Access 2010

databases, 4, 512, 739, 740

new features, 655

reporting against SharePoint data, 738741, 744

SharePoint lists, 126

Access Control, Windows Azure AppFabric, 753

Access Services

new features, 4, 654655

reporting against SharePoint data, 738741, 744

Reporting Services, 738

actions, RM, 313

Active Directory (AD), 50, 51, 210, 211, 213, 273, 287, 503, 741, 746, 762

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), 300, 751, 753

activity feeds, 6, 221, 223, 226228

ActivityId, BCS filter, 518

AD. See Active Directory

Add Event Receiver, 343, 350, 365, 370, 599

AddContentTypeField, 61

adding data, LINQ, 142144

Additional Information field, 394, 395, 396, 399

Address field, 396, 408

AddSortOrder, 264

ADFS. See Active Directory Federation Services

Administrative OM, 254, 292293

ADO.NET Data Services, 164, 165, 168, 185, 412

advanced debugging, 43

Advanced Form Templates category, 404

Advanced Search Box, 242, 262

AdventureWorks sample database. See also BI;

Training Management application

deployment, 657658

download, 656657

AdventureWorksWFs project. See also Create

Training site; Training approval workflow

AdventureWorksWFs.dll, 598, 611

AdventureWorksWFsFeature, 599

creation, 595

reference, 611612

after approval process, Training approval workflow, 589590

AfterTaskProperties, 627

AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management International), 303

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML), 3, 86, 87, 90, 113, 176

Ajax Content Delivery Network, 168

AJAX-enabled web part, 702

ALM (application lifecycle management), 54

Alternate Email textbox, 406, 408

AlternateCSSUrl, 88

Analysis Services (SQL Server Analysis Services, SSAS)

cubes, 669, 741

dashboard datasource, 687, 688

defined, 654

Dynamic Sets, 676, 677

KPIs, 690

ODC file, 663666

Andrew, Paul, 772

Andrew Connell's blog, 772

anonymous access, to reports, 705

AnyCPU, 41

API block list, 178

AppFabric, Windows Azure, 752, 753

application definition file, 269

application lifecycle management (ALM), 54

Application Page template, 39

application pool identity, 665, 684, 704

Application Server layer

Excel Services, 662663

PerformancePoint Services, 683684

applications, search product lineup, 235236

ApplyElementManifest, 61

approval workflows. See also Training approval workflow

editable, 30, 31

Pages library, 331

reusable, 27

ApprovalFT content type, 608609

Approvers permission group, 331


BCS, 496505

BDC service application, 498

Excel Services, 662663

FAST Search, 253254

information architecture hierarchy, 329330

PerformancePoint Services, 683685

Reporting Services

connected mode, 654, 703707

local mode, 654, 702703

Ribbon user interface, 91

Sandbox Solutions, 78

search (Enterprise Search), 249258

social search, 287288

Arpan Shah's blog, 772


Application Page template, 39

claims-based authentication, 75

content placeholders, 361

F5 debugging, 42

forms, 15, 39

list forms, 392, 393

Model-View-Controller, 49

Page Layout creation, 356, 357

provider model, navigation, 366, 369, 370

WCF Connector, 512

web services, 513515

ASPX forms, 39, 393, 401, 532, 628631, 632, 650

Association Editor, 551, 553

Association for Information and Image Management International (AIIM), 303

association forms, 591, 650

Association and Initiation Form parameters, 584585

Training approval workflow, 591592

Association to Content Type button, 592

AssociationNavigator, 516, 520, 551553, 573575

associations, 527531

entities, .NET Assembly Connectors, 550553

one-to-many, 528529

reverse, 531

self-referential, 529531

Training approval workflow/Training content type, 592593, 609, 611, 616, 617619, 621

Associator, 553

Astoria, 164

asynchronous. See also ECMAScript; Silverlight

events, 130, 133

.NET client OM, 158159

Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. See Ajax

@ character, 382

@ variable, 382, 383

ATOM, 3, 164, 165

Auditing and Reporting feature, 304, 308309



BI solutions and, 741743

SharePoint, 7778

value of, 75

when to use, 75

claims-based, 7477

client OM, 150

dashboard datasource, 688689

Excel Services, 663665

forms-based, 75, 76, 150, 201, 746

Kerberos, 75, 653, 665, 683, 689, 704, 742, 743

NTLM, 75, 195, 201

Office 365, 762765

Reporting Services connected mode, 704

search, 292293

SSS, 502505, 665, 756758

unattended service account

dashboard datasource, 688689

Excel Services, 665668

PerformancePoint Services, 684685

Windows, 75, 76, 77, 150, 195, 502, 665, 689, 704, 742

Windows Phone 7 application, 201206

Authentication Mode setting, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

AuthenticationMode, 151, 509, 512


Excel workbooks, 661, 668677

reports, 709712

authoritative tagging, 480

authorizedType, 600, 601, 650

auto classification, 293, 294

“Automatically retrieve data when form is opened”

option, 409, 410, 412

Available Form Templates, 404

AvailableContentTypes, 352


components, 752

overview, 16, 752753

SQL Azure, 752753

ECT permissions, 759760

firewall rules, 755756

SharePoint Online integration, 761

SharePoint On-Premises integration, 754760

SSS entry, 756758

Windows Azure, 752

AppFabric, 752, 753

Connect, 754

developer tools, 754

Traffic Manager, 754

Virtual Network, 754


Bamboo SharePoint blog, 772

bare minimum Master Page, 362, 363

BCS (Business Connectivity Services), 491575.

See also BCS solutions; BDC Metadata Models;


architecture, 496505

basics, 492496

BDC, 497502

Business Data Catalog, 2, 492, 501, 653

connection throttles, 68, 499

CRM v., 491492, 493

defined, 492

external list throttling, 6769

external lists, 531533

external systems, 267, 491493, 497499

filters, 518519

forms, custom, 532533

ASPX, 532

InfoPath, 532533

Meta Man, 510

method stereotypes, 516520

defining filters, 518519

defining properties, 517

parameters, 517518

requirements, 519520

new features, 2

Office 365, 766

package deployment, 505

Professional Business Connectivity Services (Wrox), 492

search connectors, 267268

SPD/BCS integration, 3132

SSS, 502505

WCF, 2

BCS Meta Man, 510

BCS solutions

BDC Metadata Models, 505

client cache, 2, 502, 505, 506


no-code, 493, 535

simple, 493496

custom code, 535, 575

ECTs, 493495

external datasources, 507516

external lists, 495496

search support, 267268, 556559

SQL Server Connector, 508512

BCSSync.exe, 502

BDC (Business Data Connectivity)

BCS architecture, 497502

defined, 492493

understanding, 497502

BDC Metadata Models

Associator method, 553554

BDC Model Explorer, 536537, 541, 542

.bdcm extension, 501, 536

Connection Properties dialog box, 513515

defined, 501, 505

elements, retrieving, 562

executing operations, 563566

Finder method, 526

method stereotypes, 516520

.NET Assembly Connector creation, 538, 539, 541, 543, 547548

OLEDB datasources, 512

packaging considerations, 555

schema file, 506

search support, 556559

service class, 537

SQL Server Connector, 508

StreamAccessor method, 549550

working with, 505507

BDC Model Explorer, 536537, 541, 542

BDC Server Runtime, 502, 543, 561

BDC Server Runtime object model, 559575

defined, 559560

executing operations, 563575

metadata catalog, 561562

namespaces, 560

retrieve elements of BDC Metadata Models, 562

BDC service application

architecture, 198

managing, 498502

throttles, 499500

.bdcm extension, 501, 536

BeforeTaskProperties, 627

BeginInvoke, 158, 161

Best Bets, 245, 247, 260, 261, 262, 266, 282, 284, 298, 299

best practices

capacity/load testing, 5152

declarative logic, 396

developing, SharePoint Online, 747

form design, scalability, 415

form templates, 404

GUID approach, content type IDs, 346347

object change tracking, 145

publishing to form libraries, 424

SPMonitoredScope, 47

BI (business intelligence), 651744. See also Access

Services; Excel Services; PerformancePoint

Services; Reporting Services

"BI for everyone" vision, 653655, 723

claims and, 741743

concepts/terms, 655656

data warehousing, 294, 655

defined, 651

new features, 654655

OLAP, 655656, 668, 679

purpose, 652

search v., 294295

SharePoint/BI integration, 652654

SQL Enterprise Manager, 653

SQL Server, 653

terms/concepts, 655656

traditional, challenges, 651652

voice-of-the-customer scenario, 295296

BI Center site

creation, 658, 669

Reporting Services reports, 707708

BI Center template

customizing, 660

Dashboards Document Library, 659

Data Connections Library, 660, 663, 664, 669, 688, 707, 708, 718, 725

overview, 658660

Report Center v., 653, 658, 659

"BI for everyone" vision, 653655, 723

BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio), 657658, 708709

binary large object files (BLOB), 13. See also remote BLOB storage

binding redirect feature, 60

bit rate throttling, 13, 71

BLOB (binary large object files), 13. See also remote BLOB storage

block/cascade, list relationships, 123125


Andrew Connell's blog, 772

Arpan Shah's blog, 772

Bamboo SharePoint, 772

community resources/help, 772, 411, 448, 588, 601, 646, 689, 701, 705, 706, 709, 716, 723, 741

Eric Harlan's blog, 772

Fabian Williams' blog, 772

Jeremy Thake's blog, 772

Joel Oleson's SharePoint blog, 772

microblogging, 5, 208, 226, 460

new features, 6

Paul Andrew's blog, 772

SharePoint Developer Documentation team blog, 772

SharePoint team blog, 772

site definitions, 228230

Steve Fox's blog, 772

Steve Peschka's blog, 772

bookmarking, social, 6, 13

BPOS (Business Productivity Online Services), 15, 298, 745, 749. See also Office 365;

SharePoint Online

branching, 634635

breadcrumbs, 118, 366, 586

browser-based development content types, 347

site columns, 337338

browsers. See also Internet Explorer

CSS, 12, 53, 391

Firefox, 12, 53, 654, 680, 747

organizational, 7, 8, 208, 223

Safari, 12, 654, 680

to SPD, 33

WCAG, 12, 391

XHTML, 12, 391

Business Data Catalog, 2, 492, 501, 653. See also BCS

Business Data Connectivity Model projects, 535

feature properties, 554555

packaging considerations, 554555

template, 38, 535, 536

Business Data Connectivity Resource Item

template, 39

Business Data web parts, 520, 524, 563

Business Intelligence Development Studio. See BIDS

business parts, Office, 505

Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS), 15, 298, 745, 749. See also SharePoint Online

Button, 90

buttons, Ribbon, 102103, 105106


CA. See Central Administration

CAB file, 3637, 272273, 431

Cache Lifetime setting, 687

cache refresh plans, 729731

Caching, Windows Azure AppFabric, 753

caching reports, 728731

CallExternalMethodActivity, 645647, 650

CALs (client access licenses), 235, 236, 237, 239

CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language)

ASPX forms, 532

feature-based content type development, 347350

LINQ v., 2, 145

queries, 136137, 140, 144145, 154155, 377, 379, 532

site columns, 338, 341342, 343, 344

XSLT views v., 128

capacity testing, 49, 50, 5152

CAS (code access security), 3, 77, 178. See also Sandbox Solutions

Cascade Delete, 2, 734

cascade/block, list relationships, 123125

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS

Central Administration (CA)

