

Abietic acid (C19H29COOH), 535


Aspen Plus, 520525, 1048

cocurrent, 736738

column diameters, 501502

dilute multisolute, 502504

homework, 511520

HTU-NTU analysis, 731736

matrix solution, 504508

references, 510511

transfer through stagnant films, 660661

Absorption, 481482

analytical solutions, 490495

concentrated systems, 497501

efficiencies, 496

equilibrium, 483485

irreversible, 508510

McCabe-Thiele solution, 485489, 605

simulations, 520525

SO2, 735736

Absorption factor in dilute systems, 492

Acetate membranes in gas permeation, 846

Acetic acid

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

chemical reaction, 306308

countercurrent extraction, 567568

dilute systems, 534536

NRTL parameters, 599

recovery from water, 528

solid-liquid equilibrium, 782783

water-distillation, calculated diameters, 396397

Acetonaphthalene (AN)

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

linear chromatography, 992993


antisolvent, 825

azeotropic distillation, 303

extractive distillation, 301

HETP Pall rings, 410

partially miscible single-stage systems, 559561

total reflux curve, 289290

Acetone-ethanol VLE, 168

Acetyl cellulose membranes, 849

Acetone-chloroform-benzene maximum boiling azeotrope, 289290

Acrylic acid, 970

Activated alumina (Al2O3)

diffuse waves, 963

elution chromatography, 934936

properties, 921

shock waves, 967969

uses, 923

Activated carbon

adsorption isotherms, 924

carbon dioxide isotherm, 961962

equilibrium data, 927928

LUB approach, 996998

overview, 922

packed bed fires, 983

porosities, 920

pressure-swing processes, 951956

properties, 921

solvent recovery, 945947

temperature swing adsorption, 946947

Activity coefficients

chemical potential, 686

Fickian diffusion model, 682, 688690

K values, 298

liquid-phase, 36

Maxwell-Stefan diffusion model, 686, 688690

pervaporation, 892, 894

solubility product, 826

ternary systems, 556, 697

van Laar equation, 689690

Vignes correlation, 653, 689


crystallization, 770

gasoline, 308

solubility in supercritical systems, 616

Adiabatic flashing

efficiencies, 496

multicomponent convergence, 4243

simulations, 73

Adjustable weirs, 425

ADSIM simulator, 984


description, 922

elution chromatography, 934935

equilibrium constants, 926

pressure-swing processes, 948951

shock waves, 969

simultaneous adsorption, 925

superposition, 987

surface tension, 980

temperature swing adsorption, 939, 941, 946947

Adsorption, 917918

definitions, 919922

equilibrium behavior, 924929

flow reversal, 10311036

homework, 10031018

practical design and operation, 9981000

references, 10001003

simulated moving beds, 956961

temperature swing adsorption, 938961

AIChE correlation for distillation, 755


diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

Air cooling, 445

Alcohol. See also Ethanol, Methanol

batch distillation, 340

esters formation, 306

multicomponent distillation, 199, 463466

polarity, 301

Alcohol dehydrogenase extraction, 544547

Alcohol-water diffusivity, 633636

Aldehydes polarity, 301

Aluminosilicates, 923

Aluminum trihydrate (Al(OH)3), 923

Ambivalent region in mixer-settler operation, 575

Amine group in ion exchange, 970


absorption in water, 485486

azeotropic distillation, 302303

diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652

ideal ternary systems, 693695

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

stripping analysis, 494495

Ammonium bromide (NH4Br) solubility in water, 775

Ammonium chloride(NH4Cl) solubility in water, 775

Ammonium iodide (NH4I) solubility in water, 775

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) solubility in water, 775

Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2 SO4)

precipitation, 828

solubility in water, 775

Analogies, mass transfer coefficients based on, 680682. See also Heat transfer

Analytical methods

cross-flow extraction, 546

dilute systems, 490495

gas permeation, 851854, 896

vs. graphical, 161162

HTU-NTU, 742

limiting cases, 254, 346

MSMPR crystallizers, 799800

Anhydrous compounds in crystallization, 773774, 778, 817

Aniline-Methylcyclohexane–heptane equilibrium data, 593

Anion exchange resins in ion exchange, 970

Anisotropic (asymmetric) membranes, 845846


adsorption equilibrium constant, 926, 1006

diffuse waves, 963965

elution chromatography, 934936

shock waves, 967, 969

Antisolvent addition in precipitation, 825826

Antisolvent crystallization, 823825

Antoine equation. See Vapor pressure

Approach temperature in heat exchanger design, 443

Aqueous two-phase extraction, 544547

Aramids, 862


equilibrium in liquid ammonia, 515

production from air, 462

Arrhenius relation

absorption and stripping equilibria, 484485

adsorbents, 925, 927929

temperature dependence, 651

temperature swing adsorption, 939

Artificial kidneys, 838

Aspen Chromatography

Cycle Organizer, 10281031

DAEs, 984

flow reversal, 10311036

integration, 1021

introduction, 10191023

ion exchange, 10361038

labs, 10191046

linear isotherms convergence, 10231025

nonlinear isotherms convergence, 10251027

plot setup, 10211022

simulator description, 1046

SMB and TMB, 10381042

thermal systems, 10421046

Aspen Custom Modeler, 984

Aspen Plus, 8

absorption and stripping, 520525

binary analysis menu, 71

binary column distillation, 179183

chemical reaction, 308

complex distillation methods, 326336

extractive distillation, 298

flash distillation, 6776

flowsheets, 6870

formulas, 67

heterogeneous, binary azeotropic distillation processes, 329333

HTU-NTU analysis, 764

liquid-liquid extraction, 598602

material input, 6970

material streams, 69

methods Assistant, 68

model palette, 6869

molar flows, 1047

mole fractions, 1047

multicomponent distillation, 241248

nonideal ternary systems, 468470

pervaporation, 894895

physical properties for drum size calculations, 63

property analysis, 68, 179180

purity, 10481049

RadFac absorption, 521

rate-based analysis of distillation, 755, 765768

regression of LLE correlations to fit data, 602

results summary, 72

startup, 67

stream specifications, 1047

strippers, 520525

tray and downcomer design, 433435

troubleshooting guide, 10471049

two-pressure distillation, 326329

valid phases menu, 7071

VLE and LLE data, regression of, 1051

Atmospheric pressure operation costs, 446

Auxiliary lines

enthalpy-composition diagrams, 31

VLE, 21, 23

Average distillate concentration

mixed distillate product, 343

simple binary batch distillation, 344, 346

Avogadro’s number, 629

Axial dispersion

column mass balances, 981

elution chromatography, 936937

energy balances, 983

linear chromatography, 990991

local equilibrium with dispersion, 986

pressure swing adsorption, 951

shock waves, 969

simulated moving beds, 959

solute movement, 983

zone spreading, 985


added solvents, 302306

binary flash distillation, 28

binary heterogeneous processes, 273282

breaking, 272

complex ternary systems, 287289, 292293

distillation cascades, 8788

eutectic systems, 782

extractive distillation, 296297, 300301

heterogeneous, 329332

membrane separation processes, 902

multicomponent distillation simulation, 245

nonideal ternary systems, 467468

pervaporation, 886

pressure-swing processes, 286287, 326329

VLE, 2425



mixer tanks, 574, 576578, 749, 752

settler design, 579

staged column design, 380381, 383

Balance points in valve tray design, 404406

Balances. See Energy balances; Mass balances

Balancing calculated diameters, 396397

Bare module costs, 439, 442443, 446, 453

Barium black ash, 623

Barium chloride (BaCl2)

