Macropores, 920

Macros, in spreadsheets, 8, 185188


batch crystallization, 821822

continuous cooling crystallizers, 780781

crystal nucleation, 801

description, 770

MSMPR crystallizers, 806, 808, 814815

vacuum crystallizers, 791792

Magnesium in ion exchange, 970

Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) solubility in water, 775


McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 428

multiple-pass trays, 379

packed column design, 408

Manganese chloride (MnCl2) solubility in water, 775

Manganese nitrate (Mn(NO3)2) phase diagram, 783784

Mars Climate Orbiter program, 78

Mass balances

azeotropic processes, 273274, 276, 279, 281

batch distillation, 341343, 348, 351

binary Fickian diffusion, 633638, 640647

binary flash distillation, 25, 2729, 31

binary mass transfer, 662

chemical reaction, 307308

cocurrent cascades, 508

column distillation, 9497, 106112, 146

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 504505

concentrated systems, 497498, 500

condenser and reboiler size, 443

continuous cooling crystallizers, 777782

countercurrent extraction cascades, 561566

diffusion, 981

dilute absorption, 486487

dissolving solid particles, 667

distillation tray efficiency, 738739

evaporating liquid drops, 666

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 790793

extraction, cross-flow, 543

extraction, dilute, 532538, 541

extraction, immiscible, batch, 551552

extraction, immiscible, concentrated, 547, 549

extraction mixers, 748

extractive distillation, 298

feed lines, 121122

Fenske equation, 250

gas permeation, 848

ion exchange, 975977

irreversible absorption, 508

leaching, 611, 614

matrix solutions, 221225

McCabe-Thiele method, 117, 139, 142143, 145

mixing calculations, 557

multicomponent distillation, 36, 191194, 204

multicomponent VLE, 32

multistage binary batch distillation, 353, 356357

nonlinear solute movement, 963

open steam heating, 135

partially miscible single-stage systems, 559560

pervaporation, 887888

prerequisites, 8

pressure-swing processes, 286287

reboilers, 148, 151

reverse osmosis, 867

side streams, 148149

simultaneous multicomponent convergence, 43

solute movement, 931

sorption systems, 920

steam distillation, 284285

stripping analysis, 489

temperature swing adsorption, 941943

ternary systems, 290291

three-phase flash calculations, 47

total reboilers, 148

Underwood equations, 254, 257

washing, 607

Mass flux

diffusivity in dilute binary mixture, 635

Fickian diffusion, 635, 641

mass transfer, 662

membranes, 844

reverse osmosis solute, 865

reverse osmosis solvent, 863

ultrafiltration, 882

Mass reference velocity, 642

Mass transfer

binary column distillation efficiency, 154

binary systems, film theory, 657660

binary systems, linear driving-force model, 656670

binary systems, shrinking diameter of oxygen bubble, 664669

binary systems, through stagnant films, 660661

binary systems, to expanding and contracting objects, 661664

column distillation, 88, 90

concentration polarization in reverse osmosis, 872876

concepts, 45

crystallization, 770, 800803

Fickian model of diffusivity, 632

gas permeation, 847

homework, 700706

linear chromatography, 991

linear systems, 985993

liquid-liquid extraction, 531

lumped parameter, 981983

Maxwell-Stefan model, 683698

mixer-settler design, 573575

molecular movement, 629631

overview, 627629

packed beds, 978984

packed columns, 406, 712

pressure swing adsorption, 950

references, 698700

reverse osmosis, 866

solute movement, 932, 984

tray efficiencies, 385, 387

ultrafiltration, 879

Mass transfer analysis, 711

absorbers, 731738

correlations for packed towers, 723730

extraction, 741753

HETP and HTU relationship, 720722

homework, 758765

HTU-NTU, 712720

prediction of distillation tray efficiency, 738741

rate-based, 753756

references, 756758

simulations, 764768

spreadsheets, 765

strippers, 731736

Mass transfer coefficients

based on analogies, 680682

cocurrent absorbers, 738

correlations, 670682

dimensionless groups, 671672

estimation, 679680

extraction, 742, 752753

extraction mixers, 744, 746

film theory, 657658

linear driving-force model, 656657

mixer stage efficiency, 746748

mixers, 750753

packed distillation columns, 714, 716

packed towers, 723730

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754

reverse osmosis, 872875

semi-empirical and empirical, 677679

theoretically derived, 672677

ultrafiltration, 880

unit conversions, 1053

Mass transfer models, advantages and disadvantages, 698

Mass transfer zone (MTZ), 993995, 1024. See also LUB

Mathematical prerequisites, 8


Matrix solutions

component mass balances, 221225

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 504508

energy balances, 229231

extraction, 572

multicomponent distillation, 219221, 226229

Naphtali-Sandholm method, 232233

Maximum boiling azeotrope, 289290

Maxwell, James Clerk, 683

Maxwell-Stefan model

difference equations, 687688

diffusion and mass transfer, 683698

Fickian diffusivities relationship, 688689

film theory, 657

ideal ternary systems, 691695

independent fluxes, 686687

introductory development, 683686

multicomponent solutions, 698

nonideal binary diffusion, 689691

nonideal ternary systems, 697698

rate-based analysis of distillation, 753

ternary mass transfer, 695697

McCabe-Thiele diagrams

advantages, 132

applications, 604605

azeotropic processes, 274277, 279280, 329

binary column distillation, 116120, 128132, 155156

binary flash distillation, 25, 2728

concentrated immiscible extraction, 547, 550

concentrated systems, 497501

countercurrent extraction cascades, 565

cross-flow extraction, 543546

dilute absorption, 485489

dilute extraction, 532538

dilute fractional extraction, 542

dilute systems, 490492

distillation cascades, 82

equilibrium stages, 452

extractive distillation, 299300

feed lines, 121

general procedure, 138145

generalized, 603604

intermediate condensers, 149, 151

intermediate reboilers, 149, 151

irreversible absorption, 509

leaching, 611612, 615

vs. Lewis analytical method, 161162

maldistributions, 428

minimum solvent rate, 571572

miscellaneous separations, 617618

multisolute absorption and stripping, 502504

multistage binary batch distillation, 353355, 357

open steam heating, 132138

packed distillation columns, 715

partially miscible systems, 560, 569570

reboilers, 148149

side streams, 148

spreadsheets, 186

stripping analysis, 490

stripping columns, 150151

ternary systems, 287288

VLE, 2022

washing, 608610

Meal, leaching calculations, 613

Mechanical equilibrium, 34

Melt crystallization, 784

Melting points in eutectic systems, 783784

Membrane extractors, 529530

Membrane separation processes, 837838

bulk flow pattern effects, 895899

design problems, 897898, 912913

equipment, 840843

gas permeation, 845862

homework, 901913

membrane concepts, 843845

membrane thickness, 845

pervaporation, 883895

references, 899901

reverse osmosis, 862877

spreadsheets, 911912, 914916

system properties, 839

ultrafiltration, 877883

Mesopotamian clay distillation pots, 339

Metal cation, 923

Metastable regions

crystallization, 770, 772, 774

seeding for, 814

Methacrylic acid in ion exchange, 970

Methane (CH4)

