Navigating Group Policy Logical Structure

Logically, GPOs are represented in Active Directory as container objects, which are stored in the Active Directory data store and are referred to as Group Policy containers (GPCs). The GPC contains attributes that relate to the basic information about a GPO—such as its display name, the path to the GPT, its version number, and its access control list (ACL). It also contains references to which CSEs will be invoked in order to process the GPO.



Keep in mind that you never need to interact with GPCs and GPTs directly. In fact, it is easy to create problems with a GPO if you attempt to make changes directly to the GPC or GPT. Your primary interface for managing Group Policy is the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and the Group Policy Object Editor. However, on the rare occasion when, for troubleshooting purposes, you need to view the GPC and GPT directly, it is useful to understand GPC and GPT structure and what kinds of information they store.

Working with Group Policy Containers

When you create a GPO, Active Directory creates a GPC for that GPO. This GPC is created as a container object with the groupPolicyContainer object class and is named with a globally unique identifier (GUID). The GPC is then stored under the CN=Policies,CN=System container within the currently selected domain. Active Directory and related tools find the container according to its distinguished name (DN). A DN, as you might recall from Chapter 2, is the exact path to an object in the Active Directory data store.

To see how this works, consider the following example:

  1. You create a GPO called Sales Policy to handle policy settings for the Sales OU in the domain.

  2. Active Directory creates a container object with a GUID of {0BF0F7D6-0245-4133-BC78-B98AFBA21F48}} and stores it in the CN=Policies,CN=System container within the domain.

  3. The DN of the Sales Policy GPO is then CN={0BF0F7D6-0245-4133-BC78-B98AFBA21F48},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=Cpandl,DC=COM, and the full LDAP path is LDAP://CN={0BF0F7D6-0245-4133-BC78-B98AFBA21F48}, CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=Cpandl,DC=COM.

Objects in the directory store also have a canonical name, which is specified more like a path. The canonical name for the Sales Policy GPO is:{0BF0F7D6-0245-4133-BC78-B98AFBA21F48}

You could access and view the container object for the Sales Policy GPO in many ways, but one way is to use the Advanced view in Active Directory Users And Computers. Follow these steps:

  1. Start Active Directory Users And Computers. Click Start, Programs or All Programs, Administrative Tools, Active Directory Users And Computers.

  2. On the View menu, make sure Advanced Features is selected. If it isn’t, select it.

  3. After expanding the domain entry, expand System and then Policies.

As Figure 13-1 shows, each folder entry under System, Policies represents a GPC container. The name of the folder is the GUID of the related container object. As the Active Directory User And Computer’s folder representation shows, within each GPC there are Machine and User subcontainers that represent the Computer Configuration and User Configuration portions of a GPO, respectively. Depending on which policy areas are configured within a GPO, there might also be additional subcontainers under the Machine and User containers. We’ll explore these additional subcontainers when we talk about how Group Policy settings are processed later.

Viewing the policy containers in a domain

Figure 13-1. Viewing the policy containers in a domain



Each GPC container represents one GPO, and the GUID name of the container is the GUID of the GPO. Naming a GPC using a GUID guarantees that the GPO is always uniquely named within Active Directory even if two GPOs have the same "friendly name" (the descriptive name you enter when you create the GPO). The only exceptions are the Default Domain Policy and Default Domain Controllers Policy GPOs which have the same GUID regardless of in which domain in the forest they reside.

Examining Attributes of groupPolicyContainer Objects

You can learn more about GPCs by examining the class definition of the groupPolicyContainer object itself. One way to view object attributes is to use the Active Directory Schema snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). When you start this snap-in, it makes a direct connection to the schema master for the current Active Directory forest.



The Active Directory Schema snap-in is not available by default. You must install the Administration Tools (Adminpak.msi) from the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM. Or, if you are working with a server, you can simply double-click Adminpak.msi in the %SystemRoot%System32 folder.

Once you install the Administrative Tools, you can add the Active Directory Schema snap-in to a custom console by following these steps:

  1. Click Start, select Run, type mmc in the Open box, and then click OK.

  2. Choose Add/Remove Snap-In from the File menu in the main window. Choose Add, which displays the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box.

  3. Click Active Directory Schema, and then choose Add. The Active Directory Schema snap-in is added to the list of snap-ins in the Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box. Click Close, and then click OK.

After you add the snap-in to a custom console, you can view the class definition of the groupPolicyContainer object. In Active Directory Schema, expand the Active Directory Schema node, and then expand the Classes node. When you select groupPolicyContainer, you’ll see a list of the attributes for this object in the right pane. Table 13-1 describes some of the more interesting attributes.

Table 13-1. Key Attributes of the groupPolicyContainer Object




Stores the date and time that the GPC object was created.