continuous cooling crystallizers, 781782

evaporative crystallizers, 789

solubility in water, 775

Barker and Self correlation, 756

Batch crystallization, 776, 820

antisolvent crystallization, 823825

temperature control, 820823

Batch distillation, 339

constant-mole, 349350

distillate product fractions, 343344

homework, 362372

introduction, 339341

mixed distillate product, 342343

multicomponent, 357360

multistage, 352357

operating time, 361362

Rayleigh equation, 341344

references, 362363

simple system, 344349

steam, 350352

Batch extraction, 551553

Batch washing, 620

Bed capacity

nonlinear sorption systems, 995

temperature swing adsorption, 946

Beer stills, 425


azeotropic distillation, 303

dilute systems, 534

distillation tray efficiency, 740741

drying, 279282

Fenske equation, 253254

gas diffusivity, 648

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

multicomponent batch distillation, 359360

multicomponent distillation profiles, 195199

oil extraction, 613

petroleum processing, 528

total reflux, 289290, 293

Underwood equation, 258

Benzene-acetone-chloroform maximum boiling azeotrope, 289290

Benzene-sulfonic acid groups, 970

Benzene-toluene VLE, 64

Benzoic acid (C6H3COOH)

distribution coefficient between toluene and water, 582, 748

mixer-settler design, 582586

mixer stage efficiency, 746748

solubility in water, 775

BET isotherms, 925

Binary batch distillation

multistage, 352357

simple, 344349

Binary column distillation, 105

analytical vs. graphical methods, 161162

azeotrope separation, 329333

efficiencies, 154156

enriching columns, 150151

feed lines, 120128

homework, 163178

intermediate reboilers and condensers, 149151

internal balances, 106110

limiting operating conditions, 151154

McCabe-Thiele method, 116120, 128132, 138145

new uses for old columns, 158159

open steam heating, 132138

partial condensers, 146

profiles, 132

references, 162163

side streams, 148149

simulations, 156158, 179183

spreadsheets, 178, 183188

stage-by-stage solution methods, 110116

stripping columns, 150151

subcooled reflux and superheated boilup, 159161

total reboilers, 148

Binary equilibrium in crystallization, 772776

Binary Fickian diffusion

steady-state, 633638, 640647

unsteady, 638639

Binary flash distillation, 2526

enthalpy-composition diagram, 3132

sequential solution procedure, 2630

simultaneous solution procedure, 3032

spreadsheets, 7778

Binary heterogeneous azeotropic distillation processes, 273

drying organic compounds, 277282

single-column systems, 273274

two-column systems, 274277

Binary mass transfer

to expanding and contracting objects, 661664

Fickian model, 628

Binary Maxwell-Stefan diffusion, 683691

Binary mixtures for gas permeation, 847848

Binary permeation in perfectly mixed systems, 848858

Binary systems, mass transfer for, 656670

Binary VLE, 2025

Blowdown step in pressure swing adsorption, 948952, 954956

Boiling points

isobutane, 3435

simulations, 76


distillation cascades, 8485

stripping columns, 151

superheated, 160161

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723729

Bolles design for valve trays, 404

Boltzmann’s constant, 649

Bonded chromatography packing, 923

Bootstrap equation, 686

Bottom operating lines

azeotropic processes, 274, 281

feed lines, 124

McCabe-Thiele method, 117118, 140142, 145

open steam heating, 135137

stripping columns, 151

Boundary conditions

distillation tray efficiency, 739

extraction mixers, 745

falling laminar liquid film, 675676

local equilibrium with dispersion, 985

Maxwell-Stefan model, 689

reverse osmosis, 872

simulated moving beds, 958

steady-state binary Fickian diffusion, 634635, 645, 647

ultrafiltration, 880

unsteady binary Fickian diffusion, 638639

variable binary diffusivity, 655

Boundary curves in complex ternary systems, 289

Bovine serum albumin, 926

Breaking azeotropes, 272


Aspen Chromatography, 10221023

ion exchange, 975976

linear systems, 986987, 989

LUB approach, 995997

pressure-swing processes, 956

shock waves, 969

solute movement, 933, 984

temperature swing adsorption, 942, 944

Brunschwig, Hieronymus, 340

Bubble-cap trays

column diameter calculations, 390

efficiencies, 386387

staged column design, 376378

Bubble-point calculations

complex ternary systems, 288, 292

extractive distillation, 298

Goal Seek, 215

matrix solutions, 220221, 298

multicomponent distillation, 34, 40, 200204, 208, 225229, 360

simulations, 76

Bubble regime, 88

Bubbles, oxygen, shrinking diameter of, 664669

Bulk density in sorption systems, 920921

Bulk flow pattern effects, 895899

Butadiene in azeotropic distillation, 302303


diffusivity, 648

K values, 3335

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

removal by absorption, 481


diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652

dilute systems, 534

Butanol (n-)-water VLE, 312

Butyl rubber membranes permeability, 849

Butylenes in azeotropic distillation, 302303


Caffeine extraction, 616

Calcium acetate hydrates, 775776

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) solubility, 775

Calcium ion in ion exchange, 970, 972973

Capacity factor for flooding, 390391, 419420

Capital costs

design changes, 448450

determining, 438443

energy conservation, 455

ideal multicomponent distillation, 460462

packed column design, 417

plant operating rate changes, 454455

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

climate change, 519, 615

diffusivity for gases, 648, 650

diffusivity for liquids, 652653

Henry’s law constants, 484

hole effects, 861862

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

nonlinear solute movement, 961962

perfectly mixed gas permeation, 859860

permeability, 849

removal by absorption, 481482

supercritical fluids, 615616

temperature swing adsorption, 946

well-mixed gas permeation, 851857

Carbon molecular sieves (CMS), 922

Carbon monoxide (CO), Henry’s law constant, 484


Henry’s law constant, 485

NRTL parameters, 599

Carbonated beverages, 484

Carbons for sorbents, 922

Carboxylic acid in esters formation, 306


cocurrent, 508510

column distillation, 8288

countercurrent, 8384, 561569, 611612

cross-flow, 514, 543547, 552, 558561, 602

multieffect, 462

Catalytic distillation, 308

Cation exchange resins, 970

Cellulose membranes

gas permeation, 846

membrane separation processes, 843844

permeability, 849

reverse osmosis, 862

ultrafiltration, 878

Center cuts in extraction, 540541

Centrifugal extractors and separators, 529530

Ceramic packings, 412413

Chan and Fair correlation, 755

Chapman-Enskog equation

Fickian binary gas diffusivities, 649

Maxwell-Stefan model, 694

Characteristic diagram for solute movement, 932

Check step in in problem solving, 6

Chemical absorption, 481

Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI), 439

Chemical potential equilibrium, 3

Chemical reaction, distillation with, 306308

Chen and Chuang correlation, 755

Chilton-Colburn analogy

mass transfer coefficients, 681682

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754

Chimney trays, 382

Chloride ions in ion exchange, 970, 973

Chlorinated solvents

environmental concerns, 531

