26].

As organizations move to increasing use of “open innovation” approaches, the potential for engaging a wider community of stakeholders such as suppliers, users, and so on, increases. Bringing in the ideas of end-users not only improves the quality of the final design but can also help accelerate diffusion of the innovation [27]. Early involvement of suppliers means that their specialist expertise can often provide unexpected ways of saving costs and time in the subsequent development and production process. Increasingly, product development is being treated as a cooperative activity in which networks of players, each with a particular knowledge set, are coordinated toward a shared objective. Examples include automotive components, aerospace, and electronic capital equipment, all of which make growing use of formal supplier involvement programs [28,29].

Interaction with outsiders also needs to take account of external regulatory frameworks – for example, in product standards, environmental controls, and safety legislation. Concept testing can be helped by close involvement with and participation in organizations that have responsibilities in these areas.

8.6 Spreading the Risk

Even the smallest enterprise is likely to have a number of innovation activities running at any moment. It may concentrate most of its resources on its one major product/service offering or new process, but alongside this there will be a host of incremental improvements and minor change projects which also consume resources and require monitoring. For giant organizations such as Procter and Gamble or 3M, the range of products is somewhat wider – in 3M’s case around 60,000. With pressures on increasing growth through innovation come challenges like 3M’s, “30% of sales to come from products introduced during the past 3 years” – implying a steady and fast-flowing stream of new product/service ideas running through, supported by other streams around process and position innovation. Even project-oriented organizations whose main task might be the construction of a new bridge or office block will have a range of subsidiary innovation projects running at the same time.

As we have seen, the innovation process has a funnel shape with convergence from a wide mouth of possibilities into a much smaller section, which represents those projects to which resources will be committed. This poses the question of which projects and the subsidiary one of ensuring a balance between risk, reward, novelty, experience, and many other elements of uncertainty. The challenge of building a portfolio is as much an issue in noncommercial organizations – for example, should a hospital commit to a new theater, a new scanner, a new support organization around integrated patient care, or a new sterilization method? No organization can do everything, and so it must make choices and try to create a broad portfolio that helps with both the “do what we do better” and the “do different” agenda.

There are a variety of approaches that have developed to deal with the question of what is broadly termed “portfolio management.” These range from simple judgments about risk and reward to complex quantitative tools based on probability theory [10,30,31]. But the underlying purpose is the same – to provide a coherent basis on which to judge which projects should be undertaken, and to ensure a good balance across the portfolio of risk and potential reward. Failure to make such judgments can lead to a number of problem issues, as Table 8.2 indicates.

TABLE 8.2 Problems Arising from Poor Portfolio Management (Based on [32])

Without Portfolio Management There May Be … Impacts
No limit to projects taken on Resources spread too thinly
Reluctance to kill-off or de-selectprojects Resource starvation and impacts on time and cost – overruns
Lack of strategic focus in project mix High failure rates, or success of unimportant projects, and opportunity cost against more important projects
Weak or ambiguous selection criteria Projects find their way into the mix because of politics or emotion or other factors – downstream failure rates high and resource diversion from other projects
Weak decision criteria Too many “average” projects selected, little impact downstream in market

Portfolio methods try to deal with the issue of reviewing across a set of projects and look for a balance of economic and nonfinancial risk/reward factors. Descriptions of a variety of portfolio-based tools are available on the website and Chapter 10 discusses such approaches in more detail.

8.7 Decision Making at the Edge

When the innovation decision is about incremental innovation (“do what we do but better”), there is relatively little difficulty. A business case with requisite information can be assembled, cost-benefits can be argued, and the “fit” with the current portfolio demonstrated. But as the options move toward the more radical end so the degree of resource commitment and risk rises and decision making resembles more closely a matter of placing bets. Uncertainty is high and emotional and political influences become significant. At the limit, the organization faces real difficulties in making choices about new trajectories – in moving “outside the box” in which its prior experience and the dominant technological and market trajectories place it [3335].

Under such “discontinuous” conditions – triggered, for example, by the emergence of a radical new technology or the emergence of a new market, or a shift in the regulatory framework – established incumbents often face a major challenge. Heuristics and internal rules for resource allocation are unhelpful and may actively militate against placing bets on the new options because they are far outside the firm’s “normal” framework. As Christensen argues, in his studies of disruption caused by the emergence of new markets, the existing decision making and underlying reward and reinforcement systems strongly favor the status quo, working with existing customers and suppliers. Such bounded decision making creates an opportunity for new entrants to colonize new market space – and then migrate toward incumbent’s territory [36]. In similar fashion, Henderson and Clark argue that shifting to new “architectures” – new configurations involving new knowledge sets and their arrangements – poses problems for established incumbents [37].

