Chapter 17

Hydraulic Resistance

17.1 Introduction

In microfluidics fluids are probed through channels with small cross-sections. Depending on the material the channel is made of the initial filling may either be facilitated or hindered by capillary effects. This is dependent on the wetting angle of the fluid on the material of the microchannel (see section 21). However, once the channel is filled with the fluid forces must be applied onto the fluid in order to move it. We know intuitively that it requires a certain amount of pressure in order to squeeze a liquid through a tiny orifice such as a microfluidic channel. A good example are squirt guns where the distance the water will travel depends on the velocity of the liquid upon exiting the gun. In order to make the gun shoot farther we need to apply more pressure in order to accelerate the water further. However, the effective width that the squirt gun can shoot additionally depends on the size of the orifice through which the water is squeezed. If a smaller orifice is used (some squirt guns allow changing the nozzle at the tip of the gun) the water will exit at higher speeds, as we can see from Eq. 10.8, and thus travel farther. However, we will also find that we need significantly higher pressures in order to squeeze the water through the nozzle.

This effect is due to the internal friction of the fluid. Internal friction will cause the fluid to lose kinetic energy. This energy is converted into thermal energy, therefore heating up the fluid. One would expect that higher flow rates also result in higher internal friction. As we will see in a moment this intuitive correlation is not correct as fluid friction increases with increasing gradients in velocity within the fluid. Obviously if the flow rates in, e.g., a circular channel are higher, we will also have higher gradients in the velocity profile if we assume a no-slip condition at the channel walls.

The conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy is ubiquitous in fluid systems. This effect is generally referred to as viscous dissipation. Technically the terms pressure loss and pressure drop are often used to refer to the same effect. The fluid flowing through a system at a given flowrate will lose kinetic energy due to viscous dissipation that results in a reduction of the pressure according to the Bernoulli equation, Eq. 14.11. This pressure drop is dependent on the flowrate and the geometry of the fluidic system.

In the following, we will derive the equations for quantifying viscous dissipation.

17.2 Viscous Dissipation

As stated, viscous dissipation will reduce the kinetic energy of a fluid over time. Obviously, the total kinetic energy of a moving control volume is given by



Unfortunately, the velocity is not uniform across our control volume, which is why we need to use an integral notation. This integral needs to be formed over the entire domain Ω, which is given by



Change of Kinetic Energy. The kinetic energy will change over time as a consequence of the viscous dissipation, i.e., the transformation of kinetic energy to heat as a consequence of the friction inside of the fluid. The change of energy over time is described by


si9_e  (Eq. 17.1)

where we have used the fact that we can interchange the integral and the differential and applied the chain rule of differentiation (see Eq. 3.14).

Navier-Stokes Equation. We now need a way to evaluate the integral given by Eq. 17.1. If we restrict our derivation to incompressible Newtonian fluids we can use the Navier-Stokes equation (see Eq. 11.40), which we can rewrite to:


si10_e  (Eq. 17.2)

which we insert into Eq. 17.1 to find


si11_e  (Eq. 17.3)

In the following, we will transform the individual terms of the integrals in Eq. 17.3 into gradient forms. We will do this because we want to transform this volume integral into a surface integral using Gauss’s theorem. We will start with the first integral and concentrate on the pressure term. The volume force term cannot be converted into a gradient because it has no partial derivatives to it.

Converting the Pressure Term Into a Gradient. The pressure term of the first integral of Eq. 17.3 is given by



which can be converted from vector notation to read


si13_e  (Eq. 17.4)

Applying the chain rule of differentiation (see Eq. 3.14) we note the following equivalences for vx:


si14_e  (Eq. 17.5)

for vy:


si15_e  (Eq. 17.6)

for vz:


si16_e  (Eq. 17.7)

Inserting Eq. 17.5, Eq. 17.6, and Eq. 17.7 into Eq. 17.4 yields


si17_e  (Eq. 17.8)

where we have used the continuity equation (see Eq. 10.17) to set



We have now obtained a gradient notation for the pressure term. Next, we will discuss the convection term. Converting the Convection Term Into a Gradient. The second integral of Eq. 17.3 is


si19_e  (Eq. 17.9)

We will start by looking at the second term in this integral, which is the term due to convection. Reconverting from the vector notation we obtain


si20_e  (Eq. 17.10)

Applying the chain rule of differentiation (see Eq. 3.14) we note the following equivalences for vx:



for vy:



for vz:



which we reinsert into Eq. 17.10 to find


si24_e  (Eq. 17.11)

We now do something seemingly strange, adding the following term to Eq. 17.11:



