
I have often skimmed this section and wondered why authors put down a list of names that many won’t appreciate. Now I understand. Just as learning requires relationships, so does writing a book. These are just a few of those who have made this book possible.

My kids have been gracious to give up many of my evenings and weekends. Thank you. My brother, Bob, is probably glad this book is finally finished. Now we can spend our Tuesday calls talking about something else. Thank you for your patient ear. Mom, thank you for teaching me to read and write. I am grateful for both you and dad and the time you’ve spent assisting on this project. I learned so much about teaching from both of you. I’m glad Dad got to read the majority of this book, though I’m sad he never saw the finished product. What I wrote in the front of the book was what I had intended to write in his personal copy. Since he isn’t here to read it, everyone gets to. To the rest of my family, both immediate and extended—many of whom became proofreaders by proxy—thank you for volunteering your skills.

Morten Tolstrup, thank you for pushing me to write and introducing me to Wiley. As an author yourself, you knew how much work this was going to be. Thank you for not telling me!

Dr Kevin Ressler, your feedback and encouragement was helpful and is appreciated. Jack Culbertson, I am so thankful for your help in making this book as practical as possible. It is better because of your input. Dianne Schanhaar, you have regularly encouraged me when I needed it most. Thank you.

Thank you, Rebecca Rosemeier and Sara Briggs for your help with the artwork used in this book.

So many others have encouraged me along the way. You have read and offered suggestions and feedback, corrected my grammar, or simply given a kind word of encouragement. I hesitate to mention some, knowing I will forget many: Thompson Lewis, Kristin Hinrichs, Jim Breezley, Christa Harrison, Jennifer Alfaro, Dave Gilbert, Dr David Farrar, Genevieve Farrar, Dr Will Thalheimer, Dr Brian Hanson, and Dr Jim Kirkpatrick. Thank you.

Finally, I’m not even sure how to write a proper thank‐you to my wife, Brenda. I don’t think I will. It would require too many pages. I’ll find a better way. I love you.

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