
 About the Authors

 About the Contributing Author

 About the Technical Reviewer




images Chapter 1: What’s New in SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management

Search-Driven Publishing Model

Cross-Site Publishing

Content Catalog

Category Pages

Content Search Web Part

Product Catalog Site Collection Template

Refiners and Faceted Navigation

Analytics and Recommendations

Query Rules

Metadata and Navigation


Managed Navigation

Friendly URLs

Content Authoring, Design, and Branding Improvements

Content Authoring

Image Renditions


Device Channels

Design Manager

Snippet Gallery

Display Templates

Web Content Management Client Side Object Model

Support for Multilingual Sites

Variations for Multilingual Sites

Integrated Translation Service


images Chapter 2: Responsive Web Design and Development with HTML5

Our Scenario

Above the Fold

Change Is the Only Constant

Graceful Degradation

Progressive Enhancement

Separate Mobile Site

Responsive Web Design

Adaptive Design

Responsive Web Design: The Core Ingredients

Fluid Grid

Media Queries

Flexible Media

Using the Right Tools



jQuery and Responsive Web Design

Keep Adapting Responsibly

CSS Style Sheet or Style Sheets?

My Site Requires JavaScript

There’s Always a Better Approach


images Chapter 3: Designing a Responsive Web Site

Our Scenario

The SharePoint Web Site Design Approach

The Return on Investment of Usability

Key User-Centered Design Activities We Use

Vision, Goals, and Objectives

User Analysis and Persona Development

Public Web Site User

Community Member

Specter Web Site Administrator

Task Analysis and Persona Task Definitions

User Tasks

Information Architecture and Interaction Design

Site Structure

Global Navigation


Wireframing and Design

Site Template (Skeleton)

Design Comps


images Chapter 4: Building a SharePoint HTML Master Page

Our Scenario

Why Do We Need an HTML Master Page Anyway?

Getting Started

About Our Design Environment

Introducing Design Manager

Preparing an HTML File for Conversion to an HTML Master Page

Map the Master Page Gallery to a Local Drive and Upload Design Files

Map the Master Page Gallery to a Local Drive

Upload Design Files to the Master Page Gallery

Create a Dreamweaver Site

Create an HTML Master Page from an HTML Prototype

Convert an HTML Prototype to an HTML Master Page

Work Directly with the .master Master Page

Modifying an HTML Master Page

Fixing Common HTML Master Page Warnings and Errors

Clean Up a Newly Converted HTML Master Page

Common Style Sheet Adjustments for HTML Master Pages

HTML Master Page SharePoint-Generated Markup

Markup Descriptions

Markup Added to the <head> Tag

Markup Added to the <body> Tag

Previewing With a New or Existing Page

Snippets and the Snippet Gallery

Site Logo Snippet

Sign In Snippet

Search Box Snippet

Publishing and Assigning a Site Master Page

Creating a Design Package


images Chapter 5: Making Your Master Page Responsive

Our Scenario

The Promise of a One Web

Responsive Design in Principle

Building a Responsive Site from Scratch

Leverage a Responsive Framework

Keep Learning

Be Like Water

Prepare Your Design for a Framework

Leveraging the Grid System

Make It Responsive

The Viewport Meta Tag

Fix Common Responsive Issues with SharePoint

Images and Icons

Ribbon Spans and Ribbon Drop-Down Menus

Stop Fluid Behavior for Extra Large Viewports

Rotating Images

Misplaced Elements

Not Enough Padding or Spacing Between Rows and Columns

Smaller Viewport Layouts Break

Other Hints and Suggestions

Dealing with Older Browsers

Be Progressive Across All Browsers


Browser Upgrade Notification

Device Channels


images Chapter 6: Building Site Structure and Navigation

Our Scenario

Determine Site Structure

Primary Navigation Methods in SharePoint 2013

Managed Navigation

Structured Navigation

Custom Navigation

Using the Term Store for Navigation

What Is Metadata-Driven Navigation?

Configure the Metadata Hub

Create a Term Set

Set a Term Set for Navigation

Managing Navigation Quick Edit Mode

Share Managed Navigation Across Site Collections

How SharePoint 2013 Builds the Navigation Bar

Add the Top Navigation Snippet to a Master Page

Static Levels and Dynamic Levels

Style and Make the Navigation Bar Responsive

Style the Navigation Bar

Make the Navigation Bar Responsive

Other Forms of Navigation

Current Navigation

Breadcrumb Navigation

Footer Navigation


images Chapter 7: Building Page Layouts and Publishing Pages

Our Scenario

An Introduction to Layouts and Content Types

Content Types

Where to Store Custom Content Types

Configuring a Content Type Hub

Creating a Custom Content Type

Out-of-the-Box Page Layouts

Custom Page Layouts

Custom Page Layouts Without Design Manager

Custom Page Layouts With Design Manager

Page Layout Snippets

Available Page Layout Snippet Overview

Customizing a Page Layout with Snippets

HTML Page Layout Limitations and Considerations

Inline Scripts and Styles

Disassociating an HTML Page Layout

Copying an HTML Page Layout From an Existing Page Layout

Making a Page Layout Responsive

A Responsive Page Layout

Consider How a Page Layout Will Respond

Hiding the Current Navigation in a Page Layout

Creating and Publishing New Pages Based on Custom Page Layouts

Creating a New Content Page

Checking in and Publishing a Content Page

Verifying and Controlling a Valid Page Layout’s Availability


images Chapter 8: Publish Cross-Site Content with Catalogs

Our Scenario

About Cross-Site Publishing

Why Use Cross-Site Publishing?