Obviously, the term vsi26_e is equal to 0 due to the continuity equation (see Eq. 10.17). But why would be want to add a term that is effectively 0 to Eq. 17.11? We do this because of the following equalities:

for vx


si27_e  (Eq. 17.12)

for vy


si28_e  (Eq. 17.13)

for vz


si29_e  (Eq. 17.14)

Inserting Eq. 17.12, Eq. 17.13, and Eq. 17.14 into Eq. 17.11 yields


si30_e  (Eq. 17.15)

where we have again used the continuity equation (see Eq. 10.17) to set


si18_e  (Eq. 17.16)

We now also have a gradient notation for the convection term. It only remains to find a gradient notation for the viscosity term.

Converting the Viscosity Term Into a Gradient. The first term in the integral of Eq. 17.9 is due to the viscous momentum transport. As it turns out, this is the term we are most interested in. We first need to convert this term from vector notation resulting in


si32_e  (Eq. 17.16)

Applying the chain rule of differentiation (see Eq. 3.14) we note the following equalities

for vx



for vy



for vz



which we reinsert into Eq. 17.16 to find


si36_e  (Eq. 17.17)

where we succeeded in introducing one gradient expression. In addition to that we also obtained a total of nine terms containing the gradients of the velocity terms.

Motivation for Applying Gauss’s Theorem. In the following we will apply Gauss’s theorem (see Eq. 7.10) to the individual terms we found. Applying this theorem will allow us to convert the volume integrals of Eq. 17.3 into surface integrals. As an example, consider the rectangular cross-section microfluidic channel shown in Fig. 17.1. To the fluid of this channel, we apply a pressure drop along the x-axis, which leads to the formation of a stable velocity profile for t < t0. At t0 we remove the pressure drop. We observe a fluid control volume Ω as it travels along the x-axis. Over time the flow velocity will become smaller and smaller. The control volume loses kinetic energy due to viscous dissipation. The velocity decreases as a function of time, not as a function of x. In a more general case, this would also be true for the velocity along the y-direction and the z-direction. As we will see, applying Gauss’s theorem will significantly reduce the complexity of our equations. We will start with the pressure term, Eq. 17.8.

Fig. 17.1 Viscous dissipation in a microfluidic channel with rectangular cross-section. a) A pressure gradient along the x-axis is removed at t = t0 and a fluid plug containing the control volume Ω with the surface ∂Ω travels along the x-axis at a given speed. The velocity profile vx (y, z) is fully-developed at this stage due to the action of the pressure drop. b) After removing the pressure drop, the fluid plug slows down over time. c/d) After a given time interval the fluid plug will come to a standstill. The reduction of the velocity profile is due to viscous dissipation.

Applying Gauss’s Theorem to the Pressure Term. Applying Gauss’s theorem to Eq. 17.8 yields


si37_e  (Eq. 17.18)

It is important to note that for the boundaries along the axis the surface normals nsi99_eare in opposing directions. This means that the normal for the positive boundary +x is pointing in opposite direction of the negative boundary −x. This is true for all other directions as well. In addition we choose our coordinate system to be traveling with the control volume, thus the velocity is not a function of the position but only of time. Therefore, the contribution to the surface integrals on the (for each axis respectively) positive and (for each axis respectively) negative boundaries will cancel as long as there is no change in pressure along the respective axis. For the most general case, the contribution amounts to


si38_e  (Eq. 17.19)

Applying Gauss’s Theorem to the Convection Term. The next contribution we will discuss is due to the convection term, Eq. 17.15. Applying Gauss’s theorem yields



As before, the negative boundary and positive boundary contributions will cancel due to the fact that velocity does not change along the respective axis. As the surface normals on the respective boundaries point in the opposite direction with the same magnitude, the overall contribution to the dissipation is zero. Here it becomes very obvious why applying Gauss’s theorem is advantageous.

Applying Gauss’s Theorem to the Viscosity Term. The last term we will look at is the viscosity term Eq. 17.17. Applying Gauss’s theorem yields


si40_e  (Eq. 17.20)

Here again, we have dropped the surface integral due to the fact that the velocities vx (x) = vx (x + dx), vy (y) = vy (y + dy), and vz (z) = vz (z + dz), and therefore the individual contributions to the surface integral cancel along each axis, respectively. The only remaining contribution originates from the gradients of the velocity profiles.

