Predicting promoter gene sequences

The first application we will study in detail comes from the field of biology. There, we learn that the basic building blocks of DNA molecules are actually four fundamental molecules known as nucleotides. These are called Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Guanine, and it is the order in which these molecules appear in a DNA strand that encodes the genetic information carried by the DNA.

An interesting problem in molecular biology is finding promoter sequences within a larger DNA strand. These are special sequences of nucleotides that play an important role in regulating a genetic process known as gene transcription. This is the first step in the mechanism by which information in the DNA is read.

The molecular biology (promoter gene sequences) data set, hosted by the UCI Machine Learning repository at contains a number of gene sequences from DNA belonging to the bacterium E. Coli.

The predictive task at hand is to build a model that will discern promoter gene sequences from non-promoter gene sequences. We will approach this problem using HMMs. Specifically, we will build an HMM for promoters and an HMM for non-promoters, and we will pick the model that gives us the highest probability for a test sequence in order to label that sequence:

> promoters <- read.csv("", header = F, dec = ",", 
               strip.white = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> promoters[1,]
  V1  V2                                                        V3
1  + S10 tactagcaatacgcttgcgttcggtggttaagtatgtataatgcgcgggcttgtcgt

Note that it is important to strip whitespace using the strip.white = TRUE parameter setting in the call to read.csv() as some fields have leading tab characters. The first column in the data frame contains a + or - to denote promoters or non-promoters respectively. The second column is just an identifier for the particular sequence and the third column is the sequence of nucleotides itself. We'll begin by separating the data into positive and negative observations of promoter sequences using the first column:

> positive_observations <- subset(promoters, V1 == '+', 3)
> negative_observations <- subset(promoters, V1 == '-', 3)

In order to train our HMMs, we want to concatenate all the observations from each class into a single observation. We do, however, want to store information about the start and end of each sequence. Consequently, we will prepend each sequence with the character S to denote the start of a sequence and append each sequence with the character X to denote the end of a sequence:

> positive_observations <- sapply(positive_observations, 
                           function(x) paste("S", x, "X", sep=""))
> negative_observations <- sapply(negative_observations, 
                           function(x) paste("S", x, "X", sep=""))
> positive_observations[1]
[1] "StactagcaatacgcttgcgttcggtggttaagtatgtataatgcgcgggcttgtcgtX"

Next, we will split each observation from a string into a vector of characters using the strsplit() function, which takes a string to split as the first argument and the character to use as the split points. Here, we use an empty character on which to split, so that the whole string is broken up into single characters.

> positive_observations <- strsplit(positive_observations, "")
> negative_observations <- strsplit(negative_observations, "")
> head(positive_observations[[1]], n = 15)
 [1] "S" "t" "a" "c" "t" "a" "g" "c" "a" "a" "t" "a" "c" "g" "c"

Now we have to specify the probability matrices for the HMM models that we want to train. In this particular situation, the states have a one-to-one correspondence with the emitted symbols, so in fact this type of problem can be simplified to a visible Markov model, which in this case is just a Markov chain. Nonetheless, the process we will follow for modeling this problem as an HMM is the same we would follow in the more general case of having multiple symbols assigned to each state. We are going to assume that both positive and negative HMM models involve four states corresponding to the four nucleotides. Although both models will emit the same symbols in each state, they will differ in their transition probabilities from one state to the next.

Apart from the four states we mentioned earlier, we created a special terminating state at the end of each sequence using the symbol X. We also created a special starting state, which we called S, so that the starting probability of all the other states is 0. In addition, the emission probabilities are trivial to compute as only one symbol is emitted per state. Due to the one-to-one correspondence between states and symbols, we will use the same alphabet to represent the states and the symbols they emit:

> states <- c("S", "X", "a", "c", "g", "t")
> symbols <- c("S", "X", "a", "c", "g", "t")
> startingProbabilities <- c(1,0,0,0,0,0)
> emissionProbabilities <- diag(6)
> colnames(emissionProbabilities) <- states
> rownames(emissionProbabilities) <- symbols
> emissionProbabilities
  S X a c g t
S 1 0 0 0 0 0
X 0 1 0 0 0 0
a 0 0 1 0 0 0
c 0 0 0 1 0 0
g 0 0 0 0 1 0
t 0 0 0 0 0 1

Computing the transition probability matrix requires us to do a bit more work. Thus, we defined our own function for this: calculateTransitionProbabilities(). The input to this function is a single vector of training sequences concatenated with each other, along with a vector containing the names of the states.

