
Table 1.1 OpenGL Versions and Publication Dates

Table 4.1 Common Coordinate Spaces Used in 3D Graphics

Table 5.1 Buffer Storage Flags

Table 5.2 Buffer-Mapping Flags

Table 5.3 Basic OpenGL Type Tokens and Their Corresponding C Types

Table 5.4 Uniform Parameter Queries via glGetActiveUniformsiv()

Table 5.5 Atomic Operations on Shader Storage Blocks

Table 5.6 Texture Targets and Description

Table 5.7 Basic Texture Targets and Sampler Types

Table 5.8 Texture Filters, Including Mipmapped Filters

Table 5.9 Image Types

Table 5.10 Image Data Format Classes

Table 5.11 Image Data Format Classes

Table 5.12 Atomic Operations on Images

Table 5.13 Native OpenGL Texture Compression Formats

Table 5.14 Texture View Target Compatibility

Table 5.15 Texture View Format Compatibility

Table 6.1 Scalar Types in GLSL

Table 6.2 Vector and Matrix Types in GLSL

Table 7.1 Vertex Attribute Types

Table 7.2 Draw Type Matrix

Table 7.3 Values for primitiveMode

Table 8.1 Allowed Draw Modes for Geometry Shader Input Modes

Table 8.2 Sizes of Input Arrays to Geometry Shaders

Table 9.1 Stencil Functions

Table 9.2 Stencil Operations

Table 9.3 Depth Comparison Functions

Table 9.4 Blend Functions

Table 9.5 Blend Equations

Table 9.6 Logic Operations

Table 9.7 Framebuffer Completeness Return Values

Table 9.8 Floating-Point Texture Formats

Table 11.1 First RGTC Encoding for RED Images

Table 11.2 Second RGTC Encoding for RED Images

Table 11.3 Packed Data Formats Supported in OpenGL

Table 12.1 Possible Return Values for glClientWaitSync()

Table 14.1 Map Buffer Access Types

Table C.1 OpenGL Functions

Table C.2 OpenGL Extensions (Core)

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