NEAL R. AMUNDSON, SERIES EDITOR, University of Houston


ANDREAS ACRIVOS, Stanford University
JOHNDAHLER, University of Minnesota
H. SCOTT FOGLER, University of Michigan
THOMAS J. HANRATTY, University of Illinois
JOHNM. PRAUSNITZ, University of California
L. E. SCRIVEN, University of Minnesota

BALZHISER, SAMUELS, & ELLIASSEN Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
BEQUETTE Process Dynamics
BIEGLER, GROSSMAN, & WESTERBERG Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design
CROWL & LOUVAR Chemical Process Safety
CUTLIP & SHACHAM Problem Solving in Chemical Engineering with Numerical Methods
DENN Process Fluid Mechanics
ELLIOT & LIRA Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
FOGLER Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition
HANNA & SANDALL Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering
HIMMELBLAU Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, 6th edition
HINES & MADDOX Mass Transfer
KYLE Chemical and Process Thermodynamics, 3rd edition
NEWMAN Electrochemical Systems, 2nd edition
     of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd edition

PRENTICE Electrochemical Engineering Principles
SHULER & KARGI Bioprocess Engineering
STEPHANOPOULOS Chemical Process Control
TESTER & MODELL Thermodynamics and Its Applications, 3rd edition
TURTON, BAILIE, WHITING, & SHAEWITZ Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical

WILKES Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering

Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria

Third Edition

John M. Prausnitz, University of California, Berkeley

Rüdiger N. Lichtenthaler, University of Heidelberg

Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon

Prentice Hall PTR
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

Acquisitions editor: Bernard Goodwin
Editorial/production supervision: Joan L. McNamara
Cover design director: Jerry Votta
Book Design and Layout: Rüdiger N. Lichtenthaler and Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo
Electronic Typesetting: Rüdiger N. Lichtenthaler and Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo
Figures and Artwork: Rüdiger N. Lichtenthaler and Edmundo Gomes de Azevedo
Manufacturing manager: Alan Fischer
Editorial Assistant: Diane Spina
Marketing Manager: Kaylie Smith



Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition


1 The Phase-Equilibrium Problem

1.1 Essence of the Problem

1.2 Application of Thermodynamics to Phase-Equilibrium Problems

2 Classical Thermodynamics of Phase Equilibria

2.1 Homogeneous Closed Systems

2.2 Homogeneous Open Systems

2.3 Equilibrium in a Heterogeneous Closed System

2.4 The Gibbs-Duhem Equation

2.5 The Phase Rule

2.6 The Chemical Potential

2.7 Fugacity and Activity

2.8 A Simple Application: Raoult’s Law



3 Thermodynamic Properties from Volumetric Data

3.1 Thermodynamic Properties with Independent Variables P and T

3.2 Fugacity of a Component in a Mixture at Moderate Pressures

3.3 Fugacity of a Pure Liquid or Solid

3.4 Thermodynamic Properties with Independent Variables V and T

3.5 Fugacity of a Component in a Mixture According to van der Waals’ Equation

3.6 Phase Equilibria from Volumetric Properties



4 Intermolecular Forces, Corresponding States and Osmotic Systems

4.1 Potential-Energy Functions

4.2 Electrostatic Forces

4.3 Polarizability and Induced Dipoles

4.4 Intermolecular Forces between Nonpolar Molecules

4.5 Mie’s Potential-Energy Function for Nonpolar Molecules

4.6 Structural Effects

4.7 Specific (Chemical) Forces

4.8 Hydrogen Bonds

4.9 Electron Donor-Electron Acceptor Complexes

4.10 Hydrophobic Interaction

4.11 Molecular Interactions in Dense Fluid Media

Osmotic Pressure

Donnan Equilibria

4.12 Molecular Theory of Corresponding States

4.13 Extension of Corresponding-States Theory to More Complicated Molecules

4.14 Summary



5 Fugacities in Gas Mixtures

5.1 The Lewis Fugacity Rule

5.2 The Virial Equation of State

5.3 Extension to Mixtures

5.4 Fugacities from the Virial Equation

5.5 Calculation of Virial Coefficients from Potential Functions

5.6 Third Virial Coefficients

5.7 Virial Coefficients from Corresponding-States Correlations

5.8 The “Chemical” Interpretation of Deviations from Gas-Phase Ideality

5.9 Strong Dimerization: Carboxylic Acids

5.10 Weak Dimerizations and Second Virial Coefficients

5.11 Fugacities at High Densities

5.12 Solubilities of Solids and Liquids in Compressed Gases

5.13 Summary



6 Fugacities in Liquid Mixtures: Excess Functions

6.1 The Ideal Solution

6.2 Fundamental Relations of Excess Functions

6.3 Activity and Activity Coefficients

6.4 Normalization of Activity Coefficients

6.5 Activity Coefficients from Excess Functions in Binary Mixtures

6.6 Activity Coefficients for One Component from Those of the Other Components

6.7 Partial Pressures from Isothermal Total-Pressure Data

6.8 Partial Pressures from Isobaric Boiling-Point Data

6.9 Testing Equilibrium Data for Thermodynamic Consistency

6.10 Wohl’s Expansion for the Excess Gibbs Energy

6.11 Wilson, NRTL, and UNIQUAC Equations

6.12 Excess Functions and Partial Miscibility

6.13 Upper and Lower Consolute Temperatures

6.14 Excess Functions for Multicomponent Mixtures

6.15 Wilson, NRTL, and UNIQUAC Equations for Multicomponent Mixtures

6.16 Summary



7 Fugacities in Liquid Mixtures: Models and Theories of Solutions

7.1 The Theory of van Laar

7.2 The Scatchard-Hildebrand Theory

7.3 Excess Functions from an Equation of State

7.4 The Lattice Model

7.5 Calculation of the Interchange Energy from Molecular Properties

7.6 Nonrandom Mixtures of Simple Molecules

7.7 The Two-Liquid Theory

7.8 Activity Coefficients from Group-Contribution Methods

7.9 Chemical Theory

7.10 Activity Coefficients in Associated Solutions

7.11 Associated Solutions with Physical Interactions

7.12 Activity Coefficients in Solvated Solutions

7.13 Solutions Containing Two (or More) Complexes

7.14 Distribution of a Solute between Two Immiscible Solvents

7.15 The Generalized van der Waals Partition Function

7.16 Perturbed-Hard-Chain Theory

7.17 Hard-Sphere-Chain Models

Statistical Associated-Fluid Theory

Perturbed Hard-Sphere-Chain Theory

7.18 Summary



8 Polymers: Solutions, Blends, Membranes, and Gels

8.1 Properties of Polymers

8.2 Lattice Models: The Flory-Huggins Theory

8.3 Equations of State for Polymer Solutions

Prigogine-Flory-Patterson Theory

Perturbed-Hard-Chain Theory

Lattice-Fluid Theory

Statistical Associated Fluid Theory

Perturbed Hard-Sphere-Chain Theory

8.4 Nonporous Polymeric Membranes and Polymer Gels

Nonporous Membranes

Polymer Gels

8.5 Summary



9 Electrolyte Solutions

9.1 Activity Coefficient of a Nonvolatile Solute in Solution and Osmotic Coefficient for the Solvent

9.2 Solution of an Electrolyte. Electroneutrality

9.3 Osmotic Coefficient in an Electrolyte Solution

9.4 Relation of Osmotic Coefficient to Mean Ionic Activity Coefficient

9.5 Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Mean Ionic Activity Coefficient