The function first computes an empty transition probability matrix. By cycling over each consecutive pair of states, it tallies up counts of state transitions. After all the data have been traversed, we normalize the transition probability matrix by dividing each row of the matrix by the sum of the elements in that row. This is done because the rows of this matrix must sum to one. We use the sweep() function, which allows us to apply a function on every element of the matrix using a summary statistic. Here is calculateTransitionProbabilities():

calculateTransitionProbabilities <- function(data, states) {

  transitionProbabilities <- matrix(0, length(states), length(states))
  colnames(transitionProbabilities) <- states
  rownames(transitionProbabilities) <- states

  for (index in 1:(length(data) - 1)) {
    current_state <- data[index]
    next_state <- data[index + 1]
    transitionProbabilities[current_state, next_state] <- 
           transitionProbabilities[current_state, next_state] + 1

  transitionProbabilities <- sweep(transitionProbabilities, 1, 
           rowSums(transitionProbabilities), FUN = "/")

Now we are ready to train our models. The key observation to make on this data set is that we have very few observations, just 53 of each class in fact. This data set is too small to set a portion aside for testing. Instead, we will implement leave-one-out cross validation to estimate the accuracy of our models. To do this, we will begin by leaving an observation out from the positive observations. This leaves all the negative observations available for computing the transition probability matrix for our negative HMM:

> negative_observation<-Reduce(function(x, y) c(x, y), 
                               negative_observations, c())
> (transitionProbabilitiesNeg <- 
   calculateTransitionProbabilities(negative_observation, states))
  S          X         a         c         g         t
S 0 0.00000000 0.2264151 0.2830189 0.1320755 0.3584906
X 1 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
a 0 0.02168022 0.2113821 0.2696477 0.2506775 0.2466125
c 0 0.01256983 0.2500000 0.1634078 0.2667598 0.3072626
g 0 0.01958225 0.3133159 0.2480418 0.1919060 0.2271540
t 0 0.01622971 0.1885144 0.2434457 0.2946317 0.2571785

When in the start state (S), we can randomly move to a nucleotide state, but have zero probability of moving to the stop state (X) or staying in the start state. When in the nucleotide states, we can randomly transition to any state except back to the start state. Finally, the only valid transition from a stop state is to the start state for a new sequence.

We now introduce the HMM package in R, which is for working with hidden Markov models, as the name implies. We can initialize an HMM with a specific set of parameters using the initHMM() function. As expected, this takes five inputs corresponding to the five components of a Hidden Markov model, which we discussed earlier.

> library("HMM")
> negative_hmm <- initHMM(states, symbols, startProbs = 
  startingProbabilities, transProbs = transitionProbabilitiesNeg,
  emissionProbs = emissionProbabilities)

The next step is to build the positive HMM, but we will have to do this multiple times, leaving out one observation for testing. This test observation will then be processed by the negative HMM model we trained earlier and the positive HMM that was trained without that observation. If the positive HMM predicts a higher probability for the test observation than the negative HMM, our model will correctly classify the test observation. The following block of code performs a loop of these calculations for every positive observation:

> incorrect <- 0
> for (obs in 1 : length(positive_observations)) {
     positive_observation <- Reduce(function(x, y) c(x, y), 
                             positive_observations[-obs], c())
     transitionProbabilitiesPos  <- 
    calculateTransitionProbabilities(positive_observation, states)
     positive_hmm <- initHMM(states, symbols, 
                          startProbs = startingProbabilities, 
                          transProbs = transitionProbabilitiesPos, 
                          emissionProbs = emissionProbabilities)
     test_observation <- positive_observations[[obs]]
     final_index <- length(test_observation)
     pos_probs <- exp(forward(positive_hmm, test_observation))
     neg_probs <- exp(forward(negative_hmm, test_observation))
     pos_seq_prob <- sum(pos_probs[, final_index])
     neg_seq_prob <- sum(neg_probs[, final_index])
     if (pos_seq_prob < neg_seq_prob) incorrect <- incorrect + 1

We'll now walk through the previous code block. Firstly, we keep track of any mistakes we make using the incorrect variable. For every observation in our positive observations list, we'll train a positive HMM without this observation. This observation then becomes our test observation.