Henry’s law constants, 485


diffusivity for gases, 648

mass transfer coefficient estimation, 679680

removal from water, 947


concentrated immiscible extraction, 548550

diffusivity for liquids, 652

equilibrium data with water and pyridine, 548


Henry’s law constant, 485

partially miscible single-stage systems, 559561

total reflux, 289290

Chloroform-benzene-acetone maximum boiling azeotrope, 289290

Chloro-heptane, Henry’s law constant, 485

Chloro-naphthalene, Henry’s law constant, 485

Christmas-tree pattern in reverse osmosis, 863

Chromatography, 917918. See also Aspen Chromatography

adsorbents, 923

definitions, 919922

elution, 934938

homework, 10031018

linear, 989993

practical design and operation, 9981000

references, 10001003

simulated moving beds, 958

simulations, 10191023

solute movement analysis, 930938

Chung and Wen correlation

local equilibrium with dispersion, 986

lumped parameter mass transfer, 982

Circular pipe downcomers in staged column design, 379, 381

Citric acid (C3H4OH(COOH)3), solubility in water, 775

Clay distillation pots, 339

Climate change

CO2 capture, 481, 519

solvent concerns, 531

CMO. See Constant molal overflow (CMO) conditions

Co-ions in ion exchange, 974975

Coalescence in mixer-settler design, 585586

Cobalt chloride (CoCl2) solubility in water, 775

Cocurrent absorbers in HTU-NTU analysis, 736738

Cocurrent cascades, 508510

Cocurrent flow patterns, 895896

Coffee beans, caffeine extraction, 616

Coffee production, 610

Cohn equation, 828

Coke formation, 419

Colburn equations

cocurrent absorbers, 737

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 734735

extraction mass transfer equations, 742

HETP and HTU relationship, 722


crystallization, 801

Fickian binary gas diffusivities, 649

Colloidal silica (SiO2), 923

Column diameters

absorbers and strippers, 501502

multicomponent distillation simulation, 244245

packed beds, 411417

staged column design, 390396

Column distillation, 81

binary. See Binary column distillation

cascades, 8288

equipment, 8890

external column balances, 9497

homework, 98104

references, 98

specifications, 9093

Column mass balances

binary column distillation, 109

diffusion, 981

LUB approach, 994

multicomponent distillation, 256

Column sequences, synthesis of, 460466

Columns, solute movement in, 930932

Complex distillation methods, 271

azeotropic distillation with added solvents, 302306

binary heterogeneous azeotropic, 273282

breaking azeotropes, 272

with chemical reaction, 306308

extractive, 296302

homework, 310326

pressure-swing, 286287

references, 309310

simulations, 326336

steam, 282285

ternary systems, 287296

Complex ternary distillation systems, 287288

distillation curves, 288291

residue curves, 291296

Component mass balances

absorption and stripping, 506

matrix solutions, 221225

mixed distillate product, 342

multicomponent distillation, 36, 226, 232

residue curves, 291

three-phase flash calculations, 47

Component transfer velocities

independent fluxes, 687

steady-state binary Fickian diffusion, 640641

Composition profiles

azeotropic distillation, 305

binary distillation, 132

chemical reaction, 308

extractive distillation, 299

multicomponent distillation, 194196, 198199

Computers and computer simulations. See Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Plus, Simulations

Concentrated absorbers and strippers

HTU-NTU analysis, 731736

matrix solution, 504508

McCabe-Thiele analysis, 497501

Concentrated immiscible extraction, 547551

Concentrated liquids, dissolving solid particles in, 668669

Concentrated systems, liquid drop evaporation in, 666667

Concentration polarization

mass transfer, 872876

reverse osmosis, 866868

ultrafiltration, 878, 880, 882

Concentration polarization modulus, 866

Concentration profiles

binary column distillation, 153

binary mass transfers, 663

diffuse waves, 964

diffusivity in dilute binary mixture, 635636

extractive distillation, 298299

linear chromatography, 989991

linear solute movement, 937

multicomponent distillation, 194199

nonlinear solute movement, 963966

nonlinear sorption systems, 994995

pressure swing adsorption, 953

shock waves, 965, 967969

steady-state diffusion, 633

Condensation and condensation temperature. See also Dew point calculations

azeotropic distillation, 304

batch distillation, 349

distillation cascades, 8586, 90

energy conservation, 458

flash distillation, 1617

heat exchanger design, 444445

vapor permeation, 838


azeotropic distillation, 304

balancing calculated diameters, 397

binary batch distillation, 344

binary column distillation, 146, 149151, 154

chemical reaction, 308

column distillation, 91, 95

cooling water, 447

costs, 438, 443, 449450, 453454

energy conservation, 457459

flash distillation, 16

heat exchanger design, 445

heat transfer coefficients, 444445

matrix solutions, 223

multicomponent distillation calculations, 229231

multicomponent distillation profiles, 195

partial, 101, 146

size, 443

tray efficiencies, 385

Condensing vapor in feed lines, 127

Conduction in Fickian model, 631

Congruent melting points in eutectic systems, 783

Conjugate lines

leaching, 613

partially miscible ternary systems, 555

Constant diffusivity in Fickian diffusion, 645

Constant flow rates

cooling crystallizers, 821

HTU-NTU analysis, 731

leaching, 610612

McCabe-Thiele and Kremser procedures, 605

single-solute analysis, 502

stage-by-stage solution methods, 111, 114

washing, 608

Constant molal overflow (CMO) conditions

benzene drying, example, 279

feed lines, 121, 128

Fenske equation, 253

matrix solutions, 220221

McCabe-Thiele method, 117, 139, 140, 161, 604

multicomponent distillation, 199206, 225

multistage binary batch distillation, 353

open steam heating, 134135, 137138

packed distillation columns, 712

stage-by-stage methods, 111116

stripping columns, 151

subcooled reflux, 159

Underwood equations, 256, 258

Constant-mole batch distillation, 349350

Constant pattern waves

nonlinear solute movement, 961, 965, 969

sorption systems, 993994

Constant reflux ratio, 353357

Continuous crystallizers, 776777

CSD analysis on seeds, 815818

equilibrium and mass balances, 777782

eutectic systems, 782785

Continuous distillation, 339341

Continuous water addition batch washing, 624

Contracting objects

binary mass transfer to, 661664

Maxwell-Stefan model, 695697


description, 627

Fickian diffusion, 632633, 640647

Convective flux, 640, 646647


absorbers and strippers, 506507

Aspen Chromatography, 10231025, 10251027

Aspen Plus problems, 10471048

multicomponent flash distillation, 3940

Naphtali-Sandholm method, 232233

Newtonian, 3945, 232233, 506507

simultaneous multicomponent flash, 4247

temperature, 225229

Conversion of units, 10531054


adiabatic flashing, 42

ammonia recovery, 302

batch crystallization, 821822

condensers, 444445

distillation cascades, 85

feed lines, 127128

temperature swing adsorption, 939

water costs, 447449, 451

Cooling crystallizers, 776777

equilibrium and mass balances, 777782

eutectic systems, 782785

Copper concentration in ion exchange, 976977

Copper ores, leaching, 611

Copper sulfate (CuSO4)