9.6 Excess Properties of Electrolyte Solutions

9.7 Debye-Hückel Limiting Law

9.8 Weak Electrolytes

9.9 Salting-out and Salting-in of Volatile Solutes

9.10 Models for Concentrated Ionic Solutions

9.11 Fundamental Models

9.12 Semi-Empirical Models

9.13 Models Based on the Local-Composition Concept

9.14 The Model of Pitzer

9.15 The “Chemical” Hydration Model of Robinson and Stokes

9.16 Conversion from McMillan-Mayer to Lewis-Randall Formalisms

9.17 Phase Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions of Volatile Electrolytes

9.18 Protein Partitioning in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems

9.19 Summary



10 Solubilities of Gases in Liquids

10.1 The Ideal Solubility of a Gas

10.2 Henry’s Law and Its Thermodynamic Significance

10.3 Effect of Pressure on Gas Solubility

10.4 Effect of Temperature on Gas Solubility

10.5 Estimation of Gas Solubility

10.6 Gas Solubility in Mixed Solvents

10.7 Chemical Effects on Gas Solubility



11 Solubilities of Solids in Liquids

11.1 Thermodynamic Framework

11.2 Calculation of the Pure-Solute Fugacity Ratio

11.3 Ideal Solubility

11.4 Nonideal Solutions

11.5 Solubility of a Solid in a Mixed Solvent

11.6 Solid Solutions

11.7 Solubility of Antibiotics in Mixed Nonaqueous Solvents



12 High-Pressure Phase Equilibria

12.1 Fluid Mixtures at High Pressures

12.2 Phase Behavior at High Pressure

Interpretation of Phase Diagrams

Classification of Phase Diagrams for Binary Mixtures

Critical Phenomena in Binary Fluid Mixtures

12.3 Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Gas Equilibria

Liquid-Liquid Equilibria

Gas-Gas Equilibria

12.4 Thermodynamic Analysis

12.5 Supercritical-Fluid Extraction

12.6 Calculation of High-Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria

12.7 Phase Equilibria from Equations of State

Non-Quadratic Mixing Rules

12.8 Phase Equilibria from a Corresponding-States Correlation

12.9 Vapor-Liquid Equilibria from the Perturbed-Hard-Chain Theory

12.10 Phase Equilibria Using the Chemical Theory

12.11 Summary



A Uniformity of Intensive Potentials as a Criterion of Phase Equilibrium

B A Brief Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic States and Quantum States of a System

Ensembles and Basic Postulates

The Canonical Ensemble

The Grand Canonical Ensemble

The Semiclassical Partition Function

Appendix B.1: Two Basic Combinatorial Relations

Appendix B.2: Maximum-Term Method

Appendix B.3: Stirling’s Formula


C Virial Coefficients for Quantum Gases

Virial Equation as a Power Series in Density or Pressure

Virial Coefficients for Hydrogen, Helium, and Neon


D The Gibbs-Duhem Equation

E Liquid-Liquid Equilibria in Binary and Multicomponent Systems


F Estimation of Activity Coefficients

Estimation from Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution

Estimation from Group-Contribution Methods


G A General Theorem for Mixtures with Associating or Solvating Molecules

H Brief Introduction to Perturbation Theory of Dense Fluids


I The Ion-Interaction Model of Pitzer for Multielectrolyte Solutions


J Conversion Factors and Constants

SI Units and Conversion Factors

Some Fundamental Constants in Various Units

Critical Constants and Acentric Factors for Selected Fluids



The first edition of this book appeared in 1969; the second edition in 1986. The purpose of this book remains unchanged: to present to senior or first-year graduate students in chemical engineering (and related sciences) a broad introduction to the thermodynamics of phase equilibria typically encountered in design of chemical products and processes, in particular, in separation operations. Thermodynamic tools are provided for efficient design and improvement of conventional and new separation processes including those that may be useful for environmental protection.

This book is suitable as a text for those students who have completed a first course in chemical engineering thermodynamics. While most of the material is based on classical thermodynamics, molecular properties are introduced to facilitate applications to real systems. Although no effort is made to teach statistical thermodynamics, useful results from statistical thermodynamics are included to connect thermodynamic and molecular properties.

The new edition presents an expanded discussion of theoretical concepts to describe and interpret solution properties, with emphasis on those concepts that bear promise for practical applications. Attention is given to a variety of models including the lattice-fluid theory and the statistical associated-fluid theory (SAFT).

A new chapter is devoted to polymer solutions including gas-polymer equilibria at ordinary and high pressures, polymer blends, polymeric membranes and gels. Other novel sections of the third edition include discussions of osmotic pressure and Donnan equilibria.

A serious omission in previous editions has now been corrected: the third edition contains an entirely new chapter on electrolyte solutions. This new chapter first gives the thermodynamic basis for describing activities of components in electrolyte solutions and then presents some semi-empirical models for solutions containing salts or volatile electrolytes. Also discussed are some applications of these models to phase-equilibrium calculations relevant to chemical, environmental and biochemical engineering.

All chapters have been updated primarily through presentation of some recent examples and some new homework problems.

It is a pleasure for the senior author to indicate here his thanks for the essential contributions of his two co-authors. Without their dedicated devotion and attention to numerous details, this third edition could not have been completed.

