Adding additional indexes

Since PostgreSQL 9.6, there has been an easy way to deploy entirely new index types as extensions. This is pretty cool because if those index types provided by PostgreSQL are not enough, it is possible to add additional ones that serve your purpose. The instruction to do this is CREATE ACCESS METHOD:


Description: define a new access method
TYPE access_method_type
HANDLER handler_function


Don't worry too much about this command—if you ever deploy your own index type, it will come as a ready-to-use extension.

One of these extensions implements bloom filters. bloom filters are probabilistic data structures. They sometimes return too many rows, but never too few. Therefore, a bloom filter is a good way to pre-filter data.

How does it work? A bloom filter is defined on a couple of columns. A bitmask is calculated based on the input values, which is then compared to your query. The upside of a bloom filter is that you can index as many columns as you want. The downside is that the entire bloom filter has to be read. Of course, the bloom filter is smaller than the underlying data and so it is, in many cases, very beneficial.

To use the bloom filters, just activate the extension, which is a part of the PostgreSQL contrib package:

test=# CREATE EXTENSION bloom;  

As we stated previously, the idea behind a bloom filter is that it allows you to index as many columns as you want. In many real-world applications, the challenge is to index many columns without knowing which combinations the user will actually need at runtime. In the case of a large table, it is totally impossible to create standard B-tree indexes on, say, 80 fields or more. A bloom filter might be an alternative in this case:

test=# CREATE TABLE t_bloom (x1 int, x2 int, x3 int, x4 int, 
x5 int, x6 int, x7 int); CREATE TABLE

Creating the index is easy:

test=# CREATE INDEX idx_bloom ON t_bloom USING bloom(x1, x2, x3, x4, 
x5, x6, x7); CREATE INDEX

If sequential scans are turned off, the index can be seen in action:

test=# SET enable_seqscan TO off; 
test=# explain SELECT * FROM t_bloom WHERE x5 = 9 AND x3 = 7;
Bitmap Heap Scan on t_bloom (cost=18.50..22.52 rows=1 width=28)
Recheck Cond: ((x3 = 7) AND (x5 = 9))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_bloom (cost=0.00..18.50 rows=1 width=0)
Index Cond: ((x3 = 7) AND (x5 = 9))

Note that I have queried a combination of random columns; they are not related to the actual order in the index. The bloom filter will still be beneficial.

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