


! (logical NOT) operator, if/else
!= (not equal) operator, if/else
" escape sequence, char
#define, Constants

vs. global variables, #define vs global variables

#import, #include and #import
#include, #include and #import
% (modulus operator), Integer division

(see also tokens)

%= operator, Operator shorthand
%@, Creating the Asset class
%d, printf()
%e, Tokens for displaying floating-point numbers
%p, Getting addresses
%s, printf()
%u, Tokens for displaying integers
%zu, How many bytes?
& operator, retrieving addresses, Getting addresses
&& (logical AND) operator, if/else
() (parentheses)

cast operators, using, Integer division

functions and, How do I write and use a function?, How functions work together

* (asterisk)

arithmetic operator, Integer operations

pointer operator, Getting the data at an address

*= operator, Operator shorthand
+ (plus sign), Integer operations
++ (increment operator), Operator shorthand
+= operator, Operator shorthand- (minus sign), Integer operations
-- (decrement operator), Operator shorthand
-= operator, Operator shorthand
-> (dereference) operator, The Heap
.pch (pre-compiled header), #include and #import
/ (division operator), Integer division
/* ... */ (comments), Where do I start writing code?
// (comments), Where do I start writing code?
/= operator, Operator shorthand
8-bit unsigned numbers, Integers
; (semicolon), Where do I start writing code?

blocks and, Assigning a block

do-while loop and, The do-while loop

< (less than) operator, if/else
< > (angle brackets), importing header files, #include and #import
<< operator, Left-shift
<= operator, if/else
= operator, A program with variables, if/else
== operator, if/else> (greater than) operator, if/else
>= operator, if/else
>> operator, Right-shift
? (ternary operator), For the More Curious: Conditional (ternary) operator
@property, Properties
@selector(), Target-action
@synthesize, Properties
(backslash), char
, printf()
\ escape sequence, char
^ (caret)

exclusive-or operator, Exclusive OR

identifying blocks, Defining blocks

{ } (curly braces), Where do I start writing code?|| (logical OR) operator, if/else
~ (tilde), Complement


abs(), Operator shorthand
accessor methods, Accessor methods

properties and, Properties

actions (target), Callbacks
addObject:, NSArray/NSMutableArray
addresses, Addresses and Pointers

pointers and, Types

alloc, Nesting message sends, init
ampersand (&), retrieving addresses, Getting addresses
AND (&&) logical operator, if/else
AND (bitwise), Bitwise-AND
angle brackets (< >), importing header files, #include and #import

blocks, Anonymous block

functions, Blocks

Apple Developer Tools, installing, Your First Program
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, The application delegate, Adding new tasks, For the More Curious: What about main()?

(see also programs, Xcode)

Cocoa, Your First Cocoa Application

Cocoa Touch, Your First iOS Application

desktop, Your First Cocoa Application

document-based, Edit BNRDocument.h

event-driven, Event-Driven Applications

iOS, Your First iOS Application

vs. programs, Getting started with Xcode

ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), Object ownership and ARC

command-line, Command-Line Arguments

functions, How do I write and use a function?

init, init methods that take arguments

methods, Multiple arguments

arrays, NSArray

in C, C Arrays

filtering, Filtering

sorting, Sorting

ASCII characters, Writing an NSString to a file, char
assembly code, C and Objective-C
asterisk (*)

arithmetic operator, Integer operations

pointer operator, Getting the data at an address

AT&T, C and Objective-C
atoi(), Command-Line Arguments
atomic option, Advice on atomic vs. nonatomic
attributes inspector, Edit BNRDocument.xib
Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Object ownership and ARC
automatic variables, The Heap
autosizing mask, Edit BNRDocument.xib


backslash (), char
base-16 (hexadecimal)

integers, Tokens for displaying integers

number system, Bitwise Operations

base-8 (octal) integers, Tokens for displaying integers
bits, Addresses and Pointers
bitwise AND, Bitwise-AND
bitwise operations, Bitwise Operations
bitwise OR, Bitwise-OR
__block keyword, Memory management
blocking (functions), How functions work together
blocks, Blocks

anonymous, Anonymous block

defining, Defining blocks

return values of, Return values

variables, Defining blocks

BOOL (type), Boolean variables
boolean variables, Boolean variables
break statement, break
breakpoint navigator, Looking at the frames in the debugger
breakpoints, Looking at the frames in the debugger
buffers, The Heap
bugs, Recursion
building programs, How do I run my program?
bytes, Addresses and Pointers, Bitwise Operations


