
This book is designed both for people who are learning computer graphics through OpenGL and for people who may already know about graphics but want to learn about OpenGL. The intended audience is students of computer science, computer graphics, or game design; professional software engineers; or simply just hobbyists and people who are interested in learning something new. We begin by assuming that the reader knows nothing about either computer graphics or OpenGL. The reader should be familiar with computer programming in C++, however.

One of our goals with this book was to ensure that there were as few forward references as possible and to require little or no assumed knowledge. The book is accessible and readable, and if you start from the beginning and read all the way through, you should come away with a good comprehension of how OpenGL works and how to use it effectively in your applications. After reading and understanding the content of this book, you will be well positioned to read and learn from more advanced computer graphics research articles and confident that you can take the principles that they cover and implement them in OpenGL.

It is not a goal of this book to cover every last feature of OpenGL—that is, to mention every function in the specification or every value that can be passed to a command. Rather, we intend to provide a solid understanding of OpenGL, introduce the fundamentals, and explore some of its more advanced features. After reading this book, readers should be comfortable looking up finer details in the OpenGL specification, experimenting with OpenGL on their own machines, and using extensions (bonus features that add capabilities to OpenGL not required by the main specification).

The Architecture of the Book

This book is subdivided into three parts. In Part I, “Foundations,” we explain what OpenGL is and how it connects to the graphics pipeline, and we give minimal working examples that are sufficient to demonstrate each section of it without requiring much, if any, knowledge of any other part of the whole system. We lay a foundation for the math behind three-dimensional computer graphics, and describe how OpenGL manages the large amounts of data that are required to provide a compelling experience to the users of such applications. We also describe the programming model for shaders, which form a core part of any OpenGL application.

In Part II, “In Depth,” we introduce features of OpenGL that require some knowledge of multiple parts of the graphics pipeline and may refer to concepts mentioned in Part I. This allows us to cover more complex topics without glossing over details or telling you to skip forward in the book to find out how something really works. By taking a second pass over the OpenGL system, we are able to delve into where data goes as it leaves each part of OpenGL, as you’ll already have been (at least briefly) introduced to its destination.

Finally, in Part III, “In Practice,” we dive deeper into the graphics pipeline, cover some more advanced topics, and give a number of examples that use multiple features of OpenGL. We provide a number of worked examples that implement various rendering techniques, give a series of suggestions and advice on OpenGL best practices and performance considerations, and end up with a practical overview of OpenGL on several popular platforms, including mobile devices.

In Part I, we start gently and then blast through OpenGL to give you a taste of what’s to come. Then, we lay the groundwork of knowledge that will be essential to you as you progress through the rest of the book. In this part, you will find the following chapters:

Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides a brief introduction to OpenGL, including its origins, history, and current state.

Chapter 2, “Our First OpenGL Program,” jumps right into OpenGL and shows you how to create a simple OpenGL application using the source code provided with this book.

Chapter 3, “Following the Pipeline,” takes a more careful look at OpenGL and its various components, introducing each in a little more detail and adding to the simple example presented in the previous chapter.

Chapter 4, “Math for 3D Graphics,” introduces the foundations of math that is essential for effective use of OpenGL and the creation of interesting 3D graphics applications.

Chapter 5, “Data,” provides you with the tools necessary to manage data that will be consumed and produced by OpenGL.

Chapter 6, “Shaders and Programs,” takes a deeper look at shaders, which are fundamental to the operation of modern graphics applications.

In Part II, we take a more detailed look at several of the topics introduced in the first chapters. We dig deeper into each of the major parts of OpenGL and our example applications start to become a little more complex and interesting. In this part, you will find these six chapters:

Chapter 7, “Vertex Processing and Drawing Commands,” covers the inputs to OpenGL and the mechanisms by which semantics are applied to the raw data you provide.

Chapter 8, “Primitive Processing,” covers some higher-level concepts in OpenGL, including connectivity information, higher-order surfaces, and tessellation.

Chapter 9, “Fragment Processing and the Framebuffer,” looks at how high-level 3D graphics information is transformed by OpenGL into 2D images, and how your applications can determine the appearance of objects on the screen.

Chapter 10, “Compute Shaders,” illustrates how your applications can harness OpenGL for more than just graphics and make use of the incredible computing power locked up in a modern graphics card.

Chapter 11, “Advanced Data Management,” discusses topics related to managing large data sets, loading data efficiently, and arbitrating access to that data once loaded.

Chapter 12, “Controlling and Monitoring the Pipeline,” shows you how to get a glimpse into how OpenGL executes the commands you give it—including how long they take to execute, and how much data they produce.

