
This was a tremendously fun book to write, in no small part because of the terribly clever people who helped me do it. At Harvard Business Review Press, I am grateful for the keen eye, sharp wit, and endless enthusiasm of my editor and wordsmith Sarah Green, as well as the guiding wisdom of Tim “The Enchanter” Sullivan, who shepherded me through the process from beginning to end, and warned me about the rabbits. I am also grateful to production editor Jen Waring, publicist Nina Nocciolino, and many others at HBRP who worked so hard on this project.

Thank you to the amazing Dorie Clark and an anonymous reviewer for the insightful comments and suggestions on an early draft. And thank you for hating the original title. You were so very right. I see that now.

As ever, I am grateful to my extraordinary agent and dear friend Giles Anderson. The time and effort he has put into supporting me and my work—including this book—is astounding. I don’t know how he does it all. I think he may have cloned himself.

This book would not have been possible without the hundreds of social and cognitive psychologists upon whose research it was based. We human beings are very tricky creatures to study, and there is so much about ourselves we still don’t know. Thank you for continuing to shine your light into that darkness.

And finally, I thank my family—especially my mother, who is my most steadfast cheerleader and most critical reader, and my husband, who came up with the idea for this book.

You really do have to read this one, Jonathan.

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