

  • ability
  • activities, learning
  • adult learning see principles, adult learning
  • anonymity see anonymous
  • anonymous
  • appearance
  • approach
    • business
    • educational
    • philosophical
  • art, training as an
  • asleep see sleep
  • assess
  • assessment(s)
  • assume,‐ed see assumptions, making
  • assumptions, making
  • asynchronous
  • attitude
    • instructor’s
    • student’s
  • audience
    • size
    • target
  • auditor(s)
  • authenticity, proof of
  • availability
    • of education
    • of instructor
  • available
  • awake


  • barrier to learning
  • behaviour, change
  • bias
  • biased see bias
  • blended learning
  • brain
  • break
  • breathing
  • business, cost of doing


  • certification
  • challenge
  • classroom
  • class size
  • coach
  • cognitive
  • communication
    • nonverbal
    • verbal
  • competence,‐cy,‐cies see competent
  • competent
  • competition
  • compliance
  • complicated
  • comprehension
  • confidence
  • confident
  • conformity, proof of
  • conscious competence see consciously skilled
  • conscious incompetence see consciously unskilled
  • consciously skilled
  • consciously unskilled
  • consistency see consistent
  • consistent
  • constructive
  • content
    • changes see revision tracking
    • delivery of
    • development of
    • king, or wrongly emphasized
    • review of
  • contentment
  • conversation
  • corporate training
  • culture
  • customer
  • customize


  • debrief
  • declarative
  • decorate
  • decorative
  • delivery
    • content see content, delivery of
    • method of
  • demonstration, product
  • dictionary
  • distractors
  • distraction
  • dress
  • duration of training


  • easy
  • ELearning
  • emotion see emotional
  • emotional
  • employers
  • encourages
  • energy
  • engage
  • engagement
  • engineers
  • enjoyable see fun, making learning
  • enthusiasm
  • enthusiastic see enthusiasm
  • environment
    • cultural
    • education
    • physical
    • technology
  • essential
  • essential, differentiated from non‐essential
  • examples, using in class
  • execute a function
  • executive(s)
  • exercise(s), learning
  • exhibit the product
  • expected outcome(s)
  • expense(s)
  • expensive
  • experiences
    • negative
    • students' prior
  • expert(s)
    • product
    • technical
  • explore a product
  • eye contact


  • facial expressions
  • facilitate
    • to (the act of)
    • definition of
    • the skills required to
  • facilitator see facilitate, to (the act of)
  • feedback
  • follow‐up
  • forget
  • forgot,‐ten see forget
  • fun, making learning


  • gap
    • communication
    • information
    • instructor & student knowledge
    • learning
    • presentation & training
    • product training & talent development
  • genuine
  • gestures
  • goal, business
  • graphics


  • head count
  • host
  • humble
  • hybrid
  • humility


  • icebreakers
  • illustration
    • penny doubled each day
    • ride a bicycle
    • too much power
    • used car salesperson
    • wrong golf hole
  • impartiality, proof of
  • improvement, continuous
  • improvise
  • indemnification
  • ineffective template
  • influences, external
  • informal learning
  • inspect
  • inspiration, inspiring, inspired see inspire
  • inspire
  • instructional system design
  • instructor‐led
  • instructor’s guide
  • intelligent
  • intended audience see audience, target
  • introvert
  • invest,‐ed,‐ing,‐ment


  • jargon


  • Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model
  • knowledge, transfer


  • lab
  • lawsuit
  • learner‐led
  • learning activities see activities, learning
  • learning, definition of
  • lecture
  • legal
  • liable and liability
  • likeable
  • Likert‐like
  • listen
    • instructor to students
    • other
    • students to instructor
  • logistical see logistics
  • logistics


  • maintenance
  • market(ing)
  • measurable
  • measure
  • metrics, wrong
  • micro‐learning
  • mission statement
  • mistakes see experiences, negative
  • mLearning
    • mobile learning
  • motivate
  • multiple sources, learning from



  • objective(s), learning
  • observable and measurable
  • observation
    • of the instructor
    • of the student
  • on‐the‐job training
  • outline


  • perform
  • performance
  • phases, three see stages, hands‐on learning
  • philosophers see philosophy of training
  • philosophy of training
  • physical
  • pictures
  • pilot class
  • pitch
  • poor grammar
  • posture
  • PowerPoint see technology tools, presentation
  • practical
  • practice
    • (n.)
    • (v.)
  • prerequisites
  • presence
  • presentations, technical
  • principles, adult learning
  • process, ineffective
  • product solution training
  • proficiency
    • certifying
    • training
  • 4x8 Proficiency Design Model
  • proficient, becoming
  • profit center, training as a
  • proximity


  • quarterly curriculum review
  • questions
    • answering students
    • instructors and designers ask themselves
    • instructors ask students
    • quizzes and exams
    • students ask instructors
    • students ask themselves
    • surveys
    • types of


  • react
  • reactive
  • reaction(s)
  • ready to apply
  • recertification
  • recognize the need
  • relevance see relevant
  • relevant
  • responsibility
    • board of decision‐makers
    • instructor's
    • student's
  • retain
    • employees
    • knowledge
    • records
  • retention see retain
  • revision tracking
  • reward(s)
  • rubric


  • safety
  • sale
  • salesperson
  • silence
  • skill
    • definition of
    • development of
    • teaching a see proficiency, training
    • training is a
  • sleep
  • soft skill(s)
  • solution, training is the
  • stages, hands‐on learning
  • standard,‐ized
  • strategy
  • stress
  • structure
  • student guide
  • subconsciously
  • subject matter beginner
  • subject matter expert
  • success
  • survey
  • sustain,‐able,‐ability
  • synchronous


  • talent development
  • technology tools
    • engagement
    • learning management system
    • other
    • presentation
  • tempo
  • time management
  • tool
    • exam
  • traceable



  • validate
  • valuable, doing makes you
  • verbal communication see communication, verbal
  • verbal crutches
  • visual aids
  • vulnerable


  • welcome
  • workshop
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