Chapter 7. Extending Twootr

The Challenge

Previously, on Twootr, Joe had wanted a modern online communication system to be implemented. The previous chapter presented a potential design for Twootr and the implementation of the core business domain was described, including driving out that design through tests. You learned about some of the design and data modeling decisions involved and how to break down the initial problem and structure your solution. That didn’t cover the whole of the Twootr project, so it’s up to this chapter to complete the narrative.

The Goal

This chapter extends and completes the progress made in the previous chapter by helping you understand about the following topics:

  • Avoiding coupling with the Dependency Inversion Principle and Dependency Injection

  • Persistence with the Repository pattern and the Query Object pattern.

  • A brief introduction to functional programming that will show you how you can make use of the ideas from this in a Java-specific context and a real application.


Since we’re continuing the Twootr project from the previous chapter, it’s probably worth recapping the key concepts in our design at this point. If you’re continuing from the previous chapter in a marathon reading session, then we’re glad you’re enjoying the book, but feel free to skip this section:

  • Twootr is the parent class that instantiates the business logic and orchestrates the system.

  • A Twoot is a single instance of a message broadcast by a user in our system.

  • A ReceiverEndPoint is an interface that is implemented by a UI adapter and pushes Twoot objects out to the UI.

  • The SenderEndPoint has methods that correspond to events being sent into the system from a user.

  • Password management and hashing are performed by the KeyGenerator class.

Persistence and the Repository Pattern

So we’ve now got a system that can support much of the core twooting operations. Unfortunately, if we restart the Java process in any way all the twoots and user information is lost. We need a way of persisting the information that we’re storing in order to survive a restart. Earlier in the discussion of software architecture we talked about ports and adapters and how we would like to keep the core of our application agnostic of the storage backend. There’s, in fact, a commonly used pattern that helps us do this: the Repository pattern.

The Repository pattern defines an interface between the domain logic and storage backend. In addition to allowing us to use a different storage backend over time as our application evolves, this approach offers several advantages:

  • Centralizing logic for mapping data from our storage backend to the domain model.

  • Enables unit testing of core business logic without having to spin up a database. This can speed up the execution of tests.

  • Improves maintainability and readability by keeping each class single responsibility.

You can think of a repository as a being like a collection of objects, but instead of just storing the objects in memory, the repository persists them somewhere. When evolving the design of our application we drove the design of the repositories through tests; however, to save time here we will just describe the final implementation. Since a repository is a collection of objects we need two of them in Twootr: one to store User objects and one for Twoot objects. Most repositories have a series of common operations that are implemented:


Stores a new instance of the object into the repository.


Looks up a single object based on an identifier.


Deletes an instance from the persistence backend.


Ensures that the values saved for this object are equal to the instance fields.

Some people use the acronym CRUD to describe these kind of operations. This stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. We’ve used add and get instead of create and read as the naming is more inline with common Java usage, for example, in the collections framework.

Designing the Repositories

In our case we’ve designed things top-down and driven the development of the repositories from tests. The implication of this is that not all the operations are defined on both repositories. The UserRepository, shown in Example 7-1, doesn’t have an operation to delete a User. That’s because there’s no requirement that has actually driven an operation to delete a user. We asked our customer, Joe, about this and he said “once you Twoot, you can’t stop!”

When working on your own, you might be tempted to add functionality just to have the “normal” operations in the repository, but we would strongly caution against going down that route. Unused code, or dead code as it’s often known, is a liability. In some sense all code is a liability, but if the code is actually doing something useful then it has a benefit to your system, while if it unused it’s merely a liability. As your requirements evolve you need to refactor and improve your codebase and the more unused code that you have lying around, the more difficult this task is.

There’s a guiding principle here that we’ve been alluding to throughout the chapter, but not mentioned until now: YAGNI. This stands for You ain’t gonna need it. This doesn’t mean don’t introduce abstractions and different concepts like repositories. It just means don’t write code that you think you’re going to need in the future—only write it when you actually need it.

Example 7-1. UserRepository
public interface UserRepository extends AutoCloseable {
    boolean add(User user);

    Optional<User> get(String userId);

    void update(User user);

    void clear();

    FollowStatus follow(User follower, User userToFollow);

There are also differences between the design of our two repositories due to the nature of the objects that they are storing. Our Twoot objects are immutable, so the TwootRepository shown in Example 7-2 doesn’t need to implement an update() operation.

Example 7-2. TwootRepository
public interface TwootRepository {
    Twoot add(String id, String userId, String content);

    Optional<Twoot> get(String id);

    void delete(Twoot twoot);

    void query(TwootQuery twootQuery, Consumer<Twoot> callback);

    void clear();

Normally the add() method in a repository simply takes the object in question and persists it to the database. In the case of the TwootRepository, we have taken a different approach. This method takes some specific parameters and actually creates the object in question. The motivation behind this approach was that the data source would be the one to assign the next Position object to the Twoot. We’re delegating the responsibility of ensuring a unique and ordered object to the data layer that will have the appropriate tool for creating such a sequence.

Another alternative might have been to take a Twoot object that doesn’t have a position assigned to it and then have the position field set when it is added. Now one of the key goals of an object’s constructor should be to ensure that all the internal state is completely initialized, ideally checked with final fields. By not assigning the position at object creation time we would have created an object that wasn’t completely instantiated, breaking one of our principles around creating objects.