Selection and Reframing

A key part of this challenge lies in the difficulties organizations face with “reframing” – viewing the world in different ways and changing the ways they make selection decisions as a result. Human beings cannot process all the rich and complex information coming at them and so they make use of a variety of simplifying frameworks – mental models – with which to make sense of the world. And the same is true for organizations – as collections of individuals they construct shared mental models through which the complex external world is experienced [38]. Of necessity such models are simplifications – for example, business models (which we discussed earlier) provide lenses through which to make sense of the environment and guide strategic behavior.

The problem with discontinuous innovation is that it presents challenges that do not fit the existing model and require a reframing – something which existing incumbents find hard to do. In a process akin to what psychologists call “cognitive dissonance” in individuals, organizations often selectively perceive and interpret the new situation to match or fit their established world views [35]. Since by definition, discontinuous shifts usually begin as weak signals of major change, picked up on the edge of the radar screen, it is easy for the continuing interpretation of the signals in the old frame to persist for some time. By the time the disconnect between the two becomes apparent and the need for radical reframing is unavoidable, it is often too late. As Dorothy Leonard puts it, core competencies become core rigidities [39].

View 8.1 gives an example of such a challenge.

The case of Polaroid highlights the difficulty – an otherwise technologically successful company that had opened up the market for instant photography and had a strong reputation over 40 years suddenly found itself in Chapter 11 bankruptcy at the turn of the twenty-first century. According to Tripsas and Gavetti, its difficulties in adapting to digital imaging “were mainly determined by the cognitive inertia of its corporate executives. As we have documented, managers directly involved with digital imaging developed a highly adaptive representation of the emerging competitive landscape. We speculate that the cognitive dissonance between senior management and digital imaging managers may have been exacerbated by the difference in signals that the two groups were receiving about the market [33].” Bihide (2000) and Christensen (1997) support this view that it is often the self-imposed barriers caused by inability to reframe that pose problems for established players. Both found that employees at incumbent companies often generated the ideas that went on to form the basis of discontinuous technologies. However, these were exploited and developed by competitors, or new organizations, and consequently adversely affected the incumbent.

The problem is not that such firms have weak or ineffective strategic resource allocation mechanisms for taking innovation decisions – but rather that these are too good. For as long as the decisions are taken within a framework – their “box” – they are effective but they break down when the challenge comes from outside that box. It is important to recognize that the justification for rejecting ideas which lie too far outside the framework is expressed in terms which are apparently “rational” – that is, the reasons are clear and consistent with the decision rules and criteria associated with the framework. But they are examples of what the Nobel Prize-winning economist Herbert Simon called “bounded rationality” – and underpinning them are a number of key psychological effects such as “groupthink” and risky shift [34].

Case Study 8.4 gives an example of reframing at Kodak.

Much of the difficulty in radical or discontinuous innovation selection arises from this framing problem. As Henderson and Clark point out, innovation rarely involves dealing with a single technology or market but rather a bundle of knowledge that is brought together into a configuration. Successful innovation management requires that we can get hold of and use knowledge about components but also about how those can be put together – what they termed the architecture of an innovation [37]. And the problem is that we are often unable to imagine alternative configurations, new and different architectures. In a similar fashion, Dosi uses the term “paradigm” to describe the mental framework at a system level within which technological progress takes place [40], while Abernathy and Utterback highlight the key role of the “dominant design” in moving innovation from an experimental “fluid” phase to a “specific” and focused one within which firms follow similar pathways [41]. Markides (1998) talks about “strategic innovation” where “a fundamental re-conceptualisation of what the business is all about that, in turn, leads to a dramatically different way of playing the game in an existing business.” And Hamel (2000) suggests the idea of business concept innovation that can be defined as “the capacity to reconceive existing business models in ways that create new value for customers, rude surprises for competitors, and new wealth for competitors.

