13. Triggers

In this chapter, you will learn about

Image What Triggers Are

Image Types of Triggers

In Chapter 1, you encountered the concept of named PL/SQL blocks such as procedures, functions, and packages that can be stored in the database. In this chapter, you will learn about another type of named PL/SQL block called a database trigger. You will also learn about different characteristics of triggers and their usage in the database.

Lab 13.1: What Triggers Are

Database Trigger

A database trigger is a named PL/SQL block that is stored in a database and executed implicitly when a triggering event occurs. The act of executing a trigger is referred to as firing the trigger. A triggering event can be any of the following:

Image A DML (for example, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) statement executed against a database table. Such trigger can fire before or after a triggering event. For example, if you have defined a trigger to fire before an INSERT statement on the STUDENT table, this trigger fires each time before you insert a row in the STUDENT table.

Image A DDL (for example, CREATE or ALTER) statement executed either by a particular user against a schema or by any user. Such triggers are often used for auditing purposes and are specifically helpful to Oracle database administrators. They can record various schema changes, including when those changes were made and by which user.

Image A system event such as startup or shutdown of the database.

Image A user event such as login and logoff. For example, you can define a trigger that fires after a login on a database and that records the username and time of login.

The general syntax for creating a trigger is shown in Listing 13.1 (the reserved words and phrases surrounded by brackets are optional).

Listing 13.1 General Syntax for Creating a Trigger

{BEFORE|AFTER} triggering_event ON table_name
[FOLLOWS|PRECEDES another_trigger]
[WHEN condition]
  Declaration statements
  Executable statements
  Exception-handling statements

The reserved word CREATE specifies that you are creating a new trigger. The reserved word REPLACE specifies that you are modifying an existing trigger. REPLACE is optional. Note, however, that both CREATE and REPLACE are included in most cases.

Suppose you create a trigger as shown in Listing 13.2.

Listing 13.2 Creating Trigger

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name

In a few days, you decide to modify this trigger. If you do not include the reserved word REPLACE in the CREATE clause of the trigger, an error message will be generated when you compile the trigger. The error message states that the name of your trigger is already used by another object. Once REPLACE is included in the CREATE clause of the trigger, there is less chance of an error occurring because if it is a new trigger, it is created, and if it is an old trigger, it is replaced.

However, you should be mindful when using the reserved word REPLACE for a number of reasons. First, if you happen to use REPLACE with the name of an existing stored function, procedure, or package, you will end up with different database objects that have the same name. This occurs because triggers have a separate naming space in the database. While sharing of the same name by a trigger and a procedure, function, or package does not cause errors, potentially it might become confusing; thus it is not considered a good programming practice. Second, when you use the reserved word REPLACE and decide to associate a different table with your trigger, an error message is generated. For example, assume you created a trigger STUDENT_BI on the STUDENT table. Next, you decide to modify this trigger and associate it with the ENROLLMENT table. As a result, the following error message is generated:

ORA-04095: trigger 'STUDENT_BI' already exists on another table, cannot replace it

The optional reserved words EDITIONABLE and NONEDITIONABLE specify whether a trigger is an editioned or noneditioned object. Note that this designation applies only if editioning has been enabled for object type TRIGGER.

The trigger_name references the name of the trigger. BEFORE or AFTER specifies when the trigger fires (before or after the triggering event). The triggering_event references a DML statement issued against the table. The table_name is the name of the table associated with the trigger. The clause FOR EACH ROW specifies that a trigger is a row-level trigger and fires once for each row either inserted, updated, or deleted. You will encounter row- and statement-level triggers in Lab 13.2. A WHEN clause specifies a condition that must evaluate to TRUE for the trigger to fire. For example, this condition may specify a certain restriction on the column of a table.

The next two options, FOLLOWS/PRECEDES and ENABLE/DISABLE, were added to the CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER clause in Oracle 11g. Prior to Oracle 11g, you needed to issue the ALTER TRIGGER command to enable or disable a trigger once it had been created. The ENABLE/DISABLE option specifies whether a trigger is created in the enabled or disabled state. When a trigger is enabled, it fires when a triggering event occurs. Conversely, when a trigger is disabled, it does not fire when a triggering event occurs. Note that when a trigger is first created without ENABLE/DISABLE option, it is enabled by default. To disable the trigger, you need to issue the ALTER TRIGGER command, as shown in Listing 13.3.