BDC service application, 500

database mirroring, 72

HTTP request throttling, 69

SharePoint Online, 16, 750

timer jobs, 336

UPA administration screen, 210212

Change REST URL, 412413

Channel 9, Microsoft, 771

Chart Viewer, 19, 20

Chart web part, 19, 20, 682. See also Excel Services

Checkbox, 90


BI solutions and, 741743

SharePoint, 7778

value of, 75

when to use, 75

claims-based authentication, 7477

Class Library Reference, 378

Click-Once technology, 687

client access licenses (CALs), 235, 236, 237, 239

client cache, 2, 502, 505, 506

client OM (object model)

authentication, 150

content type development, 352354

diagram, 146

DLLs, 148149

EMCAScript, 146148, 159160

groups/users, 157158


CAML queries, 154155

creating/deleting, 155157

namespaces, 148

.NET managed, 146148, 158159

objects, 147, 148

Office 365 authentication, 763765

overview, 3, 136

pros/cons, 136

references, 149

retrieving items from SharePoint, 151152

server OM v., 136, 148

Silverlight, 149, 161163

users/groups, 157158

ClientAccessPolicy.XML, 49, 161, 766

clientaccesspolicy.xml file, 49, 161, 766


methods/properties, 151, 165

object, 150151

clouds. See also Azure; SharePoint Online

hybrid solutions, 752

search and, 298301

services, 1516

Tag Cloud web part, 6, 19, 21

clustering, 7273

cmdlets, 8384. See also PowerShell

CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services), 3, 11

CO. See Content Organizer



BCS solutions, 535, 575

list forms, 401

execution, Sandbox Solutions, 176182

refactoring, 87

upgrading, 5962

code access security (CAS), 3, 77, 178. See also

Sandbox Solutions

Code field, 393, 397, 398, 410, 414

Code View, SharePoint Designer, 356

codebase perspective, search product lineup, 236

code-only workflows, 606

CodePlex, 52, 71, 656, 772

code-separated workflows, 606

collaboration. See social computing

Collaboration Portal, 230. See also enterprise wikis

Collaborative Application Markup Language. See CAML

ColorPicker, 90


column values, uniqueness, 127

managed metadata columns, 482

site columns, 337345

browser-based development, 337338

feature-based development, 338342

object model-based development, 343345

CombinedNavSiteMapProvider, 370

ComboBox, 90

command line

parameters, SPMetal, 137

PowerShell, 83

CommandAction, 93

CommandUIDefinition, 93

communication, workflow development cycle, 579580


search and, 297

SharePoint community help, 772

Community Kit for SharePoint: Development Tools Edition, 772

company portal scenario, SharePoint Online, 749

company research example, 283284

Comparison, BCS filter, 518

compat.browser file, 195

Compatibility View, IE, 446


ECM, 459

records management, 6, 304, 308, 309, 325

Compose Summary tool, 449

composites, search and, 296297

Configure category, search customization, 259

conflicts, LINQ, 142144

connectable Report Viewer web part, 722723

connected mode architecture, Reporting Services, 654, 703707

connected web parts, InfoPath, 451455

connection information, .NET Assembly Connectors, 543544

Connection Properties dialog box, 513515

connection throttles, BCS, 68, 499

connectors, 267274

VS, 270271

BCS solutions, 267268

customizing, 274

deploying, 272273

development, planning for, 273

indexing connectors

creating, 269272

FAST-specific, 268269

model files, 269270

out-of-box, 267269

protocol handlers, 9, 267, 268, 269

search connector framework diagram, 268

FAST Search, 238, 240, 254

features, 9, 268

item-level security, 272

.NET assemblies, 267

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 238, 240, 254, 257

shims, 260

SPD, 270271

SQL, 497

SQL Server Connector, 508512

WCF, 497, 512516

Connell, Andrew, 772

consumption, Excel workbooks, 661

Content by Query web part, 374385

bit rate throttling, 71

custom XSL files, 379384

customization, with XML, 376379

deployment, Visual Studio, 384385

Presentation section, 375, 379384

Query section, 375

content enhancement, search, 288292

content lifecycle, 327330

content management, search, 293294

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS), 3, 11

Content Organizer (CO)

defined, 306, 461, 470471

document routing, 1, 461, 471

Drop Off Library, 471

managing, 471473

recordization, 306

rule creation, 472473

rules, 306, 318323

usage scenarios, 471

content placeholders, 33, 337, 355, 357, 361, 362

Content Query web part, 21, 267, 283, 338

content ratings, 6, 13, 223228

content routing, 470473. See also Content Organizer

Content Settings, Table of Contents web part, 372373

content silos, 267, 298

content stewards, 463, 464, 470, 471, 472, 475, 486

content type syndication, 314, 461, 484, 489

content types, 345354. See also ECTs

ApprovalFT, 608609

browser-based development, 347

client object model-based development, 352354

content type IDs, 345347

defined, 345

digital asset, 13

ECM solutions, 483486

feature-based development, 347350

global, 484

page processing model, 332

published, 484

publishing to, 427428

Registrations form library, 453454

retention schedules, 316318

template, 38

workflows to content type association, 592593

content-processing pipeline, FAST Search, 290291

contextual Ribbon, control tool, 395

contextual search capabilities, FAST Search, 247

contextual tabs/groups, Ribbon, 106110

Contoso Document Center example, 465470

control tool's contextual Ribbon, 395

controls. See also specific controls

fields/groups v., 407

Registration Form template, 406

Ribbon, 8990, 9495

conversational search, 246248

CoreResultsDatasource, 263

CoreResultsDataSourceView, 263, 264

CoreResultsWebPart, 262. See also Search Core Results web part

Correlation ID, 48

correlation tokens, 626, 627

Cost field, 394, 397, 419

CrawlCustomers, 527


crawled properties, 288289

FAST Search, 253257

indexing connectors, 269

online from online, 301

online from on-prem, 300

on-prem from online, 301

on-prem from on-prem, 300

search connectors, 268

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 249252

timestamp-based incremental, 268, 270, 558

Create(), 571572

Create category, search customization, 259

Create Hierarchies button, 335

Create Training Site use case, 578, 601, 624

custom workflow activity

coding, 596598

creation, 594595

deployment, 599601

deployment preparation, 598599

Visual Studio project, 594595

CreateControlsForSummaryView, 190, 191, 193

CreateTask, 588, 625, 627, 632

CreateTask1, 626, 627, 632

CreateTaskWithContentType, 588

CreateTrainingSite, 596597

Creator, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 571572

Credentials, AuthenticationMode, 509

credentials, SSS, 502505, 665, 756758

CRM (customer relationship management), 250, 296, 491492, 493, 624, 641. See also BCS

cross-site scripting (XSS), 79

CRUD operations, 11, 31, 393, 493, 494, 495, 502, 537, 565

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

AlternateCSSUrl, 88

blog site, 229

browsers, 12, 53, 391

CSS3, 172

Master Pages, 89, 361, 362

refactoring, 59, 87

Ribbon user interface, 90

theming infrastructure, 117119, 120

XSL Style Sheets folder v., 379


Analysis Services, 669, 741

defined, 655656

MDX, 656, 675, 676, 688

OLAP, 656, 668

what-if analysis, 677

Current Navigation settings, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373


OptimizedForFirstRequest(), 448449

CurrentNavSiteMapProvider, 370

CurrentUserIgnoreThrottle, 65

custom code

BCS solutions, 535, 575

list forms, 401

custom Document ID provider, 486489

custom error pages, 133134

customer relationship management (CRM), 250, 296, 491492, 493, 624, 641. See also BCS


BI Center template, 660

connectors, 274

connectors, DLLs, 271272

Content by Query web part

custom XSL files, 379384

with XML, 376379

default forms, 128

deployment, VS, 54

Developer Dashboard, 4647

Document Center, 465470

error pages, events, 133134

external list forms, 398

federation, 276277

forms, BCS, 532533

list actions, BCS, 531532

list forms (SharePoint), 392402

navigation, SP object model, 370372

Site Settings, 366369

web parts, 372374


examples, 282286

scenarios, 260

Ribbon user interface, 91110

search (Enterprise Search)

range, 259

top scenarios, 260

user experience, 261267

Training approval workflow, SPD, 581594

user profile, namespaces, 214215

Customize Form, 394, 401


Action, 61


DailyStartUnthrottledPrivileged OperationsHour, 66

DailyStartUnthrottledPrivileged OperationsMinute, 66

DailyUnthrottledPrivilegedOperations Duration, 66

Dashboard Designer, 684, 686687

Dashboard Viewer web part, 654

dashboards. See also PerformancePoint Services

dashboard-style applications, 653654, 682

defined, 683

Developer Dashboard customizing, 4647

debugging, 4448

defined, 5

monitored code sections, 4748

SharePoint Online, 747, 768

turning on, 4446

Internet Sales creating, 687695

datasource, 687688

datasource authentication types, 688689

goal, 687, 689

KPIs, 689691

native reporting, 693694

publishing to SharePoint, 695698

putting everything together, 694695

scorecard, 691692

scorecards v., 683, 744

Trainings Dashboard, 392, 450, 451, 454

Dashboards Document Library, 659

data bars, 714

Data Connection Wizard, 409

Data Connections Library (DCL), 660, 663, 664, 669, 688, 707, 708, 718, 725

data feeds, reports, 723724

Data Form web part, 532

data silos, 300, 301

Data Source Wizard, 410

Data Sync, SQL Azure, 753

data warehousing, 294, 655

data-access technologies, 136172. See also client OM; LINQ

overview, 136

Database Server layer

Excel Services, 662663

PerformancePoint Services, 683684

databases. See also datasources

Access, 4, 512, 739, 740

BCS methods, 520526

mirroring, 7273

Northwind, 755, 756, 760, 766

ODBC, 511512

OLEDB, 512

Oracle, 509511

read-only, 7374

relational databases data warehousing v., 294, 655


SharePoint, 123, 127

snapshots, 73

SQL Azure, 755

SQL Server, 508509

DataColumnRenames, 377, 379

DataContext object, 139140

datasets, shared, 710, 718

DataSourceID, 369


dashboard, 687689

defined, 656

external, BCS solutions, 507516

time intelligence filtering, 698701

Date and Time Picker control, 395, 416

DCL. See Data Connections Library

debugging, 4249

advanced, enabling, 43

Developer Dashboard, 4448

F5, 4243

Fiddler, 53, 146, 447448, 768769

logs, 48

.NET Assembly Connectors, 554

SharePoint Online, 747748, 767769

Silverlight code, 49

tools, 5253

Training approval site workflow, 637640

declarative feature upgrading, 6061

declarative logic, 396

declarative workflows, 176, 583, 592, 599, 605, 606, 625, 650

declared records, 304308

DeclareItemAsRecord, 310

declaring/undeclaring records, 309311

Dedicated version, SharePoint Online, 745746

deep refinement, 240, 246, 266, 282, 299, 301

default fields, SPMetal, 139

default Finder method, 525526

default.master, 89

Delete(), 572573

DeletedSocialComment, 224

DeletedSocialData, 224

DeletedSocialRating, 224

DeletedSocialTag, 224

DeletePreviousDrafts, 313

DeletePreviousVersions, 313

Deleter, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 572573

deleting data, LINQ, 142144

deleting lists, client OM, 155157

Delicious, 6

deployment. See also packaging; publishing

AdventureWorks sample database, 657658

customization, VS, 54

jQuery applications, 168

Office 365, 767769

publishing v., 717

search connectors, 272273

SharePoint Online, 767769

Training approval site workflow, 635637

Training approval workflow, 620623

Deployment Properties dialog box, 718

Description field, 393, 397

descriptive metadata, 479

DeserializeFormData(), 440, 441

Design Checker, 445446

Design View, SharePoint Designer, 356

Designer, InfoPath. See InfoPath

Designers permission group, 331

DesignerSerializationVisibility, 597

Developer Dashboard customizing, 4647

debugging, 4448

defined, 5

monitored code sections, 4748

SharePoint Online, 747, 768

turning on, 4446

developer tools. See tools

development environment setup, 4041, 411, 448, 588, 601, 646, 689, 701, 705, 706, 709, 716, 723, 741

