Creating a Site Map

The Web Site Map template includes all the tools you need to analyze a Web site and create a diagram of it. When you start a new drawing with the Web Site Map template, Visio 2007 also starts the Generate Site Map command. If you specify an address or file location and then click OK, Visio 2007 proceeds to search your site and create a diagram. That’s really all you need to do. The rest of the topics in this section discuss your options when generating a site.

An unusual outcome of the site mapping process is that Visio 2007 automatically sizes the drawing page to fit the width of the site map, as Figure 15-5 shows. The template initially creates a standard-sized drawing page, but after a site map has been generated, the page might be a nonstandard size. In this way, Visio 2007 ensures that no content falls off the page, but if you want to print the diagram on a particular size of printer paper, you might need to make adjustments.

Figure 15-5. The rulers indicate that Visio 2007 resized the drawing page to fit this site map.

For details about adjusting page size when printing a Web site map, see the section titled “Printing Diagrams of Any Size” in Chapter 8, “Saving and Printing Your Work.”


To work properly, the Web Site Map Shapes stencil needs to be open, because Visio 2007 uses the shapes on this stencil to create your site map. If the stencil isn’t already open, Visio 2007 opens it. If Visio 2007 can’t find this stencil for some reason, you’ll get an error message, and the site map won’t be generated.

Adding a Site Map to Another Diagram

You can add a site map to any Visio 2007 diagram, no matter which template was used to create it. For example, suppose you have a timeline that shows your Web site launch schedule, and you want to include a site map. Be advised, however, that you can only choose the Generate Site Map command when creating a new document or when regenerating an existing Web site map. You must first create the site map in a separate document as described earlier.

Once you have created a site map, follow these steps to add it to an existing diagram:

First save your diagram, so that it can be linked. Then right-click the page with the site map and choose Copy Drawing.

Switch to the diagram to which you wish to add the site map and select Insert, New Page.

Click the new page and select Insert, Object, and then select Microsoft Visio Drawing.

Choose Create From File, and Link To File. Browse to where the drawing is located, select it, and click OK. Visio 2007 inserts the drawing.

If the site map is larger than the page, select File, Page Setup. On the Page Size tab, choose Size To Fit Drawing Contents, and click OK.

Choosing a Web Site to Map

When you choose the Generate Site Map command on the Web menu, the first step is to specify an address, as shown in Figure 15-6. In fact, an address is the only piece of information Visio 2007 needs to map a Web site; every other option merely helps you narrow the scope of Visio’s mapping process.

Figure 15-6. Choose Web, Generate Site Map to display this dialog box. Although you can configure many options by clicking Settings, all you really need to specify is an address.

As long as the address you specify is valid, Visio 2007 doesn’t care whether it represents an Internet site, local test or staging site, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, or other location of HTML files. The Browse button helps you locate folders that contain content you want to map. Otherwise, type a URL in the Address box, such as or It helps to specify a starting file, such as default.htm or index.htm, but you don’t have to. When you click OK, Visio 2007 starts searching the site and its subdirectories down as many levels as specified under Current Discovery Settings.

Follow these steps to start a new Web site diagram and create a site map:

Choose File, New, Network, Web Site Map to start a new drawing and open the Generate Site Map dialog box.

In the Address box, type a URL and optional starting page for the Web site you want to map, or click Browse to locate HTML files on a local or network drive.

Click OK to start diagramming the site.

The speed with which Visio 2007 can map a Web site depends on the speed of your computer, the speed of your network connection, and the number of levels and links you specified. Bottom line, you might have to wait a few minutes to map a very large site.

Troubleshooting: The site map doesn’t display all the levels that were specified in the Generate Site Map dialog box

Your levels might be present but collapsed. Shapes that include links to additional levels in the site are displayed with a chevron sign pointing down. You can expand the shape to see its links by right-clicking the shape, and then choosing Expand <Address>. For a large site, it’s easiest to create a subpage first, and then expand the shape. For details, see the section titled “Formatting a Site Map Across Multiple Pages” later in this chapter.

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