Appendix: Additional Resources

Table A.1 is a quick reference chart to help you find the tools you need in a given leadership or cultural change scenario, as well as additional resources to support you on your journey.

TABLE A.1 Power Your Tribe Quick Reference Chart




How’s your emotional resilience and agility? Find out in five minutes or less! Simply take our Emotional Agility Assessment on


At the end of the day we’re all building businesses, teams, results. Here are a few metrics that our clients find result from using the tools in this book. You may want to consider using these measurements as key performance indicators (KPIs) for certain roles in your organization. Note that some of the ROI below can occur in as little as 90 days, whereas some will take longer, depending on your initial baseline and how ambitious the change initiative is:

•   Individuals become 35 to 50 percent more productive.

•   Individuals are 67 to 100 percent more emotionally engaged, loyal, accountable, and ownership focused.

•   Leaders gain 5 to 15 hours per week because their teams and employees are more self-directed.

•   86 percent of our clients report getting more done in less time due to the accountability techniques they learned.

•   100 percent of our clients report that they are able to apply our communication techniques and thinking styles both at home and at work, resulting in an increase in personal fulfillment.

•   100 percent of individuals using our influence tools increase their ability to significantly influence others and outcomes.

•   SBM Index scores increase 15 to 45 percent.

•   Employee retention increases over 90 percent.

•   Profit per employee increases by over 22 percent.

•   Time to recruit open positions decreases by over 50 percent.

•   Marketing messages are over 300 percent more effective.

•   Inbound marketing demand generation increases by over 400 percent.

•   Revenues and profits increase up to 210 percent annually.

•   Sales are closed up to 50 percent faster.

•   New products and services are created up to 48 percent faster.

•   Up to 44 percent more of the sales pipeline is harvested.

About STI’s Services

SmartTribes Institute (STI) helps organizations navigate growth and change to create new highs in performance and emotional engagement. It provides neuroscience-based coaching, workshops, and consulting to this end.

•   Leadership or culture coaching: Get even greater performance and boost engagement to new highs. You’ll apply Power Your Tribe tools to your greatest people and business challenges to achieve the following:

Images   Increased productivity by 35 to 50 percent

Images   Increased emotional engagement, loyalty, accountability, and ownership focus by 67 to 100 percent

Images   Gains to leaders of 5 to 15 hours per week because their teams and employees are more self-directed

Images   Safety, Belonging, and Mattering (SBM) Index score increased by 15 to 45 percent

Images   Employee retention increased by over 90 percent

Images   Profit per employee increased by over 22 percent

Images   Time to recruit open positions decreased by over 50 percent

•   Sales and Marketing Intensive: One of our most popular programs, this “roll up your sleeves” working session is delivered in a one- to two-day format with coaching afterward for implementation support. You’ll learn to use Meta Programs, Safety, Belonging, and Mattering (SBM) tools, and a handful of other Power Your Tribe tools to achieve the following:

Images   Close sales up to 50 percent faster.

Images   Harvest 44+ percent more of your pipeline.

Images   Make marketing messages 300+ percent more effective.

Images   Increase inbound marketing demand generation by 400+ percent.

Images   Increase revenues and profits by up to 210+ percent annually.

•   Deep learning workshops: Take your team to the next level in record time.


What would the impact be if you could tap into more parts of your brain to increase innovation, creativity, emotional engagement, vision, and feelings of safety, belonging, and mattering? And what would the impact be if you could guide your entire company to this state too?

You would accomplish the following:

•   Learn what all human beings crave at a primal and neurological level—and how to give it to them.

•   Understand how the brain works in change, growth, and learning scenarios—and how to shift the brain into enthusiasm and innovation versus fear and resistance.

•   Discover how we use our attention (or don’t use it) and the 50 to 70 percent emotional impact it has on our team.

•   Learn a proven process to gain 5 to 15 more hours per week and make your team 35 percent more productive in six months or sooner.

•   Understand what stress and urgency addiction does to our decision-making capabilities and how to create a culture of sustainability.

•   Learn the Six Stances to quickly shift “energetic posturing” as a leader to increase your influence with your board, clients, prospects, colleagues, direct reports, and employees.

With the ongoing application of your new tools, you’ll be able to do the following:

•   Shift colleagues, team members, board members, and family members from their Critter State (fight/flight/freeze/faint) into their Smart State (full access to emotions, innovation, and desire for positive outcomes).

•   Increase focus and presence to build stronger leadership.

•   Communicate more explicitly, resulting in faster, more effective, and complete outcomes.

•   Increase transparency through proven accountability structures.

•   Build a sustainable culture in which burnout and unvoiced frustrations are a distant memory.


Now more than ever, leaders need to be able to influence outcomes. Real influence is about forging deep connections quickly, stepping into someone’s world authentically, and striving for consistent win-win outcomes. In this workshop you’ll learn potent neuroscience techniques for getting buy-in, agreement, and enduring loyalty from anyone.

You’ll accomplish the following:

•   Learn to calibrate when someone is in rapport, in their frontal lobes, versus in fear.

•   Practice all areas of rapport techniques: physical body, vocal, sensory systems, key words and gestures, and Meta Programs, first in isolation and then together.

•   Increase your awareness of the unspoken 93 percent of communi-cation.

•   Apply rapport to key client situations and practice needle mover conversations.

•   Discover the six most potent Meta Programs that define a human being’s world.

•   Learn how to communicate to people in their exact Meta Programs to influence, connect, and build deep trust.

•   See yourself as an easily predictable leader and see how to change this to get greater performance from your team.

•   Witness specific and highly successful applications of these techniques in sales, marketing, and talent and board management and recruiting scenarios.