Diagnostic Studio, SharePoint, 5051, 59

dialog framework, 87, 114117

Digg, 6

digital asset management, 1314

bit rate throttling, 13, 71

content ratings, 6, 13, 223228

image property promotion, 14

remote BLOB storage, 1314, 41, 71, 752

dimensions, 655656

Disassociator, 553

DispForm.aspx, 393

displayinf.aspx, 399

Dispose(), 52, 53, 150

distributing Trainings list, 402

<div></div> elements, Master Pages, 362

DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) client OM, 148149

custom connectors, 271272

full-trust proxies, 185, 187

RM in SharePoint, 309

Silverlight, 149, 161

Document Center, 462470

Contoso Document Center example, 465470

creating/customizing, 465470

defined, 460, 462463

document libraries, 473479

enhancements, 463

Records Center, 461, 463

Visual Studio, 464470

document conversion, 386388

Document IDs custom provider, 486489

search web part, 463

Service, 486

unique, 1

document libraries, 473479

default settings, 474

defined, 460

list definition, 478479

manipulation, SharePoint object model, 477

metadata-based navigation, 475476

Visual Studio, 476479

document management, 459489. See also Document Center

Content Management Interoperability Services, 3, 11

Content Organizer defined, 306, 461, 470471

Drop Off Library, 471

managing, 471473

recordization, 306

rule creation, 472473

rules, 306, 318323

usage scenarios, 471


compliance, 459

content types, 483486

new mindset, 460

object model, 460461

overview, 459460

social computing v., 6

WCM v., 327

location-based metadata, 10, 463

metadata views, 910

MMS, 230, 231, 461, 480483, 484, 489

new features, 911, 460461

Document Object Model (DOM), 312, 432

document routing, 10, 461, 471

document sets, 1011, 485486

documentation/help community, 772

Microsoft, 771772

DocumentIdProvider, 486

DocumentRouterAutoFolderSettings properties, 321

DOM (Document Object Model), 312, 432

Domain security level, 429

Drop Off Library, 471

DropDown, 90

dual-boot system, 41

Duplicate Submissions setting, 472


BCS/external systems integration, 491492

duplicate trimming, FQL, 282

duplication detection feature, 299

Dynamic Link Libraries. See DLLs

Dynamic Sets, 676, 677


Easy Setup Script, 41

EBS (external blob storage), 71

ECM (Enterprise Content Management). See also document management; Web Content Management

compliance, 459

content types, 483486

new features, 911, 460461

new mindset, 460

object model, 460461

overview, 459460

social computing v., 6

WCM v., 327

ECMAScript, client OM, 146148, 159160

EcmDocumentRouterRule, 319

EcmDocumentRoutingWeb, 318

ECS (Excel Calculation Services), 662, 742

ECTs (External Content Types) associations, 527531

one-to-many, 528529

reverse, 531

self-referential, 529531

BCS solution, 493495

BCS/SPD integration, 3132

BDC Server Runtime, 502

BDC service application, 500501

external list throttling, 67

Method Details pane, 536, 540, 541, 546

OIR, 502

search connectors, 267

SQL Azure/SharePoint On-Premises integration, 758759

SSS, 503


defined, 304, 308

legal holds, 304, 308, 309

search, 294

Edit Mode, Excel Services, 680681

Edit mode, Excel workbooks, 680681

Edit Site, 33

Edit Training View, 397, 398, 400

Edit View, 397

editable OOB workflows, 3031

EditForm.aspx, 393

editifs.aspx, 399, 400

electronic forms. See forms

element manifest file

Training approval site workflow, 628629

Training approval workflow, 609610

Emergency Contact Name textbox, 406, 407

Emergency Contact Phone Number textbox, 406, 407

EMM (Enterprise Metadata Management), 482

Empty Element template, 39, 341

Empty SharePoint Project template, 38, 338, 340, 343, 350, 370, 487, 595

enableHttpCookieContainer, 203

End Date field, 394, 396, 397

EndInvoke, 158, 159

endpoints, MEX, 514, 515

end-user-visible functionality, social search, 286287

Enrollment Deadline field, 394, 396, 397, 411, 435

Enterprise Content Management. See ECM

Enterprise Content Types, 347

Enterprise Metadata Management (EMM), 482

Enterprise Search. See search

enterprise wikis

enhanced capabilities, 6

Enterprise Wiki sites, 230231, 330

SharePoint Dev, 303, 772

enterprises resource planning (ERP), 250, 491

entities, .NET Assembly Connectors

association, 550553

creation, 538539

Entity Design Surface, 536, 537, 538, 539

entity extraction, 290, 291, 293294, 296

enumerating data, LINQ queries, 140142

Eric Harlan's blog, 772

ERP (enterprises resource planning), 250, 491

error pages, custom, 133134

EstimatedInstanceCount, 507

Event Name drop-down listbox, 406, 409, 410, 411, 414, 419, 421, 422, 446, 451

event receivers, 130135

Add Event Receiver, 343, 350, 365, 370, 599

Event Receiver template, 38

registering, 133

workflow, 649

EventName_Changed, 422423


asynchronous, 130, 133

custom error pages, 133134

enhancements, 130135

event registration feature, 133

impersonation enhancements, 134135

new, 130133

post-synchronous, 133

workflow, 637, 648649, 650

EWA (Excel Web Access) web part, 662, 663, 681682

Excel 2010. See also PivotTables

Named Sets, 675676

PivotCharts, 669671

Show Value feature, 674675

Sparklines, 673674

Visual Slicers, 672

what-if analysis, 677

Excel Calculation Services (ECS), 662, 742

Excel formulas, list validation, 125127

Excel Services, 660682

architecture, 662663

authentication options, 663665

defined, 20

diagram, 660661

Edit Mode, 680681

improvements, 654

PowerPivot, 654, 655, 723, 724, 743

programmability model, 654

Reporting Services v., 701, 708

trusted locations, 677678

unattended service account, 665668

Excel Web Access (EWA) web part, 662, 663, 681682

Excel Web App, 660, 680, 682

Excel workbooks

authoring, 661, 668677

configuration settings, 677678

consumption, 661

defined, 662

editing, 680681

PivotTable, 669671

Named Sets, 675676

Show Value feature, 674675

Sparklines, 673674

Visual Slicers, 672

what-if analysis, 677

publishing to Excel Services, 677682

trusted locations, 677678

exceptions, workflows, 637

Exchange Web Services, 260

ExecuteQuery method, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157

executeQueryAsync, 150, 151

execution account, Reporting Services, 705707

expertise search, 7, 89, 237, 248, 253, 286, 297, 299

expiration, 304. See also retention


conversational search, 246248

search refinements, 245246

Export BDC Model dialog box, 506

Expression Blend, 71, 195, 196, 199200

Extend category, search customization, 259

Extensible Stylesheet Language. See XSL external blob storage (EBS), 71

External Content Types. See ECTs external data access, Sandbox Solutions, 178

External Data Exchange, 623, 641, 650

external datasources, BCS solutions, 507516

external list forms, 398

external list throttling, 6769

external lists. See also lists

BCS, 531533

creating, 31, 495496

defined, 493

InfoPath, 398

lists v., 398, 493

REST, 168

Sandbox Solutions, 178

external systems. See also BCS

BCS, 267, 491493, 497499

crawling, 269

extranets, Office 365, 749


F5 debugging, 4243

Fabian Williams' blog, 772

Facebook, 6, 7, 207, 208, 226, 296, 297, 753

failover, 7273, 252, 300, 754

farm solutions, SharePoint Online, 746

FAST Content SSA, 253, 254

FAST farm, 253254

FAST Query Language (FQL), 239, 280, 281, 282, 284

FAST Query SSA, 253, 254

FAST Search (FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint, FS4SP), 238239

architecture, 253254

capabilities, 240

codebase, 236

content-processing pipeline, 290291

conversational search, 246248

crawling, 253257

entity extraction, 290, 291, 293294, 296

indexing connectors, 268269

integration, 9

licensing variants, 239

new features, 9

Office 365, 298

refinement/exploration, 246

relevancy tuning, 247

scaling, 254258

search products diagram, 235

SharePoint Server 2010 Search v., 239241, 253

SSAs, 253254

stack, 279

summary, 301

synonyms, 248

topology, 253254

virtual environment, 257258

visual cues, 244246

web parts, 266267

fault handlers, workflows, 637639

Feature definition file, Training approval workflow, 607608

feature dependency, 349350, 352

Feature Designer, 3536, 340, 343, 349, 350, 370, 599, 613, 614

Feature folder, 340

feature properties

Business Data Connectivity Model projects, 554555

defined, 554

FeatureActivated, 343, 344, 351, 365, 464

feature-based development content types, 347350

site columns, 338342

FeatureDeactivating, 184, 344, 351, 365, 464

FeatureInstalled, 464

feature's scope, 340

FeatureUninstalling, 464

FeatureUpgrading, 61, 62, 464

Federated Results web part, 262, 266

federation, 274278

considerations, 277278

customization examples, 276277

design patterns, 277

Federated Search object model, 253, 259, 279280

indexing v., 274

OpenSearch, 249, 253, 274, 275276, 277278, 279, 301

Feed Reading View, 164, 412

FeedbackData, 224

Fiddler, 53, 146, 447448, 768769

fields. See also specific fields

defined, 407

SPMetal, 139

Training content type, 579

Trainings (custom list), 393394

Fields to Display section, Content by Query, 376

file formats, content-processing pipeline, 290

FileStream technology, 13, 14, 71

Filter Configuration dialog box, 521

FilterDescriptor elements, 518


BCS, 518519

document libraries, 475476

iFilters, 250, 290, 567

Label Filtering, 671

method stereotypes, 518519

property filters, 243, 281282, 283

time intelligence filtering, 698701

FindAssociated(), 573

Finder methods, 516, 537


databases, 520522

.NET Assembly Connectors, 540541

default, 525526

executing, BDC Server Runtime object model, 566569

modeling, 522525

FindFiltered(), 566569

Firebug, 53

Firefox, 12, 53, 654, 680, 747

firewall rules, SQL Azure, 755756

Fixed Values, 690, 691

Fluent UI, 221, 390, 395

FlyoutAnchor, 90

folder-based information policies, 461, 463

folders, mapping, 3940

folksonomies, 6, 1, 482

forms (ASPX), 39, 393, 401, 532, 628631, 632, 650

forms (InfoPath), 389458. See also InfoPath; list forms

anatomy, 431436

association forms, 591, 650

Association and Initiation Form parameters, 584585

Training approval workflow, 591592

BCS, 532533

customized, lists, 128

Fiddler tool, 447448

IE Developer Tools, 446447

initiation forms, 591, 650

ASPX, 628631, 632, 650

Association and Initiation Form parameters, 584585

Training approval workflow, 591592

new features, 15

publishing, 424428

Rule Inspector, 444445

Sandbox Solutions, 430431

scalability, 415

search/forms composite, 296, 297

security, 429

submit capability, 414416

task, Training approval workflow, 591592

tiny inline tools, 448449

form libraries

creating, 403

defined, 403

Registrations form library content type added, 453454

creation, 402403

event handler, 436437, 443

IE Developer Tools, 446

overview, 392

publishing to, 424428

form templates

categories, 404

designing, 404408

Registration Form template controls, 406

designing, 404408

page layout, 405

publishing, 424427

section layout, 406

themes, 407

Form3.dll, 435

Forms Services, InfoPath, 4, 5, 176, 390, 391, 443, 445, 447, 448, 452, 614

FormsAuthenticationLoginInfo, 151

forms-based authentication, 75, 76, 150, 201, 746

formula editor, Access, 126

formulas/rules. See rules

Fox, Steve, 772

FQL. See FAST Query Language

frameElement, 117

FS4SP. See FAST Search

Full Trust security level, 429

full-trust proxies, Sandbox Solutions, 177, 178, 185188


GAC. See global assembly cache gauge, 714

general-purpose search applications, 239240

GetById(), 562

GetCustomerByRegion, 527

GetEntities(), 562

GetEntity(), 562

GetLobSystem(), 562

GetLobSystems(), 562

Get-SPWebApplicationHttpThrottling Monitor, 70

global assembly cache (GAC), 3, 43, 54, 59, 77, 185, 187, 271, 272, 273, 637

global content types, 484

Global Navigation settings, 366367, 368, 370

Global Resources File template, 39

globally reusable workflows, 583, 623, 650

GloballyAvailable, 555, 614

GloballyAvailable property, 555

Groove, 5, 15. See also SharePoint Workspace


contextual, Ribbon, 106110

InfoPath, 407

tabs/groups, Ribbon, 98101

users/groups, client OM, 157158

GUID approach, content type IDs, 346347


HA. See high availability

HandleExternalEvent, 645647, 650

happy hours feature, 65, 66, 734, 738

Harlan, Eric, 772

health analyzer, 80

health monitoring, 7980, 292


community, 772

Microsoft, 771772

Hex approach, content type IDs, 346347

HideEventDetailsField, 419, 420, 421


information architecture, 329330

site variations, 335

high availability (HA)

improvements, 7274

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 252

Hive, 39, 179, 702

holds, legal, 304, 308, 309

Holliday, John, 390

HTML5, 3, 172

HTTP request throttling, 6971

hubs, content type syndication, 484

Human Resources. See also Training Management application

Adventure Works, 391, 392, 393, 578, 582

Best Bet, 260

feature-based site column development, 338342

navigation, 367

hybrid solutions, SharePoint Online, 752

Hyper-V, 40



claims-based authentication, 7576

Office 365, 762765

IE. See Internet Explorer

iFilters, 250, 290, 567

iframes, 115, 178

IIS (Internet Information Server), 13, 42, 50, 59, 78, 81, 195, 470, 509, 665, 704