crystallization, 773

solubility in water, 775

Correction factors in valve tray design, 406


mass transfer coefficients, 670682

random packings, 729730


capital. See Capital costs

design and operating effects, 445454

equipment, 438443

heat exchanger design, 443445

plant operating rates changes, 454455

Counter-ions in ion exchange, 970

Countercurrent cascades

distillation cascades, 8384

leaching, 611612

Countercurrent extraction cascades

difference points, 563567

external mass balances, 561563

partially miscible systems, 561569

stage-by-stage calculations, 563567

Countercurrent immiscible extraction

batch, 552

description, 532

McCabe-Thiele method, 535538

Countercurrent in membrane separation processes, 895897


adsorption, 10311036

solute movement, 934

Crashouts, 823

Cross-flow permeation, 896898, 914916

Cross-flow systems

extraction, 543547

partially miscible systems, 558561

Cross-sectional area in drum size calculations, 4950, 52

Crossflow trays, 378

Crystal size distribution (CSD). See also Mixed suspension, mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizers

batch crystallization, 820824

continuous cooling crystallizers, 780

crystallization, 793, 798

seeding for, 815818

Crystallization, 769770

batch and semibatch, 820825

binary equilibrium, 772776

continuous cooling crystallizers, 776785

crystal size control, 818819

crystal size distributions, 800814

dilute liquids, 667668

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 785793

homework, 830836

population balances, 798799

precipitation, 825828

processes, 770772

references, 828829

seeding, 814819

sieve analysis, 793798

spreadsheets, 835836

submerged objects, 663

CSD. See Crystal size distribution (CSD)


multicomponent batch distillation, 359360

multicomponent distillation profiles, 195199

total reflux, 289

Cumulative surface area/volume in MSMPR crystallizers, 808

Cut parameter

gas permeation, 851

pervaporation, 889890

Cycle Organizer. See Aspen Chromatography


azeotropic distillation, 303

diffuse waves, 963964

elution chromatography, 934936

equilibrium data for anthracene-cyclohexane-activated alumina, 967


DAEs (differential, algebraic equations), 984

Dalton’s law, 35

Damping factor in multicomponent distillation, 205, 226

Das New gross Distiller Buch, 340

Debottlenecking, 158


K values, 3335

vapor pressure, 284

Decanters. See also Settlers

design, 578581

simulations, 600602

DECHEMA method, 599601

Defining problem step in problem solving, 5

Degrees of freedom. See also Gibbs phase rule

absorption and stripping equilibria, 483

binary column distillation, 107

crystallization, 772

dilute systems, 532

enriching column, 151

equilibrium data, 1920

flash distillation, 1617

multicomponent distillation, 189190

multisolute absorption and stripping, 502

partially miscible ternary systems, 554

steam distillation, 285

stripping column, 151

Deicing, 783


drum size calculations, 49

flash distillation, 16

staged column design, 382

Density unit conversions, 1053

DePriester charts, 3235

Design effects on costs, 445454

Design problems in column distillation, 9192, 478479

Design problems in membrane separators, 897898, 912913


displacement cycles, 938

simulated moving beds, 958959


packed beds, 978

solute movement, 961962

Dew-point calculations

multicomponent, 34, 205, 208209

simulations, 76

Dew-point temperatures with Goal Seek, 215

Dextran, 544547

Dialysis, 838


absorber and stripper columns, 501502

drum size calculations, 4952

multicomponent distillation, 244245

oxygen bubbles, 664669

packed column design, 411417

settlers, 585

staged column design, 390396

vacuum columns, 446

Dichloroethane, 182183

Dichloromethane, Henry’s Law constant, 485

Diethyl ether, 303

Difference equations in Maxwell-Stefan model, 687688

Difference points in countercurrent extraction cascades, 563567

Differential, algebraic equations (DAEs), 984

Differential condensation, 349

Differential equations

extraction mixers, 744, 746747

Fickian diffusion, 635

mass transfer, 661, 665

MSMPR crystallizers, 804

pressure-swing processes, 951

Differential mass balance

Rayleigh equation, 342

reverse osmosis, 872

Differential mass distribution in MSMPR crystallizers, 809810

Diffuse waves

ion exchange, 974

nonlinear solute movement, 961965

Diffuser plates, 585

Diffusers, 579

Diffusion and diffusion models

advantages and disadvantages, 698

Fickian model. See Fickian diffusion

homework, 700706

Maxwell-Stefan model, 683698

molecular, 630

overview, 627629

packed beds, 978984

references, 698700

spreadsheets, 707709

Diffusive flux, 640641, 645646


description, 628

dilute binary mixture, 633636

gases, 647650

liquids, 651653

unit conversions, 1053

Dilute absorption, McCabe-Thiele solution, 485489

Dilute binary mixture diffusivity, 633636

Dilute fractional extraction, 539543

Dilute gas bubbles, 664

Dilute liquids, dissolving solid particles in, 667668

Dilute systems

absorbers and strippers, 502504, 733734

analytical solutions, 490495

evaporating liquid drops, 665666

film theory, 657660

Kremser equation, 538539

McCabe-Thiele method, 532538

reverse osmosis, 864

stripping analysis, 489490

Dimensionless groups

mass transfer coefficients, 671672, 682

mixer-settler design, 583

Dinitronaphthalene (DN), 992993

Direct (open) steam heating, 132138

Dispersed phase

extraction mixers, 743747

mixer design, 574576

mixer mass transfer coefficients, 751752

resident time, 581

transfer rate, 741742

Dispersion, local equilibrium with, 985986

Dispersion bands in settler design, 580581

Displacement chromatography, 938

Dissolution solid particles, 667670


binary column. See Binary column distillation

column. See Column distillation

complex. See Complex distillation methods

flash. See Flash distillation

multicomponent. See Multicomponent distillation

rate-based analysis, 753756

simulations, 764768. See also Aspen Plus

tray efficiency, 385390, 738741

Distillation cascades, 8288

Distillation column costs, 446

Distribution ratio for dilute systems, 534

Divalent ion exchange, 972973

Divalent-monovalent ion exchange, 974978

Divided-wall columns, 460462

Divinylbenzene (DVB), 970

Do it step in in problem solving, 6

Do loops in VBA. See Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Donnan exclusion, 972973