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

adsorption isotherms, 924

diffusivity, 648

equilibrium data on activated carbon, 928

equilibrium in liquid ammonia, 515

gas permeation, 853857

heat capacity, latent heat and boiling point data, 45

K values, 3335

LUB approach, 996998

permeability, 849

pressure swing adsorption, 951956


adsorbents, 924

chemical reaction, 307

diffusivity, 652

latent heat of vaporization, 134

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

MTBE from, 308

Methanol-acetone separation in pressure-swing distillation processes, 287

Methanol-methyl butyrate-toluene example of distillation separation, 468470

Methanol-water VLE, 58

Methyl acetate, manufacture of, 306

Methyl butyrate separation, 468470

Methyl cyclohexane-toluene-ammonia LLE equilibrium, 556

Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) separation by two-pressure distillation, 286287

Methyl isobutyl ketone distribution ratio, 534

Methyl nitrate. See Safety

Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) production, 308

Methylcyclohexane–heptane-aniline LLE equilibrium data, 593

Microfiltration, 838

Micropores in sorption systems, 920

Middle operating lines

McCabe-Thiele method, 142145

side streams, 148

Minimum-boiling azeotropes, 2425

Minimum reflux

binary column distillation, 151153

Underwood equations, 254259

Minimum solvent rate

concentrated absorber, 498501

dilute absorber, 487488

concentrated immiscible extraction, 548

countercurrent immiscible extraction, 535, 537

partially miscible systems, 570572

Mixed distillate product, 342343

Mixed suspension, mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizers, 799

crystal nucleation and growth, 800804

crystal size distributions, 800814

distribution assumptions, 800

distribution development and application, 806809

equilibrium, 811814

MSMPR equation, 804805

screen analysis data, 809810

sieve analysis, 810811

Mixed systems, binary permeation in, 848858

Mixer-settler systems. See also Mixers, Settlers

countercurrent extraction cascades, 567

design overview, 573574

example, 582586

extractors, 529530

leaching, 610

mass transfer, 744

simulations, 600601


design, 574578

flat-blade impellers, 576

mass transfer coefficients, 750753

stage efficiency, 743749

Mixing calculations in liquid-liquid extraction, 556558

Molar flow rates

column diameter calculations, 392

packed distillation columns, 712

packed towers, 727

steam distillation, 284

Molar flux

diffusivity in dilute binary mixture, 634

Fickian diffusion, 634, 642

mass transfer, 667, 669

Maxwell-Stefan model, 685

membranes, 844

pervaporation, 892893

Molar overflow. See Constant molal overflow (CMO) conditions

Molar reference velocity in Fickian diffusion, 641642

Molar transfer rate in gas permeation, 845, 851

Molar velocity

absorbers and strippers, 731

Fickian diffusion, 643

Maxwell-Stefan model, 684

Mole and weight fractions versus mole and weight ratios

absorbers and strippers, mole fractions, 485495

absorbers and strippers, mole ratios, 497501

definition ratios, 497, 547, 611

leaching, 611

liquid-liquid extraction, mole fractions, 532539

liquid-liquid extraction, mole ratios, 547551

nomenclature, fractions and ratios, 533, 605

Molecular diffusion, 630

Molecular diffusion coefficient, 637

Molecular movement in mass transfer, 629631

Molecular weight

Fickian diffusion, 642643, 647649, 651

hydrates, 773, 779780

Knudsen diffusivity, 980

precipitation, 825

Monoethanolamine (MEA) in H2S removal, 481

Monovalent-monovalent ion exchange, 972, 974975

More volatile component (MVC)

azeotropic processes, 274277

batch distillation, 342

binary flash distillation, 25

column distillation, 9194, 106, 146

dilute absorption, 487

distillation cascades, 8283, 8587

equilibrium data, 18

Fenske equation, 252

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 139, 142, 604

multicomponent distillation profiles, 197

packed distillation columns, 712

VLE, 20

Mother liquor in crystallization, 771

Motivation and confidence step in problem solving, 5

MSMPR crystallizers. See Mixed suspension, mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizers

Multicomponent distillation, 189. See also Aspen Plus

calculational difficulties, 189194

CMO conditions, 199206

homework, 206212

ideal, 460466

profiles, 194199

references, 206

spreadsheets, 211217

stage-by-stage calculations, 199206

Multicomponent distillation approximate shortcut methods. See also FUG method

finite reflux ratios (Gilliland correlation), 259262

homework, 263270

minimum reflux (Underwood equations), 254259

references, 263

simulations, 270

total reflux (Fenske equations), 250254

Multicomponent distillation exact calculation procedures, 219. See also Aspen Plus

component mass balances, 221225

discussion, 233234

energy balances in matrix form, 229231

flow rates and temperature initial guesses, 225

homework, 235240

matrix solution, 219221

Naphtali-Sandholm method, 232233

references, 234235

temperature convergence, 225229

Multicomponent flash distillation

Aspen Plus, 6776

overview, 3642

spreadsheets for, 7779

Multicomponent permeation, 858860

Multicomponent simple batch distillation, 357360, 372374

Multicomponent VLE, 3236

Multieffect distillation cascades, 462

Multieffect systems in energy conservation, 458459

Multiple-pass trays, 378379

Multistage batch distillation, 340, 352353

constant reflux ratio, 353357

variable reflux ratio, 357

Murphree efficiencies

absorption, 481

column diameter calculations, 394

column distillation, 154156

extraction mixers, 743745, 748

irreversible absorption, 508509

Kremser equation with, 494

mixer-settler design, 578

stripping analysis, 489

trays, 385387, 739741

MVC. See More volatile component (MVC)


Nanofiltration, 838

Naphtali-Sandholm simultaneous convergence method, 232233


diffusivity, 648

example, elution chromatography, 936

solubility in carbon dioxide, 615616

Narrow-boiling procedure in matrix solutions, 220221

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 78

Natural rubber membranes, 849

Newtonian convergence. See Convergence

Nickel chloride (NiCl2) solubility in water, 775

Nitrogen (N2)

adsorption equilibrium constant, 926

gas permeation, 895896

molecule movement, 630

permeability, 849

purge gas systems, 934

separation from air in multieffect distillation system, 459

temperature swing adsorption, 946

VSA units, 950

Non-key (NK) components

definition, 190

Fenske equation, 252253

multicomponent distillation, 225

Underwood equations, 257

Nonane K values, 3335

Nonideal binary diffusion, 689691

Nonideal ternary systems

Maxwell-Stefan model, 697698

synthesis of distillation systems, 466470

Nonlinear isotherms

adsorbents, 924

convergence, 10251027

Nonlinear solute movement, 961962

diffuse waves, 962965

shock waves, 965969

Nonlinear sorption systems, 993998

Nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) parameters in LLE, 599600

Nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) procedure

multicomponent VLE, 36

nonideal ternary systems, 468470

Nucleation in MSMPR crystallizers, 800804

Nuclei in batch crystallization, 822

Numerical solution for variable binary diffusivity, 653656

Nusselt number for mass transfer coefficients, 682

Nylon membranes, 849


O’Connell correlation

absorber efficiencies, 496

distillation tray efficiencies, 387388


diffusivity, 648

K values, 3335

Oldershaw design

foaming, 390

staged columns, 379

tray efficiencies, 389

Oleic acid, 535

Open steam heating, 132138

Operating conditions in energy conservation, 455

Operating costs

changes, 454455

packed column design, 417

Operating effects for costs, 445454

Operating equation

analytical solutions, 161162

binary column distillation, 111

binary flash distillation, 2729

cocurrent absorbers, 737

concentrated immiscible extraction, 547

cross-flow extraction, 543

cross-flow permeation, 898

distillation curves, 288

feed lines, 122

gas permeation, 851, 855, 858

heterogeneous azeotropes, 274, 276277

immiscible batch extraction, 551552

irreversible absorption and cocurrent cascades, 509

leaching, 611

McCabe-Thiele dilute absorption, 487, 492, 503

McCabe-Thiele dilute extraction, 534

McCabe-Thiele dilute fractional extraction, 541

McCabe-Thiele dilute stripping, 489

McCabe-Thiele distillation, 117, 120, 135136, 142143

multicomponent stage-by-stage distillation, 204205

multistage binary batch distillation, 353

reverse osmosis, 867

simulations of binary distillation, 157

total reflux, 152, 250

washing, 607608

Operating lines

azeotropic processes, 274, 276, 280281

binary column distillation, 146

binary flash distillation, 27

cocurrent absorbers, 737

concentrated immiscible extraction, 547, 549

concentrated absorbers, 500

countercurrent extraction cascades, 566

cross-flow extraction, 543544

dilute absorption, 487488

dilute extraction, 535538

dilute fractional extraction, 542

feed line intersection operating lines, 121, 124

HETP and HTU relationship, 721722

intermediate reboilers, 149

leaching, 611

McCabe-Thiele method, 116117, 140145

open steam heating, 135

packed distillation columns, 714715, 718

partially miscible extraction, 569

pervaporation, 888

pinch points, 152

stripping analysis, 489

stripping columns, 151

Operating time in batch distillation, 361362

Operating vapor velocity in column diameter calculations, 392

Operational suggestions in nonideal ternary systems, 466468

Optimum configurations in ideal multicomponent distillation, 462466

Optimum feed plate in distillation

binary, 91

Gilliland correlation, 260

McCabe-Thiele method, 118120, 145

multicomponent distillation, 204205, 246

Organic compounds, distillation drying, 277282

Organic solvents, adsorption drying, 947948

Orifice coefficient in sieve tray layout, 399

Osmosis. See Reverse osmosis (RO)

Outlet concentration

linear chromatography, 989991

nonlinear sorption systems, 994995

Outlets in staged column design, 380384

Overall efficiency in binary column distillation, 154

Overflow liquid, washing, 607

Overflow loops in settler design, 579

Oxygen (O2)

gas permeation, 895896

permeability, 849

VSA units, 950

Oxygen bubbles, shrinking diameter of, 664669


Packed beds for sorption systems, 918. See also Solute movement analysis

ion exchange, 919

mass and energy transfer in, 978984

practical aspects, 9981000

sorption systems, 918

Packed columns for distillation, absorption and stripping, 375376

column type choices, 418421

economic trade-offs, 417418

flooding and diameter calculation, 411417

homework, 425433

HTU-NTU analysis, 712720

introduction, 406

mass and energy transfer in, 615

packing height, 409410

packings, 406409

references, 421425

Packed towers

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723725

design, 406

HG and HL estimates, 725729

mass transfer coefficients, 723730

simple correlations, 729730


costs, 441442

energy conservation, 456

height, 409410

Pall rings

HETP value, 410

size and F factors, 412413

Parallel configuration for membrane separation processes, 840842

Partial condensers

binary column distillation, 146, 154

flash distillation, 16

heat exchanger design, 445

matrix solutions, 223

tray efficiencies, 385

Partial pressures

batch steam distillation, 351

mass transfer coefficients, 678

Maxwell-Stefan model, 684

multicomponent VLE, 35

pervaporation, 883, 894

Partial reboilers

binary column distillation, 108110, 115, 154

feed lines, 121

HETP method, 409

matrix solutions, 224

McCabe-Thiele method, 118

multicomponent distillation, 230231

tray efficiencies, 385

Partially miscible extraction systems

Aspen Plus, 598602

countercurrent extraction cascades, 561569

extraction equilibrium, 553556

McCabe-Thiele and triangular diagrams, 569570

minimum solvent rate, 570572

single-stage, 558561

Particle density in sorption systems, 920

Particle size distribution (PSD). See also Crystal size distribution

antisolvent crystallization, 823

determining, 793

Passing streams

countercurrent extraction cascades, 563567

distillation cascades, 85

leaching, 612

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 117, 487

Pattern velocity in nonlinear sorption systems, 995996

Pattern waves in nonlinear solute movement, 961962

Payback periods

capital investments, 455

column changes, 454

costs, 449

Peclet number

linear chromatography, 990

lumped parameter mass transfer, 982

mass transfer coefficients, 672, 750

rate-based analysis of distillation, 755756

Pellet density in sorption systems, 920

Peng-Robinson equation, 46

Penicillin manufacturing, 528


azeotropic distillation, 303305

diffusivity, 648

heat capacity, latent heat and boiling point data, 45

K values, 3335

removal by absorption, 481

Permeability. See also Gas permeation

gas permeation, 847849

membranes, 845

Permeance of membranes, 845

Permeate-in-series system, 842843

Pervaporation, 883

basics, 883886

experimental data, 886892

feasibility calculation, 889892

hybrid systems, 886

theoretical design, 892895

Petroleum processing, 528

Petyluk columns, 460461

Pharmaceutical industry, supercritical fluids for, 616

Phase equilibria

description, 4

eutectic systems, 785

prerequisites, 8

Phenol in extractive distillation, 298300

Physical absorption, 481

Physical constants, 1054

Pickles, salt leaching, 611

Pinch points

binary column distillation, 152153

profiles, 132, 195

stripping analysis, 489

Underwood equations, 254

Pinch technology in energy conservation, 456457

Pinholes in gas permeation, 860862

Pipe elbows in staged column design, 381

Plait points, 555

Plan step in problem solving, 6

Plant installed costs, 439

Plant operating rates changes, 454455

Plate-and-frame system, 840841

Platelet mass in dissolving solid particles, 668

Point efficiency

extraction mixers, 745

distillation trays, 386387, 389, 738739

Polarization modulus in ultrafiltration, 879

Polyamide polymers in membrane separation, 843844

Polyethylene glycol (PEG)

