
Performance Tuning

In most production environments, database and server optimization have long been the domain of DBAs. This includes server settings, hardware optimizations, index creation and maintenance, and many other responsibilities. SQL developers, however, are responsible for ensuring that their queries perform optimally. SQL Server is truly a developer’s DBMS, and as a result the developer responsibilities can overlap with those of the DBA. This overlap includes recommending database design and indexing strategies, troubleshooting poorly performing queries, and making other performance-enhancement recommendations. This chapter discusses various tools and strategies for query optimization and performance enhancement and tuning queries.

SQL Server Storage

SQL Server is designed to abstract away many of the logical and physical aspects of storage and data retrieval. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to worry about such things—you would be able to just “set it and forget it.” Unfortunately, the world isn’t perfect, and how SQL Server stores data can have a noticeable impact on query performance. Understanding SQL Server storage mechanisms is essential to properly troubleshooting performance issues. With that in mind, this section offers a brief overview of how SQL Server stores your data.

Image Tip  This section gives only a summarized description of how SQL Server stores data. The best detailed description of the SQL Server storage engine internals is in the book Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Internals, by Kalen Delaney et al. (Microsoft Press, 2012).

Files and Filegroups

SQL Server stores databases in files. Each database consists of at least two files: a database file with an .mdf extension and a log file with an .ldf extension. You can also add additional files to a SQL Server database, normally with an .ndf extension.

Filegroups are logical groupings of files for administration and allocation purposes. By default, SQL Server creates all database files in a single primary filegroup. You can add filegroups to an existing database or specify additional filegroups at creation time. When creating in-memory optimized tables, you’re required to create a new filegroup with the CONTAINS MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA syntax. Chapter 6 covers in-memory optimized tables and provides a more detailed discussion of the requirements for the new filegroup type. There are significant performance benefits to using multiple filegroups, which come from placing the different filegroups on different physical drives. It’s common practice to increase performance by placing data files in a separate filegroup and physical drive from nonclustered indexes. It’s also common to place log files on a separate physical drive from both data and nonclustered indexes.

Understanding how physical separation of files improves performance requires an explanation of the read/write patterns involved with each type of information that SQL Server stores. Database data generally uses a random-access read/write pattern. The hard drive head constantly repositions itself to read and write user data to the database. Nonclustered indexes are also usually random-access in nature; the hard drive head repositions itself to traverse the nonclustered index. Once nodes that match the query criteria are found in the nonclustered index, if columns must be accessed that aren’t in the nonclustered index, the hard drive must again reposition itself to locate the actual data stored in the data file. The transaction log file has a completely different access pattern than either data or nonclustered indexes: SQL Server writes to the transaction log in a serial fashion. These conflicting access patterns can result in head thrashing, or constant repositioning of the hard drive head to read and write these different types of information. Dividing your files by type and placing them on separate physical drives helps improve performance by reducing head thrashing and allowing SQL Server to perform I/O activities in parallel.

You can also place multiple data files in a single filegroup. When you create a database with multiple files in a single filegroup, SQL Server uses a proportional fill strategy across the files as data is added to the database. This means SQL Server tries to fill all files in a filegroup at approximately the same time. Log files, which aren’t part of a filegroup, are filled using a serial strategy. If you add additional log files to a database, they won’t be used until the current log file is filled.

Image Tip  You can move a table from its current filegroup to a new filegroup by dropping the current clustered index on the table and creating a new clustered index, specifying the new filegroup in the CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX statement.

Space Allocation

When reading data, SQL Server uses a random-access file to locate the data that resides in a specific location rather than reading the data from the beginning. To enable the random-access file, the system should have consistently sized allocation units in the file structure. SQL Server allocates space in the database in units called extents and pages to accomplish this. A page is an 8 KB block of contiguous storage. An extent consists of eight logically contiguous pages, or 64 KB of storage. SQL Server has two types of extents: uniform extents, which are owned completely by a single database object, and mixed extents, which can be shared by up to eight different database objects. When a new table or index is created, the pages are allocated from mixed extents. When the table or index grows beyond eight pages, then the allocations are done in uniform extents to make the space allocation efficient.

This physical limitation on the size of pages is the reason for the historic limitations on data types such as varchar and nvarchar (up to 8,000 and 4,000 characters, respectively) and row size (8,060 bytes). It’s also why special handling is required internally for LOB data types such as varchar(max), varbinary(max), and xml, because the data they contain can span many pages.

SQL Server keeps track of allocated extents with what are termed allocation maps: global allocation map (GAM) pages and shared global allocation map (SGAM) pages. GAM pages use bits to track all extents that have been allocated. SGAM pages use bits to track mixed extents with one or more free pages available. Index allocation map (IAM) pages track all the extents used by an index or table, and they’re used to navigate through data pages. Page free space (PFS) pages track the free space on each page that stores LOB values. The combination of GAM and SGAM pages allows SQL Server to quickly allocate free extents, uniform/full mixed extents, and mixed extents with free pages as necessary, whereas IAM and PFS are used to decide when an object needs extent allocation.

The behavior of the SQL Server storage engine can have a direct bearing on performance. For instance, consider the code in Listing 19-1, which creates a table with narrow rows. Note that SQL Server can optimize storage for variable-length data types like varchar and nvarchar, so this example forces the issue by using fixed-length char data types.

Listing 19-1. Creating a Narrow Table

CREATE TABLE dbo.SmallRows
    Id  int NOT NULL,
    LastName nchar(50) NOT NULL,
    FirstName nchar(50) NOT NULL,
    MiddleName nchar(50) NULL

INSERT  INTO  dbo.SmallRows
FROM Person.Person;

The rows in the dbo.SmallRows table are 304 bytes wide. This means SQL Server can fit about 25 rows on a single 8 KB page. You can verify this with the undocumented sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter function, as shown in Listing 19-2. Partial results are shown in Figure 19-1. The sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter function returns the physical locator in the form (fileipage:slot). As you can see in the figure, SQL Server fits 25 rows on each page (rows are numbered 0 to 24).

Image Note  The sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter function is undocumented and not supported by Microsoft. It’s used here for demonstration purposes, because it’s handy for looking at row allocations on pages; but don’t use it in production code.

Listing 19-2. Looking at Data Allocations for the SmallRows Table

    sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) AS [Row_Locator],
FROM dbo.SmallRows;


Figure 19-1. SQL Server fits 25 rows per page for the dbo.SmallRows table

By way of comparison, the code in Listing 19-3 creates a table with wide rows—3,604 bytes wide, to be exact. The final SELECT query retrieves the row-locator information, demonstrating that SQL Server can fit only two rows per page for the dbo.LargeRows table. The results are shown in Figure 19-2.

Listing 19-3. Creating a Table with Wide Rows

CREATE TABLE dbo.LargeRows
    Id  int NOT NULL,
    LastName nchar(600) NOT NULL,
    FirstName nchar(600) NOT NULL,
    MiddleName nchar(600) NULL

INSERT  INTO  dbo.LargeRows
FROM Person.Person;

    sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) AS [Row_Locator],
FROM dbo.LargeRows;


Figure 19-2. SQL Server fits only two rows per page for the dbo.LargeRows table

Now that you’ve created two tables with different row widths, the query in Listing 19-4 queries both tables with STATISTICS IO turned on to demonstrate the difference this makes to your I/O.