Listing 13.3 Disabling Trigger


Similarly, to enable a trigger that was disabled previously, you issue the ALTER TRIGGER command, as shown in Listing 13.4.

Listing 13.4 Enabling Trigger


The FOLLOWS/PRECEDES option allows you to specify the order in which triggers should fire. It applies to triggers that are defined on the same table and fire at the same timing point. For example, if you defined two triggers on the STUDENT table that fire before the insert operation is carried out, Oracle does not guarantee the order in which these triggers will fire unless you explicitly specify it with the FOLLOWS/PRECEDES clause. Note that the trigger referenced in the FOLLOWS/PRECEDES clause must already exist and have been successfully compiled.

The portion of the trigger described to this point is often referred to as the trigger header. Next, we define the trigger body. The body of a trigger has the same structure as an anonymous PL/SQL block. Similar to the case for a PL/SQL block, the declaration and exception sections are optional.

Triggers are used for different purposes, such as the following:

Image Enforcing complex business rules that cannot be defined by using integrity constraints

Image Maintaining complex security rules

Image Automatically generating values for derived columns

Image Collecting statistical information on table accesses

Image Preventing invalid transactions

Image Providing value auditing

The body of a trigger is a PL/SQL block. However, several restrictions apply when you decide to create a trigger:

Image A trigger may not issue a transactional control statement such as COMMIT, SAVEPOINT, or ROLLBACK. When the trigger fires, all operations performed by the trigger become part of a transaction. When a transaction is committed or rolled back, the operations performed by the trigger are committed or rolled back as well. An exception to this rule is a trigger that contains an autonomous transaction. Autonomous transactions are discussed in detail later in this lab.

Image Any function or procedure called by a trigger may not issue a transactional control statement unless it contains an autonomous transaction.

Image It is not permissible to declare LONG or LONG RAW variables in the body of a trigger.

BEFORE Triggers

Consider the following example of a trigger on the STUDENT table mentioned earlier in this chapter. This trigger fires before the INSERT statement on the STUDENT table and populates the STUDENT_ID, CREATED_DATE, MODIFIED_DATE, CREATED_BY, and MODIFIED_BY columns. The column STUDENT_ID is populated with the number generated by the STUDENT_ID_SEQ sequence, and the columns CREATED_DATE, MODIFIED_DATE, CREATED_USER, and MODIFIED_USER are populated with the current date and the current user name information, respectively.

For Example  ch13_1a.sql

  :NEW.student_id    := STUDENT_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL;
  :NEW.created_by    := USER;
  :NEW.created_date  := SYSDATE;
  :NEW.modified_by   := USER;
  :NEW.modified_date := SYSDATE;

This trigger fires for each row before the INSERT statement on the STUDENT table. Notice that the name of the trigger is STUDENT_BI, where “STUDENT” references the name of the table on which the trigger is defined and the letters “BI” mean “before insert.” There is no specific requirement for naming triggers; however, this approach to naming a trigger is descriptive because the name of the trigger contains the name of the table affected by the triggering event, the time of the triggering event (before or after), and the triggering event itself.

In the body of the trigger, there is a pseudorecord, :NEW, which allows for accessing a row that is currently being processed. In other words, a row is inserted into the STUDENT table. The :NEW pseudorecord is of a type TRIGGERING_TABLE%TYPE, so, in this case, it is of the STUDENT%TYPE type. To access individual members of the pseudorecord :NEW, dot notation is used. In other words, :NEW.CREATED_BY refers to the member CREATED_BY of the :NEW pseudorecord, and the name of the record is separated by the dot from the name of its member.

Take a closer look at the statement that assigns a sequence value to the STUDENT_ID column. The ability to access a sequence via PL/SQL expressions is a new feature added in Oracle 11g. Prior to Oracle 11g, sequences could be accessed only via queries, as shown in the next version of the example.

For Example  Code Fragment Based on ch13_1a.sql

    INTO v_student_id
    FROM dual;

To create this trigger on the STUDENT table in SQL Developer, you may choose from the two options. First, the trigger can be created by executing the script in the Worksheet window, just as you would with any other PL/SQL block. At the time of trigger compilation, you are prompted to enter the value for bind variables because of the references to the :NEW and :OLD pseudorecords in the body of the trigger, as shown in Figure 13.1. Note that check box next to NULL. If it is checked, simply click the Apply button and the trigger will be created. If this check box is not checked, then check it and click the Apply button.