Double-pass trays, 378

Down time in batch distillation, 361


column distillation, 8890

flooding, 398399, 401

sieve trays, 398403

staged column design, 378380, 433436

tapouts, 382

Drinking water treatment, 947

Drip points in packed column design, 408

Driving force

description, 631

dialysis, 838

diffusion, 979

Fickian model, 632

linear models, 656670

mass transfer rate, 45

membrane separation processes, 845

packed distillation columns, 714

pervaporation, 883884

reverse osmosis, 863

Drops and drop size

extraction mixers, 749

mixer mass transfer coefficients, 750753

mixer-settler design, 580581, 584


flash distillation, 1617

size calculation, 4853


organic compounds, 277282

solvents, 947948

Dump points in sieve tray layout, 401


Economics, 437

design and operating effects, 445455

equipment costs, 438443

homework, 472479

ideal multicomponent distillation, 460466

nonideal ternary systems, 466470

packed column design, 417418

references, 470472

Economy of scale in capital costs, 438


absorption, 481, 496, 508509

column diameter calculations, 394

column distillation, 90, 154156

dilute systems, 494

energy conservation, 455456

extraction mixers, 743745, 748

mixer-settler design, 578

mixer stage, 746748

stripping analysis, 489

trays, 376377, 385390, 738741

Electricity costs, 447449

Electrodialysis (ED), 838, 840

Elution chromatography

analytical applications solution, 989993

Lapidus and Amundson solution, 988989

solute movement, 934938

Empirical mass transfer coefficients, 677679


costs, 447449

unit conversions, 1053

Energy balances

absorbers and strippers, 504

batch distillation, 361

binary flash distillation, 26, 2930

chemical reaction, 307

column distillation, 9697, 106112

condenser and reboiler size, 443

continuous cooling crystallizers, 781

dilute systems, 532

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 789793

external column distillation, 9497

heat transfer in sorption columns, 983

intermediate reboilers, 149

leaching, 611

matrix form, 229231

matrix solutions, 220221

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 604

multicomponent distillation, 190191

multistage binary batch distillation, 353

Naphtali-Sandholm simultaneous convergence method, 232233

pervaporation, 888890

prerequisites, 8

rate-based analysis of distillation, 753

reboilers, 149

simultaneous multicomponent convergence, 43

solute movement theory, 984

Energy conservation in distillation, 437

homework, 472479

ideal multicomponent distillation, 460466

nonideal multicomponent distillation, 466470

overview, 455459

references, 470472

Energy transfer

packed beds for sorption systems, 978984

rate-based distillation, 753754

Enriching (rectifying) columns, 150151

Enriching sections

binary column distillation, 150151

distillation cascades, 86

multicomponent distillation, 204, 460461

packed distillation columns, 715, 718720

simulated moving beds, 958

Enthalpy calculation

binary column distillation, 9596

binary flash distillation, 26

continuous cooling crystallizers, 781

feed lines, 128

multicomponent distillation, 230231

multicomponent flash distillation, 39

Enthalpy-composition diagrams

binary flash distillation, 3132

column distillation, 95, 97

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 790791

feed lines, 127

stage-by-stage methods, 111

VLE, 2024


azeotropic distillation, 302305

batch steam distillation, 352

column diameter calculations, 390, 394

column distillation, 88

extractive distillation, 300

flash distillation, 16

leaching, 612

sieve tray layout, 401

staged column design, 381, 384

supercritical fluids, 616

washing, 606

Environmental effects of solvents, 301, 531

Equilateral triangular pitch for sieve trays, 398


absorption ammonia in water, 486

absorption, irreversible, 508509

adsorption, 924929

binary VLE data, 18, 2123, 57, 168, 273, 312, 320

binary VLE, graphical representation, 2025

binary heterogeneous azeotrope, 273, 312, 320

bubble-point calculation, 200204, 208

concept, 34

crystallization, 772776, 782785, 790

dew point calculation, 205, 208209

eutectic systems, 782784

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 790793

extraction, immiscible, 534535

extraction, partially miscible, 548, 553556, 568, 593, 599

form and sources VLE data, 1720

Henry’s law, 483485, 496

ion exchange, 972973

immiscible liquid VLE, 278280

leaching, 613

multicomponent VLE, 3237

relative volatilities, 30, 360

residue curves, 3-component VLE, 291297

solid solutions, 784785

steam distillation, 282285

supercritical fluid, 616

three-phase VLLE, 47

washing, 607

Equilibrium stages

concept, 2

binary column distillation, 107

flash distillation, 16

multicomponent column distillation, 200

steam distillation, 351

Equimolar counter diffusion, 642643, 687, 689

Equimolar transfer systems, 657660


column distillation, 8890

costs, 438443

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 785787

flash distillation, 16

liquid-liquid extraction, 527531

membrane separation processes, 840843

staged column design, 376385

Error functions

falling laminar liquid film, 675

Fickian diffusion, 639

Lapidus and Amundson solution, 985986

values of, 986


formation, 306308

polarity, 301


adsorption isotherm, 924

K values, 3335


antisolvent, 825

chemical reaction, 308

column distillation, 114116

diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

nonideal binary diffusion, 689691

packed distillation columns, 717720


azeotropic distillation, 303, 305

binary column distillation, 140146

binary flash distillation, 2730

distillation column diameter, 396397

extractive distillation, 296297

pervaporation, 887895

VLE, 18, 2025

Ethanol-water-benzene residue curves, 293

Ethers, polarity, 301

Ethyl cellulose membranes, 849


adsorption isotherm, 924

K values, 3335

Euler method, 292, 358

Eutectic systems, 782785

Evaporating drops

concentrated systems, 666667

dilute systems, 665666

Maxwell-Stefan model, 695697

ternary transfer from, 696697


diffusion in high-temperature, 644647

diffusion in low-temperature, 636638

in pervaporation, 884, 893895

Evaporative crystallizers, 776, 785

equipment, 785787

semibatch, 820

simultaneous calculations, 790793

single-solute systems, 787789

Excel spreadsheets. See Spreadsheets

Existing drums in flash distillation, 53

Expanding objects

binary mass transfer to, 661664

Maxwell-Stefan model, 695697

Explore and think step in problem solving, 5

Extensive variables and Gibbs phase rule, 19

External column balances, 9497

External mass balances

azeotropic processes, 281

column distillation, 9697

concentrated immiscible extraction, 549

condenser and reboiler size, 443

countercurrent extraction cascades, 561563

dilute fractional extraction, 541

extractive distillation, 298

flash distillation, 25, 36

gas permeation, 850

multicomponent distillation, 191194, 290

pervap, 887888

pressure-swing processes, 286287

reverse osmosis, 867

External porosity, 919

External reflux ratio, 95

Extraction. See also Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)