Listing 19-4. I/O Comparison of Narrow and Wide Tables

FROM dbo.SmallRows;

FROM dbo.LargeRows;

The results returned, shown next, demonstrate a significant difference in both logical reads and ­­read-ahead reads:

(19972 row(s) affected)
Table 'SmallRows'. Scan count 1, logical reads 799, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 8,
lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
(19972 row(s) affected)
Table 'LargeRows'. Scan count 1, logical reads 9986, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads
10002, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

The extra I/Os incurred by the query on the dbo.LargeRows table significantly affect the query plan’s estimated I/O cost. The query plan for the dbo.SmallRows query is shown in Figure 19-3, with an estimated I/O cost of 0.594315.


Figure 19-3. Estimated I/O cost for the dbo.SmallRows query

The query against the dbo.LargeRows table is significantly costlier, with an estimated I/O cost of 7.39942—nearly 12.5 times greater than the dbo.SmallRows query. Figure 19-4 shows the higher cost for the dbo.LargeRows query.


Figure 19-4. Estimated I/O cost for the dbo.LargeRows query

As you can see from these simple examples, SQL Server has to read significantly more pages when a table is defined with wide rows. This increased I/O cost can cause a significant performance drain when performing SQL Server queries—even those queries that are otherwise highly optimized. You can minimize the cost of I/O by minimizing the width of columns where possible and always using the appropriate data type for the job. In the examples given, a variable-width character data type (varchar) would significantly reduce the storage requirements of the sample tables. Although I/O cost is often a secondary consideration for developers and DBAs, and frequently is addressed only after slow queries begin to cause drag on a system, it’s a good idea to keep the cost of I/O in mind when initially designing your tables.


Partitioning the tables and indexes by range was introduced in SQL Server 2005. This functionality allows the data to be partitioned into rowsets based on the partitioning column value and the partitions can be placed into one more filegroups in the database to improve the performance of the query and manageability while treating them as a single object.

Partitioning is defined by a partition scheme that maps the partitions defined by the partition function to a set of files or filegroups that you define. A partition function specifies how the index or the table is partitioned. The column value used to define the partition can be of any data type except LOB data or timestamp. SQL Server 2008 supports 1,000 partitions by default, which meets most application needs; however, in some cases, due to industry regulations, you need to retain the daily data for more than 3 years. In those cases, you need the database to support more than 1,000 partitions. SQL Server 2008 R2 introduced support for 15,000 partitions, but you need to run a stored procedure to enable this support. SQL Server 2014 provides support for 15,000 partitions by default and also provides native support for high-availability and disaster-recovery features such as AlwaysOn, replication, database mirroring, and log shipping.

Partitioning is useful for grouping data from a large table into smaller chunks so that the data can be maintained independently for database operations such as speeding up queries (primarily with scans), loading data, reindexing, and so on. Partitioning can improve query performance when the partitioning key is part of the query and the system has enough processors to process the query. Not all tables need to be partitioned; you should consider characteristics such as how large the table is, how it’s being accessed, and query performance against the tables before considering whether to partition the data.

The first step in partitioning a table is to determine how the rows in the table will be divided between the partitions, using a partition function. To effectively design a partition function, you need to specify logical boundaries. If you specify two boundaries, then three partitions are created; and, depending on whether the data is being partitioned left or right, the upper or lower boundary condition is set.

The partition function defines logical boundaries, and the partition scheme defines the physical location (filegroups) for them. Once the partition function is defined to set the logical boundary and the partition scheme is defined to map the logical boundary to filegroups, you can create the partitioned table.

Like the table, you can partition indexes. To partition a clustered index, the partition key must be specified in the clustered index. Partitioning a nonclustered index doesn’t require the partition key; if the partition key isn’t specified, then SQL Server includes the partition columns in the index. Indexes that are defined with partitioned tables can be aligned or nonaligned; an index is aligned if the table and the index logically have the same partition strategy.

In general, partitioning is most useful when data has a time component. Large tables such as order details—where most of the DML operations are performed on the current month’s data and previous months are simply used for selects—may be good candidates to partition by month. This enables the queries to modify the data found in a single partition rather than scanning though the entire table to locate the data to be modified, hence enhancing query performance.

Partitions can be split or merged easily in a sliding-window scenario. You can split or merge partitions only if all the indexes are aligned and the partition scheme and functions match. Partition alignment doesn’t mean both objects have to use the same partition function; but if both objects have the same partition scheme, functions, and boundaries, they’re considered to be aligned. When both objects have the same partitioning scheme or filegroups, they’re storage aligned. Storage alignment can be physical or logical; in both cases, query performance is improved.

Data Compression

In addition to minimizing the width of columns by using the appropriate data type for the job, SQL Server 2014 provides built-in data-compression functionality. By compressing your data directly in the database, SQL Server can reduce I/O contention and minimize storage requirements. There is some CPU overhead associated with compression and decompression of data during queries and DML activities, but data compression is particularly useful for historical data storage where access and manipulation demands aren’t as high as they might be for the most recent data. This section discusses the types of compression that SQL Server supports as well as the associated overhead and recommended usage of each.

Row Compression

SQL Server 2005 introduced an optimization to the storage format for the decimal data type in SP 2. The vardecimal type provides optimized variable-length storage for decimal data, which often results in significant space savings—particularly when decimal columns contain a lot of zeros. This optimization is internal to the storage engine, so it’s completely transparent to developers and end users. In SQL Server 2008, this optimization was expanded to include all fixed-length numeric, date/time, and character data types, in a feature known as row compression.

Image Note  The vardecimal compression options and SPs to manage this feature, including sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format and sp_estimated_rowsize_reduction_for_vardecimal, are deprecated, because SQL Server 2014 rolls this functionality into the new row-compression feature.

SQL Server 2014 provides the useful sp_estimate_data_compression_savings procedure to estimate the savings you get from applying compression to a table. Listing 19-5 estimates the space saved by applying row compression to the Production.TransactionHistory table. This particular table contains fixed-length int, datetime, and money columns. The results are shown in Figure 19-5.

Listing 19-5. Estimating Row-Compression Space Savings

EXEC sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'Production',


Figure 19-5. Row compression space savings estimate for a table

Image Note  We changed the names of the last four columns in this example so they would fit in the image. The abbreviations are size_cur_cmp for Size with current compression setting (KB), size_req_cmp for Size with requested compression setting (KB), size_sample_cur_cmp for Sample size with current compression setting (KB), and size_sample_req_cmp for Sample size with requested compression setting (KB).

The results shown in Figure 19-5 indicate that the current size of the clustered index (index_id = 1) is about 6.1 MB, whereas the two nonclustered indexes (index_id = 1 and 2) total about 2.9 MB. SQL Server estimates that it can compress this table down to a size of about 4.0 MB for the clustered index and 2.6 MB for the nonclustered indexes.

Image Tip  If your table doesn’t have a clustered index, the heap is indicated in the results with an index_id of 0.

You can turn on row compression for a table with the DATACOMPRESSION = ROW option of the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE DDL statements. Listing 19-6 turns on row compression for the Production.TransactionHistory table.

Listing 19-6. Turning on Row Compression for a Table

ALTER TABLE Production.TransactionHistory REBUILD

You can verify that the ALTER TABLE statement has applied row compression to your table with the sp_spaceused procedure, as shown in Listing 19-7. The results are shown in Figure 19-6.

Listing 19-7. Viewing Space Used by a Table after Applying Row Compression

EXEC sp_spaceused N'Production.TransactionHistory';


Figure 19-6. Space used by the table after applying row compression

As you can see in the figure, the size of the data used by the Production.TransactionHistory table has dropped to about 4.0 MB. The indexes aren’t automatically compressed by the ALTER TABLE statement. To compress the nonclustered indexes, you need to issue ALTER INDEX statements with the DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW option. You can use the DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE option to turn off row compression for a table or index.