Recent research has focused on the theme of “business model innovation” – the situation in which an established model can be overturned by entrepreneurs looking at new ways to create and deliver value. (This corresponds to “paradigm innovation,” which we discussed in Chapter 1.) For example, Table 8.3 gives some examples of business model innovation enabled by entrepreneurs working with the tools of the Internet.

TABLE 8.3 Examples of Internet as a Route to Business Model Innovation

Old Model Internet-enabled Alternative
Airline and travel booking Disintermediation – DIY or else via online aggregators
Encyclopedia – expert driven Wikipedia and open source options
Printing and publishing – physical networks and specialist Online coordination, self-publishing, long tail, print on demand
Retailing – physical presence via shops, distribution centers, etc. Amazon and online, long tail effect, database mining, etc.

We can see a pattern of “generic” business model innovation strategies – routes along which there might be rich opportunities for entrepreneurs to rewrite the rules of the game. For example:

  • User driven instead of supplier led, in which the role of active and informed users is reshaping the trajectory of innovation.
  • “Servitization” in which manufacturing operations are increasingly being reframed as service offerings. As we’ve seen the aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce redefined its business model as “power by the hour” recognizing that what its customers actually valued was the provision of power, not the engines themselves. They now charge users for usable hours of power. Chemical companies are increasingly looking to provide rental models in which they offer services to support the effective use of their products rather than simply delivering bulk chemicals.
  • Rent not own, in which the value proposition moves to making available the functionality rather than the asset. For example, many people have made the move to renting music via streaming services like Spotify rather than needing to buy record collections, while in city centers the idea of bicycle and even car rental is displacing the need for ownership.

Case Study 8.5 looks at business model innovation in the music industry.

Not Invented Here and the “Corporate Immune System”

When there is a shift to a new mindset, established players may have problems because of the reorganization of their thinking that is required. It is not simply adding new information but changing the structure of the frame through which they see and interpret that information. They need to “think outside the box” within which their bounded exploration takes place – and this is difficult because it is highly structured and reinforced by organizational structures and processes.

Needless to say doing so is difficult although it is easy to use hindsight to ridicule apparently foolish decisions – for example:

  • “This is typical Berlin hot air. The product is worthless” were the sentiments expressed in a letter sent by Heinrich Dreser, head of Bayer’s Pharmacological Institute, rejecting Felix Hoffmann’s invention of aspirin. At that point, Bayer was heavily committed to its “star” painkiller diacetylmorphine a drug, which reportedly made factory workers feel animated and “heroic,” which is why Bayer decided to aptly name it “heroin”! These side effects eventually forced Bayer to take the drug off the market, and Bayer’s chairman eventually intervened to overrule Dreser’s decision and accept aspirin as Bayer’s main painkiller. Today, more than 10 billion tablets of aspirin are swallowed annually [42].
  • “Who the hell wants to copy a document on plain paper?” Another rejection letter, this time written in 1940 to Chester Carlson, inventor of the XEROX machine. In fact, over 20 companies rejected his “useless” idea between 1939 and 1944. Even the National Inventors Council dismissed it. Today, the Rank Xerox Corporation has an annual revenue in the range of one billion dollars.
  • “The concept is interesting and well formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C’ the idea must be feasible.” A Yale university professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. Smith went on to find Federal Express.

This “not invented here” rejection is easier to understand if we see it as a problem of what makes sense within a specific context – the firm has little knowledge or experience in the proposed area, it is not its core business, it has no plans to enter that particular market, and so on. Table 8.4 lists some examples of justifications that can be made to rationalize the rejection decision associated with radical innovation options.

TABLE 8.4 Examples of Justifications for Nonadoption of Radical Ideas

Argument Underlying Perceptions from Within the Established Mental Model
It’s not our business Recognition of an interesting new business idea but rejection because it lies far from the core competence of the firm
It’s not a business Evaluation suggests the business plan is flawed along some key dimension – often underestimating potential for market development and growth
It’s not big enough for us Emergent market size is too small to meet growth targets of large established firm
Not invented here Recognition of interesting idea with potential but reject it – often by finding flaws or mismatch to current internal trajectories
Invented here Recognition of interesting idea but rejection because internally generated version is perceived to be superior
We’re not cannibals Recognition of potential for impact on current markets and reluctance to adopt potential competing idea
Nice idea but doesn’t fit Recognition of interesting idea generated from within but whose application lies outside current business areas – often leads to inventions being shelved or put in a cupboard
It ain’t broke so why fix it No perceived relative advantage in adopting new idea
Great minds think alike “Groupthink” at strategic decision-making level – new idea lies outside the collective frame of reference
(existing) customers won’t/don’t want it New idea offers little to interest or attract current customers – essentially a different value proposition
We’ve never done it before Perception that risks involved are too high along market and technical dimensions
We’re doing OK as we are The success trap – lack of motivation or organizational slack to allow exploration outside of current lines
Let’s set up a pilot Recognition of potential in new idea but limited and insufficient commitment to exploring and developing it – lukewarm support