Stores the friendly name of the GPO that you entered when you created it.


Stores the full DN of GPC object.


Stores the state of the GPO.

Flags=0;GPO is enabled

Flags=1;User Configuration portion of the GPO is disabled

Flags=2;Computer Configuration portion of GPO is disabled

Flags=3;GPO is disabled


Stores the SYSVOL path to the corresponding GPT for the GPO.


Stores a list of GUIDs that correspond to the computer-specific client-side extensions (CSEs) that have been implemented in the GPO.


Stores a list of GUIDs that correspond to the user-specific CSEs that have been implemented in this GPO.


Stores the current version number for the GPC portion of a GPO. Versioning is used to determine how many changes have been made to the GPO and whether those changes in are in sync between the GPC and GPT.

Examining the Security of groupPolicyContainer Objects

Like any objects in Active Directory, GPOs have a set of permissions that control who has access for editing and processing. You can view the security settings on a GPO, just as you can on any other object in Active Directory. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Start Active Directory Users And Computers. Click Start, Programs or All Programs, Administrative Tools, Active Directory Users And Computers.

  2. On the View menu, make sure Advanced Features is selected. If it isn’t, select it.

  3. After expanding the domain entry, expand System and then Policies.

  4. Right-click the folder that represents the GPO you want to work with, and choose Properties.

  5. In the Properties dialog box, select the Security tab, as shown in Figure 13-2.

    Viewing a GPO’s security settings

    Figure 13-2. Viewing a GPO’s security settings

Viewing a GPO’s security settings in Active Directory Users And Computers is much like viewing a GPO’s advanced security settings from the GPMC’s Delegation tab—the settings are one and the same. The Delegation tab itself provides a "cleaned-up" view of the security settings. While the GPMC differentiates between managing the delegation of a GPO and the security filtering on a GPO, Active Directory Users And Computers does not. Thus, in Active Directory Users And Computers, you have a slightly different view of a GPO’s security settings.

Table 13-2 lists the permissions associated with each delegation and security filtering task. Delegation determines who can read, edit, delete, or modify security on a GPO. Security filtering determines which user or computer can process the GPO.

Table 13-2. Active Directory Permissions on GPCs


Corresponding GPC Permissions

Delegation: Read

  • Allow: List Contents

  • Allow: Read All Properties

  • Allow: Read Permissions

Delegation: Edit Settings

Same as Read plus:

  • Allow: Write All Properties

  • Allow: Create All Child Objects

  • Allow: Delete All Child Objects

Delegation: Edit Settings; Delete, Modify Security

Same as Edit Settings plus:

  • Allow: Delete

  • Allow: Modify Permissions

  • Allow Modify Owner



Don’t edit security settings from within Active Directory Users And Computers. If you do, you are modifying only the permissions of the corresponding GPC and not the complete set of permissions for the GPO. Remember that each GPO has a logical and physical representation, so if you edit the permissions on the GPC, the permissions on the GPT are not changed. Always use the GPMC, Group Policy Object Editor, or GPMC scripting interfaces to correctly modify GPO security.

Examining GPO Creation Permissions

In addition to permissions on the GPO object itself, you can delegate who can create a GPO within a domain. You do this on the Delegation tab in the GPMC with a focus on the Group Policy Objects container, as discussed in Chapter 2.

Underlying GPO creation delegation is a set of permissions in Active Directory. These permissions are for creation of new GPOs rather than delegation of existing ones, so the permissions are set on the Policies container (CN=Policies,CN=System). This makes sense because the Policies container is the parent container of all GPCs that are created in a domain.

The permission that is granted on the Policies container is Allow: Create groupPolicy-Container Objects. If you grant this permission to a user or group, the user or group can create new GPC objects under that container and can thus create new GPOs in the designated domain.

You can view the security permissions on the Policy container by following these steps:

  1. Start Active Directory Users And Computers. Click Start, Programs or All Programs, Administrative Tools, Active Directory Users And Computers.

  2. On the View menu, make sure Advanced Features is selected. If it isn’t, select it.

  3. After expanding the domain entry, expand System. Right-click Policies, and choose Properties.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, select the Security tab and then click Advanced.

  5. Select the user or group whose permissions you want to view, and then click Edit.

  6. If the selected user or group has been granted the Create groupPolicyContainer Objects permission, that user or group can create GPOs in the domain. Certain restrictions and rules apply, of course, for determining the scope of these creation rights.



Again, don’t edit security settings from within Active Directory Users And Computers. Always use the GPMC, Group Policy Object Editor, or GPMC scripting interfaces to correctly modify GPO security.