Row compression uses variable-length formats to store fixed-length data, and SQL Server stores an offset value in each record for each variable-length value it stores. Prior to SQL Server 2008, this offset value was fixed at 2 bytes of overhead per variable-length value. SQL Server 2008 introduced a new record format that uses a 4-bit offset for variable-length columns that are 8 bytes in length or less.

Page Compression

SQL Server 2014 also has the capability to compress data at the page level using two methods: column-prefix compression and page-dictionary compression. Whereas row compression is good for minimizing the storage requirements for highly unique fixed-length data at the row level, page compression helps minimize the storage space required by duplicated data stored in pages.

The column-prefix compression method looks for repeated prefixes in columns of data stored on a page. Figure 19-7 shows a sample page from a table, with repeated prefixes in columns underlined.


Figure 19-7. Page with repeated column prefixes identified

To compress the column prefixes identified in Figure 19-7, SQL Server creates an anchor record. This is a row in the table just like any other row, except that it serves the special purpose of storing the longest value in the column containing a duplicated column prefix. The anchor record is later used by the storage engine to re-create the full representations of the compressed column values when they’re accessed. This special type of record is accessible only internally by the storage engine and can’t be retrieved or modified directly by normal queries or DML operations. Figure 19-8 shows the column prefix–compressed version of the page from Figure 19-7.


Figure 19-8. Page with column-prefix compression applied

There are several items of note in the column prefix–compressed page shown in Figure 19-8. First, the anchor record has been added to the page. Column-prefix compression uses byte patterns to indicate prefixes, making the column-prefix method data-type agnostic. In this instance, the BusinessEntityID column is an int data type; but as you can see, it takes advantage of data-type compression as well. The BusinessEntityID column values are shown in both int and varbinary formats to demonstrate that they’re compressed as well.

The next interesting feature of column-prefix compression is that SQL Server replaces the prefix of each column with an indicator of how many bytes need to be prepended from the anchor-record value to re-create the original value. NULL is used to indicate that the value in the table is the full anchor-record value.

Image Note  The storage engine uses metadata associated with each value to indicate the difference between an actual NULL in the column and a NULL indicating a placeholder for the anchor-record value.

In the example, each column in the first row is replaced with NULLs that act as placeholders for the full anchor-record values. The second row’s BusinessEntityID column indicates that the first 2 bytes of the value should be replaced with the first 2 bytes of the BusinessEntitylD anchor-record column. The FirstName column of this row indicates that the first 7 bytes of the value should be replaced with the first 7 bytes of the FirstName anchor-record column, and so on.

Page-dictionary compression is the second type of compression that SQL Server uses to compress pages. It creates an on-page dictionary of values that occur multiple times across any columns and rows on the page. It then replaces those duplicate values with indexes into the dictionary. Consider Figure 19-9, which shows a data page with duplicate values.


Figure 19-9. Uncompressed page with duplicate values across columns and rows

The duplicate values Arthur and Martin are added to the dictionary and replaced in the data page with indexes into the dictionary. The value Martin is replaced with the index value (0) everywhere it occurs in the data page, and the value Arthur is replaced with the index value (1). This is demonstrated in Figure 19-10.


Figure 19-10. Page compressed with page-dictionary compression

When SQL Server performs page compression on data pages and leaf-index pages, it first applies row compression, and then it applies page-dictionary compression.

Image Note  For performance reasons, SQL Server doesn’t apply page-dictionary compression to non-leaf index pages.

You can estimate the savings you’ll get through page compression with the sp_estimate_data_compression_savings procedure, as shown in Listing 19-8. The results are shown in Figure 19-11.

Listing 19-8. Estimating Data-Compression Savings with Page Compression

EXEC  sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'Person',


Figure 19-11. Page compression space savings estimate

As you can see in Figure 19-11, SQL Server estimates that it can use page compression to compress the Person.Person table from 29.8 MB in size down to about 18.2 MB—a considerable savings. You can apply page compression to a table with the ALTER TABLE statement, as shown in Listing 19-9.

Listing 19-9. Applying Page Compression to the Person.Person Table


As with row compression, you can use the sp_spaceused procedure to verify how much space page compression saves you.

Page compression is great for saving space, but it doesn’t come without a cost. Specifically, you pay for the space savings with increased CPU overhead for SELECT queries and DML statements. So, when should you use page compression? Microsoft makes the following recommendations:

  • If the table or index is small in size, then the overhead you incur from compression probably won’t be worth the extra CPU overhead.
  • If the table or index is heavily accessed for queries and DML actions, the extra CPU overhead can significantly impact performance. It’s important to identify usage patterns when deciding whether to compress the table or index.
  • Use the sp_estimate_data_compression_savings procedure to estimate space savings. If the estimated space savings is insignificant (or nonexistent), then the extra CPU overhead will probably outweigh the benefits.

Sparse Columns

In addition to row compression and page compression, SQL Server provides sparse columns, which let you optimize NULL value storage in columns: when a NULL value is stored in the column, it takes up 0 bytes. . The trade-off (and you knew there would be one) is that the cost of storing non-NULL values goes up by 4 bytes for each value. Microsoft recommends using sparse columns when doing so will result in at least 20% to 40% space savings. For an int column, for instance, at least 64% of the values must be NULL to achieve a 40% space savings with sparse columns.

To demonstrate sparse columns in action, let’s use a query that generates columns with a lot of NULLs in them. The query shown in Listing 19-10 creates a pivot-style report that lists the CustomerID numbers associated with every sales order down the right side of the results, and a selection of product names from the sales orders. The intersection of each CustomerID and product name contains the number of each item ordered by each customer. A NULL indicates that a customer didn’t order an item. Partial results of this query are shown in Figure 19-12.

Listing 19-10. Pivot Query that Generates Columns with Many NULLs

    [HL Road Frame - Black, 58],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 58],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 62],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 44],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 48],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 52],
    [HL Road Frame - Red, 56],
    [LL Road Frame - Black, 58]
    SELECT soh.CustomerID, p.Name AS ProductName,
        CASE  WHEN  sod.LineTotal  IS  NULL  THEN  NULL
        ELSE 1
        )  AS  NumberOfItems
        FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
        INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
        ON soh.SalesOrderID = sod.SalesOrderID
        INNER JOIN Production.Product p
        ON  sod.ProductID  =  p.ProductID
        GROUP BY
)  src
    SUM(NumberOfItems) FOR ProductName
    "HL Road Frame - Black, 58",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 58",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 62",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 44",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 48",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 52",
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red, 56",
    "LL Road Frame - Black, 58"
)  AS  pvt;


Figure 19-12. Pivot query that returns the number of each item ordered by each customer

Listing 19-11 creates two similar tables to hold the results generated by the query in Listing 19-10. The tables generated by the CREATE TABLE statements in Listing 19-11 have the same structure, except that SparseTable includes the keyword SPARSE in its column declarations, indicating that these are sparse columns.

Listing 19-11. Creating Sparse and Nonsparse Tables

    CustomerID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    "HL Road Frame - Black, 58" int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  58"  int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  62"  int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  44"  int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  48"  int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  52"  int NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  56"  int NULL,
    "LL Road Frame - Black, 58" int NULL
CREATE  TABLE  SparseTable
    CustomerID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Black,  58"  int  SPARSE  NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  58"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  62"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  44"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  48"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  52"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "HL  Road  Frame  -  Red,  56"  int  SPARSE NULL,
    "LL  Road  Frame  -  Black,  58"  int  SPARSE  NULL

After using the query in Listing 19-10 to populate these two tables, you can use the sp_spaceused procedure to see the space savings that sparse columns provide. Listing 19-12 executes sp_spaceused on these two tables, both of which contain identical data. The results shown in Figure 19-13 demonstrate that the SparseTable takes up only about 25% of the space used by the NonSparseTable, because NULL values in sparse columns take up no storage space.

