Becoming Adept at Testing


Large programming projects are rarely finished when a feature-complete goal is reached. There are always bugs to find and fix, both during and after the main development phase. It is essential to understand the shared responsibility of quality control and the life cycle of a bug in order to perform well in a group.

Whose Responsibility Is Testing?

Software development organizations have different approaches to testing. In a small startup, there may not be a group of people whose full-time job is testing the product. Testing may be the responsibility of the individual developers, or all the employees of the company may be asked to lend a hand and try to break the product before its release. In larger organizations, a full-time quality assurance staff probably qualifies a release by testing it according to a set of criteria. Nonetheless, some aspects of testing may still be the responsibility of the developers. Even in organizations where the developers have no role in formal testing, you still need to be aware of what your responsibilities are in the larger process of quality assurance.

The Life Cycle of a Bug

All good engineering groups recognize that bugs will occur in software both before and after its release. There are many different ways to deal with these problems. Figure 26-1 shows a formal bug process, expressed as a flow chart. In this particular process, a bug is always filed by a member of the QA team. The bug reporting software sends a notification to the development manager, who sets the priority of the bug and assigns the bug to the appropriate module owner. The module owner can accept the bug, or explain why the bug actually belongs to a different module or is invalid, giving the development manager the opportunity to assign it to someone else.

Once the bug has found its rightful owner, a fix is made and the developer marks the bug as “fixed.” At this point, the QA engineer verifies that the bug no longer exists and marks the bug as “closed” or reopens the bug if it is still present.



A less formal approach is shown in Figure 26-2. In this workflow, anybody can file a bug, and assign an initial priority and a module. The module owner receives the bug report and can either accept it or reassign it to another engineer or module. When a correction is made, the bug is marked as “fixed.” Toward the end of the testing phase, all the developers and QA engineers divide up the fixed bugs and verify that each bug is no longer present in the current build. The release is ready when all bugs are marked as “closed.”



Bug-Tracking Tools

There are many ways to keep track of software bugs, from informal spreadsheet- or e-mail-based schemes to expensive third-party bug-tracking software. The appropriate solution for your organization depends on the group’s size, the nature of the software, and the level of formality you want to build around bug fixing.

There are also a number of free open-source bug-tracking solutions available. One of the more popular free tools for bug tracking is Bugzilla, written by the authors of the Mozilla web browser. As an open-source project, Bugzilla has gradually accumulated a number of useful features to the point where it now rivals expensive bug-tracking software packages. Here are just a few of its many features:

  • Customizable settings for a bug, including its priority, associated component, status, and so on
  • E-mail notification of new bug reports or changes to an existing report
  • Tracking of dependencies between bugs and resolution of duplicate bugs
  • Reporting and searching tools
  • A web-based interface for filing and updating bugs

Figure 26-3 shows a bug being entered into a Bugzilla project that was set up for the second edition of this book. For my purposes, each chapter was input as a Bugzilla component. The filer of the bug can specify the severity of the bug (how big of a deal it is). A summary and description are included to make it possible to search for the bug or list it in a report format.

Bug-tracking tools like Bugzilla are essential components of a professional software development environment. In addition to supplying a central list of currently open bugs, bug-tracking tools provide an important archive of previous bugs and their fixes. A support engineer, for instance, might use the tool to search for a problem similar to one reported by a customer. If a fix was made, the support person will be able to tell the customer which version they need to update to, or how to work around the problem.




The only way to find bugs is through testing. One of the most important types of tests from a developer’s point of view is the unit test. Unit tests are pieces of code that exercise specific functionality of a class or subsystem. These are the finest-grained tests that you could possibly write. Ideally, one or more unit tests should exist for every low-level task that your code can perform. For example, imagine that you are writing a math library that can perform addition and multiplication. Your suite of unit tests might contain the following tests:

  • Test a simple addition
  • Test addition of large numbers
  • Test addition of negative numbers
  • Test addition of zero to a number
  • Test the commutative property of addition
  • Test a simple multiplication
  • Test multiplication of large numbers
  • Test multiplication of negative numbers
  • Test multiplication with zero
  • Test the commutative property of multiplication

Well-written unit tests protect you in many ways:

  1. They prove that a piece of functionality actually works. Until you have some code that actually makes use of your class, its behavior is a major unknown.
  2. They provide a first alert when a recently introduced change breaks something. This specific usage, called a regression test, is covered later in this chapter.
  3. When used as part of the development process, they force the developer to fix problems from the start. If you are prevented from checking in your code with failed unit tests, then you’re forced to address problems right away.
  4. Unit tests let you try out code before other code is in place. When you first started programming, you could write an entire program and then run it for the first time. Professional programs are too big for that approach, so you need to be able to test components in isolation.
  5. Last, but certainly not least, they provide an example of usage. Almost as a side effect, unit tests make great reference code for other programmers. If a co-worker wants to know how to perform matrix multiplication by using your math library, you can point her to the appropriate test.

Approaches to Unit Testing

It’s hard to go wrong with unit tests, unless you don’t write them or you write them poorly. In general, the more tests you have, the more coverage you have. The more coverage you have, the less likely it is for bugs to fall through the cracks and for you to have to tell your boss, or worse, your customer, “Oh, we never tested that.”

There are several methodologies for writing unit tests most effectively. The Extreme Programming methodology, explained in Chapter 24, instructs its followers to write unit tests before writing code.

Writing tests first helps you to solidify the requirements for the component and to provide a metric that can be used to determine when it is done. However, writing tests first can be tricky and requires diligence on the part of the programmer. For some programmers, it simply doesn’t mesh well with their coding style. A less rigid approach is to design the tests before coding, but implement them later in the process. This way, the programmer is still forced to understand the requirements of the module but doesn’t have to write code that makes use of nonexistent classes.

In some groups, the author of a particular subsystem doesn’t write the unit tests for that subsystem. The idea is that if you write the tests for your own code, you might subconsciously work around problems that you know about, or only cover certain cases that you know your code handles well. In addition, it’s sometimes difficult to get excited about finding bugs in code you just wrote, so you might only put in a half-hearted effort. Having one developer write unit tests for another developer’s code requires a lot of extra overhead and coordination. When such coordination is accomplished, however, this approach helps guarantee more-effective tests.

Another way to ensure that unit tests are actually testing the right parts of the code is to write them so that they maximize code coverage. You can use a code coverage tool, such as gcov, that tells you what percentage of the code is called by unit tests. The idea is that a properly tested piece of code has unit tests to test all possible code paths that can be taken through that piece of code.

The Unit Testing Process

The process of providing unit tests for your code starts from the very beginning, long before any code is written. Keeping unit-testability in mind during the design phase can influence the design decisions you make for your software. Even if you do not subscribe to the methodology of writing unit tests before you write code, you should at least take the time to consider what sorts of tests you will provide, even while still in the design phase. This way, you can break the task up into well-defined chunks, each of which has its own test-validated criteria. For example, if your task is to write a database access class, you might first write the functionality that inserts data into the database. Once that is fully tested with a suite of unit tests, you can continue to write the code to support updates, deletes, and selects, testing each piece as you go.

The following list of steps is a suggested approach for designing and implementing unit tests. As with any programming methodology, the best process is the one that yields the best results. I suggest that you experiment with different ways of using unit tests to discover what works best for you.

Define the Granularity of Your Tests

Writing unit tests takes time, there is no way around this. Software developers are often crunched for time. To reach deadlines, developers tend to skip writing unit tests, because they think they will finish faster that way. Unfortunately, this thinking does not take the whole picture into account. Omitting unit tests will back-fire in the long run. The earlier a bug is detected in the software development process, the less it costs. If a developer finds a bug during unit testing, it can be fixed immediately, before anyone else encounters it. However, if the bug is discovered by QA, then it becomes a much costlier bug. The bug can cause an extra development cycle, requires bug management, has to go back to the development team for a fix, and then back to QA to verify the fix. If a bug slips through the QA process and finds its way to the customer, then it becomes even more expensive.

The granularity of tests refers to their scope. As the following table illustrates, you can initially unit test a database class with just a few test functions, and then gradually add more tests to ensure that everything works as it should.


As you can see, each successive column brings in more-specific tests. As you move from large-grained tests to more finely grained tests, you start to consider error conditions, different input data sets, and different modes of operation.

Of course, the decisions you make initially when choosing the granularity of your tests are not set in stone. Perhaps the database class is just being written as a proof-of-concept and might not even be used. A few simple tests may be adequate now, and you can always add more later. Or perhaps the use cases will change at a later date. For example, the database class might not initially have been written with international characters in mind. Once such features are added, they should be tested with specific targeted unit tests.

