Compressing Data Files


By default, a SAS data file is uncompressed. You can compress your data files in order to conserve disk space, although some files are not good candidates for compression. The file structure of a compressed data file is different from the structure of an uncompressed file. You use the COMPRESS= data set option or system option to compress a data file. You use the POINTOBS= data set option to enable SAS to access observations in compressed files directly rather than sequentially. You use the REUSE= data set option or system option to specify that SAS should reuse space in a compressed file when observations are added or updated.

Review of Uncompressed Data File Structure

By default, a SAS data file is not compressed. In uncompressed data files, the following statements are true:
  • Each data value of a particular variable occupies the same number of bytes as any other data value of that variable.
  • Each observation occupies the same number of bytes as any other observation.
  • Character values are padded with blanks.
  • Numeric values are padded with binary zeros.
  • There is a 1-bit per observation overhead (rounded up to the nearest byte) at the end of each page; this bit denotes an observation's status as deleted or not deleted.
  • New observations are added at the end of the file. If a new observation does not fit on the current last page of the file, a whole new data set page is added.
  • The descriptor portion of the data file is stored at the end of the first page of the file.
The figure below depicts the structure of an uncompressed data file.
Uncompressed data file
Note: In a 64–bit operating environment, each page has a 40–byte overhead. In a 32–bit operating environment, each page has a 24–byte overhead.
In comparison, look at the characteristics of a compressed data file.

Compressed Data File Structure

In compressed data files, the following statements are true:
  • An observation is treated as a single string of bytes by ignoring variable types and boundaries.
  • Consecutive repeating characters and numbers are collapsed into fewer bytes.
  • There is a 24-byte overhead at the beginning of each page in a 32–bit operating environment or 40–byte overhead in a 64–bit operating environment.
  • There is a 12-byte- or 24-byte-per-observation overhead following the page overhead. This space is used for deletion status, compressed length, pointers, and flags.
Each observation in a compressed data file can have a different length, which means that some pages in the data file can store more observations than others can. When an updated observation is larger than its original size, it is stored on the same data file page and uses available space. If not enough space is available on the original page, the observation is stored on the next page that has enough space, and a pointer is stored on the original page.
The figure below depicts the structure of a compressed data file.
Compressed data file

Deciding Whether to Compress a Data File

Not all data files are good candidates for compression. Remember that in order for SAS to read a compressed file, each observation must be uncompressed. This requires more CPU resources than reading an uncompressed file. However, compression can be beneficial when the data file has one or more of the following properties:
  • It is large.
  • It contains many long character values.
  • It contains many values that have repeated characters or binary zeros.
  • It contains many missing values.
  • It contains repeated values in variables that are physically stored next to one another.
In character data, the most frequently encountered repeated value is the blank. Long text fields, such as comments and addresses, often contain repeated blanks. Likewise, binary zeros are used to pad numeric values that can be stored in fewer bytes. This happens most often when you assign a small or medium-sized integer to an 8-byte numeric variable.
Note: If saving disk space is crucial, consider storing missing data as a small integer, such as 0 or 9, rather than as a SAS missing value. Small integers can be compressed more than SAS missing values can.
A data file is not a good candidate for compression if it has any of the following characteristics:
  • few repeated characters
  • small physical size
  • few missing values
  • short text strings
The following topic explores how to compress a data file.

