Chapter 8
Panel Time Series

8.1 Introduction

Panel time series methods were born to address the issues of “long” panels of possibly nonstationary series, usually of macroeconomic nature. Such datasets, pooling together a sizable number of time series from different countries (regions, firms) have become increasingly common and are the main object of empirical research in many fields: development economics, regional or political science to name a few; the most typical unit of observation being a country or region within a reasonably large set of similar units and over at least two decades of either yearly or quarterly data.

Unlike “large” panels, the emphasis is therefore not only on images‐asymptotics but on both images and images tending to infinity, either sequentially or jointly (a seminal paper in this respect is Phillips and Moon, 1999). Specifying the order with which images and images diverge is essential for the properties of estimators.

The dynamics holds a more important, often prominent place (see e.g. Pesaran and Smith, 1995; Eberhardt et al., 2013). Under cointegration, error correction specifications are often of interest (see e.g. Holly et al., 2010). The assumption of parameter homogeneity is also often questioned in this field, often leading to relaxing it in favor of heterogeneous specifications where the coefficients of individual units are free to vary over the cross section. The parameter of interest can then be either the whole population of individual ones or the cross‐sectional average thereof.

Lastly, the issue of cross‐sectional correlation, which is assumed away in the case of dynamic GMM estimators a la Arellano and Bond (1991), takes a central role in panel time series methods. In fact, observations coming from countries of the world, or regions within one country or continent, are more likely than not to be correlated in the cross section either by some spatial process, whereby shocks spread to neighboring units because of proximity, or by the effect of common factors.

For example, consider a dynamic error component model:


where images is allowed to be correlated with images; for images and fixed images, the OLS estimator of images is inconsistent because of the presence of the unobserved correlated effects images. From Chapter , we know that the within estimator for this model is in turn biased downward, the bias being inversely proportional to images so that it becomes less severe as the available time dimension gets longer. If images and images both diverge, then for consistency images is needed to grow “fast enough” relative to images, i.e., at a rate such that the limit of images is finite.

From a different viewpoint, if each time series in the panel is considered separately, as images, OLS are a consistent estimator for the individual parameters images so that separately estimating, and then either averaging or pooling, the coefficients becomes a feasible strategy.

More generally, the abundance of data along both dimensions in large images, large images panels opens up possibilities and issues, other than the familiar ones of large, short panels: heterogeneity can be considered, where coefficients are not fixed across individuals but are allowed to vary, either freely or randomly around an average; nonstationarity, where the long time dimension allows to address unit roots and cointegration; and cross‐sectional dependence across individual units, possibly due to common factors to which individual units react idiosyncratically.

8.2 Heterogeneous Coefficients

Long panels allow to estimate separate regressions for each unit. Hence it is natural to question the assumption of parameter homogeneity (images, also called the pooling assumption) as opposed to various kinds of heterogeneous specifications. This is a vast subject, which we will keep as simple as possible here; in general it can be said that imposing the pooling restriction reduces the variance of the pooled estimator but may introduce bias if these restrictions are false (Baltagi et al., 2008). Moreover, the heterogeneous model is usually a generalization of the homogeneous one so that estimating it may allow to test for the validity of the pooling restriction.

The panel data model with individual heterogeneity:


generalizes the familiar individual effects model: here, all parameters vary across units, while in the former only the intercept did. The decision “to pool or not to pool” spans a vast literature; it is analyzed thoroughly by Baltagi et al. (2000) (see also Baltagi and Griffin, 1997; Baltagi et al., 2003a) in a forecasting perspective. Summing up the results of a number of studies, Baltagi et al. (2008) conclude that for forecasting purposes, the simplicity and stability of the pooled estimators dominate the flexibility of the heterogeneous ones, but seen from other perspectives, conclusions may reverse. It can be safely stated that data rich environments favor the latter, while the appeal of pooling restrictions becomes higher the smaller the dataset.

8.2.1 Fixed Coefficients

The heterogeneous panel model is:


where images are individual‐specific parameters and images is a vector of images explanatory variables.

