Appendix A

Scala Scripts on Unix and Windows

If you're on some flavor of Unix, you can run a Scala script as a shell script by prepending a "pound bang" directive at the top of the file. For example, type the following into a file named helloarg:

  exec scala "$0" "$@"
  // Say hello to the first argument
  println("Hello, "+ args(0) +"!")

The initial #!/bin/sh must be the very first line in the file. Once you set its execute permission:

  $ chmod +x helloarg

You can run the Scala script as a shell script by simply saying:

  $ ./helloarg globe

If you're on Windows, you can achieve the same effect by naming the file helloarg.bat and placing this at the top of your script:

  @echo off
  call scala %0 %*
  goto :eof
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