
Oracle® PL/SQL by Example, Fifth Edition, presents the Oracle PL/SQL programming language in a unique and highly effective format. It challenges you to learn Oracle PL/SQL by using it rather than by simply reading about it.

Just as a grammar workbook would teach you about nouns and verbs by first showing you examples and then asking you to write sentences, Oracle® PL/SQL by Example teaches you about cursors, loops, procedures, triggers, and so on by first showing you examples and then asking you to create these objects yourself.

Who This Book Is For

This book is intended for anyone who needs a quick but detailed introduction to programming with Oracle’s PL/SQL language. The ideal readers are those with some relational database experience, with some Oracle experience, specifically with SQL, SQL*Plus, and SQL Developer, but with little or no experience with PL/SQL or with most other programming languages.

The content of this book is based primarily on the material that was taught in an Introduction to PL/SQL class at Columbia University’s Computer Technology and Applications (CTA) program in New York City. The student body was rather diverse, in that there were some students who had years of experience with information technology (IT) and programming, but no experience with Oracle PL/SQL, and then there were those with absolutely no experience in IT or programming. The content of the book, like the class, is balanced to meet the needs of both extremes. The additional exercises available through the companion website can be used as labs and homework assignments to accompany the lectures in such a PL/SQL course.

How This Book Is Organized

The intent of this workbook is to teach you about Oracle PL/SQL by explaining a programming concept or a particular PL/SQL feature and then illustrate it further by means of examples. Oftentimes, as the topic is discussed more in depth, these examples would be changed to illustrate newly covered material. In addition, most of the chapters of this book have Additional Exercises sections available through the companion website. These exercises allow you to test the depth of your understanding of the new material.

The basic structure of each chapter is as follows:

Lab . . .

The Objectives section lists topics covered in the chapter. Basically a single objective corresponds to a single Lab.

The Introduction offers a short overview of the concepts and features covered in the chapter.

Each Lab covers a single objective listed in the Objectives section of the chapter. In some instances the objective is divided even further into the smaller individual topics in the Lab. Then each such topic is explained and illustrated with the help of examples and corresponding outputs. Note that as much as possible, each example is provided in its entirety so that a complete code sample is readily available.

At the end of each chapter you will find a Summary section, which provides a brief conclusion of the material discussed in the chapter. In addition, the By the Way portion will state whether a particular chapter has an Additional Exercises section available on the companion website.

About the Companion Website

The companion Website is located at Here you will find three very important things:

Image Files required to create and install the STUDENT schema.

Image Files that contain example scripts used in the book chapters.

Image Additional Exercises chapters, which have two parts:

• A Questions and Answers part where you are asked about the material presented in a particular chapter along with suggested answers to these questions. Oftentimes, you are asked to modify a script based on some requirements and explain the difference in the output caused by these modifications. Note that this part is also organized into Labs similar to its corresponding chapter in the book.

• A Try it Yourself part where you are asked to create scripts based on the requirements provided. This part is different from the Questions and Answers part in that there are no scripts supplied with the questions. Instead, you will need to create scripts in their entirety.

What You Will Need

There are software programs as well as knowledge requirements necessary to complete the Labs in this book. Note that some features covered throughout the book are applicable to Oracle 12c only. However, you will be able to run a great majority of the examples and complete Additional Exercises and Try it Yourself sections by using the following products:

Image Oracle 11g or higher

Image SQL Developer or SQL*Plus 11g or higher

Image Access to the Internet

You can use either Oracle Personal Edition or Oracle Enterprise Edition to execute the examples in this book. If you use Oracle Enterprise Edition, it can be running on a remote server or locally on your own machine. It is recommended that you use Oracle 11g or Oracle 12c in order to perform all or a majority of the examples in this book. When a feature will only work in the latest version of Oracle database, the book will state so explicitly. Additionally, you should have access to and be familiar with SQL Developer or SQL*Plus.

You have a number of options for how to edit and run scripts in SQL Developer or from SQL*Plus. There are also many third-party programs to edit and debug PL/SQL code. Both, SQL Developer and SQL*Plus are used throughout this book, since these are two Oracle-provided tools and come as part of the Oracle installation.

About the Sample Schema

The STUDENT schema contains tables and other objects meant to keep information about a registration and enrollment system for a fictitious university. There are ten tables in the system that store data about students, courses, instructors, and so on. In addition to storing contact information (addresses and telephone numbers) for students and instructors, and descriptive information about courses (costs and prerequisites), the schema also keeps track of the sections for particular courses, and the sections in which students have enrolled.

The SECTION table is one of the most important tables in the schema because it stores data about the individual sections that have been created for each course. Each section record also stores information about where and when the section will meet and which instructor will teach the section. The SECTION table is related to the COURSE and INSTRUCTOR tables.

The ENROLLMENT table is equally important because it keeps track of which students have enrolled in which sections. Each enrollment record also stores information about the student’s grade and enrollment date. The enrollment table is related to the STUDENT and SECTION tables.

The STUDENT schema also has a number of other tables that manage grading for each student in each section.

The detailed structure of the STUDENT schema is described in Appendix B, Student Database Schema.

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