

abnormal variation, 54

acceptance sampling techniques, 2

agenda, project kick-off meeting, 58

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2

American Society for Quality (ASQ), 2

assessments, 91

assignable variation, 15

assumptions, identifying, 26, 32

assurance. See project quality assurance

attributes, 79

audits, internal and external, 31


Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1–2

benchmarking, 50, 81

breakthrough dominance, 13

broad targets, 28–30

budget, 8, 49


cause-and-effect diagram, 48–49

closure. See project quality closure

co-partnership, 90–91

combination, 35


to plan, 44, 56

to project, 26, 38–40

common variation, 15

company-wide quality control (CWQC), 2

competence, 17

competitive parity, 13

concurrent engineering, 51

control. See project quality control

control charts, 2, 80

control limits, 79

core challenges

project quality assurance, 99–100

project quality closure, 101–102

project quality control, 100–101

project quality initiation, 97–98

project quality planning, 98–99

core project team

kick-off meeting, 58

project communications plan, 54–55

selecting, 26, 30

cost/benefit analysis, 50

cost of poor quality, 6–7

cost/quality tradeoffs, 29

cross-functional teams, 16

CSS. See customer significance-success matrix

customer capability, 90–91

customer satisfaction

importance of, 8, 10–12, 19

project quality assurance, 64–66

project quality closure, 87, 90–91

project quality control, 78–80

project quality initiation, 26–31

project quality planning, 41, 44–47

customer significance-success (CSS) matrix, 65–66

customer standards matrix, 44–45

customer tradeoffs, 45–47, 90

customers, 11

CWQC. See company-wide quality control


data and measurement matrix, 54–55

decision-making authority, 44, 47

delays, 68

deliverables, 78, 85

Deming, W. Edwards, 2

Deming Prize, 2

Dilbert effect, 16

dissatisfiers, 12


economic analysis tools, 2

efficiency problems, 82

EFQM. See European Foundation for Quality Management

empowered performance

importance of, 17–18, 20

project quality assurance, 64, 71–72

project quality closure, 87, 93

project quality control, 78, 85

project quality initiation, 26, 37–40

project quality planning, 56–60

ethical work culture, 26, 37–38

Ethical Work Culture Assessment (EWCA), 38, 107–110

European Commission, 2

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), 2

European Organization for Quality, 2

European Quality Award, 2

EWCA. See Ethical Work Culture Assessment

exciters/delighters, 12

explicit knowledge, 35

external customer quality assurance, 64–65

externalization, 35


fact-based decisions, 26, 34

fact-based management

importance of, 15–16, 19

project quality assurance, 64, 69–71

project quality closure, 87, 92

project quality control, 78, 82–85

project quality initiation, 26, 34–37

project quality planning, 53–55

feedback, 55, 66, 72–73

fishbone diagram, 48–49

five-stage project quality process model, 8

flowcharts, 26, 32, 82

fund allocation, 49


goals, 12

grade, 4–5

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 3


high-quality project teams, 16


impact, 17

incremental cost reduction, 13

individual empowerment, 17

Industrial Revolution, 1

initiation. See project quality initiation

integrated project quality activity matrix, 95–96

interim project termination review, 64, 67–68

internal customer quality assurance, 64–66

internalization, 35

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 2

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization


joint application design (JAD), 51

Juran, Joseph M., 2

JUSE. See Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers


kaizen, 13

key project stakeholders, 11

kick-off meetings, 44, 56–59

knowledge management process, 26, 32–34


lessons learned

project quality assurance, 64, 71

project quality closure, 90, 92

project quality control, 78, 85

project quality initiation, 26, 35–36

project quality planning, 44, 55


MacArthur, General Douglas, 2

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA), 2

manage by facts, 15–16, 19

management information systems (MIS), 4

MBNQA. See Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

meaningfulness, 17

metrics, 53–54

minutes, project kick-off meeting, 59

MIS. See management information systems

mistake proofing, 82

modes of project knowledge conversion, 35


narrow targets, 28–30

normal variation, 54


objectives, 12

operating principles, 26, 30–31

organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), 17

organizational objectives, 26, 28–30

organizational quality audits, 82

overcontrol, 15–16


Pareto diagrams, 82–84

PDCA. See plan-do-check-act model PERA. See Project Quality Participant

Empowerment Readiness Assessment

perceived quality, 5

performance, 5, 8

plan-do-check-act (PDCA) model

kick-off meeting process, 57