image property promotion, 14

impersonation enhancements, events, 134135

Impersonation Level, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

Import Reusable Workflow template, 38, 583, 605

Import SharePoint Solution Package template, 38

Import .wsp Project Template, 469

importing workflows, to Visual Studio, 604622, 650

Include statements, nesting, 153154

incorrect metadata, 289290

incremental stat counter use case, 391, 436443

IncrementalUpdate, 555

IncrementCounter, 442

indexing. See also federation

federation v., 274

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 250

indexing connectors creating, 269272

FAST-specific, 268269

model files, 269270

indicator, 715

indices, metadata navigation, 476

inefficient queries, 140141

InfoPath. See also forms connected web parts, 451455

default forms customization, 128

Design Checker, 445446

Designer, 28, 390

external lists, 398

Fiddler tool, 447448

Filler, 390

Forms Services, 4, 5, 176, 390, 391, 443, 445, 447, 448, 452, 614

groups, 407

history, 389390

IE Developer Tools, 446447

mashups, 456457

new features, 45, 391

object model, 416, 417, 418, 424

Rule Inspector, 444445

SPD/InfoPath integration, 28

tiny inline tools, 448449

web parts

building, 450457

InfoPath Form, 450451

InfoPath 2007 Form Templates category, 404

information architecture, 329330

information policies, 461, 463

information silos, 233234, 274, 489

initiation forms, 591, 650

ASPX, 628631, 632, 650

Association and Initiation Form parameters, 584585

Training approval workflow, 591592

inline caching, 268, 270

in-place records management, 12, 304305

InsertTable, 90

InsertWebPartIntoWikiPage, 231

Insights, search and, 294296

Instantiation_FormURN, 609

Integrated Scripting Environment, PowerShell, 83


BCS/external systems, 491492

BI/SharePoint, 652655

FAST Search, 9

Reporting Services connected mode architecture, 654, 703707

Reporting Services/SharePoint, 654

search product lineup, 235

service, Windows Azure AppFabric, 753

SharePoint on-premises/Azure, 754760

Silverlight/SharePoint, 2

Solution Explorer, 35

SPD/BCS, 3132

SPD/InfoPath, 28

Visio/workflows, 14, 2829


IntelliTrace, 54, 57

Internet applications, search product lineup, 235236

Internet Explorer (IE) Compatibility View, 446

CSS, 12

developer tools, 53, 446447

Feed Reading View, 164, 412

Post-It-style notes, 207208


Internet Information Server (IIS), 13, 42, 50, 59, 78, 81, 195, 470, 509, 665, 704

Internet resources, RM, 303

Internet Sales dashboard creating, 687695

datasource, 687688

datasource authentication types, 688689

goal, 687, 689

KPIs, 689691

native reporting, 693694

publishing to SharePoint, 695698

putting everything together, 694695

scorecard, 691692

Internet Sales workbook

authoring, 668677

configuration settings, 677678

PivotTable, 669671

Named Sets, 675676

Show Value feature, 674675

Sparklines, 673674

Visual Slicers, 672

what-if analysis, 677

publishing to Excel Services, 677682

trusted locations, 677678

IP_DebugComplexity.ComposeSummary(), 448449

ISAPI, 149, 214, 225, 309, 353, 461, 543, 560, 611

IsInPlaceRecordsEnabled, 310

IsMobileField, 417, 418, 419

ISPScopedPerformanceMonitor, 47

IsThrottled, 66

IsUnthrottledPrivilegedOperationsAllowed, 65

IT enhancements, in SharePoint, 6384

item creation/deletion, client OM, 155157

ItemAdded, 440, 441

item-level security, search connector framework, 272

Items throttle, BDC service application, 499

item-type templates, 37, 39


Java Database Connectivity connector, 268269

JavaScript. See also Ajax; Ribbon user interface client-side OM, 3

debugger, 43, 53

page component, 91, 101105, 107110

refactoring, 87

Ribbon user interface, 90, 91, 93, 96

JavaScript object model (JSOM), 654, 662, 663

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 3, 146, 164, 165, 168

Jeremy Thake's blog, 772

Joel Oleson's SharePoint blog, 772

join functionality, lists, 127128

jQuery, 168172

basics, 168169

deploy applications, 163

functions, 169

jQuery UI, 169170

JSOM (JavaScript object model), 654, 662, 663

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 3, 146, 164, 165, 168


Kerberos, 75, 653, 665, 683, 689, 704, 742, 743

key performance indicators (KPIs), 689691

Keyword Query Language (KQL), 281282, 283

KeywordQueryObject, 264, 265266

KPIs (key performance indicators), 689691

KQL (Keyword Query Language), 281282, 283


Label, 90

Label Filtering, 671

labels, site variations, 333335

Language Integrated Query. See LINQ


content-processing pipeline, 290

language packs, 254, 332, 333, 334

locale v., 334

multilingual scenarios, site variations, 332, 334

multilingual search, 289, 292

site variations, 332337

LastId, BCS filter, 518

LastModifiedTimeStampField, 557, 558

Layout Styles, 407

leaks, memory, 52, 53, 150

legal holds, 304, 308, 309

Level field, 394, 395, 397

libraries. See document libraries; form libraries

library throttling, 64


CALs, 235, 236, 237, 239

FAST, 239

SharePoint Server 2010, 237238

Limit, BCS filter, 518

line-of-business systems, search. See search connectors

linguistics, 289

LinkedIn, 207, 208, 296

LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 136146

adding/updating/deleting data, 142144

CAML queries, 136137, 140, 144145, 154155, 377, 379, 532

CAML v., 2, 145

conflicts, 142144

DataContext object, 139140

object change tracking, turn off, 145

overview, 2, 136

pros/cons, 136

queries, 140142, 155

relational databases, 2

SPMetal, 137140

LINQPad, 146

lists. See also external lists; reporting against SharePoint list data

Access formula editor, 126

client OM

CAML queries, 154155

creating/deleting, 155157

column values, uniqueness, 127

customized default forms, 128

enhancements, 2, 122128

external lists v., 398, 493

importance, 122

LINQ queries, 155

referential integrity, 122, 123, 125, 734

relationships, cacade/block, 123125

retention schedules, 314316

SalesOrderNumbers list, 734739

SPD support, 122123

VS support, 122123

validation, Excel-like formulas, 125127

list definition, document library, 478479

List Definition from Content Type template, 39

List Definition template, 38

List Form web part, 393, 532

list forms (SharePoint) custom code, 401

customizing, 392402

external, 398

form library, 401

List Instance template, 39

list joins, 127128

list throttling, 6469, 122, 476, 734, 736

List View Threshold, 472, 734, 738

ListAdded, 130, 133, 134

ListAdding, 130, 131, 134

ListDeleted, 130

ListDeleting, 130, 131

ListsOverride, 377, 378

LiveID, 762

Load method, 151, 152, 153

load testing, 49, 50, 5152, 54

Load Testing Kit (LTK), 50, 52

LoadQuery method, 151, 153154

LobSystem, 507, 514, 538

LobSystemInstance, 501, 507, 508, 514, 538, 556

local mode architecture, Reporting Services, 654, 702703

locales/languages, 334

Localized Results example, 284285

Location attribute, 92, 94

Location Aware Search example, 285286

location-based metadata, 10, 463

locking down SPD, 3334

Logic Inspector, 444


debugging, 48

shipping, 72, 73

ULS, 48, 50, 637, 703

logToHistoryListActivity, 625, 633, 636, 639, 640, 645, 646, 647

logToHistoryListActivityl, 633, 636

logToHistoryListActivity2, 639

LTK. See Load Testing Kit


managed client object model. See client OM

managed metadata columns, 482

Managed Metadata Service application (MMS), 230, 231, 461, 480483, 484, 489

managed properties, 288289

management improvements, SharePoint 2010, 7984

Management Studio, SQL Server, 657, 658, 735, 752, 753, 755, 756

Manager People Picker control, 406, 417, 433

managing, Sandbox Solutions, 182188

manifest.xsf, 431432

MapFile, 61

mapped folder feature, 184, 598

mapping folders, 3940

mashups, 392, 456457

Master Pages, 361366. See also Page Layouts

bare minimum, 362, 363


SharePoint Designer, 362

Visual Studio, 363365

defined, 361

improvements, 8789

new, 89

page processing model, 331332

setting, in code, 365366

Site, 361, 362, 365

System, 361, 362, 365

MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels, 369

MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation, 65

MaxItemsPerThrottledOperationOverride, 66

MaxItemsPerThrottledOperationWarning Level, 66

MaxQueryLookupFields, 66

MDX (Multidimensional Expressions), 656, 675, 676, 688

measures, 656, 691

media player, skinning, 14, 71

Members group, Publishing framework, 331

memory leaks, 52, 53, 150

Menu, 90

MenuSection, 90

Meta Man, BCS, 510

metadata, 479483. See also BDC Metadata Models;

document management

auto classification, 293, 294

defined, 479

Enterprise Metadata Management, 482

location-based, 10, 463

managed metadata columns, 482

metadata-based navigation, document libraries, 475476

missing/incorrect, 289290

MMS, 230, 231, 461, 480483, 484, 489

search/content management, 293294

social, 479480

types, 479480

views, 910

Metadata Authentication Mode, 514

metadata catalog, BDC Server Runtime object model, 561562

Metadata Connection Mode, Connection Properties dialog box, 514

metadata-exchanged (MEX) endpoints, 514, 515

Method Details pane, 536, 540, 541, 546

Method element, 516517

method stereotypes, 516520

defining filters, 518519

defining properties, 517

parameters, 517518

requirements, 519520

MethodInstance element, 516517, 519

methods, BCS, 516531

AssociationNavigator, 516, 520, 551553, 573575

Creator, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 571572

for databases, 520526

Deleter, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 572573

Finder, 516, 537

creation, databases, 520522

creation, .NET Assembly Connectors, 540541

default, 525526

executing, BDC Server Runtime object model, 566569

modeling, 522525

SpecificFinder, 516, 517, 520, 551, 556, 558, 559, 564

creation, databases, 526

creation, .NET Assembly Connectors, 542

execution, BDC Server Runtime object model, 569570

Updater, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 570571

for web services, 526527

MEX (metadata-exchanged) endpoints, 514, 515

microblogging, 5, 208, 226, 460

Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network, 168

Microsoft authentication sample, Office 365, 763764

Microsoft Business Scorecard Manager, 653

Microsoft Channel 9, 771

Microsoft Sync Framework technologies, 753

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository namespace, 310

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.RecordsRepository.EcmDocumentRoutingWeb, 318

Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions.dll, 595, 611

Microsoft.SharePoint.dll, 340, 560, 595

mindset, ECM, 460

minified files, 87

mini-form templates, 404

minimal.master, 89

minimum feature level, 60

mining expertise, 7, 89, 237, 248, 253, 286, 297, 299

missing metadata, 289290

MMS (Managed Metadata Service application), 230, 231, 461, 480483, 484, 489

mobile adapter

compat.browser file, 195

safe controls, 193195

writing, 188193

mobile devices

mobile view, registration form use case, 416419

solutions, 188206

Windows Phone 7 application, 195206

mobile.xsl, 435

model files, indexing connectors, 269270

ModelFileName, 555


Finder methods, 522525

workflows, Visio, 580581, 650

Model-View-Controller, 49

Model-View-Presenter, 49

Module element, 357, 360, 361, 363, 379, 384, 385

Module template, 38

monitored code sections, Developer Dashboard, 4748


Sandbox Solutions, 179182

workflows, 603604

MOSS. See SharePoint Server 2007

MoveToRecycleBin, 313

MRUSplitButton, 90

MSBuild, 42, 54, 470

MSDN Development Center for SharePoint, 771

MSS. See Search Server 2010

MSSX. See Search Server Express

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), 656, 675, 676, 688

multilingual scenarios, site variations, 332, 334

multilingual search, 289, 292

multiple zones, Reporting Services connected mode, 704705

multi-stage disposition, 12, 305306

My Content page, 221, 222, 223

My Networks page, 221, 222

My Profile page, 221, 222, 223

My Sites, 208, 211212, 221228

myFields, 437439

MySpace, 6, 7


namespaces. See also specific namespaces

BDC Server Runtime object model, 560

client OMs, 148

ECM object model, 462

EMM, 482

SocialData, classes, 224

subject object model, Sandbox Solutions, 177178

user profile customization, 214215

native reporting, Internet Sales dashboard, 693694

natural languages

content-processing pipeline, 290

multilingual search, 289, 292

search, 289

site variations, 332337

navigation, 366374

Current Navigation settings, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373