Figure 13.1 Creating a Database Trigger in the Worksheet Window

The second option for creating a trigger is to right-click on Triggers and choose the New Trigger option, as shown in Figure 13.2. This activates the Create Trigger window, as shown in Figure 13.3. In this window, you provide schema name, trigger name, table name, the timing of the triggering event, and the event on which the trigger should fire.


Figure 13.2 Creating a Database Trigger via New Trigger Option


Figure 13.3 Create Trigger Window

Note that the schema name has already been set to STUDENT, and a default name for the trigger has been provided, TRIGGER1, that should be changed to STUDENT_BI. In addition, the Base Type has been set to a TABLE and Base Object Schema has been set to STUDENT. This implies that a trigger is being created on a table in the STUDENT schema. Next, the Base Object must be selected from the drop-down menu—in this case, it is STUDENT table. Under the Events option, the INSERT option is moved from the Available Events to Selected Events. By default, the Statement Level check box is enabled. Because you are creating a row-level trigger, this option should be unchecked. Finally, there is an option to provide different names for the :NEW and :OLD pseudorecords and one or more conditions for the WHEN clause. After you fill in the Create Trigger window for the STUDENT_BI trigger, it should contain the information shown in Figure 13.4.


Figure 13.4 Creating a STUDENT_BI Trigger in the Trigger Window

Once all of the required information has been provided in the Create Trigger window, the trigger is created, as shown in Figure 13.5. Notice that information provided in the Create Trigger window was used to create the trigger header. The trigger body contains a single statement, NULL.


Figure 13.5 Newly Created STUDENT_BI Trigger

Next, you need to provide the executable statements for the body of the trigger and compile the trigger. To do so, you click the Compile button, as shown in Figure 13.6.


Figure 13.6 Compiling the STUDENT_BI Trigger

Now the trigger STUDENT_BI has been created on the STUDENT table. Please note that going forward all triggers in this chapter and Chapter 14 are created by using the Worksheet window rather than the Create Trigger window.

Now that you have created a trigger on the STUDENT table, consider the following INSERT statement.

For Example  INSERT Statement on the STUDENT Table

  (student_id, first_name, last_name, zip, registration_date,
  created_by, created_date, modified_by, modified_date)
  (STUDENT_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL, 'John', 'Smith', '00914', SYSDATE,

This INSERT statement contains values for the columns STUDENT_ID, CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, MODIFIED_BY, and MODIFIED_DATE. Note that for every row you insert into the STUDENT table, you must provide the values for these columns; they are always derived in the same fashion. Now that you have created the trigger, however, there is no need to provide values for these columns in the INSERT statement because the trigger automatically populates these columns in a consistent manner every time an INSERT statement is executed against the STUDENT table. Therefore, the INSERT statement can be modified as follows:

For Example  Modified INSERT Statement on the STUDENT Table

  (first_name, last_name, zip, registration_date)
  ('John', 'Smith', '00914', SYSDATE);

This version of the INSERT statement is significantly shorter than the previous version. Specifically, instead of providing values for nine columns, you need to provide values for only four columns. The columns STUDENT_ID, CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, MODIFIED_BY, and MODIFIED_DATE are no longer present.

You should use BEFORE triggers in the following situations:

Image When a trigger provides values for derived columns before an INSERT or UPDATE statement is completed. For example, the trigger can provide audit-oriented columns such as CREATED_DATE and MODIFIED_DATE.

Image When a trigger determines whether an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement should be allowed to complete. For example, when you insert a record into the INSTRUCTOR table, a trigger can verify whether the value provided for the column ZIP is valid—in other words, whether there is a record in the ZIPCODE table corresponding to the value of zip that you provided.

AFTER Triggers

Assume there is a table called AUDIT_TRAIL having the structure shown in Figure 13.7. This table is used to collect user access information on different tables in the STUDENT schema. For example, you can record who deleted records from the INSTRUCTOR table and when they were deleted.


Figure 13.7 AUDIT_TRAIL Table Structure

To accomplish this, you would need to create a trigger on the INSTRUCTOR table, as shown in the following example.

