
PUBLISHED BYMicrosoft PressA Division of Microsoft CorporationOne Microsoft WayRedmond, Washington 98052-6399

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMicrosoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide / Microsoft Corporation.             p. cm.       Includes index.       ISBN 0-7356-1867-4       1. Microsoft Windows (Computer file) 2. Operating systems (Computers) I. Microsoft   Corporation.   QA76.76.O63 M5241322525 2002   005.4’4769--dc21                                          2002033719

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  • Acquisitions Editors: Juliana Aldous Atkinson, Martin Delre

  • Project Editor: Maureen Williams Zimmerman

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Thank you to those who contributed to this book:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide

Book Writing Lead: Greg Stemp Writers: Dean Tsaltas, Bob Wells, Ethan Wilansky Technical Writing Manager: Peter Costantini

Book Editing Lead: Carolyn Eller Editors: Anika Nelson, Scott Somohano, Nona Allison, Jim Becker, Bonnie Birger, Dale Callison, Justin Hall, Kate Robinson,Dee Teodoro, Scott Turnbull, Tom Winn, Krista Wall, Shawn Peck, Holly ViolaEditing Managers: Kate O’Leary, Jay Schram

Project Manager: Neil Orint

Production Lead: Jason Hershey Production Specialists: Barbara Arend, Yong Ok Chung, Dean Prince Documentation Tools Software Developers: Cornel Moiceanu, Steve Pyron

Indexer: Caroline Parks

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Test Lead: Richard Min Testers: Matt Winberry, Ben Rangel

Windows Lab Administrators: Dave Meyer, Robert Thingwold

Special thanks for laying the groundwork for this book to: Martin DelRe, Lola Gunter

A special recognition to the following technical experts for their exceptional contributions: Alex Angelopolous, Mike Dutra, Mary Gray, Eric Lippert, Ryan Maas, Daryl Wray

A special thanks to the following technical experts who contributed to and supported this effort: Muhammad Arrabi, John Biscevic, Andrew Clinick, David C. Winkler

Director, Windows Server User Assistance: Karen Forster

Resource Kit User Assistance Manager: Pilar Ackerman

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