With the ongoing application of your new tools, you’ll be able to accomplish the following:

•   Close sales up to 50 percent faster and increase close rate by over 44 percent.

•   Deliver marketing messages that are up to 310 percent more effective and increase marketing demand generation by over 300 percent.

•   Increase team member emotional engagement, loyalty, and ownership focus 67 to 100 percent.

•   Be able to identify the differences between your map and someone else’s and how to build bridges that minimize conflict and maximize safety, belonging, and mattering.


Rapid and relentless change is the norm in today’s global business environment. How do we rewire the brain to forge positive associations and patterns with change? How do we shift from stress and fear to trust and enthusiasm in change scenarios?

You’ll accomplish the following:

•   Learn the three Key Change Modalities: Resilience Cycle, Logical Levels of Change, and Present and Desired States.

•   Understand the Problem Cycle (how many of us are conditioned to focus on what is not working and how we can learn to focus on what we can create).

•   Discover the three default roles of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor and how to shift our own roles and those of our colleagues, team members, and others to their positive counterpart roles.

•   Practice five energy management techniques to increase motivation, enthusiasm, and genuine excitement in the work group.

•   Experience giving effective feedback (how and when, including the optimal mindset, scripts and stages, and the essentials to ensure behavior change).

•   Discover how to manage conflict (learning what is healthy and what is dysfunctional and understanding the optimal ways of structuring work flow to get and stay healthy).

•   Learn how we form habits, release them, and change them (the physiology and the practice of forming new positive habits).

With ongoing application of your new tools, you’ll be able to achieve the following:

•   Identify the brain-based blocks to change and help team members release them swiftly.

•   Build greater communication and trust in change and rapid growth scenarios.

•   Add humor and humanity to the change process, enabling empathy, compassion, empowerment, true collaboration, and teamwork.

•   Increase team member emotional engagement, loyalty, and ownership focus by 67 to 100 percent.

•   Enable individuals to become up to 50 percent more productive.

•   Increase revenues and profits by up to 210 percent annually.

•   Bring your team the ability to apply our communication techniques and thinking styles both at home and at work, resulting in an increase in personal fulfillment and energy level.


How do we create teams that feel connection, display accountability, and deliver consistent high-quality results? Would you like to have three people do the work of four to five people?

You’ll accomplish the following:

•   Learn the seven neuro tools to create profound levels of focus and accountability, effective delegation, clear communication, deep trust, feedback that inspires performance to new levels, and tribal loyalty.

•   Discover the three predictors of highly effective and efficient teams—and a framework for identifying and forming the most intelligent teams to raise the organizational IQ.

•   See how the brain collaborates and the surprising truth about creating and maintaining emotional alignment and engagement.

•   Learn the two essential pathways the brain follows to determine strategy and cause insights.

•   Understand metacognition and how “thinking about thinking” can help us solve problems more accurately and quickly and can help us make better decisions faster.

•   Learn how to create a code of conduct for powerful teaming and quality outcomes.

•   Learn how to foster enthusiasm and momentum via a compelling shared vision.

•   Understand connectors within a company and how to create natural teaming and a culture of meritocracy.

With the ongoing application of your new tools, you’ll be able to achieve the following:

•   Identify optimal team members and give them a framework for collaboration, which will boost overall teamwork and collaboration.

•   Form potent team identities to foster loyalty and trust.

•   Strategize more effectively and solve problems faster together, causing increased alignment and cohesion.

•   Intentionally activate the Reward Network versus the Pain Network to boost performance, loyalty, retention, collaboration, and innovation.

•   Increase team member emotional engagement, loyalty, and ownership focus by 67 to 100 percent.

•   Enable individuals to become up to 50 percent more productive.

Bring your team the ability to apply our communication techniques and thinking styles both at home and at work, resulting in an increase in personal fulfillment and energy level.


Engage your audience, motivate your employees, and thrill your clients with the programs below or use custom-crafted programs for your specific objective:

Create the Culture of Your Dreams

In this session you’ll learn potent neuroscience techniques for creating a culture of passion, growth, commitment, initiative, and resilience. You’ll learn the secrets of high-engagement cultures in which employees deliver terrific performance, have balanced lifestyles, and avoid burnout. Want higher employee satisfaction scores, better results, and happier teams? Be sure to request this program.

Guarantee Growth: Leverage Neuroscience for Predictable Revenue, Passionate Teams, and Profitable Growth

In today’s uncertain economic climate, you need the latest tools to optimize your growth and employees for profits to soar. Chances are, you’re growing in one of these areas but not all three at the same time. What if you could?

Influence Any Outcome: Use Neuroscience to Sell Better, Lead Better, and Market Better

Influence is no longer about doing something to someone to get what you want. Real influence is about forging deep connections quickly, stepping into someone’s world authentically, and striving for consistent win-win outcomes.

Make Your Team Smarter Overnight: The Neuroscience of Compelling Leadership

Today’s leaders need to exhibit a deeper ability to communicate and influence others to cause higher levels of accountability and productivity on their teams.

Quota Busters: Get Inside the Brain of Your Buyers

In this highly interactive training, we explore aspects of neuroscience that can be applied to sales with rapid results. Participants will be able to deeply understand their buyers and experience a shift in their relationship to prospecting, marketing, lead generation and cultivation, and client care.

Strategic and Team Building Retreats

Tell us your vision, and we’ll create it together. Contact us at any of the following:

Phone: 415-320-6580


Twitter: @comaford



SmartTribe Twitter community: #SmartTribes

Let’s keep fostering emotional resilience in a world where change is constant. Together, we can help our teams learn to love change and thrive in it.

Here’s to powering your tribe!

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