

  • & (ampersand), 235, 431

  • * (asterisk), 61, 9192, 278

  • (backslash), 430431

  • #!/bin/bash, 424

  • ^ (caret), 39

  • $ (dollar sign), 39

  • . (dot) regular expression, 9192

  • = (equal sign), 41, 303

  • > (greater than symbol), 33

  • < (less than symbol), 33

  • && (logical AND), 431

  • || (logical OR), 431

  • !ls command (vim), 39

  • :%s/old/new/g command (vim), 39

  • | (pipe), 3335, 431

  • + (plus sign), 92

  • :q! command (vim), 38

  • ? (question mark), 61, 92

  • (…) regular expression, 92

  • / (root directory), 56

  • ?text command (vim), 39

  • ^text regular expression, 92

  • :w filename command (vim), 39

  • :wq command (vim), 38

  • {1,3} regular expression, 92

  • {2} regular expression, 92


  • a command (vim), 38

  • absolute filenames, 6264

  • accounts

  • AccuracySec option (systemd), 275

  • acl mount option, 337

  • addresses

    • broadcast, 172

    • IP (Internet Protocol), 170173

    • MAC (media access control), 173

    • network

      • management of, 174

      • validation of, 175178

  • administrators, setting, 16

  • alert priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • alias command, 31

  • aliases, 31

  • AllowUsers option (SSH), 444445, 447

  • AlmaLinux, 8

  • ampersand (&), 235, 431

  • anacron service, 281

  • Apache server configuration

  • Application Stream (AppStream) repository, 205206

  • apropos command, 45

  • archives, 7173

  • arguments, 30

  • asterisk (*), 61, 91, 92, 278

  • at command, 282283

  • atd service, 282283

  • atime mount option, 337

  • atq command, 283

  • audit log, 487488

  • [auo] wildcard, 61

  • auth/authpriv facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • authentication, SSH (Secure Shell), 116117, 447448

  • auto mount option, 337

  • autofs service, 516

  • automation

    • with crond service

      • anacron, 281

      • cron configuration files, 278280

      • cron time/date fields, 278

      • management of, 276277

      • security, 282

    • of file system mounts, 335338

    • with shell scripting

  • automount, mounting NFS (Network File System) shares from, 516518

  • autorelabel file, 417

  • awk command, 9496


  • background processes, 234235

  • backslash (), 430431

  • balanced profile, 249

  • baseurl= option, repositories, 202

  • bash command, 425, 435

  • Bash shell. See shell

  • ~/.bash_profile file, 41

  • ~/.bashrc file, 41, 136

  • Basic Graphics Mode, 411

  • Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), 314, 315, 323, 406

  • batch command, 283

  • bg command, 235237

  • binary notation, 172173

  • bind-mounting in rootless containers, 565566

  • /bin/sh, 547

  • BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), 314, 315, 323, 406

  • blkid command, 334, 338

  • block zone, firewalld, 499

  • blockdev, 362

  • Boolean settings, SELinux, 485487

  • /boot directory, 56, 5758

  • boot procedure

  • boot prompt, accessing, 408409

  • /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg file, 397398

  • /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg file, 397398

  • /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file, 397398

  • broadcast addresses, 172

  • BtrFS, 328

  • buildah, 542

  • bunzip2, 74

  • bzip2 command, 74


  • cache tier, 362

  • caret (^), 39

  • case loops, 434435

  • cat command, 84, 85, 375

  • cd command, 62, 152

  • CentOS Stream, 7

  • Cert Guide environment, 910

  • chage command, 135

  • characters, counting, 8889

  • chattr command, 160

  • chcon command, 479480

  • chgrp command, 150

  • chmod command, 153154, 156158

  • chown command, 149150

  • chrony service, 533534

  • chronyd process, 529530

  • chroot command, 411413, 414

  • chroot environment, 461, 543

  • chvt command, 107

  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation, 171

  • ClientAliveCountMax option (SSH), 446, 447

  • ClientAliveInterval option (SSH), 446, 447

  • clients

  • clock. See time services

  • command line

    • command-line completion, 37

    • mounting NFS (Network File System) shares from, 514

  • command mode, vim, 38

  • commands. See also individual commands

    • aliases, 31

    • command-line completion, 37

    • executing, 3032

    • help, 43

    • internal/external, 3132

    • I/O redirection, 3233

    • pipes, 3435

    • running in containers, 559560

    • syntax for, 30

  • community distributions, 8

  • compression, file, 7475

  • conditional loops, 429435

  • configuration. See also configuration files; installation

    • Apache server

    • boot procedure, 406408

    • firewalld

    • GRUB 2 boot loader

    • network

    • NFS (Network File System)