If the pooling assumption is relaxed and one does not want to make any other assumption about how the images are generated, and if the images dimension permits, one can simply estimate a separate vector of coefficients for each regression.

Individual slope parameters images can be estimated (images‐consistently) by least squares as:

This can be accomplished by subsetting the data and running OLS; more efficient functionality is provided in plm through the function pvcm, leaving the model argument at the default value of 'within'.

8.2.2 Random Coefficients

Estimating separate regressions negates the advantages of panel datasets in that degrees of freedom are greatly reduced with respect to the pooled data. If imagess are treated as fixed, there will be images parameters to estimate with images observations. Random coefficients specifications allow instead for cross‐sectional variability while still reaping the benefits of pooling. The Swamy Estimator

Swamy (1970) proposed a model with all individual‐specific coefficients. In this case, we have:


where homoscedasticity of images is not assumed and images, or images. The model is then rewritten as:


with images. The model errors can be heteroscedastic (in particular because we did not impose homoscedasticity of images) and the errors of each individual are correlated as containing the same parameter vector images. For the imagesth individual, the error covariance is then:


images and images being uncorrelated by hypothesis, we have:


For the whole sample, images is a block diagonal matrix, each block being equal to images.

OLS estimation of this model is inefficient, not taking into account the heteroscedasticity and the correlation of errors. The model can be efficiently estimated by generalized least squares by computing images and then applying OLS to the variables transformed by pre‐multiplying them by images. Given that the latter is a block diagonal matrix, the same result is obtained by pre‐multiplying each individual's data by the corresponding block images. The generalized least squares method is clearly infeasible because images is unknown, but it can be made operational by employing an estimate thereof from a consistent model. This amounts to estimating images images and the elements of the images matrix, or in total images parameters.

To this end, we start by estimating each individual model by OLS. We then have:


A natural estimator of images is then:


The estimates are then averaged:


The estimation of images is based on the expression images, which, developing and regrouping terms, can be written:


The usefulness of this expression is in writing images as a linear combination of uncorrelated random variates, which considerably simplifies the computation of the variance of images as all covariances are zero. We then have:


Finally, regrouping terms:


We then have:


which gives the estimator of images:

equation The Mean Groups Estimator

Under less restrictive parametric assumptions than those of the Swamy model, assuming only exogeneity of the regressors and independently sampled errors, the average images can be estimated by the simpler mean groups (MG) method


and its dispersion, in a nonparametric fashion, through the empirical covariance of the individual images:

which is in fact the simplified version of the Swamy covariance seen above. In the context of the Swamy model, it is biased but images‐consistent and, differently from the original, always non‐negative definite; as such, it has been suggested by Swamy (1970) himself as an alternative for cases when his parametric covariance is not. In general, it can be shown that the MG estimator is a special case with equal GLS weighting of the Swamy estimator, to which it converges as images grows sufficiently large (Hsiao and Pesaran, 2008). The function pmg performs mean groups estimation by default (model='mg').

Dynamic Mean Groups

Importantly, Pesaran and Smith (1995) consider the MG estimator in dynamic models of the type


and show that, unlike aggregated or pooled regressions, it provides consistent estimates of both coefficients and standard errors. Considering the full parameter vector images, they observe that, while for fixed images the estimator images is biased of order images, the individual regressions (8.2) become consistent estimators of images as images diverges. Hence the MG estimator of the average parameter vector images is consistent for both images and images images (see the discussion in Hsiao and Pesaran, 2008). Explicit calculation of the individual parameters' covariance as in (8.4) in turn provides a consistent estimate of images.

8.2.3 Testing for Poolability

Heterogeneous estimators relax the assumption made in the error components model, which imposes homogeneity of all model parameters (but the intercept) across individuals. Under this assumption, one can estimate a single model for the whole sample, at most including individual‐specific constant terms. This restriction, which is usually called poolability, can be tested by comparing the estimation results from the different approaches. Furthermore, one can impose the further restriction of no individual‐specific intercepts.