mass transfer analysis, 741753

mass transfer coefficients, 752753

mass transfer equations, 741743

McCabe-Thiele and Kremser procedures, 605

Extraction equilibrium in partially miscible ternary systems, 553556

Extraction mixers

drop size, 749

stage efficiency, 743749

Extractive distillation

overview, 296302

simulation, 332336


F values in packed column design, 411413, 417

Fair’s method

sieve tray column diameter calculations, 390396

sieve tray entrainment, 394

sieve tray weeping, 402

Falling liquid film

laminar, flat, 673677

laminar, ripples, 677

turbulent, 678680

Feed-and-bleed mode

membrane separation processes, 843

ultrafiltration, 880881

Feed and feed systems

azeotropic distillation, 304

balances, mass and energy, 112113

balancing calculated diameters, 397

column distillation, 9091, 120128

dilute fractional extraction, 541

elution chromatography, 935

extractive distillation, 300

flash distillation, 1517, 30

Gilliland correlation, 260

McCabe-Thiele method, 118128, 140145

multicomponent distillation, 194, 200, 204

partially miscible single-stage extraction systems, 558

preheating, 473

stripping columns, 151

temperature swing adsorption, 946947

two-enthalpy feed, 397

Feed flow rate

binary column distillation, 90, 115

flash distillation, 1617

multicomponent convergence, 4243, 46

multicomponent distillation calculation procedures, 226

multicomponent flash distillation, 3642

operating costs, 454

Feed mole fractions

binary flash distillation, 28

eutectic systems, 782

Feed plate locations, 120, 204205, 260261

Feedback loops

crystallization seeding, 816

MSMPR crystallizers, 813

Fenske equation, 250254

Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland (FUG) approach, 249262

example, 452

extractive distillation, 300

multicomponent batch distillation, 360

Fick, Adolph, 631

Fickian binary diffusivities

binary gas, 647650

binary liquid, 651653

variable, 653656

Fickian diffusion

difficulties, 682

Fick’s law, 631633

film theory, 657658

packed beds, 980

reverse osmosis, 872

steady-state, 633638, 640647

unsteady, 638639

Fick’s law, 631633, 657658

Fick’s second law, 638639

Film mass transfer

crystallization, 802

diffusion, 979980

Films. See also Falling liquid film

dilute and equimolar transfer systems, 657660

stagnant, 660661, 673

Finite reflux

distillation curves, 288289

Gilliland correlation, 259262

Fires. See also Safety

packed bed, 983

structured packing, 419

temperature swing adsorption, 946947

Flash distillation, 15

basic method, 1517

binary, 2532

drum size calculation, 4853

equilibrium data, 1720

existing flash drums, 53

homework, 5566

multicomponent, 3642

multicomponent convergence, 4247

references, 5455

simulation, 6776

spreadsheets, 7779

three-phase calculations, 4748

VLE, binary, graphical representation, 2025

VLE, multicomponent, 3236


column diameter calculations, 390395

column distillation, 88

HETP method, 410

packed columns, 411417

packed towers, 725728

sieve tray layout, 398399, 401402

valve tray design, 406

Flooding curves, 413414

Flow parameter (FP)

column diameters, 390, 395

column type choices, 419420

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754

Flow patterns

flash distillation, 51

gas permeation, 847

membrane separation processes, 843, 895899

trays, 378379, 385, 387, 389

Flow programming, 938

Flow rates

absorbers and strippers, column diameter, 501502

absorbers and strippers, concentrated, 504506, 731

azeotropic processes, 276

batch distillation, 361

binary flash distillation, 30

column diameter calculations, 390

column distillation, 90, 9395, 108, 110114

concentrated immiscible extraction, 550551

cooling crystallizers, 821

countercurrent extraction cascades, 561, 564

cross-flow extraction, 544

dilute systems, 533, 538

energy conservation, 455

extractive distillation, 298, 300

feed lines, 121122

gas permeation, 845862

Kremser method, 538

leaching, 610615

matrix solutions, 220222

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 604

membrane separation processes, 845, 897898

mixer-settler design, 575

multicomponent distillation calculation procedures, 225230

multicomponent distillation profiles, 194195

multistage binary batch distillation, 353

Naphtali-Sandholm method, 232

partially miscible systems, 559, 569

pressure swing adsorption, 955

profiles, 132

settler design, 582

simulated moving beds, 960

trays, 376379, 403

Underwood equations, 255256

Flow reversal in adsorption, 10311036


diffusion, 980

Fickian model of diffusivity, 632, 634635, 640642, 645647

film theory, 657

gas permeation, 846, 851, 855856

linear driving-force model, 656657

Maxwell-Stefan model, 683, 685687

membranes, 844845

pervaporation, 892

reverse osmosis, 863, 865866

transfer to expanding and contracting objects, 662

ultrafiltration, 878882

Foam regime in column distillation, 88


Oldershaw columns, 390

sieve tray layout, 401

Food industry

membrane separation processes, 840

supercritical fluids, 616

For...Next loops in VBA. See Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Forward osmosis (FO), 865

Fouling in ultrafiltration, 878

Fraction feed in binary flash distillation, 2627

Fraction of energy change in temperature swing adsorption, 941

Fractional bed use, 995997

Fractional contacts in dilute absorption, 488

Fractional crystallization, 815

Fractional entrainment, 394

Fractional extraction in dilute systems, 534, 539543

Fractional recoveries

column distillation, 9495

Fenske equation, 252

HNK, 205

multicomponent distillation, 190194, 200

Underwood equation, 258259

Fractional stages

liquid-liquid extraction, 567

McCabe-Thiele method, 119, 140, 145

open steam heating, 137

Fractionation Research Institute (FRI), 386387


McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 604

multicomponent simple batch distillation, 360

Fracturing crystals, 799

Freezing point depression in crystallization, 776

Friction factor

mass transfer coefficients, 681

Maxwell-Stefan model, 684685

Frictional loss in sieve tray layout, 400

Frits, 919

Froth regime

column distillation, 8890

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754755

Fructose (C6H12O6)

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

solubility in water, 775

FUG (Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland) approach, 249262

equilibrium stages, 452

extractive distillation, 300

multicomponent distillation, 360

Fundamental equation of chromatography, 991992


dilute systems, 535

extractive distillation, 300301

Furfural-water 3-phase system, 7475


Gas bubbles in binary mass transfer, 664

Gas diffusivities, 647650

Gas flow rates

absorber and stripper column diameter, 501

binary column distillation efficiency, 154

Gas permeation, 845847

binary mixtures, 847848

binary crossflow, 896898, 914916

flow patterns, 895899

holes in membrane, 860862

perfectly mixed systems, binary, 848858

perfectly mixed systems, multicomponent, 858860

spreadsheets, 914916

Gas plant absorption and stripping, 481482, 523525

Gaussian solution for linear chromatography, 989991

Gear’s method, 292


diffusivity, 651

sorbents, 923

ultrafiltration, 879883

General empirical form for costs, 440

Generalize step in in problem solving, 6

Geometric average relative volatility in Fenske equation, 251

Gibbs phase rule

absorption and stripping, 483, 502

binary column distillation, 107

crystallization, 772

dilute systems, 532

equilibrium data, 1920

ternary systems, 554

Gilliland correlation

equilibrium stages, 452

finite reflux ratios, 259262

Global water crisis, 862

Glucose (C6H12O6)

