Time for action – creating a multidimensional array

Now that we know how to create a vector, we are ready to create a multidimensional NumPy array. After we create the matrix, we would again want to display its shape.

  1. Create a multidimensional array.
  2. Show the array shape:
    In: m = array([arange(2), arange(2)])
    In: m
    array([[0, 1],
           [0, 1]])
    In: m.shape
    Out: (2, 2)

What just happened?

We created a two-by-two array with the arange function we have come to trust and love. Without any warning, the array function appeared on the stage.

The array function creates an array from an object that you give to it. The object needs to be array-like, for instance, a Python list. In the preceding example, we passed in a list of arrays. The object is the only required argument of the array function. NumPy functions tend to have a lot of optional arguments with predefined defaults.

Pop quiz – the shape of ndarray

Q1. How is the shape of an ndarray stored?

  1. It is stored in a comma-separated string.
  2. It is stored in a list.
  3. It is stored in a tuple.

Have a go hero – create a three-by-three matrix

It shouldn't be too hard now to create a three-by-three matrix. Give it a go and check whether the array shape is as expected.

Selecting elements

From time to time, we will want to select a particular element of an array. We will take a look at how to do this, but first, let's create a two-by-two matrix again:

In: a = array([[1,2],[3,4]])
In: a
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]])

The matrix was created this time by passing the array function a list of lists. We will now select each item of the matrix one-by-one. Remember, the indices are numbered starting from 0.

In: a[0,0]
Out: 1
In: a[0,1]
Out: 2
In: a[1,0]
Out: 3
In: a[1,1]
Out: 4

As you can see, selecting elements of the array is pretty simple. For the array a, we just use the notation a[m,n], where m and n are the indices of the item in the array as shown in the following diagram:

Selecting elements

NumPy numerical types

Python has an integer type, a float type, and a complex type, however, this is not enough for scientific computing and, for this reason, NumPy has a lot more data types. In practice, we need even more types with varying precision and, therefore, different memory size of the type. The majority of the NumPy numerical types end with a number. This number indicates the number of bits associated with the type. The following table (adapted from the NumPy user guide) gives an overview of NumPy numerical types:




Boolean (True or False) stored as a bit


Platform integer (normally either int32 or int64)


Byte (-128 to 127)


Integer (-32768 to 32767)


Integer (-2 ** 31 to 2 ** 31 -1)


Integer (-2 ** 63 to 2 ** 63 -1)


Unsigned integer (0 to 255)


Unsigned integer (0 to 65535)


Unsigned integer (0 to 2 ** 32 - 1)


Unsigned integer (0 to 2 ** 64 - 1)


Half precision float: sign bit, 5 bits exponent, 10 bits mantissa


Single precision float: sign bit, 8 bits exponent, 23 bits mantissa

float64 or float

Double precision float: sign bit, 11 bits exponent, 52 bits mantissa


Complex number, represented by two 32-bit floats (real and imaginary components)

complex128 or complex

Complex number, represented by two 64-bit floats (real and imaginary components)

For each data type, there exists a corresponding conversion function:

In: float64(42)
Out: 42.0
In: int8(42.0)
Out: 42
In: bool(42)
Out: True
In: bool(0)
Out: False
In: bool(42.0)
Out: True
In: float(True)
Out: 1.0
In: float(False)
Out: 0.0

Many functions have a data type argument, which is often optional:

In: arange(7, dtype=uint16)
Out: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], dtype=uint16)

It is important to know that you are not allowed to convert a complex number into an integer. Trying to do that triggers a TypeError:

NumPy numerical types

The same goes for conversion of a complex number into a float. By the way, the j part is the imaginary coefficient of the complex number. However, you can convert a float to a complex number, for instance complex(1.0).

Data type objects

Data type objects are instances of the numpy.dtype class. Once again, arrays have a data type. To be precise, every element in a NumPy array has the same data type. The data type object can tell you the size of the data in bytes. The size in bytes is given by the itemsize attribute of the dtype class:

In: a.dtype.itemsize
Out: 8

Character codes

Character codes are included for backward compatibility with Numeric. Numeric is the predecessor of NumPy. Their use is not recommended, but the codes are provided here because they pop up in several places. You should instead use dtype objects.


Character code



Unsigned integer


Single precision float


Double precision float












Look at the following code to create an array of single precision floats:

In: arange(7, dtype='f')
Out: array([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.], dtype=float32)
Likewise this creates an array of complex numbers
In: arange(7, dtype='D')
Out: array([ 0.+0.j,  1.+0.j,  2.+0.j,  3.+0.j,  4.+0.j,  5.+0.j,  6.+0.j])

dtype constructors

We have a variety of ways to create data types. Take the case of floating point data:

  • We can use the general Python float:
    In: dtype(float)
    Out: dtype('float64')
  • We can specify a single precision float with a character code:
    In: dtype('f')
    Out: dtype('float32')
  • We can use a double precision float character code:
    In: dtype('d')
    Out: dtype('float64')
  • We can give the data type constructor a two-character code. The first character signifies the type; the second character is a number specifying the number of bytes in the type (the numbers 2, 4 and 8 correspond to 16, 32 and 64 bit floats):
    In: dtype('f8')
    Out: dtype('float64')

A listing of all full data type names can be found in sctypeDict.keys() :

In: sctypeDict.keys()
Out: [0, …

dtype attributes

The dtype class has a number of useful attributes. For example, we can get information about the character code of a data type through the attributes of dtype:

In: t = dtype('Float64')
In: t.char
Out: 'd'

The type attribute corresponds to the type of object of the array elements:

In: t.type
Out: <type 'numpy.float64'>

The str attribute of dtype gives a string representation of the data type. It starts with a character representing endianness, if appropriate, then a character code, followed by a number corresponding to the number of bytes that each array item requires. Endianness, here, means the way bytes are ordered within a 32 or 64-bit word. In big-endian order, the most significant byte is stored first; indicated by >. In little-endian order, the least significant byte is stored first; indicated by <:

In: t.str
Out: '<f8'
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