Arguably these are all ways of defending an established mental model – they may be “correct” in terms of the criteria associated with the dominant framework but they may also be defensive. Importantly, they can be cloaked in a shroud of “rationality” – using numbers about market size to reject exploration of a new area, for example. They represent an “immune system” response that rejects the strange in order to preserve the health of the current body unchanged.

It is important to understand the problem of reframing since it provides some clues as to where and how alternative routines might be developed to support decision making around selection under high uncertainty. Using “rational” methods of the kind that work well for incremental innovation is likely to be ineffective because of the high uncertainty associated with this kind of innovation. Since there is a high degree of uncertainty, it is difficult to assemble “facts” to make a clear business case, while the inertia of the existing framework includes the capacity to make justifiable rejection arguments of the kind highlighted in Table 8.4. The problem is complicated by the potential for radical innovation options to conflict with mainstream projects (e.g., risking “cannibalization” of existing and currently profitable markets) and the need to acquire different resources to those normally available to the firm.

Instead some form of alternative approaches may be needed to handle the early stage thinking and exploring of opportunities outside the “normal” decision-making channels but bring them back into the mainstream when the uncertainty level has been lowered. Resolving these tensions may require development of parallel structures or even setting up of satellite ventures and organizations outside the normal firm boundary.

(An alternative strategy is, of course, to adopt a “wait and see” approach and allow the market to deal with early stage uncertainty. By taking a “fast second” posture, large and well-resourced firms are often capable of exploiting innovation opportunities more successfully than smaller early entrants [43]. Examples here might include Microsoft that was not an early mover in fields like the Internet or GUI (graphical user interface) but which used its considerable resource base to play a successful “fast second” game. Similarly, many of the major pharmaceutical firms are managing the high uncertainty in the bio-pharma world by watching and acquiring rather than direct involvement. Arguably such strategies depend on developing sophisticated early warning and scanning systems to search for such opportunities and monitor them and also on some additional route into mainstream decision making/resource allocation systems to allow for such “managed reframing.”)

8.8 Mapping the Selection Space

As we saw in Chapter 6, there is a balance to be struck between “exploit” and “explore” behavior in the ways organizations search for innovation triggers. But there are also limits to what is “acceptable” exploration – essentially organizations have “comfort zones” beyond which they are reluctant or unable to search. In a similar fashion, their decision making, even around radical options, is often constrained – this gives rise to the anxiety often expressed about the need for “out of the box” thinking. Stage gate and portfolio systems depend on using criteria which are “bought into” by those bringing ideas – a perception that the resource allocation process is “fair” and appropriate even if the decisions go the “wrong” way. Under steady-state conditions, these systems can and do work well, and criteria are clearly established and perceived to be appropriate. But higher levels of uncertainty put pressure on the existing models – and one effect is that they reject ideas that don’t fit – and over time build a “self-censoring” aspect. As one interviewee in research on the way radical ideas were dealt with by his company’s portfolio and stage-gate systems explained, “around here we no longer have a funnel, we have a tube!

One way of looking at the innovation selection space is shown in Figure 8.3. The vertical axis refers to the familiar “incremental/radical” dimension in innovation, while the second relates to environmental complexity – the number of elements and their potential interactions. Rising complexity means that it becomes increasingly difficult to predict a particular state because of the increasing number of potential configurations of these elements. And it is here that problems of decision making become significant because of very high levels of uncertainty.

Schematic illustration displaying the outline map of innovation selection space.