SharePoint object model, 370372

Site Settings, 366369

web parts, 372374

Editing and Sorting, 366, 368, 370, 373

Global Navigation Settings, 366367, 368, 370

implementation, in Master Page, 369370

metadata views, 910

metadata-based, document libraries, 475476

OLAP, 656

nesting Include statements, 153154

.NET assemblies, 267

.NET Assembly Connectors connection information, 543544

connectors v., 497

creater, updater, deleter methods, 546549

creating, 535554

defined, 535, 575


association, 550553

creation, 538539

Entity Design Surface, 536, 537, 538, 539

Finder, 540541

non-foreign key relationships, 553554

runtime errors, 554

SpecificFinder, 542

StreamAccessor, 549550

testing, 554

validation errors, 554

.NET Framework, 41, 86, 216, 416, 517, 577, 626, 629

.NET object model, 146148, 158159

new mindset, ECM, 460

New Training View, 397, 400

NewForm.asp, 393, 399

newifs.aspx, 399, 400

nickname search, 248, 298, 299

no-code solutions

BCS, 493, 535

farm solutions v. no-code, SharePoint Online, 746

non-foreign key relationships, 553554

Northwind sample database, 755, 756, 760, 766

notes, tags and, 226228

notification area, 110, 113114

NTLM authentication, 75, 195, 201. See also

Windows authentication


object change tracking, 145

object models. See also client OM

BDC Server Runtime, 559575

defined, 559560

executing operations, 563575

metadata catalog, 561562

namespaces, 560

retrieve elements of BDC Metadata Models, 562

Document Object Model (DOM), 312, 432

ECM, 461462

Federated Search, 253, 259, 279280

InfoPath, 416, 417, 418, 424

JSOM, 654, 662, 663

.NET, 146148, 158159

Query Object Model, 241, 250251, 278280

server OM, 136, 148


CAS, 178

content types, 350352

control menu commands, 97

document library manipulation, 477

navigation customization, 370372

Sandbox Solutions, 4

site columns, 343345

subset, Sandbox Solutions, 177178

taxonomy, 482483

object relational model, 538

ODBC datasources, 511512

ODC (Office Data Connection) files, 660, 663668

Office 365, 1516, 749752

authentication/identity, 762765

BCS, 766

debugging, 767769

developer features, 751

extranets, 749

identity/authentication, 762765

limitations, 749

Microsoft authentication sample, 763764

overview, 749750

Sandbox Solution, 765766

search capabilities, 298299

Silverlight connection, 766767

website, 750

Wictor authentication sample, 764765

Office business parts, 505

Office Data Connection files. See ODC files

Office Integration Runtime (OIR), 502

OIR (Office Integration Runtime), 502

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), 655656, 668, 679

OLEDB datasources, 512

Oleson, Joel, 772

OM. See client OM; object models

on approval process, Training approval workflow, 585589

on-demand report execution, 725

OnDemand setting, 45, 46, 47


Page Layouts, 12

Publishing, 426, 695698

one-to-many associations, 528529

onet.xml file, 33, 38, 229230

online. See also SharePoint Online


community, 772

Microsoft, 771772

on-premises/online content, search, 300301

SharePoint On-Premises v., 745747, 750

Online Analytical Processing. See OLAP


online content/on-premises, search, 300301

SharePoint Online v., 745747, 750

SQL Azure/SharePoint On-Premises integration, 754760

OnTaskChanged, 625, 626, 641

OnTaskChangedl, 626, 627, 631, 633, 634

OnWorkflowActivitedl, 625, 632, 646

OOB. See out-of-box

Open in Excel option, 680

Open Snapshot in Excel option, 680

Open with Report Builder option, 724725

OpenSearch, 249, 253, 274, 275276, 277278, 279, 301

OpenXML format, 11

Operation Designer, 507, 508, 520, 528, 531

operators, Content Organizer rules, 320

Oracle databases, 509511

Organization Settings, Table of Contents web part, 373

organizational browser, 7, 8, 208, 223

Organizations section, UPA administration screen, 211

OrgID, 762

Orientation attribute, 369

OSDX file, 276, 277

OuterTemplate.GetSafeLink, 380

OuterTemplate.GetSafeStaticUrl, 380

OuterTemplate.GetTitle, 380


expertise search, 7, 286

social newsfeeds, 7

SPD/BCS integration, 31

SPW, 15

out-of-box (OOB)

developer experience, 1821

editable workflows, 3031

search connectors, 267269

shims, 269, 270


Create(), 571572

FindFiltered(), 567568

FindSpecific(), 569570


PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), 752. See also Azure

Package folder, 340

packaging. See also deployment

BCS, 505

Business Data Connectivity Model projects, 554555

Training approval site workflow, 635637

Training approval workflow, 620623

page component, Ribbon, 101105

page layout, Registration Form template, 405

Page Layouts, 354361. See also Master Pages


SharePoint Designer, 355357

Visual Studio, 357361

defined, 354355

development process, 355

improvements, 8789

one-click, 12

page processing model, 331332

page processing model, 331332

PageNumber, BCS filter, 518

Pages library, 12, 328, 331

parameterization, tests, 5152


method stereotypes, 517518

reports, 727728

PassThrough, AuthenticationMode, 509

Password, BCS filter, 518

Paul Andrew's blog, 772

People Picker control, 408, 409, 416, 419, 593

People Refinement Panel, 262

people search, 89, 248, 286

People Search box, 262

People Search Core Results, 262

People section, UPA administration screen, 210211

people-centric model, 208221, 231

People/Group Picker, 391, 406, 408, 416


improvements, SharePoint 2010, 6371

KPIs, 689691

PerformancePoint Content List, 660

PerformancePoint Scorecard Builder, 653

PerformancePoint Services, 682701

architecture, 683685

Dashboard Designer, 686687

Internet Sales dashboard creating, 687695

datasource, 687688

datasource authentication types, 688689

goal, 687, 689

KPIs, 689691

native reporting, 693694

publishing to SharePoint, 695698

putting everything together, 694695

scorecard, 691692

Reporting Services v., 701, 708

Site Features, 660

unattended service account, 684685


Approvers permission group, 331

Designers permission group, 331

ECT, SQL Azure, 759760

personal (self) view, 208

per-user identity, 689

Peschka, Steve, 262, 264, 772

phonetic search, 8, 237, 248, 298, 299

Picture Button control, 391, 451452, 455

Picture Search example, 283

PivotCharts, 669671

PivotTables, 669671

Named Sets, 675676

Show Value feature, 674675

Sparklines, 673674

Visual Slicers, 672

what-if analysis, 677

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), 752. See also Azure

Pluggable Workflow Services

CallExternalMethodActivity, 645647, 650

creating, 642648

defined, 650

External Data Exchange, 623, 641, 650

HandleExternalEvent, 645647, 650

uses, 641

PluggableSocialSecurity, 224

Popular Form Templates category, 404

Portal Server 2003, SharePoint, 207, 208, 653

PortalSiteMapDataSource, 369

Post-It-style notes, 207208

post-synchronous events, 133

PowerPivot, 654, 655, 723, 724, 743


automate UPA creation, 209212

basics, 8284

BDC service application throttles, 499500

cmdlets, 8384

command line, 83

Developer Dashboard, turn off, 4546

external list throttles, 6869

HTTP request throttling, 7071

Integrated Scripting Environment, 83

STSADM v, 45, 46, 82, 273

tools, 83

presence awareness, 226

Presentation section, Content by Query web part, 375, 379384

Presentation Settings, Table of Contents web part, 373

previews, FAST Search, 245

ProClarity Analytics, 653, 693

production environment, 59

productivity applications, search product lineup, 235236

Professional Business Connectivity Services (Wrox), 492

Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Reporting with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (Wrox), 702

Professional SharePoint 2007 Development (Holliday), 390

Profile Browser, 19

programming records management, 309324

project creation, .NET Assembly Connector, 538

project-type templates, 3738

property extraction, content-processing pipeline, 291

property filters, 243, 281282, 283

Property Promotion option, Publishing Wizard, 425

protocol handlers, 9, 267, 268, 269. See also search connectors


Finder methods, 522525

workflows, Visio, 580581, 650

Proxy element, 515

public key token, 194, 195, 598, 601

Publish, Quick, 398, 426, 452, 533, 592, 617

Publish Globally button, 583

publishing. See also deployment content types, 484

to content types, 427428

dashboards, to SharePoint, 695698

deploying v., 717

to form libraries, 424428

forms, 424428

reports, to SharePoint, 717720

workbooks, to Excel Services, 677682

Publishing Framework, 331, 332, 337, 355, 361, 362, 366, 379

Publishing Infrastructure feature, SharePoint Server, 330, 332, 333, 579, 658

Publishing Master Page, 362

Publishing Portal template, 330

Publishing Site features

activating, 330

components, 330331

content types, 345354

browser-based development, 347

client object model-based development, 352354

content type IDs, 345347

feature-based development, 347350

page processing model, 332

retention schedules, 316318

template, 38

Master Pages, 361366

bare minimum, 362, 363

defined, 361

improvements, 8789

new, 89

page processing model, 331332

setting, in code, 365366

SharePoint Designer, 362

Site, 361, 362, 365

System, 361, 362, 365

Visual Studio, 363365

navigation, 366374

Current Navigation settings, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373


SharePoint object model, 370372

Site Settings, 366369

web parts, 372374

Editing and Sorting, 366, 368, 370, 373

Global Navigation Settings, 366367, 368, 370

implementation, in Master Page, 369370

SharePoint object model, 370372

Site Settings, 366369

web parts, 372374

Page Layouts, 354361

defined, 354355

development process, 355

one-click, 12

page processing model, 331332

SharePoint Designer, 355357

Visual Studio, 357361

site columns, 337345

browser-based development, 337338

feature-based development, 338342

object model-based development, 343345

site variations, 332337

applications, 332

creating, 333336

hierarchies, 335

labels, 333335

preparation, 332333

source site, 332, 334, 335, 337

timer jobs, 336

Variations Setting page, 333

Publishing Wizard, 424428, 429, 445, 451, 452

PublishingAssociatedContentType, 361

PublishingWebControls, 356, 357


queries. See also LINQ; search

customization examples, 282286

customization scenarios

query and indexing shims, 260

query and result pipeline plug-ins, 260

MDX, 656, 675, 676, 688

syntax, 281282

Query Designer, 711, 736

Query Object Model, 241, 250251, 278280

Query RSS feed, 241, 280

Query Server, SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 250

Query web service, 241, 253, 278, 279, 280, 282

QueryFeatures, 62

querying Trainings list, 409414

QueryOverride, 377

Quick Launch toolbar, 366, 367, 372, 469, 471, 475

Quick Publish, 398, 426, 452, 533, 592, 617


ratings, 6, 13, 223228

RBS (remote BLOB storage), 1314, 41, 71, 752

RdbCredentials, AuthenticationMode, 509

RDBMSs. See relational database management systems

RDL (Report Definition Language) files, 708709

RDLC (Report Definition Language Client-Side), 293

read-only databases, 7374

<Receivers> XML block, 133

Record Router, 473

recordization, 304308


declared, 304308

declaring/undeclaring, 309311

undeclaring/declaring, 309311

Records Center

Document Center, 461, 463

in-place RM v., 12, 304305

template, 306307

records management (RM), 303325

actions, 313

Auditing and Reporting feature, 304, 308309

compliance, 6, 304, 308, 309, 325


defined, 304, 308

legal holds, 304, 308, 309

search, 294

in-place, 12, 304305

Internet resources, 303

multi-stage disposition, 12, 305306

new features, 1112

programming, 309324

recordization, 304308


policies, 308

Retention and Expiration feature, 304

social networking, 305

workflows, 308

Recycle Bin, 460


CSS, 59, 87

JavaScript, 87


client OM, 149

SPMetal, 139

referential integrity, 122, 123, 125, 734

Refinement Panel, 262

Refinement web part, 266

refinements. See search refinements

Registration Form template. See also training registration form

anatomy, 431436

controls, 406

designing, 404408

page layout, 405

publishing, 424427

schema file, 433435

section layout, 406

RegistrationID, 92

Registrations (form library)

content type added, 453454

creation, 402403

event handler, 436437, 443

IE Developer Tools, 446

overview, 392

publishing to, 424428

Related Queries web part, 262, 266

relational database management systems (RDBMSs), 655

relational databases. See also databases

data warehousing v., 294, 655


SharePoint, 123, 127


cascade/block, list relationships, 123125

SPMetal, 140

relevancy tuning, search, 247

remote BLOB storage (RBS), 1314, 41, 71, 752

ReplaceColor, 119120

ReplaceFont, 119120

ReplaceImage, 119120

reports. See also reporting

authoring, 709712

cache refresh plans, 729731

caching, 728731

data feeds, 723724

laying out, 712714

on-demand report execution, 725

parameters, 727728

search, 293

snapshots, 731733

visual representation, 714716

Report Builder, 708709, 724725

Report Center, 653, 658, 659. See also BI Center

Report Definition Language Client-Side (RDLC), 293

Report Definition Language (RDL) files, 708709

report parts, 719720

Report Path, 721

Report Server, 703709, 722, 725, 726, 728

Report Viewer web part, 720723

Report Wizard, 709


anonymous access, 705

defined, 733

health monitoring, 7980

Internet Sales dashboard, 693694

SQL Azure, 753

reporting against SharePoint list data, 733741, 744

Access 2010, 738741

Access Services, 734741

Reporting Services, 735738

SalesOrderNumbers list, 734739

Reporting Services (SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2, SSRS), 701733

