

accountability,   110,   129

Adirondack Park Model,   131

advertising,   75,   82,   116,   179n12

affluence. See wealth

Age of Consent, The (Monbiot),   127

aggregate demand,   55

agriculture,   18,   35,   52,   74,   80,   81

air pollution,   104,   124

Alaska Permanent Fund,   134,   152,   180n22

allocation function,   119

An Inconvenient Truth (film),   159

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (Kingsolver),   81

Annan, Kofi,   155

antislavery campaign
as bearing witness,   1
and economics, xiv
as nonviolent protest model,   21,   140,   158,   163
single-issue,   148

antitrust laws,   28

appropriation,   104,   114

Arctic ice cap,   143,   88

Armstrong, Jeannette,   45

atmospheric trust,   124

Axial Age,   32


Balaguer, Joaquín,   144

bancor,   120

Barnes, Peter,   124,   125

Bateson, Gregory,   139,   142

bearing witness,   1,   21,   140,   141,   156

beauty,   74

behavioral economics,   82

Bellears, John, xv

Berry, Thomas,   42,   45

Beyond Growth (Daly),   56

Big Brother,   129

big game hunters,   34,   35

biodiversity,   41,   65

biofuels,   18,   80

biological drives,   30

biological evolution,   38

biosphere,   60,   69,   113,   114,   121

Boulding, Kenneth, xvii,   11,   16,   17,   61,   171n2

boycotts,   163

Bretton Woods Agreement,   120

Briggs, Jean,   34

Brundtland Commission,   147

budgets,   57


call to action,   165

Canada-Colombia free trade agreement,   99,   108

Canadian economics,   99,   108,   121,   157

Canadian tar sands development,   3,   10,   52,   93

cap and trade mechanisms,   124,   133

capacity,   110,   123

Capitalism 3.0 (Barnes),   124

Capra, Fritz,   45

caps, air pollution,   124

capture,   104

carbon dioxide emissions, x,   124

cars,   79

Carson, Rachel,   1,   51

case studies,   161

Chaisson, Eric,   43

China,   4,   105,   109,   145,   182n7

civil disobedience,   163

civil rights movement, xvi,   163

clarification, grounding and,   20,   33,   140,   168

Clarkson, Thomas,   158

classic economics, ix,   11,   12,   28,   53

Clean Air Act of   1970,   101

Clean Water Act of   1972,   101,   104

climate change. See global warming

command-and-control system,   102

Commoner, Barry,   139

commons,   19,   124,   130,   133

commonwealth of life
balance of scale in,   68
citizenship in the,   51
economics and ecology as domains of, xviii,   39
fair distribution and the,   86,   94
global governance for,   17,   110,   119,   137
humans in the,   41,   59,   89,   142
meaning of,   6
providing for present/future generations,   91
respect for the,   48,   56,   124
spaceship Earth metaphor, xvii,   11,   16,   171n2
See also integration; right relationship; whole earth economy

community cooperatives,   23

comparative advantage,   58

complex systems economics,   11

computer system analogy,   141,   164

conscious purpose,   139

consumer guides,   116,   130

culture of,   82
dependency on sunlight,   15
ethics around,   81
in I=f(PATE) framework,   116
technology causing increased,   80
traditional views of,   9,   11
waste and,   14,   59

Copernicus, Nicolaus,   39

corporate entities,   27

cosmic evolution,   43,   59

cosmogenesis,   47

cosmology,   39

cost benefit analysis,   92

costs,   58,   59

Court, Global,   19,   113,   135,   149,   155

court system,   102

“cowboy economy,”   61

“cradle to cradle” approach,   14,   79,   175n17

Creation Care (magazine),   117

credibility,   110

credit generation,   117

Cree people,   34

cultural change,   45

culture marginalization,   162

culture of advertisement,   82

current system. See global economy


Dahlem Workshops,   145,   160,   161

Dalai Lama,   47

Daly, Herman,   15,   56

Darwin, Charles,   40,   47,   49

de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard,   46

deregulation,   17

Global Court,   149
Global Federation,   153
Global Reserve,   150
history and the future,   143
for institutional change,   146
Trusteeships of Earth’s Commons,   151
in a whole earth economy,   20,   140,   148
See also global governance

