Predicting handwritten digits

Our final application for neural networks will be the handwritten digit prediction task. In this task, the goal is to build a model that will be presented with an image of a numerical digit (0–9) and the model must predict which digit is being shown. We will use the MNIST database of handwritten digits from

From this page, we have downloaded and unzipped the two training files train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz and train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz. The former contains the data from the images and the latter contains the corresponding digit labels. The advantage of using this website is that the data has already been preprocessed by centering each digit in the image and scaling the digits to a uniform size. To load the data, we've used information from the website about the IDX format to write two functions:

read_idx_image_data <- function(image_file_path) {
  con <- file(image_file_path, "rb")
  magic_number <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
                          endian = "big")
  n_images <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
  n_rows <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
                    endian = "big")
  n_cols <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
                    endian = "big")
  n_pixels <- n_images * n_rows * n_cols
  pixels <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = n_pixels, size = 1, 
                    signed = F)
  image_data <- matrix(pixels, nrow = n_images, ncol = n_rows * 
                       n_cols, byrow = T)

read_idx_label_data <- function(label_file_path) {
  con <- file(label_file_path, "rb")
  magic_number <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
                          endian = "big")
  n_labels <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, 
                      endian = "big")
  label_data <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = n_labels, size = 1, 
                        signed = F)

We can then load our two data files by issuing the following two commands:

> mnist_train <- read_idx_image_data("train-images-idx3-ubyte")
> mnist_train_labels <- read_idx_label_data("train-labels-idx1-
> str(mnist_train)
 int [1:60000, 1:784] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
> str(mnist_train_labels)
 int [1:60000] 5 0 4 1 9 2 1 3 1 4 ...

Each image is represented by a 28-pixel by 28-pixel matrix of grayscale values in the range 0 to 255, where 0 is white and 255 is black. Thus, our observations each have 282 = 784 feature values. Each image is stored as a vector by rasterizing the matrix from right to left and top to bottom. There are 60,000 images in the training data, and our mnist_train object stores these as a matrix of 60,000 rows by 78 columns so that each row corresponds to a single image. To get an idea of what our data looks like, we can visualize the first seven images:

Predicting handwritten digits

To analyze this data set, we will introduce our third and final R package for training neural network models, RSNNS. This package is actually an R wrapper around the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS), a popular software package containing standard implementations of neural networks in C created at the University of Stuttgart.

The package authors have added a convenient interface for the many functions in the original software. One of the benefits of using this package is that it provides several of its own functions for data processing, such as splitting the data into a training and test set. Another is that it implements many different types of neural networks, not just MLPs. We will begin by normalizing our data to the unit interval by dividing by 255 and then indicating that our output is a factor with each level corresponding to a digit:

> mnist_input <- mnist_train / 255
> mnist_output <- as.factor(mnist_train_labels)

Although the MNIST website already contains separate files with test data, we have chosen to split the training data file as the models already take quite a while to run. The reader is encouraged to repeat the analysis that follows with the supplied test files as well. To prepare the data for splitting, we will randomly shuffle our images in the training data:

> set.seed(252)
> mnist_index <- sample(1:nrow(mnist_input), nrow(mnist_input))
> mnist_data <- mnist_input[mnist_index, 1:ncol(mnist_input)]
> mnist_out_shuffled <- mnist_output[mnist_index]

Next, we must dummy-encode our output factor as this is not done automatically for us. The decodeClassLabels() function from the RSNNS package is a convenient way to do this. Additionally, we will split our shuffled data into an 80–20 training and test set split using splitForTrainingAndTest(). This will store the features and labels for the training and test sets separately, which will be useful for us shortly.

Finally, we can also normalize our data using the normTrainingAndTestSet() function. To specify unit interval normalization, we must set the type parameter to 0_1:

> library("RSNNS")
> mnist_out <- decodeClassLabels(mnist_out_shuffled)
> mnist_split <- splitForTrainingAndTest(mnist_data, mnist_out, 
                                         ratio = 0.2)
> mnist_norm <- normTrainingAndTestSet(mnist_split, type = "0_1")

For comparison, we will train two MLP networks using the mlp() function. By default, this is configured for classification and uses the logistic function as the activation function for hidden layer neurons. The first model will have a single hidden layer with 100 neurons; the second model will use 300.

The first argument to the mlp() function is the matrix of input features and the second is the vector of labels. The size parameter plays the same role as the hidden parameter in the neuralnet package. That is to say, we can specify a single integer for a single hidden layer, or a vector of integers specifying the number of hidden neurons per layer when we want more than one hidden layer.