Consider the unit tests to be part of the actual implementation of a feature. When you make a modification, don’t just modify the tests so that they continue to work. Write new tests and re-evaluate the existing ones. When bugs are uncovered and fixed, add new unit tests that specifically test those fixes.

Brainstorm the Individual Tests

Over time, you will gain an intuition for which aspects of a piece of code should turn into a unit test. Certain methods or inputs will just feel like they should be tested. This intuition is gained through trial and error, and by looking at unit tests that other people in your group have written. It should be pretty easy to pick out which programmers are the best unit testers. Their tests tend to be organized and frequently modified.

Until unit test creation becomes second nature, approach the task of figuring out which tests to write by brainstorming. To get some ideas flowing, consider the following questions:

  1. What are the things that this piece of code was written to do?
  2. What are the typical ways each method would be called?
  3. What preconditions of the methods could be violated by the caller?
  4. How could each method be misused?
  5. What kinds of data are you expecting as input?
  6. What kinds of data are you not expecting as input?
  7. What are the edge cases or exceptional conditions?

You don’t need to write formal answers to those questions (unless your manager is a particularly fervent devotee of this book or of certain testing methodologies), but they should help you generate some ideas for unit tests. The table of tests for the database class contained test functions, each of which arose from one of these questions.

Once you have generated ideas for some of the tests you would like to use, consider how you might organize them into categories; the breakdown of tests will fall into place. In the database class example, the tests could be split into the following categories:

  • Basic tests
  • Error tests
  • Localization tests
  • Bad input tests
  • Complicated tests

Splitting your tests into categories makes them easier to identify and augment. It might also make it easier to realize which aspects of the code are well tested and which could use a few more unit tests.

Create Sample Data and Results

The most common trap to fall into when writing unit tests is to match the test to the behavior of the code, instead of using the test to validate the code. If you write a unit test that performs a database select for a piece of data that is definitely in the database, and the test fails, is it a problem with the code or a problem with the test? It’s often easier to assume that the code is right and to modify the test to match. This approach is usually wrong.

To avoid this pitfall, you should understand the inputs to the test and the expected output before you try it out. This is sometimes easier said than done. For example, say you wrote some code to encrypt an arbitrary block of text using a particular key. A reasonable unit test would take a fixed string of text and pass it in to the encryption module. Then, it would examine the result to see if it was correctly encrypted.

When you go to write such a test, it is tempting to try out the behavior with the encryption module first and see the result. If it looks reasonable, you might write a test to look for that value. Doing so really doesn’t prove anything, however! You haven’t actually tested the code; you’ve just written a test that guarantees it will continue to return that same value. Often times, writing the test requires some real work; you would need to encrypt the text independently of your encryption module to get an accurate result.

Write the Tests

The exact code behind a test varies, depending on what type of test framework you have in place. One framework, the Microsoft Visual C++ Testing Framework, is discussed later in this chapter. Independent of the actual implementation, however, the following guidelines will help ensure effective tests:

  • Make sure that you’re testing only one thing in each test. That way, if a test fails, it will point to a specific piece of functionality.
  • Be specific inside the test. Did the test fail because an exception was thrown or because the wrong value was returned?
  • Use logging extensively inside of test code. If the test fails someday, you will have some insight into what happened.
  • Avoid tests that depend on earlier tests or are otherwise interrelated. Tests should be as atomic and isolated as possible.
  • If the test requires the use of other subsystems, consider writing stubs or mocks of those subsystems that simulate the modules’ behavior so that changes in loosely related code don’t cause the test to fail.
  • Ask your code reviewers to look at your unit tests as well. When you do a code review, tell the other engineer where you think additional tests could be added.

As you will see later in this chapter, unit tests are usually very small and simple pieces of code. In most cases, writing a single unit test will take only a few minutes, making them one of the most productive uses of your time.

Run the Tests

When you’re done writing a test, you should run it right away before the anticipation of the results becomes too much to bear. The joy of a screen full of passing unit tests shouldn’t be minimized. For most programmers, this is the easiest way to see quantitative data that declares your code useful and correct.