Equation for the Viscous Dissipation. Having found Eq. 17.18, Eq. 17.19, and Eq. 17.20, which we can reinsert into Eq. 17.3, we can now formulate the equation for the viscous dissipation as


si41_e  (Eq. 17.21)

Eq. 17.21 contains all the relevant terms. We will now simplify this equation to the case depicted in Fig. 17.1. In this case, we have no volume forces and (for t > t0) also no pressure drop. The velocities vy = vz = 0, and only vx is non-zero. As the velocity is only dependent on time but not on position, there is no gradient in the velocity along the x-axis, and therefore vxx=0si42_e. We also assume that there is no actual pressure drop along any of the axes driving the flow. As we know, pressure drops can be used to balance viscous dissipation and therefore drive the flow. Here we want to study the effect of dissipation in a flow that is not driven. We therefore set px=py=pz=0si43_e. Therefore, we can simplify Eq. 17.21 to



As stated in the introduction to this section, the decline in kinetic energy, i.e., the viscous dissipation, is dependent only on the gradient of the velocity profile and not (as one may expect) on the absolute velocities. Returning to our original example of the squirt gun this can be verified easily. If a higher velocity on the exit of the nozzle of the gun is desired, the central velocity in the (presumably circular) channel must be higher. Assuming no-slip boundary conditions the gradients of the velocity profile will be higher if the center velocity is higher. Please note that the increase in steepness of the velocity profile contributes as a square. Therefore small increases in the gradient will quickly lead to significant pressure drops in the nozzle.

Balancing Viscous Dissipation. Obviously, in a technical system, the flow velocity should usually be maintained. In this case, a driving external or volume force must be applied in order to compensate for the viscous dissipation. In case of the rectangular microchannel shown in Fig. 17.1 we can maintain the pressure drop along the x-axis in order to compensate the loss of kinetic energy. In this case we find


si45_e  (Eq. 17.22)


si46_e  (Eq. 17.23)

where we have used Eq. 10.9 replacing the integral with the flowrate. Eq. 17.23 is a very important equation. It sets the pressure drop and the flowrate into relation.

Physical Unit. Looking at the left-hand side of Eq. 17.23 we can see that the unit of viscous dissipation is



which corresponds exactly to the units of the right-hand side of Eq. 17.23.

17.3 Hydraulic Resistance of Important flow Channel Geometries

17.3.1 Overview

We have now derived the correlation between the loss of kinetic energy due to viscous dissipation and the product of the flowrate and the pressure drop (Eq. 17.23). We already know from the various flow channel geometries we have studied so far that a constant pressure drop results in a constant flowrate:

Q ∝p

The most commonly encountered form of this correlation is the Hagen-Poiseuille law (see section 16.3.2) for which we found Eq. 16.22:




si49_e  (Eq. 17.24)


si50_e  (Eq. 17.25)

where we have introduced the normalized hydraulic resistance Rn,hyd as the proportionality factor. The unit of this factor is kg m−5 s−1. It gives the pressure loss per unit of channel length l and per unit of the flowrate. The total hydraulic resistance can be calculated as



by simply multiplying the normalized hydraulic resistance with the channel length. The unit of the hydraulic resistance is kg m−4 s−1. It depends solely on the properties of the fluid and the geometry and can be derived for various geometries. Tab. 17.1 lists the most important channel cross-sections and the expressions for the respective hydraulic resistance.

Tab. 17.1

Hydraulic resistance values for some of the most important channel geometries

Cross-sectionNormalized (per unit channel length) hydraulic resistance Rn,hyd=Rhydlsi1_eDerived in
Elliptical4ηπa2+b2a3b3si2_eEq. 16.5
Circular8ηπr4si3_eEq. 16.8
Planar infinitesimally extended12ηwh3si4_eEq. 16.14
Rectangular12ηh3w11192hπ5wn=01(2n+1)5tanh((2n+1)πw2h)si5_eEq. 16.64
Square12ηw411192π5n=01(2n+1)5tanh((2n+1)π2)si6_eEq. 16.65

Please note that the results of Tab. 17.1 are only valid in cases where the non-linear convection term (u)usi52_e of the Navier-Stokes equation (see Eq. 11.40) can be neglected. This is due to the fact that all derivation of the flow profiles we made were based on the assumption of having Poiseuille flow, i.e., laminar flow conditions with the only velocity component being vx and vy = vz = 0 (see Eq. 15.14). See section 15.4.1 for details on these assumptions.

