
When a more robust clustering is either demanded by the user or by the application, the offline stage kicks off. Here the micro-clusters generated in the online steps are used as initial centers. A more rigorous clustering is performed in the background to generate the final list of clusters, called a macro-cluster. Since this is not time-critical, it can be executed the same way we work on data at rest.

For more on online/offline processing, refer to A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams, by Aggarwal CC, Han J, Wang J, Yu PS (2003)." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB '03), pp. 81- 92.

For a more rigorous treatment of the various stream data clustering algorithm, please refer to State-of-the-art on clustering data streams Mohammed Ghesmoune, by Mustapha Lebbah and Hanene Azzag:

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