For helpful advice and comments, the authors are grateful to numerous colleagues, especially to Allan Harvey, Dan Kuehner, Huen Lee, Gerd Maurer, Van Nguyen, John O’Connell, and Jianzhong Wu.

Since 1986, the literature concerning fluid-phase thermodynamics has grown tremendously. To keep the book to a reasonable size, it has been necessary to omit many fine contributions. The authors apologize to their many colleagues whose important work could not be included lest the book become excessively long.

Chemical engineering thermodynamics is now in a state of transition. Classical thermodynamics is becoming increasingly replaced by new tools from applied statistical thermodynamics and molecular simulations. However, many – indeed most – of these new tools are not as yet sufficiently developed for practical applications. For the present and near future, it remains necessary to rely primarily on classical thermodynamics informed and extended through molecular physics and physical chemistry. Molecular thermodynamics, as presented here, is characterized by a combination of classical methods augmented by molecular science and supported by fundamental experimental data.

As in previous editions, this book is motivated by the authors’ enthusiasm for explaining and extending the insights of thermodynamics towards useful applications in chemical engineering. If that enthusiasm can be communicated to students and to practicing engineers, the purpose of this book will be fulfilled. As in previous editions, the motto of the third remains, as before: Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.

J. M. Prausnitz
Berkeley, California

Effective teamwork that did not leave anything to be desired was the corner-stone for completing the third edition of this book during the time we spent in Berkeley. We thank John for preparing the ground correspondingly, for his leadership as senior author and for his support.

Because we were responsible for electronic typesetting, layout, artwork and figures (many from the previous edition), it was a challenge to take care of all details, requiring from us skills that we learned by doing. We did our best to prepare this book to meet professional standards.

Coming back to Berkeley and to collaborate once again with John was for us an enriching experience. In doing so we asked from our families even more sacrifices than we usually request as academic scientists.

I (R.N.L.) express most sincere thanks to my wife Brigitte, and to my children, Ulrike, Heike, Felix, Philipp, and Martin who provided the support necessary to commit myself in Berkeley exclusively to the revision of this book. I am also grateful to my colleagues at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the University of Heidelberg for stepping in to meet my teaching duties while I was in Berkeley. Further, I want to thank Siegfried Kraft, Chancellor of the University of Heidelberg, whose understanding and advice made part of my stay in Berkeley possible.

I (E.G.A.) am thankful to my family, Cristina, Miguel and Marta, for their encouragement, understanding and support during the long and difficult months we were apart. Also I am grateful to Instituto Superior Técnico for a leave of absence, and to the Fulbright Program, Programa de Bolsas de Estudos da OTAN, and Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento for financial support of my residence in Berkeley during the academic year 1992/93 (when the preparation of the present edition started) and during the first semester of 1998.

R. N. Lichtenthaler
Heidelberg, Germany
[email protected]

E. Gomes de Azevedo
Lisbon, Portugal

[email protected]

Preface to the Second Edition

Molecular thermodynamics is an engineering science in the sense that its goal is to provide quantitative estimates of equilibrium properties for mixtures as required for chemical process design. To provide these estimates, molecular thermodynamics uses not only classical thermodynamics but also concepts from statistical thermodynamics and chemical physics; the operational procedure can be summarized by these steps:

1. Use statistical thermodynamics whenever possible, at least as a point of departure.

2. Apply appropriate concepts from molecular science.

3. Construct physically grounded models for expressing (abstract) thermodynamic functions in terms of (real) measurable properties.

4. Obtain model parameters from a few, but representative, experimental measurements.

5. Reduce the model to practice through a computer program that efficiently interfaces with engineering-design calculations.

The second edition, like the first, attempts to provide some guidance toward establishing the principles of molecular thermodynamics. This guidance is intended primarily for seniors or first-year graduate students in chemical engineering, but practicing engineers also may find it useful.

In preparing the second edition, I have taken a position of compromise between on the one hand, a “scientific” book that stresses molecular theory and on the other, an “engineering” book that gives practical advice toward specific design procedures. As in the first edition, emphasis is placed on fundamental concepts and how they can be reduced to practice to yield useful results.