Listing 19-12. Calculating the Space Savings of Sparse Columns

EXEC sp_spaceused N'NonSparseTable';
EXEC sp_spaceused N'SparseTable';


Figure 19-13. Space savings provided by sparse columns

Sparse Column Sets

In addition to sparse columns, SQL Server provides support for XML sparse column sets. An XML column set is defined as an xml data type column, and it contains non-NULL sparse column data from the table. An XML sparse column set is declared using the COLUMNSET FOR ALLSPARSECOLUMNS option on an xml column. As a simple example, the AdventureWorks Production.Product table contains several products that don’t have associated size, color, or other descriptive information. Listing 19-13 creates a table called Production.SparseProduct that defines several sparse columns and a sparse column set.

Listing 19-13. Creating and Populating a Table with a Sparse Column Set

CREATE TABLE Production.SparseProduct
    Name  dbo.Name  NOT  NULL,
    ProductNumber nvarchar(25) NOT NULL,
    Color nvarchar(15) SPARSE NULL,
    Size  nvarchar(5)  SPARSE  NULL,
    SizeUnitMeasureCode nchar(3) SPARSE NULL,
    WeightUnitMeasureCode nchar(3) SPARSE NULL,
    Weight decimal(8, 2) SPARSE NULL,
    Class nchar(2) SPARSE NULL,
    Style nchar(2) SPARSE NULL,
    SellStartDate datetime NOT NULL,
    SellEndDate datetime SPARSE NULL,
    DiscontinuedDate datetime SPARSE NULL,

INSERT INTO Production.SparseProduct
FROM  Production.Product;

You can view the sparse column set in XML form with a query like the one in Listing 19-14. The results in Figure 19-14 show that the first five products don’t have any sparse column data associated with them, so the sparse column data takes up no space. By contrast, products 317 and 318 both have Color and Class data associated with them.

Listing 19-14. Querying a XML Sparse Column Set as XML

SparseColumnSet FROM Production.SparseProduct;


Figure 19-14. Viewing sparse column sets in XML format

Although SQL Server manages sparse column sets using XML, you don’t need to know XML to access sparse column set data. In fact, you can access the columns defined in sparse column sets using the same query and DML statements you’ve always used, as shown in Listing 19-15. The results of this query are shown in Figure 19-15.

Listing 19-15. Querying Sparse Column Sets by Name

FROM  Production.SparseProduct
WHERE ProductID IN (1, 317);


Figure 19-15. Querying sparse column sets with SELECT queries

Sparse column sets provide the benefits of sparse columns, with NULLs taking up no storage space. However, the downside is that non-NULL sparse columns that are a part of a column set are stored in XML format, adding some storage overhead as compared with their nonsparse, non-NULL counterparts.


Your query performance may begin to lag over time for several reasons. It may be that database usage patterns have changed significantly, or the amount of data stored in the database has increased significantly, or the database has fallen out of maintenance. Whatever the reason, the knee-jerk reaction of many developers and DBAs is to throw indexes at the problem. Although indexes are indeed useful for increasing performance, they consume resources, both in storage and maintenance. Before creating new indexes all over your database, it’s important to understand how they work. This section provides an overview of SQL Server’s indexing mechanisms.


In SQL Server parlance, a heap is simply an unordered collection of data pages with no clustered index. SQL Server uses index allocation map (IAM) pages to track allocation units of the following types:

  • Heap or B-tree (HOBT) allocation units, which track storage allocation for tables and indexes
  • LOB allocation units, which track storage allocation for LOB data
  • Small LOB (SLOB) allocation units, which track storage allocation for row-overflow data

As any DBA will tell you, a table scan, which is SQL Server’s “brute force” data-retrieval method, is a bad thing (although not necessarily the worst thing that can happen). In a table scan, SQL Server literally scans every data page that was allocated by the heap. Any query against the heap causes a table-scan operation. To determine which pages have been allocated for the heap, SQL Server must refer back to the IAM. A table scan is known as an allocation order scan because it uses the IAM to scan the data pages in the order in which they were allocated by SQL Server.

Heaps are also subject to fragmentation, and the only way to eliminate fragmentation from the heap is to copy the heap to a new table, create a clustered index on the table, or perform periodic maintenance to keep the index from being fragmented. Forward pointers introduce another performance-related issue to heaps. When a row with variable-length columns is updated with row length larger than the page size, the updated row may have to be moved to a new page. When SQL Server must move the row in a heap to a new location, it leaves a forward pointer to the new location at the old location. If the row is moved again, SQL Server leaves another forward pointer, and so on. Forward pointers result in additional I/Os, making table scans even less efficient (and you thought that wasn’t possible!). Table scans aren’t entirely bad if you have to perform row0based operations or if you’re querying against tables with small data sets such as lookup tables, where adding an index creates maintenance overhead.

Image Tip  Querying a heap with no clustered or nonclustered indexes always results in a costly table scan.

Clustered Indexes

If a heap is an unordered collection of data pages, how do you impose order on the heap? The answer is a clustered index. A clustered index turns an unordered heap into a collection of data pages ordered by the specified clustered-index columns. Clustered indexes are managed in the database as B-tree structures.

The top level of the clustered index B-tree is known as the root node, the bottom-level nodes are known as leaf nodes, and all nodes in between the root node and leaf nodes are collectively referred to as intermediate nodes. In a clustered index, the leaf nodes contain the actual data rows for a table, and all leaf nodes point to the next and previous leaf nodes, forming a doubly linked list. The clustered index holds a special position in SQL Server indexing because its leaf nodes contain the actual table data. Because the page chain for the data pages can be ordered only one way, there can be only one clustered index defined per table. The query optimizer uses the clustered index for seeks, because the data can be found directly at the leaf level if a clustered index is used. The clustered-index B-tree structure is shown in Figure 19-16.


Figure 19-16. Clustered index B-tree structure

Guaranteed Order

Despite the fact that the data pages in a clustered index are ordered by the clustered-index columns, you can’t depend on table rows being returned in clustered-index order unless you specify an ORDER BY clause in your queries. There are a couple of reasons for this, including the following:

  • Your query may join multiple tables, and the optimizer may choose to return results in another order based on indexes on another table.
  • The optimizer may use an allocation-order scan of your clustered index, which will return results in the order in which data pages were allocated.

The bottom line is that the SQL query optimizer may decide that, for whatever reason, it’s more efficient to return results unordered or in an order other than clustered-index order. Because of this, you can’t depend on results always being returned in the same order without an explicit ORDER BY clause. I’ve seen many cases of developers being bitten because their client-side code expected results in a specific order, and after months of receiving results in the correct order, the optimizer decided that returning results in a different order would be more efficient. Don’t fall victim to this false optimism—use ORDER BY when ordered results are important.

Many are under the impression that a clustered-index scan is the same thing as a table scan. In one sense, this is correct—when SQL Server performs an unordered clustered-index scan, it refers back to the IAM to scan the data pages of the clustered index using an allocation-order scan, just like a table scan.