Some implementations of the Repository pattern introduce a generic interface—for example, something like Example 7-3. In our case this wouldn’t be appropriate as the TwootRepository doesn’t have an update() method and the UserRepository doesn’t have a delete() method. If you want to write code that abstracts over different repositories, then this might be useful. Trying to avoid forcing different implementations into the same interface for the sake of it is a key part of designing a good abstraction.

Example 7-3. AbstractRepository
public interface AbstractRepository<T>
    void add(T value);

    Optional<T> get(String id);

    void update(T value);

    void delete(T value);

Query Objects

Another key distinction between different repositories is how they support querying. In the case of Twootr our UserRepository doesn’t need any querying capability, but when it comes to Twoot objects we need to be able to look up the twoots to replay when a user logs on. What is the best way to implement this functionality?

Well, there are several different choices that we could make here. The simplest is that we could simply try our repository like a pure Java Collection and have a way of iterating over the different Twoot objects. The logic to query/filter could then be written in normal Java code. This is lovely, but potentially quite slow as it requires us to retrieve all the rows from our data store into our Java application in order to do the querying, when in reality we may only want a few of them. Often data store backends such as SQL databases have highly optimized and efficient implementations of how to query and sort data, and it’s best to leave the querying to them.

Having decided that the repository implementation needs to have the responsibility for querying the data store we need to decide how best to expose this through the TwootRepository interface. One choice would have been to add a method that is tied to our business logic that performs the querying operation. For example, we could have written something like the twootsForLogon() method from Example 7-4 that takes the user object and looks up twoots associated with it. The downside of this is that we’ve now coupled the specific business logic functionality to our repository implementation—something that the introduction of our repository abstraction was designed to avoid. This will make it harder for us to evolve our implementation in line with requirements as we’ll have to modify the repository as well as the core domain logic and also breaches the Single Responsibility Principle.

Example 7-4. twootsForLogon
List<Twoot> twootsForLogon(User user);

What we want to design is something that enables us to harness the power of a data store’s querying capability without tying the business logic to the data store in question. We could add a specific method to query the repository for a given business criteria, as shown by Example 7-5. This approach is much better than the first two, but can still be refined a little bit. The problem with hardcoding each query to a given method is that as your application evolves over time and adds more querying functionality, we add more and more methods to the Repository interface, bloating it and making it harder to understand.

Example 7-5. twootsFromUsersAfterPosition
List<Twoot> twootsFromUsersAfterPosition(Set<String> inUsers, Position lastSeenPosition);

This brings us to the next querying iteration, shown in Example 7-6. Here we’ve abstracted out the criteria that we query our TwootRepository on into its own object. Now we can add additional properties to this criteria to query on without having the number of query methods be a combinatorial explosion of different properties to query about. The definition of our TwootQuery object is shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-6. query
List<Twoot> query(TwootQuery query);
Example 7-7. TwootQuery
public class TwootQuery {
    private Set<String> inUsers;
    private Position lastSeenPosition;

    public Set<String> getInUsers() {
        return inUsers;

    public Position getLastSeenPosition() {
        return lastSeenPosition;

    public TwootQuery inUsers(final Set<String> inUsers) {
        this.inUsers = inUsers;

        return this;

    public TwootQuery inUsers(String... inUsers) {
        return inUsers(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(inUsers)));

    public TwootQuery lastSeenPosition(final Position lastSeenPosition) {
        this.lastSeenPosition = lastSeenPosition;

        return this;

    public boolean hasUsers() {
        return inUsers != null && !inUsers.isEmpty();

This isn’t the final design approach taken for querying the twoots, though. By returning a List of objects it means that we need to load into memory all the Twoot objects that are going to be returned in one go. This isn’t a terribly good idea when this List may grow to be very large. We may not want to query all of the objects in one go either. That’s the case here—we want to push each of the Twoot objects out to our UI without needing to have them all in memory at one point in time. Some repository implementations create an object to model the set of results returned. These objects let you page or iterate through the values.

In this case we’re going to do something simpler: just take a Consumer<Twoot> callback. That’s a function that the caller is going to pass in that takes a single argument—a Twoot—and returns void. We can implement this interface using either a lambda expression or a method reference. You can see our final approach in Example 7-8.

Example 7-8. query
void query(TwootQuery twootQuery, Consumer<Twoot> callback);

See Example 7-9 to see how you would use this query method. This is how our onLogon() method calls the query. It takes the user who has logged on, and uses the set of users that this user is following as the user part of the query. It then uses the last seen position for that part of the query. The callback that receives the results of this query is user::receiveTwoot, a method reference to the function that we described earlier that publishes the Twoot object to the UI ReceiverEndPoint.

Example 7-9. An example of using the query method
    new TwootQuery()

That’s it—that’s our repository interface designed and usable in the core of the application logic.

There is another feature that some repository implementations use that we haven’t described here, and that’s the Unit of Work pattern. We don’t use the Unit of Work pattern in Twootr, but it’s often used in conjunction with the Repository pattern so its worth mentioning it here. A common thing for line-of-business applications to do is to have a single operation that performs many interactions with the data store. For example, you might be transferring money between two bank accounts and want to remove money from one back account and add it to the other bank account in the same operation. You don’t want either of these operations to succeed without the other one succeeding—you don’t want to put money into the creditor’s account when there isn’t enough money in the debtor’s account. You also don’t want to reduce the debtor’s balance without ensuring that you can put money into the creditor account.