C programming language, C and Objective-C, How this book works

arrays, C Arrays

primitive types, C primitive types

strings, C Strings

callbacks, Callbacks, Blocks

memory management and, Callbacks and object ownership

calling functions, How do I write and use a function?
captured variables, Memory management
caret (^)

exclusive-or operator, Exclusive OR

identifying blocks, Defining blocks

cast operator, Integer division
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Addresses and Pointers
char (type), Types, char

as 8-bit number, Integers

char * (type), printf()
class methods, More Messages
class prefixes, Getting started with iTahDoodle
classes, Objects, Your First Class

(see also objects, individual class names)

closures, Blocks
Cocoa, Event-Driven Applications, Your First Cocoa Application
Cocoa Touch, Event-Driven Applications
code completion, Where do I start writing code?
collection classes, Collection Classes

(see also arrays)

command-line arguments, Command-Line Arguments
command-line tools

in C, Getting started with Xcode

defined, Getting started with Xcode

Foundation, Creating and using your first object

compilers, C and Objective-C, So what is a program?
complements, Complement
conditional expressions, if/else, For the More Curious: Conditional (ternary) operator
constants, Constants
continue statement, continue
controller objects (MVC), Model-View-Controller
controls, Adding new tasks
convenience methods, Retain count rules
copy (method), copy, More about copying
copy (property attribute), copy
copyWithZone:, copy
count (NSArray), NSArray
Cox, Brad, Objects
CPU (Central Processing Unit), Addresses and Pointers
curly braces ({ }), Where do I start writing code?


daemons, Getting started with Xcode
data sources, Callbacks
data types, Types
dateByAddingTimeInterval:, Message anatomy
dealloc, Creating the Asset class
debug navigator, Looking at the frames in the debugger
debugger, Recursion

frames, Looking at the frames in the debugger

GDB/LLDB, How do I run my program?


instance variables, Your First Class

methods, Your First Class

variables, Types

decrement operator (--), Operator shorthand
#define, Constants

vs. global variables, #define vs global variables

delegates, Callbacks
dereference (->) operator, The Heap
dereferencing pointers, Getting the data at an address
description method, Creating the Asset class
designated initializers, init methods that take arguments
developer documentation, Developer Documentation
dictionaries, NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary
directories, writing files to, NSError
division (integers), Integer division
do-while loop, The do-while loop
document outline, Making connections
document-based applications, Edit BNRDocument.h
documentation, Developer Documentation
dot notation, Dot notation
double (type), Types
double-quote escape sequence ("), char
Dreaming in Code (Rosenberg), How the life of a programmer works


else, if/else
else if, else if
encodings (string), Writing an NSString to a file
enum, enum

bit masks, defining, Using enum to define bit masks

enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:, Passing in a block
equal objects, NSSet/NSMutableSet
error objects, NSError
errors, syntax, Where do I start writing code?
escape sequences, char
event-driven applications, Event-Driven Applications
events, Callbacks, Your First iOS Application
exclusive-or (XOR), Exclusive OR
EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal, String literals
exponents, Floating-point numbers
expressions, A program with variables

conditional, if/else, For the More Curious: Conditional (ternary) operator

external variables, Memory management


%f, Tokens for displaying floating-point numbers
fast enumeration, NSArray

NSData and, Writing an NSData object to a file

NSError and, NSError

reading, Reading files with NSString

writing to, Writing Files with NSString and NSData

filtering, Filtering
first responder, Adding new tasks
flags (bitwise operators), Bitwise-AND
float (type), Types

casting and, Integer division

floating-point numbers, Floating-point numbers
for loop, The for loop

NSArray and, NSArray

format string, printf(), Tokens for displaying integers, Tokens for displaying floating-point numbers, Creating the Asset class
Foundation (framework), Objective-C and Foundation, Reference pages, Event-Driven Applications
Foundation.h header file, BNRAppDelegate
frames, Local variables, frames, and the stack, Looking at the frames in the debugger
frameworks, Objective-C and Foundation, Event-Driven Applications
free(), The Heap
functions, Functions

(see also methods)

arguments and, How do I write and use a function?

benefits of using, When should I use a function?, How do I write and use a function?

blocking, How functions work together

calling, How do I write and use a function?, How functions work together

declaring, How do I write and use a function?

defined, Where do I start writing code?

defining, How do I write and use a function?

explained, So what is a program?

frames of, Local variables, frames, and the stack

local variables, Local variables, frames, and the stack

in math.h, Functions for floating-point numbers

names of, Where do I start writing code?, How functions work together

parameters of, How do I write and use a function?, Local variables, frames, and the stack

pass-by-reference, Writing pass-by-reference functions

in programs, How functions work together

recipe metaphor for, So what is a program?

recursive, Recursion

return values of, return

writing, How do I write and use a function?