In the variable coefficients framework, unrestricted estimation consists in estimating by OLS one different model for each individual. The sum of squared residuals is then: images. For this model, degrees of freedom are: images. The restricted model to compare to can be either pooled OLS (images with images degrees of freedom) or the within model (images with images degrees of freedom), depending on whether the absence of individual effects is imposed or not. The test statistic is then (taking the within specification as the restricted model):


This takes the form of a well‐known stability test (known as the Chow test) distributed under images as an F with images and images degrees of freedom.

The function performing this kind of test is called pooltest. One possible usage is to provide two models, one estimated separately for each individual, and either an OLS or a within model. In the first case, all parameters are supposed constant under images, including the constant terms. The unrestricted model is estimated by the function pvcm. As seen above, this function allows to estimate two different models, depending on the parameter model; here, the appropriate value for this argument is 'within' (the other possible choice being illustrated in the next section).

8.3 Cross‐sectional Dependence and Common Factors

Dependence across individual units, or cross‐sectional dependence, can take two main forms. Either it depends on the relative position of units in (some) space, so that – according to the so‐called Tobler law – nearby units are “more related” than far away ones; or it depends on being observed at the same time and thus being subject to the same set of common, global factors that affect each unit to an extent that does not depend on distance.

The former kind of dependence is called spatial and is more appropriate to describe phenomena that spill over from one unit to nearby ones through vicinity, such as the diffusion of a disease or of know‐how in the labor force or the alteration in cigarette sales from cross‐border smuggling. In this case, one does therefore often speak of local dependence; although in many spatial models, effects do actually carry over across all spatial units, they in fact always do so in a distance‐decaying fashion, whereby influence is strongest between the closest units. In the characterization of Pesaran and Tosetti (2011), this kind of dependence is also dubbed “cross‐sectional weak dependence.”

The latter kind of dependence does instead not need units to be referenced in any space: the relative position does not matter because correlation is assumed to stem from being exposed to the same, cross‐sectionally invariant common factors (the world interest rate, the price of oil, the rate of technological progress, the stock market booms or busts, the price of homes in some reference market). Common factors can well originate from one or more main locations (think of a primary stock exchange, such as New York or London, setting prices that affect all other peers worldwide) but the effect will not depend on distance. Because factor‐related dependence does typically not decrease with the distance between units, it is also called global dependence. In the characterization of Pesaran and Tosetti (2011), it is named “cross‐sectional strong dependence.”

As can be seen from the examples, common factors can be observable or not: the case when they are unobservable is of course the most interesting one. Most importantly, they can also be correlated with the regressors included in the model so that if they are omitted because they are unobservable, they will be a source of endogeneity and hence of inconsistency for estimators, unless they are appropriately accounted for (for an assessment of the properties of panel time series estimators under different omitted factors scenarios, see Coakley et al., 2006).

The first kind of dependence will be the subject of the chapter on spatial panels. In the following, common factor induced correlation will be our primary concern; nevertheless, the methods presented here are generally robust to spatial correlation as well.

8.3.1 The Common Factor Model

Consider the factor‐augmented panel model


where images is the cross‐sectional index and images the time index. images is a images vector of observed, strictly exogenous regressors including a 1 and images is a vector of unobserved, cross‐sectionally invariant common factors.

Such structure is capable of generating cross‐sectional correlation in case of a similar, albeit not identical, response across countries to modifications in the common factors, measured by the factor loadings images. The common factors are allowed to be correlated with the regressors, as is most likely to be the case, so their effect comes both through factor loadings and through the indirect effect on the observed regressors. The common factors are also allowed to be nonstationary. Moreover, the remainder error term images is allowed to be spatially correlated as in


where images is the generic element of an images spatial weights matrix images in which nonzero elements correspond to pairs of spatially close observation units (e.g., regions sharing a common border, or below a given distance threshold); so that each error is correlated with a weighted average of the errors in close‐by observations according to the parameter images.2

