The Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

The CRI is a gRPC API, containing specifications/requirements and libraries for container runtimes to integrate with kubelet on a node. In Kubernetes 1.7, the internal Docker integration in Kubernetes was replaced with a CRI-based integration. This is a big deal. It opened the door to multiple implementations that take advantage of advances in the field of container. The Kubelet doesn't need to interface directly with multiple runtimes. Instead, it can talk to any CRI-compliant container runtime. The following diagram illustrates the flow:

There are two gRPC service interfaces—ImageService and RuntimeService—that CRI container runtimes (or shims) must implement. The ImageService is responsible for managing images. Here is the gRPC/protobuf interface (this is not Go):

service ImageService { 
    rpc ListImages(ListImagesRequest) returns (ListImagesResponse) {} 
    rpc ImageStatus(ImageStatusRequest) returns (ImageStatusResponse) {} 
    rpc PullImage(PullImageRequest) returns (PullImageResponse) {} 
    rpc RemoveImage(RemoveImageRequest) returns (RemoveImageResponse) {} 
    rpc ImageFsInfo(ImageFsInfoRequest) returns (ImageFsInfoResponse) {} 

The RuntimeService is responsible for managing pods and containers. Here is the gRPC/profobug interface:

service RuntimeService { 
    rpc Version(VersionRequest) returns (VersionResponse) {} 
    rpc RunPodSandbox(RunPodSandboxRequest) returns (RunPodSandboxResponse) {} 
    rpc StopPodSandbox(StopPodSandboxRequest) returns (StopPodSandboxResponse) {} 
    rpc RemovePodSandbox(RemovePodSandboxRequest) returns (RemovePodSandboxResponse) {} 
    rpc PodSandboxStatus(PodSandboxStatusRequest) returns (PodSandboxStatusResponse) {} 
    rpc ListPodSandbox(ListPodSandboxRequest) returns (ListPodSandboxResponse) {} 
    rpc CreateContainer(CreateContainerRequest) returns (CreateContainerResponse) {} 
    rpc StartContainer(StartContainerRequest) returns (StartContainerResponse) {} 
    rpc StopContainer(StopContainerRequest) returns (StopContainerResponse) {} 
    rpc RemoveContainer(RemoveContainerRequest) returns (RemoveContainerResponse) {} 
    rpc ListContainers(ListContainersRequest) returns (ListContainersResponse) {} 
    rpc ContainerStatus(ContainerStatusRequest) returns (ContainerStatusResponse) {} 
    rpc UpdateContainerResources(UpdateContainerResourcesRequest) returns (UpdateContainerResourcesResponse) {} 
    rpc ExecSync(ExecSyncRequest) returns (ExecSyncResponse) {} 
    rpc Exec(ExecRequest) returns (ExecResponse) {} 
    rpc Attach(AttachRequest) returns (AttachResponse) {} 
    rpc PortForward(PortForwardRequest) returns (PortForwardResponse) {} 
    rpc ContainerStats(ContainerStatsRequest) returns (ContainerStatsResponse) {} 
    rpc ListContainerStats(ListContainerStatsRequest) returns (ListContainerStatsResponse) {} 
    rpc UpdateRuntimeConfig(UpdateRuntimeConfigRequest) returns (UpdateRuntimeConfigResponse) {} 
    rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {} 

The data types used as arguments and return types are called messages, and are also defined as part of the API. Here is one of them:

message CreateContainerRequest { 
    string pod_sandbox_id = 1; 
    ContainerConfig config = 2; 
    PodSandboxConfig sandbox_config = 3; 

As you can see, messages can be embedded inside each other. The CreateContainerRequest message has one string field and two other fields, which are themselves messages: ContainerConfig and PodSandboxConfig.

Now that you are familiar at the code level with the Kubernetes runtime engine, let's look at the individual runtime engines briefly.

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