Access Services, 738

caching mechanism, 728731

Configuration Manager, 705

connected mode architecture, 654, 703707

Excel Services v., 701, 708

execution account, 705707

improvements, 701

integration modes, 701702

local mode architecture, 654, 702703

PerformancePoint Services v., 701, 708

Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Reporting with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, 702

reporting against SharePoint list data, 735738, 744

SharePoint/Reporting Services integration, 654

snapshots, 731733

Sparklines, 715

tablix feature, 716

Representational State Transfer. See REST

requesting properties, load method, 152

requests, HTTP request throttling, 6971

RequestTimeout, 151

resiliency, SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 252

resource governors, 3


community, 772

Microsoft, 771772

REST (Representational State Transfer), 163168

pros/cons, 136

Visual Studio, 165168

WCF Data Services, 411414

Restrict Delete, 124, 734

Restricted security level, 429

result collapsing, FAST Search, 247


policies, 308

Retention and Expiration feature, 304

retention schedules, 311318

reusable workflows

defined, 27, 583584, 650

globally, 583, 623, 650

imported, 605, 650

site workflows v., 623

templates, 583

workflow events, 648

reverse associations, 531

RevertToSelf, AuthenticationMode, 509

Ribbon user interface, 89122

architecture, 91

buttons, 102103, 105106

contextual tabs/groups, 106110

controls, 8990, 9495

custom Ribbon menu, OOB features, 18

customizations, 91110

defined, 22

extensibility, 9091

groups/tabs, 98101

JavaScript, 90, 91, 93, 96

JavaScript page component, 91, 101105, 107110

notification area, 110, 113114

page component, 101105

status bar, 110113

tabs/groups, 98101

ToolTips, 101

turn off, 86

upgraded code, 59

web part menu, 19

Workflow Designer, 23

XML-only operations, 91110

XSD, 91

RM. See records management

root site, site variations, 332, 335, 337

RootFinder property, 526, 556, 557

round trips, SPD/Visio, 583

routing content/documents. See Content Organizer

rows-per-fetch throttle, 68


Content by Query web part, 376

Query RSS feed, 241, 280

Rule Inspector, 444445


Change REST URL, 412413

Content Organizer, 306, 318323, 472473

defined, 396

“Send data to Web Part,” 451452

training creation use case, 396398

Rules task pane, 396, 408, 412, 413, 420, 451

runtime errors, .NET Assembly Connectors, 554


SAAS (software as a service), 745. See also SharePoint Online

Safari, 12, 654, 680

safe controls, mobile adapter, 193195

Sales by Quarter report, 709716

SalesOrderNumbers list, 734739

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), 75, 77, 688, 741, 742, 762

sampledata.XML, 436

Sandbox Solutions, 175188

architecture, 78

CAS v., 3, 77, 178

code execution, 176182

forms (InfoPath), 430431

full-trust proxies, 177, 178, 185188

managing, 182188

monitoring, 179182

Office 365, 765766

overview, 34, 7779

SharePoint Online, 747

site column development, 339

solution types, 176

subset object model, 177178

User Code Service, 176177

Visual Studio support, 179

workflow templates, 625

Sandbox Worker Process, 177

Sandbox Worker Proxy, 177

SANs (storage area networks), 257

scalability, form design, 415


FAST Search, 254258

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 251252

scatter-gather approach, 274

schema file

BDC Metatdata Model, 506

Registration Form template, 433435

scope, feature's, 340

scorecards. See also dashboards; PerformancePoint Services

building, 691692

dashboards v., 683, 744

Microsoft Business Scorecard Manager, 653

PerformancePoint Scorecard Builder, 653

SDKs, SharePoint, 771

search (Enterprise Search), 233301

Advanced Search Box, 242, 262

architecture/topologies, 249258

authentication, 292293

BCS solutions, 267268, 556559

Best Bets, 245, 247, 260, 261, 262, 266, 282, 284, 298, 299

BI v., 294295

capabilities overview, 297298

clouds and, 298301


communities, 297

composites, 296297

content management, 293294

Insights, 294296

other SharePoint features, 297298

communities/search composite, 297

content enhancement, 288292

conversational, 246248


range, 259

top scenarios, 260

user experience, 261267

developing, 258261

FAST Search, 238239

architecture, 253254

capabilities, 240

codebase, 236

content-processing pipeline, 290291

conversational search, 246248

crawling, 253257

entity extraction, 290, 291, 293294, 296

indexing connectors, 268269

integration, 9

licensing variants, 239

new features, 9

Office 365, 298

refinement/exploration, 246

relevancy tuning, 247

scaling, 254258

search products diagram, 235

SharePoint Server 2010 Search v., 239241, 253

SSAs, 253254

stack, 279

summary, 301

synonyms, 248

topology, 253254

virtual environment, 257258

visual cues, 244246

web parts, 266267

federation, 274278

considerations, 277278

customization examples, 276277

indexing v., 274

object model, 253, 259, 279280

OpenSearch, 249, 253, 274, 275276, 277278, 279, 301

forms/search composite, 296, 297


auto classification, 293, 294

missing/incorrect, 289290

search/content management, 293294

MOSS, 236, 237, 248, 249, 258, 267

MSS, 237

MSSX, 236237

multilingual, 289, 292

natural languages, 289

content-processing pipeline, 290

multilingual search, 289, 292

new features, 79

nicknames, 248, 298, 299

Office 365, 298299

options, 234241

phonetics, 8, 237, 248, 298, 299

power, 301


choosing, 239240

lineup, 234236

relevancy tuning, 247

search/forms composite, 296, 297

search/workflows composite, 296297

security, 292293

SharePoint Foundation, 235, 236

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 237238

architecture, 249

components, 249251

crawlers, 249252

FAST Search v., 239241, 253

high availability, 252

refinements/exploration, 245246

relevancy tuning, 247

resiliency, 252

scaling, 251252

Search Center site template, 243244

search products diagram, 235

stack, 278

synonyms, 248

virtual environment, 257258

Simple Search box, 241242

social search

architecture, 287288

defined, 7

end-user-visible functionality, 286287

expertise search, 7, 89, 237, 248, 253, 286, 297, 299

extending, 288

people search, 89, 248, 286

user profiles, 287288

stack, 241

suffix matching, 8, 282

text analytics, 295

topologies/architectures, 249258

ubiquity, 233

unified information access, 295

user experience, 241248

conversational search, 246248

customization, 261267

Search Center site template, 241244

visual cues, 244246

visual Best Bets, 245, 247, 260, 261, 262, 266, 282, 284, 298, 299

voice-of-the-customer, 295296

web parts, 262

wildcards, 8, 281, 282

workflows/search composite, 296297

workloads and, 234, 237, 293298

Search Action Links web part, 262, 266

search analytics, 295

search applications, 239240

Search Best Bets, 262

Search Box web part, 262

Search Center site template, 241244

search connector framework diagram, 268

FAST Search, 238, 240, 254

features, 9, 268

item-level security, 272

.NET assemblies, 267

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 238, 240, 254, 257

shims, 260

search connectors, 267274. See also connectors VS, 270271

BCS solutions, 267268

customizing, 274

deploying, 272273

development, planning for, 273

indexing connectors

creating, 269272

FAST-specific, 268269

model files, 269270

out-of-box, 267269

protocol handlers, 9, 267, 268, 269

SPD, 270271

Search Core Results web part, 245, 262

example, 262266

People Search Core Results, 262

Search Health Monitoring OM, 292

Search Paging, 262

search refinements, 245246

deep, 240, 246, 266, 282, 299, 301

shallow, 246

search reports, 293

Search Server 2010 (MSS), 237

Search Server Express (MSSX), 236237

Search Statistics, 262

Search Summary web part, 262

search-driven applications, 260261

section layout, Registration Form template, 406

Secure Store Application ID, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

Secure Store Service (SSS), 502505, 665, 756758


forms (InfoPath), 429

search, 292293

SharePoint 2010, 7479

Security Assertion Markup Language. See SAML

Security Token Service (STS), 741, 762

self (personal) view, 208

self-referential associations, 529531

“Send data to Web Part” rule action, 451452

SendEmail, 625, 627

sendEmail1, 631, 634

Sequence attribute, 9293

sequential site workflows, 625628

Sequential Workflow template, 38

server OM, 136, 148. See also client OM; SharePoint object model

service application framework, 500

service applications, 8082. See also shared service applications

Service Bus, Windows Azure AppFabric, 753

service class, 537

Service Endpoint URL, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

Service Metadata URL, Connection Properties dialog box, 514

Set-SPWebApplicationHttpThrottling Monitor, 71

SetupDocSiteFeatureReceiver, 464

Shah, Arpan, 772

shallow refinement, 246

shared datasets, 710, 718

shared service applications (SSAs), 251, 253254, 287

Shared Services Provider (SSP), 8081

SharePoint (Microsoft SharePoint 2010). See also SharePoint platform

BI/SharePoint integration, 652655

claims, 7778

IT enhancements, 6384

jQuery, 168172

management improvements, 7984

mashups, 456457

new capabilities, 116

performance improvements, 6371

publishing to

dashboards, 695698

reports, 717720

relational databases, 123, 127

Reporting Services/SharePoint integration, 654

retrieving items, client OM, 151152

security improvements, 7479

upgrading code, 5962

SharePoint community help, 772

SharePoint Designer (SPD)

BCS/SPD integration, 3132

browser to, 33

declarative workflows, 176, 583, 592, 599, 605, 606, 625, 650

indexing connectors, 270271

InfoPath/SPD integration, 28

lists, 122123

locking down, 3334

Master Page creation, 362

new features, 4, 2234

Page Layout creation, 355357

Task Process Designer, 2425, 2930

Training approval workflow, 581594

understanding, 2134

user interface, 22

Visio/SPD round trips, 583


new workflow actions, 2627

new workflow design, 2326

reusable workflows, 27

site workflows, 27

WPS/SPD integration, 33

SharePoint Dev wiki, 303, 772

SharePoint Developer Documentation team blog, 772

SharePoint Diagnostic Studio, 5051, 59

SharePoint Foundation

Class Library Reference, 378

Query Object Model, 241

records management, 309

SDK, 771

search, 235, 236

SharePoint list forms. See list forms

SharePoint lists. See lists

SharePoint object model

CAS, 178

control menu commands, 97

document library manipulation, 477

navigation customization, 370372

object model-based development

content types, 350352

site columns, 343345

Sandbox Solutions, 4

SharePoint Online, 1516

BPOS, 15, 298, 745, 749

CA, 750

connecting to SharePoint On-Premises, 761762

debugging, 747748, 767769

Dedicated version, 745746

Developer Dashboard, 747, 768

developer features, 751

developing, 747

example usage scenarios, 749

Fiddler, 768769

hybrid solutions, 752

limitations, 752

Office 365, 1516, 749752

authentication/identity, 762765

debugging, 767769

developer features, 751

extranets, 749

identity/authentication, 762765

limitations, 749

Microsoft authentication sample, 763764

overview, 749750

Sandbox Solution, 765766

search capabilities, 298299

Silverlight connection, 766767

website, 750

Wictor authentication sample, 764765

overview, 745747

SAAS, 745

SharePoint On-Premises v., 745747, 750

SQL Azure integration, 761

Standard version, 745746

writing applications, 762769

SharePoint On-Premises

connecting to, from SharePoint Online, 761762

SharePoint Online v., 745747, 750

SQL Azure integration, 754760

SharePoint platform, 85206

diagram, 8586

improvements, 87

.NET Framework, 86

new features, 15

overview, 8586

surface area, 86

SharePoint Portal Server 2003, 207, 208, 653

SharePoint Power Tools, VS, 179

SharePoint Project Items. See SPIs

SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS)