Databases often implement transactions and ACID compliance in order to enable people to perform these kinds of operations. A transaction is essentially a group of different database operations that are logically performed as a single, atomic operation. A Unit of Work is a design pattern that helps you perform database transactions. Essentially, each operation that you perform on your repository gets registered with a unit of work object. Your unit of work object can then delegate to one of more repositories, wrapping these operations in a transaction.

One thing we haven’t talked about so far is how we actually implement the repository interfaces that we’ve designed. As with everything else in software development, there are often different routes we can go down. The Java ecosystem contains many Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) that try to automate the task of this implementation for you. The most popular ORM is Hibernate. ORMs tend to be a simple approach that can automate some of the work for you; however, they often end up producing sub-optimal database querying code and can sometimes introduce more complexity than they help remove.

In the example project we provide two implementations of each of the repositories. One of them is a very simple in-memory implementation suitable for testing that won’t persist the data over restarts. The other approach uses plain SQL and the JDBC API. We won’t go into much detail about the implementation as most of it doesn’t illustrate any particularly interesting Java programming ideas; however, in “Functional Programming” we will talk about how we use some ideas from functional programming in the implementation.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a style of computer programming that treats methods as operating like mathematical functions. This means that it avoids mutable state and changing data. You can program in this style in any language, but some programming languages offer features to help make it easier and better—we call those functional programming languages. Java isn’t a functional programming language, but in version 8, 20 years after it was first released, it started to add a number of features that helped make functional programming in Java a reality. Those features include lambda expressions, the Streams and Collectors API, and the Optional class. In this section we’ll talk a little bit about how those functional programming features can be used and how we use them in Twootr.

There are limits to the level of abstractions that library writers could use in Java before Java 8. A good example of this was the lack of efficient parallel operations over large collections of data. Java from 8 onward allows you to write complex collection-processing algorithms, and simply by changing a single method call you can efficiently execute this code on multicore CPUs. In order to enable writing of these kinds of bulk data parallel libraries, however, Java needed a new language change: lambda expressions.

Of course there’s a cost, in that you must learn to write and read lambda-enabled code, but it’s a good trade-off. It’s easier for programmers to learn a small amount of new syntax and a few new idioms than to have to handwrite a large quantity of complex thread-safe code. Good libraries and frameworks have significantly reduced the cost and time associated with developing enterprise business applications, and any barrier to developing easy-to-use and efficient libraries should be removed.

Abstraction is a concept that is familiar to anyone who does object-oriented programming. The difference is that object-oriented programming is mostly about abstracting over data, while functional programming is mostly about abstracting over behavior. The real world has both of these things, and so do our programs, so we can and should learn from both influences.

There are other benefits to this new abstraction as well. For many of us who aren’t writing performance-critical code all the time, these are more important wins. You can write easier-to-read code—code that spends time expressing the intent of its business logic rather than the mechanics of how it’s achieved. Easier-to-read code is also easier to maintain, more reliable, and less error-prone than code that is more difficult to read.

Lambda Expressions

We will define a lambda expression as a concise way of describing an anonymous function. We appreciate that’s quite a lot to take in at once, so we’re going to explain what lambda expressions are by working through an example of some existing Java code. Let’s start by taking a interface used to represent a callback in our codebase: ReceiverEndPoint, shown in Example 7-10.

Example 7-10. ReceiverEndPoint
public interface ReceiverEndPoint {
    void onTwoot(Twoot twoot);

In this example, we’re creating a new object that provides an implementation of the ReceiverEndPoint interface. This interface has a single method, onTwoot, which is called by the Twootr object when it is sending a Twoot object to the UI adapter. The class listed in Example 7-11 provides an implementation of this method. In this case to keep things simple we’re just printing it out on the command line rather than sending a serialized version to an actual UI.

Example 7-11. Implementing ReceiverEndPoint with a class
public class PrintingEndPoint implements ReceiverEndPoint {
    public void onTwoot(final Twoot twoot) {
        System.out.println(twoot.getSenderId() + ": " + twoot.getContent());

This is actually an example of behavior parameterization—we’re parameterizing over the different behaviors to send a message to the UI.

There are seven lines of boilerplate code required in order to call the single line of actual behavior here. Anonymous inner classes were designed to make it easier for Java programmers to represent and pass around behaviors. You can see an example in Example 7-12, which reduces the boilerplate a bit but they still don’t make it easy enough if you want to make passing behavior around really easy.

Example 7-12. Implementing ReceiverEndPoint with an anonymous class
        final ReceiverEndPoint anonymousClass = new ReceiverEndPoint() {
            public void onTwoot(final Twoot twoot) {
                System.out.println(twoot.getSenderId() + ": " + twoot.getContent());

Boilerplate isn’t the only issue, though: this code is fairly hard to read because it obscures the programmer’s intent. We don’t want to pass in an object; what we really want to do is pass in some behavior. In Java 8 or later, we would write this code example as a lambda expression, as shown in Example 7-13.

Example 7-13. Implementing ReceiverEndPoint with a lambda expression
        final ReceiverEndPoint lambda =
            twoot -> System.out.println(twoot.getSenderId() + ": " + twoot.getContent());

Instead of passing in an object that implements an interface, we’re passing in a block of code—a function without a name. twoot is the name of a parameter, the same parameter as in the anonymous inner class example. -> separates the parameter from the body of the lambda expression, which is just some code that is run when the twoot gets published.