To find the probability of a particular sequence given a particular HMM, we used the forward() function, which computes a matrix containing the logarithm of all the forward probabilities for every step in the observation sequence. The final column in this matrix, whose numerical index is just the length of the sequence, contains the forward probability for the whole sequence. We compute the positive sequence probability using the positive HMM that we trained and use the exp() to undo the logarithm operation (although not strictly necessarily in this case, where we just need a comparison). We repeat this for the negative sequence probability using the negative HMM. As our test observation was one of the positive observations, we will misclassify only if the negative sequence probability is greater than the positive sequence probability. After our code block completes its execution, we can see how many mistakes we have made:

> incorrect
[1] 13

This means that out of the 53 positive observations, we misclassified 13 and correctly classified 40. We are not done yet, though, as we need to do a similar loop with the negative observations. This time, we will train a positive HMM once with all the positive observations:

> positive_observation <- Reduce(function(x, y) c(x, y), 
                                 positive_observations, c())
> transitionProbabilitiesPos  <- 
  calculateTransitionProbabilities(positive_observation, states)
> positive_hmm = initHMM(states, symbols, startProbs = 
  startingProbabilities, transProbs = transitionProbabilitiesPos, 
  emissionProbs = emissionProbabilities)

Next, we are going to iterative over all the negative observations. We will train a negative model by leaving one observation out as the test observation. We will then process this observation with both the positive HMM we just trained and the negative HMM trained without this observation in its training data.

Finally, we will compare the predicted sequence probability for this test observation produced by the two HMM models and classify the test observation according to which model produced the higher probability. In essence, we are doing exactly the same process as we did earlier when we were iterating over the positive observations. The following code block will continue to update our incorrect variable and should be self-explanatory:

> for (obs in 1:length(negative_observations)) {
     negative_observation<-Reduce(function(x, y) c(x, y), 
                           negative_observations[-obs], c())
     transitionProbabilitiesNeg <- 
    calculateTransitionProbabilities(negative_observation, states)
     negative_hmm <- initHMM(states, symbols, 
                         startProbs = startingProbabilities, 
                         transProbs = transitionProbabilitiesNeg, 
                         emissionProbs = emissionProbabilities)
     test_observation <- negative_observations[[obs]]
     final_index <- length(test_observation)
     pos_probs <- exp(forward(positive_hmm,test_observation))
     neg_probs <- exp(forward(negative_hmm,test_observation))
     pos_seq_prob <- sum(pos_probs[, final_index])
     neg_seq_prob <- sum(neg_probs[, final_index])
     if (pos_seq_prob > neg_seq_prob) incorrect <- incorrect+1

The overall number of misclassifications in the cross-validation is stored in the incorrect variable:

> incorrect
[1] 25
> (cross_validation_accuracy <- 1 - (incorrect/nrow(promoters)))
 [1] 0.7641509

Our overall cross-validation accuracy is roughly 76 percent. Given that we are using the leave-one-out approach, and that the overall size of the training data is so small, we expect this estimate to have a relatively high variance.

In our HMM model, the Markov property essentially makes the assumption that only the previous nucleotide determines the choice of the next nucleotide in the sequence. We can reasonably expect that there are longer-range dependencies at work and as a result we are limited in accuracy by the assumptions of our model. For this reason, there are models, such as the Trigram HMM, that take into account additional states in the past other than the current state.

In the next section, we will study an example where we train a hidden Markov model using unlabeled data. We will manually define the number of hidden states and use the Baum-Welch algorithm to train an HMM while estimating both state transitions and emissions.

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