African adages, 96, 110
Alexander the Great, 6
American Law Institute, 57
American Research and
Development Corporation, 71
analytical techniques, 7
avoiding groupthink and
bossthink in, 36–37
cost-benefit approach to,
17, 40
cost-risk approach to, 17, 40, 55
Feuerstein and Malden Mills
case study and lack of, 31, 33
first three questions used
together in, 93
gray areas and, 3–4, 6, 121, 139,
humanist perspectives on,
11–12, 142
judgment used in, 124, 127
management work with, 7,
11–12, 19, 49, 111
need to make a decision after
completing, 129
“plain English” approach in, 38
simple decision trees in, 35
Sloan’s use of, 125–126
stakeholders and, 58–59
unconscious and instinctive
decision making versus, 23
who we are question without
using, 108–109
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 49,
Apple, 56–57
Aristotle, 9, 17, 47n, 72, 100, 112,
124, 153–155
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 78
atomic bombs, Truman’s order
on, 44–45, 49, 60, 70
Austen, Jane, 31
Averroes, 47n
Barnard, Chester, 108
Bayes, Thomas, 32, 162n23,
Bentham, Jeremy, 16–17, 18, 19,
Berlin, Isaiah, 147
Bible, 78
Bickel, Alexander, 27, 161n17
Biogen Idec, 50–51, 55, 60, 63, 83,
88–89, 94, 110
bossthink, 36–37
Bruner, Jerome, 112–113
Index.indd 181 11/06/16 9:36 AM
Buddhism, 124
Buffett, Warren, 109
Burke, Edmund, 61, 168n24
Burton, Richard Francis, 143
Catholic Church, 37, 46, 149,
164n5, 174n11
Cato, 136
character and judgment, in
decision making, 123–127
China, Yahoo!’s role in arrest case
in, 102–105, 116–117
Christ, 9, 36, 39
Christensen, C. Roland, 85
Christianity, 46, 67, 149
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 47, 77
clinical trials
case study involving. See
Mullen, Jim, and Tysabri
drug case study
clear, overriding duty to focus
on patients in, 63
family demands for new drug
in, 83
legal and ethical duties in,
51–52, 59–60
side effects and risks from new
drug during, 51, 52, 85, 88–89
Clinton, Bill, 15
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 17,
Communism, 40
benefits of living in, 96
Cicero on duties to, 47
Confucius on duties to, 47
constitutive relationships in, 99,
142, 173n4
core human obligations and,
corporate duties to stakeholders
in, 58
Feuerstein and Malden Mills
case study and commitment
to, 14–15, 35, 90, 110
individuals shaped by, 118
managers’ duties to, 57
managers’ lives in, 96. See also
who we are question
Mozi on rulers and, 20
mystic chords of memory and,
99, 118
problem solving and questions
about what really matters in,
142, 145
shared norms and values of, 8,
103, 104–107, 133, 140, 145
Confucius, 9, 20, 47, 72, 125,
169n33, 175n13
consequences question. See net,
net consequences question
constitutive relationships, 99, 142,
Cook, Tim, 56–57
core obligations question, 8, 43–70
challenges while grappling
with, 49–50
common natural duties to each
other as human beings and,
46–49, 107, 163n2
economic realities and, 54–57
Index.indd 182 11/06/16 9:36 AM
moral imagination and, 54,
60–64, 65–66, 68
Mullen and Tysabri drug case
study on, 50–54, 55, 59–60,
62, 63, 67
practical challenges in, 50–54
practical guidance in, 54–69
religious views on, 46–47
stakeholders and, 58–60
Thompson-Wilson HR case
study and, 60–61
trade-offs in decisions and, 69–70
Truman’s order on atomic
bombs as example of, 44–45
understanding basic duties as a
human being and, 44, 46
using with other questions,
cost-benefit analysis, 17, 40
cost-risk analysis, 17, 40, 55
decision making
Bentham’s approach to, 16–17
character and judgment in,
consequences of. See net, net
consequences question
devil’s advocate tactic in, 37
experience of individuals in
making, 30
explaining and moving ahead
after, 139–141
focus on process in, 26–29
full human consequences
considered in, 20–21
future as range of possibilities
and unknowns in, 32–33
getting right people involved
in, 29–31
groupthink and bossthink in,
human process in, 23–24
importance of considering
impact of, 13
intuition in, 25–26, 126, 127,
130, 131, 136
Mill’s approach to, 17–18
Mozi on “inclusive care”
approach to, 20, 23