In Part III, we build on the knowledge that you will have gained in reading the first two parts of the book and use it to construct example applications that touch on multiple aspects of OpenGL. We also get into the practicalities of building larger OpenGL applications and deploying them across multiple platforms. In this part, you will find three chapters:

Chapter 13, “Rendering Techniques,” covers several applications of OpenGL for graphics rendering, including simulation of light, artistic methods and even some nontraditional techniques.

Chapter 14, “High-Performance OpenGL,” digs into some topics related to getting the highest possible performance from OpenGL.

Chapter 15, “Debugging and Stability,” provides advice and tips on how to get your applications running without errors and how to debug problems with your programs.

Finally, several appendices are provided that describe the tools and file formats used in this book, discuss which versions of OpenGL support which features and list which extensions introduced those features, and give pointers to more useful OpenGL resources.

What’s New in This Edition

In this book, we have expanded on the sixth edition to cover new features and topics introduced in OpenGL in versions 4.4 and 4.5 of the API. In the previous edition, we did not cover extensions—features that are entirely optional and not a mandatory part of the OpenGL core—and so left out a number of interesting topics. Since the release of the sixth edition of this book, some of these extensions have become fairly ubiquitous; in turn, we have decided to cover the ARB and KHR extensions. Thus extensions that have been ratified by Khronos (the OpenGL governing body) are part of this book.

We have built on the previous edition by expanding the book’s application framework and adding new chapters and appendices that provide further insight and cover new topics. One important set of features enabled by the extensions that are now part of the book are the AZDO (Approaching Zero Driver Overhead) features, which are a way of using OpenGL that produces very low software overhead and correspondingly high performance. These features include persistent maps and bindless textures.

To make room for the new content, we decided to remove the chapter on platform specifics, which covered per-platform window system bindings. Also gone is official support for the Apple Mac platform. Almost all of the new content in this edition requires features introduced with OpenGL 4.4 or 4.5, or recent OpenGL extensions—none of which were supported by OS X at the time of writing. There is no expectation that Apple will further invest in its OpenGL implementation, so we encourage our readers to move away from the platform. To support multiple platforms, we recommend the use of cross-platform toolkits such as the excellent SDL ( or glfw ( libraries. In fact, this book’s framework is built on glfw, and it works well for us.

This book includes several new example applications, including demonstrations of new features, a texture compressor, text drawing, font rendering using distance fields, high-quality texture filtering, and multi-threaded programs using OpenMP. We also tried to address all of the errata and feedback we’ve received from our readers since the publication of the previous edition. We believe this to be the best update yet to the OpenGL® SuperBible yet.

We hope you enjoy it.

How to Build the Examples

Retrieve the sample code from the book’s companion Web site,, unpack the archive to a directory on your computer, and follow the instructions in the included HOWTOBUILD.TXT file for your platform of choice. The book’s source code has been built and tested on Microsoft Windows (Windows 7 or later is required) and Linux (several major distributions). It is recommended that you install any available operating system updates and obtain the most recent graphics drivers from your graphics card manufacturer.

You may notice some minor discrepancies between the source code printed in this book and that in the source files. There are a number of reasons for this:

• This book is about OpenGL 4.5—the most recent version at the time of writing. The examples printed in the book are written assuming that OpenGL 4.5 is available on the target platform. However, we understand that in practice, operating systems, graphics drivers, and platforms may not have the latest and greatest available. Consequently, where possible, we’ve made minor modifications to the example applications to allow them to run on earlier versions of OpenGL.

• Several months passed between when this book’s text was finalized for printing and when the sample applications were packaged and posted to the Web. In that time, we discovered opportunities for improvement, whether that was uncovering new bugs, platform dependencies, or optimizations. The latest version of the source code on the Web will have those fixes and tweaks applied and will therefore deviate from the necessarily static copy printed in the book.

• There is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping of listings in the book’s text and example applications in the Web package. Some example applications demonstrate more than one concept, some aren’t mentioned in the book at all, and some listings in the book don’t have an equivalent example application. Where possible, we’ve mentioned which of the example applications correspond to the listings in the book. We recommend that the reader take a close look at the example application package, as it includes some nuggets that may not be mentioned in the book.


We made a bunch of mistakes—we’re certain of it. It’s incredibly frustrating as an author to spot an error that you made and know that it has been printed, in books that your readers paid for, thousands and thousands of times. We have to accept that this will happen, though, and do our best to correct issues as we are able. If you think you see something that doesn’t quite gel, check the book’s Web site for errata:

Note from the Publisher

Some of the figures in the print edition of the book are dark due to the nature of the images themselves. To assist readers, color PDFs of figures are freely available at and In addition, PowerPoint slides of the figures for professors’ classroom use are available at

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