However, SQL Server has another option for clustered indexes: the ordered clustered index scan. In an ordered clustered-index scan, or leaf-level scan, SQL Server can follow the doubly linked list at the leaf-node level instead of referring back to the IAM. The leaf-level scan has the benefit of scanning in clustered-index order. Table scans don’t have the option of a leaf-level scan because the leaf-level pages aren’t ordered or linked.

Clustered indexes also eliminate the performance problems associated with forward pointers in the heap, although you do have to pay attention to fragmentation, page splits, and fill factor when you have a clustered index on your table. Fill factor determines how many rows can be filled in the index page. When the index page is full and new rows need to be inserted, SQL Server creates a new index page and transfers rows to the new page from the previous page; this is called as page split. You can reduce page splits by setting the proper fill factor to determine how much free space there is in the index pages.

So when should you use a clustered index? As a general rule, we like to put a clustered index on nearly every table we create, although it isn’t a requirement to have clustered indexes for all tables. You have to decide which columns you wish to create in your clustered indexes. Here are some general recommendations for columns to consider in your clustered index design:

  • Columns that provide a high degree of uniqueness. Monotonically increasing columns, such as IDENTITY and SEQUENCE columns, are ideal because they also reduce the overhead associated with page splits that result from insert and update operations.
  • Columns that return a range of values using operators like >=, <, and BETWEEN. When you use a range query on clustered index columns, after the first match is found, the remaining values are guaranteed to be linked/adjacent in the B-tree.
  • Columns that are used in queries that return large result sets of data from those columns.
  • Columns that are used in the ON clause of a JOIN. Usually, these are primary-key or foreign-key columns. SQL Server creates a unique clustered index on the column when the primary key is added to the table.
  • Columns that are used in GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses. A clustered index on these columns can help SQL Server improve performance when ordering query result sets.

You should also make your clustered indexes as narrow as possible (often a single int or uniqueidentifier column), because this decreases the number of levels that must be traversed and hence reduces I/O. Another reason is that they’re automatically appended to all nonclustered indexes on the same table as row locators, so keeping the clustered-index key small reduces the size of nonclustered indexes as well.

Nonclustered Indexes

Nonclustered indexes provide another tool for indexing relational data in SQL Server. Like clustered indexes, SQL Server stores nonclustered indexes as B-tree structures. Unlike clustered indexes, however, each leaf node in a nonclustered index contains the nonclustered key value and a row locator. The table rows are stored apart from the nonclustered index—in the clustered index if one is defined on the table or in a heap if the table has no clustered index. Figure 19-17. shows the nonclustered index B-tree structure. Recall from the previous section on clustered indexes that data rows can only be stored in one sorted order, and this is achieved via a clustered index. Order can only be achieved via the clustered index.

If a table has a clustered index, all nonclustered indexes defined on the table automatically include the clustered-index columns as the row locator. If the table is a heap, SQL Server creates row locators to the rows from the combination of the file identifier, page number, and slot on the page. Therefore, if you add a clustered index at a later date, be aware that you need to rebuild your nonclustered indexes to use the clustered-index column as a row locator rather than file identifier.


Figure 19-17. Nonclustered index B-tree structure

Nonclustered indexes are associated with the RID-lookup and key-lookup operations. RID lookups are bookmark lookups into the heap using row identifiers (RIDs), whereas key lookups are bookmark lookups on tables with clustered indexes. Once SQL Server locates the index rows that fulfill a query, if the query requires more columns than the nonclustered index covers, then the query engine must use the row locator to find the rows in the clustered index or the heap to retrieve necessary data. These are the operations referred to as RID and key lookups, and they’re costly—so costly, in fact, that many performance-tuning operations are based on eliminating them.

Image Note  Prior versions of SQL Server had the bookmark lookup operation. In SQL Server 2014, this ­operation has been split into two distinct operations—the RID lookup and the key lookup—to differentiate between ­bookmark lookups against heaps and clustered indexes.

One method of dealing with RID and key lookups is to create covering indexes. A covering index is a nonclustered index that contains all the columns necessary to fulfill a given query or set of queries. If a nonclustered index doesn’t cover a query, then for each row, SQL Server has to look up the row to retrieve values for the columns that aren’t included in the nonclustered index. If you perform the lookup using RID, there is extra I/O for each row in the result set. But when you define a covering index, the query engine can determine that all the information it needs to fulfill the query is stored in the nonclustered index rows, so it doesn’t need to perform a lookup operation.

SQL Server offers the option to INCLUDE columns in the index. An included column isn’t an index key, so it allows the columns to appear on the leaf pages of the nonclustered index and hence improves query performance.

Image Tip  Prolific author and SQL Server MVP Adam Machanic defines a clustered index as a covering index for every possible query against a table. This definition provides a good tool for demonstrating that there’s not much difference between clustered and nonclustered indexes, and it helps to reinforce the concept of index covering.

The example query in Listing 19-16 shows a simple query against the Person.Person table that requires a bookmark lookup, which is itself shown in the query plan in Figure 19-18.

Listing 19-16. Query Requiring a Bookmark Lookup

Title FROM Person.Person WHERE LastName = N'Duffy';


Figure 19-18. Bookmark lookup in the query plan

So why is there a bookmark lookup (referenced as a key lookup operator in the query plan)? The answer lies in the query. This particular query uses the LastName column in the WHERE clause to limit results, so the query engine decides to use the IX_Person_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName nonclustered index to fulfill the query. This nonclustered index contains the LastName, FirstName, and MiddleName columns, as well as the BusinessEntityID column, which is defined as the clustered index. The lookup operation is required because the SELECT clause also specifies that the Title column needs to be returned in the result set. Because the Title column isn’t included in the covering index, SQL Server has to refer back to the table’s data pages to retrieve it.

Creating an index with the Title column included in the nonclustered index as shown in Listing 19-17 removes the lookup operation from the query plan for the query in Listing 19-16. As shown in Figure 19-19, the IX_Covering_Person_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName index covers the query.

Image Tip  Another alternative to eliminate this costly lookup operation would be to modify the nonclustered index used in the example to include the Title column, which would create a covering index for the query.

Listing 19-17. Query Using a Covering Index

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Covering_Person_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName] ON [Person].[Person]
    [LastName] ASC,
    [FirstName] ASC,
    [MiddleName] ASC
) INCLUDE (Title)


Figure 19-19. The covering index eliminates the lookup operation

You can define up to 999 nonclustered indexes per table. You should carefully plan your indexing strategy and try to minimize the number of indexes you define on a single table. Nonclustered indexes can require a substantial amount of additional storage, and there is a definite overhead involved in automatically updating them whenever the table data changes. When deciding how many indexes to add to a table, consider the usage patterns carefully. Tables with data that doesn’t change—or rarely changes—may derive greater benefit from having lots of indexes defined on them than tables whose data is modified often.

Nonclustered indexes are useful for the following types of queries:

  • Queries that return one row, or a few rows, with high selectivity.
  • Queries that can use an index with high selectivity (generally greater than 95%). Selectivity is a measure of the unique key values in an index. SQL Server often ignores indexes with low selectivity.
  • Queries that return small ranges of data that would otherwise result in a clustered index or table scan. These types of queries often use simple equality predicates (=) in the WHERE clause.
  • Queries that are completely covered by the nonclustered index.

Filtered Indexes

In SQL Server 2014, filtered indexes provide a way to create more targeted indexes that require less storage and can support more efficient queries. Filtered indexes are optimized nonclustered indexes that allow you to easily add filtering criteria to restrict the rows included in the index with a WHERE clause. A filtered index improves the performance of queries because the index is smaller than a nonclustered index, and the statistics are more accurate because they cover only the rows in the filtered index. Adding a filtered index to a table where a nonclustered index is unnecessary reduces disk storage for the nonclustered index, and the statistics update the cost as well. Listing 19-18 creates a filtered index on the Size column of the Production.Product table that excludes NULL.

