
Table 2.1 OpenCL Error Codes 58

Table 3.1 OpenCL Platform Queries 65

Table 3.2 OpenCL Devices 68

Table 3.3 OpenCL Device Queries 71

Table 3.4 Properties Supported by clCreateContext 85

Table 3.5 Context Information Queries 87

Table 4.1 Built-In Scalar Data Types 100

Table 4.2 Built-In Vector Data Types 103

Table 4.3 Application Data Types 103

Table 4.4 Accessing Vector Components 106

Table 4.5 Numeric Indices for Built-In Vector Data Types 107

Table 4.6 Other Built-In Data Types 108

Table 4.7 Rounding Modes for Conversions 119

Table 4.8 Operators That Can Be Used with Vector Data Types 123

Table 4.9 Optional Extension Behavior Description 144

Table 5.1 Built-In Work-Item Functions 151

Table 5.2 Built-In Math Functions 154

Table 5.3 Built-In half_ and native_ Math Functions 160

Table 5.4 Single- and Double-Precision Floating-Point Constants 162

Table 5.5 ulp Values for Basic Operations and Built-In Math Functions 164

Table 5.6 Built-In Integer Functions 169

Table 5.7 Built-In Common Functions 173

Table 5.8 Built-In Geometric Functions 176

Table 5.9 Built-In Relational Functions 178

Table 5.10 Additional Built-In Relational Functions 180

Table 5.11 Built-In Vector Data Load and Store Functions 181

Table 5.12 Built-In Synchronization Functions 190

Table 5.13 Built-In Async Copy and Prefetch Functions 192

Table 5.14 Built-In Atomic Functions 195

Table 5.15 Built-In Miscellaneous Vector Functions 200

Table 5.16 Built-In Image 2D Read Functions 202

Table 5.17 Built-In Image 3D Read Functions 204

Table 5.18 Image Channel Order and Values for Missing Components 206

Table 5.19 Sampler Addressing Mode 207

Table 5.20 Image Channel Order and Corresponding Bolor Color Value 209

Table 5.21 Built-In Image 2D Write Functions 211

Table 5.22 Built-In Image 3D Write Functions 212

Table 5.23 Built-In Image Query Functions 214

Table 6.1 Preprocessor Build Options 223

Table 6.2 Floating-Point Options (Math Intrinsics) 224

Table 6.3 Optimization Options 225

Table 6.4 Miscellaneous Options 226

Table 7.1 Supported Values for cl_mem_flags 249

Table 7.2 Supported Names and Values for clCreateSubBuffer 254

Table 7.3 OpenCL Buffer and Sub-Buffer Queries 257

Table 7.4 Supported Values for cl_map_flags 277

Table 8.1 Image Channel Order 287

Table 8.2 Image Channel Data Type 289

Table 8.3 Mandatory Supported Image Formats 290

Table 9.1 Queries on Events Supported in clGetEventInfo() 319

Table 9.2 Profiling Information and Return Types 329

Table 10.1 OpenGL Texture Format Mappings to OpenCL Image Formats 346

Table 10.2 Supported param_name Types and Information Returned 348

Table 11.1 Direct3D Texture Format Mappings to OpenCL Image Formats 360

Table 12.1 Preprocessor Error Macros and Their Defaults 372

Table 13.1 Required Image Formats for Embedded Profile 387

Table 13.2 Accuracy of Math Functions for Embedded Profile versus Full Profile 388

Table 13.3 Device Properties: Minimum Maximum Values for Full Profile versus Embedded Profile 389

Table 16.1 Comparison of Data at Vertex Degree 5 418

Table 16.2 Comparison of Data at Vertex Degree 10 420

Table 16.3 Comparison of Dual GPU, Dual GPU + Multicore CPU, Multicore CPU, and CPU at Vertex Degree 10 422

Table 18.1 Kernel Elapsed Times for Varying Work-Group Sizes 458

Table 18.2 Load and Store Bank Calculations 465

Table 19.1 GPU Optical Flow Performance 485

Table 21.1 Matrix Multiplication (Order-1000 Matrices) Results Reported as MFLOPS and as Speedup Relative to the Unoptimized Sequential C Program (i.e., the Speedups Are “Unfair”) 512

Table 22.1 Hardware Device Information 525

Table 22.2 Sparse Matrix Description 526

Table 22.3 Optimal Performance Histogram for Various Matrix Sizes 529

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