Chapter 7. Importing, Exporting, and Working with Data

Working with one or more databases during development cycles will invariably mean that developers need to replicate schemas between different databases, such as test and production, or they need to test data based on a subset of instance data. To do this, developers need to produce easily replicable scripts that copy and move data from one database instance to another, or from one schema to another.

"Data" means many things to people. Here, data is both the instance data (rows in a table) and metadata (object definitions, such as tables, stored in the Data Dictionary). In this chapter we look at the variety of options offered in SQL Developer, specifically, exporting instance data and metadata, and importing instance data. You will see the different options available when copying instance and metadata from one schema to another and when comparing metadata between two schemas. We'll look at how to create and then use the scripts produced. The choices you make depend on the activity and the desired results.

Exporting data

In this section, we'll look at the various options and utilities provided by SQL Developer to export either instance data or metadata. The utilities range from copy and paste to wizard-driven export and import, and we'll progress from quick and easy towards more depth.

Exporting instance data

Throughout SQL Developer, data of different types is displayed in data grids, whether you are querying the definitions of a table by clicking on the table in the Connections navigator, running a report, running a query from the SQL Worksheet, or selecting the Data tab for a table. All of these data grids have a set of standard context menus, which include exporting the data in the grid to various file formats. In the following example, the Export Data context menu has been invoked for the EMPLOYEES table's Columns display editor:

Exporting instance data

Another powerful method of exporting the data is to specify a query in the SQL Worksheet. Run the query using the Run Statement (F9) command. This returns the data in a grid and you'll have access to the same context menu as before.

The choice of file formats (wizard) for exporting the data is obtained by clicking on the Export context menu as shown in the preceding image. Here are some of the file formats mentioned:

  • CSV—comma separated values
  • Delimited
  • excel 2003+ (xlsx)
  • excel 95-2003 (xls)
  • excel.xml
  • fixed—space delimited file
  • html—HTML tagged text
  • insert—SQL DML commands
  • JSON
  • loader—SQL Loader file format
  • pdf
  • text—unstructured text
  • ttbulkcp—TimesTen Bulk Copy
  • xml—XML tagged text
    Exporting instance data

Exporting table data

To export the data for a specific table, select the table in the Connections navigator, and right-click to invoke the Export Data context menu. This displays the same Export Data menu shown on any data grid. The advantage of using the context menu in the navigator is that it pre-populates the Table name in the dialog.

For each of these output formats, as shown in the preceding screenshot, you can elect to write the text to a file, specifying the location or copy it to the clipboard and paste it to a location of your choice.

Exporting table data

You can browse to find and set the file location, or you can set the default export location in the Preferences dialog. Select Database from the tree, and set the default location, as shown in the following screenshot:

Exporting table data


You can set a preference to handle file encoding on export. Go to Tools | Preferences, select the Environment node in the tree, and set File Encoding. The export output is given using the specified encoding. There is an additional File Encoding drop-down list on the Export File Chooser dialog. If selected, this overrides the preference set.

Setting up the export file

Whether you are invoking Export Data for a particular table in the Connections navigator or from the table's data grid, the default output includes all of the columns and data. This is also true if you have run one of the shipped SQL Developer reports. If you want to export any subset of data from any of these or the other data grids available, you can change the number of rows of data exported, or even the columns in the grid, using the Export Data dialog to restrict the export detail. The first choice is selecting the columns that you want to export:

Setting up the export file

Once you have the columns selected, you can also restrict the data returned. Add the WHERE CLAUSE restriction criteria and click on Go to restrict the data returned.


If you modify the number of rows returned by including the WHERE CLAUSE, the query is only re-run by clicking on Go, and not on Apply, which merely writes the data to the file.

Setting up the export file

Instead of using the dialog, if you set up the query in the SQL Worksheet, you'll need to write the query to ensure it contains exactly the data that you want to export. Indeed, some file formats, such as XLS, have a maximum records file size. Therefore, you're advised to limit the data you want to export. Once the data is prepared and ready, you can simply invoke the context menu to export the data. Select the file format and location, and run the export.


Preparing the contents of a data grid for export

You can sort, filter, and rearrange the column order on data grids. If you make any changes to the data grids before exporting the data, the updated detail is reflected in the exported file.