Another difference between this example and the anonymous inner class is how we declare the variable event. Previously, we needed to explicitly provide its type: Twoot twoot. In this example, we haven’t provided the type at all, yet this example still compiles. What is happening under the hood is that javac is inferring the type of the variable event from it’s context—here, from the signature of onTwoot. What this means is that you don’t need to explicitly write out the type when it’s obvious.


Although lambda method parameters require less boilerplate code than was needed previously, they are still statically typed. For the sake of readability and familiarity, you have the option to include the type declarations, and sometimes the compiler just can’t work it out!

Method References

A common idiom you may have noticed is the creation of a lambda expression that calls a method on its parameter. If we want a lambda expression that gets the content of a Twoot, we would write something like Example 7-14.

Example 7-14. Get the content of a twoot
twoot -> twoot.getContent()

This is such a common idiom that there’s actually an abbreviated syntax for this that lets you reuse an existing method, called a method reference. If we were to write the previous lambda expression using a method reference, it would look like Example 7-15.

Example 7-15. A method reference

The standard form is Classname::methodName. Remember that even though it’s a method, you don’t need to use brackets because you’re not actually calling the method. You’re providing the equivalent of a lambda expression that can be called in order to call the method. You can use method references in the same places as lambda expressions.

You can also call constructors using the same abbreviated syntax. If you were to use a lambda expression to create a SenderEndPoint, you might write Example 7-16.

Example 7-16. Lambda to create a new SenderEndPoint
(user, twootr) -> new SenderEndPoint(user, twootr)

You can also write this using method references, as shown in Example 7-17.

Example 7-17. Method reference to create a new SenderEndPoint

This code is not only shorter, but also a lot easier to read. SenderEndPoint::new immediately tells you that you’re creating a new SenderEndPoint without your having to scan the whole line of code. Another thing to notice here is that method references automatically support multiple parameters, as long as you have the right functional interface.

When we were first exploring the Java 8 changes, a friend of ours said that method references “feel like cheating.” What he meant was that, having looked at how we can use lambda expressions to pass code around as if it were data, it felt like cheating to be able to reference a method directly.

In fact, method references are really making the concept of first-class functions explicit. This is the idea that we can pass behavior around and treat it like another value. For example, we can compose functions together.

Execute Around

The Execute Around pattern is a common functional design pattern. You may encounter a situation where you have common initialization and cleanup code that you always want to do, but parameterize different business logic that runs within the initialization and cleanup code. An example of the general pattern is shown in Figure 7-1. There are a number of example situations in which you can use execute around, for example:


Open a file before you use it, and close it when you’ve finished using the file. You may also want to log an exception when something goes wrong. The parameterized code can read from or write to the file.


Acquire a lock before your critical section, release the lock after your critical section. The parameterized code is the critical section.

Database connections

Open a connection to a database upon initialization, close it when finished. This is often even more useful if you pool your database connections as it also allows your open logic to also retrieve the connection from your pool.

Execute Around pattern
Figure 7-1. Execute Around pattern

Because the initialization and cleanup logic is being used in many places, it is possible to get into a situation where this logic is duplicated. This means that if you want to modify this common initialization or cleanup code, then you will have to modify multiple different parts of your application. It also exposes the risk that these different code snippets could become inconsistent, introducing potential bugs into your application.

The Execute Around pattern solves this problem by extracting a common method that defines both the initialization and cleanup code. This method takes a parameter containing the behavior that differs between use cases of the same overall pattern. The parameter will use an interface to enable it to be implemented by different blocks of code, usually using lambda expressions.

Example 7-18 shows a concrete example of an extract method. This is used within Twootr in order to run SQL statements against the database. It creates a prepared statement object for a given SQL statement and and then runs our extractor behavior on the statement. The extractor is just a callback that extracts a result, i.e., reads some data from the database, using the PreparedStatement.

Example 7-18. Use of the Execute Around pattern in the extract method
    <R> R extract(final String sql, final Extractor<R> extractor) {
        try (var stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);


The most important functional programming features in Java are focused around the Collections API and Streams. Streams allow us to write collections-processing code at a higher level of abstraction than we would be able to do with loops. The Stream interface contains a series of functions that we’ll explore throughout this chapter, each of which corresponds to a common operation that you might perform on a Collection.


If you’ve got a function that converts a value of one type into another, map() lets you apply this function to a stream of values, producing another stream of the new values.

You may very well have been doing some kind of map operations for years already with for loops. In our DatabaseTwootRepository we’ve built up a tuple to be used in a query String containing all the id values of the different users whom a user is following. Each id value is a quoted String and the whole tuple is surrounded by brackets. For example, if they followed users with IDs "richardwarburto" and "raoulUK" we would produce a tuple String of "(richardwarburto,raoulOK)". In order to generate this tuple you would use a mapping pattern, transforming each id into "id" and then adding them into a List. The String.join() method can then be used to join them with commas between. Example 7-19 is code written in this style.

Example 7-19. Building a user tuple with a for loop
    private String usersTupleLoop(final Set<String> following) {
        List<String> quotedIds = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String id : following) {
            quotedIds.add("'" + id + "'");
        return '(' + String.join(",", quotedIds) + ')';

map() is one of the most commonly used Stream operations. Example 7-20 is the same example of building up the user tuple but using map(). It also takes advantage of the joining() collector, which allows us to join the elements in the Stream together into a String.

