Nose tests decorators

A nose is an organ above the mouth that is used by humans and animals to breathe and smell. It is also a Python framework that makes (unit) testing easier. Nose helps you organize tests. According to the nose documentation: "any python source file, directory, or package that matches the testMatch regular expression (by default: (?:^|[b_.-])[Tt]est) will be collected as a test". Nose makes extensive use of decorators. Python decorators are annotations that indicate something about a method or a function. The numpy.testing module has a number of decorators:




Filters deprecation warnings when running tests.


Raises KnownFailureTest exception based on a condition.


Marks a function as being a test or not being a test.


Raises SkipTest exception based on a condition.


Labels test functions or methods as slow.

Additionally we can call the decorate_methods function to apply decorators on methods of a class matching a regular expression or a string.

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