The COMPRESS= System Option and the COMPRESS= Data Set Option

To compress a data file, you use either the COMPRESS= data set option or the COMPRESS= system option. You use the COMPRESS= system option to compress all data files that you create during a SAS session. Similarly, you use the COMPRESS= data set option to compress an individual data file.
General form, COMPRESS= system option:
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
is the default setting, which does not compress the data set.
uses the Run Length Encoding (RLE) compression algorithm, which compresses repeating consecutive bytes such as trailing blanks or repeated zeros.
uses Ross Data Compression (RDC), which combines run-length encoding and sliding-window compression.
Note: If you set the COMPRESS= system option to a value other than NO, SAS compresses every data set that is created during the current SAS session, including temporary data sets in the Work library. Although this might conserve data storage space, it uses greater amounts of other resources.
General form, COMPRESS= data set option:
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
specifies the data set that you want to compress.
is the default setting, which does not compress the data set.
uses the Run Length Encoding (RLE) compression algorithm, which compresses repeating consecutive bytes such as trailing blanks or repeated zeros.
uses Ross Data Compression (RDC), which combines run-length encoding and sliding-window compression.
Note: The COMPRESS= data set option overrides the COMPRESS= system option.
The YES or CHAR setting for the COMPRESS= option uses the RLE compression algorithm. RLE compresses observations by reducing repeated consecutive characters (including blanks) to two-byte or three-byte representations. Therefore, RLE is most often useful for character data that contains repeated blanks. The YES or CHAR setting is also good for compressing numeric data in which most of the values are zero.
The BINARY setting for the COMPRESS= option uses RDC, which combines run-length encoding and sliding-window compression. This method is highly effective for compressing medium to large blocks of binary data (numeric variables).
A file that has been compressed using the BINARY setting of the COMPRESS= option takes significantly more CPU time to uncompress than a file that was compressed with the YES or CHAR setting. BINARY is more efficient with observations that are several hundred bytes or more in length. BINARY can also be very effective with character data that contains patterns rather than simple repetitions.
When you create a compressed data file, SAS compares the size of the compressed file to the size of the uncompressed file of the same page size. Then SAS writes a note to the log indicating the size reduction percent that is obtained by compressing the file.
When you use either of the COMPRESS= options, SAS calculates the size of the overhead that is introduced by compression as well as the maximum size of an observation in the data set that you are attempting to compress. If the maximum size of the observation is smaller than the overhead that is introduced by compression, SAS disables compression, creates an uncompressed data set, and issues a warning message stating that the file was not compressed.
Once a file is compressed, the setting is a permanent attribute of the file. In order to change the setting to uncompressed, you must re-create the file.
Note: Compression of observations is not supported by all SAS engines. See the SAS documentation for the COMPRESS= data set option for more information.


The data set Company.Customer contains demographic information about a retail company's customers. The data set includes character variables such as Customer_Name, Customer_FirstName, Customer_LastName, and Customer_Address. These character variables have the potential to contain many repeated blanks in their values. The following program creates a compressed data set named Company.Customers_Compressed from Company.Customer even if the COMPRESS= system option is set to NO.
data company.customer_compressed (compress=char);
   set company.customer;
SAS writes a note to the SAS log about the compression of the new data set, as shown below.
Table 21.3 SAS Log
NOTE: There were 89954 observations read from the data
      observations and 11 variables.
      decreased size by 32.81 percent.
      Compressed is 991 pages; un-compressed would require
      1475 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           3.90 seconds
      cpu time            0.96 seconds
In general, you use a compressed data set in your programs in the same way that you would use an uncompressed data set. However, there are two options that relate specifically to compressed data sets.

Accessing Observations Directly in a Compressed Data Set

By default, the DATA step processes observations in a SAS data set sequentially. However, sometimes you might want to access observations directly rather than sequentially because doing so can conserve resources such as CPU time, I/O, and real time. You can use the POINT= option in the MODIFY or SET statements to access observations directly rather than sequentially. You can review information about the POINT= option in Creating Indexes. You can also use the FSEDIT procedure to access observations directly.
Allowing direct access to observations in a compressed data set increases the CPU time that is required for creating or updating the data set. You can set an option that does not allow direct access for compressed data sets. If it is not important for you to be able to point directly to an observation by number within a compressed data set, it is a good idea to disallow direct access in order to improve the efficiency of creating and updating the data set. The following topic explains how to disallow direct access to observations in a compressed data set.

The POINTOBS= Data Set Option

When you work with compressed data sets, you use the POINTOBS= data set option to control whether observations can be processed with direct access (by observation number) rather than with sequential access only.
General form, POINTOBS= data set option:
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
specifies the data set that you want to compress.
is the default setting, which allows random access to the data set.
does not allow random access to the data set.
Note: In order for you to use the POINTOBS= data set option, the COMPRESS= option must have a value of YES, CHAR, or BINARY for the SAS-data set that is specified.
Allowing random access to a data set does not affect the efficiency of retrieving information from a data set, but it does increase the CPU usage by approximately 10% when you create or update a compressed data set. That is, allowing random access reduces the efficiency of writing to a compressed data set but does not affect the efficiency of reading from a compressed data set. Therefore, if you do not need to access data by observation number, specify POINTOBS=NO. Thus, you can improve performance by approximately 10% when creating a compressed data set and when updating or adding observations to it.


