Conventions and Features Used in This Book

This book uses special text and design conventions to make it easer for you to find the information you need.

Text Conventions

Abbreviated menu commandsFor your convenience, this book uses abbreviated menu commands. For example, “Choose Tools, Forms, Design A Form” means that you should click the Tools menu, point to Forms, and select the Design A Form command.
Boldface typeBoldface type is used to indicate text that you enter or type.
Initial Capital LettersThe first letters of the names of menus, dialog boxes, dialog box elements, and commands are capitalized. Example: The Save As dialog box.
Italicized typeItalicized type is used to indicate new terms.
Plus sign (+) in textKeyboard shortcuts are indicated by a plus sign (+) separating two key names. For example, Shift+F9 means that you press the Shift and F9 keys at the same time.

Design Conventions


Notes offer additional information related to the task being discussed.

Cross-references point you to other locations in the book that offer additional information on the topic being discussed.


Cautions identify potential problems that you should look out for when you’re completing a task, or problems that you must address before you can complete a task.

Inside Out: This statement illustrates an example of an “Inside Out” problem statement

These are the book’s signature tips. In these tips, you’ll get the straight scoop on what’s going on with the software—inside information on why a feature works the way it does. You’ll also find handy workarounds to different software problems.

Troubleshooting: This statement illustrates an example of a “Troubleshooting” problem statement

Look for these sidebars to find solutions to common problems you might encounter. Troubleshooting sidebars appear next to related information in the chapters. You can also use the Troubleshooting Topics index at the back of the book to look up problems by topic.


The sidebars sprinkled throughout these chapters provide ancillary information on the topic being discussed. Go to sidebars to learn more about the technology or a feature.

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