Diamond, Jared,   143,   146

discounting, x,   92

disrespect,   34,   52

distorted consciousness,   139

in economic growth measures,   10
fairness in,   86,   89,   96
in global governance,   121
redistribution,   58,   96,   97,   121

distributive justice,   49,   91,   94

diversity,   74,   96

Dominican Republic,   144


as closed system,   11,   15,   40
as devoid of waste,   12
economic systems linked to,   38
“spaceship Earth” metaphor, xvii,   11,   16,   171n2
true wealth on,   10

Earth Charter of   2000,   113,   142,   147,   157,   161

earth efficiency,   56

earth’s commons,   19,   124,   130,   133

ecological footprint
advertiser disclosure and the,   116
cap and trade system for,   126
as exceeding regeneration limits,   89,   102
and the I=f(PATE) formula,   77,   95,   114
movements to reduce,   163
of procreation,   132
use in policy development,   150,   179n11

ecological hotspots,   71

ecology, ix, xviii,   4,   43,   120

Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes),   53

economic disparity,   8,   16,   86,   91,   97

economic growth
in classical economics,   55
culture of advertisement supporting,   83
fostering unjust labor practices, xvi
happiness and,   10,   20,   100
impact on the commonwealth, xi,   15,   18,   107
leaving poverty unaddressed,   16,   91
measures of,   9,   16
need for checks on,   8,   15,   89
posing a moral challenge, xiii
as state-sponsored religion, xix
See also economic scale

economic purpose
current mainstream,   25
growing from the community,   23
heritage of respect and reciprocity,   30
history of “the economy,”   26
in indigenous cultures,   33
in right relationship,   9,   26
whole earth economy,   29,   36

economic scale
affluence and manufacturing,   78
balance in,   5,   68
and beauty,   74
integrity and,   70
limits on,   65,   83,   103,   130
and resilience,   72
in right relationship,   63
tracking,   16,   89
See also I=f(PATE) framework

economic systems
dealing with waste,   59
linked to earth’s systems,   37,   55
need for integrity and resilience in,   43
and new scientific understanding,   39
reframing,   11,   38
understanding of wealth,   57
warping of classical,   53

classic mainstream, ix,   11,   12,   28,   53
complex systems,   11
discounting,   92
as domain of relationship, xviii
free-market ideology,   17,   28,   82,   92
impact on ecology, ix
integrating with science,   38
managing instability,   53
money,   12,   54,   58,   90
negative growth/steady-state,   29
“rational actors,”   82,   92
of redistribution,   97

economies of scale,   78

Economist, The (magazine),   158

economy. See global economy; whole earth economy

“the economy,”   26

ecors,   120

beauty in,   75
break down of,   65
considered in manufacturing,   60
destruction by invasive exotics,   70
duties towards,   52
and earth efficiency,   56
governance around,   110,   114,   123,   127
integrity and resilience in,   43,   70,   119
scale’s impact on,   68,   95
See also environmental crisis

efficiency,   55

Ehrlich, Paul,   16,   76

Ellis, George,   46,   47

“emerging markets,”   104

Endangered Species Act of   1973,   102

energy,   40,   41,   64,   79,   90

entropy law,   40,   41

environmental crimes,   135,   152

environmental crisis
consciousness and the,   139
convergence of trend lines,   69
discounting adding to,   93
ecological hotspots,   71
greenhouse gas emissions,   15,   102,   124,   143
and international governance regimes,   107,   146
as opportunity and challenge,   147
result of wrong relationship,   5,   107
soil degradation,   35,   52,   67,   144
species extinction,   42,   58,   65,   70
trusteeships to thwart,   19,   124
urgency of, ix,   168
U.S. large role in,   102,   105
See also global warming; pollution

environmental goods, ix,   123

environmental justice,   96

environmental policy,   101,   104,   105,   135

equality,   96

and human rights,   87
in I=f(PATE),   77,   78,   81,   116
integrating with science,   48
of respect,   33
in right relationship,   10

European settlers,   34,   35

European Union (EU),   14,   19,   87,   96,   112,   127,   128,   146,   153,   154