In order to facilitate working with the equations of Tab. 17.1, Fig. 17.2, Fig. 17.3, and Fig. 17.4 show the pressure drops calculated for microchannels with the five different geometries when probed with water. Fig. 17.2 shows the pressure drop for elliptical and circular cross-sections, Fig. 17.3 shows the pressure drop for the parallel infinitesimally extended channel, and Fig. 17.4 shows the pressure drop for the rectangular and square channel cross-sections. The pressure drops are given as pressure drop per mm of channel length ΔpΔlsi53_e per µl/ min of flowrate. In order to calculate the total pressure drop, the value read from the charts must therefore be multiplied by the flowrate (see section 17.3.2).

Fig. 17.2 Pressure drop in channels with elliptical (a) and circular (b) cross-sections calculated for water. The pressure drop is given as the pressure drop over channel length l per flowrate Q. In order to obtain the pressure drop per mm of channel length the value read must be multiplied with the flowrate (given in µl min−1).
Fig. 17.3 Normalized hydraulic resistance in infinitesimally extended parallel channels with height h and width w calculated for water. The pressure drop is given as the pressure drop over channel length l per flowrate Q. In order to obtain the pressure drop per mm of channel length the value read must be multiplied with the flowrate (given in µl min−1).
Fig. 17.4 Normalized hydraulic resistance in channels with rectangular (a) and square (b) cross-sections calculated for water. The pressure drop is given as the pressure drop over channel length l per flowrate Q. In order to obtain the pressure drop per mm of channel length the value read must be multiplied with the flowrate (given in µl min−1).

17.3.2 Pressure Drop: Examples

As an example, for a microfluidic channel width a height of 50 µm and width of 100 µm we can derive a pressure drop per channel length and flowrate of 0.233 mbar min /mm µl from Tab. 17.1. This value can be roughly read also from Fig. 17.4a. If we want to use such a channel in an experiment where we intend to probe a flow of 50 µl/ min we expect a total pressure drop of 11.66 mbar mm−1. This means that per mm of channel length, we would experience a pressure drop of 11.66 mbar.

As a second example, we consider a circular capillary with an inner diameter of 40 µm. For this geometry we derive a pressure drop per length and flowrate of 0.16 mbar min /mm µl from Tab. 17.1 and Fig. 17.2b. As you can see, this value is lower than the values we found for the rectangular channel cross-section that we choose to have approximately the same cross-section area. If we use this capillary in an experiment where we want to probe a total flowrate of 1 mL/ min through the system, we would expect a total pressure drop of 165.78 mbar mm−1. Assuming we want to use a capillary of a total length of 1 m we expect a considerable pressure drop of about 165.78 bar. This value is pretty realistic for pressure drops expected, e.g., in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems.

17.4 Simplification Approaches to Hydraulic Resistances

17.4.1 Normalized Hydraulic Resistance

The first simplification is one we already made implicitly. As the resistance depends linearly on the length of the channel it seems reasonable to define the normalized hydraulic resistance as

Rn,hyd=Rhydlwith the unit kg m5s1.

si54_e  (Eq. 17.26)

17.4.2 Geometric Hydraulic Resistance

As we have seen from Tab. 17.1 the hydraulic resistance is dependent on the properties of the fluid and the geometry of the cross-section of the channel. As we can see from the equations derived, the only property of the fluid which must be taken into account is the viscosity η. No other fluid property is of importance. Therefore, it makes sense to define the hydraulic as a fluid-independent property that is referred to as geometric hydraulic resistance. It is defined as



which is again normalized to the channel length. As the name suggests, the geometric hydraulic resistance is only dependent on the geometry of the channel and not on the properties of the fluid. Fig. 17.2, Fig. 17.3, and Fig. 17.4 have been calculated for water. By dividing the values of the charts by the viscosity of water in mPa s (which is a division by 1 as the viscosity of water is 1 mPa s) we would obtain charts displaying the geometric hydraulic resistance. As the data would remain unchanged, we would simply need to adapt the vertical axis by dividing the units displayed by mPa s.

17.4.3 Cross-Section Hydraulic Resistance

Until now, we have derived hydraulic resistances that are independent of channel length and fluid. It only remains to find a version of the hydraulic resistance that is independent of the geometry. We have learned that the integral ∫vxdA is used to define the viscous dissipation (see Eq. 17.22). Obviously, for the hydraulic resistance this integral ends up being moved into the denominator (see Tab. 17.1). Therefore it seems reasonable that as the differential of the cross-section of the channel dA is important, the total cross-section area A should play a major role. We therefore define the cross-section hydraulic resistance as



Please note that there is no derivation to this equation; it merely follows from intuition and heuristic analysis as well as experimental observation.