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

solubility in water, 775

Glycols polarity, 301

Goal Seek

crystallization seeding, 816817

flash distillation, 42, 7779

gas permeation, 854855

ion exchange, 973

mixer-settler design, 583

packed column design, 416

stage-by-stage calculations, 213, 215

Underwood equations, 257

gPROMS solver, 984


sieve tray layout, 400

solute movement, 938

valve tray design, 406

Grafted polymers membranes, 844

Gram mole, 629

Graphical analysis prerequisites, 8

Graphical representation

binary column distillation, 161162

binary VLE, 2025

Green processes, 531

Growth of MSMPR crystallizers, 800805

Growth rate dispersion, 804


Heat capacities

binary flash distillation, 26

simultaneous multicomponent convergence, 43, 45

Heat exchangers

azeotrope separation, 335336

balancing calculated diameters, 397

costs, 440441

design, 443445

distillation cascades, 8386

energy conservation, 456457

multicomponent distillation, 462

pervaporation, 886

Heat pumps, 459

Heat transfer

analogy with mass transfer, 631632, 651, 672, 680682, 754

batch crystallization, 821

continuous cooling crystallizers, 776

dimensionless groups, 672

energy balances, 983

Fourier’s model of thermal diffusivity, 631

heat exchanger design, 443445

linear driving-force model, 657658

mass transfer coefficients, 681682

rate-based analysis of distillation, 753754

temperature swing adsorption, 941

tray efficiencies, 386387

Heavy key (HK)

definition, 190

extractive distillation, 300

multicomponent distillation, 190, 192193

n-pentane, in example, 197198

toluene, in example, 195198

Heavy non-key (HNK)

cumene, in example, 195199

definition, 190

Fenske equation, 253

multicomponent distillation, 190, 193, 225

Underwood equations, 254

Height of equipment

drum size calculations, 4950

packing, 409410

staged column design, 446

Height of equivalent theoretical plate (HETP)

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723

column type choices, 418419

HTU relationship, 720722

linear chromatography, 990

packed towers, 728729

packing height, 409410

Height of transfer unit (HTU)

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723

HETP relationship, 720722

mass transfer coefficients, 671

Helium (He)

diffusivity in gases, 648

diffusivity in liquids, 652

molecule movement, 630

permeability, 849

Hemodialysis, 838

Hemoglobin diffusivity, 652

Henry’s law

absorber efficiencies, 496

absorption and stripping equilibria, 483485

azeotropic processes, 278

binary mass transfer, 664

film theory, 660

oxygen bubbles, 664


dilute system equilibrium data, 535

equilibrium data, methylcyclohexane-heptane-aniline, 593

extractive distillation, 298300

K values, 3335

Heterogeneous, binary azeotropic distillation processes

Aspen Plus, 329333

drying organic compounds, 277282

single-column systems, 273274

two-column systems, 274277

Heterogeneous nucleation, 801

HETP. See Height of equivalent theoretical plate (HETP)


column distillation, 9091

liquid-liquid extraction, 529, 581

synthesis ideal multicomponent distillation, 463466

synthesis nonideal multicomponent distillation (operational suggestions), 466470

problem-solving, 67


azeotropic distillation, 303

column diameter calculations, 395

diffusivity in gases, 648

heat capacity, latent heat and boiling point data, 45

K values, 3335

HG estimation, 725730

High-velocity liquid feeds, 381

HL estimation, 725730

Hofmeister series, 827


gas permeation membranes, 860862

membrane separation processes, 845

trays, 376378, 398399

Hollow-fiber modules and systems

gas permeation, 846

membrane separation processes, 840841

reverse osmosis, 862863

Horizontal flash drums, 5053

HTU (height of transfer unit)

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723

HETP relationship, 720722

mass transfer coefficients, 671

HTU-NTU analysis, 711

Aspen Plus, 764

cocurrent absorbers, 736738

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 731736

extraction mass transfer equations, 741743

packed distillation columns, 712720

Human serum albumin, adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

Hybrid systems

gas permeation, 857

pervaporation, 886


continuous cooling crystallizers, 779782

crystallization, 773

eutectic systems, 783

evaporative crystallizers, 789


settlers, 579, 581

tray, 398404


azeotropic distillation, 303

column type choices, 419

environmental concerns, 531

extractive distillation, 301

petroleum processing, 528

polarity, 301

Hydrochloric acid in ion exchange, 970

Hydrodynamic flow properties in binary column distillation efficiency, 154

Hydrogen (H)