    • root password, 416417

    • rsyslogd, 300304

      • configuration files, 300

      • facilities, priorities, and destinations, 301303

      • rules, changing, 304

    • SSH (Secure Shell), 442448

      • connection keepalive options, 446447

      • hardening, 442445

      • key-based authentication, 447448

      • most useful options, 447

      • passphrases, 447448

      • session options, 446

    • Stratis, 361364

    • Systemd units, 266267

    • time services

      • clients, 533534

      • local time, 526

      • NTP (Network Time Protocol), 527

      • time management commands, 527531

      • time zones, 531533

  • configuration files

  • Conflicts statement, 259

  • connection keepalive options (SSH), 446447

  • consoles, local

    • booting/rebooting, 109110

    • logging in to, 104105

    • multiple terminals in

      • in graphical environment, 105106

      • in nongraphical environment, 107108

    • pseudo terminal devices, 108109

    • shutting down, 109110

    • terminals versus, 104

  • containerfiles, building images from, 556558

  • containers

  • context settings, SELinux

    • context labels

    • context types

    • overview of, 477

  • control group (cgroup), 544

  • Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 526

  • cp command, 6465

  • CREATE_HOME, 135

  • createrepo command, 204

  • CRI-o, 542, 544

  • crit priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • cron facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • crond service

    • anacron, 281

    • cron configuration files, 278280

    • cron time/date fields, 278

    • management of, 276277

    • running scheduled tasks through, 282

    • security, 282

  • cut command, 84, 87


  • daemons

    • crond

      • anacron, 281

      • cron configuration files, 278280

      • cron time/date fields, 278

      • management of, 276277

      • security, 282

    • definition of, 234

    • rsyslogd, 302

    • systemd-udevd, 376, 406

  • database, rpm, 222223

  • date command, 528

  • date fields, cron, 278

  • daylight saving time (DST), 526

  • dd command (vim), 39

  • debug priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • debugging shell scripts, 435. See also troubleshooting

  • default file contexts, SELinux, 483484

  • default permissions, 159160

  • default shell, 133

  • default user account values, 134135

  • dependencies

    • repositories and, 198

    • Systemd targets, 391392

  • dependencies, Systemd, 263265

  • dependency hell, 221

  • desktop profile, 249

  • destination, rsyslogd, 301303

  • /dev directory, 56

  • /dev/hda, 317

  • device files, 33

  • device mapper, 356

  • device names

    • file system, 334335

    • LVM (Logical Volume Manager), 355356

  • /dev/mapper directory, 356

  • /dev/nvme0n1, 317

  • /dev/sda, 317

  • /dev/vda, 317

  • /dev/xvda, 317

  • df -Th command, 5961

  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 174

  • dictionary attacks, 442

  • directories. See also individual directories

  • disk devices, 317318

  • distributions, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), 78

  • dmesg command, 373375, 383

  • dmz zone, firewalld, 499

  • dnf command

  • dnf config-manager tool, 201

  • dnf group install command, 206, 214, 396, 456

  • dnf group list command, 206, 214216, 396

  • dnf history command, 216217

  • dnf info command, 206, 208209

  • dnf install command, 206, 209211

  • dnf install curl command, 459, 464

  • dnf install httpd command, 459

  • dnf install kernel command, 383

  • dnf install vim-enhanced command, 38

  • dnf list command, 206, 211213

  • dnf module command, 217221

  • dnf module enable command, 221

  • dnf module install command, 221

  • dnf module list command, 217221

  • dnf remove command, 206, 211

  • dnf search command, 206208

  • dnf update command, 206, 213214

  • dnf upgrade kernel command, 383

  • dnf whatprovides command, 208, 479

  • DNS (Domain Name Service), 189191

  • Docker, 542, 544

  • DocumentRoot parameter, Apache, 456459

  • dollar sign ($), 39

  • dot (.) regular expression, 91, 92

  • dracut command, 413, 415

  • drivers, kernel, 372373

  • drop zone (firewalld), 499

  • DST (daylight saving time), 526

  • dump utility, 158, 337, 515

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 174


  • e2label command, 331, 334

  • echo command, 41, 428

  • editors

  • EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface), 5758

  • else statement, 429

  •, 390

  • emerg/panic priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • End Of File (EOF) character, 235

  • enforcing mode, SELinux, 473475

  • engine, container, 542

  • env command, 40

  • ENV_PATH, 135

  • environment, shell, 135136

    • configuration files, 4143

    • definition of, 40

    • variables, 4041

  • environment variables

  • EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repositories, 199

  • epoch time, 528

  • equal sign (=), 41, 303

  • err/error priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • esac statement, 435