The two kinds of error dependence induced by omitted common factors and by spatial error correlation have serious consequences on the properties of estimators if they are neglected. The former induces cross‐sectional correlation of a pervasive type, not dying out with distance, characterized by Pesaran and Tosetti (2011) as strong; moreover, if the omitted common factors are correlated with the regressors, the latter become endogenous and estimators become inconsistent. The latter type of dependence, dubbed weak because it dies out with distance, has less serious consequences on estimation but can still cause inefficiency (and hence inconsistent standard errors and invalid inference); moreover, as discussed in the next section, it weakens consistency in the particular case of spurious panel regression. Estimators able to control for the strong kind of dependence, as it turns out, are consistent in the presence of weak dependence as well.

In the special case of only one factor with uniform factor loadings images, the common factor model becomes a time fixed effects model, which can be estimated either by OLS with time dummies or by the appropriate within estimator, i.e., OLS on cross‐sectionally demeaned data.

8.3.2 Common Correlated Effects Augmentation

The principle of common correlated effects (CCE) augmentation of Pesaran (2006) is based on the idea that, for large images, the factors images can be approximated by cross‐sectional averages of the response and regressors. Following the original paper (see also Holly et al., 2010), consider the model:

where both the (composite) error images and the regressors images are generated by linear combinations of the unobserved, cross‐sectionally invariant factors images:

Substituting (8.7) in (8.6) and combining the result with (8.8), we get:

where images and


Taking cross‐section averages of (8.9),


so that, if images is invertible, the common factors can be written as:


If as images images and images, then


Following this line of reasoning, Pesaran (2006) shows that the cross‐sectional averages of the response (images) and regressors (images) are images‐consistent estimators of the unobserved common factors and can therefore be used as observable proxies thereof. Augmenting the regression with these averages is known as the common correlated effects (CCE) principle. CCE estimators can be used to consistently estimate the individual slope parameters images by applying least squares to the augmented regression


where images.

The estimator for each individual slope coefficient can then be written compactly as


with images, images contains: the images matrix of cross‐sectional averages images, images; and a deterministic component comprising individual intercept and time trend (Pesaran, 2006, p. 974). The average is then estimated by the MG method,


This estimator is known as images, for “common correlated effects mean groups.”

The covariance matrix is estimated nonparametrically, on the basis of the empirical covariance of the individual coefficients, just like in the MG case:


Unlike other estimators, the CCE is (images‐) consistent for any fixed, unknown number of possibly nonstationary common factors. Being robust to strong forms of cross‐sectional dependence, the CCE estimator is also robust to weak ones such as spatial correlation (see Pesaran and Tosetti, 2011). Moreover, the CCE strategy has proved most effective in a number of simulation studies, e.g., Coakley et al. (2006), Pesaran and Tosetti (2011), Kapetanios et al. (2011). CCE Mean Groups vs. CCE Pooled

Estimation by the CCE principle can be performed either leaving parameters images free to vary, as above, or imposing parameter homogeneity (but maintaining heterogeneity in intercepts, factor loadings, and possibly time trends), which leads to the CCEP (pooled) estimator

and is to be preferred on efficiency grounds when the underlying assumption that images is reasonable. It must be observed that the CCEP estimator, although imposing images, still allows individual factor loadings images to differ.

The standard pooled or heterogeneous estimators can be seen an special cases of this more general formulation where augmentation is eliminated or reduced: pooled OLS as CCEP with images, individual fixed effects as CCEP with images containing only individual dummies. The mean groups (MG) estimator can in turn be seen as images where images. Computing the CCEP Variance

According to Pesaran (2006, 5.2), the variance of the CCEP estimator can be computed in two different ways, depending on whether the assumption of parameter homogeneity is imposed here as well (homogeneous estimator) or not (heterogeneous, or nonparametric, estimator).

The heterogeneous version (Pesaran, 2006, Th. 3) is based again on the nonparametric estimate of the individual coefficients' covariance. Defining




the estimator is

This estimator is consistent under quite general conditions as regards the rate of growth of images vs images and the distribution of individual parameters; it is the one that fares best in the original papers' simulation study and the one the author recommends to use. It is therefore the default method in the pcce function.

