Choosing a Block Diagram

The block diagram templates are among the best examples of what separates Visio 2007 from the competition. Block diagrams refer to the diagrams you can create with any of the templates in the General folder: Basic Diagram, Block Diagram, and Block Diagram With Perspective. Using only the fundamental drag-and-drop technique and common text and formatting tools, you can create functional and attractive diagrams, as Figure 11-1 shows.

Figure 11-1. With block diagram shapes, you can capture layered concepts and hierarchies in an easy-to-understand format.

The truth is, each time Visio has been updated, most of the effort has gone into expanding the shape capabilities of other templates and developing wizards and macros that automate the drawing process. Automating block diagrams has never been a high priority, probably because they’re already so easy to use. Marketing surveys show that many people use block diagrams, and they use them to create an amazing variety of diagrams. Whatever the reason, block diagram shapes haven’t changed much since the first version of Visio and consequently remain easy to use—as well as versatile.

With a block diagram template, you can create four general types of diagrams, as Table 11-1 shows.

Table 11-1. General Block Diagram Types
Diagram TypeUsesDescription
BlockReports, presentation graphics, proposal visuals; display brainstorming results, planning, product prototyping, process flowBasic diagrams that communicate business relationships and processes using block shapes, such as boxes, diamonds, circles, and arrows
TreeHierarchical charts; display system integration, data structure, data flow, tournamentsHierarchical diagrams, such as family trees or tournament plans, using branching tree shapes
OnionReports, presentation graphics, proposal visuals, slide shows; display component relationshipsConcentric relationship diagrams in which each consecutive layer is dependent on the inner layer, and all layers are dependent on the core
3-D BlockPresentation graphics, slide shows, marketing reports, financial reports, hierarchical chartsPerspective diagrams that convey information more dramatically, such as presentation graphics, using 3-D blocks and arrows

Using the Block Diagram Templates

If you’re new to block diagrams, you might wonder how to begin. The View Template window (File, New, Getting Started) contains template descriptions when you click on a template; however, the descriptions for the block diagrams are nearly identical. Which one should you use? In some ways, it doesn’t really matter. You can start with the Block Diagram template, which contains the most commonly used shapes, and then open other stencils as you need them. Visio 2007 includes the following block diagram templates (grouped under the General solution):

  • Basic Diagram Opens a drawing page and the Basic Shapes, Borders And Titles, and Backgrounds stencils.

  • Block Diagram Opens a drawing page and the Blocks, Blocks Raised, Borders And Titles, and Backgrounds stencils.

  • Block Diagram With Perspective Opens a drawing page oriented toward a vanishing point on the page. Also opens the Blocks With Perspective, Borders And Titles, and Backgrounds stencils.


To add a stencil, click Shapes on the Standard toolbar, and then select a stencil.


Starting a Block Diagram

You can assemble most block diagrams in the same way using the basic steps outlined next. If you would rather jump right into creating a particular type of block diagram, skip ahead to the section in this chapter that describes how to create a hierarchical, tree, onion, or 3-D diagram.

Follow these steps to create a simple block diagram:

Decide whether you want to create a block, raised block, or perspective block diagram, and then choose File, New, General, and select the appropriate template.

Decide which shape or shapes to use to represent the main idea you want to communicate.

Drag shapes from the Blocks stencil or other stencils onto the drawing page.

Size, align, and format shapes as desired.

Format the page with borders, title blocks, a background, or a theme.

Save the drawing file.

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