
Many people have contributed to this book and to the material it covers. We are grateful to all of them.

Scala itself has been a collective effort of many people. The design and the implementation of version 1.0 was helped by Philippe Altherr, Vincent Cremet, Gilles Dubochet, Burak Emir, Stephane Micheloud, Nikolay Mihaylov, Michel Schinz, Erik Stenman, and Matthias Zenger. Phil Bagwell, Antonio Cunei, Iulian Dragos, Gilles Dubochet, Miguel Garcia, Philipp Haller, Sean McDirmid, Ingo Maier, Donna Malayeri, Adriaan Moors, Hubert Plociniczak, Paul Phillips, Aleksandar Prokopec, Tiark Rompf, Lukas Rytz, and Geoffrey Washburn joined in the effort to develop the second and current version of the language and tools.

Gilad Bracha, Nathan Bronson, Caoyuan, Aemon Cannon, Craig Chambers, Chris Conrad, Erik Ernst, Matthias Felleisen, Mark Harrah, Shriram Krishnamurti, Gary Leavens, David MacIver, Sebastian Maneth, Rickard Nilsson, Erik Meijer, Lalit Pant, David Pollak, Jon Pretty, Klaus Ostermann, Jorge Ortiz, Didier Remy, Miles Sabin, Vijay Saraswat, Daniel Spiewak, James Strachan, Don Syme, Erik Torreborre, Mads Torgersen, Philip Wadler, Jamie Webb, John Williams, Kevin Wright, and Jason Zaugg have shaped the design of the language by graciously sharing their ideas with us in lively and inspiring discussions, by contributing important pieces of code to the open source effort, as well as through comments on previous versions of this document. The contributors to the Scala mailing list have also given very useful feedback that helped us improve the language and its tools.

George Berger has worked tremendously to make the build process and the web presence for the book work smoothly. As a result this project has been delightfully free of technical snafus.

Many people gave us valuable feedback on early versions of the text. Thanks goes to Eric Armstrong, George Berger, Alex Blewitt, Gilad Bracha, William Cook, Bruce Eckel, Stephane Micheloud, Todd Millstein, David Pollak, Frank Sommers, Philip Wadler, and Matthias Zenger. Thanks also to the Silicon Valley Patterns group for their very helpful review: Dave Astels, Tracy Bialik, John Brewer, Andrew Chase, Bradford Cross, Raoul Duke, John P. Eurich, Steven Ganz, Phil Goodwin, Ralph Jocham, Yan-Fa Li, Tao Ma, Jeffery Miller, Suresh Pai, Russ Rufer, Dave W. Smith, Scott Turnquest, Walter Vannini, Darlene Wallach, and Jonathan Andrew Wolter. And we'd like to thank Dewayne Johnson and Kim Leedy for their help with the cover art, and Frank Sommers for his work on the index.

We'd also like to extend a special thanks to all of our readers who contributed comments. Your comments were very helpful to us in shaping this into an even better book. We couldn't print the names of everyone who contributed comments, but here are the names of readers who submitted at least five comments during the eBook PrePrint® stage by clicking on the Suggest link, sorted first by the highest total number of comments submitted, then alphabetically. Thanks goes to: David Biesack, Donn Stephan, Mats Henricson, Rob Dickens, Blair Zajac, Tony Sloane, Nigel Harrison, Javier Diaz Soto, William Heelan, Justin Forder, Gregor Purdy, Colin Perkins, Bjarte S. Karlsen, Ervin Varga, Eric Willigers, Mark Hayes, Martin Elwin, Calum MacLean, Jonathan Wolter, Les Pruszynski, Seth Tisue, Andrei Formiga, Dmitry Grigoriev, George Berger, Howard Lovatt, John P. Eurich, Marius Scurtescu, Jeff Ervin, Jamie Webb, Kurt Zoglmann, Dean Wampler, Nikolaj Lindberg, Peter McLain, Arkadiusz Stryjski, Shanky Surana, Craig Bordelon, Alexandre Patry, Filip Moens, Fred Janon, Jeff Heon, Boris Lorbeer, Jim Menard, Tim Azzopardi, Thomas Jung, Walter Chang, Jeroen Dijkmeijer, Casey Bowman, Martin Smith, Richard Dallaway, Antony Stubbs, Lars Westergren, Maarten Hazewinkel, Matt Russell, Remigiusz Michalowski, Andrew Tolopko, Curtis Stanford, Joshua Cough, Zemian Deng, Christopher Rodrigues Macias, Juan Miguel Garcia Lopez, Michel Schinz, Peter Moore, Randolph Kahle, Vladimir Kelman, Daniel Gronau, Dirk Detering, Hiroaki Nakamura, Ole Hougaard, Bhaskar Maddala, David Bernard, Derek Mahar, George Kollias, Kristian Nordal, Normen Mueller, Rafael Ferreira, Binil Thomas, John Nilsson, Jorge Ortiz, Marcus Schulte, Vadim Gerassimov, Cameron Taggart, Jon-Anders Teigen, Silvestre Zabala, Will McQueen, and Sam Owen.

We would also like to think those who submitted comments and errata after the first edition was published, including Felix Siegrist, Lothar Meyer-Lerbs, Diethard Michaelis, Roshan Dawrani, Donn Stephan, William Uther, Francisco Reverbel, Jim Balter, and Freek de Bruijn.

Lex would like to thank Aaron Abrams, Jason Adams, Henry and Emily Crutcher, Joey Gibson, Gunnar Hillert, Matthew Link, Toby Reyelts, Jason Snape, John and Melinda Weathers, and all of the Atlanta Scala Enthusiasts for many helpful discussions about the language design, its mathematical underpinnings, and how to present Scala to working engineers.

Lastly, Bill would also like to thank Gary Cornell, Greg Doench, Andy Hunt, Mike Leonard, Tyler Ortman, Bill Pollock, Dave Thomas, and Adam Wright for providing insight and advice on book publishing.

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