Nevertheless, strictly speaking, (8.12) is not appropriate under complete homogeneity. Pesaran (2006, Th. 4) presents an alternative, which is appropriate for large panels (i.e., if images as images). The latter, which is presented in detail in Pesaran (2006, p. 988), is based on the nonparametric kernel‐smoothed estimator of Newey and West (see and can be calculated using standard methods. Analogously, and again in large‐images settings, the familiar clustering estimator can be applied. In fact, images being idempotent, the CCEP estimator in (8.11) can be seen as OLS on the transformed variables images; hence methods for robust covariances can be applied to pcce objects the same way they are to plm ones – e.g., those representing a within model. From a software viewpoint, the pcce function is compliant with both vcovNW and vcovHC.

8.4 Nonstationarity and Cointegration

The time series dimension of “long” panel datasets raises the issue of possible nonstationarity and cointegration. From an econometric viewpoint, if two (single) nonstationary time series are cointegrated, then the least squares estimator of the regression parameter characterizing the relationship is superconsistent and converges to the true value faster than its stationary counterpart (Stock, 1987). If on the contrary they are nonstationary but not cointegrated, the statistical relationship is spurious, and least squares estimates do not converge to their true values at all, while fit and significance diagnostics yield the false positive results famously discussed by Granger and Newbold (1974).

In a panel time series context, there is one more dimension available for inference: the cross section. Assuming cross‐sectional independence, Phillips and Moon (1999) show that a spurious panel data regression can still deliver a consistent estimate of long‐run parameters. Yet its convergence properties will be weaker than those of a cointegrating one: in particular, the coefficients of a spurious panel regression will still converge to their true values, although at a much slower rate images than that of a cointegrating panel, which is images.

This result depends on an assumption of cross‐sectional independence. It is weakened if the errors are cross‐sectionally weakly correlated, for example if they follow a spatial process, and can be expected to fail in presence of strong cross‐sectional dependence, as would arise when omitting to control for common factors (Phillips and Moon, 1999, pages 1091–1092). Both pooled OLS (Phillips and Sul, 2003) and mean groups estimators (Coakley et al., 2006) lose their advantage in precision from pooling when cross‐sectional dependence is present.

8.4.1 Unit Root Testing: Generalities

Detecting unit roots has become a central subject in macroeconometrics. The techniques employed are adaptations from the time series literature to the panel case. We will begin by reviewing the main results regarding time series.

Consider a variable images generated by an autoregressive process of order one:


The vector of explanatory variables may contain an intercept, a linear trend, and different explanatory variables. To keep things simple, in the following we will assume images, so that images follows a “pure” autoregressive process. As regards the error (which in this context is often called the innovation), we will assume that it has mean zero and standard deviation images. By recursive substitution, one has:


If images is deterministic and the images are not correlated, the variance of images can be written:


If images, we have:


On the other hand, if images, images so that the variance grows to infinity with images; the series is then nonstationary and is said to have a unit root. The presence of unit roots poses various problems, first and foremost that of spurious regressions. In the presence of a unit root, a series presents a peculiar sort of trend that is not deterministic but stochastic, and the presence of such trends in two series containing unit roots may induce an artificial correlation between them. In Figure 8.2 we present two autoregressive series with respectively images and images. We see how in the former case the autoregressive process translates into correlation between successive values of images; in particular, if images then images is more likely to be negative than positive. However, the curve representing the realization of the process crosses the horizontal axis frequently. On the other hand, in the case of a unit root, one can clearly detect the presence of a stochastic trend (in this case, on the rise): images only changes sign once, and most of its realizations are positive.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 8.2Autoregressive processes with different images parameters.