Example 7-20. Building a user tuple using map
    private String usersTuple(final Set<String> following) {
        return following
            .map(id -> "'" + id + "'")
            .collect(Collectors.joining(",", "(", ")"));

The lambda expression passed into map() both takes a String as its only argument and returns a String. It isn’t necessary for both the argument and the result to be the same type, but the lambda expression passed in must be an instance of Function. This is a generic functional interface with only one argument.


The forEach() operation is useful when you want to perform a side effect for each value in the Stream. For example, suppose you want to print out the name of a user or save each transaction in your stream to a database. forEach() takes a single argument—a Consumer callback executed that gets invoked with every element in the stream as an argument.


Any time you’re looping over some data and checking each element with an if statement, you might want to think about using the Stream.filter() method.

For example, the InMemoryTwootRepository needs to query the different Twoot objects in order to find twoots that meet its TwootQuery. Specifically, that the position is after the last seen position and that user is being followed. An example of this being written in for loop style is shown in Example 7-21.

Example 7-21. Looping over twoots and using an if statement
    public void queryLoop(final TwootQuery twootQuery, final Consumer<Twoot> callback) {
        if (!twootQuery.hasUsers()) {

        var lastSeenPosition = twootQuery.getLastSeenPosition();
        var inUsers = twootQuery.getInUsers();

        for (Twoot twoot : twoots) {
            if (inUsers.contains(twoot.getSenderId()) &&
                twoot.isAfter(lastSeenPosition)) {

You have probably written some code that looks like this: it’s called the filter pattern. The central idea of filter is to retain some elements of the Stream, while throwing others out. Example 7-22 shows how you would write the same code in a functional style.

Example 7-22. Functional style
    public void query(final TwootQuery twootQuery, final Consumer<Twoot> callback) {
        if (!twootQuery.hasUsers()) {

        var lastSeenPosition = twootQuery.getLastSeenPosition();
        var inUsers = twootQuery.getInUsers();

            .filter(twoot -> inUsers.contains(twoot.getSenderId()))
            .filter(twoot -> twoot.isAfter(lastSeenPosition))

Much like map(), filter() is a method that takes just a single function as an argument—here we’re using a lambda expression. This function does the same job that the expression in the if statement did earlier. Here, it returns true if the String starts with a digit. If you’re refactoring legacy code, the presence of an if statement in the middle of a for loop is a pretty strong indicator that you really want to use filter. Because this function is doing the same job as the if statement, it must return either true or false for a given value. The Stream after the filter has the elements of the Stream beforehand, which evaluated to true.


reduce is a pattern that will also be familiar to anyone who has used loops to operate on collections. It’s the kind of code that you write when you want to collapse down an entire list of values into a single value—for example, finding the sum of all the values of different transactions. The general pattern that you would see with reduction when writing a loop is shown in Example 7-23. Use the reduce operation when you’ve got a collection of values and you want to generate a single result.

Example 7-23. The reduce pattern
Object accumulator = initialValue;
for (Object element : collection) {
 accumulator = combine(accumulator, element);

An accumulator gets pushed through the body of the loop, with the final value of the accumulator being the value that we were trying to compute. The accumulator starts with an initialValue and then gets combined together with each element of the list by calling the combine operation.

The things that differ between implementations of this pattern are the initialValue and the combining function. In the original example, we used the first element in the list as our initialValue, but it doesn’t have to be. In order to find the shortest value in a list, our combine would return the shorter track of out of the current element and the accumulator. We’ll now take a look at how this general pattern can be codified by an operation in the Streams API itself.

Let’s demonstrate the reduce operation by adding a feature that combines together different twoots into one large twoot. The operation will have a list of Twoot objects, the sender of the Twoot, and its id provided as arguments. It will need to combine together the different content value and return the highest position of the twoots being combined. The overall code is demonstrated in Example 7-24.

We start with a new Twoot object created using the id, senderId with empty content and the lowest possible position—the INITIAL_POSITION. The reduce then folds together each element with an accumulator, combining the element to the accumulator at every step. When we reach the final Stream element, our accumulator has the sum of all the elements.

The lambda expression, known as a reducer, performs the combining and takes two arguments. acc is the accumulator and holds the previous twoots that have been combined. It is also passed in the current Twoot in the Stream. The reducer in our example creates a new Twoot, with the max of the two positions, the concatenation of their content, and the specified id and senderId.

Example 7-24. Implementing sum using reduce
    private final BinaryOperator<Position> maxPosition = maxBy(comparingInt(Position::getValue));

    Twoot combineTwootsBy(final List<Twoot> twoots, final String senderId, final String newId) {
        return twoots
                new Twoot(newId, senderId, "", INITIAL_POSITION),
                (acc, twoot) -> new Twoot(
                    twoot.getContent() + acc.getContent(),
                    maxPosition.apply(acc.getPosition(), twoot.getPosition())));

Of course these Stream operations aren’t that interesting on their own. They become really powerful when you combine them together to form a pipeline. Example 7-25 shows some code from Twootr.onSendTwoot() where we send twoots to the followers of a user. The first step is to call the followers() method, which returns a Stream<User>. We then use the filter operation to find the users who are actually logged in who we want to send the twoot to. Then we use the forEach operation to produce the desired side effect: sending a twoot to a user and recording the result.