17.4.4 Correction Factor α

As we can see RA,hyd is again linearly dependent on the viscosity and the length and could be easily normalized. RA,hyd is obviously significantly easier to derive than the integral ∫vxdA. We can now put the cross-section hydraulic resistance in relation to the actual hydraulic resistance as


si57_e  (Eq. 17.27)

where we have introduced the correction factor α. It defines how well the square of the area matches the integral ∫vxdA used to calculate the hydraulic resistance. For α = 1 the integral is matched perfectly. In the following we will quickly calculate the correction factors for the geometries of Tab. 17.1.

Correction Factor for Elliptical Cross-Sections. For elliptical cross-sections we find the correction factor to be



which we can simplify using the aspect ratio (see section 9.9.15) r=basi59_e to


si60_e  (Eq. 17.28)

As can be seen, the correction factor for elliptical cross-sections is a function of the aspect ratio only.

Correction Factor for Circular Cross-Sections. For circular cross-sections we find the correction factor to be


si61_e  (Eq. 17.29)

As can be seen, the correction factor for circular cross-sections is a constant.

Correction Factor for Planar Infinitesimally Extended Cross-Sections. For planar infinitesimally extended channel cross-sections we find the correction factor to be


si62_e  (Eq. 17.30)

for which we have again used the aspect ratio. As can be seen, the correction factor scales inversely proportional to the aspect ratio.

Correction Factor for Rectangular Cross-Sections. For rectangular cross-sections we find the correction factor to be


si63_e  (Eq. 17.31)

where we have again used the aspect ratio.

Correction Factor for Square Cross-Sections. For square cross-sections we find the correction factor to be


si64_e  (Eq. 17.32)

17.4.5 Compactness Factor C

Having introduced the correction factor we now introduce a second factor commonly used to characterize mi-crofluidic channel cross-sections, i.e., the compactness factor C. This factor is purely geometrically defined and puts the two relevant areas of a microfluidic channel into correlation: the cross-section and the circumference. It is defined as


si65_e  (Eq. 17.33)

As you can see, the compactness factor uses the square of the circumference. This is due to the fact that many effects in microfluidics are relying on surface effects. Due to the high surface-to-volume ratios in microfluidics these surface effects play a major role. As we have learned viscous dissipation is due to fluid friction which is highly dependent on the boundary. As in most microfluidic systems we have no-slip boundary conditions it is reasonable to assume that these effects play a major role in most fluid mechanical considerations.

Rationale for the Compactness Factor. Obviously, the compactness C is reasonably easy to calculate as it simply requires analytical equations for cross-section and circumference of a geometry. On the other hand, we have found a reasonably convenient way to calculate the geometric hydraulic resistance RA,geom using the correction factor α. Now let us assume we would find a simple correlation between α and C, i.e., a function α (C). In this case we would be able to calculate RA,geom pretty much without any effort by simply dividing the correction factor by the cross-section area using Eq. 17.27.

As we will see in a moment, for many cross-section geometries such a function does exist. We will demonstrate this using the five geometries we have studied so far.

Correlation Between Compactness and Correction Factor for Elliptical Cross-Sections. Interestingly, the first cross-section we will study is the most complicated one. This is due to the fact that the circumference of an ellipse cannot be evaluated analytically. The integral is



We will retain this integral notation for now. The compactness factor for the ellipse can now be calculated as


si67_e  (Eq. 17.34)

As you can see Eq. 17.34 is an analytical equation for the compactness factor that depends solely on the aspect ratio r=basi59_e as the only independent variable. As stated, the elliptical circumference cannot be evaluated analytically so we must plug in numbers for r. On the other hand, we have found the correction factor for the ellipse (see Eq. 17.28) also to be an equation solely dependent on the aspect ratio as independent variable. We will now plug in values for r and plot the results in a chart using the values of C (r) on the abscissa and the values of α (r) on the ordinate. This plot is shown in Fig. 17.5 for different values of r. As you can see, the values fall on a line. The equation can be obtained by linear fitting to be

Fig. 17.5 Correction factor α over compactness factor C for elliptical cross-sections for different values of the aspect ratio r. As you can see, the data points fall on a line (α = 0.40C + 2.16, R2 = 0.99).


si69_e  (Eq. 17.35)

Obviously, this is a very useful finding. For a given aspect ratio we would need to calculate Cellipse using Eq. 17.34 then apply Eq. 17.35 to find αellipse. With this value we can find the hydraulic resistance using Eq. 17.27 simply by division with the squared cross-section area. See section 17.4.5 for an example of such a calculation. Tab. 17.2 shows some of the most commonly encountered aspect ratios and the corresponding compactness C and correction values α for elliptical cross-sections.