“plain English” approach in, 38
probabilities used in making,
32, 34, 162n34
simple decision tree in, 31–36
struggle as part of process of,
thinking broadly about, 16–18,
thinking deeply about, 18–21,
trial decision in, 136–139
unconscious forces shaping, 24
unintended, secondary
consequences of, 22–23
writing down decision for
clarity, 140
decision trees, 31–36
“Dejection” (Coleridge), 17, 159n4
Delphic Oracle, 128
de Maupassant, Guy, 140
de Montaigne, Michel, 85, 106,
147, 148
Index.indd 183 11/06/16 9:36 AM
devil’s advocate tactic, 37
Doriot, Georges Frederic, 71–72
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 108
drug industry
Food and Drug Administration
and, 82–83
new drug development case
study with. See Mullen, Jim,
and Tysabri drug case study
side effects and risks from new
drug in, 51, 52, 85, 88–89, 94
common natural duties to
each other as human beings,
46–49, 69, 163n2
communities and, 47–48
dominant, of managers, 55–56
duty not to seriously impair or
risk lives of others, 62
to family members, 47, 97–98
Feuerstein and Malden Mills
case study on, 59
Friedman-Fletcher HR case
study on, 93
future interests and, 59
human duty of managers and,
ingrained, since childhood, 53
legal and regulatory aspects of,
52, 56
of managers to shareholders,
55–57, 58–59, 63
Mullen and Tysabri drug case
study and, 51–52, 54, 59–60,
63, 67
multiplicity of, 52–53
obligation to treat others with
respect and dignity and, 62–63
rights and, 47–48, 52
Truman’s order on atomic
bombs and, 45
Eastern traditions, 47, 47n77
Einstein, Albert, 101
economic consequences of
decisions, 16, 36
economic realities
gray area decisions and, 54–57
in organizations, and managers,
36, 63
profit maximization and, 55,
56–57, 58, 167n17
stakeholders and, 58–59, 68
emotional reactions to gray areas,
23, 29, 33
empathy, sense of, 48, 175n13
ethically sensitive pragmatism,
ethical responsibilities, 80
evolution, and human nature, 8,
48, 101–102, 153–158
evolutionary theory, 21, 46, 101
existentialism, 126, 128, 177n10
“plain English” approach and, 38
as right people to be involved in
decision making, 30–31
explaining yourself exercise,
explanations of final decisions,
Index.indd 184 11/06/16 9:36 AM
Feuerstein, Aaron, and Malden
Mills case study, 90, 139
analysis of options by, 30–34, 35
background and overview of,
duties in, 59
gray area decision in, 14
initial decision to rebuild in,
105, 107
longer term obligations to
stakeholders and, 59
net, net consequences question
and, 14–15, 22–23, 25, 30–34,
35, 36
personal commitment to workers
and their communities in,
14–15, 25, 99, 110
public reaction to Feuerstein’s
decisions and, 14, 15, 99
right people involved in
decision making and, 30–31
simplistic approach to gains and
losses in, 110
unintended, secondary
consequences of, 22–23
Filo, Jerry, 103
firefighters, decision-making
skills of, 30
five questions approach to
gray areas, 1–2, 7–9. See
also specific questions: core
obligations question; net, net
consequences question; what
can I live with question; what
will work in the world as it is
question; who we are question
engagement over centuries
with basic questions in, 9
as everyday tools for managers,
list of, 8
phrasing of questions in, 8
as a working philosophy of
management, 10–12
Fletcher, Terry, 74–76, 81, 82, 85,
86–87, 90, 91, 93, 114–115,
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), 50, 82–83, 88
Franklin, Benjamin, 128, 170n9
Friedman, Becky (HR case study),
74–76, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86–87,
90, 91, 92, 93, 114–115, 122
Future and Its Enemies, The
( Postrel), 59
Gandhi, Mohandas, 28
General Motors, 125–126
Godwin, William, 97, 173n3
golden mean (Aristotle), 124
Golden Rule, 67–68, 169n33
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 37
debate over monitoring of
private phone calls by, 69
duties of citizens to, 47
new drug clinical trials and, 51,
philosophers on, 79–80
Yahoo!’s role in arrest case in
China and, 102–105, 116–117
Index.indd 185 11/06/16 9:36 AM
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