antisolvent, 825

cross-flow extraction, 544547

Polymer membranes

gas permeation, 847848

membrane separation processes, 843844

reverse osmosis, 862863

ultrafiltration, 878

Polymer resins

ion exchange, 970

sorbents, 923

Polymerization effect in column type choices, 419

Polymorphic crystals, 814815

Polystyrene membranes permeability, 849

Polystyrene resins in ion exchange, 970


membrane separation processes, 843

ultrafiltration, 878

Ponchon-Savarit diagrams

binary column distillation, 110

leaching, 615

VLE, 21

Population balances in crystallization, 798799, 813. See also Mixed suspension, mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizers


sorption systems, 919920

washing, 607

Porous particles, diffusion in, 979980

Port switching in simulated moving beds, 958

Potassium chloride (KCl)

diffusivity, 652

MSMPR crystallizers, 811814

solubility in water, 775

Potassium fluoride (KF), solubility in water, 775

Potassium nitrate (KNO3)

continuous cooling crystallizers, 778

solubility in water, 775

Power-law kinetic model, 803

Power-law relationship, 801

Power number in mixer-settler design, 576578

Prandtl number, 672, 681

Precipitation, 825

antisolvent addition, 825826

salting out, 826828

Prediction of distillation tray efficiency, 738741

Preheating feeds, 473

Prerequisite material, 89

Pressure heads in sieve tray layout, 399400

Pressure swing adsorption, 938, 948956

Pressure-swing distillation processes

Aspen Plus, 326329

azeotrope separation, 326329

overview, 286287


absorption and stripping, 502

adsorption, 924

column diameter calculations, 393

column distillation, 9091, 94, 107

cost effects, 446448, 451

cost factor, 440441

countercurrent extraction cascades, 561

crystallization, 772

distillation cascades, 8283

energy conservation, 455, 457

equilibrium data, 1820

Fickian binary gas diffusivities, 647

Fickian binary liquid diffusivities, 651

Fickian binary steady-state diffusion, 645

flash distillation, 1617, 27, 30

gas permeation, 846847, 851

linear driving-force model, 656

mass transfer coefficients, 678

Maxwell-Stefan model, 684685

McCabe-Thiele method, 116

multicomponent convergence, 4243

multicomponent distillation simulation, 243246

packed column design, 408, 417418

partially miscible systems, 553554, 558

pervaporation, 883884, 894

reverse osmosis, 862864, 870871

steam distillation, 282, 351

supercritical fluids, 615617

tray design, 404406

tray efficiencies, 387

ultrafiltration, 880

unit conversions, 1054

variable binary diffusivity, 653654

VLE, 20, 3235

Pretreatment for reverse osmosis, 863


seven stage method, 57

skills prerequisites, 9


binary column distillation, 132

composition. See Composition profiles

concentration. See Concentration profiles

multicomponent distillation, 194199

Programming languages, learning, 184


adsorption isotherm, 924

K values, 3335

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

Propane-propylene separation, 459

Propanol diffusivity, 652

Propellers in mixer-settler design, 576

Proportional pattern waves, 961962

Propylene K values, 3335

Protein, salting out, 825828

Protein alcohol dehydrogenase, 544547

PSD (particle size distribution). See also Crystal Size Distribution

antisolvent crystallization, 823

determining, 793

Pseudo-steady state

binary mass transfer, 663

diffusion experiments with evaporation, 638

dissolving solid particles, 667668

oxygen bubbles, 665

Pulsed-column extractors, 529530

Pump-around distillation systems, 175


flash distillation, 16

mixer-settler design, 576

pervaporation, 886

pressure swing adsorption, 950

subcooled reflux, 160

Punching patterns in sieve trays, 398

Pure solute crystals, 787789

Purge step

crystallization, 771772

elution chromatography, 935

pressure swing adsorption, 954

solute movement, 934938

Pyridine-water-chlorobenzene LLE data, 548


Quad command, 345

Quality of feed, q, 113


Rachford-Rice equation

flash distillation, multicomponent convergence, 43, 4546

multicomponent flash distillation, 3842

multicomponent gas permeation, 859

three-phase flash distillation calculations, 4748

Raffinate phase

countercurrent extraction, 532, 562564

equilibrium data, 548

immiscible batch extraction, 552554

leaching, 613

mass transfer, 743

partially miscible systems, 555, 560561

Rag layers in settler design, 579

Random packings

Bolles and Fair correlation, 723729

correlations, 729730

packing factors, 411413

Raoult’s law

azeotropic processes, 278

binary flash distillation, 30

evaporating liquid drops, 665666

multicomponent VLE, 3536

reverse osmosis, 864

Raschig rings

packed column design, 407

size and F factors, 412413

Rate-based distillation analysis, 753756, 764768

Rate transfer (RT) equation

gas permeation, 849851, 855857

pervaporation, 887, 889

reverse osmosis, 866

Ratings for tray design, 434

Ratio units. See Mole and weight fractions versus mole and weight ratios

Rayleigh equation

batch distillation, 341344

batch distillation, multicomponent, 357358

batch distillation, multistage, 352353, 357

batch distillation, simple binary, 345346, 349, 351

operating time, 361

Reactants in chemical reaction, 306


balancing calculated diameters, 397

costs, 443, 446, 449450, 453454

energy conservation, 459

Fenske equation, 250

heat transfer coefficients, 445

intermediate, 149

matrix solutions, 224

McCabe-Thiele method, 118

size, 443444

tray efficiencies, 385

Reciprocating-plate columns extractors, 529530

Recompression heat pumps, 459

Recovery analysis in concentrated absorbers, 500

Rectifying sections in distillation cascades, 86

Redistribution systems in packed column design, 408

Reference velocities

Fickian diffusion, 640644, 647

film theory, 647

Reflux and reflux ratios

azeotropic processes, 274, 276277, 281

batch distillation, 340

chemical reaction, 308

column distillation, 9093, 9596, 114116, 146, 151154

cost effects, 451

distillation cascades, 8485

energy conservation, 455

extractive distillation, 298, 300

feed lines, 124

Gilliland correlation, 259262

McCabe-Thiele method, 119, 140142, 145

multicomponent distillation, 226, 460461

multistage binary batch distillation, 353357

open steam heating, 135

stripping columns, 151

subcooled, 159161

Underwood equations, 254259

Refrigeration costs, 447, 449, 451