Like the earlier edition, the second edition contains ten chapters and several appendices. All chapters have been partially revised and updated. Major changes are in t Chapters 4, 6, 7, and 8, and much of Chapter 10 is totally new. Some earlier appendices have been removed and others have been added: Appendix II gives a brief introduction to statistical thermodynamics, while Appendices VIII and IX present summa-ties of some special aspects of the theory of solutions as addenda to Chapter 7.

Many new problems have been added. Solving problems is essential for serious students, Numerical answers to numerous problems are given in the final Appendix.

Since work for the first edition ceased in 1968, there have been formidable developments in a variety of areas that bear on molecular thermodynamics. It is not possible, in a reasonable number of pages, to do justice to all or even a major part of these developments. I have bad to omit much that might have been included, lest this book become even larger; I can only ask my colleagues to forgive me if some of their contributions are not here mentioned for reasons of economy.

Perhaps the most promising development in the last fifteen years is in the statistical thermodynamics of fluids and fluid mixtures, especially through perturbation theory and computer simulation. There is little doubt that these developments will continue toward eventual direct application in engineering design. However, it is also likely that such direct application is not in the immediate future and that therefore, the semi-empirical methods discussed in this book will be utilized for many more years. Nevertheless, chemical-engineering students should now receive at least some introduction to the statistical thermodynamics of fluids, not only because of utility in the future, but also because idealized results from contemporary statistical thermodynamics are already now of much use in guiding development of semi-theoretical models toward thermodynamic-property correlations. Therefore, some limited discussion of applied statistical thermodynamics is now included in Chapters 4, 7, and 10.

I am deeply grateful to many colleagues who have contributed to my understanding of molecular thermodynamics and its applications, and thereby to this book; perhaps the most helpful of these has been B. J. Alder. In addition to those mentioned in the Preface to the First Edition, I want to record here my thanks to R. A. Heidemann, E. U. Franck, K. E. Gubbins, R. C. Reid, the late T. K. Sherwood, H. Knapp, F. Kohler, C. Tsonopoulos, L. C. Claitor, H. C. van Ness, F. Selleck, and C. J. King. Further, I owe much to my numerous co-workers (graduate students and post-doctoral visitors) who have provided me with new information, stimulating questions and good fellowship. I am, however, especially grateful to my two co-authors, R. N. Lichtenthaler and E. G. Azevedo, who ably assisted me in making revisions and additions to the original manuscript. Their contributions to the second edition are considerable and they deserve much credit for whatever success the second edition may achieve. All three authors are particularly indebted to P. Rasmussen for his critical review, to S. F. Barreiros for preparing the index and to R. Spontak for assistance in proof-reading.

Almost all of the new and revised sections of the second edition were prepared in the period 1978-80. It is unfortunate that, for a variety of reasons, publication was so long delayed. The final manuscript was sent to the publisher in February 1983.

The second edition maintains the pragmatic (engineering-science) philosophy that characterized the first edition: it is useful and ultimately economic to utilize whatever theoretical concepts may be suitable, but it is also important consistently to bear in mind the ultimate applied objective. To attain that objective, theory is rarely sufficient and inevitably at least some experimental data are required. The goal must always be to attain a healthy balance between theory and experiment, to avoid extreme emphasis in either direction.

This need for balance was recognized many years ago by a pioneer in applied science, Sir Francis Bacon, who used an analogy between scientific enterprise and the world of insects. In “Novum Organum” (1620), Bacon wrote about ants, spiders, and bees:

Those who have handled sciences, have been either men of experiment or men of dogmas. The men of experiment are like the ant; they only collect and use. The reasoners resemble spiders who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, and transforms and digests it by a power of its own. Therefore, from a closer and purer league between these two faculties, the experimental and the rational, much may be hoped.

Finally, as in the Preface to the First Edition, I want to stress once again that studying, practicing and extending molecular thermodynamics is not only a useful activity but also one that provides a sense of joy and satisfaction. I shall be glad if some of that sense is infectious so that the reader may attain from molecular thermodynamics the same generous rewards that it has given to me.

J. M. Prausnitz
Berkeley, California

About 14 years ago I met J. M. Prausnitz for the first time. He immediately stimulated my interest in the exciting science of phase-equilibrium thermodynamics and ever since he has strongly sustained my work in this field. Throughout the years, we usually agreed quickly on how to approach and to solve problems but when we did not, open, honest and sometimes tough discussions always brought us to mutual agreement. To be one of the co-authors of this book is the culminating point so far in our joint effort to establish molecular thermodynamics as a useful engineering science for practical application. Thank you, John!