To illustrate the importance of the spurious regression problem, we perform a short simulation exercise; we draw two autoregressive series independently, regress one on the other, and recover the t‐statistic corresponding to the null hypothesis images. This hypothesis is true by construction; therefore, in a normal context the t‐statistic should not reject (i.e., be roughly less than 2) in 95% of cases. Let us begin by illustrating this result for images. To this end, we employ two functions: code generates an autoregressive series, tstat performs OLS estimation, and recovers the t‐statistic:

 autoreg <- function(rho = 0.1, T = 100){
  e <- rnorm(T)
  for (t in 2:(T)) e[t] <- e[t] + rho *e[t-1]
tstat <- function(rho = 0.1, T = 100){
  y <- autoreg(rho, T)
  x <- autoreg(rho, T)
  z <- lm(y ˜ x)
  coef(z)[2] / sqrt(diag(vcov(z))[2])
result <- c()
R <- 1000
for (i in 1:R) result <- c(result, tstat(rho = 0.2, T = 40))
quantile(result, c(0.025, 0.975))
  2.5%  97.5%
-2.114  1.990
prop.table(table(abs(result) > 2))

0.943 0.057 

We can see how the empirical quantiles are very close to their expected values and the share of false positives is in the region of 5%. Let us now do the same with two series, each containing a unit root:

 result <- c()
R <- 1000
for (i in 1:R) result <- c(result, tstat(rho = 1, T = 40))
quantile(result, c(0.025, 0.975))
  2.5%  97.5%
-9.158  8.227
prop.table(table(abs(result) > 2))

0.379 0.621 

Judging by the usual t‐statistic, in two thirds of cases one would conclude in favor of a significant relationship between our two independently generated variables.

It is therefore crucial to detect the presence of unit roots in time series data; otherwise, there are considerable chances to obtain falsely significant results. To this end, it is simplest to write the equation of the autoregressive process subtracting images to both sides. One has then:


The unit root test then becomes a zero restriction test for the coefficient associated to images in the model where the regressand is images. One might want to use a classic t‐statistic, obtained dividing images by its standard error. Setting images vs images, one will then reject the unit root hypothesis at the 5% level if the statistic is less than images.

 R <- 1000
T <- 100
result <- c()
for (i in 1:R){
  y <- autoreg(rho=1, T=100)
  Dy <- y[2:T] - y[1:(T-1)]
  Ly <- y[1:(T-1)]
  z <- lm(Dy ˜ Ly)
  result <- c(result, coef(z)[2] / sqrt(diag(vcov(z))[2]))

In Figure 8.3 we depict a histogram of the realizations of the t‐statistic, superposing a normal density curve:

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 8.3Histogram of the Student statistic in case of a unit root.

One can easily see that employing classic inference procedures to detect the presence of unit roots is unwarranted, as the t‐statistic follows a distribution that is very far from the normal. Employing the usual critical value of images, one has here:

 prop.table(table(result < -1.64))

0.542 0.458 

which leads to reject the true hypothesis of a unit root one half of the times. To perform the Dickey‐Fuller test, one needs specific critical values that are not those of the normal (or the t) distribution. The test can be performed augmenting the auxiliary model with a constant and/or a deterministic trend; lags of images can also be added in order to clean out any possible autocorrelation of images.

The regression between two series both containing a unit root is only appropriate if they present a long‐term structural relationship. One speaks then of co‐integration. More precisely, we will say that two variables images and images are cointegrated if there exists images such that:


where images is stationary, i.e., it does not have unit roots. A simple cointegration test can then be performed as follows:

  1. verify whether images and images have unit roots with a Dickey‐Fuller test,
  2. if they both do, then estimate a model of images on images and recover the residuals images,
  3. do a Dickey‐Fuller test on images: if the unit root hypothesis is rejected, then images and images are cointegrated and the regression of images on images is meaningful; otherwise, images and images are integrated but not cointegrated, and the regression of images on images will be spurious.

8.4.2 First Generation Unit Root Testing

The classical test for unit roots is usually called ADF for “augmented Dickey‐Fuller”. Many extensions of this test have been proposed to adapt it to a panel data setting. Preliminary Results

Some of these tests are obtained by applying separate ADF tests to every individual in the sample. To perform these preliminary tests, one shall choose the number of lags and the relevant set of deterministic variables images, which can be either images, images (an intercept), or images (an intercept and a time trend).