For Example  ch13_2a.sql

  v_trans_type VARCHAR2(10);
  v_trans_type := CASE
                    WHEN UPDATING THEN 'UPDATE'
                    WHEN DELETING THEN 'DELETE'
  INSERT INTO audit_trail
    ('INSTRUCTOR', v_trans_type, USER, SYSDATE);

This trigger fires after an UPDATE or DELETE statement is issued on the INSTRUCTOR table. The body of the trigger contains two Boolean functions, UPDATING and DELETING. The function UPDATING evaluates to TRUE if an UPDATE statement is issued on the table, and the function DELETING evaluates to TRUE if a DELETE statement is issued on the table. Another Boolean function, INSERTING, also evaluates to TRUE when an INSERT statement is issued against the table.

This trigger inserts a record into the AUDIT_TRAIL table when an UPDATE or DELETE operation is issued against the INSTRUCTOR table. First, it determines which operation was issued against the INSTRUCTOR table via the CASE statement. The result of this evaluation is then assigned to the v_trans_type variable. Next, the trigger adds a new record to the AUDIT_TRAIL table.

Once this trigger is created on the INSTRUCTOR table, any UPDATE or DELETE operation causes the creation of new records in the AUDIT_TRAIL table. Furthermore, this trigger may be enhanced by calculating how many rows were updated or deleted from the INSTRUCTOR table.

You should use AFTER triggers in the following situations:

Image When a trigger should fire after a DML statement is executed

Image When a trigger performs actions not specified in a BEFORE trigger

Autonomous Transaction

As stated previously, when a trigger fires, all operations performed by the trigger become part of a transaction. When this transaction is committed or rolled back, the operations performed by the trigger are committed or rolled back as well. Consider an UPDATE statement against the INSTRUCTOR table as shown in Listing 13.5.

Listing 13.5 UPDATE on the INSTRUCTOR Table

UPDATE instructor
   SET phone = '7181234567'
 WHERE instructor_id = 101;

When this UPDATE statement is executed, the INSTRUCTOR_AUD trigger fires and adds a single record to the AUDIT_TRAIL table as shown in Listing 13.6.

Listing 13.6 SELECT from the AUDIT_TRAIL Table

  FROM audit_trail;

----------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
INSTRUCTOR  UPDATE            STUDENT           05/07/2014

Next, consider rolling back the UPDATE statement just issued. In this case, the record inserted in the AUDIT_TRAIL table is rolled back as well, as shown in the Listing 13.7.

Listing 13.7 Rolling Back UPDATE on the INSTRUCTOR Table


  FROM audit_trail;

----------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

As you can see, the AUDIT_TRAIL table no longer contains any records. To circumvent such behavior, you may choose to employ autonomous transactions.

An autonomous transaction is an independent transaction started by another transaction that is usually referred to as the main transaction. In other words, an autonomous transaction may issue various DML statements and commit or roll them back, without committing or rolling back the DML statements issued by the main transaction.

To define an autonomous transaction, you employ the AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma. You have already encountered one pragma, EXCEPTION_INIT, in Chapter 10. Recall that a pragma is a special instruction to the PL/SQL compiler that is processed at the time of the compilation. The AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma appears in the declaration section of a block, as shown in Listing 13.8.



Now consider a modified version of the INSTRUCTOR_AUD trigger that includes an the autonomous transaction. Newly added statements are shown in bold.

For Example  ch13_2b.sql

  v_trans_type VARCHAR2(10);
  v_trans_type := CASE
                    WHEN UPDATING THEN 'UPDATE'
                    WHEN DELETING THEN 'DELETE'
  INSERT INTO audit_trail
    ('INSTRUCTOR', v_trans_type, USER, SYSDATE);

In this version of the trigger, you added the AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma to the declaration portion and the COMMIT statement to the executable portion of the trigger.

Now try issuing the UPDATE statement as in Listing 13.5 and then rolling it back and querying the AUDIT_TRAIL table. Even though the changes on the INSTRUCTOR table were rolled back, the AUDIT_TRAIL table will continue to contain a record of the attempted UPDATE operation.

Lab 13.2: Types of Triggers

Row and Statement Triggers

In Lab 13.1, you encountered the term row trigger. A row trigger is fired as many times as there are rows affected by the triggering statement. When the statement FOR EACH ROW is present in the CREATE TRIGGER clause, the trigger is a row trigger. Consider the code fragment shown in Listing 13.9.