Viewing and Setting Default Security for New GPOs

To round out the discussion of security on the GPC, we should also discuss how the default security is set on a GPO. When you use the GPMC to create a new GPO on Windows Server 2003, a new GPC is created in the Policies container with a set of default permissions. These default permissions include the following Access Control Entries (ACEs):

  • Authenticated Users. Read and apply Group Policy

  • Domain Admins. Edit settings, delete and modify security settings

  • Enterprise Admins. Edit settings, delete and modify security settings

  • Enterprise Domain Controllers. Read

  • SystemEdit settings, delete and modify security settings

  • Group Policy Creator Owner. Edit settings, delete and modify security settings

This list is controlled via the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute on the instance of the groupPolicyContainer schema class object within your Active Directory domain. You can modify this attribute to include other security principals so that when a new GPO is created, those principals have permissions on the GPO. The defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute on the groupPolicyContainer takes the form of a Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) string. For more information on creating SDDL strings, see Chapter 15.

Let’s walk through the steps for viewing and modifying the defaultSecurityDescriptor on the groupPolicyContainer class in order to add a new group to the default security settings on newly created GPOs. Our example includes a domain global security group called GPO Admins that contains administrative users who need to be able to edit any newly created GPOs within a domain. In this case, we want to ensure that this group always has permissions on new GPOs. To add the security group to the default security settings of newly created GPOs, you use the ADSI Edit snap-in for the MMC.



The ADSI Edit snap-in is not installed by default—it is instead included in the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools. Once you install the Support Tools, you can use and work with ADSI Edit as you can other MMC snap-ins.

Viewing the defaultSecurityDescriptor Attribute

You can use ADSI Edit to view the defaultSecurityDescriptor on the groupPolicyContainer class by following these steps:

  1. Click Start, select Run, type adsiedit.msc in the Open box, and then click OK.



    You should be automatically connected to the Domain, Configuration, and Schema naming contexts for your logon domain. If this isn’t the domain you want to work with, right-click ADSI Edit and then select Connect To. You can then connect to another domain.

  2. Double-click the Schema node, and then double-click CN=Schema,CN=Configuration to access the schema naming context for the domain.

  3. Find the CN=Group-Policy-Container class in the right-hand results pane, and double-click it to access its properties (Figure 13-3).

    Viewing the contents of the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute within ADSI Edit

    Figure 13-3. Viewing the contents of the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute within ADSI Edit

  4. In the CN=Group-Policy-Container Properties dialog box, scroll down to the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute and double-click it to show the current contents.

The defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute value will look similar to the following:


The SDDL strings stored within the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute are separated by parentheses (). This means the value shown previously contains the following SDDL strings:


Each SDDL string is used to assign security permissions to a particular group. The settings for the security groups discussed earlier are:

  • Authenticated Users. (A;CI;RPLCLORC;;;AU)



  • Enterprise Domain Controllers. (A;CI;LCRPLORC;;;ED)


  • Group Policy Creator Owner. (A;CI;RPWPCCDCLCLOLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;CO)

Modifying the defaultSecurityDescriptor Attribute

If you want to add a new group to the default security settings on a newly created GPO, you add an SDDL string for this group to the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute. The easiest way to do this is to place your mouse pointer at the end of the existing set of strings and add it from there.

If you want to give a group called GPO Admins the same rights on newly created GPOs as the Domain Admins group gets automatically, you can use the SDDL string for Domain Admins as a template and modify it for the GPO Admins group. The Domain Admins string looks like this:


This string results in Domain Admins having Edit Settings, Delete, and Modify security permissions on all newly created GPOs. To grant this same set of permissions to the GPO Admins group, you simply add this SDDL string to the end of the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute and change the DA to the SID of the GPO Admins group. For example, if the SID for that group is S-1-5-21-817735531-4269160403-1409475253-1123, the new SDDL string is as follows:


After this new SDDL string is appended to the end of the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute, you simply click OK in the String Attribute Editor dialog box to commit the change. Newly created GPOs will have the new GPO Admins ACE associated with them. You can verify this by creating a test GPO and checking the security on the GPO’s Delegation tab in the GPMC (Figure 13-4).

Viewing a newly created GPO with a modified defaultSecurityDescriptor

Figure 13-4. Viewing a newly created GPO with a modified defaultSecurityDescriptor



Be careful when editing the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute. Removing or changing existing SDDL strings can cause incorrect security to be applied to new GPOs when they are created.



After you make the change to the defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute, it might not be applied right away to newly created GPOs. You can make sure the change is committed to the schema by starting the Active Directory Schema MMC snap-in tool, right-clicking the Active Directory Schema node, and choosing Reload The Schema. The change must then be replicated to the rest of the domain controllers.

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