This choice can be based on a number of criteria:

  • the Schwarz information criterion (SIC),
  • the Akaike information criterion (AIC),
  • the Hall method, consisting in adding as many lags as there are significant ones.

The regression is performed on images observations for each individual, which leads to images in total, with images, images being the average number of lags. The variance of the residuals for individual images is estimated by:

with images the degrees of freedom of the regression. Levin‐Lin‐Chu Test

Levin et al. (2002) proposed the first panel unit root test. In order to perform it, one must run two preliminary regressions: respectively, of images and of images as functions of images and images, obtaining two residual vectors denoted respectively by images and images.

These two residuals are then normalized dividing them by the estimated standard error (equation 8.14). The estimator of images is obtained by regressing images on images for the whole sample. Its standard deviation and t‐statistic are denoted respectively by images and images.

The long‐term variance of images is estimated by:


where images is the truncation lag parameter and images are the sample covariance weights, which depend on the choice of kernel.

Calling images the ratio between the long‐term and the short‐term variance for the images‐th individual and images the sample average thereof, Levin et al. (2002) show that the statistic:


is normally distributed under the null hypothesis of a unit root. images and images can be found in the original paper. Im, Pesaran and Shin Test

One of the drawbacks of the Levin et al. (2002) test is that the alternative hypothesis holds that images, but at the same time it is the same for all individuals. The test proposed by Im et al. (2003) (IPS) overtakes this limitation: the null hypothesis is still images for all individuals, but the alternative is now that images can be different across individuals, provided that images at least for some of them. The IPS test takes the form of a simple average of the t‐statistics for images from the individual ADF regressions (8.13):


The IPS statistic follows a nonstandard distribution, and must be therefore compared with values tabulated ad hoc. Alternatively, it can be standardized with mean and variance images and images given in the Im et al. (2003) paper. The test statistic is then images:

which, under the null of a unit root, is normally distributed. The Maddala and Wu Test

Maddala and Wu (1999) proposed a similar test, again not imposing homogeneity of images under the alternative. Instead of the t‐statistics, it is based on combining the images critical values images obtained from the individual ADF tests. The test statistic is then simply:


and, under the null of a unit root for all images individuals, it is distributed as a images with images degrees of freedom.

8.4.3 Second Generation Unit Root Testing

The above panel unit root tests do all rest on the hypothesis of absence of cross‐sectional correlation. When, after the turn of the millennium, the panel data literature started recognizing how pervasive cross‐sectional correlation is in applications and progressed toward the development of consistent methods in its presence, the above assumption started to be seen as too restrictive. The tests assuming no cross‐sectional correlation became known under the collective name of “first‐generation” panel unit root tests, to distinguish them from the new breed of testing procedures that was emerging. These new panel unit root tests, sharing the quality of being consistent in the face of cross‐sectional correlation, were dubbed “second generation” to distinguish them from the former and are currently most often employed in applications.

The reference framework for cross‐sectionally correlated panels is, as discussed above, the common factor model. A number of cross‐correlation‐compliant panel unit root procedures have been devised in this framework based on various defactoring procedures. One of the most popular second‐generation tests, due to Pesaran (2007), takes the approach of controlling for the common factors, instead of trying to eliminate them; it does so in the CCE framework, by augmenting the auxiliary regressions through cross‐sectional averages of the response and regressors. The individual ADF regressions are augmented with the cross‐sectional averages of lagged levels and differences of the individual series:


The individual ADF regressions are therefore denoted “cross‐sectionally augmented ADF” (CADF) regressions; the resulting individual CADF statistics can in principle be combined as described above, forming the basis for either a “cross‐sectionally augmented IPS” (CIPS) or a Maddala‐Wu test. However, the limiting distributions for the latter do not apply anymore in the absence of cross‐sectional independence; for this reason, Pesaran (2007) tabulated critical values for the CIPS test for the three different cases where the auxiliary CADF regressions contain an intercept, a deterministic trend, or none of the above.


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