Listing 13.9 Code Fragment of the COURSE_AU Trigger


In this code fragment, the statement FOR EACH ROW is present in the CREATE TRIGGER clause. Therefore, this trigger is a row trigger. Thus, if an UPDATE statement causes 20 records in the COURSE table to be modified, this trigger will fire 20 times.

A statement trigger is fired once for the triggering statement. In other words, a statement trigger fires once, regardless of the number of rows affected by the triggering statement. To create a statement trigger, you omit the FOR EACH ROW statement in the CREATE TRIGGER clause, as shown in Listing 13.10.

Listing 13.10 Code Fragment of the ENROLLMENT_AD Trigger


This particular trigger fires once after a DELETE statement is issued against the ENROLLMENT table. Whether the DELETE statement removes one row, five rows, or 500 rows from the ENROLLMENT table, this trigger fires only once.

Statement triggers should be used when the operations performed by the trigger do not depend on the data in the individual records. For example, if you want to limit access to a table to business hours only, you might use a statement trigger. Consider the following example.

For Example  ch13_3a.sql

  v_day VARCHAR2(10);
  v_day := RTRIM(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DAY'));

  IF v_day LIKE ('S%')
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, 'A table cannot be modified during off hours'),

This statement trigger on the INSTRUCTOR table fires before an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is issued. First, the trigger determines the day of the week. If the day happens to be Saturday or Sunday, an error message is generated. For example, if the following UPDATE statement on the INSTRUCTOR table is issued on Saturday or Sunday

UPDATE instructor
   SET zip = 10025
 WHERE zip = 10015;

the trigger generates this error message:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: A table cannot be modified during off hours
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.INSTRUCTOR_BIUD'

Notice that this trigger checks for a specific day of the week, but it does not check the time of day. You can create a more sophisticated trigger that checks which day of the week it is and whether the current time is between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. If the day falls in the business week and the time of the day is not between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., the error is generated.


So far, you have seen triggers that are defined on database tables. PL/SQL provides another kind of trigger that is defined on database views. A view is a custom representation of data that can be referred to as a “stored query.” Consider the following example of a view created against the COURSE table:

For Example  ch13_4a.sql

CREATE VIEW course_cost
  SELECT course_no, description, cost
    FROM course;

Similar to tables, views can be manipulated via INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, with some restrictions. Be aware that when any of these statements are issued against a view, the corresponding data is modified in the underlying table. For example, consider an UPDATE statement against the COURSE_COST view.

For Example  ch13_5a.sql

UPDATE course_cost
   SET cost = 2000
 WHERE course_no = 450;

Once this UPDATE statement is executed, both SELECT statements against the COURSE_COST view and SELECT statements against the COURSE table return the same value of the cost for course number 450, as shown in Listing 13.11.

Listing 13.11 Selecting Data from the COURSE_COST View and the COURSE Table

  FROM course_cost
 WHERE course_no = 450;

----------  ------------------------  ----------
450         DB Programming in Java    2000
SELECT course_no, cost
  FROM course
 WHERE course_no = 450;

----------  ----------
450         2000

As mentioned earlier, some restrictions are placed on the views in terms of whether they can be modified by INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Specifically, these restrictions apply to the underlying SELECT statement, which is also referred to as a “view query.” Thus, if a view query performs any of the operations or contains any of the following constructs, a view cannot be modified by an UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements:

Image Set operations such as UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS

Image Group functions such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and SUM

Image GROUP BY or HAVING clauses

Image CONNECT BY or START WITH clauses

Image The DISTINCT operator

Image The ROWNUM pseudocolumn

For example, consider a view created against the INSTRUCTOR and SECTION tables that summarizes how many courses are taught by an instructor.

For Example  ch13_6a.sql

CREATE VIEW instructor_summary_view
  SELECT i.instructor_id, COUNT(s.section_id) total_courses
    FROM instructor i
     LEFT OUTER JOIN section s
       ON (i.instructor_id = s.instructor_id)
  GROUP BY i.instructor_id;

Note that the SELECT statement is written in the ANSI 1999 SQL standard. It uses the outer join between the INSTRUCTOR and SECTION tables. The LEFT OUTER JOIN indicates that an instructor record in the INSTRUCTOR table that does not have a corresponding record in the SECTION table is included in the result set, with TOTAL_COURSES being equal to zero in this result.