overview, 33–34

project communications plan, 54–55

planning. See project quality planning

plus-delta, 36–37, 55

PM Network, 84

PMBOK Guide, 3

PMI. See Project Management Institute

PMP. See Project Management Professional

proactive learning, 17

process benchmarking, 50

process capability tools, 82

process improvement

importance of, 13–15, 19

project quality assurance, 64, 67–69

project quality closure, 87, 91

project quality control, 78, 80–82

project quality initiation, 26, 31–34

project quality planning, 48–53

process qualification

importance of, 13–15

project quality assurance, 67

project quality planning, 44, 52–53

process quality problems, 49, 80–81

process variation, 48

product tolerance specifications, 49

project, 7

project alignment process, 28–30

project change request form, 72–73

project charter, 38–40

project check sheets, 68–69

project communication plan, 44, 54–55

project core team, 26, 30, 54–55

project customer satisfaction, 26–28

project customer tradeoff matrix, 45–47

project customers, 11

project decision responsibility matrix, 47

project histograms, 68–69

project house of quality, 28–29

project inputs, 78–79

project lifecycle accountability matrix, 11

project management, 3–4

Project Management Institute (PMI), 3

Project Management Professional (PMP), 3

project manager, 26–27, 47, 58, 71–72

project outputs, 80

project process design problems, 81

project processes, controlling, 79–80

project product design problems, 81

project quality assurance

core challenges, 99–100

customer satisfaction, 64–66

definition, 8–9, 61

empowered performance, 64, 71–72

fact-based management, 64, 69–71

factors table, 63

flowchart, 63

importance of understanding, 20

process improvement, 64, 67–69

project quality audits, 64, 70

project quality closure

core challenges, 101–102

customer satisfaction, 87, 90–91

definition, 8–9, 87

empowered performance, 87, 93

fact-based management, 87, 92

factors table, 90

flowchart, 89

importance of understanding, 20

process improvement, 87, 91

project quality control

core challenges, 100–101

customer satisfaction, 78–80

definition, 8–9, 75

empowered performance, 78, 85

fact-based management, 78, 82–85

factors table, 78

flowchart, 77

importance of understanding, 20

process improvement, 78, 80–82

project quality initiation

core challenges, 97–98

customer satisfaction, 26–31

definition, 8–9, 23

empowered performance, 37–40

fact-based management, 34–37

factors table, 26

flowchart, 25

importance of understanding, 20

process improvement, 31–34

project quality lessons learned, 26, 36–37

project quality management, 1–3

Project Quality Participant Empowerment

Readiness Assessment (PERA), 26–27, 103–105

project quality planning

core challenges, 98–99

customer satisfaction, 41, 44–47

empowered performance, 44, 56–60

fact-based management, 44, 53–55

factors table, 44

flowchart, 43

importance of, 8–9, 20

process improvement, 4, 48–53

project run charts, 82–83

project selection, 26, 38

project sponsor, 26–27, 58

project stakeholders, 10, 54, 71–72

project team, 30



customer tradeoffs, 45–47

relationship to grade, 4–5

quality context model, 9, 23–24, 42, 62, 76, 88

quality control tools, 78, 82–83

Quality Digest, 84

quality function deployment tools, 82

quality management, 1–3

quality management plan, 44, 49–50

quality performance grid, 5–6

quality policy, 26, 31

quality problems, 49, 80–81

Quality Progress, 84

quality strategic planning, 12

quality system, 13


random variation, 15

R&D. See research and development

recognition and rewards, 90, 93

reengineering, 81

referrals, 90, 93

replanning, 44, 53

research and development (R&D), 4

respect, 18

responsible choice, 17

rework, 83

risks, identifying, 26, 32

run charts, 82–83


satisfiers, 12

schedule, 8, 45–47, 90

selecting projects, 26, 38

semistructured process quality problems, 80–81

Shewart, Walter, 1

SIPOC. See supplier-input-process-output-customer model

Six Sigma, 78, 81–82

Six Sigma quality, 3

socialization, 35

special variation, 15

stakeholders, 10, 54

statistical quality control, 2

statistical quality control charts, 15–16, 70–71

statistical tools, 82

statistical variation, 15

strategic planning, 12

structured process quality problems, 80–81

suboptimization, 12

supplier-input-process-output-customer (SIPOC)

model, 52, 54


tacit knowledge, 35

team charter, 30

tests, designing additional as needed, 71

time deadlines, 49

tolerances, 79

Total Quality Management (TQM), 3

TQM. See Total Quality Management


undercontrol, 16

Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), 2

unstructured performance problems, 81

unstructured process quality problems, 80–81


variables, 54, 79

variation, 48


work performance, 17

work process, 13

work system, 12

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