Business Data Catalog, 2, 492, 501, 653

search, 236, 237, 248, 249, 258, 267

SharePoint Server 2010

licensing variants, 237238

SDK, 771

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 237238

architecture, 249

components, 249251

crawlers, 249252

FAST Search v, 239241, 253

high availability, 252

refinements/exploration, 245246

relevancy tuning, 247

resiliency, 252

scaling, 251252

Search Center site template, 243244

search products diagram, 235

stack, 278

synonyms, 248

virtual environment, 257258

SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature, 330, 332, 333, 579, 658

SharePoint team blog, 772

SharePoint Workspace, 5, 15

SharePointSearchRuntime, 264

SharePointWebControls, 356, 357, 358

shims, 260, 268, 269, 270272, 291

Short BIO textbox, 406, 416, 417

Show Value feature, 674 -675

ShowInSearchUI, 556, 557

showModalDialog, 115116

ShowStartingNode, 370


content, 267, 298

data, 300, 301

information, 233234, 274, 489


client OM, 149, 161163

clientaccesspolicy.xml file, 49, 161, 766

debugging, 49

DLLs, 149

integration with SharePoint, 2

media player web part, 14

Office 365 connection, 766767

organizational browser, 7, 8, 208, 223

web part, 2, 14, 19

XAP file extension, 19, 161

similar results, FAST Search, 247

Simple Search box, 241242

simple.master, 89

Site, ClientContext, 151

site columns, 337345

browser-based development, 337338

feature-based development, 338342

object model-based development, 343345

Site Definition template, 38

Site Features. See also PerformancePoint Services; Publishing Site features

list, CO, 471

PerformancePoint Services, 660

Site Master Pages, 361, 362, 365

Site Settings, navigation, 366369

site template feature, 465466

site variations

applications, 332

creating, 333336

defined, 332

hierarchies, 335

labels, 333335

preparation, 332333

source site, 332, 334, 335, 337

timer jobs, 336

Variations Setting page, 333

site workflows. See also Training approval site workflow

defined, 2728, 650

reusable workflows v., 623

scenarios, 624

sequential, 625628

SiteMapProviders, 370

SiteUrl property, 555

size of fetch, throttle, 68

Size throttle, BDC service application, 499


application pages, 87

media player, 14, 71

Slicers, 672

Small Search Box web part, 266

snapshots, reports, 731733

SOAP, 280, 663, 702

social behavior, search results, 286287

social bookmarking, 6, 13

social computing, 207231. See also blogs; social networking

activity feeds, 6, 221, 223, 226228

crossover features, WCM, 13

defined, 207

ECM v., 6

growth, 5, 207208

new features, 57

people-centric model, 208221, 231

ratings, 6, 13, 223228

social networking v., 207

wikis, 6, 230231, 330

Social Data web service, 225226

social metadata, 479480

social networking. See also social computing

Facebook, 6, 7, 207, 208, 226, 296, 297, 753

LinkedIn, 207, 208, 296

My Sites, 208, 211212, 221228

MySpace, 6, 7

records management, 305

social computing v., 207

Twitter, 178, 207, 208, 226

social newsfeeds, 7

social search

architecture, 287288

defined, 7

end-user-visible functionality, 286287

expertise search, 7, 89, 237, 248, 253, 286, 297, 299

extending, 288

people search, 89, 248, 286

user profiles, 287288

social tagging, 6, 212, 223228, 288, 480

SocialComment, 224

SocialCommentManager, 224

SocialData, 224

SocialData namespace, classes, 224

SocialDataManager, 224

SocialRating, 224

SocialRatingAverage, 224

SocialRatingManager, 224

SocialTag, 224

SocialTagManager, 224

SocialTerm, 224

SocialUrl, 224

SocialWebParts project, 216221

software as a service (SAAS), 745. See also SharePoint Online

software development lifecycle, 327

Solution Explorer, integration, 35

Solution gallery, 176, 431, 464, 465, 466, 467, 767768

Solution Generator, 469

solution validation, 182185

sort, Core Results web part, 264266 project file, 263

sorting results, FAST Search, 247

source site, 332, 334, 335, 337

Source Variation setting, 335

Sparklines, 673674, 715

SPContentType, 352, 353, 354

SPContext, 344

SPCriticalTraceCounter, 48

SPD. See SharePoint Designer

SPDiag, 59

SPDisposeCheck, 5253, 150

special-purpose search applications, 240

SpecificFinder methods, 516, 517, 520, 551, 556, 558, 559, 564

creation, databases, 526

creation, .NET Assembly Connectors, 542

execution, BDC Server Runtime object model, 569570

Specify Number of Connections, Connection Properties dialog box, 514

Specify Secondary Secure Store Application ID, 514

SPExecutionTimeCounter, 48

SPFieldLink, 352

SPFieldLookupValue, 127

SPFields, 127, 344

Spinner, 90

SPIs (SharePoint Project Items), 628, 635, 649, 650

SPList, throttling, 6667

SplitButton, 90

SPMetal, 137140

SPMonitoredScope, 47, 768

SPNavigation, 370

SPNavigationNode, 371

SPNavigationNodeCollection, 370, 371

SPQuery, 67, 127, 136

SPQueryThrottledException, 64, 66, 67

SPRequestUsageCounter, 48

SPService, 82

SPServiceApplication, 82

SPServiceApplicationProxy, 82

SPServiceContext, 561

SPServicelnstance, 82

SPServiceProxy, 82

SPSiteDataQuery, 67, 136

SPSolutionValidator, 182, 184

SPSqlQueryCounter, 48

SPUCHostService.exe, 78, 176

SPUCSPUWorkerProcess.exe, 42, 78

SPUCWorkerProcessProxy.exe, 78, 177

SPWebApplication, 6566, 125

SPWebConfigModification, 601

SPWeb.UIVersion, 59

SPWorkflowEventReceiver, 649

SQL Azure, 752753

Data Sync, 753

ECT permissions, 759760

firewall rules, 755756

management portal, 755

reporting, 753

SharePoint Online integration, 761

SharePoint On-Premises integration, 754760

SSS entry, 756758

SQL connectors, 497

SQL Enterprise Manager, 653

SQL Server. See also AdventureWorks sample database

BI, 653

capacity/load testing, 51

database mirroring, 7273

FileStream technology, 13, 14, 71

version, SharePoint development environment, 41

SQL Server Analysis Services. See Analysis Services

SQL Server Compact Edition (SQLCE), 502

SQL Server Connector, 508512

SQL Server database connections, 508509

SQL Server Management Studio, 657, 658, 735, 752, 753, 755, 756

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2. See Reporting Services

SQLCE (SQL Server Compact Edition), 502

SSAS. See Analysis Services

SSAs. See shared service applications

SsoApplicationId, 511

SsoProviderlmplementation, 511

SsoTicket, BCS filter, 519

SSP. See Shared Services Provider

SSRS. See Reporting Services

SSS (Secure Store Service), 502505, 665, 756758


Enterprise Search, 241

FAST Search, 279

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 278

standalone search products, 235

Standard version, SharePoint Online, 745746

Start Date field, 394, 396, 397, 419

StartFromCurrentNode, 370

StartingNodeOffset, 370

stat counter use case, 391, 436443

State Machine Workflow template, 38

static web pages, 329

StaticDisplayLevels, 369

Stats (custom list), 392, 436, 440441, 443

status bar, 110113

stencils, workflow actions, 580581

stepped columns, 716

Steve Fox's blog, 772

Steve Peschka's blog, 772

stewards, content, 463, 464, 470, 471, 472, 475, 486

storage area networks (SANs), 257

stored credentials, 725727

STP files, 59

StreamAccessor, 549550

streaming media, 71

structural metadata, 479

structured tagging, 226228. See also social tagging

STS (Security Token Service), 741, 762

STSADM, 45, 46, 82, 273. See also PowerShell

submit capability, forms, 414416

SubmitFileCopy, 313

SubmitFileLink, 313

SubmitFileMove, 313

subset object model, Sandbox Solutions, 177178

subtypes, 213214

suffix matching, 8, 282

Summary Links web part, 372, 373374, 379

Sync Framework technologies, Microsoft, 753


client cache, 502

UPA, 211, 212221

syndication, content type, 314, 461, 484, 489

synonyms, search, 248

System Master Pages, 361, 362, 365

system requirements, SharePoint development environment, 4041

System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll, 595


Table of Contents web part, 372373, 374, 379

table XSL variable functions, 380

tablix feature, 716

tabs/groups, Ribbon, 98101

Tag Cloud web part, 6, 19, 21


authoritative, 480

defined, 480

folksonomies, 6, 1, 482

notes and, 226228

social, 6, 212, 223228, 288, 480

social bookmarking, 6, 13

structured, 226228

task forms

defined, 591, 650

Training approval workflow, 591592

task parameter, Training approval workflow, 586587

Task Process Designer, 2425, 2930


defined, 480

folksonomies v., 6, 1, 482

object model, 482483

services, 1

team blogs

SharePoint, 772

SharePoint Developer Documentation, 772

team collaboration scenario, SharePoint Online, 749

templates. See also BI Center template; Master Pages; Page Layouts; reusable workflows

Business Data Connectivity Model project template, 38, 535, 536

Import Reusable Workflow, 38, 583, 605

item-type, 37, 39

project-type, 3738

Records Center, 306307

Registration Form template

controls, 406

designing, 404408

page layout, 405

publishing, 424427

section layout, 406

reusable workflows, 583

Search Center, 241244

web part, 39, 46

workflow, 583, 605, 607, 609, 625, 635

Templates Parts category, 404

template.xml, 435

term sets, 480483

Term Store Management tool, 480481

Terminators stencil, 580

terms, 480, 482483

testing, 4953

capacity testing, 49, 50, 5152

load testing, 49, 50, 5152, 54

Load Testing Kit, 50, 52

moving to production environment, 59

.NET Assembly Connectors, 554

SharePoint Diagnostic Studio, 5051, 59

tools, 5253

Training approval workflow, 593594

unit tests, 49, 50, 5558

web tests, 50, 5152, 448

text analytics, search, 295

Textbox, 90

Thake, Jeremy, 772

Themes gallery, form templates, 407

theming infrastructure, 117122

ThmxTheme, 120121


BDC, 499500

bit rate, 71

external list, 6769

HTTP request, 6971

library, 64

list, 6469, 122, 476, 734, 736

thumbnails, FAST Search, 245

tiers, search product lineup, 235

time intelligence filtering, 698701

timeout throttle, 68

Timeout throttle, BDC service application, 499

timer jobs

capacity/load testing, 51

health monitoring/reporting, 80

HTTP request throttling, 69

Sandbox Solutions, 180

site variations, 336

UPA administration screen, 211

Workflow Auto Cleanup, 640

timer service applications, 172175

Timestamp, BCS filter, 519

timestamp-based incremental crawling, 268, 270, 558

tiny inline tools, InfoPath, 448449

Title field, 393, 397, 410, 414

ToggleButton, 90

tokens, correlation, 626, 627

tools, SharePoint, 15, 1762. See also SharePoint Designer; Visual Studio 2010; specific tools

ToolTips, Ribbon, 101

Top Federated Results web part, 262, 277

top navigation bar, 118, 366, 367

topic page example, 283

topologies/architecture, search. See search

Traffic Manager, Windows Azure, 754

Training approval site workflow, 623628

ASPX initiation form, 628631

building, 625628

coding, 631635

debugging, 637640

deployment, 635637

element manifest file, 628629

packaging, 635637

Pluggable Workflow Services CallExternalMethodActivity, 645647, 650

creating, 642648

defined, 650

External Data Exchange, 623, 641, 650

HandleExternalEvent, 645647, 650

uses, 641

Training approval workflow

after approval process, 589590

on approval process, 585589

ApprovalFT content type, 608609

association (Training approval workflow/Training content type), 592593, 609, 611, 616, 617619, 621