Tab. 17.2

Compactness C and correction factor α values for elliptical cross-sections with different aspect ratios r

Aspect ratio r [-]Compactness factor C [-]Correction factor α [-]
0.0015 092.99812 566.383
0.010509.5761 256.763
100.000509.5761 256.763

Correlation Between Compactness and Correction Factor for Circular Cross-Sections. Obviously, circular cross-sections are simply a special case of elliptical cross-sections. Nevertheless we will quickly derive the equations and ensure, using Tab. 17.2 (for r = 1), that we end up with the correct values. The compactness value for circular cross-sections is simply


si70_e  (Eq. 17.36)

which corresponds with the value in Tab. 17.2.

Using the expression we found for the correction factor Eq. 17.29 we find that


si71_e  (Eq. 17.37)

which again corresponds with the value in Tab. 17.2.

Correlation Between Compactness and Correction Factor for Planar Infinitesimally Extended Cross-Sections. For planar infinitesimally extended channel cross-sections we find the compactness factor to be

Cinfinit, extended===(2(w+h))2wh=4wh1(+wh)24r(1+r)24r+8+4r

si72_e  (Eq. 17.38)

We will not try to express this as an expression of the correction factor given by Eq. 17.30. Instead we will again evaluate it again using numbers for r. As you can see from Fig. 17.6 we again end up with a linear correlation between compactness C and correction factor α given by the following equation obtained by linear fitting to the data points:

Fig. 17.6 Correction factor α over compactness factor C for planar infinitesimally extended cross-sections for different values of the aspect ratio r. As you can see, the data points fall on a line (α = 3.00 · C − 24.73, R2 = 1.00).


si73_e  (Eq. 17.39)

Please note that our assumption for this flow profile states that the aspect ratio should be small. Thus it makes no sense to use this formula in the range of r ≥ 1. Tab. 17.3 shows some of the most commonly encountered aspect ratios and the corresponding compactness C and correction values α for this cross-section.

Tab. 17.3

Compactness C and correction factor α values for planar infinitesimally extended cross-sections with different aspect ratios r

Aspect ratio r [-]Compactness factor C [-]Correction factor α [-]
0.000 1120 00040 008.000 4
0.001 012 0004 008.004 0
0.010 01 200408.040 0
0.100 012048.400 0

Correlation Between Compactness and Correction Factor for Rectangular Cross-Sections. We have already derived the compactness factor for rectangular cross-sections as this equation is identical to the compactness factor found for the infinitesimally extended channel cross-section (see Eq. 17.39). The correction factor is given by Eq. 17.31. Again, we calculate both factors for different aspect ratio values r. The resulting data points are shown in Fig. 17.7. As you can see, they again all fall on a line that can be fitted to the following equation:

Fig. 17.7 Correction factor α over compactness factor C for rectangular cross-sections for different values of the aspect ratio r. As you can see, the data points fall on a line (α = 0.33 · C + 6.29, R2 = 0.99).


si74_e  (Eq. 17.40)

Tab. 17.4 shows some of the most commonly encountered aspect ratios and the corresponding compactness C and correction values α for this cross-section.

Tab. 17.4

Compactness C and correction factor α values for rectangular cross-sections with different aspect ratios r

Aspect ratio r [-]Compactness factor C [-]Correction factor α [-]
0.0014 008.0012 007.57
0.010408.041 207.61
100.000408.041 206.77

Correlation Between Compactness and Correction Factor for Square Cross-Sections. Obviously, square cross-sections are special cases of the more general rectangular cross-sections and can be read from Tab. 17.4 for the case r = 1. In order to verify we will quickly derive the compactness factor for square cross-sections, which is


si75_e  (Eq. 17.41)

This value is correct as we can see from Fig. 17.7. The correction factor is given by Eq. 17.32. It can be evaluated numerically, e.g., using Maple, to a total value of 28.45, which is also correct according to Tab. 17.4.

Derivation of the Hydraulic Resistance of a Rectangular Cross-Section Microchannel Using the Compactness C and Correction α Approach. Now the following question may arise: In what way are these compactness and correction factors actually useful? We will quickly illustrate this at a simple example. Suppose we want to calculate the pressure drop in a microfluidic channel with rectangular cross-section with a width of 100 µm and a height of 50 µm, thus with an aspect ratio of r = 0.5. In section 17.3.2 we have already derived the pressure drop at this channel using Fig. 17.4a. Using Tab. 17.4 we quickly find a correction factor of 34.98 for this aspect ratio. Thus, using Eq. 17.27 we can calculate the geometric resistance value of this cross-section to be

RA,geom, rect, r=0.5==αA2=34.98(100×50μm2)21.399×1015μm4=1.399×1015kgm5s1mPa1s1


We now multiply with the viscosity of water, which is 1 mPa s, to find Rn,hyd using Eq. 17.26 as

Rn,hyd,rect, r=0.5==RA,geom,rect.,r=0.5η=1.399×1015kgm5s10.233mbarmin/mmμl


In section 17.3.2 we have determined a value of 0.16 mbar min /mm µl for Rn,hyd analytically, which is reasonably close.