FIGURE 8.3 Outline map of innovation selection space [44].1

Zone 1 is essentially the “exploit” domain in innovation literature. It presumes a stable and shared frame – “business model”/architecture – within which adaptive and incremental development takes place. Selection routines – as we saw earlier in this chapter – are those associated with the “steady state” – portfolio methods, stage-gate reviews, clear resource allocation criteria, project management structures, and so on. The structures involved in this selection activity are clearly defined with relevant actors, clear decision points, decision rules, criteria, and so on. They correspond to widely accepted “good practice” for product/service development and for process innovation [4,10,45]. As the sector matures so the tools and methods become ever more refined and subtle.

Zone 2 involves selection from exploration into new territory, pushing the frontiers of what is known and deploying different search techniques for doing so. But this is still taking place within the same basic cognitive frame – “business model as usual.” While the “bets” may have longer odds the decision making is still carried out against an underlying strategic model and sense of core competences. There may be debate and political behavior at strategic level about choices between radical options, but there is an underlying cognitive framework to define the arena in which this takes place and a sense of path dependency about the decisions taken. Often there is a sector-level trajectory – for example, Moore’s law shaping semiconductor, computer and related industry patterns. Although the activity is risky and exploratory, it is still governed strongly by the frame for the sector – as Pavitt observed there are certain sectoral patterns that shape the behavior of all the players in terms of their innovation strategies [46].

The structures involved in such selection activity are, of necessity, focused at high level – these are “big bets” – key strategic commitments rather than tactical investments. There are often tensions between the “exploit” and the “exploring” views and the boardroom battles between these two camps for resources are often tense. Since exploratory concepts carry high uncertainty, the decision to proceed becomes more of an “act of faith” than one which is matched by a clear, fact-based business case – and consequently emotional characteristics such as passion and enthusiasm on the part of the proposer – “champion” behavior – or personal endorsement by a senior player (“sponsorship” behavior) play a more significant role in persuading the decision-makers [47].

These first two zones represent familiar territory in discussion of exploit/explore in innovation selection. By contrast Zone 3 is associated with reframing. It involves searching and selecting from a space where alternative architectures are generated, exploring different permutations and combinations of elements in the environment. This process – essentially entrepreneurial – is risky and often results in failure but can also lead to emergence of new and powerful alternative business models (BMs). Significantly, this often happens by working with elements in the environment not embraced by established BMs – but this poses problems for existing incumbents, especially when the current BM is successful. Why change an apparently successful formula with relatively clear information about innovation options and well-established routines for managing the process? There is a strong reinforcing inertia about such systems for search and selection – the “value networks” take on the character of closed systems which operate as virtuous circles and – for as long as they are perceived to create value through innovation, act as inhibitors to reframing [48].

The example of low-cost airlines here is relevant – it involved developing a new way of framing the transportation business based on rethinking many of the elements – turnaround times at airports, different plane designs, different Internet-based booking and pricing models, so on – and also working with different new elements – essentially addressing markets like students and pensioners which had not been major elements in the “traditional” BM. Other examples where a reframing of BM has taken place include hub and spoke logistics, digital imaging, digital music distribution, and mobile telephony/computing. The critical point here is that such innovation does not necessarily involve pushing the technological frontier but rather about working with new architectures – new ways for framing what is already there.

Selection under these conditions is difficult using existing routines that work well for zones 1 and 2. While the innovations themselves may not be radical, they require consideration through a different lens and the kinds of information (and their perceived significance), which are involved may be unfamiliar or hard to obtain. For example, in moving into new underserved markets the challenge is that “traditional” market research and analysis techniques may be inappropriate for markets which effectively do not yet exist. Many of the “reasons” advanced for rejecting innovation proposals outlined in Table 7.3 can be mapped on to difficulties in managing selection in zone 3 territory – for example, “it’s not our business” relates to the lack of perceived competence in analysis of new and unfamiliar variables. “Not invented here” relates to similar lack of perceived experience, competence or involvement in a technological field, and the inability to analyze and take “rational” decisions about it. “It’s not a business” – relates to apparent market size, which in initial stages may appear small and unlikely to serve the growth needs of established incumbents. But such markets could grow – the challenge is seeing an alternative trajectory to the current dominant logic of the established business model [43,49].

Here the challenge is seeing a new possible pattern and absorbing and integrating new elements into it. This is hard to do because it requires cognitive reframing – but also because it challenges the existing system – something Machiavelli was aware of many centuries ago.2 Powerful social forces toward conforming – groupthink, risky shift, and so on – come into play and reinforce a dominant line at senior levels [34]. This set of emotionally underpinned views is then rationalized with some of the statements in Table 7.3 – the “immune system” we referred to earlier. Significantly where there are examples of radical changes in mindset and subsequent strategic direction these often come about as a result of crisis – which has the effect of shattering the mindset – or with the arrival from outside of a new CEO with a different world view.