Regenerable solvents in irreversible absorption, 508


description, 918

extraction process, 527

ion exchange, 976, 978

linear isotherms, 942947

purge cycle, 934

solute movement analysis, 930

supercritical fluids, 616617

temperature swing adsorption, 938940, 947

Rejection coefficient in reverse osmosis, 868

Relative retention in chromatography, 1012

Relative volatility

azeotropic processes, 278279, 282

binary column distillation, 154

binary flash distillation, 3031

chemical reaction, 306307

constant-mole batch distillation, 350

distillation cascades, 87

extractive distillation, 296

Fenske equation, 251, 253

film theory, 659660

multicomponent distillation, 358, 360

pervaporation, 886

simple binary batch distillation, 346

ternary systems, 288289, 293296

tray efficiencies, 387388

Underwood equations, 255256, 258

Repressurization step in pressure swing adsorption, 951953, 956

Residence times

chemical reaction, 306

crystallization, 770, 814

downcomers design, 399, 401, 404

HTU-NTU analysis, 713

mass transfer coefficients, 673675, 679

membrane separation processes, 843

mixers, 576, 578

rate-based analysis of distillation, 755756

solute movement, 984

stage efficiency, 740, 743745

Residue curves

azeotropic distillation, 303304

chemical reaction, 306307

extractive distillation, 296298, 301

multicomponent simple batch distillation, 358359

spreadsheets, 336338

ternary systems, complex, 291296

ternary systems, nonideal, 467, 470

Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction (ROSE) process, 616

Resins in ion exchange, 970973

Resolution in linear chromatography, 991993

Resources for separation process engineering, 911

Retentate-in-series system, 841842

Retentate-recycle system, 843

Retrofits for energy conservation, 455456

Retrograde phenomenon in supercritical fluids, 616

Reverse addition crystallization, 825

Reverse osmosis (RO), 862863

analysis, 865867

holes in membrane, 908909

mass transfer of concentration polarization, 872876

membrane properties, 869871

osmosis analysis, 863865

well-mixed modules, 867872

Reversible reactions

absorption, 481

distillation, 306308

methyl acetate, 306

Reynolds analogy, 680681

Reynolds, Osborne, 680681

Reynolds number

definition, 671672

falling laminar liquid film, 676677

impellers, 577

lumped parameter mass transfer, 982

mass transfer coefficients, 678680, 750751

reverse osmosis, 873

settler design, 580581, 584

wetted-wall column, 678

Right triangular diagrams in LLE, 554556

Right triangular diagrams in leaching, 612615

Ripples in falling laminar liquid film, 677

RO. See Reverse osmosis (RO)

Roads, deicing, 783

Robeson plots, 908

Robeson’s limit in gas permeation, 848

ROSE (Residuum Oil Supercritical Extraction) process, 616

Rotary-agitation columns extractors, 529530

Rubber membranes, 849

Runge-Kutta integration, 292

Ryff, Walter, 340


S-shaped breakthrough curves, 986, 989


packed column design, 407

size and F factors, 412

Safety. See also Fires

activated carbon columns, 946947

adsorbers, 1000

column height, 454

distillation hazardous chemicals, 463

fire prevention in distillation columns, 419, 421

nitromethane (methyl nitrate), 320

total reflux operation, 152

vacuum distillation columns, 446

Salt balance in evaporative crystallizers, 788789

Salting out precipitation, 826828

Salts in crystallization, 772776

Saturated line in VLE, 2023

Saturation of adsorbents, 924

Scale-up procedure

continuous cooling crystallizers, 777

crystallization, 800, 820

mixer-settler design, 578

packings, 408

supercritical fluids, 617

Schmidt number

definition, 672, 725

Fickian diffusivities, 650

HG and HL estimation, 723729

lumped parameter mass transfer, 982

mass transfer coefficients, 672, 678, 680682, 750

random packings correlations, 730

reverse osmosis, 873

Scraping in continuous cooling crystallizers, 776777

Screen analysis. See also Crystal Size Distribution

crystallization data, 795798

MSMPR crystallizers, 805, 809810

Seal pans in staged column design, 381

Secondary nucleation in crystallization, 801

Sections in McCabe-Thiele method, 138140

Seed crystals in crystallization, 801


crystal size control, 818819

crystallization, 770, 814819, 824

CSD analysis, 815818


ion exchange, 975

membranes, 844, 848

pervaporation, 886889

reverse osmosis, 867870

solvents, 531, 534

supercritical fluids, 616

Self-sharpening shock waves, 967969

Semi-empirical mass transfer coefficients, 677679

Semibatch crystallization, 820825

Semipermeable membranes, 863

Separating agents in absorption, 481

Separation factors in pervaporation, 886887

Separation process engineering overview

equilibrium concepts, 34

homework, 1213

importance, 13

mass transfer concepts, 45

prerequisite material, 89

problem-solving methods, 57

references, 1112

resources, 911

simulations, 8

units, 78

Separation Research Program (SRP), 418

Sequential convergence for flash distillation, 43

Sequential optimization approach, 462466

Sequential solution procedure for flash distillation, 2630

Settlers. See also Decanters, Mixer-settler systems

design, 578581

simulations, 600601

Shape factor in MSMPR crystallizers, 802803

Sherwood number

definition, 671

falling laminar liquid film, 676677

lumped parameter mass transfer, 982

mass transfer coefficients, 671, 750

reverse osmosis, 873

Shock waves. See also Solute movement analysis

ion exchange, 974, 976977

nonlinear solute movement, 961, 965969

nonlinear sorption systems, 995996

Shrinking diameter of oxygen bubbles, 664669

Shrinking spheres in binary mass transfer, 662664

Side enrichers, 460461

Side streams

binary distillation, 147149

multicomponent distillation, 462463

Side strippers, 460461

Sieve analysis in crystallization, 793798, 810811

Sieve trays

column diameter calculations, 390, 392

column distillation, 8889

column type choices, 419

costs, 441442, 446

efficiencies, 386387, 496

staged column design, 376, 398404

Sieve-type membranes, 879

Silica gel sorbents, 923

Silicone rubber membranes

membrane separation processes, 844, 846

permeability, 849

Simpson’s rule

mathematical formulas, 345

multistage binary batch distillation, 356

packed distillation columns, 718719

simple binary batch distillation, 345348

variable binary diffusivity, 655

Simulated moving beds (SMB)