  • escaping, 91, 430431

  • /etc directory, 56

  • /etc/anacrontab file, 281

  • /etc/bashrc file, 41, 136

  • /etc/containers/registries.conf file, 550551

  • /etc/cron.allow file, 282

  • /etc/crontab file, 278280

  • /etc/default/grub file, 396397

  • /etc/default/useradd file, 134135

  • /etc/fstab file, 335338, 515

  • /etc/group file, 137138

  • /etc/gshadow file, 138

  • /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, 456459, 461

  • /etc/issue file, 42

  • /etc/login.defs file, 134135

  • /etc/logrotate.conf file, 304306

  • /etc/modprobe.d directory, 382

  • /etc/modules-load.d directory, 378

  • /etc/motd file, 42

  • /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, 186

  • /etc/passwd file, 129130

  • /etc/profile file, 41, 136

  • /etc/rsyslog.conf file, 300

  • /etc/rsyslog.d file, 300

  • /etc/shadow file, 130132

  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, 186

  • /etc/sysconfig/selinux file, 474475

  • /etc/systemd/system directory, 257

  • /etc/yum.repos.d directory, 201

  • exabytes (EB), 316

  • exam, RHCSA

    • exam day tips, 574576

    • nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 576577

    • practice exams, tips for, 581582, 583584

    • registration for, 573574

    • theoretical pre-assessment exam, 579580

    • updates for, 617618

    • verifying readiness for, 573

  • exec command, 417

  • exec mount option, 337

  • execute permissions, 152154

  • exit command, 36, 151, 425, 548

  • expressions, regular. See regular expressions

  • Ext2, 328

  • Ext3, 328

  • Ext4, 328, 329331

  • extended partitions, 315, 320322

  • extended regular expressions, 9193

  • Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), 5758

  • external commands, 3132

  • external zone (firewalld), 499



  • gdisk command, 317, 322326, 350

  • getenforce command, 474477

  • getent hosts command, 191

  • getsebool -a command, 484

  • gg command (vim), 39

  • gigabytes (GB), 316

  • #### GLOBAL DIRECTIVES #### section, rsyslog.conf, 300

  • gpasswd command, 151

  • GPG key, 203204

  • gpgcheck= option, repositories, 202

  • gpgkey= option, repositories, 202

  • GPT (GUID Partition Table)

    • benefits of, 315316

    • partitions

      • creating with gdisk, 322326

      • creating with parted, 327

  • graphical applications, 113114

  • graphical environments, multiple terminals in, 105106

  •, 390

  • greater than symbol (>), 33

  • grep command, 36, 9394, 433, 484

  • group accounts

    • creating, 137138

    • dnf package groups, 214216

    • group properties, 138139

    • primary groups, 137

    • secondary groups, 137

  • group ownership. See ownership, file/directory

  • groupadd command, 138

  • groupmems command, 139

  • groupmod command, 138139

  • groups command, 151

  • GRUB 2 boot loader, 396399

  • grub2-install command, 413, 414

  • grub2-mkconfig command, 397398

  • gunzip utility, 74

  • gzip command, 74


  • halt command, 109110

  • hard links, 68, 71

  • hardening, SSH (Secure Shell), 442445

    • alternative port configuration, 443

    • root access, limiting, 442

    • SELinux, 443

  • hardware initialization, 376377

  • hardware time, 526

  • head command, 84, 86

  • help

    • --help option, 43

    • /usr/share/doc documentation files, 4849

  • hidden files, 64

  • history

  • history command, 3537

  • home directories, 133

  • /home directory, 56, 58

  • home zone (firewalld), 499

  • host requirements, container, 543544

  • hostnamectl set-hostname command, 187188

  • hostnamectl status command, 187188, 375

  • hostnames, 187189

  • hosts, virtual, 170, 462464

  • hwclock command, 528


  • i command (vim), 38

  • id command, 124

  • if…then…else loops, 430431

  • if…then…else…fi statement, 428429

  • ifconfig utility, 175

  • images, container

  • info command, 4748

  • info priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • inheritance, 152

  • init=/bin/bash option, 409

  • init=/bin/sh option, 409

  • initramfs, 396, 406, 413, 415

  •, 406

  • inodes, 68

  • input, shell scripting, 426429

  • input mode, vim, 38

  • installation. See also configuration

    • Apache server software, 456

    • GRUB 2, 410414

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

      • Cert Guide environment, 910

      • repositories, 8

      • setup requirements, 9

      • software options, 78

      • step-by-step process, 1022

      • subscriptions, 67

    • SELinux man pages, 483

    • software packages, 209211

  • Installation Source option, 16

  • Installation Summary screen, 1221

  • interactive processes. See shell jobs

  • interface management, 174

  • internal commands, 3132

  • internal zone, firewalld, 499

  • interprocess communication (ipc), 543

  • I/O redirection, 3233

  • IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 170173

  • ip addr command, 175178, 182

  • ip link command, 175178

  • ip route command, 175178

  • ip route show command, 178179

  • iptables, 498

  • isolation of Systemd targets, 393396

  • iteration. See loops, conditional





  • MAC (media access control) addresses, 173

  • mail facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • man command, 4347, 398, 482483

  • man logrotate command, 305

  • man pages, 4447, 480, 483

  • man semanage command, 480

  • mandb command, 46

  • mark facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • Master Boot Record partitions. See MBR (Master Boot Record) partitions