The following program creates a data set named Company.Customer_Compressed from the Company.Customer data set and ensures that random access to the compressed data set is not allowed.
data company.customer_compressed (compress=yes pointobs=no);
   set company.customer;
The following topic explains how to further reduce the data storage space that is required for your compressed data sets.

The REUSE= System Option and the REUSE= Data Set Option

SAS appends new observations to the end of all data sets by default. If you delete an observation within the data set, empty disk space remains in its place. However, in compressed data sets only, it is possible to track and reuse free space when you add or update observations. By reusing space within a data set, you can conserve data storage space.
The REUSE= system option and the REUSE= data set option specify whether SAS reuses space when observations are added to a compressed data set. If you set the REUSE= data set option to YES in a DATA statement, SAS tracks and reuses space in the compressed data set that is created in that DATA step. If you set the REUSE= system option to YES, SAS tracks and reuses free space in all compressed data sets that are created for the remainder of the current SAS session.
General form, REUSE= system option:
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
is the default setting, which specifies that SAS does not track unused space in the compressed data set.
specifies that SAS tracks free space and reuses it whenever observations are added to an existing compressed data set.
General form, REUSE= data set option:
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
specifies the data set that you want to compress.
is the default setting, which specifies that SAS does not track unused space in the compressed data set.
specifies that SAS tracks free space and reuses it whenever observations are added to an existing compressed data set.
Note: The REUSE= data set option overrides the REUSE= system option.
If the REUSE= option is set to YES, observations that are added to the SAS data set are inserted wherever enough free space exists, instead of at the end of the SAS data set.
Specifying NO for the REUSE= option results in less efficient usage of space if you delete or update many observations in a SAS data set because there is unused space within the data set. With the REUSE= option set to NO, the APPEND procedure, the FSEDIT procedure, and other procedures that add observations to the SAS data set add observations to the end of the data set, as they do for uncompressed data sets.
You cannot change the REUSE= attribute of a compressed data set after it is created. This means that space is tracked and reused in the compressed SAS data set according to the value of the REUSE= option that was specified when the SAS data set was created, not when you add and delete observations. Also, you should be aware that even with the REUSE= option set to YES, the APPEND procedure adds observations to the end of the data set.
Note: Specifying YES as the value for the REUSE= option causes the POINTOBS= option to have a value of NO even if you specify YES as the value for POINTOBS=. The insertion of a new observation into unused space (rather than at the end of the data set) and the use of direct access are not compatible.


The following program creates a compressed data set named Company.Customer_Compressed from the Company.Customer data set. Because the REUSE= option is set to YES, SAS tracks and reuses any empty space within the compressed data set.
data company.customer_compressed (compress=yes reuse=yes);
   set company.customer;

How SAS Compresses Data

Look at how SAS compresses data. A fictional data set named Roster is described in the table below.
In uncompressed form, each observation in Roster uses a total of 35 bytes to store these two variables: 20 bytes for the first variable, LastName, and 15 bytes for the second variable, FirstName. The image below illustrates the storage of the first observation in the uncompressed version of Roster.
Suppose that you use the CHAR setting for the COMPRESS= option to compress Roster. In compressed form, the repeated blanks are removed from each value. The first observation from Roster uses a total of only 13 bytes: 7 for the first variable, LastName, and 6 for the second variable, FirstName. The image below illustrates the storage of the first observation in the compressed version of Roster.
The @ indicates the number of uncompressed characters that follow. The # indicates the number of blanks that are repeated at this point in the observation. Only a SAS engine can access these bytes. You cannot print or manipulate them.
Ross Data Compression (COMPRESS=BINARY) uses both run-length encoding and sliding window compression. Suppose a SAS data set has these variables:
In uncompressed form, the SAS data file resembles this:
1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
@     +/1   1     #     @    +/1    2     #     %
The @ symbol indicates how many uncompressed characters follow. In the file, +/1 is the sign and exponent. The # indicates the number of binary zeros that were removed. The % represents how many times these values are repeated.
Note: Remember that in a compressed data set, observations might not all have the same length because the length of an observation depends on the length of each value in the observation.

