
What is product design? / What does a product designer do? / Creating a product / The main stages of product design / Interview: Julia Lohmann / About this book

1.  Historical and cultural context

The Industrial Revolution: 1750s to 1850s / The Great Reform movements: 1850s to 1914 / Modernism to pre-war luxury and power: 1900s to 1945 / The post-war period: 1945 to 1970s / Post-Modernism: 1970s to present day / Interview: Satyendra Pakhalé / Emerging twenty-first century design trends / Timeline

2.  Research, brief, and specification

Product design research / Research methods / The brief / Identifying customer wants, needs and demands / Interview: Stuart Haygarth / The Product Design Specification (PDS) / Common elements of the PDS

3.  Concept design

What is a concept design? / Concept generation / Concept generation methods / Drawing techniques for product design / Technical drawing / Interview: Nendo / Modelling / Prototyping / Concept evaluation and selection

4.  From manufacture to market

Detail design / Design and manufacture / Common materials / Manufacturing processes / Interview: Raw-Edges Design Studio / Marketing and selling

5.  Contemporary issues

Green issues / Interview: Max Lamb / Ethical issues / Universal design / Emotional design

6.  Design education and beyond

Studying product design / Design rights / Interview: Tim Brown, IDEO / Developing your design skills / Engaging with industry

•••     Glossary / Bibliography / Further resources / Useful addresses / Index / Picture credits and Acknowledgements

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