  • MaxAuthTries option (SSH), 447

  • MaxSessions option (SSH), 447

  • MBR (Master Boot Record) partitions

    • creating with fdisk, 318320

    • extended and logical partitions, 320322

    • overview of, 314315

  • measurement units, storage, 316

  • mebibytes (MiB), 316

  • /media directory, 56

  • megabytes (MB), 316

  • memory tests, 411

  • Microsoft Hyper-V, 910

  • mirrorlist= option, repositories, 202

  • mkdir command, 62

  • mkfs command, 328329, 355

  • mklabel command, 327

  • mkpart command, 327

  • mkswap command, 332333

  • /mnt directory, 56

  • modes, SELinux, 473477

  • modinfo command, 378380, 383

  • modprobe command, 378382

  • modules, 375383

  • #### MODULES #### section, rsyslog.conf, 300

  • more command, 85

  • MOTD_FILE, 134

  • mount command, 5859, 333338, 415, 512513, 516

  • mount namespace, 543

  • mount units, Systemd, 258259

  • mounting

    • file systems

    • NFS (Network File System) shares

      • with automount, 516518

      • from command line, 514

      • through /etc/fstab file, 515

  • multipliers in regular expressions, 91

  • file, 390392

  • mv command, 6566


  • name resolution, 189191

  • name= option, repositories, 202

  • names, device

    • file system, 334335

    • LVM (Logical Volume Manager), 355356

  • namespaces, 543544

  • nano editor, 266

  • NAT (Network Address Translation), 171

  • NDA (nondisclosure agreement), 576577

  • netfilter, 498

  • netstat command, 179180

  • Network Address Translation (NAT), 171

  • network addresses

    • management of, 174

    • validation of, 175178

  • Network File System. See NFS (Network File System)

  • Network Information Service (NIS), 512

  • network masks, IPv4, 171172

  • network namespace, 543

  • Network Time Protocol (NTP), 527

  • networking

    • binary notation, 172173

    • broadcast addresses, 172

    • configuration

    • hostnames, 187189

    • interface management, 174

    • IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 170173

    • MAC (media access control) addresses, 173

    • network addresses

      • management of, 174

      • validation of, 175178

    • NetworkManager, 180

    • ports, 173, 179180

    • protocols, 173

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation settings, 20

  • network-latency profile, 249

  • NetworkManager, 180

  • network-throughput profile, 249

  • newgrp command, 150

  • news facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • NFS (Network File System)

    • history of, 512

    • security, 512

    • server setup, 513

    • shares, mounting

      • with automount, 516518

      • from command line, 514

      • through /etc/fstab file, 515

    • versions of, 512513

  • nfsvers= option (mount command), 512513

  • nft command, 498

  • nftables, 498

  • nice command, 241243

  • NIS (Network Information Service), 512

  • nmap command, 558

  • nmcli command, 182184, 190

  • nm-connection-editor, 185

  • nmtui command, 184185, 190

  • noatime mount option, 337

  • noauto mount option, 337

  • nodes, 170

  • noexec mount option, 337, 469

  • nohup command, 237

  • nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 576577

  • nongraphical environments, multiple terminals in, 107108

  • normal accounts, 129132

  • notice priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • NTFS, 328

  • NTP (Network Time Protocol), 527

  • NVM Express (NVMe) interface, 317


  • o command (vim), 38

  • OnActiveSec option (systemd), 275

  • OnBootSec option (systemd), 275

  • OnCalendar option (systemd), 275

  • OnStartupSec option (systemd), 275

  • OnUnitActiveSec option (systemd), 275

  • Open Containers Initiative (OCI), 551

  • OpenShift, 545, 562

  • operators

    • logical AND (&&), 431

    • logical OR (||), 431

  • /opt directory, 56

  • options, command, 30

  • Oracle VM VirtualBox, 910

  • orchestration, container, 545, 563, 566

  • ownership, file/directory


  • p command (vim), 39

  • packages, software

    • managing with dnf, 213214

      • common dnf tasks, 206

      • dnf history, 216217

      • dnf package groups, 214216

      • dnf package modules, 217221

      • finding software packages with, 206208

      • installing/removing packages with, 209211

      • overview of, 198

      • returning package information with, 208209

      • showing list of packages with, 211213

      • updating packages with, 213214

    • managing with rpm, 221225

      • dependency hell, 221

      • overview of, 221222

      • repoquery, 224225

      • rpm database queries, 222223

      • rpm filenames, 222

      • rpm package file queries, 223225

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux registration, 199

    • repositories

    • subscription management, 200

  • parent shell, 424

  • parent-child relationship, 237

  • parted command, 317, 327, 350

  • partitions

    • definition of, 314

    • disk device types, 317318

    • extended, 315

    • GPT (GUID Partition Table)

      • benefits of, 315316

      • creating with gdisk, 322326

      • creating with parted, 327

    • logical, 315

    • MBR (Master Boot Record)