Listing 19-18. Creating and Testing a Filtered Index on the Production.Product Table

ON Production.Product
SizeUnitMeasureCode )
SizeUnitMeasureCode FROM Production.Product WHERE Size = 'L';

Image Tip  Filtered indexes are particularly well suited for indexing non-NULL values of sparse columns.

Optimizing Queries

One of the more interesting tasks that SQL developers and DBAs must perform is optimizing queries. To borrow an old cliché, query optimization is as much art as science. There are a lot of moving parts in the SQL query engine, and your task is to give the optimizer as much good information as you can so that it can make good decisions at runtime.

Performance is generally measured in terms of response time and throughput, defined as follows:

  • Response time is the time it takes SQL Server to complete a task such as a query.
  • Throughput is a measure of the volume of work that SQL Server can complete in a fixed period of time, such as the number of transactions per minute.

Several other factors affect overall system performance but are outside the scope of this book. Application responsiveness, for instance, depends on several additional factors like network latency and UI architecture, both of which are beyond SQL Server’s control. This section talks about how to use query plans to diagnose performance issues.

Reading Query Plans

When you submit a T-SQL script or statement to the SQL Server query engine, SQL Server compiles your code into a query plan. The query plan is composed of a series of physical and logical operators that the optimizer has chosen to complete your query. The optimizer bases its choice of operators on a wide array of factors like data-distribution statistics, cardinality of tables, and availability of useful indexes. SQL Server uses a cost-based optimizer, meaning the execution plan it chooses will have the lowest estimated cost.

SQL Server can return query plans in a variety of formats. My preference is the graphical query execution plan, which is used in examples throughout the book. Figure 19-20 shows a query plan for a simple query that joins two tables.


Figure 19-20. Query execution plan for an inner join query

You can generate a graphical query plan for a given query by selecting Query image Include Actual Execution Plan from the SSMS menu and then running your SQL statements. Alternatively, you can select Query image Display Estimated Execution Plan without running the query.

A graphical query plan is read from right to left and top to bottom. It contains arrows indicating the flow of data through the query plan. The arrows show the relative amount of data being moved from one operator to the next, with wider arrows indicating larger numbers of rows, as shown in Figure 19-20. You can position the mouse pointer on top of any operator or arrow in the graphical query plan to display a pop-up with additional information about the operator or data flow between operators, such as the number of rows being acted on and the estimated row size. You can also right-click an operator or arrow and select Properties from the pop-up menu to view even more descriptive information.

In addition you can right-click in the Execution Plan window and select Save Execution Plan As to save your graphical execution plan as an XML query plan. Query plans are saved with a .sqlplan file extension and can be viewed in graphical format in SSMS by double-clicking the file. This is particularly useful for troubleshooting queries remotely, because your users or other developers can save the graphical query plan and e-mail it to you, and you can open it up in a local instance of SSMS for further investigation.

Actual or Estimated?

Estimated execution plans are useful in determining the optimizer’s intent. The word estimated in the name can be a bit misleading because all query plans are based on the optimizer’s estimates of your data distribution, table cardinality, and more.

There are some differences between estimated and actual query plans, however. Because an actual query plan is generated as your T-SQL statements are executed, the optimizer can add information to the query plan as it runs. This additional information includes items like actual rebinds and rewinds, values that return the number of times the init() method is called in the plan, and the actual number of rows.

When dealing with temporary objects, actual query plans have better information available concerning which operators are being used. Consider the following simple script, which creates, populates, and queries a temporary table:

BusinessEntityID int NOT NULL,
LastName nvarchar(50),
FirstName nvarchar(50),
MiddleName nvarchar(50) );
CREATE INDEX tl_LastName ON #tl (LastName);
MiddleName )
MiddleName FROM Person.Person;
MiddleName FROM #tl WHERE LastName = N'Duffy';

In the estimated query plan for this code, the optimizer indicates that it will use a table scan, as shown next, to fulfill the SELECT query at the end of the script:


The actual query plan, however, uses a much more efficient nonclustered index seek with a bookmark lookup operation to retrieve the two relevant rows from the table, as shown here:


The difference between the estimated and actual query plans in this case is the information available at the time the query plan is generated. When the estimated query plan is created, there is no temporary table and no index on the temporary table, so the optimizer guesses that a table scan will be required. When the actual query plan is generated, the temporary table and its nonclustered index both exist, so the optimizer comes up with a better query plan.

In addition to graphical query plans, SQL Server supports XML query plans and text query plans, and it can report additional runtime statistics. This additional information can be accessed using the statements shown in Table 19-1.

Table 19-1. Statements to Generate Query Plans




Returns a text-based estimated execution plan without executing the query


Returns a text-based estimated execution plan without executing the query, but the information returned may be less than what you get from choosing SHOWPLAN_ALL.


Returns an XML-based estimated execution plan without executing the query


Returns statistics information about logical I/O operations during execution of a query


Returns actual query execution plans in result sets following the result set generated by each query executed


Returns statistics about the time required to parse, compile, and execute statements at runtime

Once the query is compiled, it can be executed, and the execution need not necessarily happen after the query is compiled. So, if the query is executed several days after it has been compiled, the underlying data may have changed, and the plan that has been compiled may not be optimal during the execution time. So, when this query is being executed SQL Server first checks to see if the plan is still valid. If the query optimizer decides that the plan is suboptimal, a few statements or the entire batch will be recompiled to produce a different plan. These compilations are called recompilations; and although sometimes it’s necessary to recompile queries, this process can slow down query or batch executions considerably, so it’s optimal to reduce recompilations.

Some causes for recompilations are as follows:

  • Schema changes such as adding or dropping columns, constraints, indexes, statistics, and so on
  • Running sp_recompile on a stored procedure or trigger
  • Using set options after the batch has started, such as ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF, ANSI_NULLS, ARITHABORT, and so on

One of the main causes for excessive recompilations is the use of temporary tables in queries. If you create a temporary table in StoredProcA and reference the temporary table in a statement in StoredProcB, then the statement must be recompiled every time StoredProcA runs. A table variable may be a good option to replace a temporary table for a small number of rows.

Sometimes you may experience suboptimal query performance, and there are several causes. One of the common causes is using nonSearch ARGumentable (nonSARGable) expressions in WHERE clauses or joins, which prevents SQL Server from using the index. Using these expressions can slow queries significantly as well. Some nonSARGable expressions are inequality expression comparisons, functions, implicit data-type conversions, and the LIKE keyword. Often these expressions can be rewritten to use an index. Consider the following simple script, which finds names starting with C:

SELECT Title, FirstName, LastName  FROM person.person WHERE SUBSTRING(FirstName, 1,1) = 'C'

This query causes a table scan. But if the query is rewritten as follows, the optimizer will use a clustered seek if a proper index exists in the table, hence improving performance:

SELECT Title, FirstName, LastName  FROM person.person WHERE FirstName LIKE 'C%'

Sometimes you do have to use functions in queries for calculations. In these cases, if you replace the function with an indexed computed column, the SQL Server query optimizer can generate a plan that will use an index. SQL Server can match an expression to the computed column to use statistics; however, the expression should match the computed column definition exactly.