Even if you adopt the methodology of writing tests before writing code, you should still run the tests immediately after they are written. This way, you can prove to yourself that the tests fail initially. Once the code is in place, you have tangible data that shows that it accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish.

It’s unlikely that every test you write will have the expected result the first time. In theory, if you are writing tests before writing code, all of your tests should fail. If one passes, either the code magically appeared or there is a problem with the test. If the code is done and tests still fail (some would say that if tests fail, the code is actually not done), there are two possibilities: the code could be wrong, or the tests could be wrong.

Running unit tests must be automated. This can be done in several ways. One option is to have a dedicated system that automatically runs all unit tests after every continuous integration build, or at least once a night. Such a system must send out e-mails to notify developers when unit tests are failing. Another option is to set up your local development environment so that unit tests are executed every time you compile your code. For this, unit tests should be kept small and very efficient. If you do have longer-running unit tests, put these separate, and let these be tested by a dedicated test system.

Unit Testing in Action

Now that you’ve read about unit testing in theory, it’s time to actually write some tests. The following example draws on the object pool implementation from Chapter 25. As a brief recap, the object pool is a class that can be used to avoid excessive object creation. By keeping track of already-created objects, the pool acts as a broker between code that needs a certain type of object and such objects that already exist.

The interface for the ObjectPool class is as follows; consult Chapter 25 for all the details.

template <typename T>
class ObjectPool
        ObjectPool() = default;
        virtual ~ObjectPool() = default;

        // Prevent assignment and pass-by-value
        ObjectPool(const ObjectPool<T>& src) = delete;
        ObjectPool<T>& operator=(const ObjectPool<T>& rhs) = delete;

        // The type of smart pointer returned by acquireObject().
        using Object = std::shared_ptr<T>;

        // Reserves and returns an object for use.
        Object acquireObject();

        // Stores the objects that are not currently in use by clients.
        std::queue<std::unique_ptr<T>> mFreeList;

Introducing the Microsoft Visual C++ Testing Framework

Microsoft Visual C++ comes with a built-in testing framework. The advantage of using a unit testing framework is that it allows the developer to focus on writing tests instead of dealing with setting up tests, building logic around tests, and gathering results. The following discussion is written for Visual C++ 2017.

To get started with the Visual C++ Testing Framework, you have to create a test project. The following steps explain how to test the ObjectPool class:

  1. Start Visual C++, create a new project, select Visual C++ ➪ Test ➪ Native Unit Test Project, give the project a name, and click OK.
  2. The wizard creates a new test project, which includes a file called unittest1.cpp. Select this file in the Solution Explorer and delete it, because you will add your own files.
  3. Add empty files called ObjectPoolTest.h and ObjectPoolTest.cpp to the newly created test project.
  4. Add an #include "stdafx.h" as the first line in ObjectPoolTest.cpp. (This line is required for the precompiled header feature of Visual C++.)

Now you are ready to start adding unit tests to the code.

The most common way is to divide your unit tests into logical groups of tests, called test classes. You will now create a test class called ObjectPoolTest. The basic code in ObjectPoolTest.h for getting started is as follows:

#pragma once
#include <CppUnitTest.h>


This code defines a test class called ObjectPoolTest, but the syntax is a bit different compared to standard C++. This is so that the framework can automatically discover all the tests.

If you need to perform any tasks that need to happen prior to running the tests defined in a test class, or to perform any cleanup after the tests have been executed, then you can implement an initialize method and a cleanup method. Here is an example:


Because the tests for ObjectPool are relatively simple and isolated, empty definitions will suffice for setUp() and tearDown(), or you can simply remove them altogether. If you do need them, the beginning stage of the ObjectPoolTest.cpp source file is as follows:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ObjectPoolTest.h"

void ObjectPoolTest::setUp() { }
void ObjectPoolTest::tearDown() { }

That’s all the initial code you need to start developing unit tests.

Writing the First Test

Because this may be your first exposure to the Visual C++ Testing Framework, or to unit tests at large, the first test will be a very simple one. It tests whether 0 < 1.

An individual unit test is just a method of a test class. To create a simple test, add its declaration to the ObjectPoolTest.h file:


        TEST_METHOD(testSimple);  // Your first test!