This view is not updatable because it contains the group function, COUNT(). As a result, the DELETE statement

DELETE FROM instructor_summary_view
 WHERE instructor_id = 109;

causes the following error:

ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view
01732. 00000 -  "data manipulation operation not legal on this view"

Recall that PL/SQL provides a special kind of trigger that can be defined on database views. This INSTEAD OF trigger is created as a row trigger. An INSTEAD OF trigger fires instead of the triggering statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) that has been issued against a view and directly modifies the underlying tables.

Consider an INSTEAD OF trigger defined on the INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_VIEW. This trigger deletes a record from the INSTRUCTOR table for the corresponding value of the instructor’s ID.

For Example  ch13_7a.sql

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER instructor_summary_del
INSTEAD OF DELETE ON instructor_summary_view
  DELETE FROM instructor
   WHERE instructor_id = :OLD.INSTRUCTOR_ID;

Note the usage of the INSTEAD OF clause in the trigger header. Once the trigger is created, the DELETE statement against the INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_VIEW does not generate any errors.

DELETE FROM instructor_summary_view
 WHERE instructor_id = 109;

1 row deleted.

When this DELETE statement is issued, the trigger deletes a record from the INSTRUCTOR table corresponding to the specified value of INSTRUCTOR_ID.

Now consider the same DELETE statement with a different instructor ID:

DELETE FROM instructor_summary_view
 WHERE instructor_id = 101;

When this DELETE statement is issued, it causes the following error:

ORA-02292: integrity constraint (STUDENT.SECT_INST_FK) violated - child record found
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_DEL'

The INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_VIEW joins the INSTRUCTOR and SECTION tables based on the INSTRUCTOR_ID column that is present in both tables. The INSTRUCTOR_ID column in the INSTRUCTOR table has a primary key constraint defined on it. The INSTRUCTOR_ID column in the SECTION table has a foreign key constraint that references the INSTRUCTOR_ID column of the INSTRUCTOR table. Thus, the SECTION table is considered a child table of the INSTRUCTOR table.

The original DELETE statement does not cause any errors because there is no record in the SECTION table corresponding to the instructor ID of 109. In other words, the instructor with an ID of 109 does not teach any courses.

The second DELETE statement causes an error because the INSTEAD OF trigger tries to delete a record from the INSTRUCTOR table, the parent table. However, there is a corresponding record in the SECTION table, the child table, with an instructor ID of 101. This causes an integrity constraint violation error. It might seem that one more DELETE statement (highlighted in bold in the following example) should be added to the INSTEAD OF trigger.

For Example  ch13_7b.sql

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER instructor_summary_del
INSTEAD OF DELETE ON instructor_summary_view
  DELETE FROM section
   WHERE instructor_id = :OLD.INSTRUCTOR_ID;
  DELETE FROM instructor
   WHERE instructor_id = :OLD.INSTRUCTOR_ID;

Notice that the newly added DELETE statement removes records from the SECTION table before the INSTRUCTOR table because the SECTION table contains child records of the INSTRUCTOR table. However, the DELETE statement against the INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_VIEW causes yet another error:

DELETE FROM instructor_summary_view
 WHERE instructor_id = 101;

ORA-02292: integrity constraint (STUDENT.GRTW_SECT_FK) violated - child record found
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.INSTRUCTOR_SUMMARY_DEL'

This time, the error refers to a different foreign key constraint that specifies the relationship between the SECTION and GRADE_TYPE_WEIGHT tables. In this case, the child records are found in the GRADE_TYPE_WEIGHT table. Thus, before deleting records from the SECTION table, the trigger must delete all corresponding records from the GRADE_TYPE_WEIGHT table. However, the GRADE_TYPE_WEIGHT table has child records in the GRADE table, so the trigger must delete records from the GRADE table first.

This example illustrates the complexity of designing an INSTEAD OF trigger. To ensure that such a trigger works as intended, you must be aware of two important factors: the relationships among tables in the database and the ripple effect that a particular design may introduce. This example suggests deleting records from four underlying tables. However, those tables contain information that relates not only to the instructors and the sections they teach, but also to the students and the sections in which they are enrolled.


In this chapter, you began learning about database triggers, including what they are, how they fire, which types of triggers are available, and how they may be used. You also learned how to define and employ autonomous transactions. In Chapter 14, you will learn about compound triggers and their usage.

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