Using the GPMC’s Prebuilt Scripts

The GPMC provides a set of prebuilt WSH scripts that leverage the GPMC scripting interfaces that we just discussed to automate common Group Policy management tasks. On a standard GPMC installation, these scripts can be found in the %ProgramFiles%GPMCscripts folder. Most of the scripts have a .wsf file extension. The Windows Script File (.wsf) format is an XML-based scripting environment that lets you combine Jscript-based and VBScript-based scripts into a single .wsf file. It also allows for multiple jobs to be referenced so you can call a .wsf file and reference only a particular job or only a particular routine. Because these scripts are XML-based, they are normal text files that can be viewed in Notepad. However, they are probably best viewed using your favorite script editor.

In the next section, we’ll review the key management tasks that the prebuilt GPMC scripts help you perform and provide details on how to use these scripts. Most GPMC scripts provide command line–oriented output, so they are best run using the command-line WSH script processor (Cscript.exe) rather than the Windows WSH script processor (Wscript.exe).



While the prebuilt GPMC scripts might work in most environments, Microsoft does not guarantee they will work in all cases. You might find that the scripts do not scale well in a large enterprise.

Creating GPOs

The CreateGPO.wsf script is used to create a single GPO. The GPO is created unlinked. The script has the following usage:

CreateGPO.wsf GPOName [/Domain:value]

The GPOName parameter is the friendly name of the GPO you want to create, and the optional Domain parameter lets you create the GPO in a domain other than the one where the GPMC is installed. Here’s how you can create a GPO called Desktop Configuration Policy:

Cscript CreateGPO.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy"

Deleting GPOs

The DeleteGPO.wsf script lets you delete a particular GPO. You can optionally keep all the links to the GPO. The syntax for this script is as follows:

DeleteGPO.wsf GPOName [/KeepLinks] [/Domain:value]

When you use this script, you supply the friendly name for the GPO. If you choose the KeepLinks parameter, the links to the GPO on container objects are kept when the GPO no longer exists. This might be a good strategy if you need to restore the GPO from a backup. In that case, with the links in place, you won’t lose the references to the SOMs where that GPO was linked. You can also specify the domain name to perform the operation against. An example is shown here:

Cscript DeleteGPO.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy" /KeepLinks

Finding Disabled GPOs

The FindDisabledGPOs.wsf script can locate any GPOs within a domain that have been disabled. The syntax is simple:

FindDisabledGPOs.wsf [/Domain:value]

If you run the script without the option Domain name, it returns all disabled GPOs within the domain where the GPMC is installed. The script returns GPOs that are completely disabled, ones that have only the computer side disabled, and ones that have only the user side disabled.

Finding GPOs by Security Group

The FindGPOsBySecurityGroup.wsf script lets you search for GPOs in which a particular group has a particular level of delegation. The syntax for the script is as follows:

FindGPOsBySecurityGroup.wsf GroupName /Permission:value [/Effective] [/None]

For example, if you want to find all the GPOs in which the GPO Admins group has edit permissions on a GPO, you can run the script with the following parameters:

Cscript FindGPOsBySecurityGroup.wsf "GPO Admins" /Permission:Edit

If you use the Effective parameter, the script searches out effective memberships for the specified group. For example, if GPO Admins doesn’t have direct Edit permissions on a GPO but has them by virtue of its membership in another group, the Effective parameter will track that down. If you specify None, the script searches for GPOs in which the GPO Admins group does not have Edit permissions.

Finding GPOs Without Active Links

The FindUnlinkedGPOs.wsf script lets you locate GPOs within a domain that have not been linked to any SOM. The script has the following syntax:

FindUnlinkedGPOs.wsf [/Domain:value]

The script returns a list of all GPOs within the specified domain that aren’t linked to any containers in Active Directory.

