
Acquisition tools, digital marketing, 4–5

Amazon, 25, 41


Beacons, use of, 47–48

Bebo, 70

BenQ, 21

Branded crowdfunding, 82


Cell generation, 54

Connected consumer, 60–65

    communication, 61

    entertainment, 61–65

Content marketing, 18–19

Conversational networks, 6

Conversion tools, digital marketing, 4–5

Coupons, use of, 46–47


Digital marketing, 4

    acquisition tools, 4–5

    conversion tools, 4–5

    retention tools, 4–5

    tools, 72–75

        apps, 74–75

        coupon apps, 73

        local tools, 73

        mobile tools, 74

        social tools, 72

    vs. traditional marketing, 4

Duda Mobile, 74


eBay, 15, 25


Facebook, 2, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18, 25, 28–29, 34, 42, 43, 44, 70, 72, 88

    as entry points to purchase, 20–21

    facts about social media, 8

Facebook Messenger, 2, 10

Facebook Social Graph, 18

Fifa, 20

Flickr, 12, 70

Food sourcing, 42

Foursquare, 16, 29, 33, 34, 35, 42, 44, 72

Freelancing networks, 42


Generation V, 54

Generation X, 53–54

Generation Y, 54

Geocoding, 39

Geofencing, 43

Geolocation services

    benefits of, 48–49

    new trends in, 40–43

Geomarketing, 49

Georeferencing, 39

Geosocial applications, use of, 43–45

Geosocial networking, 38–40

Geotagging, 39

GetGlue, 75

Google+ facts, social media, 9

Google, 25, 34–35

Google Alerts, 42

Google Circles, 34

Google Glass, 85

GoogleMail, 25

Google Places, 33, 42

Google plus, 34, 44

Gowalla, 42

GPS technology, 40

Groupon, 19, 42, 73


iBeacon, 71, 77, 81

Instagram, 2, 42, 44, 88

    as entry points to purchase, 20–21

    facts about social media, 9

I.N.T.E.R.A.C.T., 76–77


LinkedIn, 6, 12, 70, 75

    facts about social media, 9

Local consumer behaviour, 34–35

    beacons, use of, 47–48

    benefits of geolocation services, 48–49

    characteristics of, 36–37

    coupons, use of, 46–47

    geosocial applications, use of, 43–45

    geosocial networking, 38–40

    introduction to, 33–34

    new trends in geolocation services, 40–43

    payments, 45–46


Marketers, implications for, 77–78

Millennial generation, 54

Mobify, 74

Mobile application, 28

Mobile consumer behaviour, 58–60

    connected consumer, 60–65

    introduction to, 51–53

    mobile behavior, 53–55

    mobile consumer, 55

    mobile marketing, new trends in, 65–68

    multiscreen and multitask behavior, 60

    smartphones vs. tablets, 56–58

Mobile elite (ME), 58

Mobile marketing, 65–68

    mobile applications, 66–67

    mobile devices in, 66

    mobile sites, 67

    showrooming effect, 67

    social media in, 65–66

    strategies for, 67–68

Mobile Moxie, 74

Mobile site, 28

Mobile web, 69–71

Multiscreen behaviour, 60

Multitask behaviour, 60

myShopanion, 75

MySpace, 70

myTaxi, 46


New marketing landscape, 4–7

NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, 82–84

    Touch & Confirm, 83

    Touch & Connect, 83

    Touch & Explore, 83

    Touch & Go, 83


Online brand reputation management, 87–89


Payments, local consumer behavior, 45–46

Pinterest facts, social media, 9–10

Point of sales (POS), 81

Pro Evolution Soccer, 20


Radio-frequency identification (RFID), 82

Retention tools, digital marketing, 4–5

Return on investment (ROI), 16–17


Scuf, 21

Search engine optimization (SEO), 88

ShopSavvy, 75

Showrooming effect, mobile marketing, 67

Skype, 10

Smartphones vs. tablets, 56–58

Snapchat, 10

Social consumer behaviour, 14–17

    case study, 27–31

    current trends in, 17

    introduction to, 13–14

    social engagement, new trends in, 18–20

        content marketing, 18–19

        deals and coupons, 19–20

        social search, 18

    social entertainment, 22–23

    social media

        leveraging, 23–27

        new behaviors in, 20–22

Social engagement, new trends in, 18–20

    content marketing, 18–19

    deals and coupons, 19–20

    social search, 18

Social entertainment, 22–23

Social media

    deals, 26–27

    design apps, 24–25

    facts about, 7–10

        Facebook facts, 8

        Google+ facts, 9

        Instagram facts, 9

        LinkedIn facts, 9

        other facts, 10

        Pinterest facts, 9–10

        Twitter facts, 8–9

    impact on society, 10–11

    leveraging, 23–27

    new behaviors in, 20–22

    optimize websites, 24

    potential of apps, 25–26

    setting up, 23–24

Social media enterprises, 89–91

Social networking, 6–7

Social networking sites, 8–10

Social networks

    as entry points to purchase, 20–21

    seeking recommendations through, 20

Social search, 18


    applications, 75–76

    consumers, 11–12

    customer’s impact on, 5–6

    digital marketing tools, 72–75

    facts about social media, 7–10

    I.N.T.E.R.A.C.T., 76–77

    introduction to, 1–4

    marketers, implications for, 77–78

    marketing strategies, 78

    mobile web, 69–71

    new business environment, 80–82

        Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, 82–84

        introduction to, 79–80

        new technologies, 86–87

        online brand reputation management, 87–89

        social media enterprises, 89–91

        wearable items, 84–86

    new marketing landscape, 4–7

    next-generation solomo apps, 75

    social media’s impact on society, 10–11

Stampt, 76


Tablets vs. smartphones, 56–58

ThinkNear, 76

Tinder, 42

TripAdvisor, 15, 70, 72

Trover, 75

Twitter, 2, 6, 11, 12, 16, 20, 25, 29–30, 44, 70, 72

    as entry points to purchase, 20–21

    facts about social media, 8–9


Viber, 10


Wallet, 46

Wearable items, 84–86

Web 2.0, 69

WeChat, 2, 10

WhatsApp, 2, 10

Wi-Fi networks, 40

World of Warcraft (WoW), 10, 20

World Wide Web, 66, 69


Yammer, 90

Yelp, 35, 42, 44

YouTube, 12, 20, 70

    embracing, 21–22

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