Example 7-25. Use of Stream within the onSendTwoot method
            .forEach(follower ->


Optional is a core Java library data type, introduced in Java 8, that is designed to provide a better alternative to null. There’s quite a lot of hatred for the old null value. Even the man who invented the concept, Tony Hoare, described it as “my billion-dollar mistake”. That’s the trouble with being an influential computer scientist—you can make a billion-dollar mistake without even seeing the billion dollars yourself!

null is often used to represent the absence of a value, and this is the use case that Optional is replacing. The problem with using null in order to represent absence is the dreaded NullPointerException. If you refer to a variable that is null, your code blows up. The goal of Optional is twofold. First, it encourages the coder to make ap‐ propriate checks as to whether a variable is absent in order to avoid bugs. Second, it documents values that are expected to be absent in a class’s API. This makes it easier to see where the bodies are buried.

Let’s take a look at the API for Optional in order to get a feel for how to use it. If you want to create an Optional instance from a value, there is a factory method called of(). The Optional is now a container for this value, which can be pulled out with get, as shown in Example 7-26.

Example 7-26. Creating an Optional from a value
Optional<String> a = Optional.of("a");

assertEquals("a", a.get());

Because an Optional may also represent an absent value, there’s also a factory method called empty(), and you can convert a nullable value into an Optional using the ofNullable() method. You can see both of these methods in Example 7-27, along with the use of the isPresent() method, which indicates whether the Optional is holding a value.

Example 7-27. Creating an empty Optional and checking whether it contains a value
Optional emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
Optional alsoEmpty = Optional.ofNullable(null);


// a is defined above

One approach to using Optional is to guard any call to get() by checking isPresent()—this is needed because a call to get() can throw a NoSuchElementException. Unfortunately, this approach isn’t a very good coding pattern for using Optional. If you use it this way, all you’ve really done is to replicate the existing patterns for using null—where you would check if a value isn’t null as a guard.

A neater approach is to call the orElse() method, which provides an alternative value in case the Optional is empty. If creating an alternative value is computationally expensive, the orElseGet() method should be used. This allows you to pass in a Supplier function that is called only if the Optional is genuinely empty. Both of these methods are demonstrated in Example 7-28.

Example 7-28. Using orElse() and orElseGet()
assertEquals("b", emptyOptional.orElse("b"));
assertEquals("c", emptyOptional.orElseGet(() -> "c"));

Optional also has a series of methods defined that can be used like the Stream API; for example, filter(), map(), and ifPresent(). You can think of these methods applying to the Optional API similarly to the Stream API, but in this case your Stream can only contain 1 or 0 elements. So Optional.filter() will retain an element in the Optional if it meets the criteria and return an empty Optional if the Optional was previously empty or if the predicate fails to apply. Similarly, map() transforms the value inside the Optional, but if it’s empty it doesn’t apply the function at all. That’s what makes these functions safer than using null—they only operate on the Optional if there’s really something inside of it. ifPresent is the Optional dual of forEach—it applies a Consumer callback if there’s a value there, but not otherwise.

You can see an extract of the code from the Twootr.onLogon() method in Example 7-29. This is an example of how we can put together these different operations to perform a more complex operation. We start off by looking up the User from their ID by calling UserRepository.get(), which returns an Optional. We then validate the user’s password matchers using filter. We use ifPresent to notify the User of the twoots that they’ve missed. Finally, we map the User object into a new SenderEndPoint that is returned from the method.

Example 7-29. Use of Optional within the onLogon method
        var authenticatedUser = userRepository
            .filter(userOfSameId ->
                var hashedPassword = KeyGenerator.hash(password, userOfSameId.getSalt());
                return Arrays.equals(hashedPassword, userOfSameId.getPassword());

        authenticatedUser.ifPresent(user ->
                new TwootQuery()

        return -> new SenderEndPoint(user, this));

In this section we’ve really only scratched the surface of functional programming. If you are interested in learning about functional programming in greater depth, we recommend Java 8 In Action and Java 8 Lambdas.

User Interface

Throughout this chapter we’ve avoided talking too much about the user interface to this system, because we’re focused on the design of the core problem domain. That said, it’s worth delving a little into what the example project delivers as part of its UI just in order to understand how the event modeling fits together. In our example project we ship a single-page website that uses JavaScript to implement its dynamic functionality. In order to keep things simple and not delve too much into the myriad framework wars, we’ve just used jquery to update the raw HTML page, but kept a simple separation of concerns in the code.

When you browse to the Twootr web page it connects back to the host using WebSockets. These were one of the event communication choices discussed back in “From Events to Design”. All the code for communicating with it lies in the web_adapter subpackage of chapter_06. The WebSocketEndPoint class implements the ReceiverEndPoint and also invokes any needed methods on the SenderEndPoint. For example, when the ReceiverEndPoint receives and parses a message to follow another user it invokes the SenderEndPoint.onFollow(), passing the username through. The returned enumFollowStatus then gets converted into a wire format response and written down the WebSocket connection.

All communication between the JavaScript frontend and the server is done using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) standard. JSON was chosen as it’s very easy for a JavaScript UI to deserialize or serialize.

Within the WebSocketEndPoint we need to map to and from JSON within Java code. There are many libraries that can be used for this purpose, here we’ve chosen the Jackson library, which is commonly used and well maintained. JSON is often used in applications that take a request/response approach rather than an event-driven approach as well. In our case we manually extract the fields from the JSON object to keep things simple, but its also possible to use a higher-level JSON API, such as a binding API.