Setting GPO Creation Permissions

The SetGPOCreationPermissions.wsf script lets you add or remove a groups ability to create GPOs in a domain. The syntax of the script is as follows:

SetGPOCreationPermissions.wsf Group [/Remove] [/Domain:value]

For example, if you want to grant the permission to create GPOs to the GPO Admins group, you call this script:

Cscript SetGPOCreationPermissions.wsf "GPO Admins"

To remove the permission from that group, simply add the /Remove parameter to the command:

Cscript SetGPOCreationPermissions.wsf "GPO Admins" /Remove

Setting Other GPO Permissions

The SetGPOPermissions.wsf script lets you set or replace permissions on a GPO. These permissions include both security filtering (which computer or user can process a GPO) and delegation (who can read, edit, and delete a GPO). The syntax for the script is as follows:

SetGPOPermissions.wsf GPOName GroupName /Permission:value /Replace

For example, if you want to change the existing permissions that the GPO Admins group has on the Desktop Configuration Policy from Edit to FullEdit, you call this script:

Cscript SetGPOPermissions.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy" "GPO Admins"
/Permission:FullEdit /Replace

Backing Up All GPOs

You use the Backupallgpos.wsf script to back up all GPOs in a domain to a particular backup location—typically a folder on a file system somewhere. The script takes three input parameters—one mandatory and two optional—as shown here:

Backupallgpos.wsf BackupLocation [/Comment:value] [/Domain:value]

The backup location is the directory to which you want to write the backup data—it can be local or remote. The comment is stored with the backup so that when you choose the Manage Backups option in the GPMC interface, you see the comment associated with it, as shown in Figure C-4.

Viewing GPOs backed up using BackupAllGPOs.wsf

Figure C-4. Viewing GPOs backed up using BackupAllGPOs.wsf

As you can see from the figure, each GPO has the same comment when backed up using the /comment option on this script. You can also optionally specify the domain in DNS format using the /domain option if you need to back up a domain other than the one in which the GPMC is running. An example of usage for this script follows:

Cscript BackupAllGPOs.wsf c:gpobackups /comment:"Backup of all GPOs"

Backing Up Individual GPOs

The BackupGPO.wsf script lets you back up a single GPO at a time. Its usage is similar to the previous script, except that you need to specify the name of the GPO to back up:

BackupGPO.wsf GPOName BackupLocation [/Comment:value] [/Domain:value]

In this script, you can specify either the GPO’s friendly name or its GUID. Either will be resolved to the correct GPO. An example follows:

Cscript BackupGPO.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy" c:gpobackups
/comment: "Backup of desktop lockdown before the change" /domain:

Copying GPOs

The CopyGPO.wsf script is used to copy one GPO to another, new GPO. When you copy a GPO, all of its settings are copied to the new target GPO. The copy feature in the GPMC is supported either within a domain or across domains within a single forest. It is not supported for copying GPOs across forests. The syntax for this script is as follows:

CopyGPO.wsf SourceGPO TargetGPO [/SourceDomain:value] [/TargetDomain:value]
[/SourceDC:value] [/TargetDC:value] [/MigrationTable:value] [/CopyACL]

As you can see, only the SourceGPO and TargetGPO parameters are required—the rest are optional. However, if you don’t specify any options, the source GPO is copied to the same domain and all settings are assumed to be the same. Keep the following in mind:

  • The SourceDomain and TargetDomain options let you specify a cross-domain copy. These should take the form of a DNS domain name (such as The SourceDC and TargetDC options let you specify a particular domain controller to copy the GPO to and from when performing a cross-domain copy. This is typically not required unless you want the copy to happen from a particular domain controller.

  • The MigrationTable option lets you specify the name of a GPMC migration table, which is used to translate security principal and path references embedded in GPOs during copy or import operations. The MigrationTable option is set as a file path to the location where the migration table resides.

  • The CopyACL option lets you specify to also copy the Access Control List on the source GPO to the target exactly as it appears. This means the DomianA ACLs will carry over to DomainB when the GPO is coped from DomainA to DomainB with this flag. If you don’t choose the CopyACL option, the destination GPO that is created inherits the default permissions for any newly created GPO. The CopyACL option is useful if you have specific security filtering or delegation on the source GPO that you want to implement exactly on the new GPO.