adsorption isotherm, 924

diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652

LUB approach, 996998

permeability, 849

pressure swing adsorption, 951956

purge gas systems, 934

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

Henry’s law constants, 484

removal by absorption, 481482

Hydrophilic membranes

pervaporation, 884

ultrafiltration, 878

Hydrophobic membranes

pervaporation, 884

ultrafiltration, 878


IAS (ideal adsorbed solution) theory, 927

Ice, deicing, 783

Ideal adsorbed solution (IAS) theory, 927

Ideal gas values, 1054

Ideal Model simulations, 72

Ideal multicomponent distillation, 460466

Ideal ternary systems, 691695

Immiscible extraction

batch, 551553

concentrated, 547551

McCabe-Thiele method, 532538

single-stage, 543547


crystallization, 799, 801

drop swarms in mixers, 751752

mixer-settler design, 576578

Impurity removal step in crystallization, 771

Incongruent melting points, 783784

independent fluxes in Maxwell-Stefan model, 686687

Index of Learning Styles, 9

Indexes, CEPCI, 439

Indirect cooling in continuous cooling crystallizers, 776777

Infinite dilution coefficients, 36

Inherent rejection

reverse osmosis, 868

ultrafiltration, 879

Inlets in staged column design, 380384

Inputs in simulations, 7273

Instantaneous breakthrough in solute movement, 984


batch steam distillation, 351352

cocurrent absorbers, 737738

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 732735

constant-mole batch distillation, 350

crystal nucleation, 803804

diffusivity, 634635, 655

distillation columns, 457, 713716, 718720

extraction mixers, 745

immiscible extraction, 553

mass transfer, 663, 667671, 742

mixed distillate product, 342

MSMPR, 804, 806, 808

multicomponent distillation, 358359

multistage binary batch distillation, 352353, 355356

population balances, 799

pressure swing adsorption, 955956

residue curves, 291292

simple binary batch distillation, 344348

tray efficiencies, 739

Intensive variables in Gibbs phase rule, 19

Intercrystal porosity, 920

Interfacial concentration in MSMPR crystallizers, 803

Interfacial mole fractions

binary mass transfer, 662, 664666

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 732733

equimolar transfer systems, 658659

packed distillation columns, 714716

ternary mass transfer, 696

Interfacial tensions

mixer mass transfer, 751

settler design, 578, 580

Intermediate condensers, 149151

Intermediate product streams, 8283, 8586

Intermediate reboilers, 149151

Internal balances in binary column distillation, 106110

Internal porosity in sorption systems, 919

Interstitial velocity

elution chromatography, 936

local equilibrium with dispersion, 985

pressure-swing processes, 954

shock waves, 967

simulated moving beds, 959

solute movement, 930, 932, 984

sorption systems, 920

temperature swing adsorption, 939

Intracrystal porosity, 920

Inversion of matrices, 224225

Inverted batch distillation, 340

Inverted sequences in multicomponent distillation, 460461

Ion exchange, 917918

Aspen Chromatography, 10361038

definitions, 919922

equilibrium, 972973

homework, 10031018

ion movement, 973978

overview, 970972

practical design and operation, 9981000

references, 10001003

Ion waves, 974

Ionic liquids, 531

Ions in reverse osmosis, 863

Iron sulfide (FeS) precipitation on structured packing, 419

Irreversible absorption, 481, 508510

Isobaric periods in pressure swing adsorption, 951


boiling point, 3435

diffusivity, 648

K values, 3335

Isobutylene, MTBE from, 308

Isooctane-toluene HETP values for Pall rings, 410

Isomers in extractive distillation, 302

Isopentane K values, 3335

Isopropanol-water VLE data, 1052

Isopropyl acetate distribution ratio, 534

Isopropyl ether in countercurrent extraction, 567568


adsorbents, 924929

binary flash distillation, 31

convergence, 10231027

enthalpy-composition diagrams, 3132

linear chromatography, 989990, 992993

local equilibrium with dispersion, 986987

pressure swing adsorption, 951

solute movement, 930934, 961969, 983984

thermal regeneration, 942944

VLE, 2125

Isotropic membranes, 845


K values

extractive distillation, 298

matrix solutions, 220221

multicomponent distillation, 3642, 201204, 228

multicomponent hydrocarbon VLE, 3235

selection guide for correlations, 37

simultaneous method, 45, 232

three-phase flash calculations, 47

Kettle-type reboilers, 381

Key components

definition, 190

extractive distillation, 300

Fenske equation, 253

multicomponent distillation, 190, 192193, 225

Underwood equations, 254

Kidneys, artificial, 838

Kinetic adsorption processes, 922

Kinetic theory of gases, 647650

Kinetic transfer steps in crystallization, 800801

Kirkbride’s method, 260, 262

Knudsen diffusion, 980

Kremser equation

applications, 604605

concentrated immiscible extraction, 549551

dilute systems, 490495, 538539, 543

generalized, 603604

HETP and HTU relationship, 720, 722

leaching, 612

miscellaneous separations, 617618

multisolute absorption and stripping, 502504

relative volatility, 512

washing, 609


Labor costs, 447, 454

Laminar flow in reverse osmosis, 873874

Lang factor for capital costs, 438

Langmuir isotherms

adsorbents, 924929

nonlinear solute movement, 962963, 965969

Langmuir-Freundlich isotherms, 925

Lapidus and Amundson solution

elution, 988989

linear chromatography, 989

local equilibrium with dispersion, 985986

Latent heat of evaporation in batch distillation, 361

Latent heat of steam in temperature swing adsorption, 946

Latent heat of vaporization

binary flash distillation, 26

column distillation, 9596, 111

cost effects, 447449

energy balances, 231

open steam heating, 134

pervaporation, 889891

solvent selection factor, 531

vacuum crystallizers, 790

Latex particles in ultrafiltration, 881883


constant flow rates, 610612

homework, 619627

McCabe-Thiele and Kremser procedures, 605

references, 618

supercritical fluids, 615617

variable flow rates, 612615

Lead iodide (PbI2) in precipitation, 826828

Leaning towers, 425

Length/diameter ratio in drum size calculations, 49

Length of unused bed (LUB) approach, 993999

Length unit conversions, 10531054

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

Less volatile component (LVC)

binary flash distillation, 25

distillation cascades, 83, 87

equilibrium data, 18

multicomponent distillation profiles, 195197

packed distillation columns, 712

Lever-arm rule

countercurrent extraction cascades, 566

liquid-liquid extraction, 556558

Lewis method, 111, 114116, 161162

Liber de arte distillandi, 340

Light key (LK)

benzene, in example 195199

definition, 190

multicomponent distillation, 190

n-butane, 193

Light non-key (LNK)

definition, 190

Fenske equation, 253

multicomponent distillation, 190, 192, 225

propane, in example, 197199

Underwood equations, 254

Limiting operating conditions in distillation, 151154

Linear chromatography

isotherms, 992993

overview, 989993

Linear driving-force model

film theory, 657660

mass transfer coefficients, 673

mass transfer for binary systems, 656670

mass transfer through stagnant films, 660661

mass transfer to expanding and contracting objects, 661664

shrinking diameter of oxygen bubble, 664669

Linear growth rate

batch crystallization, 821

crystallization seeding, 818

Linear isotherms

convergence, 10231025

linear chromatography, 992993

pressure swing adsorption, 951

solute movement, 932934

thermal regeneration, 942944

Linear-Langmuir isotherms, 925

Linear solute movement analysis, 934938

Linear systems

mass transfer, 985993

solute movement analysis, chromatography applications, 930938

solute movement analysis, temperature and pressure swing adsorption, 938961

superposition, 986989

Linoleic acid, 535

Liquefied oxygen in multieffect systems, 459

Liquid ammonia in azeotropic distillation, 302

Liquid density in drum size calculations, 5152

Liquid diffusivities, 651653

Liquid distributors in packed column design, 408

Liquid drops, evaporating, 665667

Liquid feed in flash distillation, 16

Liquid-liquid chromatography, 990

Liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE), 572

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), 527

Aspen Plus, 1051

dilute fractional extraction, 539543

homework, 588598

immiscible extraction, batch, 551553

immiscible extraction, concentrated, 547551

immiscible extraction, single-stage and cross-flow, 543547

Kremser method, 538539

McCabe-Thiele method, 532538, 569570

mixer-settler design, 573586

mixing calculations and lever-arm rule, 556558

nomenclature, 533

partially miscible systems, countercurrent extraction cascades, 561569

partially miscible systems, McCabe-Thiele and triangular diagrams, 569570

partially miscible systems, minimum solvent rate, 570572

partially miscible systems, single-stage and cross-flow, 558561

partially miscible systems, ternary, 553556

processes and equipment, 527531

references, 586588

simulations, 572573, 598602

Liquid-liquid settlers. See Decanters, Settlers

Liquid-liquid-vapor systems, 4748

Liquid membranes, 838

Liquid-phase activity coefficients. See Activity coefficients

Liquid volume in drum size calculations, 50

Lithium chloride (LiCl) solubility in water, 775

LLE. See Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)

Local equilibrium with dispersion, 985986

Local mass transfer coefficient, 676

Low-velocity liquid feeds in staged column design, 381

LUB (length of unused bed) approach, 993999

Lumped parameter mass transfer in sorption columns, 981983

LVC. See Less volatile component (LVC)

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