If we want to redo the calculation for a microchannel with the same aspect ratio but with twice the width and height, i.e., a width 200 µm and a height of 100 µm, we end up with the same correction factor, α = 34.98. We would only need to update the area as required for Eq. 17.27. Within a few seconds, we end up with the new resistance value of around 0.015 mbar min /mmµl, which is simply the previous value divided by 42 = 16. Remember, we doubled the length in each direction thus increasing the area by a factor of 4 reducing the pressure drop by a factor of 116si78_e. If we evaluate the resistance value analytically using the exact equation (see Tab. 17.1), for rectangular channel cross-sections we end up with the same value of 0.015 mbar min /mm µl.

17.4.6 Concluding Remarks

As you can see, once a correlation between compactness C and correction α factor has been found, it is very easy to calculate the pressure drop for new channel geometries. This is a clear simplification especially for rectangular and square channel cross-sections where the pressure drop required the evaluation of a series (see Tab. 17.1). There are more microfluidic channel geometries for which similar simple correlations between C and α can be found. In this section we detailed the most important ones.

In general, the more sharp edges a cross-section has, the lower the expected flow velocities. This is due to the fact that the no-slip boundary conditions force the velocity profiles to rise only very slowly if two edges are in close proximity. Both edges retain the fluid; thus the overall fluid friction is higher and the gradient of the velocity profiles is less steep. Therefore, the overall velocities are smaller and therefore the associated pressure drop is higher. As a rule of thumb, the higher the boundary-to-area coefficient of a cross-section is the higher the influence of these retaining boundaries and the higher the associated pressure drops. Obviously, the circle is the best-case scenario, which is why the pressure drops associated with circular cross-section channels are smaller than for all other profiles.

17.5 Equivalent Circuit Theory

17.5.1 Introduction

In Eq. 17.23 we have derived the change of kinetic energy over time in a flowing fluid due to viscous dissipation. As you can see, this equation also corresponds to an equation known from electric circuits, namely the equation for Joule heating due to ohmic resistance.

Ohm’s Law. Ohm’s law1 may well be considered the most elemental equation in electrical engineering. It is given by


si79_e  (Eq. 17.42)

If the ohmic resistance of a physical body, e.g., a wire, is to be calculated, it is usually given by


si80_e  (Eq. 17.43)

where ρ is the specific resistance measured in Ω m, l is the length (e.g., of the wire), and A is the area, i.e., the cross-section of the wire. The specific resistance is often also given in form of its reciprocal value; this is referred to as conductivity κ=1ρsi81_e, which is measured in siemens (S). For an electrolyte system, Eq. 17.43 can be used directly, interpreting l as the distance between the electrodes, A as the area of the electrodes, and ρ as the specific conductivity of the electrolyte.

Joule-Lenz Heating. Having introduced Ohm’s law we will quickly introduce the concept of Joule-Lenz heating. This phenomenon is observed in an electrical resistor through which an electrical current is flowing. The resistor will heat up over time. This is due to the fact that the flowing current, i.e., the moving electrons, will experience resistance in their movement due to the static atoms of the wire. This in terms will cause friction losses resulting in conversion of the energy of the electrons into heat. The higher the density of this flow the higher the resistance experienced. This phenomenon is often also referred to as Ohmic heating or resistive heating due to the fact that an Ohmic resistor is required. It was studied first by Joule2 and later by Lenz3. Joule noted that the heat developed by a resistor when immersed in a water bath increased with the square root of the current and was proportional to the resistance and time, from which we derived



As Joule measured the increase in temperature of the water, the density ρ and the heat capacity cp of the water had to be taken into account, which accounts for the missing proportionality constant. Applying the first law of thermodynamics Eq. 6.32 we find


si83_e  (Eq. 17.44)


si84_e  (Eq. 17.45)

Today, we know the Joule-Lenz law of heating either in the form of Eq. 17.44 or Eq. 17.45.