An example of this usage is shown here:

Cscript CopyGPO.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy" "Desktop Configuration Policy"
/ /
/MigrationTable:c:migrationtableseast.migtable /copyACL

Importing GPOs

You can use the ImportGPO.wsf script to import a backed up GPO into a a specified target GPO. The script has the following syntax:

ImportGPO.wsf BackupLocation BackupID [TargetGPO] [/MigrationTable:value]
[/CreateIfNeeded] [/Domain:value]

BackupLocation is the folder where your GPO backups are stored, and BackupID is the friendly name or the GUID of the GPO to import. The TargetGPO parameter is the friendly name of the GPO into which you want to import the settings from the backed up GPO. The MigrationTable parameter lets you specify the location of a migration table to apply to the import process. The CreateIfNeeded parameter tells the script to create a new GPO to import the backed up one into if no TargetGPO is found. The Domain parameter lets you specify a different domain as the destination. An example of this script is as follows:

Cscript ImportGPO.wsf c:gpoback "Desktop Configuration Policy" "New Lockdown
Policy" /MigrationTable: c:migtableslockdown.migtable

Generating RSoP Reports

The GetReportsForGPO.wsf script creates XML and HTML settings reports for a given GPO and saves them to a defined file system location. The syntax for this script is as follows:

GetReportsForGPO.wsf GPOName ReportLocation [/Domain:value]

GPOName is the friendly name for the GPO you want to report on, and ReportLocation is the folder where you want the reports to be saved. Note that both XML and HTML files will be created and will have the same name as the friendly name of the GPO (such as Desktop Configuration Policy.HTML).

Mirroring Your Production Environment

The CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf and CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf scripts are useful for setting up test environments that mirror your production environment. CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf is used to create a copy of your production domain environment, including its OU structure, users, permissions, and GPOs. That information is stored to an XML file. You can then use CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf within a new Active Directory domain to import the production structure and information so that the environments are identical in most respects.

The syntax for both commands follows:

CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf OutputFile [/Domain:value] [/DC:value]
[/TemplatePath:value] [/StartingOU:value] [/ExcludePermissions]
[/IncludeAllGroups] [/IncludeUsers]

CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf /XML:value [/Undo] [/Domain:value] [/DC:value]
[/ExcludeSettings] [/ExcludePermissions] [/CreateUsersEnabled]
[/PasswordForUsers:value] [/MigrationTable:value] [/ImportDefaultGPOs] [/Q]

The only mandatory parameters for each script are the location of the XML output file for CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf and the location of that XML file as input for CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf. In the CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf script, you can use the Domain parameter to specify which domain to capture, the DC parameter to specify which domain controller to pull the information from, and the TemplatePath parameter to specify the file system location where you want to store the GPO backups. If you don’t want to capture the whole domain, you can use the StartingOU parameter to specify the DN of the OU where you want to start the capture.

If you choose the ExcludePermissions option, no permissions on either GPOs or container objects (SOMs) are captured for restoration. If you use the IncludeAllGroups option, all groups found in the Users container within the domain or at the root of the domain are included, as well as any other groups found in the domain. Otherwise, these groups are excluded. Finally, if you specify the IncludeUsers option, user accounts as well as groups are captured.

On the receiving side, the options that you can specify on the CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf script include the Undo parameter, which actually removes the objects found in the XML file rather than adding them to the new domain. The Domain and DC parameters let you specify the name of the destination domain and the domain controller, respectively, where want to import the captured information. ExcludeSettings and ExcludePermissions let you choose to not include GPO settings from the captured GPOs and to exclude GPO and SOM permissions, respectively. The CreateUsersEnabled option lets you create any captured user object as an enabled user instead of a disabled user, which is the default.

Using the PasswordForUsers parameter, you can specify a password that all newly created user objects will receive. The MigrationTable parameter lets you choose a migration table to apply to all GPOs as they are imported into the destination domain. The ImportDefaultGPOs gives you the option to import the settings captured in the Default Domain Policy and Default Domain Controllers Policy GPOs from the source domain into the target. Finally, the Q parameter lets you run the script quietly (without feedback). Here is sample usage for each script:

Cscript CreateXMLFromEnvironment.wsf c:outputprodenvironment.xml
/ /TemplatePath:"c:gpoback" /
StartingOU:OU=Marketing,DC=cpandl,DC=com /IncludeUsers

Cscript CreateEnvironmentFromXML.wsf /XML: "c:outputprodenvironment.xml"
/ /CreateUsersEnabled /PasswordForUsers:"P@ssw0rd"
/MigrationTable:c:migtables	est.migtable

GPMC Prebuilt Script Review

The GPMC includes many prebuilt .wsf scripts. We’ve looked at the most frequently used ones. Table C-1 describes the remaining scripts.