GDB debugger, How do I run my program?
getter methods, Accessor methods

property attributes and, Mutability

global variables, Global and static variables, Global variables

vs. #define, #define vs global variables

graphical user interface (see user interface)
GUI (see user interface)
guides, in developer documentation, Reference pages


.h (header files), Your First Class
header files, #include and #import
header files (.h), Your First Class
heap, The Heap
heap-based blocks, Memory management
helper functions, Adding a C helper function
helper objects, Callbacks, Helper objects
hexadecimal (base-16)

integers, Tokens for displaying integers

number system, Bitwise Operations

high-level languages, C and Objective-C
Human Interface Guidelines (HIG), Edit BNRDocument.xib


id (type), id
identical objects, NSSet/NSMutableSet
if construct, if/else
immutable objects, Immutable objects
implementation files (.m), Your First Class
#import, #include and #import
#include, #include and #import
increment operator (++), Operator shorthand
inheritance, Inheritance
init, Nesting message sends, init, Using accessors
initializers, init, init methods that take arguments
instance methods, More Messages
instance variables, Objects, Your First Class

inheritance and, Inheritance

object, Object Instance Variables

instances, Objects
instantiate (objects), NSError
int (type), Types, Boolean variables, Integers

casting and, Integer division

integers, Integers
Integrated Development Environment, Getting started with Xcode
Interface Builder, A look at Interface Builder
interface files (.h), Your First Class
interface, setting up

in Interface Builder, A look at Interface Builder

programmatically, Setting up views


applications, Your First iOS Application

Cocoa Touch and, Event-Driven Applications

memory management in, Adding a to-many relationship to Employee

Objective-C and, C and Objective-C

simulator, Running on the iOS simulator

isEqual:, NSString, NSSet/NSMutableSet
iteration (arrays), NSArray


labs(), Operator shorthand
lambdas, Blocks
left-shifting bits, Left-shift
libraries, How functions work together
LLDB debugger, How do I run my program?
local variables, Local variables, frames, and the stack, The Heap
log navigator, How do I run my program?
logical operators, if/else
long (type), Types, Integers
long long (type), Integers
loops, Loops

for, The for loop

while, The while loop

Love, Tom, Objects


.m files, Creating and using your first object, Your First Class
machine code, C and Objective-C
macros, #define
Mac OS X, C and Objective-C

(see also Cocoa)

main(), Where do I start writing code?, How do I write and use a function?, Looking at the frames in the debugger, For the More Curious: What about main()?
malloc(), The Heap, String literals, C Arrays
manual reference counting, For the More Curious: Manual reference counting and ARC History
math.h header file, Functions for floating-point numbers

heap, The Heap

objects in, Objects in memory

stack, Local variables, frames, and the stack

memory addresses, Addresses and Pointers
memory leaks, Adding a to-many relationship to Employee, Preventing Memory Leaks, Retain cycles
memory management

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Object ownership and ARC

blocks and, Memory management

in C, The Heap

callbacks and, Callbacks and object ownership

deallocating objects and, Object Instance Variables

local variables and, The Heap

manual reference counting, For the More Curious: Manual reference counting and ARC History

property attributes and, Lifetime specifiers

retain cycles, Retain cycles

weak references and, Weak references

messages, More Messages

anatomy of, Message anatomy

nesting, Nesting message sends

objects and, Objects

sending to nil, Sending messages to nil

methods, Objects

(see also functions)

accessor, Accessor methods

convenience, Retain count rules

declaring, Your First Class

overriding, Overriding methods

minus sign (-), Integer operations
model objects (MVC), Model-View-Controller
Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Controller, Revisiting MVC
modf(), Pass By Reference
modulus (%) operator, Integer division
mutableCopy, copy, More about copying
MVC (Model-View-Controller), Model-View-Controller, Revisiting MVC
M_PI constant, Constants