Exporting SQL DML

Creating an SQL script file of insert commands is very useful when creating sets of test data. You can then modify and update the data at will and then rerun the script to restore the data to the initial state. To create the SQL DML commands, go to Export Data | Insert from the context menu.

If you export this format to the clipboard, after that open an SQL Worksheet and paste (Ctrl+V); you are then in an ideal position to run the script. Ensure that you provided the correct table name in the Export Data dialog. If, for example, you write an SQL query and then invoke the Export Data dialog, the Table field is "table_export", so you'd need to update that field as needed.

Exporting SQL DML

Exporting to HTML

You can export the data to the HTML format. To create the HTML, go to Export Data | HTML from the context menu. Once created, you can store the file on a central server and display it in a browser. This is very useful when you need to share data with other users, without providing any update permissions. The exported HTML file includes a basic search box, allowing users to further restrict the records displayed. In the following screenshot, the file shown is open in a browser:

Exporting to HTML

Supporting export for SQL*Loader

SQL Developer supports exporting data to an SQL*Loader file. Go to Export Data | Loader from the context menu to create the SQL*Loader file. Once created, you can use SQL*Loader to load the data into the Oracle database. The file format is set by SQL Developer, so you don't have the option to set parameters to control the Loader file format.

To create a working example, enter the following query into the SQL Worksheet and use the steps listed next:

select E.FIRST_NAME,
  1. Click on the Run Statement button (or press the F9 key).
  2. Right-click on the data grid and navigate to Export Data | Loader from the context menu.
  3. Set the Table and File values as required.
  4. Click on Apply.

The default control file created in SQL Developer, based on the example that we have just seen, is structured as follows:

HIRE_DATE timestamp "DD-MON-RR",

Exporting to Microsoft Excel

SQL Developer supports the export of data to the Microsoft Excel (XLS) format. This is one of the more popular export formats. The data, once in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, is easily used for graphs and statistical review. To create the Microsoft Excel file, go to Export Data | xls from the context menu. In this instance, the Table field in the Export Data dialog is not available. You only need to provide a filename and make the columns and Where clause choices. The new file, when opened in Microsoft Excel, also includes the column headings.

It's important to be aware of the fact that there are limitations when working with large sets of data. There is a 65,536 row limit in Microsoft Excel, so SQL Developer writes the records to new worksheets when 65,000 is reached. In addition, working with an XLS file, SQL Developer loads all of the records into memory before writing. If the XLS file is significantly large, you can run out of memory. If this is an issue, then edit the sqldeveloper.conf file in the <YourDirectory>sqldevelopersqldeveloperin directory and increase the heap size by increasing the default value set to AddVMOption -Xmx1024M.

Exporting to XML

The SQL Developer Data Export also supports exporting to XML. To create an XML file, based on the data in the grid, go to Export Data | xml using the context menu. A single row of data (in this case from the EMPLOYEES table) exported to XML follows a structured format as follows:


Exporting data to XML is very beneficial in broader application development, since the structure of the XML file enables you to use this data in other applications. It may be more common to export the metadata for reuse than the instance data in this case.

Exporting DDL (Metadata)

One of the most basic tasks you can perform with SQL Developer, once you have created a connection, is to select a table in the Connections navigator. In earlier chapters, we discussed the various display editors that are invoked by this action. At this point, we're only interested in the SQL display editor. The SQL display editor, for any object selected in the Connections navigator, displays the SQL code required to recreate the object in question, which is the Data Definition Language (DDL). The SQL is derived from executing procedure calls to the DBMS_METADATA package. Once opened, you can simply select, copy, and paste the SQL text into the SQL Worksheet to run it or save it to a file and run it later.

Exporting table DDL

If you're working with the default settings provided by SQL Developer, selecting the SQL display editor for a table reveals an involved CREATE TABLE statement, as shown in the following screenshot:

Exporting table DDL

Selecting multiple tables for DDL export

Selecting the SQL display editor is an easy way to get the DDL for a single table. Selecting Export DDL from the context menu in the Connections navigator provides the additional capability of generating the DDL for one or more tables at a time. For the DDL export, select the table(s) and write the DDL to file, clipboard, or directly to the SQL Worksheet:

Selecting multiple tables for DDL export

The structure of the DDL in the Export DDL menu is driven by the same preferences that shape the SQL in the SQL display editor: Database | ObjectViewer.