The methodology that has served me well when troubleshooting performance issues involves the following eight steps:

  1. Recognize the issue. Before you can troubleshoot a performance issue, you must first determine that there is an actual issue. Recognizing an issue can begin with something as simple as end users complaining that their applications are running slowly.
  2. Identify the source. Once you’ve recognized that there is an issue, you need to identify it as a SQL Server-related problem. For instance, if you receive reports of database-enabled applications running slowly, it’s important to narrow the source of the problem. If the issue is related to network bandwidth or latency, for instance, it can’t be resolved through simple query optimization. If it’s a T-SQL issue, you can use tools like SQL Profiler and query plans to identify the problematic code.
  3. Review the baseline. Once you’ve identified the issue and the source, evaluate the baseline. For instance, if the end user is complaining that the application runs slowly, you need to understand the definition of slow and also whether the issue is reproducible. Slow could mean reports aren’t rendered within 1 minute, or it could mean reports aren’t rendered within 10 milliseconds. Without a proper baseline, you have nothing to compare to and can’t ascertain whether the issue really exists.
  4. Analyze the code. Once you’ve identified T-SQL code as the source of the problem, it’s time to dig deeper and analyze the root cause of the problem. The operators returned in graphical query plans provide an excellent indicator of the source of many problems. For example, you may spot a costly clustered index scan operator where you expected a more efficient nonclustered index seek.
  5. Define possible solutions. After the issues have been identified in the code, it’s time to come up with potential solutions. If bookmark-lookup operations are slowing query performance, for instance, you may determine that adding a new nonclustered index or modifying an existing one is a possible fix for the issue. Another possible solution might be changing the query to return fewer columns that are already covered by an index.
  6. Evaluate the solutions. A critical step after defining possible solutions is to evaluate the practicality of those solutions. Many things affect whether a solution is practical. For instance, you may be forbidden to change indexes on production servers, in which case adding or modifying indexes to solve an issue may be impractical. On the other hand, your client applications may depend on all the columns currently being returned in the query’s result sets, so changing the query to return fewer columns may not be a workable solution.

    During this step of the process, you also need to determine the impact of your solutions on other parts of the system. Adding or modifying an index on the server to solve a query performance problem may fix the problem for a single query, but it may also introduce new performance problems for other queries or DML statements. These conflicting needs should be evaluated.

  7. Implement the solution. During this step of the process, you actually apply your solution. You’ll most likely have a subprocess here in which you apply the solution first to a development environment and then to a quality assurance (QA) environment, and finally promote it to the production environment.
  8. Examine the impact of the solution. After implementing your solution, you should revisit it to ensure that it fixes the problem. This is a very important step that many people ignore—they revisit their solutions only when another issue occurs. By scheduling a time to revisit your solution, you can take a proactive approach and head off problems before they affect end users.

Scalability is another important factor to consider when writing T-SQL. Scalability is a measure of how well your code works under increasing demands. For instance, a query may provide acceptable performance when the source table contains 100,000 rows and 10 end users simultaneously querying. However, the same query may suffer performance problems when the table grows to 1,000,000 rows and the number of end users grows to 100. Increasing stress on a system tends to uncover scalability and performance issues that weren’t previously apparent in your code base. As pressure on your database grows, it’s important to monitor changing access patterns and increasing demands on the system to proactively handle issues before they affect end users.

It’s also important to understand when an issue isn’t really a problem, or at least not one that requires a great deal of attention. As a general rule, we like to apply the 80/20 rule when optimizing queries: as a rule of thumb, focus your efforts on optimizing the 20% of code that is executed 80% of the time. If you have an SP that takes a long time to execute but is run only once a day, and a second procedure that takes a significant amount of time but is run 10,000 times a day, you’d be well served to focus your efforts on the latter procedure.


Your main goal in designing and writing an application is to enable users to get accurate result sets in an efficient way. So, when you come across a performance issue, the place to start is the query. For any given session, the query or thread can be in one of two states: it’s either running or waiting on something. When the query is running, it may be compiling or executing. And when the query is waiting, it may be waiting for I/O, network, memory, locks or latches, and so on, or it may be forced to wait to make sure the process yields for other processes. Whatever the case, when the query is waiting on a resource, SQL Server logs the wait type for the resource the query is waiting on. You can then use this information to understand why query performance is affected.

To help you better understand resource usage, you need to be familiar with three performance metrics that can play a role in query performance: CPU, Duration, and Logical Reads. CPU is essentially the worker time spent to execute the query; Duration is the time the worker thread takes to execute the query, which includes the time it takes to wait for the resources as well as the time it takes to execute the query; and Logical Reads is the number of data pages read by the query execution from the buffer pool or memory. If the page doesn’t exist in the buffer pool, then SQL Server performs a physical read to read the page into the buffer pool. Because you’re measuring query performance, logical reads are considered to measure performance, not physical reads. You can calculate wait time using the formula Duration – CPU.

Using wait stats is a methodology that can help you identify opportunities to tune query performance, and SQL Server 2014 has 649 wait types. Let’s say your application has some users read from the table and other users write to the same table. At any given time, if rows are being inserted into the table, the query that is trying to read those rows has to stop processing because the resource is unavailable. Once the row insertion is completed, the read process gets a signal that the resource is available for this process; and when a scheduler is available to process the read thread, the query is processed. The time SQL Server spends to acquire the system resource in this example is called a wait. The time SQL Server spends waiting for the process to be signed when the resource is available is called resource wait time. Once the process is signaled, the process has to wait for the scheduler to be available before the process can continue, and this is called signal wait time. Resource wait time and signal wait time combined give the wait time in milliseconds.

You can query the wait types using the DMVs sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks, sys.dm_os_wait_stats, and sys.dm_exec_requests. sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks and sys.dm_exec_requests return details about which tasks are waiting currently, whereas sys.dm_os_wait_stats lists the aggregate of the waits since the instance was last restarted. So, you need to check sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks for a query performance analysis.

Let’s look at an example of how waits can help you tune queries. You might have come across a situation where you’re trying to insert a set of rows into a table, but the insert process hangs and isn’t responsive. When you query sp_who2, it doesn’t show any blocking; however, the insert process waits for a long time before it completes. Let’s see how you can use wait stats to debug this scenario. Listing 19-19 is a script that inserts rows into a waitsdemo table created in AdventureWorks with user session ID 54.

Listing 19-19. Script to Demonstrate Waits

use adventureworks
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[waitsdemo](
    [Id] [int] NOT NULL,
    [LastName] [nchar](600) NOT NULL,
    [FirstName] [nchar](600) NOT NULL,
    [MiddleName] [nchar](600) NULL


declare @id int = 1
while (@id <= 50000)
    insert into waitsdemo
        select @id,'Foo', 'User',NULL
    SET @id = @id + 1

To identify why the insert query is being blocked, you can query the sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_sessions DMVs to see the processes that are currently executing and also query the DMV sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks to see the list of processes that are currently waiting. The DMV queries are shown in Listing 19-20, and partial results are shown in Figure 19-21. In this example, the insert query using session ID 54 is waiting on the shrinkdatabase task with session ID 98.