Comparative Example: Creating and Reading Compressed Data Files


Suppose you want to create two SAS data sets from data that is stored in two raw data files. The raw data file that is referenced by the fileref Flat1 contains numeric data about customer orders for a retail company; you want to create a SAS data set named Retail.Orders from this raw data file. The raw data file that is referenced by the fileref Flat2 contains character data about customers for a retail company; you want to create a SAS data set named Retail.Customers from this raw data file.
In both cases, you can use the DATA step to create either an uncompressed data file or a compressed data file. Furthermore, you can use either binary or character compression in either case.
The following sample programs compare six techniques. You can use these samples as models for creating benchmark programs in your own environment. Your results might vary depending on the structure of your data, your operating environment, and the resources that are available at your site.

Programming Techniques

1 Numeric Data, No Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Orders, which contains numeric data and is uncompressed. The second DATA step reads the uncompressed data file.
data retail.orders(compress=no);
   infile flat1;
   input  Customer_ID          12.
          Employee_ID          12.
          Street_ID            12.
          Order_Date           date9.
          Delivery_Date        date9.
          Order_ID             12. 
          Order_Type           comma16.
          Product_ID           12.     
          Quantity             4.     
          Total_Retail_Price   dollar13.
          CostPrice_Per_Unit   dollar13.
          Discount             5.            ;
data _null_;
   set retail.orders;
2 Numeric Data, BINARY Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Orders_binary, which contains numeric data and uses BINARY compression. The second DATA step reads the compressed data file.
data retail.orders_binary(compress=binary);
   infile flat1;
   input  Customer_ID          12.
          Employee_ID          12.
          Street_ID            12.
          Order_Date           date9.
          Delivery_Date        date9.
          Order_ID             12. 
          Order_Type           comma16.
          Product_ID           12.     
          Quantity             4.     
          Total_Retail_Price   dollar13.
          CostPrice_Per_Unit   dollar13.
          Discount             5.       ;
data _null_;
   set retail.orders_binary;
3 Numeric Data, CHAR Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Orders_char, which contains numeric data and uses CHAR compression. The second DATA step reads the compressed data file.
data retail.orders_char(compress=char);
   infile flat1;
   input  Customer_ID          12.
          Employee_ID          12.
          Street_ID            12.
          Order_Date           date9.
          Delivery_Date        date9.
          Order_ID             12. 
          Order_Type           comma16.
          Product_ID           12.     
          Quantity             4.     
          Total_Retail_Price   dollar13.
          CostPrice_Per_Unit   dollar13.
          Discount             5.       ; 
data _null_;
   set retail.orders_char;
4 Character Data, No Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Customers, which contains character data and is uncompressed. The second DATA step reads the uncompressed data file.
data retail.customers(compress=no);
   infile flat2;
   input  Customer_Country     $40.
          Customer_Gender      $1.
          Customer_Name        $40.
          Customer_FirstName   $20.  
          Customer_LastName    $30.
          Customer_Age_Group   $12.
          Customer_Type        $40.
          Customer_Group       $40.    
          Customer_Address     $45.   
          Street_Number        $8.           ;
data _null_;
   set retail.cutomers;
5 Character Data, BINARY Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Customers_binary, which contains character data and uses BINARY compression. The second DATA step reads the compressed data file.
data retail.customers_binary(compress=binary);
   infile flat2;
   input  Customer_Country     $40.
          Customer_Gender      $1.
          Customer_Name        $40.
          Customer_FirstName   $20.
          Customer_LastName    $30.
          Customer_Age_Group   $12.
          Customer_Type        $40.
          Customer_Group       $40.    
          Customer_Address     $45.   
          Street_Number        $8.           ;
data _null_;
   set retail.customers_binary;
6 Character Data, CHAR Compression
The following program creates the SAS data set Retail.Customers_char, which contains character data and uses CHAR compression. The second DATA step reads the compressed data file.
data retail.customers_char(compress=char);
   infile flat2;
   input  Customer_Country     $40.
          Customer_Gender      $1.
          Customer_Name        $40.
          Customer_FirstName   $20.
          Customer_LastName    $30.
          Customer_Age_Group   $12.
          Customer_Type        $40.
          Customer_Group       $40.    
          Customer_Address     $45.   
          Street_Number        $8.           ;
data _null_;
   set retail.customers_char;

General Recommendations

  • Save data storage space by compressing data, but remember that compressed data causes an increase in CPU usage because the data must be uncompressed for processing.
  • Use binary compression only if the observation length is several hundred bytes or more.
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