A scientist demands a lot of sacrifice from those who share his life. Therefore I owe many, many thanks to my wife Brigitte, and to my children, Ulrike, Heike, Felix and Philipp who give me enduringly all the support I need to pursue my scientific work in the way I do it.

R. N. Lichtenthaler
Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Preface to the First Edition

Since the generality of thermodynamics makes it independent of molecular considerations, the expression “molecular thermodynamics” requires explanation.

Classical thermodynamics presents broad relationships between macroscopic properties, but it is not concerned with quantitative prediction of these properties. Statistical thermodynamics, on the other hand, seeks to establish relationships between macroscopic properties and intermolecular forces through partition functions; it is very much concerned with quantitative prediction of bulk properties. However, useful configurational partition functions have been constructed only for nearly ideal situations and, therefore, statistical thermodynamics is at present insufficient for many practical purposes.

Molecular thermodynamics seeks to overcome some of the limitations of both classical and statistical thermodynamics. Molecular phase-equilibrium thermodynamics is concerned with application of molecular physics and chemistry to the interpretation, correlation, and prediction of the thermodynamic properties used in phase-equilibrium calculations. It is an engineering science, based on classical thermodynamics but relying on molecular physics and statistical thermodynamics to supply insight into the behavior of matter. In application, therefore, molecular thermodynamics is rarely exact; it must necessarily have an empirical flavor.

In the present work I have given primary attention to gaseous and liquid mixtures. I have been concerned with the fundamental problem of how best to calculate fugacities of components in such mixtures; the analysis should therefore be useful to engineers engaged in design of equipment for separation operations. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 deal with basic thermodynamics and, to facilitate molecular interpretation of thermodynamic properties, Chapter 4 presents a brief discussion of intermolecular forces. Chapter 5 is devoted to calculation of fugacities in gaseous mixtures and Chapter 6 is concerned with excess functions of liquid mixtures. Chapter 7 serves as an introduction to the theory of liquid solutions with attention to both “physical” and “chemical” theories. Fugacities of gases dissolved in liquids are discussed in Chapter 8 and those of solids dissolved in liquids in Chapter 9. Finally, Chapter 10 considers fluid-phase equilibria at high pressures.

While it is intended mainly for chemical engineers, others interested in fluid-phase equilibria may also find the book useful. It should be of value to university seniors or first-year graduate students in chemistry or chemical engineering who have completed a standard one-year course in physical chemistry and who have had some previous experience with classical thermodynamics.

The subjects discussed follow quite naturally from my own professional activities. Phase-equilibrium thermodynamics is a vast subject, and no attempt has been made to be exhaustive. I have arbitrarily selected those topics with which I am familiar and have omitted others which I am not qualified to discuss; for example, I do not con-skier solutions of metals or electrolytes. In essence, I have written about those topics which interest me, which I have taught in the classroom, and which have comprised much of my research. As a result, emphasis is given to results from my own research publications, not because they are in any sense superior, but because they encompass material with which I am most closely acquainted.

In the preparation of this book I have been ably assisted by many friends and former students; I am deeply grateful to all. Helpful comments were given by J. C. Berg, R. F. Blanks, P. L. Chueh, C. A. Eckert, M. L. McGlashan, A. L. Myers, J. P. O’Connell, Otto Redlich, Henri Renon, F. B. Sprow, and H. C. Van Ness. Generous assistance towards improvement of the manuscript was given by R. W. Missen and by

C. Tsonopoulos who also prepared the index. Many drafts of the manuscript were cheerfully typed by Mrs. Irene Blowers and Miss Mary Ann Williams and especially by my faithful assistant for over twelve years, Mrs. Edith Taylor, whose friendship and conscientious service deserve special thanks.

Much that is here presented is a reflection of what I have learned from my teachers of thermodynamics and phase equilibria: G. J. Su, R. K. Toner, R. L. Von Berg, and the late R. H. Wilhelm; and from my colleagues at Berkeley: B. J. Alder, Leo Brewer, K. S. Pitzer and especially J. H. Hildebrand, whose strong influence on my thought is evident on many pages.