Association and Initiation Form parameters, 584585

association form, 591592

code additions, 619620

Create Training Site use case, 578, 601, 624

custom workflow activity, 594601

Visual Studio project, 594595

customizing, in SPD, 581594

deployment, 620623

diagram, 578

element manifest, 609610

exporting, to WSP solution package, 605606

Feature definition file, 607608

initiation form, 591592

missing pieces, 610619

overview, 579

packaging, 620623

prototyping, in Visio, 580581

task form, 591592

task parameter, 586587

testing, 593594

Training content type

association (Training approval workflow/Training content type), 592593, 609, 611, 616, 617619, 621

Association Form parameters, 584585

creation, 579

fields, 579

Initiation Form parameters, 584585

workflow target, 582

training creation use case, 393402

overview, 391, 392

rules/views, 396398

training details section, registration form, 416, 419423

Training Management application. See also Training approval workflow

AdventureWorks company, 391, 392, 393, 578, 582

connected web parts, 451455

diagram, 392

high level overview, 391392

Human Resources, 391, 392, 393, 578, 582

incremental stat counter use case, 391, 436443

submit capability, 414416

training creation use case, 393402

overview, 391, 392

rules/views, 396398

use cases, 391

training registration form (use case), 402436

mobile view, 416419

overview, 392, 402

Registration Form template

anatomy, 431436

controls, 406

designing, 404408

page layout, 405

publishing, 424427

section layout, 406

training details section, 416, 419423

Trainings Dashboard, 392, 450, 451, 454

TrainingInfo, 630

TrainingInitFormHelper, 630

Trainings (custom list). See also Training approval workflow

creating, 393394

customize list forms, 394396

diagram, 392

distributing, 402

fields, 393394

querying, 409414

Training approval workflow, 578

WCF Data Services, 411414

Trainings Dashboard, 392, 450, 451, 454

Trainings.xsn, 401

TrimmerManager, 224

trust, claims-based authentication, 7576

trusted locations, Excel Services, 677678

try-catch block, 393, 441, 637

turn off object change tracking, 145

Twitter, 178, 207, 208, 226

two-way communication, workflow development cycle, 579580

two-way synonyms, 248

typed data classes, SPMetal, 140

TypeDescriptors, 517, 540, 541, 542, 551


UIVersionedContent, 357, 364

ULS (Unified Logging System), 48, 50, 637, 703

ULSViewer, 48

unattended service account

dashboard datasource, 688689

Excel Services, 665668

PerformancePoint Services, 684685

Unattended Service Account and Add Authenticated User Name in Connection String option, 688

UndeclareItemAsRecord, 310

undeclaring/declaring records, 309311

unified information access, search, 295

Unified Logging System (ULS), 48, 50, 637, 703

unit testing, 49, 50, 5558

UnthrottledPrivilegedOperationWindow Enabled, 66

UPA. See User Profile Service Application

Update(), 570571

Updater, 516, 520, 526, 527, 546549, 570571

updating data, LINQ, 142144

upgrading code, 5962

URIs, REST, 411412

URL, ClientContext, 151

use cases. See Training Management application

Use Claims Based Authentication, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

Use Proxy Server for Metadata Retrieval, 514

Use Proxy Server for WCF Service Calls, 513

UseClientCachingForSearch, 558, 559

User Code Service, 176177

User Control template, 39

user experience, search. See search

user interface, Ajax-style, 86. See also Ribbon user interface

User Profile Service Application (UPA)

administration screen, 210212

creating, PowerShell, 209212

synchronization, 211, 212221

user profile customization/code, 214221

user profile store. See User Profile Service Application

user subtypes, 213214

Usercontext, BCS filter, 519

Username, BCS filter, 519

UserProfile, BCS filter, 519

userprofile.asmx web service, 220

UserProfileManager, 210, 215

users profiles, social search, 287288

users/groups, client OM, 157158


V4.Master, 89

ValidateAssembly, 184

ValidateSolution, 184

validation, lists, 125127

validation errors, .NET Assembly Connectors, 554


applications, 332

creating, 333336

defined, 332

hierarchies, 335

labels, 333335

preparation, 332333

source site, 332, 334, 335, 337

timer jobs, 336

Variations Setting page, 333

VersionedPlaceHolder, 60

vertical search applications, 260

View External Content Types page, 500

ViewFieldsOverride, 377, 379


defined, 396

enhancements, 128130

metadata views, 910

training creation use case, 396398

XSLT, 2, 128130

XsltListViewWebPart, 122, 128

view.xsl, 435

Virtual Network, Windows Azure, 754


development environment, 4041

FAST Search, 257258

SharePoint Server 2010 Search, 257258


SPD/Visio round trips, 583

Ultimate, 4

Web Access, 28, 603

web part, 20

Workflow Visio Interchange file, 581


modeling, 580581, 650

Visio/workflow integration, 14, 2829

visualization, 603604, 650

Visio Services, 4, 1415, 20, 603, 658, 665

visual Best Bets, 245, 247, 260, 261, 262, 266, 282, 284, 298, 299

visual cues, search, 244246

visual elements, search customization, 260

Visual Round Trip Analyzer (VRTA), 53

Visual Slicers, 672

Visual Studio (VS) 2010

ALM, 54

BCS Meta Man, 510

Content by Query deployment, 384385

deployment customization, 54

Document Center, 464470

document libraries, 476479

improvements, 5, 34

indexing connectors, 270271

IntelliTrace, 54, 57

item-type templates, 37, 39

lists, 122123

mapping folders, 3940

Master Page creation, 363365

Page Layout creation, 357361

project-type templates, 3738


client OM, 149

SPMetal, 139

REST, 165168

Sandbox Solutions, 179

SharePoint Power Tools, 179

tools, 3440

Workflow Designer, 4, 23, 36


building, 582, 623649

importing to Visual Studio, 604622, 650

site workflows, 623628

workflow development lifecycle, 606

Visual Studio Extensions for WSS (VSeWSS), 17, 34

Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO), 495, 496, 505

Visual Web Part template, 38


reports, 714716

workflow, 603604, 650

voice-of-the-customer, search, 295296

VRTA (Visual Round Trip Analyzer), 53

VS. See Visual Studio

VSeWSS (Visual Studio Extensions for WSS), 17, 34

VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office), 495, 496, 505


wca.exe, 646

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), 12, 391

WCF (Windows Communications Framework)

BCS, 2

external list throttles, 68

service applications, 81

WCF Data Services, 201, 411414, 723

WCF Proxy Namespace, Connection Properties dialog box, 513

WCF service connectors, 497, 512516

WCF web services, 515516

WCM. See Web Content Management

Web, ClientContext, 151

Web 2.0 protocols, 3. See also Ajax; ATOM; JavaScript Object Notation; REST

Web Analytics web part, 19, 2021

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 12, 391

Web Content Management (WCM), 327388. See also Publishing Site features content lifecycle, 327330

ECM v., 327

new features, 1213

Pages library, 12, 328, 331

social computing crossover features, 13

summary, 388

Web Frontend layer

Excel Services, 662663

PerformancePoint Services, 683684

Web Part Connection framework, 661, 682, 722

Web Part Connection Parameter Promotion, Publishing Wizard, 425

web parts, 1921

AJAX-enabled, 702

building, InfoPath, 450457

Business Data, 520, 524, 563

Chart, 19, 20, 682

connected, InfoPath, 451455

Content by Query, 374385

bit rate throttling, 71

custom XSL files, 379384

customization, with XML, 376379

deployment, Visual Studio, 384385

Presentation section, 375, 379384

Query section, 375

Content Query, 21, 267, 283, 338

Core Results web part, 264266

Dashboard Viewer, 654

Data Form, 532

default forms customization, 128

Document ID search, 463

EWA, 662, 663, 681682

FAST Search, 266267

Federated Results, 262, 266

InfoPath Form, 450451

List Form, 393, 532

navigation customization, 372374

People Search Core Results, 262

Refinement, 266

Related Queries, 262, 266

Report Viewer, 720723

search, 262

Search Action Links, 262, 266

Search Box, 262

Search Core Results, 245, 262266

“Send data to Web Part” rule action, 451452

Silverlight, 2, 14, 19

Silverlight media player, 14

Small Search Box, 266

Summary Links, 372, 373374, 379

Table of Contents, 372373, 374, 379

Tag Cloud, 6, 19, 21

template, 39, 46

templates, 39, 46

Top Federated Results, 262, 277

user profile store, 216221

Visio, 20

Visual Web Part template, 38

XsltListViewWebPart, 122, 128

Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 201, 513, 514, 515

web services

ASP.NET, 513515

BCS methods for, 526527

Social Data, 225226

userprofile.asmx, 220

WCF, 515516

Web Solution Packages (WSPs) improvements, 5

SPD/WPS integration, 33

Training approval workflow exported to, 605606

.wsp files, 465470, 767769

Web Test Recorder, 448

Web Testing Toolkit, 448

web tests, 50, 5152, 448

WebAdding, 130, 131

WebDAV, 3

.webpart file, 377, 379, 383

WebPartMobileAdapter, 190, 191

WebProvisioned, 130, 133

WebsOverride, 377, 378

Wictor authentication sample, Office 365, 764765

WikiEditPage, 231


enhanced capabilities, 6

Enterprise Wiki sites, 230231, 330

SharePoint Dev, 303, 772

Wildcard, BCS filter, 519, 525

wildcards, search, 8, 281, 282

Wilen, Wictor, 762

Williams, Fabian, 772

Windows authentication, 75, 76, 77, 150, 195, 502, 665, 689, 704, 742

Windows Azure, 752

AppFabric, 752, 753

Connect, 754

developer tools, 754

Traffic Manager, 754

Virtual Network, 754

Windows Communications Framework. See WCF

Windows Phone 7 application, 195206

Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), 41, 146, 149, 158, 352

WindowsCredentials, AuthenticationMode, 509

WinForms, 41, 149

Word Services, 11

workbooks. See Excel workbooks

workflows, 577650. See also Training approval workflow; specific workflows

code-only, 606

code-separated, 606

declarative, 176, 583, 592, 599, 605, 606, 625, 650

editable OOB, 3031

F5 debugging, 43

fault handlers, 637639

globally reusable, 583, 623, 650

importing, to Visual Studio, 604622, 650

monitoring, 603604

new features, 1415, 650

records management, 308

reusable, 27, 583584

search/workflows composite, 296297

site, 2728


new workflow actions, 2627

new workflow design, 2326

Task Process Designer, 2425, 2930


modeling, 580581, 650

Visio/workflow integration, 14, 2829

visualization, 603604, 650

Visio/workflows integration, 14, 2829

Visual Studio

creating, 582

workflows to content type association, 592593

XOML-only, 606607

Workflow, RM action, 313

workflow actions

authorizedType, 600, 601, 650

custom, 594604, 650

defined, 650

sandboxed, 650

stencils, 580581

Workflow Actions Stencil, 580, 581

Workflow Association Form template, 39

Workflow Auto Cleanup, 640

Workflow Conditions stencil, 580, 581

Workflow Designer, 4, 23, 36

workflow development lifecycle, 579622. See also Training approval workflow

overview, 579580

two-way communication, 579580

Visual Studio, 606

workflow events, 637, 648649, 650

workflow exceptions, 637

Workflow Initiation Form template, 39

workflow templates, 583, 605, 607, 609, 625, 635

Workflow Terminators stencil, 580

Workflow Visio Interchange file, 581

WorkflowCompleted, 648, 649

WorkflowPostponed, 648

WorkflowStarted, 648

WorkflowStarting, 648

workloads, search and, 234, 237, 293298

WPF (Windows Presentation Framework), 41, 146, 149, 158, 352


Professional Business Connectivity Services, 492

Professional Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Reporting with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, 702

Professional SharePoint 2007 Development (Holliday), 390

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 201, 513, 514, 515

WS-Federation, 741

.wsp files, 465470, 767769

WSPs. See Web Solution Packages

WS-Trust, 741



XAML, 14, 71

XAP, 19, 161

XHTML, 12, 391

XML. See also Ajax; BDC Metadata Models

Content by Query customization, 376379

Document Object Model (DOM), 312, 432

OpenXML format, 11

operations, Ribbon user interface, 91110

retention schedules, 311318

XmlChangedEventHandler, 421, 423

XOML-only workflows, 606607. See also declarative workflows

XRANK, 282, 284, 285

XSD, Ribbon, 91

XSD.EXE utility, 436, 439

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)

Content by Query web part, 379384

Style Sheets folder, 379

table XSL variable functions, 380


Data Form web part, 532

views, 2, 128130

XsltListViewWebPart, 122, 128

XSN file, 431

XSS (cross-site scripting), 79

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