Evangelical Environmental Network,   117

Everglades,   70,   71,   74

evidence gathering,   160

evolution,   38,   40,   49,   59

exotic invasive species,   70

extinction rates,   42,   58,   65,   70

extraction tax,   134

Exxon Valdez oil spill,   9


failure of civilizations, categories,   143

for the collective future,   91
criteria for,   94
in distribution,   89
lacking in global economy,   86
poverty and sharing,   16,   106
reciprocity and,   31
rethinking human rights,   87
in right relationship,   86
whole earth economy,   16,   89,   96

Falk, Richard,   127,   153

farming,   18,   35,   52,   74,   80,   81

federalism model,   127,   153

flows (and stocks),   12

foreign assistance,   122

Forum on Religion and Ecology,   45

fossil fuel dependency,   15

Frankman, Myron,   127

free-market ideology,   17,   28,   82,   92

free trade deals,   99

freedom,   82,   132

Friends Provident, xvi

function of the economy.

See economic purpose

future generations,   92


Gandhi, Mohandas,   163

GDP (Gross Domestic Product),   9,   10,   18,   32

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (Keynes),   53

genetically modified organisms (GMOs),   18,   73

Germany,   14,   53,   116

global agencies,   106,   146,   160,   167

global commons,   19,   124,   130,   133

global constitution,   127

Global Court,   19,   113,   135,   149,   155

Global Ecological Integrity Group,   161

global economy
“emerging markets,”   104
failure of the,   166
fossil fuel dependency,   15
gross unfairness of,   86,   91
matter and energy in,   64
presenting moral challenges, xiii
in wrong relationship,   1,   7

Global Environmental Fund (GEF),   123,   150

global federalism,   127,   153

Global Federation
authority to tax,   133
establishing the,   148,   153
under Global Federal constitution,   136
member states quotas,   133
overview on the,   18,   112,   126
regulatory role,   130
structure of the,   127

global governance
for the commonwealth of life,   17,   110,   119,   137
four institutions overview,   18,   111
Global Court,   19,   113,   135,   149,   155
implementing,   141,   148,   166
individual participation in,   21
mounting support for,   165
respect in,   108,   112,   113,   135,   140
urgent need for,   17,   101,   146
See also Global Federation Global Reserve; Trusteeships of Earth’s Commons

global parliament,   127

Global People’s Assembly,   127

global redistribution,   96,   97,   121

Global Reserve
allocation function,   119
developing the,   150,   155
distribution function,   121
purpose of the,   18,   112,   113
review by the Global Court,   136
stabilization function,   118
use of the I=f(PATE) framework,   114,   150

global taxation,   96,   133

global trusteeships. See Trusteeships of Earth’s Commons

global warming
addressing through global governance,   104,   109
effect of discounting on,   93
from exceeding scale,   15,   65
and human rights,   88
ineffectively addressed,   105
large impact of U.S.,   102
as undeniable and urgent crisis,   165,   176n3

goal of economy. See economic purpose

gold mining,   134

Golden Rule,   7,   10,   31

Goodenough, Ursula,   46,   47

Gorbachev, Mikhail,   113

command-and-control system,   102
correcting market failures,   28
general failure of,   17,   101,   103
guided by profit and growth,   99
ineffective international regimes,   106,   146
principles in right relationship,   101,   110
resistance to environmental protection,   101
See also global governance; political-financial establishment

Great Work, The (Berry),   43

greed, xvi,   5,   8,   116

green buildings,   79

“green technology,”   80,   81,   118

greenhouse gas emissions,   15,   102,   124,   143

Greenpeace,   159

Grim, John,   45

Gross National Happiness indicator (Bhutan),   32

grounding and clarification,   20,   33,   140,   168

growth. See economic growth; economic scale

guidance system,   21,   44,   156,   169


Haeckel, Ernst,   43

happiness,   10,   20,   32

Hardin, Garrett,   130

Haught, John,   46,   47

Hawken, Paul,   142

Heat (Monbiot),   160

historical perspective
averting ecological catastrophes,   143
Axial Age philosophy,   32
respect and reciprocity,   30
of “the economy,”   26