Table C-1. Additional GPMC Prebuilt Scripts



Sample Usage


Automates the creation of a migration table for copies and imports, and lets you prepopulate some entries in the table using an existing GPO or a GPO backup.

Cscript CreateMigration-Table.wsf

C:migtables est.migtable/GPO:"Desktop Configuration Policy"


Lists summary info for a specified GPO, including items such as GUID, version number, permissions, and when it was created.

Cscript DumpGPOInfo.wsf "Desktop Configuration Policy"


Provides a listing of information specific to a SOM, including any GPOs linked to that SOM, who has permissions to create new links, and who can generate RSoP logging and planning data.

Cscript DumpSOMInfo.wsf "Marketing" (Note that you can specify the display name of an OU, as in this example, ora DN.)


Finds any GPOs in a domain with a duplicate friendly name.

Cscript FindDuplicate-NamedGPOs.wsf/


Searches for GPOs that have implemented a particular policy area. For example, you can search for all GPOs in a domain that have implemented Security policy.

Cscript FindGPOsBy-PolicyExtension.wsf/"Folder Redirection"/


Locates any GPOs that don’t have Apply Group Policy permissions associated with them. Such GPOs are never applied to a user or computer.

Cscript FindGPOsWithNo-SecurityFiltering.wsf/


Locates GPOs that have their Group Policy template (GPT) portion but don’t have a corresponding Group Policy container (GPC) in Active Directory.

Cscript FindOrphaned-GPOsInSYSVOL.wsf/


Searches all SOMs within a domain to determine if any GPOs linked to them reside in other domains.

Cscript FindSOMsWith-ExternalGPOLinks.wsf/


Generates XML and HTML settings reports for every GPO in a domain and saves them to the specified folder.

Cscript GetReportsForAll-GPOs.wsf c: eports/


Adds or replaces a particular permission on all GPOs within a domain. For example, if you want to grant a special GPO Admins group the permission to edit all GPOs,you can use this script for that purpose.

Cscript GrantPermissionOn-AllGPOs.wsf "GPO Admins"/Permission:Edit/


Takes a folder of backed-up GPOs and creates new GPOs in the target domain, optionally using a migration table.

Cscript ImportAllGPOs.wsf c:gpoback/Migration-Table: "c:migtablesallimport.migtable"/


Lists details of all GPOs within a domain. You can use the/v switch to get a verbose listing.

Cscript ListAllGPOs.wsf/v


Lists all SOMs within a domain and shows what GPOs are linked to them.

Cscript ListSOMPolicy-Tree.wsf/domain:


Provides a listing of all backed-up GPOs within a given backup location.

Cscript QueryBackup Location.wsf c:gpoback/verbose


Restores the most recent backup of every GPO found within the specified backup folder.

Cscript RestoreAllGPOs.wsf c:gpoback/domain:


Restores a specified GPO to its original state from backup.

Cscript RestoreGPO.wsf c:gpoback "Desktop Configuration Policy"/


For a given SOM, modifies permissions on all GPOs linked to that SOM with a given group and permission level.

Cscript SetGPOPermissions-BySOM.wsf "Marketing" "GPO Admins" Permission:FullEdit/Recursive

(Note that the Recursive parameter applies the permission change to GPOs linked to any child OUs below the specified OU—in this example, the Marketing OU.)


Modifies GPO-related permissions on a SOM, including who can link GPOs to the SOM, who can perform RSoP logging on the SOM, and who can perform RSoP planning.

Cscript SetSOMPermis-sions.wsf "Marketing" "GPO Admins"/Permission:LinkGPOs/Inherit



In Table C-1, a dash (-) has been added to the script name where needed to allow the line to break. The dash is not part of the script name.

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