Hydraulic Resistance. The analogy between electronics and fluid mechanics goes pretty far. Looking at Eq. 17.25 we see the resemblance of the pressure drop to Ohm’s law (see section 17.5.1):



where we have simplified the notation slightly in order to emphasize the resemblance. If we continue along these lines we can find the following equivalences between fluid mechanics and electronics:

 Hydraulic resistance Rhyd corresponds to ohmic resistance R.

 Volume V corresponds to charge Q.

 Flowrate Q (volume per time) corresponds to electric current I (charge per time).

 Pressure drop ∆p corresponds to voltage U (potential drop).

 Compliance, i.e., the change of volume due to pressure as a consequence of channel material elasticity corresponds to electrical capacitance C.

In the following we will briefly discuss series and parallel arrangements of hydraulic resistances further illustrating the similarity.

17.5.2 Serial Connection of Hydraulic Resistances

The first case is the connection of fluid resistances in series (see Fig. 17.8a). Here we obviously find

Fig. 17.8 Analogy between hydraulic and electrical resistance shown at a series of resistances (a) and two resistances in parallel (b).


whereby Q1 = Q2 = Q and ∆p1 ≠ ∆p2. The total pressure drop therefore is



As you can see, the two resistances simply add up to form the total resistance. This is the same behavior as expected for a series of electrical resistances.

17.5.3 Parallel Connection of Hydraulic Resistances

The next case we discuss is the parallel connection of hydraulic resistances (see Fig. 17.8b). Here we again find



whereby Q1 + Q2 = Q and ∆p1 = ∆p2 = ∆p. In this case we find





which is obviously the expected behavior for a parallel arrangements of ohmic resistors as well.

17.5.4 Concluding Remarks

One important thing to keep in mind is that the analogy of hydraulic and electrical resistance has a certain limit. Whenever a microfluidic channel significantly widens in diameter or width the Poiseuille flow profile will expand or contract to fit this new channel cross-section. However, depending on the Reynolds number this expansion may lead to a contribution of the non-linear convection terms in the Navier-Stokes equation (see Eq. 11.40). If this is the case, the flow profile will not be due to a purely Poiseuille flow and the hydraulic resistance will increase. Therefore it is necessary to verify that for both cross-sections that the Reynolds numbers are small enough to neglect the contribution of the convection terms. The equations for calculating the hydraulic resistance of multiple hydraulic resistance in series or in parallel are only valid if the Reynolds number is Re si183_e 1 and the convection terms can be neglected.

17.6 Summary

In this section we have discussed the concept of hydraulic resistance which is an effect encountered whenever fluids are probed through technical systems. Hydraulic resistance gives rise to a pressure drop, i.e., a reduction of fluid pressure. The nature of this loss in pressure is due to the viscous friction within the fluid. Naturally, this effect is dependent on the shape of the channel geometry through which the fluid is probed. We have derived the hydraulic resistance for various commonly encountered flow channel geometries, e.g., circular or rectangular cross-sections. We have also detailed several simplifications that are commonly used to simplify the somewhat more complex equations that described the pressure drop.


[1] Ohm G.S. Die galvanische Kette. 1827 (cit. on p. 368).

[2] Joule J.P. XXXVIII. On the heat evolved by metallic conductors of electricity, and in the cells of a battery during electrolysis. Philosophical Magazine Series 3. 1841;19(124):260–277 (cit. on p. 368).

[3] Lenz H. Über die Bestimmung der Richtung der durch elektrodynamische Verteilung erregten galvanis-chen Ströme. Annalen der Physik and Chemie. 1834;1(31):483–494 (cit. on p. 368).

[4] Lenz M. Ueber die Gesetze der Wärmeentwicklung durch den galvanischen Strom. Annalen der Physik. 1844;137(1):18–49 (cit. on p. 368).

1 Georg Ohm was a German mathematician. He is most known for the analytical correlation between voltage and current, which he published in 1827 [1]. Ohm found that there is a proportionality between voltage U and current I from which the ohmic resistance R can be derived.

2 James Joule was an English physicist who made significant contributions to physics and thermodynamics. Joule put the concepts of heat and work into relation and established the concept of conservation of energy. The unit for energy is named after him. Furthermore, he studied the heat development in electrical conductors and established the Joule law of heating [2].

3 Heinrich Lenz was a Russian physicist who studied electromagnetism deriving, among others, Lenz’s law, which corresponds to Faraday’s law of induction [3]. He studied and derived the concept of Joule heating independently of Joule, which is why the correlation is referred to as Joule-Lenz law[4]. Lenz also made significant contributions to the development of electroplating.

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