Using the Database Export wizard to export DDL and data

You can use the preceding utilities to set up and save the DDL or DML scripts. Generally, you'd use them for ad hoc statements to quickly create a table and populate it with data. There are occasions when you'll want a script that you can use repeatedly for many tables or objects. You can use the Database Export wizard to create a file that you might use to do the following:

  • Run on a regular basis
  • Share across teams
  • Ship as an initial setup script

Starting the export wizard

The Database Export follows a series of steps and choices, allowing you to choose the object types, the specific objects, and to select or restrict the data exported. Go to Tools | Database Export… to invoke the wizard.

Starting the export wizard

The outcome of the Database Export is a file containing DDL and possibly DML statements. The DDL statements are almost all CREATE object statements, although you can also include GRANT statements, and the DML comprises INSERT statements. You can control the structure of the statements in the first stage by setting different options. Set the file location and the schema driving the export on this first page.


Controlling the default export location

Set the default export location in the Preferences dialog. Select Database from the tree and then set the default location.

The DDL is again derived from executing procedure calls to the DBMS_METADATA package. Most of the options set on this first page are parameters sent to this package, except some, such as the Include Drop Statement. In the preceding screenshot, the lowest three statements are not set by default.

By selecting Include Drop Statements, you can create a script that is useful in a test environment. By including the DROP commands, you can rerun the script repeatedly, by first dropping the tables, then creating them, and then inserting the data. Oracle supplies many similar scripts. demobld.sql, which creates the EMP and DEPT tables, is one such example.

Although many of the scripts run are for a single schema, you can also create scripts for a number of schemas by including the Include Grants option. The wizard reads and replicates the current object privileges in the schemas. If you are selecting objects from multiple schemas, you need to include Show Schema to ensure the appropriate schema prefixes each object created.

Selecting objects for generation

Once you have set the options driving the DDL, you need to select the objects for generation. By default, all of the objects are selected, including Data. This means you can select Proceed to Summary and then Finish, and the DDL and DML for the full schema and data will be created. To restrict the choice of objects, deselect the Toggle All checkbox, which then gives you the option of selecting individual items by allowing you to just select only those object types you want to appear in the file. On the next page of the wizard, you select the specific, named items.


Including dependent objects

If you select Automatically Include Dependent Objects with the other DDL options, you only need to select tables on the Object Types page. The related constraints and triggers are then included. Left deselected indicates that you need to select named tables, constraints, and triggers.

Select Data to ensure that the DML for the selected tables is also created.

Specifying objects

The details in step 3 of the wizard are driven by the choices made on the previous pages. The schema selected controls the objects you have access to, both in the schema itself and across other schemas. You only need to select a starting schema, such as SCOTT, or another schema with very few privileges, to see how few tables are available.

The HR sample schema can query and therefore can produce the DDL for some of the HR tables. In the screenshot that follows, the four areas marked are as follows:

  1. A drop-down list of all available schemas. For each schema selected, the associated objects are displayed.
  2. A drop-down list that displays the object types selected on the previous page. This helps reduce the list of objects displayed in area #3.
  3. Objects belonging to the schema selected and are driven by the object types in the object list #2.
  4. Move any required objects here to reduce the list to just those selected. If none are selected, then by default, the DDL for all objects is created.
    Specifying objects


All objects are selected by default. Select Proceed to summary, or click on Next to move on. Shuttling a few objects restricts this list to the objects selected.

Running the script

Taking the example we have been working on in the wizard, the output is sent to the SQL Worksheet as a single file that you can run. Notice that the start of the script includes a DROP statement for all objects to be created, in this case, tables and sequences. Once these have been dropped, the path is clear to create new objects, and then insert the data. The connections drop-down list on the right-hand side makes it easier to select an alternate schema to run the script against.


Export full schema

On the initial screen in the Export wizard, set the required DDL options and select Proceed to Summary. Click on Next and Finish. All of the objects and data in the schema are exported.

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