Listing 19-20. DMV to Query Current Processes and Waiting Tasks

--List waiting user requests
er.session_id, er.wait_type, er.wait_time,
er.wait_resource, er.last_wait_type,
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS er
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es
ON es.session_id = er.session_id
AND es.is_user_process = 1
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) AS et
--List waiting user tasks
wt.waiting_task_address, wt.session_id, wt.wait_type,
wt.wait_duration_ms, wt.resource_description
FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS wt
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es
ON wt.session_id = es.session_id
AND es.is_user_process = 1
-- List user tasks
t.session_id, t.request_id, t.exec_context_id,
t.scheduler_id, t.task_address,
FROM sys.dm_os_tasks AS t
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS es
ON t.session_id = es.session_id
AND es.is_user_process = 1


Figure 19-21. Results of sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks

The results show that process 54 is indeed waiting; the wait type is writelog, which means the I/O to the log files is slow. When you correlate this to session_id 98, which is the shrinkdatabase task, you can identify that the root cause for the performance issue with the insert query is the shrinkdatabase process. Once the shrinkdatabase operation completes, the insert query starts to process, as shown in Figure 19-22.


Figure 19-22. Results of a DMV to show the blocking thread

Not all wait types need to be monitored constantly. Some wait types, like broker_* and clr_*, can be ignored if you aren’t using a service broker or CLR in your databases. This example only touched the tip of the iceberg; waits can be a powerful mechanism to help you identify and resolve query performance issues.


Figure 19-23. New XEvents session

Extended Events

Extended Events (XEvents) is a diagnostic system that can help you troubleshoot performance problems with SQL Server. It was first introduced in SQL 2008 and then went through a complete makeover in SQL Server 2012, with additional event types, a new user interface, and templates similar to SQL Server Profiler. Let’s review the XEvents user interface first and then look at how you can troubleshoot with it.

The XEvents user interface is integrated with Management Studio; there is a separate Extended Events node in the tree. To start a new XEvents session, expand the Management node and then expand Extended Events. Right-click Sessions, and then click New Session. Figure 19-23 shows the XEvents user interface.

XEvents offers a rich diagnostic framework that is highly scalable and lets you collect small or large amounts of data to troubleshoot performance issues. It has the same capabilities as SQL Profiler; so, you may ask, why should you use XEvents and not SQL Profiler? Anybody who has worked with SQL Server can tell you that SQL Profiler adds significant resource overhead when tracing the server, which can sometimes bring the server to its knees. The reason for this overhead is that when you use SQL Profiler to trace activities on the server, all the events are streamed to the client and filtered based on criteria set by you on the client side; many resources are required to process the events. With XEvents, filtering happens on the server side, so events that are needed aren’t sent to the client—hence you get better performance with a process that is less chatty. Another reason to begin using XEvents is that SQL Profiler has been marked for deprecation.

XEvents sessions can be based on predefined templates, or you can create a session by choosing specific events. You can also autostart an XEvents session on server startup—a feature that isn’t available in SQL Profiler. Figure 19-24 shows the autostart option.


Figure 19-24. Object Explorer database table pop-up context menu

The Events library lists all searchable events, categorized and grouped based on events. You can search events based on their names and/or descriptions. Once you select the events you want to track, you can set filter criteria. After the filters have been defined, you can select the fields you want to track. The common fields that are tracked are selected by default. Figure 19-25 shows a sample session to capture SQL statements for performance tuning.


Figure 19-25. Sample XEvents session configuration for SQL performance tuning

After you’ve defined all the criteria, you can set the target depending on what you want to do with the data: capture it to a file, forward it to in-memory targets, or write it to a live reader. Figure 19-26 shows the possible targets for a session.


Figure 19-26. XEvents target type

Figure 19-27 shows the results of XEvents streaming the SQL statements’ live data for the performance-tuning session.


Figure 19-27. Sample data from the XEvents session for SQL performance tuning

Now let’s consider a common problem: a business user is complaining that an application is slow and there is a lot of blocking. You need to figure out where the problem is, given that the application is third-party software. The challenge is to identify a piece of application functionality and the queries behind this functionality that are causing the performance issue. You have multiple areas to investigate, including clients, network, blocking, CPU, and I/O issues. One way to approach the problem is to run the Performance Monitor (perfmon) tool, start a profiler trace, and try to tie the application issue to the server metrics; but there is no direct way to get the details on the query chain of the lead blocker that causes and follows the blocking issue without using XEvents.

If the application is built on the latest ODBC drivers or the new ADO.NET 4.5, the application will attach a ConnectionId identifier. This is a guide to the server when the connections are made, which makes the process of tracing or correlating activities between client and server much simpler. Along with this, the client sends another identifier called ActivityId, which provides information about the process that is currently executing. With ConnectionId and ActivityId, you have the information required to build a complete image of the activities taking place in the server; and you can effectively trace the server activities to identify the bottlenecks.

XEvents makes common problems like page splits or locking much easier to identify and resolve with proper code changes. To track page splits, you can set up an XEvents session using a script like that shown in Listing 19-21.

Listing 19-21. XEvents Session Script to Troubleshoot Login Timeouts

CREATE EVENT SESSION [Troubleshoot page split] ON SERVER
ADD EVENT sqlserver.page_split(
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed(
ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_starting(
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sp_statement_completed(
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sp_statement_starting(
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'C:TempTroubleshoot page split.xel')

Now you can start the XEvents session created in Listing 19-21 and begin identifying the queries and the session details that cause these page splits. This will help you narrow down the issue very quickly and troubleshoot the cause.


SQL Server stores data in 8 KB pages that it allocates in contiguous groups of 8 pages each, which are known as extents. In a perfect world, SQL Server’s logical and physical storage mechanisms wouldn’t make a difference to you as a developer. In the real world, however, an understanding of storage engine operation is important for maximizing performance. This chapter began an overview of the SQL Server storage engine and how it affects performance.

Indexes are the primary means of increasing query performance on SQL Server. We continued the discussion by addressing the concepts of heaps, clustered indexes, and nonclustered indexes, with details of how each affects the overall performance of your queries and DML statements.

Optimizing queries depends on maximizing two critical aspects: response time and throughput. SQL Server provides query plans and statistics, in addition to other external tools, to help diagnose performance issues. The chapter wrapped up with a suggested methodology for dealing with performance issues. Using a methodology like the eight-step process described here can help you quickly narrow down the source of performance issues; define, evaluate, and implement solutions; and take a proactive approach in addressing future performance-related issues.

Using troubleshooting techniques such as wait stats and DMVs can help you locate performance issues and provide information you can use to derive a complete picture of what is going on in the system. Combining this with a high-performance event-monitoring infrastructure such as Extended Events gives you proactive capabilities for monitoring servers so you can identify issues and resolve them in a timely fashion.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this book as much as we’ve enjoyed bringing it to you. We wish you all the best in your T-SQL development efforts and hope you find this book helpful in your development endeavors.


  1. [Choose all that apply] SQL Server 2014 uses which of the following types of files to store database information?
    1. Data files (.mdf extension)
    2. Transaction log files (.ldf extension)
    3. Additional data files (.ndf extension)
    4. Rich text files (.rtf extension)
  2. [True/False] In-Memory tables are created in the default PRIMARY filegroup.
  3. [True/False] SQL Server stores data in 8 KB storage units known as pages.
  4. [Choose one] Eight contiguous 8 KB pages of storage in SQL Server are known as which of the following?
    1. A filegroup
    2. A chunk
    3. An extent
    4. A file
  5. [Fill in the blank] A heap is an _________ collection of data pages.
  6. [Fill in the blank] Clustered indexes and nonclustered indexes are managed by SQL Server as _______________ structures.
  7. [Fill in the blank] _______________ sessions can be used to trace waits.
  8. [Choose one] An optimized nonclustered index is a {filtered | parameterized | unsorted} index
  9. [Choose all that apply] SQL Server performance is measured using which of the following terms?
    1. Throughput
    2. Luminescence
    3. Response time
    4. All of the above
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