The implementation of this test uses Assert::IsTrue(), defined in the Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework namespace, to perform the actual test. In this case, the test claims that 0 is less than 1. Here is the updated ObjectPoolTest.cpp file:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ObjectPoolTest.h"

using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework;

void ObjectPoolTest::setUp() { }
void ObjectPoolTest::tearDown() { }

void ObjectPoolTest::testSimple()
    Assert::IsTrue(0 < 1);

That’s it. Of course, most of your unit tests will do something a bit more interesting than a simple assert. As you will see, the common pattern is to perform some sort of calculation, and then assert that the result is the value you expect. With the Visual C++ Testing Framework, you don’t even need to worry about exceptions; the framework catches and reports them as necessary.

Building and Running Tests

Build your solution by clicking Build ➪ Build Solution, and open the Test Explorer (Test ➪ Windows ➪ Test Explorer), shown in Figure 26-4.

After having built the solution, the Test Explorer automatically displays all discovered unit tests. In this case, it displays the testSimple unit test. You can run the tests by clicking the “Run All” link in the upper-left corner of the window. When you do that, the Test Explorer shows whether the unit tests succeed or fail. In this case, the single unit test succeeds, as shown in Figure 26-5.

If you modify the code to assert that 1 < 0, the test fails, and the Test Explorer reports the failure, as shown in Figure 26-6.







The lower part of the Test Explorer window displays useful information related to the selected unit test. In case of a failed unit test, it tells you exactly what failed. In this case, it says that an assertion failed. There is also a stack trace that was captured at the time the failure occurred. You can click the hyperlinks in that stack trace to jump directly to the offending line—very useful for debugging.

Negative Tests

You can write negative tests, tests that do something that should fail. For example, you can write a negative test to test that a certain method throws an expected exception. The Visual C++ Testing Framework provides the Assert::ExpectException() function to handle expected exceptions. For example, the following unit test uses ExpectException() to execute a lambda expression that throws an std::invalid_argument exception. The template type parameter for ExpectException() specifies the type of exception to expect.

void ObjectPoolTest::testException()
        []{throw std::invalid_argument("Error"); },
        L"Unknown exception caught.");

Adding the Real Tests

Now that the framework is all set up and a simple test is working, it’s time to turn your attention to the ObjectPool class and write some code that actually tests it. All of the following tests will be added to ObjectPoolTest.h and ObjectPoolTest.cpp, just like the earlier initial test.

First, copy the ObjectPool.h header file next to the ObjectPoolTest.h file you created, and then add it to the project.

Before you can write the tests, you’ll need a helper class to use with the ObjectPool class. The ObjectPool creates objects of a certain type and hands them out to the caller as requested. Some of the tests will need to check if a retrieved object is the same as a previously retrieved object. One way to do this is to create a pool of serial objects—objects that have a monotonically increasing serial number. The following code shows the Serial.h header file defining such a class:

#include <cstddef>  // For size_t

class Serial
        size_t getSerialNumber() const;
        static size_t sNextSerial;
        size_t mSerialNumber;

And here are the implementations in Serial.cpp:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Serial.h"

size_t Serial::sNextSerial = 0;  // The first serial number is 0.

    : mSerialNumber(sNextSerial++) // A new object gets the next serial number.

size_t Serial::getSerialNumber() const
    return mSerialNumber;

Now, on to the tests! As an initial sanity check, you might want a test that creates an object pool. If any exceptions are thrown during creation, the Visual C++ Testing Framework will report an error:

void ObjectPoolTest::testCreation()
    ObjectPool<Serial> myPool;

Don’t forget to add a TEST_METHOD(testCreation); statement to the header file. This holds for all subsequent tests as well. You also need to add an include for "ObjectPool.h" and for "Serial.h" to the ObjectPoolTest.cpp source file.

A second test, testAcquire(), tests a specific piece of public functionality: the ability of the ObjectPool to give out an object. In this case, there is not much to assert. To prove validity of the resulting Serial reference, the test asserts that its serial number is greater than or equal to zero:

void ObjectPoolTest::testAcquire()
    ObjectPool<Serial> myPool;
    auto serial = myPool.acquireObject();
    Assert::IsTrue(serial->getSerialNumber() >= 0);