Holdren, John,   16,   76

Holling, C. S.,   44

“human capital,”   105

human-Earth relationship. See commonwealth of life

human impact,   41

See also ecological footprint; I=f(PATE) framework

human nature,   30,   142

human rights,   87,   127

human settlement redistribution,   115

hunter-gatherer societies,   30

Huxley, Thomas Henry,   40


I=f(PATE) framework
affluence,   78,   116
ethics,   77,   78,   81,   116
Global Reserve use of,   114,   150
interrelationships in variables,   16,   76,   95
population,   77,   115
to set planetary goals,   16,   133
technology,   79,   117

Ikea,   60

IMF (International Monetary Fund),   19,   106,   108,   113,   120,   128,   165

indigenous cultures,   33,   168,   169

individual responsibility
bearing witness,   1,   21,   140,   141,   156
call to action,   165
citizenship in the commonwealth of life,   51
grounding and clarification,   20,   33,   140,   168

industrial farming,   18,   35,   52,   81

industrial processes,   59

instability,   53

institutional change. See global governance

to avert environmental crisis,   137
ethical systems,   48
science and religion,   45
for science-based scenarios,   145
for a unifying guidance system,   44

integrity,   4,   43,   70,   76,   119

intellectual-property regime,   118

intensity of change,   68

International Clearing Union (ICU),   120

International Court of Justice (ICJ),   135,   149

international governance regimes,   106,   146,   160,   167

International Labor Organization (ILO),   106

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),   107,   109,   143,   150,   160

international trade currency,   120

interrelationships,   76

intussusception, xi

Inuit culture,   34

“invisible hand,”   82

Iraq War,   4,   88

IUCN (International Union of Conservation and Nature),   148,   161


Jacobs, Jane,   75

Japanese timber consumption,   144

Jaspers, Karl,   32

Jevons Paradox,   80


Kauffman, Stuart,   43

Kepler, Johannes,   39

Kerala, India,   150

Keynes, John Maynard,   23,   53,   120

King, Martin Luther, Jr.,   163

Kingsolver, Barbara,   81

Kyoto Protocol,   4,   121


labor laws,   28

labor practices, xvi

laissez-faire capitalism,   28,   29,   61

land ethic,   4

“land health,”   74,   177n10

law, Global Court,   135

Law of the Sea,   152

laws of thermodynamics,   39

Leopold, Aldo, xviii,   4,   43,   44,   49,   51,   74,   86,   177n10

Letter on Toleration (Locke),   81

life’s commonwealth.
See commonwealth of life

liquidity trap,   54

lithosphere,   60,   134

local governance,   21,   111,   129

Locke, John,   81

Lyons, Oren,   45


mainstream economics, ix,   11,   28,   53

Managing Without Growth (Victor),   157

Mandela, Nelson,   163

manufacturing,   14,   60,   78

marginalized cultures,   162

marginalized cultures, Margulis, Lynn,   43

market corrections,   123

market economy,   27

market fundamentalism,   28

materials handling,   59

materials internalization,   14

matter,   64

measures of economic growth,   9,   16

meat production,   81

Mendel, Gregor,   40

Mendes, Chico,   163

Metanexus Institute,   47

Millennium Development Goals of   2000,   109,   119,   121

mining,   134,   144

model development,   161,   164

Mohawk, John,   45

momentum of growth,   15,   68

Monbiot, George,   127,   160,   165

money,   12,   54,   58,   90

monocultures,   18,   52,   74,   80

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,   109

moral challenge, xiii,   113

Moral Economy Project, xi, xvii

morality,   94

Mott, Lucretia, xvi

Mumford, Lewis,   75

Murphy, Nancy,   46,   47


Native Americans, xvi,   33

natural capital,   10,   105

“natural law” of profit, xiii

Natural Step Movement,   59

natural systems. See ecosystems

negative-growth economy,   29

net entropic transformations,   59

net primary productivity (NPP),   58,   90,   114,   120

Never in Anger (Briggs),   34

“New Story,”   42,   45,   48,   51

Newton, Isaac,   39

  9/  11 attacks,   87

nonviolent reform
action-oriented steps for,   160
emergence of support for,   164
Quaker inspired,   140,   157
urgent need for,   141
in whole earth economy,   21