Zone 4 is where new-to-the-world innovation takes place – and represents the “edge of chaos” complex environment where such innovation emerges as a product of a process of coevolution [44,51,52]. This is not the product of a predefined trajectory so much as the result of complex interactions between independent elements. Processes of amplification and feedback reinforce what begin as small shifts in direction – attractor basins – and gradually define a trajectory. This is the pattern we saw in Chapter 1 in the “fluid” stage of the innovation life cycle before a dominant design emerges and sets the standard [53,54]. It is the state where all bets are potentially options – and high variety experimentation takes place. Selection strategies here are difficult since it is, by definition, impossible to predict what is going to be important or where the initial emergence will start and around which feedback and amplification will happen. Under such conditions, the strategy breaks down into three core principles – be in there, be in there early, and be in there influentially (i.e., in a position to be part of the feedback and amplification mechanisms) [51,55].

Examples here might be the emergence of product innovation categories for the first time – for example, the bicycle that emerged out of the nineteenth-century mix of possibilities created by iron-making technologies and social market demands for mass personal transportation [56]. The emergence of new techno-economic systems is essentially a process of coevolution among a complex set of elements rather than a reframing of them. Change here corresponds to what Perez calls “paradigm shift,” and examples include the Industrial Revolution or the emergence of the Internet-based society [57].

Once again this zone poses major challenges to an established set of selection routines – in this case, they are equipped to deal with uncertainty but in the form of “known unknowns,” whereas zone 4 is essentially “unknown unknowns” territory. Analytical tools and evidence-based decision making – for example, reviewing business cases – are inappropriate for judging plays in a game where the rules are unclear and even the board on which it is played has yet to be designed! An example here might be the ways in which the Internet and the products/services which it will carry will emerge as a result of a complex set of interactions among users. Or the ways in which chronic diseases like diabetes will be managed in a future, where the incidence is likely to rise, where the costs of treatment will rise faster than health budgets can cope, and where many different stakeholders are involved – clinicians, drug companies, insurance companies, carers, and patients themselves.

Table 8.5 below summarizes the challenges posed across our selection space and highlights the need to experiment with new approaches for selection in zones 3 and 4.

TABLE 8.5 Selection Challenges, Tools, and Enabling Structures

Zone Selection Challenges Tools and Methods Enabling Structures
1. “Business as usual” – innovation but under “steady-state” conditions, little disturbance around core business model Decisions taken on the basis of exploiting existing and understood knowledge and deploying in known fields. Incremental innovation aimed at refining and improving. Requires building strong ties with key players in existing value network and working with them “Good practice” new product/service development

Portfolio methods and clear decision criteria, stage-gate reviews along clear and established pathways
Formal and mainstream structures – established stage-gate process with defined review meetings

High involvement across organization roles and functions in the decision making
2. “Business model as usual” – bounded exploration within this frame Exploration – pushing frontiers of technology and market via calculated risks – “buying a look” at new options through strategic investments in further research. Involves risk-taking and high uncertainty Advanced tools for risk assessment – e.g., R&D options and futures. Multiple portfolio methods and “fuzzy front end” toolkit – bubble charts, etc. Criteria used are a mix of financial and nonfinancial. Judgmental methods allow for some influence of passion and enthusiasm – the “Dragon’s Den” effect May form part of existing stage gate and review system with extra attention being devoted to higher risk projects at early stages. May also involve special meetings outside that frame – and decision making will be at strategic (board) level rather than operational
3. Alternative frame – taking in new/different elements in environment Reframe – explore alternative options, introduce new elements. Challenge involves decision making under uncertainty but not simply a problem of lack of information and the need to take risky bets to learn more. Here there is also the issue of unfamiliar frames of reference and the difficulty of letting go of a dominant logic. Cognitive dissonance means that incumbents have trouble “forgetting” enough to see the environment through “new eyes” May use variations of existing toolkit – e.g., portfolio methods but extend the parameters – e.g., “fuzzy front end,” bubble charts, etc.

