

Photocine: Digital Filmmaking with DSLRsLou Lesko, Michael Britt, and Snehal PatelPublisher and General Manager, CourseTechnology PTR:Stacy L. HiquetAssociate Director of Marketing:Sarah PanellaManager of Editorial Services:Heather TalbotExecutive Editor:Kevin HarreldMarketing Manager:Jordan CastellaniProject/Copy Editor:Kezia EndsleyInterior Layout Tech:William HartmanCover Designer:Mike TanamachiIndexer:Larry SweazyProofreader:Melba Hopper

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2010936617

ISBN-10: 1-4354-5736-6

ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5736-2

eISBN-10: 1-4354-5737-4

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My first book was dedicated to a little boy named Flynn. Since that dedication was written, he has grown into a bigger boy who has successfully whipped my ass wrestling on more than one occasion. His capacity to kick butt comes through the jaw dropping bravery of his mother Danielle. If you don’t know me personally, then none of this will make any sense. But that’s okay; it’s not for you that these words are written; they are for Danielle and her son Flynn.

 --Lou Lesko

I want to dedicate this book to my niece and nephew, Ellie and Nathan. May they always seek knowledge.

 --Snehal Patel

The time I dedicated to researching and writing this book was at the expense of time with my lovely wife, Cheryl, so it only makes sense to dedicate this book to her. Now if I can only get her to read it.

 --Michael Britt
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