A Brief Tour of PowerPivot for Excel

With the PowerPivot add-in for Excel successfully installed, we can begin a guided tour of some of the new menus from within Excel. This section will help you verify PowerPivot is installed and working properly.

Your first indication that PowerPivot is available will happen very quickly during the Excel startup process. As you start Excel, add-ins configured to load during the Excel startup will appear in the Excel splash screen, though reading them may be difficult depending on your PC’s speed.

The second and more easily spotted indication of a successful install will be a new menu item in the Excel ribbon. A new item, PowerPivot, should appear in the far right of the ribbon. If you have other add-ins installed, your placement may vary, but you should see an Office Excel 2010 ribbon similar to the one shown in Figure 1-2.


Figure 1-2. Office Excel ribbon with PowerPivot

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