The next test is a bit more interesting. The ObjectPool should not give out the same Serial object twice (unless it is released back to the pool). This test checks the exclusivity property of the ObjectPool by retrieving a number of objects from the pool. The retrieved objects are stored in a vector to make sure they aren’t automatically released back to the pool at the end of each for loop iteration. If the pool is properly dishing out unique objects, none of their serial numbers should match. This implementation uses the vector and set containers from the Standard Library. Consult Chapter 17 for details if you are unfamiliar with these containers. The code is written according to the AAA principle: Arrange, Act, Assert; the test first sets up everything for the test to run, then does some work (retrieving a number of objects from the pool), and finally asserts the expected result (all serial numbers are different).

void ObjectPoolTest::testExclusivity()
    ObjectPool<Serial> myPool;
    const size_t numberOfObjectsToRetrieve = 10;
    std::vector<ObjectPool<Serial>::Object> retrievedSerials;
    std::set<size_t> seenSerialNumbers;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsToRetrieve; i++) {
        auto nextSerial = myPool.acquireObject();

        // Add the retrieved Serial to the vector to keep it 'alive',
        // and add the serial number to the set.

    // Assert that all retrieved serial numbers are different.
    Assert::AreEqual(numberOfObjectsToRetrieve, seenSerialNumbers.size());

The final test (for now) checks the release functionality. Once an object is released, the ObjectPool can give it out again. The pool shouldn’t create additional objects until it has recycled all released objects.

The test first retrieves ten Serial objects from the pool, stores them in a vector to keep them alive, records the serial number of the last retrieved Serial, and finally clears the vector to return all retrieved objects back to the pool.

The second phase of the test again retrieves ten objects from the pool and stores them in a vector to keep them alive. All these retrieved objects must have a serial number less than or equal to the last serial number retrieved during the first phase of the test. After retrieving ten objects, one additional object is retrieved. This object should have a new serial number.

Finally, two assertions assert that all ten objects were recycled, and that the eleventh object had a new serial number.

void ObjectPoolTest::testRelease()
    ObjectPool<Serial> myPool;
    const size_t numberOfObjectsToRetrieve = 10;

    std::vector<ObjectPool<Serial>::Object> retrievedSerials;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsToRetrieve; i++) {
        // Add the retrieved Serial to the vector to keep it 'alive'.
    size_t lastSerialNumber = retrievedSerials.back()->getSerialNumber();
    // Release all objects back to the pool.

    // The above loop has created ten Serial objects, with serial
    // numbers 0-9, and released all ten Serial objects back to the pool.

    // The next loop first again retrieves ten Serial objects. The serial
    // numbers of these should all be <= lastSerialNumber.
    // The Serial object acquired after that should have a new serial number.

    bool wronglyNewObjectCreated = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsToRetrieve; i++) {
        auto nextSerial = myPool.acquireObject();
        if (nextSerial->getSerialNumber() > lastSerialNumber) {
            wronglyNewObjectCreated = true;

    // Acquire one more Serial object, which should have a serial
    // number > lastSerialNumber.
    auto anotherSerial = myPool.acquireObject();
    bool newObjectCreated =
        (anotherSerial->getSerialNumber() > lastSerialNumber);


If you add all these tests and run them, the Test Explorer should look like Figure 26-7. Of course, if one or more tests fail, you are presented with the quintessential issue in unit testing: is it the test or the code that is broken?

Debugging Tests

The Visual C++ Testing Framework makes it easy to debug unit tests that are failing. The Test Explorer shows a stack trace captured at the time a unit test failed, containing hyperlinks pointing directly to offending lines.



However, sometimes it is useful to run a unit test directly in the debugger so that you can inspect variables at run time, step through the code line by line, and so on. To do this, you put a breakpoint on some line of code in your unit test. Then, you right-click the unit test in the Test Explorer and click Debug Selected Tests. The testing framework starts running the selected tests in the debugger and breaks at your breakpoint. From then on, you can step through the code however you want.

Basking in the Glorious Light of Unit Test Results

The tests in the previous section should have given you a good idea of how to start writing professional-quality tests for real code. It’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. The previous examples should help you think of additional tests that you could write for the ObjectPool class. For example, you should include a test that acquires and releases objects multiple times, and tests whether such objects are properly recycled.

There is no end to the number of unit tests you could write for a given piece of code, and that’s the best thing about unit tests. If you find yourself wondering how your code might react to a certain situation, that’s a unit test. If a particular aspect of your subsystem seems to be presenting problems, increase unit test coverage of that particular area. Even if you simply want to put yourself in the client’s shoes to see what it’s like to work with your class, writing unit tests is a great way to get a different perspective.