nesting messages, Nesting message sends
newline character ( ), printf(), char
NeXTSTEP (NS), Getting started with iTahDoodle
nil, Sending messages to nil, Immutable objects, Collections and nil
nonatomic option, Advice on atomic vs. nonatomic
NOT (!) logical operator, if/else
notifications (callbacks), Callbacks, Notifications
NS (NeXTSTEP), Getting started with iTahDoodle
NSArray, NSArray, NSArray/NSMutableArray

filtering, Filtering

immutable objects and, Immutable objects

property lists and, Property Lists

sorting, Sorting

NSAttributedString, Immutable objects
NSCharacterSet, Immutable objects
NSData, Immutable objects

property lists, Property Lists

reading from files, Reading an NSData from a file

writing to files, Writing an NSData object to a file

NSDataWritingAtomic option (NSData), Writing an NSData object to a file
NSDate, Message anatomy

property lists and, Property Lists

NSDictionary, Immutable objects, NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary

property lists and, Property Lists

NSError, NSError
NSIndexSet, Immutable objects
NSInteger (type), Integers
NSLocale, Global variables
NSLog(), Creating and using your first object

vs. printf(), NSString

NSMutableArray, NSMutableArray, Object ownership and ARC, NSArray/NSMutableArray, Immutable objects

sorting, Sorting

UIKit.h and, BNRAppDelegate

NSMutableAttributedString, Immutable objects
NSMutableDictionary, NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary
NSMutableSet, NSSet/NSMutableSet
NSMutableString, Immutable objects
NSNull, Collections and nil
NSNumber, Immutable objects, C primitive types

property lists and, Property Lists

NSObject, Inheritance, Creating the Asset class

init and, init

key-value coding and, Key-value coding

NSPredicate, Filtering
NSRunLoop, Callbacks
NSScrollView, Edit BNRDocument.xib
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(), Adding a C helper function
NSSet, Immutable objects, NSSet/NSMutableSet
NSString, NSString, Immutable objects

(see also strings)

property, Property Lists

reading files with, Reading files with NSString

writing to files, Writing an NSString to a file

NSTableView, Your First Cocoa Application, Edit BNRDocument.xib
NSUInteger (type), Integers
NSURLConnection, Helper objects
NSURLRequest, Immutable objects
NSValue, C primitive types
NULL, NULL, Avoid dereferencing NULL

(see also floating-point numbers, integers)

hexadecimal, Tokens for displaying integers, Bitwise Operations

octal, Tokens for displaying integers


object encapsulation, Key-value coding
object library, Edit BNRDocument.xib
object ownership, Object ownership and ARC
object-type attributes, Object Instance Variables
objectAtIndex: (NSArray), NSArray
Objective-C, C and Objective-C
objects, Objects

deallocating, Object Instance Variables

immutable, Immutable objects

inheritance and, Inheritance

as instance variables, Object Instance Variables

relationships between, Object Instance Variables

octal (base-8) integers, Tokens for displaying integers
operators (comparison/logical), if/else
OR (bitwise), Bitwise-OR
OR (||) logical operator, if/else
overriding methods, Overriding methods


parameters, How do I write and use a function?, Local variables, frames, and the stack
parent-child relationships (objects), Object ownership and ARC

memory leaks and, Preventing Memory Leaks

parentheses (())

cast operator, Integer division

functions and, How do I write and use a function?, How functions work together

pass-by-reference, Pass By Reference, NSError
plus sign (+), Integer operations
pointers, Types, Addresses and Pointers

function, Blocks

NSMutableArray and, NSMutableArray

objects and, Message anatomy

storing addresses in, Storing addresses in pointers

PostgreSQL database, C Strings
pre-compiled header files, #include and #import
precedence, for arithmetic operators, Integer operations
predicates, Filtering
preprocessor, Preprocessor directives
preprocessor directives, Preprocessor directives
primitive types (C), C primitive types
printf(), So what is a program?, How functions work together, printf(), Tokens for displaying floating-point numbers

vs. NSLog(), NSString

profiling programs, Retain cycles
programming languages, C and Objective-C

building, How do I run my program?

compiling, So what is a program?

defined, So what is a program?

profiling, Retain cycles

running, How do I run my program?, A program with variables

vs. applications, Getting started with Xcode

project navigator, How do I run my program?
projects, creating, Getting started with Xcode
properties, Properties, Properties

attributes, Property attributes

@property, Properties
property lists, Property Lists
protocols, Helper objects, Protocols