Dependency Inversion and Dependency Injection

We’ve talked a lot about decoupling patterns in this chapter. Our overall application uses the Ports and Adapters pattern and the Repository pattern to decouple business logic away from implementation details. There is in fact a large, unifying principle that we can think of when we see these patterns—Dependency Inversion. The Dependency Inversion Principle is the final of our five SOLID patterns that we’ve talked about in this book, and like the others was introduced by Robert Martin. It states that:

  • High-level modules should not depend upon low-level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.

  • Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

The principle is called an inversion because in traditional imperative, structured programming it is often the case that high-level modules compose down to produce low-level modules. It’s often a side effect of the top-down design that we talked about in this chapter. You split up a big problem into different subproblems, write a module to solve each of those subproblems, and then the main problem (the high-level module) depends on the subproblems (the low-level modules).

In the design of Twootr we’ve avoided this problem through the introduction of abstractions. We have a high-level entry point class, called Twootr, and it doesn’t depend upon the low-level modules such as our DataUserRepository. It depends upon the abstraction—the UserRepository interface. We perform the same inversion at the UI port. Twootr doesn’t depend upon the WebSocketEndPoint—it depends upon the ReceiverEndPoint. We program to the interface, not the implementation.

A related term is the concept of Dependency Injection, or DI. To understand what DI is and why we need it, let’s undertake a thought experiment on our design. Our architecture has determined that the main Twootr class needs to depend upon the UserRepository and TwootRepository in order to store User and Twoot objects. We have defined fields inside Twootr to store instances of these objects, as shown in Example 7-30. The question is, how do we instantiate them?

Example 7-30. Dependencies within the Twootr class
public class Twootr

    private final TwootRepository twootRepository;
    private final UserRepository userRepository;

The first strategy that we could use for populating the fields is to try and call constructors using the new keyword, as shown in Example 7-31. Here we’ve hardcoded the use of the database-based repositories into the codebase. Now most of the code in the class still programs to the interface, so we could change the implementation here quite easily without having to replace all our code, but it’s a bit of a hack. We have to always use the database repositories, which means our tests for the Twootr class depend upon the database and run more slowly.

Not only that, but if we want to ship different versions of Twootr to different customers—for example, an in-house Twootr for enterprise customers that uses SQL and a cloud-based version that uses a NoSQL backend—we would have to cut the builds from two different versions of the codebase. It’s not enough to just define interfaces and separate implementation—we also have to have a way of wiring up the right implementation in a way that doesn’t break our abstraction and decoupling approach.

Example 7-31. Hardcoding the field instantiation
public Twootr()
    this.userRepository = new DatabaseUserRepository();
    this.twootRepository = new DatabaseTwootRepository();

// How to start Twootr
Twootr twootr = new Twootr();

A commonly used design pattern for instantiating different dependencies is the Abstract Factory Design pattern. Example 7-32 demonstrates this pattern, where we have a factory method that we can use to create an instance of our interface using the getInstance() method. When we want to set up the right implementations to use, we can call a setInstance(). So, for example, we could use setInstance() in tests to create an in-memory implementation, in an on-premise installation to use a SQL database, or in our cloud environment to use a NoSQL database. We’ve decoupled the implementation from the interface and can call this wiring code wherever we want.

Example 7-32. Creating the instances with factories
public Twootr()
    this.userRepository = UserRepository.getInstance();
    this.twootRepository = TwootRepository.getInstance();

// How to start Twootr
UserRepository.setInstance(new DatabaseUserRepository());
TwootRepository.setInstance(new DatabaseTwootRepository());
Twootr twootr = new Twootr();

Unfortunately this factory method approach has its downsides as well. For a start, we’ve now created a big ball of shared mutable state. Any situation where we want to run a single JVM with different Twootr instances with different dependencies isn’t possible. We’ve also coupled together lifetimes—perhaps we sometimes want to instantiate a new TwootRepository when we start Twootr, or perhaps we sometimes want to reuse an existing one. The factory method approach won’t let us directly do this. It can also become rather complicated to have a factory for every dependency that we want to create in our application.

This is where Dependency Injection comes in. DI can be thought of as an example of the Hollywood Agent approach—don’t call us, we’ll call you. With DI instead of creating dependencies explicitly or using factories to create them, you simply take a parameter and whatever instantiates your object has the responsibiltiy for passing in the required dependencies. It might be a test class’s setup method passing in a mock. It might be the main() method of your application passing in a SQL database implementation. An example of this in use with the Twootr class is shown in Example 7-33. Dependency Inversion is a strategy; Dependency Injection and the Repository pattern are tactics.

Example 7-33. Creating the instances using Dependency Injection
public Twootr(final UserRepository userRepository, final TwootRepository twootRepository)
    this.userRepository = userRepository;
    this.twootRepository = twootRepository;

// How to start Twootr
Twootr twootr = new Twootr(new DatabaseUserRepository(), new DatabaseTwootRepository());

Taking objects this way not only makes it easier to write tests for your objects, but it has the advantage of externalizing the creation of the objects themselves. This allows your application code or a framework to control when the UserRepository is created and what dependencies are wired into it. Many developers find it convenient to use DI frameworks, such as Spring and Guice, that offer many features on top of basic DI. For example, they define lifecycles for beans that standardize hooks to be called after the objects are instantiated or before they are destroyed if required. They can also offer scopes for objects, such as Singleton objects that are only instantiated once during the lifetime of a process or per-request objects. Furthermore, these DI frameworks often hook nicely into web development frameworks such as Dropwizard or Spring Boot and provide a productive out-of-the-box experience.