Cross-Site Publishing Possible Scenarios

Cross-Site Publishing Limitations

Catalogs and Cross-Site Collection Publishing

Introduction to the Content Search Web Part

Overview of Display Templates

Tagging Terms and Metadata

Cross-Site Publishing Use: Case Example

Configuring Cross-Site Publishing for Specific Content an Authoring Site Collection

Add a Suggested Browser Location

Configuring Catalog Sharing

Configuring Catalog Sharing for Integration with Managed Navigation

Configuring a Web Site for Catalog Consumption

Connecting to the Catalog with Managed Metadata Navigation

Using the Category and Category-Item Pages

Changing Metadata Displayed on a Category Page

Connecting to a Catalog without Integrating Navigation

Creating Landing Pages for a Catalog

Applying Branding to Search Result with Display Templates


images Chapter 9: Integrating Search-Driven Content

Our Scenarios

Publishing Content to Search

Configuring Content for Search

Creating Search Managed Properties for Content

Getting Content from a Catalog

Creating a Content Rollup Solution

Creating a Landing Page for Floor Plans

Exposing Search Results Using Content Search Web Part

Specter Design Components

Custom Display Templates for Specter Design

Display Template Basics

Creating a Custom Control Display Template

Creating a Custom Item Display Template

Limitations of Display Templates

Query Rules, Result Types, and Display Templates

Query Rules

Result Types

Creating a Query Rule to Add a Summer Promotion for Beachfront Properties

Adding a Result Type for Floor Plans to Use Best Bet Item Display Templates


images Chapter 10: Building Rich Interactive Forms

Our Scenario


Creating a Registration Form

Creating the Page Layout

Adding JavaScript Code

Using Bootstrap Typeahead

Saving Form Data to SharePoint List

Determining the Entity Type of Our List Item

Using Twitter Bootstrap Modal to Show Success Message

Implementing Form Validation


images Chapter 11: Uploading and Working with Files

Our Scenario

Basics for HTML5 File API

Accessing a File

Change Event

Getting File Content

Client-Side API Enhancements in SharePoint 2013

Uploading Files to a SharePoint Document Library Using the REST API

Implementing the Specter Group File Upload Solution

Integrating with the Bootstrap File Upload Plug-In

HTML for Specter Group File Upload

jQuery for Specter Group File Upload

Advanced Specter Group File Upload Topics

Filtering File Types When Browsing Files to Upload

Showing Thumbnails for Images

Selecting Files Using Drag and Drop

Showing Upload Progress Bar


images Chapter 12: Integrating Location-Based Features

Our Scenario

Geolocation Enhancement

HTML5 Geolocation

Getting Current Position

Displaying Results on a Map

Showing a Position Marker on the Map

Using SharePoint 2013 Geolocation Features

Enabling SharePoint Bing Maps Integration With PowerShell

Adding a Geolocation Site Column Using PowerShell

Presenting a Map

Enhancing Geolocation Features With a Custom SharePoint App

Getting Started

Creating a SharePoint-Hosted App

Adding Geolocation Features to the SharePoint-Hosted App

Deploying the Geolocation App to an App Catalog


images Chapter 13: Integrating Feeds and Social Media

Our Scenario


Levels of Social Media Integration

Basic: Link to Social Pages

Subscribing: Following or Liking Social Pages

Embedding a Feed on a Page

Sharing: Allowing Visitors to Share an Activity to Their Social Network

Building the Basic Links to the Social Network Pages

Planning the Implementation

Adding the Social Bar on a Site

Adding a Facebook Follow Button

Adding a Twitter Feed to the Site

Building the Basic Feed

Use jQuery to Display a Twitter Feed

Choosing Between Sharing Tools and Building Your Own

Sharing Tools

Custom Sharing Experience

Adding a Custom Share to Twitter Button

Building Your Own Twitter Button

Creating Your Own Twitter Button


images Chapter 14: Supporting Multilingual Web Sites

Multilingual Support

Our Scenario

Multilingual Enhancements in SharePoint 2013

Planning for Multilingual Sites

Language and Locale Requirements

Plan for Variations and Labels

Language Pack Requirements

Content Translation

Navigation Term Sets

Optimize for Search

Deploying Language Packs

Downloading Language Packs

Installing Language Packs on the Web and Application Servers

Implementing Multilingual

Creating Variation Hierarchy

Setting Up Translation

Setting Up Cross-Site Publishing


images Appendix A: Configuring a Development Environment

Types of Development Environments

On-Premise Development Environment

Cloud-Based Development Environment

Choosing a Development Environment

General Software Requirements

Web Editor

Visual Studio

Image Editor



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