Aspen Chromatography, 10381042

overview, 956961

Simulations. See also Aspen Chromatography and Aspen Plus

absorption and stripping, 520525

azeotropic distillation, 304

chromatography, 10191023

column distillation, 93, 156158, 179183

complex distillation methods, 326336

extractive distillation, 332336

flash distillation, 6776

liquid-liquid extraction, 572573, 598602

mass transfer analysis, 764768

multicomponent distillation, 241248, 270

overview, 8

pervaporation, 894895

tray and downcomer design, 433435

troubleshooting guide, 10471049

Simultaneous convergence

flash distillation, 4247

Naphtali-Sandholm, 232233

Simultaneous solutions

binary flash distillation, 3032

evaporative and vacuum crystallizers, 790793

Single-column binary heterogeneous azeotrope systems, 273274, 329331

Single-pass pervaporation systems, 886887

Single-porosity model of adsorption, 983, 985

Single-stage LLE systems

immiscible, 543547

partially miscible, 558561

Six-tenths rule for capital costs, 438

Size calculation

flash distillation drums, 4853

distillation tray design, 433435

Size exclusion

chromatography, 931

sorption systems, 919

Skarstrom cycle for PSA, 948950

Slope of distillation feed lines, 123, 125126

Slot area in valve tray design, 406

Slurry adsorbents, 622

Sodium acetate (NaC2H3O2), solubility in water, 775

Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

enthalpy-composition diagrams, 790791

vacuum crystallizers, 791793

Sodium chloride (NaCl)

crystallization, 772776, 824825

deicing roads, 783

diffusivity, 652

dissolution, 669670

evaporative crystallizers, 788

ion exchange, 976977

reverse osmosis, 876877

solubility in water, 775

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

H2S removal, 481

washing process, 609

Sodium ion exchange, 970, 972

Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) solubility in water, 775

Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) solubility in water, 775

Solid-liquid extraction (SLE), 610612. See also Leaching

Solid particles

dissolution example, 669670

dissolving in concentrated liquids, 668669

dissolving in dilute liquids, 667668

Solid solutions, 784785

Solubility envelope in ternary LLE systems, 554555

Solubility parameter

gas permeation, 847

liquid-liquid extraction, 531

salts, 826

Solute crystals, 777782

Solute mass flux in ultrafiltration, 882

Solute movement analysis

chromatography applications, 930938

derivation, 983984

diffuse waves, 962965

ion exchange, 973974, 978

linear analysis, 930961

nonlinear, 961969

nonlinear analysis for ion exchange, 973978

pressure swing adsorption, 938, 948956

simulated moving beds, 956961

shock waves, 965969

temperature swing adsorption, 938948

Solute velocity

elution, 988

linear chromatography, 991

nonlinear solute movement, 963

pressure swing adsorption, 953954

simulated moving beds, 960

sorption columns, 930932

temperature swing adsorption, 943944

Solute waves in pressure swing adsorption, 951


absorption and stripping, 482

countercurrent extraction, 532

crystallization, 771, 776

dilute extraction systems, 539542

evaporative crystallizers, 787789

immiscible batch extraction, 552553

liquid-liquid extraction, 527528

partially miscible systems, 554, 560

reverse osmosis, 863, 866

supercritical fluids, 616

Solution-diffusion mechanism in gas permeation, 847

Solvent flux

reverse osmosis, 866

ultrafiltration, 878880


absorption, 481482

azeotropic distillation, 302306

constant-mole batch distillation, 349350

continuous cooling crystallizers, 778

crystallization, 770771, 776

dilute fractional extraction flow rate, 540542

extractive distillation, 296302

gradients, 938

immiscible batch extraction, 551553

irreversible absorption, 508

liquid-liquid extraction, 527528, 531532

minimum solvent rate, 570572

reverse osmosis, 863865

selecting for LLE, 531

semibatch crystallization, 820

supercritical fluids, 616

temperature swing adsorption, 946

Sorbates, 978

Sorbents and sorption equilibrium, 918919

adsorption equilibrium behavior, 924929

definitions, 919922

sorbent types, 922923

Sorel method, 110

Sorption systems, 918

homework, 10031018

ion exchange, 970978

LUB approach, 993999

mass and energy transfer in packed beds, 978984

mass transfer linear systems, 985993

nonlinear solute movement, 961970

practical design and operation, 9981000

references, 10001003

solute movement analysis for linear systems, chromatography, 930938

solute movement analysis for linear systems, TSA and PSA, 938961

sorbents and sorption equilibrium, 918929

spreadsheets, 1018

Specific heat unit conversions, 1053

SPEEDUP solver, 984

Spherical particles in diffusion, 979980

Spiral-wound membranes

membrane separation processes, 840841

reverse osmosis, 863, 873

Split drawoffs in staged column design, 381

Splits in multicomponent distillation simulation, 244

Spray regime

column distillation, 90

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754


binary column distillation, 178, 183188

crystallization, 835836

diffusion, 707709

flash distillation, 7779

gas permeation, 854855

mass transfer analysis, 765

membrane separation processes, 911912, 914916

multicomponent distillation, 211217, 359360, 372374

overview, 8

residue curves, 336338

sorption systems, 1018

SRP (Separation Research Program), 418

Stage-by-stage calculations

absorbers, co-current, 508509

absorbers, concentrated, 497501

absorbers, dilute, 485489

absorbers, dilute, multi-solute, 502504

batch distillation, multistage, 352357

binary column distillation, 110116

binary heterogeneous azeotropes, 274277, 279282

countercurrent extraction, concentrated, immiscible, 547550

countercurrent extraction, partially miscible, 562569

cross-flow extraction, dilute, 543, 546

cross-flow extraction, partially miscible, 560561

description, 3

fractional extraction, dilute, 541542

internal balances, distillation, 106110

leaching, constant flow rates, 611612

leaching, variable flow rates, 612614

liquid-liquid extraction, dilute, 532537

liquid-liquid extraction, dilute, multi-solute, 538

McCabe-Thiele method, 116132

multicomponent distillation, 192206

spreadsheets, 212217

strippers, concentrated, 497501

strippers, dilute, 489490

strippers, dilute, multi-solute, 502504

washing, 607610

Staged column design, 375376

balancing calculated diameters, 396397

column diameter calculations, 390396, 501502

downcomers and weirs, 378380

equipment, 376385

height, 446

homework, 425433

inlets and outlets, 380384

references, 421425

sieve tray layout and tray hydraulics, 398404

tray and downcomer design, 433436

tray efficiencies, 385390

valve tray design, 404406

Stagnant films, transfer through, 660661

Stanton number, 672

Steady-state binary Fickian diffusion

with convection, 640647

without convection, 633638

Steady-state energy balance in column distillation, 95

Steady-state mass balance

concentrated immiscible extraction, 547

crystallizers, 777781

cross-flow extraction, 543

extraction mixers, 744

falling laminar liquid film, 674

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 498

washing, 607

Steady-state overall flux in gas permeation, 846

Steady-state population balance in crystallization, 799, 804

Steady-state solvent flux in ultrafiltration, 880


costs, 447449

energy conservation, 457459

heat exchanger design, 443444

Steam distillation

batch, 350352

steady-state, columns, 282285

Steam heating for pervaporation, 886

Stefan, Josef, 683

Stepping off stages. See Stage-by-stage calculations

Steric exclusion in sorbents, 923

Stirred tanks

extraction, 573578

membrane separation processes, 840

reverse osmosis, 874, 876

Stokes-Einstein equation, 651

Stokes law in settler design, 580582, 584

Stream tearing, 326

Strippers and stripping, 481482

analytical solutions, 490495

column diameters, 501502

concentrated systems, 497501

dilute multisolute, 502504

dilute systems, 489490

equilibrium, 483485

homework, 511520

HTU-NTU analysis, 731736

Kremser equation, 494495

matrix solution, 504508

McCabe-Thiele and Kremser procedures, 605

multicomponent distillation, 460461

references, 510511

transfer through stagnant films, 660661

Stripping distillation columns, 150151

Stripping sections in distillation

azeotropic processes, 275276

binary column distillation, 108109, 111, 150151

distillation cascades, 87

feed lines, 121

McCabe-Thiele method, 117119

multicomponent distillation, 204

packed distillation columns, 714715, 718720

simulated moving beds, 958

stage-by-stage calculations, 212217

Underwood equations, 256

Strong resins in ion exchange, 970

Structural density

elution chromatography, 936

sorption systems, 920

Structured packings. See also Packed columns for distillation, absorption and stripping