Alternative futures and visioning tools

Constructed crisis

Prototyping – probe and learn

Creativity techniques

Use of internal and external entrepreneurs to decentralize development of early business case

Alternative funding models and decentralized authority for early stage exploration
Unlikely to fit with established decision structures – stage gate and portfolio – since these are designed around established business model frame. Needs parallel or alternative evaluation structures – at least for early stage
4. Radical – new to the world – possibilities. New architecture around as yet unknown and established elements Emergence – need to coevolve with stakeholders
  • Be in there
  • Be in there early
  • Be in there actively
Complexity theory – feedback and amplification, probe and learn, prototyping and use of boundary objects Far from mainstream

Satellite structures – skunk works or even outside the firm

“Licensed dreamers”

Outside agents and facilitators

Research Note 8.1 offers some tools to help with high uncertainty decision making.


In this chapter, we have looked at some of the challenges in making the selection decision – moving from considering all the possible trigger signals about what we could do in terms of innovation to committing resources to some particular projects. This quickly raises the issue of uncertainty and how we convert it to some kind of manageable risk – and build a portfolio of projects spreading this risk. Tools and techniques for doing so for incremental innovation are relatively straightforward (though there is never a guarantee of success) but as we increase the radical nature of the innovation so there is a need for different approaches. The problem is further compounded because of the simplifying assumptions we make when framing the complex world – and the risk is that in selecting projects that fit our frame we may miss important opportunities or challenges. For this reason, we need techniques that help the organization look and make decisions “outside the box” of its normal frame of reference.

Chapter 8: Concept Check Questions

  1. Uncertainty increases during the life of an innovation project.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Financial measures are the only way to judge innovation projects.
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of these can result from a lack of portfolio management? (Several choices may be correct.)
A. No limits to the number of innovation projects taken on
B. Reluctance to “kill” projects under development
C. High failure rates in terms of cost and time overruns
D. Low technical performance on key product features
E. Too many low risk projects, lack of “stretch”
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. “Not invented here” describes:
A. An entry in a company’s product catalogue
B. An attitude in the organization towards novel ideas that accepts their technical and market potential but does not see the need to adopt them
C. A lack of R&D resources
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. An organization might use a “stage gate” system for innovation development in order to: (Several choices may be correct.)
A. Provide common rules of the game for product development
B. Make clear decisions at the right moment
C. Clarify responsibility for different aspects of the project
D. Restrict entry to high security parts of the R&D building
Correct or Incorrect?


Further Reading

The theme of innovation decision making, risk management, and the use of the stage-gate concept is extensively covered in the work of Robert Cooper and colleagues [2,4,32,66,67]. Tools for portfolio management and related approaches are discussed with good examples in Goffin and Mitchell’s book [68] and policy deployment approaches in Bessant [13] and Akao [69]. Gann, Dodgson, and Salter [20] and Schrage [64] explore the growing range of simulation and prototyping tools that can postpone the commitment decision point, while von Hippel and colleagues expand [70,71] on the user involvement theme [72,73]. Peter Koen’s work provides useful insights on fuzzy front end tools and methods (a good source is the PDMA Handbook [9]) and Julian Birkinshaw explores the challenges in developing “ambidextrous” decision-making structures [74]. A detailed review of the psychological issues and problems around reframing can be found in Hodgkinson and Sparrow [34], while the work of Karl Weick remains seminal in discussing the ways in which organizations try and make sense of complex worlds [75,76].

Useful websites include Innovation Excellence ( and that provide case examples and links to a wide range of innovation support resources and the Product Development Management Association ( that covers many of the decision tools used with practical examples of their application in the online “Visions” magazine. NESTA ( and AIM ( provide reports and research papers around core innovation themes including many of the issues raised in this chapter.

Case Studies

You can find a number of additional downloadable case studies at the companion website, including:

  • ABC Electronics exploring the implementation of portfolio management and a stage-gate system
  • Coloplast describing the operation of a typical stage-gate system – AIM – for Accelerating Ideas to Market
  • Philips Lighting describing how the transition in the underlying mindset when faced with radical innovation was managed
  • Lufthansa Systems and Liberty Global using different evaluation approaches in the context of online innovation platforms
  • Eastville Community Shop and Lifeline Energy as examples of innovation concept development in the field of social innovation

You can also find a wide range of tools to help work with concepts introduced during this chapter, again at the companion website.


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