While unit tests are the best first line of defense against bugs, they are only part of the larger testing process. Higher-level tests focus on how pieces of the product work together, as opposed to the relatively narrow focus of unit tests. In a way, higher-level tests are more challenging to write because it’s less clear what tests need to be written. Still, you cannot really claim that the program works until you have tested how its pieces work together.

Integration Tests

An integration test covers areas where components meet. Unlike a unit test, which generally acts on the level of a single class, an integration test usually involves two or more classes. Integration tests excel at testing interactions between two components, often written by two different programmers. In fact, the process of writing an integration test often reveals important incompatibilities in designs.

Sample Integration Tests

Because there are no hard-and-fast rules to determine what integration tests you should write, some examples might help you get a sense of when integration tests are useful. The following scenarios depict cases where an integration test is appropriate, but they do not cover every possible case. Just as with unit tests, over time you will refine your intuition for useful integration tests.

A JSON-Based File Serializer

Suppose that your project includes a persistence layer that is used to save certain types of objects to disk and to read them back in. The hip way to serialize data is to use the JSON format, so a logical breakdown of components might include a JSON conversion layer sitting on top of a custom file API. Both of these components can be thoroughly unit tested. The JSON layer can have unit tests that ensure that different types of objects are correctly converted to JSON and populated from JSON. The file API can have tests that read, write, update, and delete files on disk.

When these modules start to work together, integration tests are appropriate. At the very least, you should have an integration test that saves an object to disk through the JSON layer, then reads it back in and does a comparison to the original. Because the test covers both modules, it is a basic integration test.

Readers and Writers to a Shared Resource

Imagine a program that contains a data structure shared by different components. For example, a stock-trading program can have a queue of buy-and-sell requests. Components related to receiving stock transaction requests can add orders to the queue, and components related to performing stock trades can take data off the queue. You can unit test the heck out of the queue class, but until it is tested with the actual components that will be using it, you really don’t know if any of your assumptions are wrong.

A good integration test uses the stock request components and the stock trade components as clients of the queue class. You can write some sample orders and make sure that they successfully enter and exit the queue through the client components.

Wrapper around a Third-Party Library

Integration tests do not always need to occur at integration points in your own code. Many times, integration tests are written to test the interaction between your code and a third-party library.

For example, you may be using a database connection library to talk to a relational database system. Perhaps you built an object-oriented wrapper around the library that adds support for connection caching or provides a friendlier interface. This is a very important integration point to test because, even though the wrapper probably provides a more useful interface to the database, it introduces possible misuse of the original library.

In other words, writing a wrapper is a good thing, but writing a wrapper that introduces bugs is going to be a disaster.

Methods of Integration Testing

When it comes to actually writing integration tests, there is often a fine line between integration and unit tests. If a unit test is modified so that it touches another component, is it suddenly an integration test? In a way, the answer is moot because a good test is a good test, regardless of the type of test. I recommend that you use the concepts of integration and unit testing as two approaches to testing, but avoid getting caught up in labeling the category of every single test.

In terms of implementation, integration tests are often written by using a unit testing framework, further blurring their distinction. As it turns out, unit testing frameworks provide an easy way to write a yes/no test and produce useful results. Whether the test is looking at a single unit of functionality or the intersection of two components hardly makes a difference from the framework’s point of view.

However, for performance and organizational reasons, you may want to attempt to separate unit tests from integration tests. For example, your group may decide that everybody must run integration tests before checking in new code, but be a bit laxer on running unrelated unit tests. Separating the two types of tests also increases the value of results. If a test failure occurs within the JSON class tests, it will be clear that it’s a bug in that class, not in the interaction between that class and the file API.

System Tests

System tests operate at an even higher level than integration tests. These tests examine the program as a whole. System tests often make use of a virtual user that simulates a human being working with the program. Of course, the virtual user must be programmed with a script of actions to perform. Other system tests rely on scripts or a fixed set of inputs and expected outputs.

Much like unit and integration tests, an individual system test performs a specific test and expects a specific result. It is not uncommon to use system tests to make sure that different features work in combination with one another.