      • creating with fdisk, 318320

      • extended and logical partitions, 320322

      • overview of, 314315

    • primary, 315

    • storage measurement units, 316

    • swap, 332333

  • PASS_MAX_DAYS, 135

  • PASS_MIN_DAYS, 135

  • PASS_WARN_AGE, 135

  • passphrases, SSH (Secure Shell), 116117, 447448

  • passwd command, 135

  • PasswordAuthentication option (SSH), 447

  • passwords

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation, 15

    • root password, resetting, 416417

    • user accounts, 135

  • performance optimization, 248249

  • permissions

    • attributes, user-extended, 160161

    • default, 159160

    • inheritance and, 152

    • network configuration, 181

    • read/write/execute, 152154

    • set group ID (SGID), 155159

    • set user ID (SUID), 155159

    • sticky bit, 156159

  • permissive mode, SELinux, 473475

  • PermitRootLogin option, 447

  • PermitRootLogin prohibit-password option, 442

  • persistent modifier, 275

  • petabytes (PB), 316

  • pgrep command, 240

  • physical extent, 354

  • physical volumes, creating, 350353

  • PID (process identification number), 238

  • pinfo command, 4748

  • ping command, 431432

  • pipe (|), 3335, 431

  • pkexec command, 127

  • pkill command, 243245

  • plus sign (+), 92

  • Podman, 542, 544

    • commands, running in container, 559560

    • container environment variables, managing, 562563

    • container images

    • container ports, managing, 561

    • container status, managing, 558559

    • container storage, managing, 563564

    • containers, running, 545550, 555, 566568

    • registries, finding, 550551

  • podman build command, 556558

  • podman exec command, 559560, 566

  • podman generate command, 567568

  • podman generate systemd command, 567568

  • podman info command, 550551

  • podman inspect command, 553555, 562563

  • podman kill command, 559

  • podman login command, 552

  • podman logs command, 562564

  • podman ps command, 548550, 558559

  • podman restart command, 559

  • podman rm command, 559

  • podman rmi command, 556

  • podman run command, 545550, 555, 559, 561

  • podman search command, 552553

  • podman stop command, 559

  • podman unshare command, 565

  • policy violations, SELinux, 487490

  • PolicyKit, 127

  • pool, Stratis, 362363

  • port access, SELinux, 484485

  • Port option (SSH), 447

  • ports, 173

    • container, 561

    • SSH (Secure Shell), 443

    • validation of, 179180

  • positional parameters, 426427

  • poweroff command, 109110

  • Power-On Self-Test (POST), 406

  • powersave profile, 249

  • practice exams, tips for, 581584

  • pre-assessment exam, 579580

  • preparation

    • for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation

      • Cert Guide environment, 910

      • distributions, 78

      • setup requirements, 9

      • step-by-step process, 1022

      • subscriptions, 67

    • for RHCSA exam

      • exam day tips, 574576

      • nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 576577

      • registration, 573574

      • verifying readiness, 573

  • primary groups, 137

  • primary partitions, 315

  • priorities

  • private keys, 116

  • privileged users, 124

  • /proc directory, 56, 373375

  • process identification number (PID), 238

  • process management

    • command-line tools for

    • daemons, 234

    • kernel threads, 234

    • overview of, 234

    • performance optimization, 248249

    • process priorities, 241243

      • management of, 242243

      • overview of, 241

      • relations between slices, 241242

    • process states, 247

    • process types, 238

    • shell jobs, 234237

      • common job management tasks, 235237

      • definition of, 234

      • parent-child relationship, 237

      • running in foreground/background, 234235

    • signals, sending to processes, 243245

    • tuned profiles, 248249

    • zombies, 245246

  • process namespace, 543

  • ~/.profile file, 136

  • profiles

    • dnf, 218

    • setting during Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation, 14

    • tuned, 248249

  • programmatic API, 362

  • properties

  • protocols, 173

  • ps aux command, 88, 238, 245246, 372

  • ps command, 239240

  • ps Zaux command, 477

  • pseudo terminal devices, 108109

  • public keys, 116

  • public zone (firewalld), 499

  • pv command, 348

  • pvcreate command, 348, 350352, 354, 357

  • pvdisplay command, 352353, 357

  • pvmove command, 348, 360

  • pvremove command, 357

  • pvs command, 351352, 356357, 360

  • pwd command, 34, 6263


  • queries

  • question mark (?), 61, 92

  • quiet option, GRUB 2 boot loader, 398


  • rd.break, 409

  • read command, 427429

  • read permissions, 152154

  • reading text files

    • with cat command, 85

    • with head and tail commands, 86

    • with less command, 8485

  • real-time clock (RTC), 526

  • reboot command, 109110, 417

  • rebooting system, 2122, 109110

  • Red Hat Customer Portal, 67, 198

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux registration, 199

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation

    • Cert Guide environment, 910

    • repositories, 8

    • setup requirements, 9

    • software options, 78

    • step-by-step process, 1022

      • Begin Installation process, 21

      • Installation Summary screen, 1221

      • Reboot System process, 2122

      • Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 screen, 11

    • subscriptions, 67

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription management, 200

  • Red Hat Network (RHN), 7

  • Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), 198. See also rpm command

  • Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM) tools, 199

  • redirection, I/O, 3233

  • registration

    • of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 199

    • for RHCSA exam, 573574

  • registries, 542, 550551

  • regular expressions, 8996

    • awk command with, 9496

    • definition of, 89

    • escaping in, 91

    • examples of, 8990

    • extended, 9193

    • grep command with, 9394

    • line anchors, 90

    • wildcards and multipliers in, 91

  • relabeling action, SELinux, 484

  • relative filenames, 6264

  • remote NFS shares, mounting

    • with automount, 516518

    • through /etc/fstab file, 515

  • remote systems, accessing with SSH (Secure Shell), 110113

  • renice command, 241243

  • .repo files. See repositories

  • repoquery, 224225

  • repositories, 8

    • Application Stream (AppStream) repository, 205206

    • creating, 204206

    • EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repositories, 199

    • options for, 202

    • role of, 198199

    • security, 203204

    • specifying, 200202

  • rescue disks, 410414

  •, 390

  • resizing

    • logical volumes, 358360

    • volume groups (VGs), 358

  • restorecon command, 483484

  • restoring SELinux default file contexts, 483484

  • RHCSA exam. See exam, RHCSA

  • RHEL, 274

  • rhgb option, GRUB 2 boot loader, 398

  • rm command, 66, 70

  • rmdir command, 62

  • Rocky Linux, 8

  • root access, limiting, 442

  • root directory (/), 56

  • root password, 15, 416417

  • root users (superusers), 124125

  • rootless container, 544

  • routing, validation of, 179180

  • rpm command, 221225

    • dependency hell, 221

    • overview of, 221222

    • repoquery, 224225

    • rpm database queries, 222223

    • rpm filenames, 222

    • rpm package file queries, 223225

  • rsync command, 114115

  • rsyslogd

    • configuration, 300304

      • configuration files, 300

      • facilities, priorities, and destinations, 301303

      • rules, changing, 304

    • role of, 290292

  • RTC (real-time clock), 526

  • rules (rsyslogd), changing, 304

  • #### RULES #### section, rsyslog.conf, 300301

  • /run directory, 56

  • /run/log/journal file, 298300

  • Running (R) state, 247

  • run-parts command, 280

  • /run/systemd/system directory, 257


  • Samba, 515

  • /sbin/init, 406

  • scheduling

    • anacron service, 281

    • at command, 282283

    • atd service, 282283

    • batch command, 283

    • crond service

      • anacron, 281

      • cron configuration files, 278280

      • cron time/date fields, 278

      • management of, 276277

      • running scheduled tasks through, 282

      • security, 282

    • RHEL, 274

    • systemd timers, 274276

  • scp command, 114

  • scripting, shell

  • sealert command, 489490

  • secondary groups, 137138

  • security

    • cron, 282

    • NFS (Network File System), 512

    • repositories, 203204

    • rsyslogd, 302

  • security profiles, 14

  • SELinux, 463464, 484, 544

    • Boolean settings, 485487

    • context settings

      • context labels, monitoring, 477478

      • context labels, setting, 481482

      • context types, finding needed, 482483

      • context types, setting, 479481

      • overview of, 477

    • core elements of, 473

    • default file contexts, restoring, 483484

    • man pages, installing, 483

    • overview of, 469

    • policy violations, 487490

    • port access, managing, 484485

    • relabeling action, 484

    • working modes, 473477

  • semanage command, 443445, 479482, 484486, 490, 564

  • sepolicy generate command, 476

  • Server with GUI option, 18

  • ServerAliveCountMax option (SSH), 447

  • ServerAliveInterval option (SSH), 447

  • ServerRoot parameter, Apache, 456459

  • servers

    • Apache

    • booting/rebooting, 109110

    • shutting down, 109110

  • session options, SSH (Secure Shell), 446

  • sestatus command, 475477

  • set group ID (SGID) permissions, 155159

  • set n lvm on command, 350

  • set user ID (SUID) permissions, 155159

  • setenforce command, 474477

  • set-local-rtc command, 529

  • set-ntp command, 529

  • setsebool command, 486

  • set-time command, 529

  • set-timezone command, 529

  • sftp command, 115

  • shares (NFS), mounting

    • with automount, 516518

    • from command line, 514

    • through /etc/fstab file, 515

  • shebang, 424

  • shell

    • commands. See also individual commands

      • aliases, 31

      • command-line completion, 37

      • executing, 3032

      • help, 43

      • internal/external, 3132

      • I/O redirection, 3233

      • pipes, 3435

      • running in containers, 559560

      • syntax for, 30

    • default, 133

    • definition of, 30

    • environment

      • configuration files, 4143

      • definition of, 40

      • variables, 4041. See also individual variables

    • help

      • --help option, 43

      • info/pinfo commands, 4748

      • man pages, 4447

      • /usr/share/doc documentation files, 4849

    • history, 3537

    • local console connections

      • booting/rebooting, 109110

      • logging in to, 104105

      • pseudo terminal devices, 108109

      • shutting down, 109110

      • switching between terminals, 105108

      • terminals versus, 104

    • parent, 424

    • shell jobs, 234237

      • common job management tasks, 235237

      • definition of, 234

      • parent-child relationship, 237

      • running in foreground/background, 234235

    • shell scripting

    • SSH (Secure Shell)