Next, we can use the inputsTest and targetsTest parameters to specify the features and labels of our test set beforehand, so that we can be ready to observe the performance on our test set in one call. The models we will train will take several hours to run. If we want to know how long each model took to run, we can save the current time using proc.time() before training a model and comparing it against the time when the model completes. Putting all this together, here is how we trained our two MLP models:

> start_time <- proc.time()
> mnist_mlp <- mlp(mnist_norm$inputsTrain, mnist_norm$targetsTrain, size = 100, inputsTest = mnist_norm$inputsTest, targetsTest = mnist_norm$targetsTest)
> proc.time() - start_time
    user   system  elapsed 
 2923.936    5.470 2927.415

> start_time <- proc.time()
> mnist_mlp2 <- mlp(mnist_norm$inputsTrain, mnist_norm$targetsTrain, size = 300, inputsTest = mnist_norm$inputsTest, targetsTest = mnist_norm$targetsTest)
> proc.time() - start_time
     user   system  elapsed 
 7141.687    7.488 7144.433

As we can see, the models take quite a long time to run (the values are in seconds). For reference, these were trained on a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 Apple MacBook Pro with 16 GB of memory. The model predictions on our test set are saved in the fittedTestValues attribute (and for our training set, they are stored in the fitted.values attribute). We will focus on test set accuracy. First, we must decode the dummy-encoded network outputs by selecting the binary column with the maximum value. We must also do this for the target outputs. Note that the first column corresponds to the digit 0.

> mnist_class_test <- (0:9)[apply(mnist_norm$targetsTest, 1, which.max)]
> mlp_class_test <- (0:9)[apply(mnist_mlp$fittedTestValues, 1, which.max)]
> mlp2_class_test <- (0:9)[apply(mnist_mlp2$fittedTestValues, 1, which.max)]

Now we can check the accuracy of our two models, as follows:

> mean(mnist_class_test == mlp_class_test)
[1] 0.974
> mean(mnist_class_test == mlp2_class_test)
[1] 0.981

The accuracy is very high for both models, with the second model slightly outperforming the first. We can use the confusionMatrix() function to see the errors made in detail:

> confusionMatrix(mnist_class_test, mlp2_class_test)
targets    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
      0 1226    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    3    1
      1    0 1330    5    3    0    0    0    3    0    1
      2    3    0 1135    3    2    1    1    5    3    0
      3    0    0    6 1173    0   11    1    5    6    1
      4    0    5    0    0 1143    1    5    5    0   10
      5    2    2    1   12    2 1077    7    3    5    4
      6    3    0    2    1    1    3 1187    0    1    0
      7    0    0    7    1    3    1    0 1227    1    4
      8    5    4    3    5    1    4    4    0 1110    5
      9    1    0    0    6    8    5    0   11    6 1164

As expected, we see quite a bit of symmetry in this matrix because certain pairs of digits are often harder to distinguish than others. For example, the most common pair of digits that the model confuses is the pair (3,5). The test data available on the website contains some examples of digits that are harder to distinguish from others.

By default, the mlp() function allows for a maximum of 100 iterations, via its maxint parameter. Often, we don't know the number of iterations we should run for a particular model; a good way to determine this is to plot the training and testing error rates versus iteration number. With the RSNNS package, we can do this with the plotIterativeError() function.

The following graphs show that for our two models, both errors plateau after 30 iterations:

Predicting handwritten digits

Receiver operating characteristic curves

In Chapter 3, Logistic Regression, we studied the precision-recall graph as an example of an important graph showing the trade-off between two important performance metrics of a binary classifier—precision and recall. In this chapter, we will present another related and commonly used graph to show binary classification performance, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

This curve is a plot of the true positive rate on the y axis and the false positive rate on the x axis. The true positive rate, as we know, is just the recall or, equivalently, the sensitivity of a binary classifier. The false positive rate is just 1 minus the specificity. A random binary classifier will have a true positive rate equal to the false positive rate and thus, on the ROC curve, the line y = x is the line showing the performance of a random classifier. Any curve lying above this line will perform better than a random classifier.

A perfect classifier will exhibit a curve from the origin to the point (0,1), which corresponds to a 100 percent true positive rate and a 0 percent false positive rate. We often talk about the ROC Area Under the Curve (ROC AUC) as a performance metric. The area under the random classifier is just 0.5 as we are computing the area under the line y = x on a unit square. By convention, the area under a perfect classifier is 1 as the curve passes through the point (0,1). In practice, we obtain values between these two. For our MNIST digit classifier, we have a multiclass problem, but we can use the plotROC() function of the RSNNS package to study the performance of our classifier on individual digits. The following plot shows the ROC curve for digit 1, which is almost perfect:

Receiver operating characteristic curves
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