Packages and Build Systems

Java allows you to split your codebase into different packages. Throughout this book we’ve put the code for each chapter into its own package and Twootr is the first project where we’ve split out multiple subpackages within the project itself.

Here are the packages can you look at for the different components within the project:

  • com.iteratrlearning.shu_book.chapter_06 is the top-level package for the project.

  • com.iteratrlearning.shu_book.chapter_06.database contains the adapter for SQL database persistence.

  • com.iteratrlearning.shu_book.chapter_06.in_memory contains the adapter for in-memory persistence.

  • com.iteratrlearning.shu_book.chapter_06.web_adapter contains the adapter for the WebSockets-based UI.

Splitting out large projects into different packages can be helpful to structure code and make it easier for developers to find. Just in the same way that classes group together related methods and state, packages group together related classes. Packages should follow similar coupling and cohesion rules to your classes. Put classes in the same package when they’re likely to change at the same time and are related to the same structure. For example, in the Twootr project if we want to alter the SQL database persistence code we know we go to the database subpackage.

Packages also enable information hiding. We discussed the idea of having a package-scoped constructor method back in Example 4-3 in order to prevent objects from being instantiated outside of the package. We can also have package scoping for classes and methods. This prevents objects outside of the package from accessing the details of the class and helps us achieve loose coupling. For example, WebSocketEndPoint is package-scoped implementation of the ReceiverEndPoint interface that lives in the web_adapter package. No other code in the project should talk to this class directly—only through the ReceiverEndPoint interface that acts as the port.

Our approach of having a package per adapter in Twootr fits nicely with the hexagonal architectural pattern that we’ve used throughout this module. Not every application is hexagonal, however, and there are two common package structures that you may well encounter in other projects.

One very common approach to structuring packages is to structure them by layer—for example, grouping together all code that generates HTML views in a website into a views package, and all the code that relates to handling web requests into a controller package. Despite being popular, this can be a poor choice of structure as it results in poor coupling and cohesion. If you want to modify an existing web page to add an additional parameter and display a value based upon that parameter, you would end up touching the controller and the view packages, and probably several others as well.

An alternative way of structuring code is to group code by feature. So, for example, if you were writing an ecommerce site you might have a cart package for your shopping cart, a product package for code related to product listings, a payment package code related to taking card payments, etc. This can often be more cohesive. If you want to add support for receiving payment by Mastercard as well as Visa, then you would only need to modify the payment package.

In “Using Maven” we talked about how to set up a basic build structure using the Maven build tool. In the project structure for this book we have one Maven project and the different chapters of the book are different Java packages within that one project. That’s a nice and simple project structure that will work for a wide range of different software projects, but it’s not the only one. Both Maven and Gradle offer project structures that build and output many build artifacts from a single top-level project.

This can make sense if you want to deploy different build artifacts. For example, suppose you’ve got a client/server project where you want to have a single build that builds both the client and the server, but the client and the server are different binaries running on different machines. It’s best not to overthink or over-modularize build scripts, though.

They’re something that you and your team will be running on your machines regularly and the highest priority is for them to be simple, fast, and easy to use. That’s why we went down the route of having one single project for the entire book, rather than submodule per project.

Limitations and Simplifications

You’ve seen how we implement Twootr and learned about our design decisions along the way, but does that mean that the Twootr codebase that we’ve seen so far is the only or the best way to write it? Of course not! In fact, there are a number of limitations to our approach and simplifications that we’ve deliberately taken in order to make the codebase explainable in a single chapter.

For a start we’ve written Twootr as though it will be run on a single thread and completely ignored the issue of concurrency. In practice we may want to have multiple threads responding to and emitting events in our Twootr implementation. That way we can make use of modern multicore CPUs and serve a larger number customers on one box.

In a bigger-picture sense, we’ve also ignored any kind of failover that would allow our service to continue to run if the server that it was hosted on fell over. We’ve also ignored scalability. For example, requiring all our twoots have a single defined order is something that is easy and efficient to implement on a single server but would present a serious scalability/contention bottleneck. Similarly, seeing all the twoots when you log on would cause a bottleneck as well. What if you go on holiday for a week and when you log back on you get 20,000 twoots!

Addressing these issues in detail goes beyond the scope of this chapter. However, these are important topics if you wish to go further with Java, and we plan to address them in greater detail in future books in this series.


  • You can now decouple data storage from business logic using the Repository pattern.

  • You have seen implementations of two different types of repositories within this approach.

  • You were introduced to the ideas of functional programming, including Java 8 Streams.

  • You’ve seen how to structure a larger project with different packages.

Iterating on You

If you want to extend and solidify the knowledge from this section you could try one of the following activities.

Suppose that we had taken a pull model for Twootr. Instead of having messages continuously pushed out to a browser-based client over WebSockets, we had used HTTP to poll for the latest messages since a position.

  • Brainstorm how our design would have changed. Try drawing a diagram of the different classes and how data would flow between them.

  • Implement, using TDD, this alternative model for Twootr. You don’t need to implement the HTTP parts, just the underlying classes following this model.

Completing the Challenge

We built the product and it worked. Unfortunately, Joe realized when he launched that someone called Jack had released a similar product, with a similar name, taking billions in VC funding and with hundreds of millions of users. Jack only got there first by 11 years; it was bad luck for Joe, really.

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