Norway,   154


Odum, Eugene P.,   43

oil derivation,   2

“Old Story,”   45,   46

Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),   17

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,   165

Origin of Species (Darwin),   40

Orwell, George,   129


Pardo, Arvid,   152

parliament, global,   127

Phenomenon of Man, The (Chardin),   46

photosynthesis,   57,   65,   104

pilot programs,   161

plants,   12,   15,   57

political commonwealth,   6

political-financial establishment
deregulation and lack of accountability,   17
following public opinion,   157
influence on international institutions,   146
looking beyond the, 19
nonviolent means to weaken,   164,   165
resistance to environmental protection,   101
See also governance

“polluter pays” principle,   13

air,   104,   124
controlling through cap-and-trade mechanisms,   124
environmental laws regulating,   96,   101,   104
exceeding scale limits,   9,   10,   65
greenhouse gas emissions,   15,   102,   124,   143
handling waste,   60,   67
“polluter pays” principle,   13
tar sands development,   3
TMDLs,   106
See also environmental crisis; global warming

population growth,   16,   17,   77,   115,   122,   132,   133

poverty, xv,   16,   78,   91,   97,   122

power elite. See political-financial establishment

power imbalances,   107

precautionary principle,   131

predatory lending practices,   117

product innovation,   60

production,   58

protest. See nonviolent reform

public commons,   19,   124,   130,   133

Pugwash Conferences,   161

purpose of the economy.
See economic purpose


Quaker Institute for the Future (QIF), xv,   xvii

Quaker Studies on Human Betterment, xviii

Quakers, ix, xiv,   1,   4,   21,   47,   140,   158

quality of life,   10,   16,   32,   60,   83,   96,   156

quotas, Global Federation,   133


rational economic actors,   82,   92

Rawls, John,   88

reciprocity,   30,   94

recycling,   14,   69,   81,   142

redistribution,   58,   96,   97,   121

reductionist view,   1,   6,   43

Rees, William,   150

reform. See nonviolent reform

Reformation,   33

regulatory authority,   18,   123,   127,   129,   130,   137

regulatory cap,   124

religion,   32,   44,   45,   89

Religious Society of Friends. See Quakers

resilience,   5,   16,   43,   72,   76,   119

resource scarcity,   66,   176n2

for the commonwealth of life,   48,   56,   124
in community-oriented economies,   21,   24
fairness in distribution,   94
in global governance,   108,   112,   113,   135,   140
and the Golden Rule,   7,   10
historical framework for,   30,   52
in indigenous peoples,   33,   168
in right relationship,   10,   35,   94,   97,   142,   154
as tenet of human rights,   88
in a whole earth economy,   63,   64,   68

restitution,   83

reverence for life,   5,   47,   49,   56,   81

right relationship
an economy in,   9,   23,   30,   63
beauty based on,   76
choosing,   5,   21,   168
essence of, xviii,   1,   4,   48,   142
ethics of,   81,   83
fairness in,   78,   86,   89,   94
governance in,   110
grounding and clarification in,   20,   33,   140,   168
historical foundations of,   32,   169
respect in,   10,   35,   94,   97,   142,   154
See also commonwealth of life; whole earth economy

Rio Declaration of   1992,   32,   109,   119,   142

Robert, Karl-Henrik,   59

“rule of law,”   135

Rustin, Bayard, xvi


Samuelson, Paul,   28

Sand County Almanac (Leopold), ;xviii,   50

scale of the economy.
See economic scale

Schweitzer, Albert,   5,   49,   86,   94

and ethics,   48
reductionist views,   1,   6
and religion,   44
trend towards integration,   44
understanding of the human economy through,   11,   16,   38

self-regulating economy,   27

Seneca Falls Convention, 16

September   11 attacks,   87

Serres, Michel,   45

sewage recycling,   61

Silent Spring (Carson),   51

Skidelsky, Robert,   23

“sky trust,”   124

slavery. See antislavery campaign

Smith, Adam,   29,   82

social change. See nonviolent reform

social Darwinism,   27

social stability,   3,   6,   10,   26,   53

social programs,   28

Society for Effecting the Abolition of Slavery,   158

soil degradation,   35,   52,   67,   144

solar energy,   67

solutions. See whole earth economy

sources and sinks
limits on economic activity,   66
matter and energy,   40,   64

