Saiku installation

The following steps describe the installation of Saiku from Pentaho Marketplace:

  1. In the PUC Tools menu, select Marketplace. Alternatively, you can click on the Pentaho Marketplace menu bar. The following screenshot shows Pentaho Marketplace:
    Saiku installation
  2. A list of plugins that are available in the current version of the BI Server will show up. Plugins that haven't been installed have the option Install, and the ones that have newer versions will have the Upgrade option. The following screenshot shows the plugin list:
    Saiku installation
  3. Choose Saiku Analytics, and click on Install. The following screenshot shows the Saiku plugin:
    Saiku installation
  4. The Do you want to install now? dialog box will appear. Click on the OK button to start the installation process.
  5. Wait until the Successfully Installed dialog appears.
  6. Restart the BI Server for this installation to take effect. Go to the [BISERVER] folder and execute stop-pentaho.bat (Windows) or (UNIX/Linux).
  7. After all the dialogs close, start the BI Server again by executing start-[BISERVER]/pentaho.bat (Windows) or [BISERVER]/ (UNIX/Linux).
  8. Re-login to your PUC. The new Saiku icon is added to the menu bar. The following screenshot shows the New Saiku Analytics icon in the menu bar:
    Saiku installation
  9. Click on the icon to show the Saiku Analytics interface. Try to explore the tool. Select an item from the Cubes list, and drag an item from Dimensions and Measures to the workspace. The following screenshot shows a sample Saiku session:
    Saiku installation

For more information on how to use the application in detail, visit

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