I hope that I have been able to communicate to the reader some of the fascination I have experienced in working on and writing about phase-equilibrium thermodynamics. To think about and to describe natural phenomena, to work in science and engineering - all these are not only useful but they are enjoyable to do. In writing this book I have become aware that for me phase-equilibrium thermodynamics is a pleasure as well as a profession; I shall consider it a success if a similar awareness can be awakened in those students and colleagues for whom this book is intended. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.

Finally, I must recognize what is all too often forgotten - that no man lives or works alone, but that he is molded by those who share his life, who make him what he truly is. Therefore I dedicate this book to Susie, who made it possible, and to Susi and Toni, who prepared the way.

J. M. Prausnitz
Berkeley, California



Parameter in a cubic equation
of state; activity


Helmholtz energy; constant in
Margules equation; Debye-
Hückel constant


Parameter in a cubic equation
of state


Second virial coefficient


Osmotic second virial coefficient


Molar concentration


Constant-pressure molar heat capacity


Constant-volume molar heat capacity


Third virial coefficient


Osmotic third virial coefficient


Fourth virial coefficient; diffusion coefficient


Electron charge


Enhancement factor; electrical field strength




Force; number of degrees of freedom; Faraday constant

gij, gji

Binary parameter in NRTL


Molar Gibbs energy


Molar excess Gibbs energy


Partial molar excess Gibbs energy of component i


Gibbs energy


Gibbs energy change of reaction


Molar enthalpy; Planck’s constant


Molar excess enthalpy


Partial molar enthalpy




Henry’s constant of solute i in solvent j


Ionization potential; ionic strength




Boltzmann’s constant


Pair i-j interaction parameter


Equilibrium constant; solubility product; K factor


Pair i-j interaction parameter


Number of components; molecular mass; molality


Molality of molecular (nondissociated) component


Molar mass


Average molecular weight


Number of moles; index of refraction


Total number of moles


Avogadro’s constant


Number of 1-2 contacts for a real (non-random) mixture


Number of 1-2 contacts for a non-random mixture


Partial pressure of component




Saturation pressure of pure i


Effective volume of molecule i


Heat; quadrupole moment;
partition function


Number of segments


Distance between molecules i
and j


Gas constant


Proportionality constant; residual quantity


Molar entropy


Molar excess entropy


Partial molar entropy of
component i


Entropy; solubility coefficient


Absolute temperature


Molar internal energy


Molar excess internal energy

Δuij, Δuji

Energy parameter in


Internal energy


Molar volume; specific volume


Molar excess volume


Partial molar volume


Total volume


Liquid-phase mole fraction


Interaction parameter


Vapor-phase mole fraction


Interchange energy




Compressibility factor; coordination
number; effective
volume fraction; ionic valence


Overall (“true”) mole fraction


Configuration integral


Total lattice-site coordination

Greek Symbols


Polarizability; fraction of molecules; separation factor


Thermal expansion coefficient


Flory-Huggins interaction


Solubility parameter


Membrane thickness


Volume-fraction average of
solubility parameters


Energy parameter; permittivity


Lennard-Jones interaction


Osmotic coefficient; electric


Activity coefficient; thermal
pressure coefficient


Unsymmetrically normalized activity coefficient


Reduced density


Fugacity coefficient


Volume fraction


Segment fraction


Inverse of Debye length


Isothermal compressibility

λij, λji

Energy parameters in Wilson


de Broglie wavelength

Λij, Λji

Binary parameters in Wilson


Chemical potential; dipole


Frequency; ionic charge


Number of independent variables;
osmotic pressure


Surface fraction;
theta temperature


Area fraction of component i


Molar density


Distance parameter

τij, τji

Binary parameters in NRTL


Potential energy for pair i-j


Intermolecular potential energy


Acentric factor


Pair interchange energy





Critical property; cation


Closest packing


Component i




Hard chain






Molar property


Mixing property


Property of a mixture






Reduced property




solubility product











Reference state; standard state


Configurational property


Excess property


Free volume


Ideal gas


Liquid phase


Number of components


Residual property


Solid phase


Saturated property


Vapor phase


Phase α


Phase β


Equilibrium or normalized
property; complete randomness;
hard-core property

Infinite dilution


Reduced property

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