For more than a decade, I have had the great good fortune,
personally and professionally, of working with a remarkable
group of colleagues on an important challenge. Together, we
have designed and taught a course called Leadership and
Corporate Accountability. This is a required course for all
nine hundred students in the first year of the Harvard MBA
program, and it teaches them about the economic, legal, and
ethical responsibilities they will take on as managers.
For me, working with the LCA group has been a decade-
long seminar in the conceptual, historical, legal, and practical
aspects of making hard, important decisions in organiza-
tions. Some of my colleagues in this group came from a range
of traditional academic disciplines, and others had years of
experience as managers and executives. As a result, when I
began writing about gray area problems, I drew heavily on
all I had learned from these colleagues, and that is why this
book is dedicated to them.
In addition, a number of my colleagues have read drafts
of this book, and their suggestions improved it significantly.
I am particularly indebted to Lena Goldberg, Richard
Hamermesh, Nien-he Hsieh, Karthik Ramanna, Joshua
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Margolis, Henry McGee, Lynn Paine, Sandra Sucher,
Clayton Rose, and Ken Winston.
From the beginning to the end of this project, my editor,
Melinda Merino, made innumerable valuable suggestions, as
did Rafe Sagalyn and Jerry Useem at critical junctures.
My family was also involved in this project from start to
finish. My daughters, Maria, Luisa, and Gabriella, and my
sons-in-law, Lee Lockwood and Michael Duffy, all provided
encouragement and ideas. Finally, over several years, my
wife, Patricia O’Brien, patiently listened to my ideas about
this book and read several drafts of it. She provided encour-
agement, criticism, suggestions, corrections, and many valu-
able ideas that contributed immeasurably to this effort.
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