In theory, a fully system-tested program would contain a test for every permutation of every feature. This approach quickly grows unwieldy, but you should still make an effort to test many features in combination. For example, a graphics program could have a system test that imports an image, rotates it, performs a blur filter, converts it to black and white, and then saves it. The test would compare the saved image to a file that contains the expected result.

Unfortunately, few specific rules can be stated about system tests because they are highly dependent on the actual application. For applications that process files with no user interaction, system tests can be written much like unit and integration tests. For graphical programs, a virtual user approach may be best. For server applications, you might need to build stub clients that simulate network traffic. The important part is that you are actually testing real use of the program, not just a piece of it.

Regression Tests

Regression testing is more of a testing concept than a specific type of test. The idea is that once a feature works, developers tend to put it aside and assume that it will continue to work. Unfortunately, new features and other code changes often conspire to break previously working functionality.

Regression tests are often put in place as a sanity check for features that are, more or less, complete and working. If the regression test is well written, it will cease to pass when a change is introduced that breaks the feature.

If your company has an army of quality-assurance testers, regression testing may take the form of manual testing. The tester acts as a user would and goes through a series of steps, gradually testing every feature that worked in the previous release. This approach is thorough and accurate if carefully performed, but is not particularly scalable.

At the other extreme, you could build a completely automated system that performs each function as a virtual user. This would be a scripting challenge, though several commercial and noncommercial packages exist to ease the scripting of various types of applications.

A middle ground is known as smoke testing. Some tests will only test a subset of the most important features that should work. The idea is that if something is broken, it should show up right away. If smoke tests pass, they could be followed by more rigorous manual or automated testing. The term smoke testing was introduced a long time ago, in electronics. After a circuit was built, with different components like vacuum tubes, resistors, and so on, the question was, “Is it assembled correctly?” A solution was to “plug it in, turn it on, and see if smoke comes out.” If smoke came out, the design might be wrong, or the assembly might be wrong. By seeing what part went up in smoke, the error could be determined.

Some bugs are like nightmares: they are both terrifying and recurring. Recurring bugs are frustrating and a poor use of engineering resources. Even if, for some reason, you decide not to write a suite of regression tests, you should still write regression tests for bugs that you fix.

By writing a test for a bug fix, you both prove that the bug is fixed and set up an alert that is triggered if the bug ever comes back (for example, if your change is rolled back or otherwise undone, or if two branches are not merged correctly into the main development branch). When a regression test of a previously fixed bug fails, it should be easy to fix because the regression test can refer to the original bug number and describe how it was fixed the first time.


As a software engineer, your role in testing may range anywhere from basic unit testing responsibility to complete management of an automated test system. Because testing roles and styles vary so much, here are several tips from my experience that may help you in different testing situations:

  • Spend some time designing your automated test system. A system that runs constantly throughout the day will detect failures quickly. A system that sends e-mails to engineers automatically, or sits in the middle of the room loudly playing show tunes when a failure occurs, will result in increased visibility of problems.
  • Don’t forget about stress testing. Even if a full suite of unit tests passes for your database access class, it could still fall down when used by several dozen threads simultaneously. You should test your product under the most extreme conditions it could face in the real world.
  • Test on a variety of platforms or a platform that closely mirrors the customer’s system. One method of testing on multiple operating systems is to use a virtual machine environment that allows you to run several different operating systems on the same physical machine.
  • Some tests can be written to intentionally inject faults in a system. For example, you could write a test that deletes a file while it is being read, or that simulates a network outage during a network operation.
  • Bugs and tests are closely related. Bug fixes should be proven by writing regression tests. A comment with a test could refer to the original bug number.
  • Don’t remove tests that are failing. When a co-worker is slaving over a bug and finds out you removed tests, he will come looking for you.

The most important tip I can give you is to remember that testing is a part of software development. If you agree with that and accept it before you start coding, it won’t be quite as unexpected when the feature is finished, but there is still more work to do to prove that it works.


This chapter covered the basic information that all professional programmers should know about testing. Unit testing in particular is the easiest and most effective way to increase the quality of your own code. Higher-level tests provide coverage of use cases, synchronicity between modules, and protection against regressions. No matter what your role is with regard to testing, you should now be able to confidently design, create, and review tests at various levels.

Now that you know how to find bugs, it’s time to learn how to fix them. To that end, Chapter 27 covers techniques and strategies for effective debugging.


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