description and photo, 407408

F factors 412413

fires from, 419

Subcooled reflux in binary column distillation, 159161

Submerged objects geometry, 663

Sucrose (C12H22O11)

diffusivity, 652

solubility in water, 775

Sugar, leaching, 622

Sulfolane in petroleum processing, 528

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) absorption, 735736

Sulfur in column type choices, 419

Sum-of-resistances model in film theory, 659

Supercritical fluids (SCFs), 615617

Superficial velocity in sorption systems, 920

Superheated boilup, 159161


linear systems, 986989

ultrafiltration, 881


batch crystallizers, 821822

continuous cooling crystallizers, 777

crystallization, 770771

crystallization seeding, 814816

evaporative crystallizers, 785

MSMPR crystallizers, 800804

Surface diffusion, 980

Surface tension data, 431

Surfactants in settler design, 580

Symmetric breakthrough curves in LUB approach, 996997

Synthesis of column sequences, 460466

Synthesis of distillation systems, 466470


Tangent pinch points

binary column distillation, 153

stripping analysis, 489

Temperature effects

adsorbents, 924925

column diameter calculations, 393

crystal size control, 819

crystallization, 772776, 820823

diffusion, 980

diffusion experiments by evaporation, 636638, 644647

distillation cascades, 8385

distillation, thermal decomposition, 90, 302, 306

energy conservation, 458459

equilibrium data, 1820

eutectic systems, 782

feed lines, 123

Fickian binary gas diffusivities, 647650

Fickian binary liquid diffusivities, 651653

flash distillation, 1617, 30, 39

flash drum, 26, 31

gas permeation, 851

heat exchanger design, 443444

intermediate reboilers, 149, 151

liquid-liquid extraction equilibrium, 556

matrix solutions, 220221

Maxwell-Stefan model, 684685

molecular movement, 629630

MSMPR crystallizers, 814

multicomponent distillation calculations, 225

multicomponent distillation profiles, 194195, 199205

multicomponent distillation simulation, 244246

multicomponent VLE, 3234

multisolute absorption and stripping, 502

Naphtali-Sandholm method, 232

pervaporation, 884, 886889, 892

profiles, 132, 196, 308

rate-based analysis of distillation, 754

reverse osmosis, 864865

simultaneous multicomponent convergence, 4346

solute movement, 938, 984

stage-by-stage calculations, 213215

steam distillation, 282285, 352

supercritical fluids, 615616

temperature swing adsorption, 939

ultrafiltration, 880

Underwood equations, 256

unit conversions, 1054

VLE, 2024

washing process, 609

Temperature-composition diagrams, 2122

Temperature convergence in multicomponent distillation, 225229

Temperature gradient method in chromatography, 938

Temperature programming in chromatography, 938

Temperature swing adsorption (TSA), 938948

Ternary mass transfer in Maxwell-Stefan model, 695697

Theoretically derived mass transfer coefficients, 672677

Thermal conductivity in Fourier’s model, 631

Thermal cycles in solute movement, 938

Thermal equilibrium, 3

Thermal waves in temperature swing adsorption, 939941, 944

Thermally coupled distillation systems, 460461

Thermodynamics of osmosis, 864. See also Reverse osmosis

Thermosiphon reboilers, 381

Thomas algorithm, 224, 227228, 506

Three-phase flash calculations, 4748

Tie lines

partially miscible systems, 555, 571

stage-by-stage calculations, 564, 566

Time unit conversions, 1054

Toluene data, 10621063

Top operating lines

azeotropic processes, 273274, 276, 280281

binary column distillation, 146

feed lines, 124

McCabe-Thiele method, 117119, 130, 140145

open steam heating, 135137

pinch points, 152

simulations, 157

stripping columns, 151

Tortuosity in sorption systems, 922

Total annual costs (TAC), 449

Total condensers

batch distillation, 344

mass and energy balance calculations, 9596

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 116, 138

multicomponent distillation, 229231

Total flow

absorbers and strippers, 502, 504, 506

absorber and stripper column diameters, 502

Kremser equation, 490, 539, 541

leaching, 611

liquid-liquid extraction, 532533

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 497, 532, 534535, 569, 609, 611

multicomponent distillation profiles, 194195

washing, 607608

Total flux in Fickian diffusion, 640642, 644646

Total operating costs, 446449

Total reboilers in binary column distillation, 147148

Total reflux

binary column distillation, 151152

complex ternary systems, 288290, 293296

Fenske equation, 250254

HETP method, 409

Total surface area in MSMPR crystallizers, 808

Total transfer rate in falling laminar liquid film, 676

Towers (columns)