      • accessing remote systems with, 110113

      • configuration, 442448, 464

      • copying files in, 114

      • file synchronization, 115

      • graphical applications in, 113114

      • key-based authentication for, 116117, 447448

      • passphrases, 460461

      • secure file transfers, 115

      • secure file transfers in, 115

    • subshells, 4142, 105, 424

    • wildcards, 61

  • shell jobs, 234237

    • common job management tasks, 235237

    • definition of, 234

    • parent-child relationship, 237

    • running in foreground/background, 234235

  • showmount command, 514

  • shutting down system, 109110

  • SIGKILL command, 559

  • SIGTERM signal, 559

  • skopeo, 542, 553

  • Sleeping (S) state, 247

  • slices, 241

  • snapshots

    • LVM (Logical Volume Manager), 347348

    • Stratis, 362

  • socket units, Systemd, 259

  • soft links, 69, 71

  • software, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), 78

  • software clock, 526

  • software management

    • with dnf

      • common dnf tasks, 206

      • dnf history, 216217

      • dnf package groups, 214216

      • dnf package modules, 217221

      • finding software packages with, 206208

      • installing/removing packages with, 209211

      • overview of, 198

      • returning package information with, 208209

      • showing list of packages with, 211213

      • updating packages with, 213214

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux registration, 199

    • repositories

    • with rpm, 221225

      • dependency hell, 221

      • overview of, 221222

      • repoquery, 224225

      • rpm database queries, 222223

      • rpm filenames, 222

      • rpm package file queries, 223225

    • subscription management, 200

  • Software Selection option, RHEL installation, 18

  • sort command, 84, 8788

  • source context, 488

  • /srv directory, 56

  • ss command, 179180, 477

  • SSH (Secure Shell)

    • accessing remote systems with, 110113

    • configuration, 464

      • connection keepalive options, 446447

      • hardening, 442445

      • key-based authentication, 447448

      • most useful options, 447

      • session options, 446

    • copying files in, 114

    • file synchronization, 115

    • graphical applications in, 113114

    • key-based authentication for, 116117, 447448

    • passphrases, 460461

    • secure file transfers in, 115

  • ssh command, 110114

  • ssh-add command, 448

  • ssh-agent command, 448

  • ssh-keygen command, 117

  • st command, 274

  • star utility, 73

  • starting Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation, 21

  • states, process, 247

  • status, container, 558559

  • status command, 529

  • STDERR, 3233

  • STDIN, 3233

  • STDOUT, 3233

  • sticky bit, 156159

  • Stopped (T) state, 247

  • storage. See containers; file systems; LVM (Logical Volume Manager); partitions; Stratis

  • Stratis, 361364

  • stratis blockdev command, 363

  • stratis filesystem command, 363

  • stratis fs create command, 363

  • stratis fs list command, 363

  • stratis pool command, 363

  • stratum, 527

  • streams, dnf, 218

  • su command, 125126

  • subnet masks, 172173

  • subscription management, 200

  • subscription-manager tool, 199201

  • subscriptions, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), 67

  • subshells, 4142, 105, 424

  • sudo command, 105, 126128

  • sudo dnf install container-tools command, 545

  • sudo podman ps command, 561

  • sudo podman run command, 561

  • superusers, 124125

  • swap files, 333

  • swap partitions, 332333

  • swapon command, 332333

  • symbolic links, 69, 71

  • synchronization, time, 527, 530531

  • /sys directory, 56

  • syslog facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • system accounts, 129132