sovereign states,   103,   133,   135

“spaceman economy,”   61

spaceship Earth, xvii,   11,   16,   171n2

special interest groups,   104

species extinction,   42,   58,   65,   70

speed of change,   68

Speth, James Gustave,   63

spiritual renewal,   33,   169

spirituality,   4,   20,   32,   45,   89

stability (and stabilization),   4,   43,   55,   118

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, xvi

steady-state economy,   29,   157

Stiftung Warentest,   116,   130

Stockholm Declaration of   1972,   109,   142

stocks (and flows),   12

Strauss, Andrew,   127

Strong, Maurice,   113

subsidiarity,   19,   110,   129

Sumerians,   52

energy from,   11,   15,   40,   41,   64,   57,   66,   90
as primary income,   57,   66
stocks and flows,   11

“survival of the fittest,”   28

Swimme, Brian,   42,   46,   47

system resilience,   73


tar sands development,   3,   10,   52,   93

tax incentives,   133

taxation, global,   96,   133

techniques. See design

technology,   16,   18,   73,   76,   79,   93,   114,   117

theory of evolution,   40,   49

theory of externalities,   13

thermodynamics,   39

Thoreau, Henry David,   157,   163

TMDLs (total maximum daily loads),   106

Tokugawa shoguns,   144

tolerance,   81

trade deals,   99

trade exchange rates,   120

trade, cap and. See cap and trade mechanisms

transformation,   58

transparency,   110,   129

Trusteeships of Earth’s Commons
achieving,   151,   155,   162
general function,   19,   112,   124
and global taxation,   133

Tucker, Mary Evelyn,   45


UN (United Nations),   87,   106,   114,   135,   136,   146,   152,   160,   161

UN Environment Programme (UNEP),   108,   119,   150,   151,   160

UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,   69

UN Security Council,   136

“uneconomic” growth,   15

unemployment,   53

Union of Conservation and Nature (IUCN),   148,   161

unitary authority,   128

Universal Declaration on Human Rights of   1948,   32,   109,   178n1

universal health care, xv

Universe Story, The (Swimme and Berry),   43

unjust labor practices, xvi

U.S. environmental governance,   102

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),   92


Valdez oil spill,   9

values progression,   53,   108,   142,   168

velocity,   15,   77,   103

Victor, Peter,   157


Wackernagel, Mathis,   150

Wa3esa, Lech,   163

waste,   12,   59,   65,   67,   79

“waste is food” approach,   14,   79

water,   3,   8,   71,   72,   79,   101,   104

and ecological footprint,   104,   125
economic disparity,   8,   16,   86,   91,   97
global redistribution of,   121
global taxation,   134
and government capture,   104
historical view of,   27,   31
in I=f(PATE),   16,   77,   116
measures of economic,   9
true,   10
in whole earth economy,   57,   96

wealth accumulation.
See economic growth

well-being,   10,   16,   32,   60,   83,   96

Who Owns the Sky? (Barnes),   124

whole earth economy
bearing witness,   1,   21,   140,   141,   156
dealing with waste,   12,   59
earth efficiency as goal,   56
fairness,   16,   89,   96
four steps overview,   20,   140
functioning of the,   11
grounding and clarification,   20,   33,   140,   168
growth and scale,   15
as integrated “New Story,”   42,   48,   51
overview on governance,   17
purpose in the,   9,   29,   36
respect in,   63,   64,   68
understanding of wealth,   57,   96
urgent need for,   165
See also design; global governance; I=f(PATE) framework; nonviolent reform

Wilberforce, William,   158

Wilson, E. O.,   46,   47

witness,   1,   21,   140,   141,   156

women’s rights, 16

Woodstock Farm Market,   23,   30

Woolman, John, 17, 18

World Bank,   18,   106,   109,   113,   114,   120,   128,   146,   150

World Commission on Environment and Development,   147

World Court,   135

World Democratic Federalism (Frankman),   127

“world of wounds,”   75

World Trade Organization (WTO),   19,   106,   108,   128,   146

Worldwatch Institute,   160

wrong relationship
biofuels and GMOs,   18
distorted consciousness,   139
economic growth,   9,   25,   107
global economy in,   1,   7
notions of beauty,   75
as trend of the times,   1,   8
violent change,   157


Yakama Nation,   152

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