Quick Help, Quick Help


RAM (Random-Access Memory), Addresses and Pointers
readonly (property attribute), Mutability
readwrite (property attribute), Mutability
receivers (objects), Message anatomy
recipe metaphor (functions), So what is a program?
recursion, Recursion

NSError and, NSError

pass by, Pass By Reference

resignFirstResponder, Adding new tasks
retain counts, For the More Curious: Manual reference counting and ARC History, Retain count rules
retain cycles, Retain cycles
return, return

in blocks, Return values

right-shifting bits, Right-shift


@selector(), Target-action
selectors, Target-action
self, self, Adding new tasks
semicolon (;), Where do I start writing code?

blocks and, Assigning a block

do-while loops and, The do-while loop

setter methods, Accessor methods

property attributes and, Mutability

setValue:forKey:, Key-value coding
shell, Command-Line Arguments
short (type), Types
shortcuts, keyboard, A program with variables, Creating the Asset class, Edit BNRDocument.xib
simulator (iOS), Running on the iOS simulator
sizeof(), How many bytes?
sleep(), How functions work together, Retain cycles
sorting, Sorting
springs (autosizing mask), Edit BNRDocument.xib
stack, Local variables, frames, and the stack
stack-based blocks, Memory management
standard libraries, How functions work together
static variables, Global and static variables
stdio.h header file, How functions work together
stdlib.h header file, How functions work together
string encodings, Writing an NSString to a file
strings, NSString

in C, C Strings

defined, printf()

literals, String literals

printf() and, printf()

stringWithFormat:, NSString
strlen(), char *
strong (property attribute), Lifetime specifiers
struct (type), Types, Structs
structures, Types, Structs
struts (autosizing mask), Edit BNRDocument.xib
subclasses, NSMutableArray
subviews, Setting up views
super directive, super
syntax errors, Where do I start writing code?
syntax, code, Where do I start writing code?
@synthesize, Properties
synthesizing accessor methods, Properties


escape sequence, char
table views, Wiring up the table view, Edit BNRDocument.xib
target-action callbacks, Callbacks
templates, choosing, Getting started with Xcode, Getting started with iTahDoodle
Terminal, Command-Line Arguments
ternary operator (?), For the More Curious: Conditional (ternary) operator
tilde (~), Complement
timers, using target-action mechanisms, Target-action
to-many relationships, Object Instance Variables
to-one relationships, Object Instance Variables, Preventing Memory Leaks

description, Creating the Asset class

explained, printf()

floating-point number, Tokens for displaying floating-point numbers

integer, Tokens for displaying integers

pointer, Getting addresses

string, printf()

typedef keyword, Structs, typedef
types, Types


UIButton, Adding new tasks
UIKit.h header file, BNRAppDelegate
UITableView, Protocols
UITableViewDataSource, Wiring up the table view
UNICODE standards, NSString
Unix, C and Objective-C
unsafe_unretained (property attribute), Lifetime specifiers
unsigned 8-bit numbers, Integers
unsigned keyword, Integers
__unused modifier, Target-action
user interface, setting up

in Interface Builder, A look at Interface Builder

programmatically, Setting up views

UTF strings, Writing an NSString to a file


warnings (Xcode), How do I write and use a function?
weak (property attribute), Lifetime specifiers
weak references, Weak references

blocks and, Memory management

while loops, The while loop
writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error:, NSError



attributes inspector, Edit BNRDocument.xib

breakpoint navigator, Looking at the frames in the debugger

building programs in, How do I run my program?

code completion, Where do I start writing code?

color-coding in, Where do I start writing code?

creating classes in, Your First Class

debug navigator, Looking at the frames in the debugger

developer documentation in, Developer Documentation

installing, Installing Apple’s developer tools

keyboard shortcuts, A program with variables, Creating the Asset class, Edit BNRDocument.xib

log navigator, How do I run my program?

preferences, Where do I start writing code?

project navigator, How do I run my program?

Quick Help, Quick Help

running programs, A program with variables

running programs in, How do I run my program?

templates, Getting started with Xcode

warnings in, How do I write and use a function?

.xib (XML Interface Builder) files, A look at Interface Builder
XOR (exclusive-or), Exclusive OR


zero (false)

nil, Sending messages to nil


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