  • system logging. See log files

  • system time, 526

  • systemctl command, 261263, 275

  • systemctl disable command, 392393

  • systemctl edit command, 266267

  • systemctl enable command, 260261, 363, 392393, 459, 566568

  • systemctl --failed -t service command, 263

  • systemctl get-default command, 396

  • systemctl halt command, 109110

  • systemctl isolate command, 393396

  • systemctl list-dependencies command, 260, 263

  • systemctl list-units command, 263, 275, 410

  • systemctl poweroff command, 109110

  • systemctl reboot command, 109110

  • systemctl restart autofs command, 518

  • systemctl restart httpd command, 464

  • systemctl set-default command, 396

  • systemctl show command, 265267

  • systemctl start vsftpd command, 261

  • systemctl status command, 180, 261263, 276277, 290292, 445, 459

  • systemctl -t help command, 256

  • systemctl -t service command, 263

  • systemctl --type=target command, 393396

  • systemctl --user command, 566568

  • Systemd, 109110

  • systemd-udevd daemon, 376, 406

  • topion, 410

  • option, 410


  • tail command, 84, 86, 106, 294

  • tainted kernels, 373

  • tar command, 7275

  • target context, 488

  • targets, Systemd, 390396

  • task scheduling. See scheduling

  • TCPKeepAlive option (SSH), 446, 447

  • terabytes (TB), 316

  • term command, 105

  • terminals, 107

    • consoles versus, 104

    • multiple

      • in graphical environment, 105106

      • in nongraphical environment, 107108

    • pseudo terminal devices, 108109

  • test command, 428, 431

  • /text command (vim), 39

  • text editors

  • text files

    • regular expressions, 8996

      • awk command with, 9496

      • definition of, 89

      • escaping in, 91

      • examples of, 8990

      • extended, 9193

      • grep command with, 9394

      • line anchors, 90

      • wildcards and multipliers in, 91

    • text file-related tools

  • text$ regular expression, 92

  • text-processing tools

  • then statement, 428

  • theoretical pre-assessment exam, 579580

  • thin provisioning, 361362

  • threads, kernel, 234, 238, 372373

  • throughput-performance profile, 249

  • time services

    • client configuration, 533534

    • epoch time, 528

    • local time, 526

    • NTP (Network Time Protocol), 527

    • RTC (real-time clock), 526

    • system time, 526

    • time management commands, 527531

    • time synchronization, 527, 530531

    • time zone settings, 531533

    • time/date fields, 278

    • time/date settings, 1415

  • timedatectl command, 527, 529533

  • timers, systemd, 274276

  • TLS (Transport Layer Security), 443

  • /tmp directory, 57

  • top command, 246248

  • touch /.autorelabel command, 417

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS), 443

  • troubleshooting

    • boot issues

      • boot phase configuration, 406408

      • boot prompt, accessing, 408409

      • file system issues, 415

      • GRUB 2 reinstallation, 414

      • initramfs, 415

      • rescue disks, 410414

      • root password, resetting, 416417

      • troubleshooting targets, 409410

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) installation, 10

    • shell scripts, debugging, 435

  • trusted zone (firewalld), 499

  • tune2fs command, 329331

  • tuned command, 248249

  • type command, 31

  • tzselect utility, 531533


  • u command (vim), 39

  • udevadm monitor command, 376377

  • UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 315, 406

  • UID_MIN, 135

  • umask command, 159160

  • umount command, 334

  • uname utility, 373375

  • Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), 315

  • Uninterruptible sleep (D) state, 247

  • units, Systemd

  • Universal Extended Firmware Interface (UEFI), 406

  • universally unique IDs (UUIDs), 334335

  • UNIX, 512. See also NFS (Network File System)

  • unprivileged users, 124

  • until loops, 432434

  • updates

  • upgrades, Linux kernel, 383

  • uptime command, 247248

  • UseDNS option (SSH), 447

  • user accounts, switching between, 125126

  • User Creation option, RHEL installation, 16

  • user environment, 135136

  • user facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • user management

    • group accounts

      • creating, 137138

      • group properties, 138139

      • primary groups, 137

      • secondary groups, 137

    • user accounts

    • user types

      • PolicyKit, 127

      • privileged/unprivileged, 124

      • root users (superusers), 124125

      • su command, 125126

      • sudo command, 126128

      • switching between, 125126

  • user namespace, 543

  • user ownership. See ownership, file/directory

  • user_xattr mount option, 337

  • useradd command, 126, 132133

  • userdel command, 132

  • user-extended attributes, 160161

  • usermod command, 133134, 138139

  • /usr directory, 57, 58

  • /usr/lib/modules-load.d directory, 378

  • /usr/lib/systemd/system directory, 256

  • UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 526

  • uucp facility, rsyslogd, 302

  • UUIDs (universally unique IDs), 334335


  • v command (vim), 39

  • -v host_dir:container_dir command, 564

  • validation

    • of network configuration, 175180

  • /var directory, 57, 58

  • variables, 4041

    • $LANG, 40

    • $PATH, 31

    • container environment variables, 561

    • shell scripting, 426429

  • /var/log directory, 292293

  • /var/log/audit/audit.log file, 487488

  • Very Secure FTP service, 257

  • VFAT, 328

  • vg command, 348

  • vgcreate command, 353354, 356357, 361

  • vgdisplay command, 354355, 357

  • vgextend command, 358, 360

  • vgreduce command, 358, 360361

  • vgremove command, 357

  • vgs command, 354355, 357358, 360

  • vi editor, 38

  • vigr command, 132133, 137139

  • vim editor, 3740

  • vimtutor command, 38

  • vipw command, 132134

  • virtual hosts, Apache, 462464

  • virtual terminals, 107108

  • virtual-guest profile, 249

  • virtual-host profile, 249

  • visudo command, 127

  • VMware Workstation, 910

  • volume groups (VGs)

  • volume-managing file systems, 361. See also Stratis

  • volumes, Stratis, 362363


  • wants, 260261, 392

  • warning/warn priority, rsyslogd, 303

  • wc command, 8889

  • we command, 84

  • Web server content, creating, 459460

  • Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 screen, 11

  • which command, 31, 225

  • while loops, 432434

  • whoami command, 126

  • wildcards, 61

    • in automount, 517518

    • in regular expressions, 91

  • words, counting, 8889

  • work zone (firewalld), 499

  • working modes, SELinux, 473477

  • write permissions, 152154



  • yottabytes (YB), 316

  • yumdownloader command, 225

  • yum-utils package, 225

  • yy command (vim), 39


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