casing costs, 440441, 450451

cost formula, 441

leaning, 425

Transfer units in HTU-NTU. See HTU-NTU analysis

Tray efficiencies. See also Murphree efficiencies

multicomponent distillation, 246

prediction of, 738741

staged column design, 385390

Trays. See also Bubble-cap trays, Chimney trays, Sieve trays, Valve trays

azeotrope separation, 328

column diameter calculations, 390392

column distillation, 8890

costs, 449451

energy conservation, 455456

hydraulics, 398404

staged column design, 376380, 433436

Trial-and-error (guess-and-check) procedures

batch distillation, 346, 348, 353

binary column distillation, 110111

countercurrent extraction cascades, 567

dilute systems, 494495

liquid-liquid extraction, partially miscible, 555

membrane separation processes, 898

multicomponent convergence, 4346

multicomponent distillation, 201204

multisolute absorbers and strippers, 503504

washing, 610

Triangular diagrams

countercurrent extraction cascades, 562

leaching, 612615

mass balances, 290

partially miscible systems, 554557, 560563, 569570

residue curves, 291

stage-by-stage extraction calculations, 566567

Trichloroethane, Henry’s law constant, 485

Tridiagonal matrices. See also Thomas algorithm

concentrated absorbers and strippers, 506

distillation, 224

extraction simulations, 572

inverting, 224, 227

Triethylamine NRTL parameters, 599

True moving bed (TMB) systems

Aspen Chromatography, 10381042

description, 957958

Tube-in-shell membrane system, 840841

Turbulent tank mixing for reverse osmosis, 874

Turndown, tray, 376, 380, 386

Two-column systems

azeotrope separation, 331332

azeotropic distillation, 274277

Two-porosity models for diffusion, 981

Two-stage countercurrent immiscible batch extraction, 552

Tyler Screen sizes, 793794

Type, equations solved by, 220


Ultrafiltration (UF), 877883

Uncontrolled cooling in batch crystallization, 821822

Underflow liquid, washing, 606608

Underwood equations, 254259

UNIFAC group contribution method, 36

UNIQUAC method, 36

Unit operation, 2


conversions, 10531054

overview, 78

prerequisites, 9

Unsteady binary Fickian diffusion, 638639

Utility costs, 447449


Vacuum distillation columns

costs, 90, 446

diameters, 446

pressure drop, 414

structured packings, 408

uses, 418

Vacuum crystallizers, 785

crystallization, 776

equipment, 785787

simultaneous calculations, 790793

Vacuum pumps in pervaporation, 886

Vacuum swing adsorption (VSA), 948, 950

Valve trays

column diameter calculations, 390

column distillation, 90

column type choices, 419

costs, 441442

efficiencies, 386387, 496

pressure drop, 405

staged column design, 376, 404406

van Laar equation. See Activity coefficients

van’t Hoff equation, 864

Vapor density

column diameter calculations, 395, 418

drum size calculations, 48, 52

ideal gas law determination, 52, 852

Vapor flow rates

absorbers and strippers, 506

binary distillation, 30, 93, 148

distillation cascades, 83, 85

drum size calculations, 4849, 5253

energy conservation, 455

enthalpy-composition diagrams, 31

feed lines, 122

froth regime, 88

multicomponent distillation, 194195, 220, 225, 229231

packed towers, 727

stripping and enriching columns, 151

tray efficiencies, 390, 392

Underwood equations, 255256

valve trays, 376

Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE)

activity coefficients, 36

azeotrope separation, 327

complex ternary systems, 287288

correlations, 3637

data sources, 19

DePriester charts, 3335

description, 3, 1718

extractive distillation, 298

flash distillation, 3236

graphical representation, 2025

liquid-liquid extraction, 572

multicomponent distillation, 199, 245

pressure-swing processes, 286287

Raoult’s law, 35

simulations, 7172

Vapor mole fractions

binary flash distillation, 26

linear driving-force model, 656

Vapor permeation, 838

Vapor-phase mass transfer coefficient, 755

Vapor pressure (VP)

Antoine equation, 3536, 60, 62, 314, 319, 368, 370

ethanol, 636637

pervaporation, 892

Raoult’s law, 35

reverse osmosis measurements, 864

steam distillation, 282

Vapor recompression heat pumps, 459

Vapor velocity. See also Vapor flow rates

balancing calculated diameters, 396

binary column distillation, 159

column diameter calculations, 390, 392393

operating time, 361

rate-based analysis of distillation, 755756

regime change, 90

sieve tray layout, 398399

tray efficiencies, 386387, 389

valve tray design, 404

Vaporization efficiencies in batch steam distillation, 351

Variable binary diffusivity, 653656

Variable flow rates in leaching, 612615

Variable reflux ratio in multistage distillation, 357

Variables in Gibbs phase rule, 19

VBA. See Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)


elution chromatography, 936

falling laminar liquid film, 674675, 677

interstitial. See Interstitial velocity

ion exchange, 974975

mass transfer coefficients, 671672

solute. See Solute velocity

sorption systems, 920

thermal waves, 939, 944

vapor. See Vapor velocity

Venturi valves, 376

Vertical flash drums size calculation, 4850

Vertical packed beds, 919922

Vignes correlation, 653, 689

Vinyl chloride, Henry’s law constant, 485


binary column distillation efficiency, 154

mixer-settler design, 573, 577

resource, 430

settler design, 580

tray efficiencies, 387, 389

unit conversions, 1053

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 8

binary column distillation, 178, 811814

Do loops, 185

For...Next loops, 184

functions, 184

membrane separation processes, 914916

multicomponent distillation, 212, 359360

overview, 183188

residue curves, 336338

stage-by-stage calculations, 215217

VLE. See Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE)

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 939

Volume available in sorption systems, 919920

Volume unit conversions, 10531054

Volumetric average velocity, 643

Volumetric flow rates

absorber and stripper column diameter, 502

column diameter calculations, 390

crystallization, 799

drum size calculations, 50

extraction mixers, 743

gas permeation, 845862

membrane separation processes, 898

mixer-settler design, 575

Volumetric fluxes

gas permeation, 846, 851, 855856

membranes, 844

pervaporation, 892

steady-state binary Fickian diffusion, 642

Volumetric fraction in mixer-settler design, 575576


Wakao and Funazkri correlation, 982


equilibrium, 607

homework, 619627

McCabe-Thiele and Kremser procedures, 605

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 608610

overview, 606608

references, 618

Wastewater treatment, 947


costs, 447449, 451

diffusivity for gases, 648

diffusivity for liquids, 652653

latent heat of vaporization, 134

Lennard-Jones potential parameters, 649

polarity, 301

solubility of solutes in, 776

Water-acetic acid-isopropyl ether, equilibrium data, 568

Water balance

continuous cooling crystallizers, 779

evaporative crystallizers, 788789

Water-chloroform-acetone equilibrium data, 554

Water crisis, 862


azeotropic distillation, 303, 305

binary flash distillation, 2730

extractive distillation, 296297

pervaporation, 887895

VLE, 18, 2025

Water-ethanol-benzene residue curves, 293

Water of hydration in crystallization, 773774

Water-sodium chloride mixtures, 783

Water softening, 970, 978

Watkins correlation, 49

Weak resins in ion exchange, 970

Weeping in sieve trays, 401402, 404

Weight of seeds

batch crystallization, 822

crystal size control, 819

Weight ratios. See Mole and weight fractions versus mole and weight ratios

Weight unit conversions, 1053

Weighted average crystal length, 809


adjustable, 380, 425

column distillation, 8889

notched, 380, 382

sieve tray layout, 398401, 403

staged columns, 378382

Well-mixed modules in reverse osmosis, 867872

Wide-boiling feeds in flash and column distillation, 4344

Wilke-Chang theory, 651

Wilson equation, 298

Withdrawal lines in binary distillation, 148149


x-intercept in McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 27


y-x equilibrium graphs, 2024

y=x line on McCabe-Thiele diagrams

flash distillation, 2425, 28

intermediate reboilers, 149

McCabe-Thiele diagrams, 2729, 143144

side streams, 148

washing, 607

y=x line perfectly mixed gas permeation, 855856

Yield in MSMPR crystallizers, 814



adsorbents, 920

molecular sieves, 923

sorbents, 923


simulated moving beds, 958959

solute movement, 938

Zuiderweg correlation, 754

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