Index to Troubleshooting Topics

ArcsAn arc’s eccentricity handles don’t show up712
BackgroundsAfter adding a background to a flowchart, text on the connectors appears with an obvious box behind it314
Behavior commandAll the options are unavailable on the Placement tab in the Behavior dialog box70
Borders and Titles stencilOn the Borders And Titles stencil, some title blocks are smarter than others146
CAD conversionConverted CAD objects become ungrouped541
CAD conversionConverted CAD objects are no longer solid544
CAD drawingsWhen you add Visio 2007 shapes to an inserted CAD drawing, they’re the wrong size531
CAD drawingsThe imported drawing can’t be selected or right-clicked532
CAD drawingsThe inserted CAD drawing can’t be repositioned or rotated on the page537
Calendar shapesWhen you try to subselect a calendar shape to format it, an error message appears372
Concentric layout shapesText doesn’t fit in an onion layer352
Configure Layout commandThe Configure Layout command doesn’t lay out certain shapes in the diagram75
Configure Layout commandConnectors go haywire when using the Shapes, Configure Layout command with a flowchart300
Connections and glueShapes won’t stay connected, and the handles don’t turn red66
Creating calendar pageChange calendar page orientation371
Database model diagramsOffice Visio Professional 2007 does not create the foreign key when you connect parent and child tables627
Distribute Shapes commandThe Distribute Shapes command doesn’t arrange shapes precisely enough501
Door shapesDoors are not oriented correctly, and I can’t rotate them580
Drawing file distributionYou need to share a Visio diagram with someone who doesn’t have Visio242
Drawing scalesCopied shapes look out of proportion when pasted into a scaled drawing562
Export to Database commandThe Add button is not available in the Export To Database dialog box786
Exporting ShapesSome shapes don’t appear when exported to other formats246
Find Shape commandThe Find Shape tool does not locate master shapes that have been customized672
Find Shapes commandFind Shapes doesn’t locate a shape that’s used in a diagram37
Gantt chart alignmentVisio 2007 doesn’t align simultaneous tasks correctly382
Generate site mapsThe site map doesn’t display all the levels that were specified in the Generate Site Map dialog box448
Generate site mapsThe Web site’s navigational hierarchy is not preserved in the site map that Visio 2007 creates450
Graphics displayYour Web Page displays HTML code instead of graphics175
GuidesA shape won’t snap or glue to a guide or guide point492
Imported graphicsQuality is poor with an imported graphics file250
Imported graphicsAn imported graphic cannot be edited in Visio as expected251
Importing CAD filesThe CAD file does not import as expected in Visio 2007528
Importing DWG filesAfter importing a DWG file, the drawing scale cannot be changed530
Importing graphicsAn imported image doesn’t appear correctly in an embedded diagram248
Insert Picture commandThe Insert Picture From Scanner Or Camera command won’t work253
Linked shapesCopying a linked shape either copies the same link or doesn’t copy any link792
Linking and embeddingYou receive an error when you edit a linked or embedded diagram235
Linking and embeddingThe message to update links gets in the way of the presentation399
List and Filter windowsThe List and Filter windows don’t display a type of link that the Web site includes445
Network shapesWhen typing to replace a label on a network shape, Visio 2007 creates a new label instead of overwriting the existing one427
Open commandThe option to open a file as an original or copy, or as read-only, seems to be missing663
Organization chart layoutThe organization chart looks too crowded or the spaces between the shapes are uneven328
Organization chart layoutThe automatic layout options have no effect on the organization chart330
PatternsA custom line end pattern doesn’t appear when you apply it to a line760
Pencil toolWhen closing a line segment, the line stretches instead700
Plan menuThe Plan menu does not appear on the menu bar, or commands on the Plan menu seem to be missing836
Print commandThe Print command causes a page orientation error271
Print commandYour drawing prints on multiple pages, and you want it to fit on one page274
Print commandEnlarging a drawing causes unnecessary blank printed pages275
Print commandSaving a file causes it to print283
Printing shapesSome shapes don’t appear in the printed drawing281
Printing textPrinted text looks different from text on the screen287
Process engineering shapesA new shape in a PFD or P&ID does not show up in the Component Explorer or Category Explorer890
Process engineering shapesAn equipment shape in a P&ID or PFD no longer works—its tag and other information have been deleted905
Refresh Data commandThe Refresh Data command does not update the information in the space plan851
Refresh Data commandRefreshing the data in the space plan overwrites changes that were made to the diagram852
ReportsWhen running a report, Visio displays a message that no shapes had the selected data or satisfied the report selection criteria212
Save As Web Page commandAn error appears when you try to rename a file created by the Save As Web Page command173
Shape colorsWhen you copy shapes to another Visio 2007 drawing file or Microsoft Office document, they change color776
Shape Data windowAfter editing property names in a set, the changes do not appear in the Shape Data window for selected shapes205
Shape formattingA shape won’t accept formatting55
Shape formattingSome shapes in the site map appear dimmed441
Shape formattingWhen you copy shapes to another Visio 2007 drawing file, their formatting changes743
Shape formattingThe Custom option is not available, or the shape’s behavior doesn’t change when you select a double-click action815
Shape NamesShape names are not readable on stencils26
Shape selectionA shape cannot be selected41
Shape selectionA shape cannot be stretched or resized54
Shape subselectionSubselecting a shape in a group causes gray box handles to appear44
Shape subselectionWhen you subselect a shape in a group, you can’t reposition the shape732
Shape vertexYou can’t select the vertex you want to change in the ShapeSheet window703
Shapes WindowThe Shapes window splits the stencil windows in two19
Space plan shapesAfter adding space shapes to a floor plan, all the furniture and other shapes have green stripes839
Space plan shapesText looks fuzzy after adding Boundary shapes to a floor plan843
Space plan shapesAfter you have added network or other shapes to a space plan, they don’t appear in the Explorer window858
Space plan shapesShapes and text in a space plan are too large862
StylesNothing happens when a style is applied to a shape742
Task bar shapesAn error appears when you select a task bar shape384
Text colorText in the drawing file won’t display in a transparent color280
Text colorYou need text in Visio 2007 to be a specific color that doesn’t show up well on a slide393
Text displayWhen you type in a shape, Visio zooms in so that the text is legible, but when you work in the drawing, you can’t read the text anymore.88
Text displayIs there a way to distinguish “model space” text from “paper space” text as some CAD programs can do?92
Text displayText in the drawing looks different than it did in previous versions of Visio278
Text displayA connector line shows through text even though the text background is solid429
Title block shapeA title block shape resizes unevenly when stretched148
Tree shapesWhen moving a tree branch, the entire tree structure moves instead349
UML menuThe UML menu is no longer visible638
UML Model Explorer windowThe Model Explorer is no longer visible640
Ungroup commandVisio 2007 displays a message when ungrouping729
Wall shapesWalls don’t connect correctly576
Wall shapesWhen you add shapes to a floor plan, you accidentally move walls and other structural shapes586

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